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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers

8-23-1951 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1951). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2606. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2606

This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ••OJ.. BULLOCII TDmS AND In'ATEnoaO NBWi THURSDAY. AUGLS'l' 16. 1951 --- ..--ii'__Q"i-xii.. �m=l8iii](;"ii](ti"i](al8ii](:"ii=](-i"li:JI"i*"i-](iil8ii"=]("iND](Ci""i-xi".iiiaaa-ICI�IiK-"ii"iiix� PARTY �iJ-[iilllil-IJCEi"i-""iCi��"i_-�acl-,"*aXQ"*-X�N�aiX"iIiD-iiiIC�--:-A-TT-E-N-D-B-O-U-S-E-PA-RTY---""':I;':':OI:":":'::':RTHDAYMaryhn NevUa. left tod.y fGr Mr. Leonard Allen entertained · Clayyton. where she wtll attood a Saturday afternoon WIth a deh�tful e MRS ARTHUR TURNER. Editor bouse party a. the gue.t of M,•• party In honor of her son Gary who 66 East Main St Phoae 140-J Jackie of ••U S· Prtce, Panama CIty. Fla was five yean did Games were en- oClaI Cl b Pte�'Sona 11<11 •• Nevils WIll I BACK\\·AR� S I viSIt In Athens WIth ceoktes, LOOK! after which coolade I Mr and Mr. J W Ceoper enroute Ice cream and the cake were home bIrthday TEN YEARS AGO. served FIfteen litble I{uests were pre 'From Bulloeh TI 1941 ro 1M.. sented I ..... Au. 21. ""�������X1:8l WEEK END· AT·O·EAUFORT balloon� ,!".fa:ors John L. Morrison for nine year. Mr ---- - and Mrs WIlbur Woodcock and IJoyedWEEK'S OUTING head of the .ciool system ot Thomas KENNEDY-PATE I MISS BRUNER BRIDE . daughters WIllette and Bonnie Mr and Mrs Dodd and sons, VIlle has been employed as superm 11<11 and M,s Thomas Bebhal Ken Mr Page SIdney '(STATESBORO Nlw8-l'l'ATIBBOBO RAGLE) JIMMY H_ RUSHING and Mrs Geor&'a Prather and Sidney a and Roddy l..tt Sat...,-day tenoont of Statesboro HIgh School II " n announce 0 ... Purelv Personal ed y the marllage f their -I 10F daughters Deborah and in to.ucceed S H W'ho has J M,ss Emo--e Bruner uu ter of Georgaanne, for New York They vls)ted Wash Sherman and Mrs W ION lhIlIocia TIm... IIlatabllalled 1811 , W Kate to E AI •• I MI and M rs rover Woodcock Mr D C and other of In gone to DI&bIIn daughter. l'rlary Sgt 8eI US•• e_G W QBruner of JOlneil place. Sta_boro H C...udaW 1-. l'' lA, .:======ween and IIlrs .... Il.tabllalled 1101 Harry and t.rest N W,tll stIli and I AUG 1951 bel t Pa tCDCf M W,S and became the bride of Jimmy Mcliaveen sons. and w,ll return by Kinston. prices ranging high GA.. THURSDAY. 23. Camp Coy j IReglster Jr and .... • SWealao ",1•• Batablllllled 11l7� 0-.. BJATESOOBO, MI s BY RUTH BEAVER H son of Harry Allen Rimes of C where will be overm"..t growera State.bolo tobocco .... 1111 and Donald McDougald Portal the Rushing IIIrs H M Fun Syl they -happy Ga. ceremony having been vama. for a week end at C Ilngton. market close sales on I derburke of and the late Beaufort. S guests of Mr and Mrs LOUIS RapIer Will tomorrow spent Monday In Atlanta I -- Register Iperformed March 2nd in South Caro JIm In a I I Rushing lovely double ring MIS J L and Mrs Walter With school ess tAlan a month 011' Ma�he"s The br-ide IS a gruduate 01 bhe ceremony takln� place Saturda;v after ��e3'1:�.�����end:a���0�p�kO::��e Aldred In Savannah mnny people are returing home and than 000 from last STATESBORO GIRL spent Friday Statesboro HIgh School and Georgia noon August 11. at 4 0 clock at the 2.000 pound. year TIHS ARTICLE beginning to think of startmg ,nothel Excelsior A farwell a ••emblage of friends as Mrss Julia Carnuchael hus returned Ihna Baptist church WIth Rev I Te ichers College Collegeboro She school year Several chlldroll have an of WIll for Dr M K H E Overstreet offICIating In the exp",sslon KOod to Chicago after vIsIting her sIster. the nine weeks at KILLm IN school In Collins Ga At the spent past S recent of Geor WRECK .tlI'r Weekly taught camp of and friends A PIttman president .rAJ 111,1 a;C',·YI·,".e. presence \:elatlves 'l�'G HEALTH here and have returned ma they Just reporting of music was " of her rr-ragu she held 11 po I program wedding ren Miss Valeria Rouse Dead Mr MIS a wonderful summer Others have and John Ford Mays were Itlm'-" WIth Teachers de red by Mrs WIlliam Lanier of Met- r��nTe:fh��� CP\i��anw":o�e�d F�,J�; Mr. Ga sition the Georgiu Col been f.or a shorter time at And'Two Other Georre Mulling Marlettai away spent ter and Mrs C W of lIIet evenlnr. the crowd being estImated Members I visitors at Savannah Beach Baggott Pfc H P WomAck pI!leoSpUlerpKrlnSolnwlt h Farm Bu during' was a termer stu chui ch and at the Jr. �beppnrd reaus lege groom cnmps camp held ter at 1000 Of cHoonWcemLlitntl,e T'li sanll' Because and' I Love You approximately Party Severely Injured Air Force Texas Health tho "eek end ahove Atlanta -LIla and Aver Bulloch who have been Base. Simple Problems .. dent of Oeorgta 'I\mche,s College Percy Truly The candles were county lad. (By BYRON DYEQ) Itt had lighted by Sltt .nd Mrol Edd,e Ruahln... 0111- Mr and Mrs J F Land have re have their cottage rented lit Freddie mducted into service durinl{ the past Folkston Ga. Aug 20 -A States I----.....::i"------PrIOr to hIS inductien Into the army Rushing the groom s brother Wla We wonder if are to the beach nil summer and are week Include Pvt C Hunni- a.h. you going skip Cotton farmers at NeVIls and turned from a VISIt In taking and Herbert Bruner brother of the Samuel boro woman was' her I Reg Montgomor y was an killed instantly. C F Savannah thl. 1\ he employe of tke Interstate It for the month of August are cutt to Ft McPherson Pvt Jam"s Tyler article aa • walt.. of time? It's T' "nNALL They bride who served a. usher ister CAMP and K"nt Ala groomsmen brother was and hi. Pfc B C o".,raeaSI plan to hold their cotton off of I a cTltlcally injured Dutton. .' Insurnnce Co now reSIde In hllvlng house party thl. week and C Pvt Pvt reaII risI to IIn d I Thcy The wedding stood before a Brown. Alphonse Kirby H y surp nr out Juat how Mrs E 1.1 Mount It WIll end pa�. Black Suede WIfe was h.urt when a bus W BumBed. Gronland the market has r"tUlned to hoping happIer than the / W,ll,e C Elhngton and Pvt Lloyd J Greyhound • either bY holdlng it per Sparta WIsconSln beautIful arrangement of weddIng ta Calhoun httlJ< people in,OW aliout the common one In the of Green KId Shearouse. Roanoke; M. MEETING her III a I they planned early part Moteo to Selma Ala Pvt J B Bax collided with a car near here BDiINS home GlIlnesVllle uftel bus In this af pers cathedral candelabra and large M,s. Q. E Collins In .on.lly or b:r putting it In CCC nhe summel Some of her famIly came ,1096 ley and Pvt Bill D WIlliams to Mor CullerebOtt; everyd.y things lite Take hook the lIess stay here NO TRUMP UOBo baskets of whIte I{ladlOli and plum""a you'll love every take in