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Middle to Lower faunas from the Chingiz Mountain Range, central Kazakhstan T.Ju. Tolmacheva a; K. E. Degtyarev a; J. Samuelsson a; L. E. Holmer a a A.P. Karpinskii, Russian Geological Research Institute, Sredny pr. 74, 199106 St. Petersburg, Russia

Online Publication Date: 01 December 2008

To cite this Article Tolmacheva, T.Ju., Degtyarev, K. E., Samuelsson, J. and Holmer, L. E.(2008)'Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician faunas from the Chingiz Mountain Range, central Kazakhstan',Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology,32:4,443 — 463 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/03115510802418099 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03115510802418099


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TOLMACHEVA,T.JU., DEGTYAREV, K.E., SAMUELSSON,J.&HOLMER, L.E., December, 2008. Middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician faunas from the Chingiz Mountain Range, central Kazakhstan. Alcheringa 32, 443–463. ISSN 0311-5518.

The middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician back-arc sedimentary succession studied in the Kol’denen River and in the Zerbkyzyl Mountains of the central Chingiz Mountain Range is composed predominantly of siltstones, sandstones and volcaniclastic rocks with rare beds of micritic carbonates, black shales and cherts. Fossil assemblages including , lingulate brachiopods, arthropods, sponges and probable Tasmanites cysts were recorded both from the carbonate and chert beds showing that richly diverse marine environments existed directly adjacent to the volcanic arcs. The Kol’denen River localities contain a diverse upper Cambrian paraconodont assemblage of the open-sea affinity. The representatives of , , Drepanodus and , having an almost pandemic distribution and characteristic of basinal facies, dominate the Lower Ordovician fauna. The Cambrian–Ordovician boundary transition is characterized by chert production that was more likely caused by a local productivity increase than by general changes in palaeooceanographic and palaeogeo- graphical conditions.

T.Ju. Tolmacheva [[email protected]], A.P. Karpinskii, Russian Geological Research Institute, Sredny pr. 74, 199106 St. Petersburg, Russia; K.E. Degtyarev [[email protected]] Department of Geodynamic, Geological Institute RAN, Pyzhevsky per. 7, Moscow, Russia; J. Samuelsson & L.E. Holmer [[email protected]], Department of Earth Sciences, Palaeobiology, Uppsala University, Villava¨gen 16, SE-75236, Uppsala, Sweden. Received 4.3.2006; revised 11.4.2008.

Key words: biostratigraphy, conodonts, siliceous deposits, upper Cambrian, Lower Ordovician, central Kazakhstan.

THE LOWER PALAEOZOIC stratigraphy described from the region were middle and faunas of the Chingiz Mountain Range Cambrian trilobites from the basal Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 in central Kazakhstan are not well known, carbonate layer of the lowermost part of partly due to the original sedimentary the succession considered to belong to successions having been strongly deformed the Chingiztau Formation (Ivshin et al. leaving only rare eroded and remnant 1972). Regional mapping also placed exposures. Detailed geological mapping of the overlying 4800 m thick succession the area to the southeast of the Sary- in the Chingiztau Formation. Isolated shokinskaya intrusive body (the Kol’donen siliceous and terrigenous strata with rare River valley) carried out in the early 1970s limestone beds attributable to the same unit revealed a tectonically disrupted thick suc- are also exposed 65 km northwest from cession of volcaniclastic and siliciclastic the Kol’denen River in the Zerbkyzyl terrigenous rocks with sparse carbonates Mountains. and cherts (Figs 1, 2). The first fossils The first biostratigraphic data from successions exposed in the Kol’denen River valley were obtained during a field trip ISSN 0311-5518 (print)/ISSN 1752-0754 (online) Ó 2008 Association of Australasian Palaeontologists in 1991 (Degtyarev et al. 1999). Findings DOI: 10.1080/03115510802418099 of late Cambrian to Early Ordovician 444 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 1. Geological maps of the Kol’denen River and Zerbkyzyl Mountain areas of the central part of the Chingiz Mountain Range showing the location of the studied sections.

conodonts and Early Ordovician graptolites 1998, from the lowermost upper Cambrian in the middle part of the sedimentary part of succession has been illustrated and succession indicated that the deposits re- described (Ushatinskaya 1998). presented a longer time span than pre- A new assemblage of fossils was col- viously thought (Fig. 2). Rare and poorly lected from this succession during a field preserved Darriwilian trilobites were recov- trip carried out by the authors in 2003. The ered from the tuffaceous siltstones field studies aimed to obtain more detailed (Degtyarev et al. 1999). A single brachiopod sedimentological and palaeontological data species, Odontotreta mirabilis Ushatinskaya, from the siliceous parts of the succession. ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 445 Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 2. Generalized geological column of the Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary succession of the Kol’denen River and Zerbkyzyl Mountains areas.

