The Oxyrhynchus Papyri
LIBRARY Brigham Young University St^'- Ace. >5 No. ^y THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART XI GRENFELL AND HUNT EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND GRAECO-ROMAN BRANCH THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI PART XI EDITED WITH TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES BY BERNARD P. GRENFELL, D.Litt. FELLOW OF queen's COLLEGE, OXFORD; FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY ARTHUR S. HUNT, D.Litt. PROFESSOR OF PAPYROLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, AND FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE FELLOW OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY WITH SEVEN PLATES LONDON SOLD AT The Offices of the EGYPT EXPLORATION FUND, 37 Great Russell Street, W.C. AND 527 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., 68-74 Carter Lane, E.C. BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. ASHER 8c CO., 14 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, W.C. C. F. CLAY, Fetter Lane, E.C, and 100 Princes Street, Edinburgh ; and HUMPHREY MILFORD, Amen Corner, E.C., and 29-35 West 32ND Street, New York, U.S.A. 1915 All rights reserved BRIGHAM YOUK'G UNIVERSITY LIBRARY fiBQVA UTAH PRINTED IN ENGLAND AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE The present volume, like Part V, consists of literary pieces, with the exception of the Calendar of Church Services at Oxyrhynchus (1357), which on account of its special interest is included with the theological texts. The papyri of Antiphon Sophistes (1384) and Thucydides (1376) belong to the first of the large literary finds in 1906, the lyric pieces and one of the Hesiod fragments (1359) to the second, of which much still remains to be published. The invocation of I sis (1380) and praise of Imouthes-Asclepius (1381) were found in 1903, the Byzantine classical pieces in 1897, ^^e rest chiefly in 1905-6.
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