ternoon Charlton County Slierlff J J B Atlanta. First 01 "'.....11 Serl.. Of ·CLo down heading for the beach from step you rison Fla Scarboro. worm dhie tor In.tance to fern placed against a of Field. Beaclt...... pro&,1 am. according pian. Joe Anderson Athl11ta Members of the No Trump Club and Nnrbh background 0 Slke. Idcntllled the dead woman .s Now.,lo.n Sel'Ylces Bobby spent GeorgIa and stopped o""r for "':,es! �alm city a T;�Be Held :l' smIlax magnoha leaves 'lind pmes thlS'i. very eommon Intestinal In- made at the Farm Bureau the "eek end WIth hIS mother Mrs other guests were entertamed at a the night WIth them Before they could TWENTY YEARS AGO Valeria I Rouse. fOt Statesboro �r·C GDI�OnB�y meeting. Camp Ground WhIte satin bows and plumosa fern BIrd Walker fe.tation. or more termed Tonllht leave the next morning a member of Reglste. week AIDoId Anderson Sr party gIven nfter- marked the reserved Other Fr.... Bulloch Tim 1931 'IMlssThe who are In the I!roperly jast Holding cotton off of the lovely Thursday pews ... Aut: 20. inJured. McCoy Clifford Point The IInt servleel 0r Tattna11 the party was rushed to the hospItal Peller, Iloleotatlon wttlch 110 very few peo I _.. Mr and Mrs James Blanchard noon Mrs CUI tl8 Lane at her home ush�r groomsmen were John Eil Bran Jackson here re her broth- Denmar market of by and their had to ",. called oft' - State Theatre. recently completed HospItal •• Fleld.k' • Miami. JI'I by Ilhese groups I. In line with _tinr will be held trIp nen' and Oalmas Jr and Dar pie really know .bout Do you k1Iow tonlaQIt (Tb_ LOUISVIlle were NOI th Main stleet nose Merellle Rushing E R Collin•• of ReIdsville. will 0 an Harer.W LanIer. Pembroke. gu�sts Sunday ot MI Attract�ve and CeCIl Kennedy are at the I by er. Dreyfus Rouse. Atlanta the move over Win ¥LENTINES the entire Th. day Wllhams attended Mr Rushing as flr.t 11'1.. the mechanlca of catehln&, thla dis- cotton belt evenlnr) meetlnc WIll ... on were beach for thIS week WIth lihelr ehll footwear performance Monday Southern and Mrs Dean Futch gays each table whIch later best mnn M,ss MIldred Bruner love eve� Ben Telephone Co employe. d,en - only you ease the life of the A of the NeVils Ion The Barney AveTltts are en F.,ve �rt�urA}���s!a1';m:;n cycle oftendinr I part program last ,�, lIfr and Mn Henry BTlm of Sas for low score pTlzes ad ded to sIster of the bTlde served a. maId of commISSIOners order and hi. wife TIhe hu.band was re R N Iglven JOYlllg the cottage sev n\ulloclt county Anderson. Forsyth. parasite. and the of ItT :nue thr:rhThWednelday they purehased honor and attendant was .. prevention Wednesdty was a motIon SCI \\ III the week the decol atlOn of other den ftowel'll el only She as reductIon of 00 III tax te rted In c ritIcaI condI t10n the hOB Eustace night pIcture ._ spend end WIth her gal nl weeks ago at and so Dellberalely SImple, only designer oh_ '2 per $10 po by Denmark. Atlanta. I I e mee .. � Tyb"e Pr0ba thugust n&, un er .. e many 10 blue taf bly not. and stiII shouId tl19 d' enthtlrel P�d�••_... OUI attractlV'ely gowned light and 10 cent reduction In .af"ary Mr. BP Maull. yGU 'on livestock dleaae. mothOl M,s Rufus Blady I placed about the lOoms Shelbet and townsneople hava places thele per PIta I attache. No 01lC on the bus wa. OIIarlestoll, Seri.ter planned I Rev G E feta fashIOned WIth a flited bodIce Mr. Now don't the we Clary• district I lof - dare to be. with Iwo wonderful _rets of cut for county em)lloyee Mamie Porritt. Bradford, ret Idea that I IU� �"ss MBI y Lou CarmlcJtael has re cookIes weI e sal ved Coca Colas weI e WIth sweetheart neckhne and full bal reported mjured to bold their annual ladle.' In of liS I IS Statesboro tobacco market .ustaln .hlre. England f0 8 n e ea night tendent Savannar d.. 'pve huOvlel ft'a ,(eMgularOhStatlut eses)borodcohlonyan er two Ik I' th h Ith depart ent are t�ct. tUl ned from Elmol v the For lel1na skirt She carrlel! n noseg \y of Its SherWf,SI ke. saId wltdtnes... sta e Walter , UmverSlty whele enjoyed dUllllg game hIgh ehlldl en have comforl-Ihe ed rank among GeorgIa marketS! Barne. S ber and Dr J L. • been WIth her CushIoned Contour th.t city m,. eptem invited 0" S""-.. _ " parents setting ourselves a. It Congres.man H"rton, � pink asters and wore SImIlar flowers last w'ek WIth total of car Mrs W T up know J ah" attended sum mel school sCole Mrs Lamar Tlapnell lecClved at JacksonvllI· Beach for the past 347778 pound. that the Rouse started to tUrn off Sledge. Auburn. In her half II" 0r tbat we re sma er a'it H and H L. Church. Atlanta. will be the 80ala • and average of 27 100 Slater Stlllon a.. rt th Preatoll Wingate. II)IeIIGo P L Suttler for cut Mrs Gene won won pull of foam .nder your arch. and price ,7 per tihe road south of here nea.. the Geor Hagin. Mrs of ColumbIa S C cologne Curry The bllde In er for the el gIven marriage four other market. sold at other of the G.. 11 o· I ok lerYlee �Wt 1I'l0t"thsans bntu �heyTlS.y 00 S I e a Ir,vely GeorglB people However these pre pre.ldent orrla Farm Bu .... a all hk'velk FlOrida and then the drrver IS spend ng tha week WIth hel slBter box 0f Yardley soap and t01 IettlW by her mther wore a beautIful gown lower seven le.s glB hne little Indl III she IS so brown the Levelaal Ihat leta (001 pTlce. malkets sold ���I �i:�':r.;, city votable to be with them mormnr and tile 8 o'cloek &eMC!8 Ia -Mertls of whIte taffeta your rest c�r.."k. diseases. and hookworm Is reau, Cong-ressman ?Ills Inman Mr tel a Revlon set of and made WIth ballerma apparentIy changed h IS minddtan a Mrs J J E Foy and Foy and polish nnd Pllnce Pleston are a house poundage Ander.on. cltr. the Dlfterent haVIng sklTt and whIte 1ace or tilem. are our and I'I-e.ton had indIcated to H V Frank.. evenIng paa..,. from th,s week lacket styled Soclnl events of the week Mrs 1 to back across the Mrs C M ci .peclalty MIS EM Mount MI'S Gordon IIpst ok as the No Trump pTlze went palty end WIth all tAle la Iia nalurallevel poaillon. Ano! tempted SWIng ty one. '- fres With neckline and fitted Valenllnes, we re the churches In thla '�.inl'"YO. W, ,,_ hIgh long J B Johnson was hostess at tea and Dr C L. MooreMartInic ty auppoled to know ",-ore bout lin. RegIster president. that he ., '-'11 p Mrs J A and Mrs M,s Josh Lamer Tho.se The colliSIon was nearly head-on M,ys Add,son to recelvlllg sleeves and fastened down the front m honor ...a.. .a at 3 30 Ttonom w 0 IS' In a I omla .. shower of Mr. Juhan S/Sgt Bernard Olhff. San them tlIan tile t would meet with them every afternoon John Youn�- famh"y glettlngIVlng tOCgeltfher excatptI S With for alllhe fashion ft.... al'8 Pfleed 10 modestly The aCCIdent occurred person who haan had .omatlme thIS Alfled Dorman spent In Sa a for low score at each table self