In this paper, we document the upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Geological setting and fossil assemblages from the area of the lithology Kol’denen River Basin and the Zerbkyzyl The lower Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks Mountains. exposed in the central and northern part 446 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

of the Chingiz Mountain Range record part mid-Ordovician age are located in the central of the widespread and long-lived volcanic part of the Chingiz Mountain Range arc that bounded the margin of the Dzhyn- (Degtyarev et al. 1999; Fig. 1). The succession garo-Balkhash palaeobasin (Yakubchuk & is approximately 1200 m thick and is repre- Degtyarev 1993, Yakubchuk 1997). Sedi- sented by four informal lithostratigraphical mentary rocks within the Chingiz Mountain units that are briefly described in ascending Range are represented mainly by marine order. volcaniclastic and siliciclastic terrigenous The lower unit, more than 100 m thick, sediments with minor beds of carbonate overlies middle Cambrian volcanic rocks and chert; the entire succession encompasses with a significant angular unconformity. the interval from the mid-Cambrian to the The lower part of the unit is dominated by Lower . sediments are conglomerates and sandstones that grade very locally developed in this region and upwards into calcareous siltstones and represented mainly by red beds and volcanic mudstones with carbonate nodules and thin rocks of continental affinity. beds of limestone (Figs 2, 3A). The succes- Tectonically disrupted and intensively sion is capped by coarse-grained, light pink, deformed volcaniclastic and terrigenous fossiliferous packstones, about 11 m thick successions of mid-Cambrian to yielding numerous middle Cambrian Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 3. Outcrops of the Chingiztau Formation (KD04-2—the lower part) and (KD05) showing the character of limestone–siltstone intercalation (A) and the character of chert bedding (B). ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 447

trilobites and lingulate brachiopods. A layer Our field studies were focused mainly on of siltstones and sandstones in turn covers fossils and lithology of the first and second the carbonate beds. units of the succession exposed along the The second unit is about 50–70 m thick. Kol’denen River valley and Zerbkyzyl It is composed of thin-bedded siltstones and Mountain area. In the Kol’denen River mudstones with rare layers of grey or black valley, the strata of both units constitute the cherts and grey micritic limestones. Carbo- eastern and southern limbs of a syncline nate breccias occur sporadically through the disrupted by small-amplitude faults. The succession. In exposures with little tectonic best exposures of the succession are located deformation, the chert beds are dark grey to along the right bank of the Kopa River, but black and macroscopically homogeneous they are rare and usually not more than (Fig. 3B). In exposures with stronger 30 m in extent. The basal part of the studied tectonic deformation, they are generally section (outcrop KD04) is composed of red- light grey to whitish. The quantity of chert brown calcareous siltstones and fine-grained beds varies between exposures; however, in sandstones intercalated with thin layers of all localities they increase in abundance micritic limestones. The entire thickness of stratigraphically. The chert beds range from this part of the section is about 20 m. a few centimetres to about 10 m thick and Pinkish-grey bioclastic limestones 15 m grade into the underlying and overlying thick overlie this section and, in turn, are siliceous siltstone layers without sharp overlain by 5 m of green calcareous siltstone boundaries. and sandstone. The upper part of this The third unit is up to 500 m thick and sequence is well exposed 200 m northward composed of sandstones, cherty red and of site KD05 (Fig. 1). Here, the pinkish grey green tuffaceous siltstones, and sparse pyr- limestones are overlain by a layer of oclastic tuffs. Some strata of this unit carbonate breccias whose thickness varies demonstrate graded bedding and are clearly significantly within the outcrop. Upwards, turbiditic in origin. The base of the unit is the sequence is composed of green calcar- marked by a 10 m thick layer of black eous siltstone and fine-grained sandstone shales, which yield rare lingulate brachio- with thin (up to 10–15 cm) lenses and layers pods and graptolite and phyllocarid frag- of grey limestone. The thickness of the latter ments. A few conodont elements of unit is 25–30 m (Fig. 4). Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 sp. and Scandodus sp. and poorly preserved The higher stratigraphical interval is Tetragraptus sp. cf. T. quadribrachiatus exposed in the upper part of the outcrop (Hall 1858) indicating an Early Ordovician KD04 and at site KD010. The upper part age were recorded from this interval of the section at KD04 consists of green (Degtyarev et al. 1999). The volcaniclastic siliceous and calcareous siltstones with upper part of the succession is poorly thin layers and lenses of micritic lime- fossiliferous but a few unidentified trilobites stones and a layer of carbonate breccia. and brachiopods have been collected The amount of carbonate decreases up- (Degtyarev et al. 1999). ward and completely disappears in the The fourth unit is composed of fine- and uppermost part of the section. In contrast, coarse-grained sandstones with rare carbo- the content of siliceous material increases nate units in the uppermost part of the upward, and the uppermost part of the succession. The limestones contain poorly section is composed of dark grey siliceous preserved echinoderm remains. The unit is siltstones with chert beds (Fig. 4). Simi- potentially referable to the lower Darriwi- larly, the upper part of the section lian on the basis of its stratigraphic position. at KD010 is a succession of siliceous 448 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 4. Studied sections showing location of collected samples and distribution of conodonts. ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 449

