SATURDAY/SUNDAY October 13-14, 2018

No. 096



Life beyond chronic illness TK  ;,%8Ă7-2-8 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

Stay positive s I write this, chat is rife online and within social circles of the suspected suicide of a senior manager of one of the Aleading audit firms in the country, Pricewater- houseCoopers, who reportedly jumped from the 17th floor of the organisation’s offices. This week, the world marked Men- tal Health Day, and according to reports released, majority of suicide cases in the country are as a result of stress and de- pression. Where I’m I getting to with this? Attitude. If there is a quality to be admired in people, it is their attitude towards ad- versity, which eventually plays a big role in whether they’ll be weighed down by challenges or cope. While not everyone is easily able to adopt an upbeat outlook when tragedy strikes, it really is awesome that some can. One of them is our main 9RGSVOIH feature this week, a young woman living It’s all about positively with rheumatoid arthritis. As colourful you will tell from her story, it is not the cocktails TK easiest of conditions to live with. Being in at Moran severe pain persistently must be tough, Lounge, Matilda but her attitude towards it all will make Nanyuki. [email protected] you fall in love with her soul.

Happy reading.

*EWLMSR It is breast cancer awareness TK month and we are crushing on pink!

8VIRHMROI Brown Mauzo now 0MXXPIWXEV turns his ‘hunt’ for love on TZ’s Wema TK All about Sepetu. the girl who did a TK rendition of the famous Kenyan pa- triotic song Who exact- Wimbo Wa ly is a food Historia. stylist and what’s their role? TK -RXLIOMXGLIR Wik ndi

Published by Mediamax Network Limited CEO: Ian Fernandes Group Editor-in-Chief: Peter Opondo Quality-Training Editor: Chris Odweso Features Editor: Pocyline Karani Editor: Matilda Nzioki Sub-editor: Elly Gitau Business Editor: William Gitonga Sports Editor: James Waindi Revise Editors: Mukalo Kwayera, Stephen Mburu, Patrick Wachira Photographic Editor: Hudson Wainaina Creative Design & Concept: Elvis Indakwa Designer: Irene Gathiru Sit-in Designer: Patrick Okuna Sports Designer: Alice Nyanjao Contributors: Evelyn Makena, Manuel Ntoyai, Betty Muindi, Faith Kyoumukama, Wambui Virginia, Chebet Korir, Stephen Mbuthi, Sandra Wekesa, Milliam Murigi, Grace Wachira, Perpetua Adoyo, Njeri Maina, Marcella Akinyi, Harriet James Photography: Eustace Maina, John Ochieng Illustration: Tum 3 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 6392(94

Obado to spend two ]IEVSPH more weeks KMZIW3(1FMK WGEVIMR1MKSVM Ochillo Ayacko won the in remand Migori senate by-election on Monday. But it was not igori Governor Yesterday, the governor made a a walk in the park for him Okoth Obado fresh application for bail saying he and his party as one would and his two suffers from severe back problem have expected. Ayacko’s aides will re- known as Nerve Compression Disc challenger, 27-year-old main longer in lesion on the lumber spine which Eddy Okech of Federal Mremand after started in 2013. He said the condi- Party of , gave him a the High Court tion had worsened since he was run for his money by gar- on Friday set their bail ruling for remanded. nering 60,555 votes (40.9 October 24. Through his lawyers Nicholas per cent) compared to Ay- That means the governor, his Ombija, Rogers Sagana and Cliff acko’s 85,234 votes (57.7 personal assistant Michael Oyamo Ombeta, the governor urged the per cent). and Caspal Obiero, a clerk at the court to adopt the previous admis- Migori county government, who sion on bail application. have been charged with the mur- Ombija argued that Obado was der of Rongo University student arrested due to public pressure Sharon Otieno, will spend another and his detention had caused him, two weeks at the Industrial Area his family and the people of Migori remand awaiting the ruling. county, a lot of suffering. Justice Jessie Lessit set the date The lawyer said Obado is not a after hearing from both parties on flight risks. the defence’s application for bail. “Fundamental cause of bail is to The governor, who was charged secure attendance in court. The ā&I&IWXĂERH last month with the murder of accused is not a flight risk as he ā&I]SRH>IVSĂ Sharon and her unborn baby, has is the governor of Migori County,” been at Industrial Area Remand Ombija argued. NSMRJSVGIW Prison since September 21. But the prosecution led by Ja- When Kenyan and US He was denied bail on Septem- cob Ondari and Alexander Muteti First Ladies Margaret Ke- ber 27 by the same judge, saying opposed the application arguing nyatta and Melania Trump the Prosecution was yet to supply that bail was not an absolute right. respectively met in all the parties with witness state- Ondari told Justice Lessit that last week, a new chapter in ments and evidence. the seriousness of the offence and the advocacy for maternal Lessit had ruled that only after the possibility of witness interfer- Migori Governor Okoth Obado (left) with his lead lawyer Cliff Ombeta at health and education for the committal bundles had been ence was a consideration for de- Milimani Law Courts during the bail application hearing on Friday. PHOTO: children was opened. Their supplied would the court make its nial of bail. CHARLES MATHAI two initiatives ‘Beyond decision on the bail application. —Bernice Mbugua Zero’ and ‘Be Best’ also came together as partners to lend a helping had to the vulnerable. Do more to protect elephants, says First Lady irst Lady Margaret Kenyatta has joined life trade. African presidents and British royals “Kenya commits to strengthen law enforce- Fto advocate for the protection of el- ment at key ports of entry and exit to check for ephants. any illegal trafficking of trophies through the Speaking in London at an inaugural meeting country and apprehend any offenders perpe- of Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI) chaired by trating this crime,” the First Lady outlined. President Ali Bongo of Gabon and addressed She added: “Kenya is committed to enhance by President Mokgweetsi Masisi (Botswana) inter-agency cross border collaboration in ille- and Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, the gal wildlife trade at all points of entry and exits 4EXXRMPSWIW First Lady called on more African countries to for concerted efforts in fighting illegal trade in support the initiative in its concerted efforts to wildlife trophies.” GSYVXFEXXPI safeguard African elephants. The First Lady informed the meeting that over JSV7LFMPPMSR Mrs Kenyatta, who is also the patron of the the past four years, Kenya has witnessed re- “Hands Off Our Elephants” initiative, a Kenyan markable milestones in conservation efforts. Kamlesh Pattni, the anti-poaching campaign, said Kenya has since “We have recorded a notable decline in owner of the once famous 2015 been a supportive member of EPI which has poaching, largely due to adherence to interna- World Duty Free shops with a current membership of 19 African countries. tiona policy agreements to save the elephant,” exclusive rights to operate “Kenya’s rich natural assets are extremely vital she said. business in Kenya’s lead- for our citizens’ livelihoods, economic growth She also assured of Kenya’s commitment to ing airports namely JKIA, Moi Airport, Mombasa and and pursuit for sustainable development,” she First Lady Margaret Kenyatta (right) with support the National Elephant Action Plans Kisumu Airport, this week said. Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, (left) (NEAPs) platform to mobilise resources for the lost the Sh9.4 billion award The First Lady, who is the leader of the Kenyan and Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, at the implementation of sound conservation efforts he had been awarded by an delegation at the IWT London global confer- St. James Palace ahead of the official opening that would ensure local communities experi- arbitrator in a suit against ence, had earlier outlined two of Kenya’s eight of the fourth London Conference on Illegal ence economic gain from wildlife conservation. KAA in 2010. pledges geared towards combating illegal wild- Wildlife Trade. PHOTO: PSCU —PSCU 4 %2.0))Ă71-6%'0))4-'03:)7836=%68,6-8-7;%66-36 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