covered buttons Sh� wore Nrooks -Mrs Bean and Mrs about 3 16 th IS CalifornIa ·-.rlo• FrIday nosegay ah,ays to see the Pre.ton George Iroad fall "'ood'It • 0f Atlan'A will good the -. le.d tbe boys a whIte lace opportumty of 8uch and the group preferred lie come IIiII.... vannah pIcture hat and carTled Howell Sewell were ho.te••es at a the sheriff said Chas L Mt C studylnr were Mrs Paul Sauve Mrs J R Gay but when Mrs Pl'eston come. back can allord • .hoe afternoon. Taylor Pi...... • a whIte throated orchId .how you eomplete wardrobe. I"m .ure that the f I di I ht Ing home purple party honoring ladle. who are here In things farmer. lIfrs Alfoaso DeLoach and son AI and Mrs Inman Jr Other MISS Rouse lived State.boro WIth Foy guests ered tuberoses on a wlllte Tattnall oft'e.. a line um 0 WIth. prayer �e� the school and o�o�e of prorram for opport't f'v�sy VISIhert matt,YWI her e as Mr and l'c�la\¥lIft:�::"Wa, teacher. the banker. e:y:t�m. procurlnr help are the week at Savannah I were Mrs R H tt Mrs HPJ0 nes fTleSlnhd.han book After a to the parent•• Mr. J S Rouse. spending oy I. CUrtI. been In wedding tTlP 0i{�!he Melton. ValdGsta. thOle In to this the young people••IGnr witil the IIvlnl{ Douglas the pa.t few :!�rei�h:�s'be��� the lumber buaines. know pIck 1961 cotton crop were I re&,- Bcach WIth Mrs J L NeVIl ut her Jr M,s Paul Frankhn Mrs Zach mountams Mr and Mrs Rushlnl{ WIll M.. Foxihall. Mr. Webb and Mrs and was returning from a vl.it to Mrs L E Jr. years and has made friends Flake. city •• Idar meetin•• many make' 10 G�����Ct.lluar ore about their than dlacu ed at both The camp undel"'the leader- home RegIster The Gardner -�Irs Arthur Turner enter Florida when T W relpectlve 3Gba meetlngo Reg cottage there Mrs Walker HIli and Mrs Ed over there In reminIscing she WIll t�1f the wreck happened Jernigan. city SmIth. brIde traveled In a two ship of Rev V E Robertson tell of the pIece whIte talned In honor of Mrs E T Den- we do II.ter chapter asked the officers to Other M rs C h ton Po an I I many happy memories "he She Is .urvived by her parenta. her relg 'lfy d I tt I e oon Oliff J dress and whIte hat and wore the whIte palto.. who will In dlfteren� hus of her four a &�:i� i.I Sometime. we wonder if readers of ry for .o..e labor help 0 0 • 0 boys havmg quart3t 1 and three .. T Imported have returned to their home In orchId from her pr�er book Mr. sloters. Ill J Hon Princne I Creg of thell own ",hlch to the :"a���nM:I�'luo;;���rh� Prelton. Wa n th,s Jim parts Gr the ptocram of the Y PARTY they gave Bruner the bTlde's mother ;':��t:f newapaper really re.d these I Hays. man••er of the State.- mutla. A tlanta a WVEL MORNING "'Iected Miss Nora Bob Smith ""Iebrateil her and Mrs HUbsrt Crou.e. of State.- Mrs T R after VISIt WIth her pal ents town so unselfishly years ago -The Roprs. city are Re. for her s health .. It's boro Chamber of Ramal Preeman. Rey A. A. Mrs Dean Futch entertallled WI th daughter weddmg a blege birthday -Mr. E C Ohver ente", Ibrotiherboro nd Mr. of Bax artlolel. Yel'J' seldom Commerce. met with 1I1r and Mrs Hinton past week found two vl.itors to our •• Herbert Shirer. Remington I crepe WIth whIch she wore a I Walta Sr. Rev Sanford a at town who were corsage .. =� �e�r�a�h.1:!:"rk:f' �at IIIIYOII. eYer cG.menta to UI the Regl.tnr IIr al Brawn...... when Hays Mr and Mrs L. EthTld 10lely party Thursday morning popular they of a.ters low. �ir.l':"=�n�a..,n:.'" ,...,U, Henry ge hved here pink The groom's mother. G�' I W B.rnea. city TGm W.taon. Rev J[. ner on Portal roud In honor of som·t,me ago Dr C M !fi'H�r�!e�t:�do�� � ��t,too!l: .bout them T Do do any f aured the mi. the loeal Ottam- HenIT IIll'Wlla, home Mrs wore a of � ...,00 I1'!IIIP and daughter. Janet. of Savannah Destler was Funcfar'burk. coraare of Wildwood. assocIated wlfllt the col ber Gt __ I. 11'_1.. hill r SIster Mrs ReglnaId W00ds. of pmk asters WIth her drosa of :yellow !I� • • Fu,,"aral aem-;;;;-7ar MI.. Rouse Anyway you.re supposed to knGw CO fuat wit.t It Im- spent Saturday mght WIth h,. par lege and he and Catherine were very ret :.l!..:'H�:'· �� AttractIve VOIle I THIRTY YEARS AGO held .t the chum. here Ifarion ott �t .bout 50 to 65 of .11 plies-an orpnlutlon for the :;'o::c�h��wOrke:'I" NeWington arrangement. popular With not the 0 0 0 ° we� BapU.t Ha&,�" Corpus Cbrlatl. 'Jex percent people ents Mr and Mrs Z L EthrIdge at only collep pao Meal..... pie but the E S Gay. Roeky Pord. ..,hool ehlldren the ... available to Ylalto... .. of asters and zmnlas were used about young couple. In town Fr_ Balloeb n.... Aa. 19. 19.21 liter. _a Wednesda, Iatemaeat In Bulloch county county_nd' th.t It re.lIl Portal MISCELLANEOUS ,.round l,n have been SHOWER Min M.tle Perkin•• IU. .. .. the her home and refresh They hVlng In tiIIe East Mrs W J Ackerman and M,s.es followed In Eut Side ha\e hookworm Infe.tatlon Didn.t that the .rriculture In thl••rea is relflllar call1pen .t the Mrs A C damty party Mrs Otl. Waters of en eellletery Mn A. Wilson. I �ell Johnson and daughter ",here Chet Is' connectod WIth one of Rel{ls\er, Alex.ndrIa. Va. ° ..,Cldern I'GIIIIII - Lou Atwood an w on the ments consIsted of assorted .and tertalned With a tea and mlscel Edith .nd Mary 'fave 1mo tha.t did ;vou. 1.0.-.. of adUI.. the major IOU"", Df re'fenue to mer- dlnlnlr camp the are lovely I PIG,.! Chester. city "'1 Joyce Carol and her fr,end Jean leadlnl{ colleges They makIng .t the Atwood mill ... There .... a laneoull shower afternoon all-day party pond Delmaa h••e the toG chants others He UCDIDlllodatIDu fer cookIes and Coca Cola. An to In Wedn�sday Ru.hinr� Re'"''',_, trouble. ne dl_as and pledred the wlches. leIsurely trl.P Catherine. home .n llf Illi.. Edna Sherid 0f Long all of Dahlon.ga are spendmg of last week at her home In honor of honor an. Ttlomas .round IIft New Orlean. and DenmarK. Lawton, 0..III I. caused because .f I Gf r seYent)'- JOUlI. peop.I I• mdoor plant was presented to Mrs .topped oVer (or SMAU BUSINESS Improper ual- the Chambe of Commerce the week WIth Mr. John.on. mother the Their Miss Emogene Bruner who.e mar 0 IsuPport the dorrnlto night many frIends gath In tatlon about the home .11 all YGullh thit .... built. • Woodo as guest gift Others preS"nt t k III Au t llth Th ClS��:..