siltstones with gradual increase in silica content and is capped by a 20 m thick Material layer of black chert (Figs 3A, 4). The majority of sites expose rocks that are The same stratigraphic interval exposed slightly cleaved in at least one direction on the left bank of the Kopa River is along the bedding surfaces. The terrigenous represented by more lightly coloured succes- rocks are mostly dark to light grey but sions of siliceous siltstones and cherts. The become greenish in the upper tuffaceous uppermost part of the section is composed part of the succession. Micritic and dense of light grey and green-banded cherts. They carbonates are medium to dark grey. Cherts are overlain by cherry-coloured tuffaceous are mostly dark grey to black and are siltstones of the third unit of the succession. clearly interstratified with siliceous silt- Similar strata of siliceous siltstones and stones. Petrographic and textural observa- cherts more than 80 m thick are exposed on tion of rocks showed that they have not the left bank of the Tomarash River (out- suffered severe deformation and are free of crop KD07) 5 km west of the Kopa River. veins. However, this section differs from the Microscopic examination of cherts re- successions of the Kopa River localities by veals a generally homogenous fabric of the lack of carbonate lenses and beds microcrystalline quartz with diffuse pyrite (Fig. 4). crystals. The most abundant fossils found in Fragments of the same succession are thin-sections are sponge spicules, which exposed in the Zerbkyzyl Mountains occur in various states of preservation. In (Figs 1, 4) where outcrops in the south- the lowermost siliceous beds they are western limb and northwestern closure of usually pyritized, whereas in the samples a syncline are intensively disrupted by from the Zerbkyzyl Mountain area they are northwest-trending thrusts and strike-slip preserved as moulds filled by quartz. Bro- faults with extensive cleavage developed ken and deformed monaxons dominate the along the fault zones. Two well-exposed sponge spicule suite. Radiolarians remains sections in the Zerbkyzyl Mountains area are absent. Limestones are generally poor in were described and sampled (Fig. 4). One bioclasts with variants grading into tuffac- of these (ZK02) incorporates a 25 m thick eous limestone with abundant volcanic intercalation of grey-greenish siltstone, fine quartz and others characterized by abun- Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 sandstone and thin beds of grey sandy dant terrigenous material. limestones. Upward, above a small un- Twenty-five samples of limestones and exposed part the succession, black cherts cherts were collected from the studied and siliceous sandstones occur with rare succession. Samples were cut parallel to carbonate lenses and beds. A 1 m thick bedding planes and then sectioned. The bed of grey limestone occurs in the sections with conodonts were mounted on uppermost part of the section. The entire glass slides and ground on a rotary diamond succession is more than 45 m thick. The lap until transmitted light penetrated second section in the Zerbkyzyl Mountains through the chert. In translucent cherts, is located 1.5 km to the northwest (out- the completed thin-sections were approxi- crop ZK01; Fig. 4). The exposed succes- mately 0.3–0.5 mm thick. Many chert layers sion is 70 m thick and is composed of are strongly opaque due to tiny terrigenous interbedded grey cherts and siltstone with inclusions; fossils were found only in several rare lenses and thin layers of grey micritic thin layers that are relatively translucent. limestones, which disappear in the upper Carbonate samples, 1 kg each, were part of the section. processed by the traditional method of 450 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

acetic acid digestion. Both carbonates and that can be identified only provisionally cherts are relatively poor in faunal remains. (Fig. 5A–M). The assemblage cannot be The samples were collected from almost all precisely dated, as it consists mainly of limestone layers of the studied interval and coniform paraconodont species with long most proved to be barren of fossils. A few stratigraphic ranges. Eoconodont species samples contained rare conodont elements. that can be confidently identified were not Only one sample yielded sufficient cono- found in the sample. Two conodont ele- donts for precise identification. ments that are provisionally assigned to ? savitzkyi Abaimova, 1978 possibly represent a new paraconodont species. Five samples from the limestone layers and Two chert samples collected higher in seven samples from cherts produced con- the section (KD04-2 and KD010) yielded a odonts (Fig. 4). Preservation of conodont similarly diverse paraconodont fauna elements in cherts is generally poor; their (Figs 4, 6A–N) that additionally includes primary matter is damaged or replaced by ‘Barnesodus’ gibber Dubinina, 2000 and iron oxides. Specimens showing stripes and sp. A. Some paraconodonts are cleavage are common. The conodonts from impossible to identify precisely, as identifica- carbonates have recrystallized surfaces; tion is inhibited by the poor preservation of their colour alteration index (CAI) varies conodont elements in the cherts. Elements between 4 and 4.5 indicating that the host are optimally visible from their lateral sides rock reached at least 3008C. only, whereas shapes of the cross-section of Conodont identification is seriously the basal cavity are impossible to see in most hampered by the very sparse elements in cases. Conodont assemblages from these the samples and by generally poor knowl- two samples are virtually monospecific, edge of the faunas and conodont biostrati- containing abundant Ph. tenuis,witha graphy of the lower Palaeozoic in subordinate number of other species. The Kazakhstan. Although Cambrian and Or- most probable age for this stratigraphic level dovician conodonts were first recorded in ranges from the amplicava Kazakhstan almost 30 years ago (Gridina & Zone to the Hirsutodontus ani Zone of Mashkova 1977), few studies have illu- the late Cambrian. This age is close to Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 strated and described the faunas (Abaimova previously inferred ages from these beds 1978, Appolonov et al. 1984, Gridina 1991, (Degtyarev et al. 1999). Zhylkaidarov 1998, Dubinina 2000). Most The occurrence of Early Ordovician papers only list identified conodonts; more- conodonts has been reported previously over some papers were published in Russian from the Kol’denen River area (Degtyarev journals with a limited circulation et al. 1999). The list of identified taxa (Dvoichenko & Abamova 1987, Dubinina indicates that the assemblage is not older 1991, 1998). than the Paroistodus proteus Zone. How- The stratigraphically lowermost sample ever, all the new samples that we collected KD05 from the Kol’denen River area yields from that interval appeared to be barren of a poor conodont assemblage including the conodonts. following taxa: Phakelodus tenuis (Mu¨ller The chert layers exposed near the 1959), Ph. elongatus (An et al. 1983), Tomarash River valley (KD07) yielded a Prooneotodus gallatini (Mu¨ller 1959), Fur- few conodont elements of Paltodus sp., Dre- nishina primitiva Mu¨ller, 1959, Coelocero- panoistodus sp. and Prooneotodus sp., sug- dontus sp. and several conodont elements gesting a age (Fig. 6K, M, N). ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 451