Before the weight loss. Excruciating SOME KNOW HER AS y medical journey started severe, and I was scheduled for an magnetic two years ago, March 3, resonance imaging (MRI). The results came THE ONLY SIBLING 2016. But, allow me to take back normal. I moved to a second doctor, who you back to two years prior thought it was just a muscle sprain. I was given TO POPULAR to that, in early 2014. I was painkillers and more rest. In a span of two weeks, ENTERTAINER DJ Mliving an unhealthy lifestyle a 10-minute sit-down resulted in my left leg going in terms of diet, taking a lot numb, severe pain, as well as pins and needles CRÈME DE LA CRÈME, of junk. I never realised I was gaining weight, (paresthesia). I moved again to a fourth doctor, and I hit a whooping 98kg. I was very comfort- who also looked at my X-ray and MRI, and every- OTHERS, ESPECIALLY able. In fact, I never saw anything big, until one thing was normal. day, during the company Annual Health Week, HER THOUSANDS medical examinations cautioned me against NUMB LEGS my weight. I made a decision that come Au- Easter holidays, 2016, came, and I travelled OF FOLLOWERS gust 2014, I would work on my weight. I am home to Kericho via a flight to Kisumu. During the the kind of person who once their mind is set 85km journey from Kisumu to Kericho, my dad ON SOCIAL MEDIA, to something, it has to be done. I was fortunate had to stop more than four times, so that I could AS A RHEUMATOID enough that we had gym at work, and every stretch, as my leg was numb. I saw the fifth ortho- day at 12.30pm, I would go to work out. I did a pedic surgeon, who did a CT scan, and it revealed ARTHRITIS WARRIOR. minimum of three days a week. I substituted my I was okay. I was put on Valium to relax my mus- lunchtime with working out. I fell in love with the cles and back pain, and the surgeon said there AS THE WORLD gym, especially when I started noticing some was an issue between the spinal discs L5 and S1, weight loss. I combined that with healthy eat- which was affecting my nerves. End of April, the MARKED WORLD ing, and I became that salad girl. I would finish nerve pain had moved to the right side, so both working out, grab my chicken vegetable salad legs kept alternating. At this point, we knew as a ARTHRITIS DAY and eat at my desk. family that things were escalating quickly. ON FRIDAY, WE I managed to shed 25kg within no time, and We contacted a neurosurgeon based in Eldo- weighed 73 kg. But, one thing I noticed was ret, and I was scheduled for another MRI scan. GOT A MOVING anytime my trainer asked me to do two sets of We left Kericho knowing it was just a doctor’s ap- sit-ups, at the last ten, my back would ache ter- pointment, and we would be back home in the ACCOUNT FROM ribly, as I was also squatting with heavy weights, evening. Shock on me, as the 45-minute MRI was and eventually this put so much pressure on my being performed, I became numb from my waist 32-YEAR-OLD MARY back. downwards. I had severe back pain, I couldn’t even stand up after the scan was completed. I MURUGI, A PROJECT THE GENESIS had to be assisted, and I knew something seri- COORDINATOR IN THE On March 3, 2016, I went to the gym as usual, ous was going on. Finally, it revealed I had a disc began with the StairMaster power machine and bulge that was pressing on my sciatic nerve. It is TELECOMMUNICATION did 87 floors. Immediately after, I felt a sharp the largest and longest nerve, from the sides of pain on the left side. I attempted to squat but the spine to the legs. The doctor said they had INDUSTRY, ON HER that was very tough also. I gave up and knew it to admit me, so that I could get a spinal epidur- was probably just a muscle sprain. So, I went al. He suggested that this would relax my back EXPERIENCE LIVING about my afternoon work, but the pain was too muscles, and the disc would move back into the much. I went to the in-house clinic and got some spine, reducing the compression of the nerves. I WITH THE CHRONIC muscle relaxants, as well as three days bed rest tried begging against it, as I never thought in my ILLNESS AND recommendation. Little did I know, three days wildest dreams, I would be admitted in Eldoret. would turn into six months. The sequence of But, I had to be left behind. It felt like I was be- BATTLING CONSTANT events that followed left me and my family con- ing left in boarding school. That evening, I had fused, with a lot of questions. the epidural, thinking after 24 hours, I would be AGONIZING PAIN After three days of rest, the pain was more pain-free. I woke up and I couldn’t feel my lower limbs. Day three, I couldn’t leave my bed; severe right hip pain, down to the buttocks and to the toes. I was in tears, scared, wondering what my life had turned into. From a very active girl to be- ing unable to move a leg. The doctors suspected another condition called sacroiliitis, and the only way was to get a sacroiliac injection, again, in the theatre. I was mentally prepared for it, as it is a very painful injection. The sacral joint supports 5 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 %68,6-8-7;%66-36)4-'03:)7836= %2.0))Ă71-6%'0) %2.0))Ă71-6%'0)