�r.:laJ Harria. vlliting � A The hookworm arrtcultural project•• JUlt Mrs Paul LeWIS ered at the and a Black Suede �oll'ge had picnic far a few was in M��=-.R:'J.bo" 1&0 few Jean.r0 by Wood .. were Hunter Mrs M ���g�abt: �s c:verla�:r WIth an exe GeorgIa d.ys. .... L. W Cros tarvae and eggs infeat the .011 10 as tho F.rm Bureau �r • of Mrs Robertson supP'ar the night were here and ,1096 TO BE •• city Lane Johnston who "",,elves his B bhey embrOIdered cloth and boro among frlenck Monday. byStatea-Imvi REl¥W"m'lmUNn� .. f hla were not qulslte !tand ii/sit. Olcie Po�lI, Lub «!auae Gl IntestInal It wu out at the.e meet- In �ts S o Lawrence M,s John A Cobb onlly happy to Bee them I,,"n�n �xcretloaa brou'pt degree from Emory Umverslty Aug held an arrangement of whIte spoke ' but thelT four handsome children glad ...... lit be-lmUCh that It .. AI Mrs JIII1 Dossey M,s JIm Denmark til",. ioll and whIte candles in Qiatrid Gre" !ljlo�. cOlltamlnatfbr the .urtae. ot �I .... _1dII """bI}" Ii&-ii_ va��u III'IIIQ� 22 WIll arTlve to several and a Elsewhere !tt�o��;t��:eof,u:eri�tranJl" today spend Max tax To Protect Inter.tII Tlie f!�I�JI:.-=I, I ;;'..nt look�:rw.rd' to ene urI Mro a AkinS the hom. were and Bulloch county'. 1921 digest P0Ol Becau.e not to remove the or at 1 ••lt �I:I=I' Mrs G C y R Y a a gorgeous dahha. lira Wilma Rt 4 Why? enough folks have leaves, part days WIth hIS moth"r Mrs K �oas supperglTlf-Thehor t elf pretty tw n •• Ioner Donald.on. Grady Edenfleldl• caladIUm Guests were met was aceapted by Tax Comml Smaller OusInellll ACtlvitles C G. by the re 11 gIous mInded peopI'e G., thl• Mrs Rex Mrs W H Wood d June r,hnts by city saDltary PIt prlvle. or moord bath -.them from the cotton bhat has Johnston , Hodge. \Ughters and Jean on Wednes H J WIthout gave Lincol!!L Mrs Frank McEIV'ey who Introduced Fulbright change. Mrs Le.ter 1III0tes Portal lectlon Since 1867 camp hal cock Mrs PhIl and Mrs day t\'le celebrabted their six room. or If have such conven- started groWing again with .ome de Aleetlnr Mr Mrs HamIlton them to the hne decrease In prol"'rty value. of $3332 Smaller'busineo�eo WIll get further 0 A they and J Bllmtley Johnson teenth recelvmg compo.ed Denmark. Savannah been 'II at the mghtbasIrthday Early 0 '-eld presAftt�. ,1'_... with Thursday of Mr. Water. MISS Bruner Mrs G 008 pre.ent vaIues. '8842627 J W Robertson lenoo•• they don't use them a. they fitla Ing rnaterawI I It III cos.ot me and Hurry found of their intere.ts the Jr. Rom�... Ga children Johnny and CynthIa mornlnl{ them makIng plaM to a protectIon by two • • • VI Bruner and Mrs H M Funderburk Clover Leaf Club entertained I Pvt 10f acre to remove only exc�ptio"'. alOd tho.. were Brunso� P the theIr much Wil.on Groover Ft. ;BelVOIr , ohould '11hen along comeo Romeone ,2 per moot ot have arrived from D get longed for driver. �I set a Office of Price Stablhzatlon through "- Washmgton C I"" cream humber of the younger WIth durI the .. MIDDLEGROUND H D CLUB cense and IndIVidual decoratd J H DaVIS. Calif n nil' years 1'''89"u.1!d 1....."'"' v -WIll see you Lo.Angele•• barefooted and walks through the I leaves .0 the aun ean get down I to two were Monday evenmg at the home 01 new the spend weeks WIth theIr faml The Mldd ·ground Home Demonstra cake. served by MI88 MIldred prom pohCle. adopted by agency. Mr. W L Brown city necember 6. 1867 William E AROUND TOWN James Brett and crackers were contamiDated the stalks and prevent bolla from TIp- II.. Bruner MISS Dale Waters and MISS punch G Elhott director d.... Cobb" Foxhall 8011 h"re Hagan. of the Rocky Mount. N C ns a man 0 awr 11 c tlon Club met at the home of MIS - MIsses Brett and pIf' ng haracter.nd Jean Hlfes Party mints were pas.ed aerved by Catherine The h00kworm Iarvae "bgra a hid"0 rottlOg Those present were urged IIIr and Mrs Donald and trlCt office at Savannall • has an WhItney Lane WIth Mrs Arthul Bland WEEK-END PARTY Waters strong rellgloua convictions • made a ,Tom HOUSE by Kay and Norma Rushing I of Ilhe thin skin bet"",en the toes to procure their .upply of seed oat•• ",hlldren Pete and of was at the nounced Mary Chap Mrs Ewell Deal and Mrs Wa One of the most evento One hundred glPsts called E'lIIelrYDs IGnmreaenn Foy hostesls dedie convey ng twent'I acre&, 0tid Henry dehghtful u.uaII or un der the In.te f th as well ao other .mall as an. OIhff announcement at lIer • y poe I grain. early lJIaque N Y were ts S und 0f of bhe week end WIll be the famIly Foy party Word has been received from Wash gues ay ters as co hostesses M rs Troy M U I I ROTARIANS HEAR the pre.ent site. to A D Eaaon. W. house BACK FROM· W·A·S·HINGTON 'home on Savannah avenue Saturday "ground lteh' DId you as po••,ble Most of th oat. were J\!I and Mrs Stothard !)aal party gIven by Congressman office a and Mrs lard led the devotIonal Mrs Frank little MI88 entered Ington OPB that .mall bU.1 I J Jor"'-n..... L. A H J I. Mrs Prince Preston at their home Mss Alhe Donadson returned last mormng Fay Foy know that' Now the larvae bore kleyII d b the severe winter la.t .ea Tippins A M Deal land the room WIth a bag 10 whIch ne.s aff.... commIttee IS I Grooms SmIth. preSIdent presIded Mrs lima Savannah avenue With hIS mother week f,om Waahlngton D C where paper adVIsory FIRST HAND I and .eed will DESmith. Martin C, out STORY through bhe .kln. get Into the probabLy be hIgher Dr and Mrs C M De.tler and tnlee of hIS brothers and thelT faml she .everal months WIth her there was a cat. whloh Jumped set m the national Spears Lee gave a demonstratIon �n Ion spent being up office. Tootle and William Harden. "True- Official Home On are carried back up to heart. then than normal '11here are lot. of oats .,h, Id ",n of New Lond on VISIt hes as rllest. Present WIth Congre.... .coualn. Mrs Mlnme Bruce Porbar MlUtary t1Ie Conn. pasteurlzmg mIlk After the meetmg Mr Hagan laId. and authorizatIon tees of the New T.ttnall CountT man and Mrs Pri!8ton and their daugh- WhIle there MI88 Donadlson and Mrs �hop Henry's First :..�e�a��h�:gle���to�fn:�e h�'::'i) the! Vacation GIYes pumped Into the lungs Here In the now avaIlable In the county but th� "d • • • • Interesting Thursday and Friday WIth Dr and the 1I0.tesses served Ooca Colas ritz boon receIved from RegIonal D1 Camp Ground" ters Ann and Kay WIll be Mrs P H Porter. VISIted 10 Oland jtaplds Mlch Picture Battle Lhose mmute hookworm larvaeveln.!soncondition not last long ?llrs I AGO Ihas 1»' Scenes Jungs ntIrht FIelding Russell and other crackers cookIes and oolcken P,eston Sr Mr and Mr. and other Interestlllg places .. FORTY YEARS rector George D Patterson Jr ta Tattnall Camp GrolHld II I_teeS �alad Montgom .. break through the walls o� the blood The oat. planted early la.t fall fllends here ery Preston and chIldren Buck Tom 1------,------:�:::::.-_-_-_-_------""' From Bulloeh Tim••• Aug 23. 