Volume 9, Issue 1 (Winter 2017) Frans Hals in America: Another Embarrassment of Riches Dennis P. Weller
[email protected] Recommended Citation: Dennis P. Weller, “Frans Hals in America: Another Embarrassment of Riches,” JHNA 9:1 (Winter 2017), DOI: 10.5092/jhna.2017.9.1.5 Available at https://jhna.org/articles/frans-hals-america-another-embarrassment-riches/ Published by Historians of Netherlandish Art: https://hnanews.org/ Republication Guidelines: https://jhna.org/republication-guidelines/ Notes: This PDF is provided for reference purposes only and may not contain all the functionality or features of the original, online publication. This PDF provides paragraph numbers as well as page numbers for citation purposes. ISSN: 1949-9833 JHNA 7:2 (Summer 2015) 1 FRANS HALS IN AMERICA: ANOTHER EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES Dennis P. Weller The story of Frans Hals in America has been nearly a century and a half in the making. The legendary museum director W. R. Valentiner was the first to address the topic, as is seen in his 1936 survey volume Frans Hals in America. Unfor- tunately, the pages of his book are filled with scores of misattributions. In addition to discussing early collecting and scholarship on Hals, I will update the story begun by Valentiner and continued by Seymour Slive and others from the second half of the twentieth century to the present. Today, the flow of Hals’s paintings coming to America has slowed to a trickle, but notable acquisitions continue to reach our shores. The content of this essay certainly dovetails with a number of Walter Liedtke’s scholarly interests.