During a chiropractic session.

With her brother DJ Crème. pain is my normal

the buttocks and pelvic region. I felt better and was combining with chiropractor. Premier Well- decision, but they say nothing good comes easy. things started looking up. Being away from ness helped me with the rehabilitation. Though I expected a three-month recovery period, and I Kericho, the distance never stopped my family extremely painful, from the third session, I was would ease back to work. My back pains reduced, from visiting every two days. I was hospitalised able to climb stairs. I also had my first acupunc- my nerve pain became almost history. My God, for 16 days. The final diagnosis was disc bulge ture with 37 needles, as my muscles were so Mary wasn’t ready for the greatest battle that was and sacroiliitis. I left feeling better, with tons of tensed up. I did a total of 14 sessions, which in- just two months ahead of her. medication and physiotherapy prescription, cluded cupping, acupuncture and kinesiology Late October 2017, my back pains came back. and I knew I would be okay. If only I knew the taping. Anything to take the pain away. I returned Louder. Severe joint pain started, knee pains, fin- battle that lay ahead. to work and slowly built up from working four gers, ankles… We thought it was the cold in Keri- I was on bed rest for three months and I re- hours to the normal eight hours. Unfortunately, cho. All these years I knew cold affected me, and turned to Nairobi, ready to recover and go back I suffered a relapse shortly after, after lifting my I’d keep warm and be fine. But this time! How do to work. I had started physiotherapy, which, I niece, and I returned to Eldoret for admission. you wear two pairs of socks, and your feet are fro- This time, for nerve root compression. I was giv- zen as ice and white as snow? Something wasn’t en the most painful injection I have ever experi- adding up. I came for my post operation review in enced. It’s a steroid shot done at the base of the Mombasa and I couldn’t even sit down at the doc- spine. It gave me pain relief for months. tor’s office. My buttocks were in pain, my back In October 2016, I relocated to Mombasa. I killing me, and my feet cold – in the Mombasa 28 still had back pains, but manageable. I had got- degrees Celcius heat. Tests were ordered, full au- ten used to living with pain. I was managing it With mum and toimmune profile, to rule out any immune system with tons of medication. I knew I had to get an dad, Mr and Mrs issue. Anything that could unravel this mystery. orthopedic doctor by the time I landed in Mom- Njuguna. The joints started swelling, fingers turning red basa. The weather was favourable to my health. and warm and my ankles too. The tests would Little did I know, it was short-lived. I got my 10th take two weeks. It was the longest weeks, wait- doctor, and things started escalating yet again. In ing for an answer. early 2017, the symptoms came back with a bang. The two The nerve attacks would be frequent, anywhere, screws LIGHT-BULB MOMENT holding two any place. I’d feel like I’m being electrocuted from At that point I’m wondering, what is going the waist downwards. Morphine and pethidine spinal discs for back stability. on? Why am I not getting better? As we waited shots became the norm, but nothing was helping for the tests, one fine Saturday, my mother with the pain. randomly asked me, “Murugi, what if this back problem isn’t just a gym injury? What if it’s the is- MAJOR DECISION sue you used to have as a child where the cold One day, as I was going about my work of fiber would make your joints ache?” At that moment I installation, an old campus mate suggested I see screamt, “OMG mum! What if this is related?” It her father, who is an orthopedic surgeon, old in was like a light bulb moment. I felt like I was in a the profession, and he might just help. I had given movie theatre watching an old classical movie. up seeing another doctor. Repeating the same My back injury happened and we all focused on story to 12 doctors and getting different opin- it. That day, we went down memory lane with my ions was a bit tiring. My body had conditioned to mum. She reminded me how since I was a child, pain, and life just was about to change a notch ages four, five and six, I would get spiking fevers higher. The 12th doctor read my MRI differently, rushed to hospital by a security guard. That was with no explanation. Chest issues and colds were and right away, said we had to save that nerve, the day I made up my mind. I was going to get the order of the day. I used to have boils almost and surgery was the only option. I froze. Spine that surgery. Many warned me, advising me to every two months up until campus. In Class surgery. No way! My mind raced to all the scary go abroad, but I soldiered on. Four, I went to Nyahururu to study and the cold stories I had heard, and I was willing to stay how I As a family, we settled for September 7, 2017. was too much. My fingers would swell in July and was. If I didn’t do the surgery, the nerve could be My orthopedic surgeon explained the spine we would call it ‘sausage fingers’. In Class Five, I permanently damaged, the doctor said. He intro- surgery would be a unique one. It woud be done had pain on my knee and hip, and running cross duced me to my current orthopedic surgeon, the from the front. They accessed my spine from my country was a problem, so I was exempted. I was She has been going through 13th doctor, who gave me a reason to smile again, lower abdomen, a procedure known as Anterior on a special diet that also included calcium. In monthly admissions, and strives with almost 60 per cent back pain gone, as well Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF). The herniated Class Six, my eyesight went from normal to -2. As to maintain a positive attitude as nerve pain. disc was to be replaced with bone graft and of today, I’m at -6.75. I was that girl with all sorts But before the surgery, I found excuse after fused together with a titanium peek cage. The of special letters. I would complain of cold in the through it all. excuse, work commitment, important family fusion occurred at the discs L5 and S1. The sur- joints and in Class Eight, I did a Rhesus factor test engagement, election uncertainty… then one gery was a big success and I came home in Keri- to test for Arthritis, but everything was negative. I incident happened while I was at the supermar- cho to recover, but it was tough. There were hard started taking my first anti-inflammatory in ket shopping. My nerve went crazy and I was days; days I was wondering if I made the right Class >>> 4 %2.0))Ă71-6%'0))4-'03:)7836=%68,6-8-7;%66-36 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi She takes 15 pills a day. Daddy’s girl.