1911 about three mile. of went members we,e and one a for the Savan aouth Manas..., 'T y present nllme representatIve vessels and Into the bronchIal I dId get klllied bock. but generally Mr I and Bob or Douglas Mr and MrS' Fred M,lIray. C0 I lam u at get and Mrs Jesse D Allen have Hodges d,.played nah office �yWR�BEll.i g�NA�DS�N)nn. pea 109 and about two mIle. from 1:1 S • Hlail- Benton Preston and MISses hen one inSIde the tubeo find their into the t.... chea came and some daughters !i Georf.e .. "" . wonderlul saId He declar we treat 'em WIth the be.t and lIfrs Roy Parker Mr and M,s li.p. Col. QUlDn good Tuesday flom Norfolk Va aiter eent. 1Statesboro' Votes Enter star of II Charhe Mllhcan WEEK-END VISITORS Aaron Ro.oho has ",tum ed from ed t"at•. the Hr.llcopter IS the sufest mediCine mads and whlcli I��:e and MI 'and Mrs 'hnvmg been given hiS flom dIscharge I Cl-hot: 001 DarWin MISS Maurine Langford of Jack N'rth Carohna. where he went for County System Ithe Korean war In evacuating the In supplied by the S tate HeaIth Depart- Bohl"r formed a famIly g�oup the Navy I sonvlll, IS spendmg thc we.!, WIth h,. lIealth ROBERT DONALDSON) after be- With Mr Mrs (By jured ment Now treatment they 'VISiting recently and hCl MI s Ehzabeth Don­ V·8 Andrew R,mes of WIll voted for the grandmother Commander Ludovlc. CitIzen of State.boro gin to feel better. but they go bare :EmolY Bohler at theIr home In Au SUE S KINDERGARTEN aldson Other members of the -family probbably brmll to market the first consohdatlon of the cIty .chool. WIth to VISIt the week end WIth bal-a of cotton thIS In a WAS THIS YOU? and catch the "ground 1teh" ;gusta Sue 5 IS now during Mra year the Bulloch county sciwol system footed Kindergarten enrolhng Donaldson wfll 1>' Mr three four and Mrs M L M,.. �osa Averitt has returned electIon Tueeday The vote You are an attract ve matron With all over agam? We .u.pect. 'Ie•• MI and Mrs Troy Mallard had as pupIls and five years of A new type v-a engine I .peelal Langford and daughter Jack from Boston Vlhere .he took a cours'e was more than to one In favor brown Tues age for kmd�rgal ten and playtime Betty eIght eye. and graytng ihall Willi Will pe about 'Week end guestS Rev and MI s Lamar sonvnIe Mr and Mrs Bruce .t Harvard they they carele�. on Donald of of the present Independent you wore a and beginning Tuesday Septembel 4th Unlver�lty }"peal day gray to of son and children on an ex thelf dlschargeo and continue Altman. Baxley and Teachers Col RELIGIOUS TRAINING Donme and Broca, Remarkable extra power S F Olhff has not been system W,th 1.168 regIstered voters plaid dreso. whIte .hoes and whltekblac bo-.,:el TIfton Mr and Mrs MIlton curSlon sIDce last and Will not for We sureI .lege and Mr and Mrs MIke DUI DRAMATICS MUSIC ART Dexter year 217 cast ballots WIth 183 voting bag You have two daughters two eonta1llJnats the sOIl' Y and Milton Savannuh of 0 GAMES STORIES Jr. and lIfr and from every drop gasl go agaIn (N further explanatIOn) and 22 agaInst consohdatlon There .ons and a httle grandson notl sinlrer cl HIltOnia M,s Altman and Mr. GOI don hope Donaldson Claxton Mrs P H Cone alld D H Bradley and were two throw outs If the deecrlbed WIll call at Outdoor supervIsed play on a large lady D Mrs DDl'slnker were friends Howard Barnard and are LUNDQUIST MD. coll"ge well eqUIpped playglOund ChIldren children How No fuel needed I �thers shlppiJIr watermelon� from Merger of the cIty school sY"tem th, Time. oflice .he Will be gIven I ard 3 and TheodOSIa have to premium will make a thou.and dol was recom Comntl••ioner of Health. 'Of Mrs Mallard returned Woodburn. bh.e two Bel �re our bsSIC Human resource Th;on WIth county sy.tem tlcketa to tbe plctu,..,. IIlr .pendmg a week wltil lars bhls year a of educatIonal au vldere tIhe to Health Mr anil Mrs Hem y Lamer VISIted growth during the first SIX year I� AlbanY,after !IIended by group Ring. Bell," shOWing Bulloch Count)' Dept Mrs Donaldson Hiram and Ben h..ve a foundational and tends to set the The car to try ••• the car Frankhn pur thorltles which revIewed councy day and at the GeorgIA Sunday In Savannah With Mr and pat Fruinr tel n of ofuture health chased the grocery stack of J W WIde school survey made by Bulloch After her tloket. If the and adJustment VISITING recelVlnr THE BEACH :Mrs A F Schuller and were accom I as MINISTER to ••• for real WIlson and WIll continue buslne.. at CItIzens last The reoom WIll at VISITING AT Just the tWig IS bent the tr"" IS buy savings! codntl:" year la

PORTAL NEWS THURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1961 MTs. MaggIe Webb, of Summitt, .. rpent the week end with Mrs. OSCI\l' . Johnson. BUYING A CUT '. • OF HAM IS r A. D. lind like Mr. und Mrs. Miliord 80n, everything 'else most Billie, visited 1"lntives at Hartwell YOU b the week. what ,rou· get during . yOU pay for! only Wa.1 FIOC1,. I relatives Miss Lillie Finch, MTs·. Inman A:�:;- �����._Is��c!.�!��here Sunday. , pays to just . know _lied One hundred and students and two children and Mrs. Peck, of what ou're Little Deidre Bryan, of Alma. Is tlftr-.'x . 1rom classel aa Columbus, spent th� week end at Sa­ "f' � gettIng by at I apendinng this week with Mr. and graduated swimmlDg .me prInt' looJdng the &. the Instruction to a vannah Beach. yoU see in Mrs. T. R. Bryan. swlntmlnlf .canle NOW READY JO GIN h close for tit.' are. planning. �slt, p!,sture,.li 15 acres ot •. hiS ,�nced, flsh4Jond guests Mr ABohton Simmons. Host- gan are the FFA at Phone 466. (16augltp) graduatIon 8l:�'-room .... in attending camp BOAP rUKE8 latter h!' good condition, flv� esses were Mrs. Emit Lee and Mrs. LA OHO'l' CHIOKEN ** • �rlday. miles Covington tnis week. ate FOR SALE-440 acres 200 cultivated from town on road' E. F. NO •• paved price Edgar Miller, who served re- ALLEN .000.' MRS. FR.ANK WILLIAMS IS $75 .cre. dainty Mr. and Mrs'. Thomas . 4 four per JOSIAH Scott, of CROP SUEY CA. .LU-W.I�E 'hou�es, excelle�t stock range: ZETTEROWER. freshments. Fifteen members were P. O. 204 AROO HONORED ON BIRTHDAY TELEPHONE 3St-R Reidsville, spent the week end with HOMMEL'! six lailes sQuth of Statesboro; price, (16aulrltp) present. her Mr. and Mre. Per­ 50 acre. JOSIAH parents, Leon CORN I�ABCB ':i.".�. 13e Pl. 24: small Walker female dog.; the for Mr. You have to C" July gins ·Brannen. Cadillacs. Wlllt a while to get one-the time Preetorlbs, from �rooklet, who '\.ohite and black spottoad with some - * • • There is n� substitute fur the our club. The hostesses depending somewhat upon the model you select. deep world�wide respect joll.'e.d served brown opots; information appreciated, WEEK OF PRAYEa OBSERVED , in which it is held- refreshments. The next . deltcl�us meet­ T. J. WATERS, Rt. I, Brooklet, Ga. BY PRIMITIVE BAPTISTS Naturally, you are urged to 01,," In&, WIU be an all-day affair of textile R����G being purchase -there is no substitute for ' EI.OIlR and musie its marvelous over-all and PIANOS-Buy your pianos ''rhe Brooklet Primitive makes of cars-which can per­ . BA,La,.'s' be dek-all paintinll: to be held at the Baptist had almOlt as 800n as your BALLARD'S 'CAKE ., at Chick Piano Co., Athens, and church of .