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of Late Cambrian conodonts and sponge spicules from carbonate beds of the Kol’denen River sections. A, B, Coelocerodontus sp.: A, Morphotype ‘latus’, CM 5/13174, sample KD05, 696; B, Morphotype ‘bicostatus’, CM 6/13174, sample KD05, 675. C, K, L, Furnishina primitiva Mu¨ller, 1959: C, CM 15/ Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 13174, sample KD05, 670; K, Deformed specimen, CM 16/13174, sample KD05, 675; L, CM 17/13174, sample KD05, 677. D, Prooneotodus gallatini (Mu¨ller, 1959), CM 31/13174, sample KD05, 6105. E, Prooneotodus sp. cf. P. gallatini (Mu¨ller, 1959), CM 32/13174, sample KD05, 6125. F, Coelocerodontus? sp., CM 11/13174, sample KD05, 6130. G, Phakelodus sp., cluster, CM 27/13174, sample KD05, 693. H, Phakelodus tenuis (Mu¨ller, 1959), CM 25/ 13174, sample KD05, 6116. I, Proconodontus? savitzkyi Abaimova, 1978, CM 29/13174, sample KD05, 6110. J, Prosagittodontus sp., CM 36a/13174, sample KD05, 6101. M, Sponge spicule, CM 45/13174, sample KD05, 656.

In the Zerbkyzyl Mountain area, con- conodont elements) assemblage is late Tre- odonts were obtained from a few samples of madocian in age yielding Cordylodus sp. cf. carbonates interbedded within the cherty C. angulatus Pander, 1856, C. bicostatus, Ph. succession and from three chert layers tenuis, Ph. elongatus, Rossodus manitouensis (Fig. 4). Stratigraphically, the lowermost Repetski & Ethington, 1983, Variabiloconus cherty sample ZK01-4 contains Phakelodus sp. cf. V. bassleri (Furnish, 1938) and tenuis, Ph. elongatus, Coelocerodontus bicos- Polycostatus sp. This sample was recovered tatus van Wamel, 1974 and Variabiloconus from the limestone bed in the middle part of sp. (Fig. 4). The most abundant (40 the section (sample ZK01-2; Figs 4, 7A–O). 452 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

The presence of R. manitouensis indi- preserved for confident specific identifica- cates that this stratigraphic level is not older tion, but the concave anterior margin of the than the R. manitouensis Zone. One element basal cavity in lateral view indicates that it of Cordylodus is very small and too poorly may be assigned to C. angulatus. Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 453

The uppermost chert layer in the section the Batyrbai section of Malyi Karatay ZK01 (ZK01-11) yielded 25 conodont ele- in south Kazakhstan (Dubinina 2000), ments including sp. cf. P. oepiki and two isolated occurrences in the (McTavish, 1973; Fig. 8A, B, F), Drepano- Selety River valley (Gridina 1991) and dus arcuatus Pander, 1856 (Fig. 8E, J, K), in the Agyrek Mountains (Tchelinograd Drepanoistodus sp. (Fig. 8H), Variabiloco- region) in the northern part of central nus sp. (Fig. 8I), sp. (Fig. 8L) Kazakhstan (Abaimova 1978). The com- and several paraconodont elements: Ph. mon constituents of those conodont tenuis, C. bicostatus (Fig. 8C, G) and assemblages are Ph. tenuis and representa- ? sp. (Fig. 8D). The occurrence of tives of Furnishina and Westergaardodina paraconodont species in the Tremadocian that have an almost cosmopolitan distribu- sediments may indicate that the assemblage tion. The rest of the assemblages are contains reworked late Cambrian cono- represented by endemic species that were donts. However, it is possible that para- only recorded in one or two localities in conodont species had a longer stratigraphic Kazakhstan. distribution in pelagic open-oceanic facies. Lowermost Ordovician conodonts were Section ZK02 is less rich in conodonts; well documented only from the Malyi only a few specimens of Ph. tenuis, C. Karatay Batyrbai section (Dubinina 2000). bicostatus and Variabiloconus sp. were This fauna is characterized by a mixture of obtained from three carbonate layers. The endemic species, species typical of warm and cherts of section ZK02 are more opaque shallow water environments, and species relative to those of the section ZK01 due to with a wide geographic distribution that the presence of fine terrigenous material and commonly occur in slope and basin envir- numerous sponge spicules (Fig. 8M). onments. Although a single known occur- rence of Early Ordovician conodonts in Malyi Karatay obviously cannot form a Palaeogeographic implications basis for a thorough understanding of the biogeographic setting of Kazakhstan, the of the Chingiz Range conodont assemblage is best referable to the palaeo- faunas biogeographic province that includes south- Given that there are only a few records eastern China and eastern Australia Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 of the Cambrian and Ordovician conodonts (Dubinina 2000). in Kazakhstan, the pattern of their The late Cambrian conodont fauna from palaeobiogeographic distribution in the the Chingiz Mountain Range recorded region is poorly known. We can compare herein comprises abundant Phakelodus and three Cambrian occurrences: one from diverse coniform paraconodonts. Elements