I’m never sure what next. One symptom of RA is fatigue; my muscles ache and it’s not the normal tired. Hence, rest is more than impor- tant. I ensure I sleep eight hours, and on bad days, I do even 15 hours. Not all days are easy. I have extremely bad days, when I cannot even The self auto- pray, I cannot leave my bed, I shower seated, injector pen. as pain engulfs me. An invisible pain. It is hard to explain when you just look okay and smil- ing. I still do physiotherapy, having done over 100 sessions in a span of two years. I avoid long distance travel. I ensure I swim thrice a week to stretch my muscles. Since fatigue is automatic, I try to get regular hot stone mas- Seven, to relieve pain. In high school, my knee sages and soak in a jacuzzi. Anything for my would disturb me, and I had a knee support. I did painful muscles. I had to change my diet to another Rhesus and autoimmune tests, and as include healthy meals and foods that have usual, negative. All through my life, I knew I was anti-inflammatory properties. I take a lot of allergic to the cold, as my joints would ache. ginger, garlic, and turmeric, eat less gluten, The D-day of the tests results came, and be- wheat, red meat, and more white meat. I take fore we discussed further, I told my doctor all this vegetables and fruits in plenty, especially ber- information I totally had no clue could be in rela- ries and pineapples tion. Yet again, all tests came out negative. Reac- tive markers, negative. But here is a girl in severe FINDING MY PURPOSE back pain, swelling, fatigue, and cannot even go For any chronic patient going through such down the stairs without her knees popping some %8%+0%2') a time, one needs a strong support system. I am thankful to God I have the best support loud sounds. This is when he explained that from Mary was born in Nyahururu in 1986. The system. My life completely changed after the my history symptoms, I am a seronegative rheu- family relocated to Kericho in 1988, where, diagnosis. I lost many friends; I was no longer matoid patient. That rheumatoid arthritis (RA) together with her brother, popular entertain- the partying out going girl. Half the time we was there from the word go, hence the many er DJ Crème de la Crème, she was raised. She plan something with a friend, and my symp- sickness episodes I had as a kid. But, it was silent went to Eland Primary School until 1995, then pen, meaning I get to inject myself. This requires toms hit. On my own birthday, I cancelled all for 30 years and boom! November 2017, the ag- transferred to a boarding school in Nyahururu, bravery. It gives me so much pain relief, but it’s so of a sudden. Many people will not understand gressive disease struck. Busara Forest View Academy. She later joined costly, ranging from Sh114,000-800,000, hence how someone who looks okay, is ever cancel- joined St Georges Secondary School in Nai- DIAGNOSIS access is an issue. The tablets are likewise very ling plans, ever indoors. That’s the thing with robi till 2004, and proceeded to Daystar Uni- The cause of RA and what triggers it is un- expensive. I go for my reviews every month, as RA. It is unpredictable like the weather. I am versity in 2005 to pursue a Bachelor of Arts known. I sat in his office, first not shocked as I some inflammation markers are traced. Check- thankful for my employer, who has walked degree in Public Relations and Marketing. knew I had issues with the cold and thanks to Dr ing for any infection is mandatory when on bio- with me every step of the way. I have never She is currently a project coordinator in the Google, I knew arthritis. Now what didn’t hit me logics. Currently my treatment involves; medica- felt alone. My colleagues cheer me on and telecommunication industry, handling fixed then was I didn’t know there are actually many tion to suppress the immune system by binding support me 100 per cent on my bad days. My data enterprise projects. She’s also pursuing forms of arthritis. Over 100 types, and mine the excess proteins (Simponi), disease modifying friends and above all, my family, have been her masters in Corporate Communication at was just among the many. It was broken down anti-rheumatic drug, anti-inflammatory, nerve nothing but the best. I always know on my Daystar University. to spondyloarthritis (inflammation of the spine medication, painkiller, gas inhibitor, as well as bad days, there are people who hold me up in She aspires to write a book on her personal and pelvic joints). This explained the never end- multivitamins – Vitamin D3, Calcium and Omega prayer, and are ready to assist. I was on medi- journey and living with rheumatoid arthritis, ing back ache. So, I know when my symptoms 3. I go in every month for admission, so that test- cal leave for nine months and a month after start a YouTube channel to walk with other are about to start, it starts with my back. People ing is done before administering biologics ther- my first biologic shot, I went back to work. It mistake osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. people interested to know what the condition apy. If one has an infection, they cannot get the was the best day of my life. We take waking up Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear of the cartilage is all about, as well as start a foundation that drug. The drug being powerful, my side effects and going to work for granted, until you are and