•. so smooth, so that to home of Mrs'. Russie Rogers. with Mrs. obserooecl,a w�l! prayer sug­ signature is on an order blank. formance sp quiet, steady drive �YER 'Ga., wherl your dollar buya gested· by 'lieads 'of: various' institu­ IS to relax and to is IJ. S. Brannen and Miss Jo , 14-0.. Griffin, ride to rest- MaJ'y a Moore as Ball the most; we have few smail, tions' and' qrir""izatiorui of this de­ For the sake of your own we co·hostsses. R " u'!ed welfare, hope you will " ol'5'�'''·11o.w. • is no MIV.. Pkg. a so do not 111- nomination Ja.t substitute for the sheer of ",S- pianos, and cha""e any Tliureday The turn a deaf elU' to all this-and hold firm. -a!,� th�re joy owning ··"1.06!' h�t. . ",...... t on time contracts. (23aug1tc), church extand_ . Invitations' to all and 90 that LEEFIELD SCHOOL GETS drIVIng It, great you will actually IlIinlt tiP - If a - New three bedroom interested In cause to' your order for Cadillac is in-let it IJt'Uses for ' READY FOR SALE ch.ur�hes .this already stand' talting to the I FOR OPENING In the sel'Vlcet' highway . Hornopnit.ct Shortening house, hardwood lIoors. rock wool jOin p�ayer and be plltient until CII� i. The u.elield· school HOUSEl1qLD ,ClEANSER your ready. want a faculty will be­ pjastic subjects were used If-you Cadillac-stand firm until you it. I'in R insullCti.'er, yet it, do There is r,lse like s..�a.'.'y . in all Thursday, August 30th. On Th,,,'s­ IP,R1'· - Old Ladl'" at �he ,nothing it-n'othing the 8A8-0 ..oom gas heat, built in .Vldalia: ,Bethany lit once-so the as wide, circulatillil I be as • Sept. 6th, school will � delay may short poaslble Wide world that can take its ct:'y, open at 9 FHA 'At 0/0), small ,Home �9r Old Men'at "Blrd­ placel o clock. 'The Leefield cahin�ts flnap.ced (4 Mill,!";" senool has the JOSIAH ZETTER- w�d. 901le&,e at ,'''l'be outlook for another down payment. Thomasv!lIe;" successful year. .3- Pnmltlve Baptist Foundation or the 35'·r��·99-' l>lt�' ()WER . 23au;rltp) Three-fourths of the fa'culty hoJd de-' Benetlt of Retired Minlstars' and Wid. greee, and others WE HA:vE A of are working toward Nl,lMBEiR buy�l'II ow. of Ministers'''' Prayers were tl>at end. farms and write One of the strongest assets for tl�ber lan�s; also offered for the anDual ot and If BlbJe Con­ th� �chool is the Parent-Teacher ua abo,;,t ,yo�ll's' aggressIve �Ies- ference at Blrdwood College thill Alcoclabon. WIll ·moye them. we WIll ��rs. Dan Hagan, th., manshlp week' for the Primitive Baptist new visit at end presJdent, 18 a wide-awake schoo) it; will your place on�e dO'j Youth F-.llow.hlp· the various Bible worker arrd a ....ry dat:a for offering to happy year in tHat or­ Bet ne� RCltoola; the S�h":'ls of the R. L. .. T. Prophets pnlzation is anticipated. The fac­ prospective buyers. R-Iheld for 'IIlinUstefi and for the two as Bo U53, Sayan. ulty i.s follows: M.... F. W. Hughes', COOPERJ Realtors', loeat orpna of flhl� �hureh, the Ban­ prinCIpal and grade work; Miss Ruth nan, Ga. (�3aug4tp) III'r Herold and the Good Samarltan_ 1-., • • • • fourt� and tlfth grad... ; Mrs. toR RENT-Sept. lat, furnished Pelto" lanIer, geeond and tnird 'dence at 233 Broad street; 2 bed-res-I BROOKLET F .CUI.TY lin. Ce.!i1 "rade.' SGRo,oLBY Dickey, tlrst Mr.: rooms, Iiying room. kltche!!:, breafatt I ANNQUlI!CBD" OFFICIALS '1'. R. Irrade; BeyaD, mUllc. nook, side screer\!!d poroh. bath wltlt oil- H. Grlff.etil, h8ild of tate Dr ok­ shower, ba8�inent� with anQthoar school, and other schOol officials also washing maohine. Write M/Sg'tl! have announced the school faculty for ROBERT D. DENMA�, NG 14209898 the next scholastic year. The {acuJ� 101st}"AAA ba'fJi'I,Jet will " Hq... Hq. Btrr•. �un Bn! I ty be&'!n pre·'p'lannIDg� confer­ (lalJ,lp McCoy, W,gconsln. (23al!g2te) ence ;for weel( be&1nnlng Ti\u...ifay, POUR BU�CB TIMES ' AND 8'l'ATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, AUG. 23. 1951 'ERURSDAY, AUG. 23, 1951

RETURN FROM VISIT BLUE RAY CHAPTER TO PRlMmVE CIRCLE Mr. and MI'S, Doyle Lovett and BULLOCH TIMES 80n8, MEET TUESDAY EVENING The Ladies Circle ;:r the Primitive Bobby, Billy and Tommy, returned The regular meeting of Blue Ray AN.. Baptist church will R1p,et Monday af­ from n visit with O,E,S, will be held in the Sunday ten-days Chapter ternoon at the church at 3:30 o'clock BTATESHORO NEWS TIlE relatives and friends in Arkansas and room Tuesd'ay evening, Aug. Mrs. obapter .wlth M. C. Cowan ..nd Mrs. Louisiana. saw Members are They many interest- 29th, at 8 o'clock. urged as B. Editol'oOwner. Naughton Beaaley hostesses. This D. TURN�R, ing things' while there. Sl'A·,'ESIIORO to attend, Is the annual meeting for the election PER yEAR of otlicers and a attendance 'tUBBCRiPTION p,00 Auction good ot __ -;:- ..:_ NOW SHOWING members I. ======-== -::-=-_:---:=- --; Sales Tax 6c additional urged. "Mr. Belvidere Rings The Bell" .1 reautee 23, .ntered Becond·cla811 lI&r:cb Starring Clifton Webb, Joanne Dru WEDDlNq IN·SWAINSBORO Personal T!��!r����he Tally Club were MI'II. Purely d/fE£nNC, Marlowe. . Gesmon, Neyl!le, Miss Mary' Trellis ��: :�d��e t�:tl�ceottc:�:�::orgi and 'Hugh dellrhtfully entertained Wednesday lIareb 8. 1879. This' is tIh.e funniest Belvidere Picture Jeanette Aran and ,111'1.. alllJ.e, Vea- aftJernoon of lsat week EARLY PEAS yet. attended libasls of Carm ferenoe were Elder ..nd Mra. V. departure for Germany he was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Lov- .. THE SPEEDIEST SERVICE EVER OFFERED IN populatIon and of ten­ Elder and Mrs. Henry Waters, stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C. His ett,207 South Main street; Mrs, Mar- prev�lence Ag�n, ancy. The b,lI that one­ STATESBORO I ---, Grady Franklin, Mrs. S. H. Pa;"'ish, wife, the former Faye Rigdon, resides w. C. Al\ins to, Son' tha .CoCfia McKinney, 15 ,Inman p�OVI?eS ; F'lhiS fourth of the fund �::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::==�, Mrs. Fred Kennedy Sr., Mrs. Dedrick Pvt. Wilson's mother, Mrs. B. P . ..treet. Mrs. Maude lIer Strickland, revol,vlllg !nsuran;:e of be on Waters and Wilbur Ca80n. ,Wilson. of E. B. I1er, Brooklet; Miss $100:000,000 hItherto. sh�II, Service on Jobl IWlth daugh:er the baSIS actual WIth One-Day Any Lucille Wltite Rt. 1, .statesboro, and .of app.hcatlons, (23auglt the remarnder under the . t' contlllurng MISS Rena M W0od S, d HUg!ht'er 0 ae.. old fystem. State Farm Wilham Woods, Mr. and IIIrs. Hardy I' '. S�atesboro. I�------�------Rt. 2, Stock up with C.k...... C-''-ha-rte-r-I-s-A-w-ar-d-e-d-T-o-! ·Insurance C05� District Optometrists The First District Society has re-, ANNOUNCES OPENlNG OF Day's the' ceived it.. charter as a unit of ATTENTION! ,.Labor Georgia Optomeric Association 'at the' August luncheon meeting held at the I co.ing� Forest Heil;ots Country Club here HomeOwners Officers in- I Sunday oflast week. I