3 Fig. 6. Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician conodonts from cherts of the Kol’denen River sections photographed in transmitted light except where indicated. A, G, I, ? Coelocerodontus bicostatus van Wamel, 1974: A, Morphotype ‘latus’, CM 2/13174, sample KD010, 695; G, Morphotype ‘bicostatus’, CM 3/13174, sample KD010, 6108; I, Morphotype ‘latus’, CM 4/13174, sample KD010, 680. B, ‘Barnesodus’ gibber Dubinina, 2000, CM 1/13174, sample KD010, 6120. C, Prooneotodus? sp., CM 36/13174, sample KD010, 695. D, Phakelodus tenuis (Mu¨ller, 1959), CM 24/13174, sample KD010, 675. E, F, Furnishina sp. A: E, Cluster composed of 7 elements, CM 18/13174, sample KD010, 698; F, Posterior view, CM 19/13174, sample KD010, 6109. H, J, L, Prooneotodus sp.: H, CM 33/13174, sample KD010, 6100; J, CM 34/13174, sample KD010, 6120; L, CM 35/13174, sample KD010, 6115. K, Gen. et sp. indet., photographed in reflected light, CM 1/13174, sample KD07, 665. M, N, Paltodus sp., CM 21/13174: M, Photographed in transmitted light, 670; N, Photographed in reflected light, 682. 454 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

of Westergaardodina that are usually com- localities studied. Westergaardodina repre- mon in most upper Cambrian conodont sentatives are also missing in contempora- occurrences were not recorded in the neous deep-water ribbon-banded cherts of Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 455

the Burubaital Formation in central The fossil assemblages recovered from Kazakhstan that further favours an open- cherts and carbonate beds of the same sea affinity for the late Cambrian conodont stratigraphic level are almost identical, assemblage of the Chingiz Mountain varying only in the abundance of rock- Range. forming sponge spicules that are common in The conodont fauna from the Lower the cherts but rare in the carbonates. Ordovician part of the succession is domi- However, the abundance of spicules varies, nated by representatives of Cordylodus, even in the chert samples; cherts range from Variabiloconus and Drepanodus—genera of true spiculites to transparent glass-like almost cosmopolitan distribution that are microcrystalline quartzites. commonly found in shallow-sea deposits, and slope and basin facies bounding con- tinental margins (Seo et al. 1994, Pyle & Brachiopods Barnes 2001, Miller et al. 2006). Too few The lowermost sample KD04 yields rela- elements of other euconodont taxa were tively abundant mid-Cambrian lingulate recovered in this study to establish the brachiopods including Odontotreta galinae palaeogeographic affinity of the Chingiz (Popov, Holmer & Gorjansky, 1996) [¼O. Range fauna. However, an occurrence of mirabilis Ushatinskaya, 1998], Kotylotreta Rossodus elements supports the palaeogeo- undata Koneva, 1990, Stilpnotreta sp., graphical reconstruction of Kazakhstan in Erbotreta sp., ‘Homotreta’ sp. and uniden- generally low latitudes during the late tified acrothelids and lingulids. Cambrian and Ordovician (Collins et al. Two samples from carbonate layers in 2003). the Zerbkyzyl Mountain area (ZK01, ZK02-5) have produced a few brachiopods assignable to Eurytreta sp. (Fig. 9G, H) and Other palaeontological data Eoscaphelasma sp. (Fig. 9K, L). Unidentifi- Besides conodonts, both the carbonate able juvenile obolids numerically dominate and chert samples examined produced the residues (Fig. 9I, J). lingulate brachiopods, sponge spicules, var- ious arthropods and algal cysts. These fossil assemblages are typical of pelagic Algal cysts Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 and deeper-water benthic environments, The most abundant component of the fossil being widely recorded in the offshore slope fraction of the residues besides sponge and basin black shale and siliceous facies of spicules are small spheroidal bodies. All of all continents (Ethington 1981, Repetski the spheroids are translucent and dark 1997). brown, of regular shape with a smooth 3 Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrographs of Early Ordovician conodonts from carbonate beds of the Zerbkyzyl Mountains. A, Phakelodus elongatus (An, 1982), CM 23/13174, sample ZK01-2, 645. B, Cluster of Phakelodus tenuis (Mu¨ller, 1959) elements, CM 26/13174, sample ZK02-1, 685. C, D, Coelocerodontus bicostatus van Wamel, 1974: C, Morphotype ‘bicostatus’, CM 9/13174, sample ZK01-2, 655; D, Morphotype ‘bicostatus’, CM 10/13174, sample ZK01-2, 645. E, Proconodontus? savitzkyi Abaimova, 1978, CM 30/13174, sample ZK01-2, 695. F, Phakelodus sp., CM 27a/13174, sample ZK01-2, 685. G, Cordylodus sp. cf. C. angulatus Pander, 1856, CM 12/13174, sample ZK01- 2, 684. H, Rossodus? sp., M element, CM 37/13174, sample ZK01-2, 680. I, J, Rossodus manitouensis Repetski & Ethington, 1983: I, Sb element, posterior view, CM 38/13174, sample ZK01-2, 675; J, Sd element, CM 38a/13174, sample ZK01-2, 668. L, Drepanoistodus sp., CM 14/13174, sample ZK01-2, 665. K, M, N, Variabiloconus sp. cf. V. bassleri (Furnish, 1938): K, CM 39/13174, sample ZK01-2, 661; M, CM 40/13174, sample ZK01-2, 676; N, CM 41/ 13174, sample ZK01-2, 672. O, Polycostatus sp., CM 28/13174, sample ZK01-2, 669. 456 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 8. Early Ordovician conodonts and sponge spicules from cherts of the Zerbkyzyl Mountains photographed in transmitted light. A, B, F, Prioniodus sp. cf. P. oepiki (McTavish 1973): A, S element, CM 28a/13174, sample ZK01- 11, 675; B, P element, CM 28b/13174, sample ZK01-11, 680; F, M element, CM 28c/13174, sample ZK01-11, 678. C, G, Coelocerodontus bicostatus van Wamel, 1974: C, Morphotype ‘ latus’, CM 7/13174, sample ZK01-11, 664; G, Morphotype ‘flat’, CM 8/13174, sample ZK01-11, 675. D, Hertzina? sp., CM 20/13174, sample ZK01-11, 670. E, J, K, Drepanodus arcuatus Pander, 1856: E, CM 13a/13174, sample ZK01-11, 670; J, CM 13b/13174, sample ZK01-11, 663; K, CM 13c/13174, sample ZK01-11, 680. H, Drepanoistodus sp. CM 13d/13174, sample ZK01-11, 670. I, Variabiloconus sp., CM 13e/13174, sample ZK01-11, 675. L, Cornuodus sp., CM 13/13174, sample ZK01-11, 665. M, Sponge spicules in grey cherts, CM 44/13174, sample ZK01-11, 620. ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 457 Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008