largely affects the old. Osteoarthritis is not supports patients battling chronic/ connec- are to be monitored. From my blood pressure bed ridden, wondering when will you just get autoimmune (immune system errors). In rheuma- tive tissue diseases in the Coastal Region. going up, excessive sweating, severe fatigue, out of the house. toid arthritis, the body’s immune system attacks She is single, and her favourite pastimes are migraines, nausea and fever. After the injection, Life handed me this plate, but at the end of its own tissue, including joints. In severe cases, cooking, swimming, collecting books, read- I’m almost pain-free the whole month. the day, we make a choice whether to be bitter it attacks internal organs. RA affects joint linings, ing and sampling various spas in Nairobi and or be better, and have a positive mindset. De- causing painful swelling. Over long periods of Mombasa. TREATMENT spite monthly admissions and taking 15 pills time, the inflammation associated with RA can My doctors say my RA is very selective. Every a day, I choose happiness and hope. To keep cause bone erosion and joint deformity. While woken up, he hadn’t started destruction. In less month before my shot, it attacks a spot. From fighting. It’s a constant battle, but God never there’s no cure for RA, physiotherapy and medi- than four months, my own system couldn’t differ- nerves supplying power to the leg, making it ex- gives us what we can’t handle. I have a thank- cation can help slow the disease’s progression. entiate a simple press, manipulation or cracking tremely weak I have to drag it on the floor, to my ful heart that despite all these, I am receiving Most cases can be managed with a class of medi- of fingers. It was mistaking it for an injury. I was hands going numb. Just because the body needs the best treatment. God has been faithful, cations called anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDS). now using Oxycodone for pain as it was too much. an injection. And immediately 24 hours after were it not for Him, I’d not get this far. He gives I was immediately was placed on conventional The RA was moving to my muscles, causing swell- that, I’m usually like a new person. No pain. The me peace that surpasses all understanding. treatment. This was the beginning of a life chang- ing when pressed. A simple application of Fastum downside of this treatment that suppresses the Going through this journey, I discovered a ing moment. From a back injury, to surgery and gel on my shoulder resulted in the shoulder look- immunity is that one is prone to infections and unique character about myself; resilience. A now to an incurable disease. I never questioned ing like a golf ball in a matter of seconds. It is the unable to fight colds. My immunity goes to as low resilient person won’t give up. Murugi won’t God why me? Because who else? This is some- worst kind of pain that I’d not wish on anyone. Pain as 3, and I have to be in isolation after the injec- just give up. When I started this two years ago, thing no one deserves at all. I was in some type that made lifting my hand to comb the hair impos- tion, because a mere cold, I cannot fight. So, after I was weak, but now, I have a purpose. This of shock, everything was happening so fast, and sible. Immediately, the next few days, I arranged my discharge, I keep to myself. No malls, no ho- pain has encouraged so many, strengthens, it hit me later on. The treatment wasn’t easy. To to go see a rheumatologist in Nairobi. A decision tels, no eating out, no supermarkets, no visitors. I and gives hope to those who have given up. control RA, immunosuppressant are used, to was made that I had failed on the first and second stay alone, eating fresh food, as I build immunity. Day by day, more and more people reach out suppress the immune system completely. One conventional treatment for RA, and now, I was to I am managing almost 25 days minimal pain. for support on various issues. I want my story of the medication used is low dose chemother- move to the last resort – biologics therapy. The Simponi is giving me relief, but every aspect to put hope to that one person who has given apy. I would take my weekly Methotrexate dose aggressiveness of the disease needed to be con- of my life changed. I’m no longer able to perform up, to that one person who thinks life has end- on Tuesday, and the side effects were nasty. Hair trolled and and I started on Golimumab, Simponi, strenuous tasks. Any small strain can be a trig- ed, because of a traumatic event. It hasn’t. You loss, teeth breaking, skin lightening and skin re- 50mg. Biologics are the latest type of biotechnol- ger. I have to be very alert as the first month on possess the power to rise from the ashes. Pain action among others. I would feel better for three ogy drugs engineered in the lab using live organ- Simponi, I had a scare where my temperature changes you. But for Murugi, it moulded her. days and pain comes back again. isms. I started on biologics in April 2018, and the dropped to 33 degrees Celcius. I now listen to my It birthed a purpose. In this pain, I have found My battle had just begun. The monster had just injection is done monthly. It is a self auto-injector body. I walk with a thermometer in my handbag. my purpose. SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 7  92'36/)( SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

