WYG Planning & Environment part of the WYG group Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund Units 1 and 2, Ashford Retail Park, Barrey Road, Ashford Planning and Retail Statement 05 November 2013 100 St John Street, London, EC1M 4EH Tel: 020 250 7538 Email:
[email protected] www.wyg.com creative minds safe hands Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund – Ashford Retail Park Planning and Retail Statement Contents Page Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Application Site and Proposed Development 3. Planning Policy and Analysis 4. Assessment of Existing Retail Provision 5. The Sequential Test 6. The Impact Assessment: Background Information 7. The Impact Assessment 8. Other Relevant Considerations 9. Summary and Conclusions Appendices 1. Catchment Area 2. 15 Minute Walk Time Plan 3. Goad Plan of Ashford Town Centre 4. Competing Centres Plan 5. Ashford Town Centre Health Check 6. Sequential Assessment 7. Retail Impact Tables Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund A071465 05/11/2013 2 Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund – Ashford Retail Park Planning and Retail Statement 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 This Planning and Retail Statement has been prepared by WYG Planning and Environment, on behalf of Henderson UK Retail Warehouse Fund, in support of a planning application for the refurbishment of two units at the Ashford Retail Park, Barrey Road. 1.1.2 This Statement considers the planning background and scope of the proposed scheme, including a detailed policy review and consideration of relevant planning issues. 1.2 Scope of application and supporting information 1.2.1 The application proposes the refurbishment of Units 1 and 2 at the Ashford Retail Park, including the subdivision of both units along with changes to the external appearance and access arrangements.