Fig. 9. Fossils from the carbonate beds of the Zerbkyzyl Mountains. A, B, Liangshanella sp. Huo, 1956: A, Carapace in dorsal view, CM 49/13174, sample ZK01-2, 645; B, Carapace in left lateral view, CM 50/13174, sample ZK01-2, 640. C, F, Tasmanites? sp.: C, CM 43/13174, sample ZK01-2, 6110; F, CM 43a/13174, sample ZK01-2, 6115. D, E, Arthropod fragments: D, Cell-like structure on the carapace surface, CM 52/13174, sample ZK01-2, 6550; E,CM 53/13174, sample ZK01-2, 641. G, H, Eurytreta sp.: G, Dorsal-lateral view, CM 46/13174, sample ZK01-2 648; H, Ventral view, CM 47/13174, 650. I, J, Juvenile obolid brachiopod, CM 51/13174, sample ZK01-2: I, 640; J, 638. K, L, Eoscaphelasma sp., CM 48/13174, sample ZK01-2: K, 635; L, 635. 458 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

outer surface lacking natural openings. However, the high degree of fragmentation Their diameters vary between 100 and makes closer taxonomic discrimination im- 250 mm. Broken specimens show that possible. the spheroids are hollow with walls about 1 mm thick (Fig. 9C). Some spheroids are creased (Fig. 9F) or almost flattened, but their surfaces do not bear any cracks, Depositional history and showing that the walls of the spheroidal stratigraphic framework bodies were flexible. The internal struc- The available data provide some constraints ture of the walls was not studied, so we on the timing of depositional and tectonic cannot be sure if canals perforate the walls events during the Cambrian and Ordovician of the spheres. Cysts of the prasinophyte in the Chingiz Mountain Range. Carbonate Tasmanites are relatively common in similar sedimentation gradually decreased from the faunal assemblages, e.g. in black shale middle to the late Cambrian; the end of the associations, and have been reported from Cambrian was characterized by extensive many localities in the world from the siliceous deposition. This trend from slope Proterozoic to Holocene (Schieber & Baird margin to basin facies is most probably 2001). In the Lower Ordovician Caryocaris related to regional tectonism. The upper Shale in Nevada, they have been found in Cambrian cherts and siltstones contain only an almost identical fossil assemblage with a minor admixture of volcanic ash. At the caryocarid arthropods, small obolid and end of the Early Ordovician, the sequences acrotretid brachiopods, conodonts and of pelagic and hemipelagic sediments in- unidentified fragments of phosphatic plates cluding cherts grade upward to thick (Ethington 1981). Therefore, we conclude proximal turbidite assemblages of volcani- that sphaeromorphs from the Zerbkyzyl clastic rocks indicating that an active Mountain area are probably Tasmanites volcanic arc persisted nearby. cysts. Siliceous sedimentary rocks are wide- spread in the Ordovician of central Kazakh- stan. They are usually prominent in Arthropods ophiolite assemblages (Tolmacheva et al. Abundant trilobites collected from the lime- 2001) and in successions lying basinward of Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 stone bed of the Chingiztau Formation carbonate shelves (Nikitin 1972). Petro- (section KD04) in the early 1970s showed graphic studies and macroscopic that this unit belongs to the Russian– observation of different types of cherts Kazakhian mid-Cambrian Mayan Stage. in Kazakhstan (Zhylkaidarov 1998, The trilobite collection was never illu- Tolmacheva et al. 2004) indicate that they strated, but the taxa were identified by are composed essentially of a mixture of N.K. Ivshin and cited in several publica- siliceous bioclasts (radiolarians and sponge tions (Ivshin et al. 1972). spicules). Cherts and jaspers of a hydro- One carbonate sample from the Zerbky- thermal origin are less common and are zyl Mountains (ZK01-2) yielded a few tiny usually restricted to volcanic sequences. The bradoriid arthropods (Fig. 9A, B) that cherts in the studied area of the Chingiz possibly belong to Liangshanella Huo, 1956 Mountain Range are composed primarily of (identified by L.M. Mel’nikova). Small frag- sponge spicules concentrated in beds within ments of chitinous plates ornamented with predominantly clastic slope successions that small spines are undoubtedly the remains were deposited near the shallow Ordovician of arthropod carapaces (Fig. 9D, E). level of carbonate compensation (CCD). ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 459