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8,)6)(;-8', ,-+,&%00 '3'/8%-0 '3'/8%-0 As much as the name The usual reaction screams ‘spooky’, this is when you take neat one drink that is likely to vodka or whiskey? get you as high as a kite. Face retching, The drink has a bitter sweet teary eyes and even taste, more of a tangy taste wincing. However because of the ricard and with chaser? Nothing. the cider, so it is a bit high on This is a simple drink the alcohol content and has that will actually a tendency to get you wild. knock your socks off. The drink is composed of It has two shots of shots of ricard, half a glass whiskey mixed with of apple cider and a shot of soda water, so best black currant cordial. The to take it slow lest the drink is best served chilled. floor turn to lava.

ocktails are fun, and they Care all about colour and creativity and how they can actually .92+0).9-') 1%8%(36 spice up an evening. At the Moran '3'/8%-0 '3'/8%-0 Lounge, in Nanyuki, it’s no It’s a vodka drink mixed The matador is a different as I tried out their with rum and topped off combination of three creative displays. with the fruity flavours of popular ingredients; cranberry or limejuice. It is a tequila, pineapple burst of sweetness and you and lime juice and the enjoy every drop trickling tipple is served on the along your taste buds. I rocks. However there was a bit apprehensive at is something about first, but after giving in to tequila that doesn’t the promise that I wouldn’t work for me. It has a be disappointed, I was unique and lingering Conscious pleasantly surprised. after taste and you As soon as it hits the back of can actually ‘speak your throat, there’s a strong fire’ from its burning vodka and rum sensation sensation. cocktails that that lights up your mouth, down the throat and even a little up your nose. It’s dangerously delightful.

,%44=,396 &=*%-8,/=3919/%1% 2);7%0)68

*32(% If you love Mexican 96&%2 Luxury cuisine then champagne )%8)6= house, Moet & you’ll love Fonda Why not end Chadon, has restaurant at your week collaborated Rosslyn Riviera with a drinking with creative Mall. But apart spree at the visionary from the food, Urban Eatery. Virgil Abloh to there is a happy They have release a limited hour every specially collection of Tuesday through selected Happy Nectar Imperial to Friday running Hour cocktails Rose which from 5 to 6:30 pm every Friday features an all dubbed mojito from 4-7pm. transparent hour. You can buy Cocktails range handcrafted 1 Mojito going for from Sh1000 to bottle. Sh700 and get the Sh1500. other free.  SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi OI BY MANUEL NTOYAI MR

fter his frenzy relationships XVIRH that started with Akothee, singer Brown AMauzo has called it quits when it comes to relationships if he won’t get Wema Sepetu. Mauzo who is said to have exiled himself to TZ for more than a year after allegedly impregnating his manager’s wife, is ready to risk it all with the Tanzanian actress. “I know I have not been lucky when it comes to relationships, but I believe if she gives me the chance, I will prove the naysayers wrong. I love Wema and that is not a secret. My latest song Killing Me is dedicated to her. If things don’t work out for us, then I am ready to remain a bachelor until the very end,” he told PD Wikendi. Mauzo, who was signed by

Mauzo TZ’s superstar Ali Kiba, stated that he is planning to unveil his management as well as release his forthcoming

Brown album, which he says will surprise his fans. Eyeing Sepetu

Trending Picture Trending Video Trending Tweet /LEFMF[MRW /YTI'LEPPIRKI /LEPMGSRUYIVW%JVMGE Russian fighter Khabib If you are an avid Nurmagomedov stunned the social media user It was a good world during his fight with you must have day at the 2018 Irish boxer Conor McGregor, come across African Muzik when he caused chaos, the hashtag Magazine Awards after jumping the octagon #KupeChallenge. (AFRIMMA) fence and fighting his rival’s This went viral with Khaligraph team. Khabib, immediately courtesy of four Jones and Papa went viral with fears that French guys who Dennis scooping the Ultimate Fighting had our ladies the Best Rap and Championship authorities drooling on the Gospel Acts in might ban him. Khabib who screens. Obviously, the continent. won after McGregor tapped it wouldn’t end Khaligraph out saw him receive mixed without the men fought off stiff reactions from the sports getting a fair one, as we have seen competition world. about my country, talked about my more videos with from continental Nurmagomedov apologised father.” However, the Dagastani heavyweights following the incident but eye candy ladies received a hero’s welcome when doing their thing on such as Olamide, cited pre-fight comments he landed in Russia with President Phyno, Sarkodie, in which McGregor “talked the challenge. Vladmir Putin amongst those who What people might Casper Nyovest, about my religion, talked congratulated and welcomed him. Nasty C among not understand others. is that the dance The event, which started in Ghana, happened in and the song was Dallas, Texas in done by Ghanaian USA, saw Eddy artiste A-Star Kenzo beat Ali and the video Kiba and Diamond choreographer Platnumz, to scoop and artiste the East African Michael Amofa Artiste of The Year popularly known award. as Zigi started the challenge before the rest of us got wind of it.  2);7&-8),%2+398 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

