Trip Attraction Rates of Developments with Multiple Retail and Leisure Uses TRICS Research Report 05/1 Trip Attraction Rates of Developments with Multiple Retail and Leisure Uses TRICS Research Report 05/1 JMP CONSULTING AUDREY HOUSE, 16-20 ELY PLACE, LONDON EC1N 6SN T 020 7405 2800 F 020 7430 9049 E
[email protected] W Job no. Prepared by Verified Approved by Status Issue no. Date J051007 SH/JMA CSB CSB Final 3 05-12-05 CONSULTING Trip Attraction Rates of Developments with Multiple Retail and Leisure Uses Research Report Contents Amendment Record This document has been issued and amended as follows: Status/Revision Issue Number Date Approved By Draft 2 23-11-04 CSB Final 3 11-04-05 CSB Revised Final 4 30-09-05 CSB Published Final 5 05-12-05 CSB CONSULTING Executive Summary How do we define multi-use and how does it differ from mixed-use? · The term “mixed-use” carries a number of expectations with respect to planning. Generally, the term is associated with a mix of housing and work-space at a location close to an urban centre or public transport interchange. It is a poorly defined term and for this reason it is necessary to be more specific for purposes of this study. · The term “multi-use” has been adopted for this study as an appropriate term to describe a site that contains a number of different land use types. It is possible that these may all sit within one major land-use category. What is the focus of this research and how will it help? · This research study is focused on multi-use sites which do not necessarily meet the definition of mixed-use.