The latter assumption is confirmed by carbonates and are usually as abundant as numerous carbonate beds in the succession. isolated elements. During the latest Cambrian and Early Minute paraconodont elements are di- Ordovician, the input of siliciclastic material verse in both the cherts and limestones, but was very limited, leading to an accumula- most are inadequately preserved for con- tion of biogenic sediments dominated by fident specific or generic determination. sponge spicules. However, deposition of Most paraconodont elements in cherts lack silica was episodic evident from the patchy visible basal cavities and outlines of the stratigraphic distribution of chert beds and basal margins. Each kind of element is their variable thickness from a few centi- found in very small numbers, making their metres to several tens of metres. identification difficult. Euconodont ele- During the Cambrian and Early Ordo- ments are scarce in both chert and limestone vician, sedimentation in the Chingiz Moun- samples, but they do provide some data for tain Range area took place in the back-arc at least an approximate determination of basin that flanked the active volcanic island age and generalized biostratigraphy. arc to the southwest. Much of the middle Figured specimens (Figs. 5–9) are Cambrian to Early Ordovician history in housed in the collection of the F.N. the region involves deposition of non- Chernyshev Central Research Geological fossiliferous clastic and volcaniclastic Exploration Museum (CNIGR Museum) sediments with only rare siliceous and of the Russian Research Geological carbonate layers. Conodont-based biostra- Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Conodonts tigraphy indicates the presence of the and sponge spicules in thin-sections were paraconodont-dominated zone of the upper photographed in transmitted and reflected Cambrian overlain by R. manitouensis and light with a Nikon Coolpix E5000 digital Prioniodus oepiki zones of the Tremadocian, camera. although the Cambrian–Ordovician bound- ary is impossible to recognize definitively. Phakelodus taxa (Figs 5G; 6D; 7A, B, F) We can only conclude that the boundary lies within an interval approximately 50 m thick Elongated and slender elements of Ph. of presumably clastic sedimentation with elongatus are easily distinguished from minor chert layers that precedes the interval similar elements of Ph. tenuis by the poster- Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 characterized by the main pulses of siliceous ior keel and lacriform cross-section. How- sedimentation (Fig. 4). ever, when fossils are viewed in two dimensions in cherts, these taxa are nearly identical in lateral view and cannot be Taxonomic notes reliably differentiated. The following remarks apply to the most One group of elements (Figs 5G; 7F) abundant conodont elements. The majority should probably be recognized as a new of conodont elements in our collection are species of Phakelodus mainly due to their identified in open nomenclature, as the occurrence in clusters. The Phakelodus sp. paucity of conodonts in all the samples elements are more laterally compressed and coupled with their poor preservation in broader than those of Ph. elongatus but are chert makes specific identification uncertain. similar to them in having a smooth anterior Isolated elements and clusters of Phakelodus side and well-developed posterior keel. The species are numerous in the chert and elements of Phakelodus sp. also differ limestone samples. Clusters of these con- slightly from Ph. tenuis and Ph. elongatus odonts occur more commonly in the elements by having their maximum 460 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

curvature closer to the element tip. In the Coelocerodontus bicostatus van Wamel, latter species, the anterior margin forms 1974 (Figs 6A, G, I; 7C, D; 9C, G) more or less a continuous curve from the aboral margin to the element tip. All three More than 10 elements in the collection are Phakelodus taxa are found in uni-membrate referred to C. bicostatus. Simple cone acostate clusters that contain elements of one or elements of this species are easily recognizable another taxon. by their hook-like apical portion. Costate elements have distinct keels on one or both ‘Barnesodus’ gibber Dubinina, 2000 lateral sides. In Kazakhstan, elements of C. (Fig. 6B) bicostatus are very common in all conodont assemblages from upper Cambrian and lower- A few very small paraconodont elements are most Ordovician siliceous sedimentary rocks. referable to ‘B.’ gibber described from the upper Cambrian of the Malyi Karatay Rossodus manitouensis Repetski & (Dubinina 2000). The diagnosis of Barneso- Ethington, 1983 (Fig. 7I, J) dus encompasses laterally compressed simple-cone paraconodont species. Three Five elements in our collection are referred of four described Barnesodus species are to R. manitouensis, as three of the more non-geniculate, whereas the elements of ‘B.’ complete examples are alate with distinctive gibber have a geniculate morphology. The carinas on their anterior faces. The elements geniculate forms are extremely rare among are dark grey and almost opaque, obscuring Cambrian euconodonts and paraconodonts. the pattern of white-matter distribution. A In fact, ‘B.’ gibber is the first known single M element in the collection (Fig. 7H) geniculate paraconodont whose assignment is only tentatively assigned to Rossodus to paraconodonts is proven by its mode of apparatus, as it has a less inclined cusp growth. The base of juvenile elements is and significantly shorter anterior extension relatively low; whereas adult and gerontic than is characteristic of R. manitouensis M elements have significantly higher bases, so elements. The elements of R. manitouensis the ratio of the base and cusp sizes changes are more commonly found in North during element ontogeny. America (Repetski & Ethington 1983) and western Newfoundland (Ji & Barnes 1994), Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 Furnishina sp. A (Fig. 6E, F) although they have also been reported in Gondwanan terrains (Seo et al. 1994). A few small paraconodonts with a long thin Rossodus manitouensis has not been re- cusp and low flared basal section that is corded previously in Kazakhstan. distinctly set off from the cusp are referred to this informal species of Furnishina. The Prioniodus sp. cf. P. oepiki (McTavish 1973) elements of Furnishina sp. A were found (Fig. 8A, B, F) only in chert where their morphology cannot be established with confidence due Three Sc, two P and two M prioniodontid to poor preservation. The number of keels elements agree in gross morphology with on the base is an important character for the published descriptions of P. oepiki discrimination of Furnishina species, but (McTavish 1973). This species has been re- keels and the outline of basal margins are ported from Western Australia (McTavish not visible on minute elements in the cherts. 1973) and western Newfoundland (Stouge & One cluster of Furnishina sp. A comprising Bagnoli 1988), and it is also common in six elements was discovered. Kazakhstan (Tolmacheva et al. 2004). ALCHERINGA PALAEOZOIC FAUNAS FROM KAZAKHSTAN 461

