The Gospel of Wealth, and Other Timely Essays, by Andrew Carnegie
Cornell University Library HB 835.C3 1900 The gospel of wealth, and other timely e 3 1924 001 214 539 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1 89 1 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE DATE DUE Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. The Gospel of Wealth The Gospel of Wealth And Other Timely Essays By Andrew Carnegie New York The Century Co. 1900 3 5" 5" A- 1^1 S- Copyright, 1886, 1889, by ALLEN THORNDIKE RICE. Copyright, 1889, by LLOYD Brice. Copyright, 1898, 1809, by THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY. Copyright, 1886, by The FORUM PUBLISHING CO. Copyright, 1896, by Pehry Mason & Co. Copyright, 1900, by The Century Co. The DeVinne Press. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction : How I Served My Apprenticeship vii The Gospel op Wealth 1 The . Advantages op Poverty . .47 Popular Illusions about Trusts ... 85 An Employer's View op the. Labor Question . 107 Results op the Labor Struggle . 127 Distant Possessions: The Parting op the Ways 151 Americanism versus Imperialism . .169 Democracy m England 209 Home Rule in America 221 Does America Hate England? .... 251 Imperial Federation 269 The various articles in this volume are reprinted by permission of the publishers of the periodicals in which they originally appeared. The auto- biographical fragment which precedes the essays proper was written for the " Youth's Companion " s the other papers were first published in the "Century Magazine," the "North American Review," the "Forum," the " Contemporary Review," the " Fortnightly Review," the " Nineteenth Cen- tury," and the " Scottish Leader." Property of LIBRARY MARTIN P.
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