The Roman Times All the News Romans Need to Know 1st Century B.C Rome

Holidays By John Lius In ancient times the ancient Romans worshipped many gods and goddesses. Ancient Romans would cut down a tree to honor new lives. Then they would take the cut down tree and decorate it. This celebration was called Day. Romans loved celebrations. On 25th they would feast, give gifts, and they decorate their homes with greenery. On Adonia which is in July, females from the home that they lived in they would plant a Garden of Adonis on top of the roof of their house. The plants would grow fast, but if the plants died the women would mourn. On in January 1st and 9th Romans gave figs and honey which were in white jars to the god . Also on the same days they gave money to their family members. On in May 29th was a festival for honoring and . They walked around in their own fields to convince the gods to make the plants grow. On Amburbium in was a ritual to clean and purify cities. On Lux Mundi in December 10th was a festival for honoring Libertas who was the bringer of light. On Navigum Isis in 5th was a festival which honored Isis who was the patroness of sailing and the inventor of the sail. On Fortuna Virilis in April 1st was a festival for improving relationships with men. On Initium Aestatis in June 27th was a festival for the first day of summer. On Lesser Quinquatrus in June 13th- 15th was a festival celebrated by flute players.