However, as Sd and Sa elements have not been found in our samples, we cannot be Acknowledgements precisely sure that the available elements The authors acknowledge financial support belong to P. oepiki. Prioniodus oepiki from from the Swedish Royal Academy of Kazakhstan differs from the Newfoundland Sciences (KVA). L. Holmer’s work is material (Stouge & Bagnoli 1988) by the supported by the Swedish Research Council morphology of the M elements that in the (VR). The studies of T. Tolmacheva and K. Kazakhstanian population have a shorter Degtiarev were partly supported by grants and non-denticulate anterior extension of from the Russian Foundation of Funda- the base (Fig. 8F). However, in our opinion, mental Investigations (RFFI) 06-05-65311 the Kazakhstanian and Newfoundland and 05-05 64832 and Program No. 10 ONZ morphotypes do not represent separate RAN. The authors gratefully acknowledge taxa, but rather represent intraspecific both reviewers Ian Percival and Leonid variation within a wide-ranging population. Popov for many constructive and helpful suggestions. Conclusions The sedimentary succession in the central References ABAIMOVA, G.P., 1978. Pozdnekembriiskie konodonty Chingiz Range is composed of siltstones, Tsentral’nogo Kazakhstana [Late Cambrian con- sandstones and volcaniclastic rocks with odonts of Central Kazakhstan]. Paleontologicheskii rare beds of micritic carbonates, black Zhurnal 4, 77-87 (in Russian). shales and cherts, and, as defined by AN TAIXIANG, 1982. Study on the Cambrian conodonts from North and Northeast China. Scientific Reports conodont biostratigraphy, encompasses the of the Institute of Geosciences of the Tsukuba middle Cambrian to Lower Ordovician (P. University. Section B 3, 113-159 (in Chinese). oepiki Zone) interval. AN TAIXIANG,ZHANG FANG,XIANG WEIDA,ZHANG Sponge spicules are the most common YOUQIU,XU WENHAO,ZHANG HUIJUAN,JIANG DEBIAO,YANG CHANGSHENG,LIN LIANDI,CUI fossils in the sediments and occur with less ZHANTANG &YANG XINCHAN, 1983. The conodonts abundant conodonts, lingulate brachiopods, of north China and the adjacent regions, Science arthropods and Tasmanites? cysts. The Press, Beijing, 223 pp. (in Chinese). conodont assemblages recorded from both APPOLONOV, M.K., CHUGAEVA, M.N. & DUBININA, S.V., 1984. Trilobity i konodonty razreza Batyrbai (verkhi carbonate and chert layers within the kembriya—nizhnii ordovik) v Malom Karatay: Downloaded By: [Macquarie University] At: 12:42 10 November 2008 volcaniclastic and siliciclastic successions (Atlas paleontologicheskikh tablits) [Trilobites have an open oceanic affinity. and conodonts from the Batyrbay section (upper- most Cambrian and lower Ordovician) in Malyi Siliceous sediments of the latest Cam- Karatau: (Atlas of paleontological plates)], brian and Early Ordovician were deposited ‘Nauka’, Alma-Ata, 48 pp. (in Russian). in an open marine environment in the back- COLLINS, A.Q., DEGTYAREV, K.E., LEVASHOVA, N.M., arc setting adjacent to an active island arc. BAZHENOV, M.L. & VAN DER VOO, R., 2003. Early Paleozoic paleomagnetism of east Kazakhstan: Chert production was most likely caused by implications for paleolatitudinal drift of tectonic local productivity increase connected with elements within the Ural Mongol belt. Tectono- the volcanic activity. Numerous carbonate physics 377, 229-247. beds and layers of carbonate breccias occur DEGTYAREV,K.E.,DUBININA,S.V.&ORLOVA, A.R., 1999. Stratigrafiya i osobennosti stroeniya karbonatno- within the predominantly siliciclastic inter- kremnisto-vulkanogennogo kompleksa nizhnego pa- vals, indicating that sedimentation during leozoiya khebta Chingiz (vostochnyi Kazakhstan) the late Cambrian and Early Ordovician [Stratigraphy and peculiarities of structure of the occurred in slope and deeper basin environ- Lower Palaeozoic carbonate-silica-volcanigenic as- semblage of the Chingiz Mountain Range (Eastern ments near the shallow Ordovician carbo- Kazakhstan)]. Stratigraphiya. Geologicheskaya Korre- nate compensation depth (CCD). liatsiya 7 (5), 93-99 (in Russian). 462 T.JU. TOLMACHEVA et al. ALCHERINGA

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