1 Things Fall Apart: The Dynamics of Brand Audience Dissipation MARIE-AGNÈS PARMENTIER AND EILEEN FISCHER 2 Marie-Agnès Parmentier is assistant professor, Department of Marketing, HEC Montréal, 3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, Québec, Canada H3T 2A7, marie-
[email protected] Eileen Fischer, is professor of marketing and Max and Anne Tanenbaum Chair of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, Schulich School of Business, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3,
[email protected]. 3 Contribution statement: This paper introduces two concepts, first the notion of an epistemic brand and second, the notion of brand audience dissipation. It uses an assemblage theoretic perspective to understand the process of audience dissipation for an epistemic brand and the role of consumers in that process. In addition, it offers a conceptualization of aggregation of consumers that distinguishes between brand community, consumption communities and audiences and points to heterogeneity within latter. 4 Abstract While a considerable amount is known about how fans of a brand can contribute to the value enjoyed by other members of its audience, much less is known about the processes by which fans contribute to the dissipation of that audience. Drawing on longitudinal data on the America's Next Top Model brand and conceptualizing brands as assemblages of elements with varying capacities, we examine how fans exercising their expressive capacities can, in conjunction with other elements of the assemblage that have salient material capacities, contribute to the dissipation of audiences of which they have been members. Our work advances conversations on consumers’ roles in brand value creation by examining a related but distinct phenomenon: consumers’ roles in brand audience dissipation.