1%6/8,)(%8) &=4)64)89%%(3=3 %68-28,) .%1&3 4%6/ Art and the outdoors, if you are /90896) a lover of both, then this is the Verb House presents the sec- event for you. The theme of art to ond edition of this event that be drawn or painted is an abstract brings together authentic lovers piece, Mama Africa. There will be of music and musicians. A place a picnic afterwards accompanied where you can listen and interact with artsy conversations. The with musicians as they give their event will happen this Saturday, live performances accompanied October 13 at the Karura Forest with drinks and traditional food. from 1:30pm to 6pm. Entry is Make your way to the Blues, Bar- Sh2,500. clays Plaza this Saturday, Octo- ber 13. On stage will be Halisi the Band, Ian Msanii, Harry Kimani, Khandasi, DJ Kelv and Rimi Kairo. Damages: Sh400 in advance and Sh500 at the gate. Event starts 6pm till late.

*%*% 1%6/)8 If you want ‘Made in Kenya’ products and that includes fash- ion apparels, arts and crafts, beauty or home ware, then Fafa Market has got you covered. The event will be going down this Sat- urday, October 13 at the Tokyo BECAUSE YOU Restaurant in Lavington, Nairob. Afterwards there will be a sushi masterclass. The event will run from 12pm to 6pm. Entry is free. SAID SO comedy group with the best improv skills in the market is back with the sensational Because You Said So offering. The Kenya’s premiere improv comedy showwill be staged this Saturday, October 13 at the Car- nivore Restaurant from 4pm to 12am. The delivery will be from the group that consists industry veterans such as Patricia Kihoro, Mugambi Nthiga, June Gachui and Yafesi Musoke. You can team with a gang of Afriends or family for a night of laughter. Entry: Sh1,800 (singles) and Sh3,000 for couples. 2+%2=% 0)+)2(7 63%(86-4 The hottest matatus are cele- brating their 8th anniversary with a road trip to Lake Nakuru this Sat- urday, October 13. Join in and cel- ebrate the matatu culture and get to meet and see the hottest mata- tus, as you also savour the best Na- kuru has to offer in terms of nature. Charges are Sh1,500.

/90%/90%*)78-:%0 The Kula Kula Festival brings together restaurants, artisans, food crafts, wines, caterers, mixologists and liquor brands. All participating restaurants and caterers will be serving taster size plates of their food enabling you to taste food from different restaurants. The free-to-enter event will go down at the Wanderjoy Grounds along Kiambu Road this Saturday, October 13 from 10am to 8pm. Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 86-)(2Ă8%78)(2);7&-8) 

-28,)/-8',)2 &=+6%');%',-6%   4,3837.3,23',-)2+ )%8398 t is easy to think the food we see in &=1-00-%1196-+- advertisements is prepared and 4,3831-00-%1 photographed on the spot, or vid- 196-+- eos taken immediately. But, that is not the case, as we learnt after Imeeting up with Sharon Gatonye, 'MX]ăWYNM a food stylist. “Most people do not understand what it means when I SRP]WTSX say I’m a food stylist. My job is to make sure foods, drinks and other edibles are attractive and sell product,” she explained. We found her in the middle of a cof- fee shoot, to commemorate World Coffee Day. “For this shoot, we will use a branch off a coffee bush, coffee berries, ground coffee powder and brewed coffee. This is just to relate the recipe from its original form to its cur- Located on 39 River Road, rent form,” she said, as she lay them on Nairobi, you will find Sarah’s her wooden stand. Porridge at the Kipepeo Ho- While make-up artists walk around tel, a spot that concentrates with several bags filled with make- on special porridge. up paraphernalia, Sharon has boxes On a recent visit, I was sur- upon boxes of props she needs for prised to find the place flood- shoots. “I can’t leave my house for ed with people of different a shoot without them. They have all age brackets, although 70 per the props I have been collecting. You cent were older people. Even could call me a collector of sorts,” she though you can order any oth- added, while showing us an old rusty er meal offered at Kipepeo Ho- ice cream scoop and old mugs. She tel while patronising the joint, VIETNAMESE sets them on her wooden space then most customers were here for ICED COFFEE gets to the first recipe, Vietnamese the porridge. iced coffee. This one, my colleague Being on a fact-finding mis- Serves two glasses John really enjoyed. Coffee is his cup sion, I placed my order for the INGREDIENTS of tea… if I may say. uji, as I had to ascertain my- 6 tbsp condensed milk The 24-year-old is behind one of self the basis of all the praises 2 cups plain black cof- the KFC adverts, as well as the Royco I’d heard about it. Turns out, Mchuzi Mix one. “I also worked with it’s not the typical one, made fee (room temperature Food Network in the UK, but I came of fermented maize and mil- or chilled) back home to do this here,” she says. let flour, as I’d thought. This 1 cup ice cubes Having studied in South Africa at the one packs a number of ingre- METHOD Institute of Culinary Arts in Stellen- dients; arrowroots, cassava, groundnuts, milk and honey. 1. Place ice cubes into a bosch, she majored in food and me- dia. “I had the opportunity to shadow The porridge is prepared glass. a food stylist while in Cape Town, and after placing an order, so, it 2. Pour in the cold cof- that was how I decided that I wanted to was some minutes before my fee. do this as a career,” she tells us. steaming serving was placed 3. Then follow with con- Most of her recipes are her own. on my table in a medium-size “Before having a shoot with a client, I bowl, by a waiter who wished densed milk. test my self-made recipes three times. me ‘bon appetit’ and left to at- 4. Serve immediately It involves a lot of creativity, because tend to other uji aficionados. with a straw. I need to think about the ingredients Just from the presentation, and understand them from tastes to I was salivating. With my curi- feels to nutrition. It drains me men- osity at its best, I went in with AFFOGATO tally, but once we are done, I leave my round soup spoon and happy,” she explains. We also get to scooped the first bite. The Serves two have some Affogato, and the coffee taste of roasted groundnut INGREDIENTS gets to me, thanks to the mix with ice was quite potent, a good thing, 1 pint vanilla gelato or cream. Tea is my poison, but I find my- as it’s my favourite snack. self thinking twice, after that sip. Groundnuts are not only ice cream tasty, but also an excellent 1 cup freshly brewed plant-based source of protein, espresso various vitamins, minerals and METHOD plant compounds. 1. Place ½ cup scoop Arrowroots made the por- of vanilla gelato or ice ridge thick, while honey main- tained the sweetness. Much cream into a shallow tea as I enjoyed the delicacy, I cup. couldn’t get to the bottom of 2. Gently pour approxi- the bowl; the quantity was mately ¼ cup of hot not compromised. I settled my Sh100 bill and called it a espresso coffee. day. Bucket list, okay, cup list,