were Dr. .Roger J. , "tailed Holland, ,Statesboro Office , Ir., Statesboro, president; Dr. Rober� C. Bailie, Waynesboro, vice-president, PERMA-STONE East Main Street , 39 and Dr. Guy S. Cole, Savannah, sec-, Dr.. Holland ..tary-treas'urer. and, Is Available to Home' Owners in Phone 520 Edward H. Smart ,were hosts to the district group. 1 Professional optometrists from six, st,atelboro and. Neighboring Towns .,Ities in tbe First District attended will hold PERMA-STONE is 0 'different color &he meeting., The society available in arrangements. WORLD'S LARGEST FULL COVERAGE next session in Vidalia on Sun­ Its Iilliminate your maintenance exp.mse; say 9th. "good-bye"'tO-pai'nting day, September md AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY repairing; say "hello" to a beautiful� everlasting 'Perma-Stone . Aged Automobiles Are, Home. Perma-Stone gives 100 p�r cent insulation against heat Exempt From Controls I 1nd cold. Perma-Stone is nation.t].]y advertised and carries a 20- Price controls have been removed. from all automobiles RlOre than 251 {eaF unconditional guarantee. Cln be installed over old or new years old the Savannah District Of: frame, concrete block, brick or stu �co Call or write and G. C. Slater fiee of Price Stabilization has an­ ,w�lls. today Modern Eve $49.95 announced. Such automobiles are ,receive free advice. fashionable and ferrtinine as a whiff of engineering . A suit as perfume II . LIFE FffiE lIold 8S antiques and a value far all wOl'sted curva­ �gent liaye' .... offered in supple gabardine. The in excess of the oldest models listed Mrs. H. W. Smith's Home I Tourist, has Perma-Stone on ceous hip-bone jacket accentuates its tiny waist with a books used h0!De. in automobile by' .. a that an guide perky peplum . ,above skirt tapers to easy OPS in setting ceilings on used cars. I flare. Pretty punctuation of six ornamental buttons ascend and , Few buy these cars, I . people to the wing-tipped collar. another sextet spices pointed ' cost of AT- they do not enter into the i pocket flaps. Ebony blaCK, .,.alnut brown, mist gray, ligJat PRICE ROLLBACK of the defense living, the cost -effort, I brown, ruby willll, flare red, air flight blue, £brest green, industrial OPS IDEAL SHOE 'SHOP or general costs, rrtid-night n_l!vy, or fllntasy violet. Sizes 7 to 17. ,THE pointed out. The action was contain� Savannah Perma-Stone Sales TO JUNE 1950' LEVEL. B�CK 1, ell in amentment 6 of general over- ALL PRICES ltOLLED 141'9 , • WATERS, AVE :: riding regulation 9, which adds an- PHON,E· 4�2192 Same Hla'b Quality Ma�er1a18 I The "IWIo"1o. ,.....,...... industrial ' tlque autos to tpe list of I< l .'1 'lJhe 's._ Higb QUality WorlulUu.blp .aterials and JRanut'aotured' geod" ex- � The .vanneali, - contr01... ' .. from ' LOSS e price ,_. ," YOUR G�IN plled �"" Ge�rgia.+ " OUR ?' �. .' _endment I. effective Immediatel,.. _ illI!I•••• -- ",. !!i II!I !III .: 1------���r"!�..,-��1""'--:--:'-���,...�""' .--J.4 " f ••• ..... THURSDAY, AUG. 23 , 1961 ------_. BULI,OCR TIMBS AND STATESBORO �W.t IIULLOCB TIIIBB AND STATIBBOaO .NBWI!

SENDS FAMILY HISTORY Independenf/ndian DENMARK NEWS STILSON NEWS REGISTER NOW FOR Nation WITH' CHOICE EARS CORN '!I Within ·U.S. Renders In Statesboro Housek,eeper .JimlllY Lo�t Motion)' witl will recall that a couple of ANTED--W�ite Art the }"I�A's for B week nl. cmup. weeks Telfai.r School De. Il(S'O this column , Is Still on the Job C. A. Zettel'ower visited Mr. Hnd acknowledged I .. .. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA the of four receipt long Cars of corn Churches Prefer WARREN. Pa. - as Mrs. Hugh Tarte ill Augusta lust ANNOUNCING THE settled to Strange II! �erson live. in 'home and take care f"olll friend' J. J. Woods of Garfleld �f REUBEN Instructor nutr sec!'1,. there is an Independent two GAMBRELL, natton wC;:I�:s. Tom Howard. of Stateaboro, The car Room within the United States. community. longest measur­ Statesboro chlldr�n. and board furnished and visited Mr. and Mrs.llnmnn Bulu dur- Baptist. $50.00 per CLASS�S IN OILS, WATER COLORS AND �"ery year t.he congress appro- cd ulmost exactly 12 inches, and ail APPOiNTMENT month. inJ.t the week. REV. GEO. LOVELL -Pastor. Write or phone MRS, prlates $6,000 (or were in red JR., PERRY SAULS 420 E. ALL OTHER MEDIA. .for treaty go?d� Little Niki Ansley spent 1\ f"Jw days ripened stage-too hard the Sencca Indian nation. This Item SUNDAY the week with MI'. nnd Mrs, SERVICES. for -- during table use. Last week bhis' same Liberty Street, LANDSCAPE PAINTING, STILL in the annual budget Is required 10 :00 a. m., Sunday sehool, �of TelejJhone44-185, Ga. LIFE, Harold Floyd. : Savannah, under the n long-time friend sent U8 a batch of a 11:15 a. AND forever, terms of trent Mr. nnd Mrs. Emeral Lanier spent m., Mornine worship. PORTRAITS FIGURE STUDY the Senecas dosen 01' more ears r.-. 6:45 m., Union. signed by and the last Sundny nt IotUest-s of M 1'S. Leslie dinner-table p. Training United States shor the Rev- 7 :30 p. m., First Quarter Opens September 24th. (Iy after Nesmith' At N·,,�ls. shupo-c-perfeet as to taste and text­ Evenine worship. BASCOM WILLIAMS clutlonary war. The same trenty �!I'. lind Mrs. W. W. Jones' Hil- Tuiti�n' Less $6 Before 16th. ".nd uru, With this last contribution we $46, AUlust settled other relatlonships between lie Jenn spent. the week end wlbh rel- Flnt Methodist Cburcla have bbrie.f Fee the two Ole in- ntlves in Savannah. th'J _family h_istory: -- Registration $10. countries. including --:iOHN·S. LOUGH. Pastor. --·of dependence of the Seneca nation. Mr. lind, Mrs H. H. Zettarcwer spent .. Gnrfield, Aug. 1951. Fer Information, Write M:RS. FRANCES ANDERSON with and Ga., 18, 10: . , Their territory covers, Monday Mrs. W. S. 15. Sunday School. roughly. la�t Just to let you ImOIV while I tnrry 708 East 38th Street, Savannah, Ga. the river for Mr,: 11:30. Morning worship: "Tile Word I A:llegheny valley s\)n�e our record: My father, James Jacks'on Williams & miles north of BI�I'��te�n�t ����.es��r�;nn 'Vaodward or Life." Grocery (9aug2tc) 3.5 the Pennsylvania Woods WRS born ill South Carolina �n's line. announce the birth o.r a SOil at the 11 :30. Children's church conducted May lit,. 181.4. He was past 95 when ' . Bulloch ounry Hospital. Rev: Bell. The Senecas are Indians, he out. mother was by Grover pure M 1'. passed My Anna iiiiiii- n�d Mrs, Harold Anderson of 8:00. Radio Evangelistic "The iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii� for the most par speaking their Bowen, seventy-five )!\3urs old', and I HOUI', Snvnnnnh, wei'. recent visitorso of �fr. own am the Eternal Purpose." language instead of English. nnd only boy of five children and . Mrs. F. H. Anderson. 0:00. Milthodist Youth FellowshIp have their own laws and are my mother's baby. J urn near They Miss Sylvia Anne Zettercwer- spent seventy- not nine y-aOI'S and in the hour. ANIANNOUNCEMENT' to the white man's ex- young living As our subject n (ow dn ys lust week as guests of Agent for the of Bills in same where I was born. Colleetl,on cept for seven major crimes. If M!S1Jes June and Janie Miller. yard My wife wus Thomus J, Hurt's Em4 PRESBYTERIAN CHUReR States ••• TO ••• they have disagrecments with their. Mr. and. Mrs, Dana Lester and daughter, bore, Georgia .. fn�n- ma Virginia Hart, is puR 78 years white take the mat- or MlOll"11, were recent VIS- a South Zetttcro....r Avenue neighbors. they !ly, Fta., still Our Friends itors of find very young, We raised six and Customers: ter to \Vashington, as any other Mr. and Mrs. Burne] Ford- EVERY SABBATH bQYS and every.... one hus' a of nation would. ham. I sister, .• which we are Sunday sehool, 10 :15 a. m. Please allow me to to Gecrge E. of ver; proud. My Cather express you my appreciation for Some U.S. cities built in Seneca Denne, 11 :90 'a. m, Ga!"O'Svllle, bought this farm OVl.!1' one hundred Morning worship, your continued taxes to their F'lu., week end with Mrs. patronage during my absence in the territory pay nation, s�ent th� ears ago, so r A-In to live Young People'. League, 6:00 p, .. Deane and children and Mrs. D. H. very proud One is a service of our Salamanca. N.Y .. in 010 Bulloch T. L. HARNSBERGER, PaA'.ot. country. . thriving Never found . Lanier. county. railroad II center WIth about 1 2 , 000 like "Home Mr. place ' Sweet Home Your D. H. Lanier spent a Cew days WI'· FHA Home Loans frIends.hlp anet your patronsge we hold u our the week d h'ld'" 'd The. Church Of I population.. during with her daughter, most valued asset I· assure - and The Seneca United States flv: �e:�- s:.:���hil���. �hc God_ you that we will al­ treaty Mrs. Gene Trapnell, and M,·. Trapnell 'H�p�e�1l Institute Street FHA receives more than token best goc he�lth here and TITLE 1 LOANS FOR ways conduct ciul'lltllves·and our attention. at Portal. tUllY hereafter. REPAIRS business in lIuch,. way REV. About 15 Respectfully BILLY HAMON, Past.., that we years ago United States MI'. and Mrs. Wendell Oliver and may jU.lltIy merit It. J . J . . Sunday school, 10 8. m. engineers proposed to build a flood' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zetterower vis- WOODS AND IMPROVEMENTS I. Morning 11 a. m. It Is to be back in Statesboro on dam across the main stem of the ited Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Zetterower worship, good and the job again. as Evangeli�tic meeting, 7 :30 p, m. You be sure that it will be our AlJe.gheny part of a project to Sunday afternoon.. nominating officers for the m�xt yenr, G. -I. LOANS may purpose to contin­ Mr. and M,·a. Wednesday prayer 7 :30 protect Pittsburgh. Earl and the hostess served 'refreshments. The meeting, ually s,trlve to the best our G'I1l� chi!: p. m, give you very service of However it would hnve flooded I dren, o� Savnnnah,.and MI. and Mrs. next meeting will be held S�ptembo3r CONVENTIONAL LOANS kind ,In this seetlon. M. E. GIlIn and at Saturday night Y.P.E., 7:30 m. a the Seneca nation sO funllly, of Stltlii'sbboro, 26th the home of' Mrs. S. W. Ster- p. segment'or "Voice o.f Pentecost" 1 'spent Sunday oC M,·. and broadcast .\ was never bUI·It . a� guests hnng. Come in and pay us a visit. Mrs. J. H. Ginn. •••• SHARE LOANS About hal( the Senecas . conUn�e Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Royals' DENMARK H.D. CLUB to worshIp 10 the mnnner of their guests I last Sunday we� Mr. and Mrs. J. PROMPT � ancestors. L.' The Denmark Home Demonstration SERVICE BY LOCAL J. SHIELDS And a near Mrs. PEOPLE. KENAN, �t long. hous.e Lam],; Ray Kitchens and son Club met at the club room 15 Q? (he Allegheny !'Iver, Ind,ans In cos- and Mr. August and Mrs. Harvey Royals and with Mrs. G. R. Waters, M,·s. Lester tume take part in ceremonial dances of I family, Savannah; Mr. and Mrs. \-Vaters and Mrs. Gibson \Vaters as SECRETARY KENAN'S PRINT SHOP seldom seen by white The L. Bl'own First persons. IE. and children, of Brooklet: hostcsses. The club 11'11 have their Federal & Loan Assn•. dances are Savings so old that no one Miss Edna today Parnell, oC Bis'hopville, S. picnic Saturday, August 25th, at the PHONE 103 remembers what the mo· and Mr. WANTED STATESBORO, GA,. various C., and Mrs. G. O. Brown, of Statesboro r�creation center. All �. lions mean. Stilson. � club members and Uheir families' nTC !I:lO . . . . � SIO, to c'ome Excellent pay and ___ and -======-__ bring bathing .- -, !dnvited

st. of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bry- mrng. T,he September meet,,�g wJ1\ be � , ant Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. B. C. all-day sessIon for textlb Five-day week. Nation I alit Drt.... Ma. ,�n pal�t- � Dubose, Reddie and Linda and theil' mg. br,ng a dIsh Ev.erybo�y co�er�d \- NEW N.Y. - son, [I'om theIr for � YORK, Gen, Dewitte, Oklahoma; �bbie :�nd eqUIpment pamtmlJ_._ D. of Apply Fi'nesf' R"yant, Mr. Dwight Eisenhower, rated and Mrs. _ .Savannah;. I FOR SALE Good sound corn and Ambulance Service one of tho W. and top military men of Stal'hng chIldren De- MISS SADIE ,�. of n�d hay. LEE, 214 Sa­ modem history, has been rated ,I Pemb"oko, and Garl Bry- Union Bag Employment ��rghn, vann� _ aven�, _phone73-R. (8jaugtf) the nation's best dressed man- -- • • • • FOR SALE-Scre.....n three Anywhere Time In or out of county, Office Any uniform. miles STARLING REUNION Sylvania, 244 acres, 150 cul- I' . The g�neral now In Paris tivated, best .grade flsh CI'eanlng' KILLS FLIES b,the THOUSAND! land", pond, RelatIves late Mr. Mrs. 102 E. Bay St., Savannah, Ga. top-"""" the National Associatio� .of th� !,nd deep well, new eight-room brick '. W. w,U hold house, . of and Stal'hnlJ their annual .ix-room Crame house Furnlsh- IS. aU in excellent , !'IetaI1 Cloth�ers reunion on Fastest· Guaranteel . ers .lamily Monday, Sept. 3rd, ... Service Money-back paU at conven- I�ondition; pri , ,3'0,000. JOSIAH �heIr anpulll at of the G. • hon. tb� home. .eldel' c�i1d, D. ZETTEROWER. � He receIved more first place Dmner I '(16augltp) Starhng. w,U conSist of par- -. votes than all other candi- . FOR SALE At ed d 17 BARNES FUNERAL HOME the. b-cue and plate lunch. AU the Prolect and dates for room hunti� FOR SALE-Elcar yourself family lodayl Keep' honors' combined. arc cO"diaUy invit>.d to attend.kino! and flsh'i:. rad�' for: house trailer, 28- Be,t Price EIsenhower . ,merly known �s ft. long, tand·.m flie. from the with Ihi. oul­ chosen for hiS • • • • Roscoe's�located on wheels, bath rOom away hou,e Day Phone Phon