styling checked.

Adding condensed milk in the iced cof- fee preparation. Food

Heaven lives in this affogato.  ,30-(%=,928 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

;%2()63*8)2 &='=28,-%19/%2>-  4,3837'=28,-%19/%2>-

ganda’s Kampala is a small capital that can be explored in a single day, but I guess fatigue would Upull a number on you before you can com- plete that mission. It might be a tiny city, but it teems with beautiful sites, one being Lake Victoria and its sur- roundings. One sunny Sunday in Kampala, my best friend and I were keen on taking a boat ride across the lake. We left Wandegeya, a neighbourhood within Kampala where we were staying, for KK Beach on the banks of Lake Victo- ria, approximately half an hour away. It was buzzing with people, some who were swimming and as we’d heard, it was a popular spot for its entertain- ment events and plenty of fish to sa- vour. We wanted to go jet skiing first, but we had a change of mind because the operators insisted we take two different skis, which meant spend- ing more money. We wanted to dash across the lake on one jet ski, but well, that didn’t happen. We opted for a boat cruise and jumped in after paying, accompanied by the helmsman. The sun was sailing away for the night. Its deep yellow yolk splattered across the sky spilling over into the blue skies with shades of grey clouds. The fish-smelling lake water but eat nonstop. was calm with a reflection of the hori- I couldn’t resist Ugandan food. I zon’s magnificence. tried the famous Binyebwa, a sauce We rode on in silence, getting lost in Sunset cruise on made from peanuts. It was thick and the buoyant splendour of Mother Na- filling. If you want to have it with a ture. The vast lake shimmered where side dish, then you should go for a the setting sun hit its rippling waters. small serving otherwise your stomach I wondered what else resided in this wouldn’t have room for anything else great lake’s underbelly besides fish. Lake Victoria if you go for a full bowl or cup. Matoke As we rowed yonder, KK Beach faded was delicious and I had it with tender behind us with its entire buzz. Birds mutton. I had it for lunch on my first flocked past us chirping gleefully and fish with ugali or posho as Ugandans day in Kampala. I guessed they were relieved by the call it, but were momentarily distract- The most important thing that approaching diurnal pause. ed by an on-going hip dance session. makes Kampala amazing is the peo- There was serenity in the way the The show soon ended just as hunger ple. They are so kind and always ready wind flew into us, as the soft glimmer kicked in. Bent on having ugali, we to help. Matatu drivers and touts were of the sun danced on our faces in syn- struck a special deal with one of the genuine, unlike those in Nairobi who chrony with the boats’ roaring engine. chefs who granted our request. The double fare prices when they realise As darkness gently crept in, the city menu only had fish, chicken and fries. you’re a newbie and clueless. Com- came to life unveiling an illumination As we waited for our fix, three Ugan- paring it to Nairobi, Kampala is not an by the horizon as lights flickered on. dans joined us. One of them was third expensive city and that’s really good Fishermen in several boats were rush- wheeling and I think he was just happy because it makes the exploration ing to perhaps net their last catch of to chill with us. much easier. Nightlife is best experi- the day. We soon had to steer back to Soon, our serving arrived and it was enced in Kabalagala, a small outskirt KK Beach. The ‘captain’ barely said a worth the wait. The fish (a tilapia) was town that takes the crown for a pop- word, except a few nods whenever we fried and sizzled with veggies on the ping club scene. All I could say is that talked to him or asked for his consent side. I eat fish regularly and I can clear- my stay was worthwhile. when taking photos that he appeared ly tell the difference in freshness and in. this was without question, straight We docked and were about to head from the lake! The fish was mildly A selfie while on a boat for the restaurant to place an order of salted, crisp on the outside and soft ride through the tranquil inner flesh. Squeezing limejuice on to waters of Lake Victoria. it tingled my palate and I couldn’t help &3%6(-2+4%77 Choose your residence Simple helpful hack If you’re intending to save Switch off your phone while at money, it’s cheaper to stay in an the border and turn it on as soon airbnb instead of a hotel. There as you enter Uganda. That way, are so many of them verified and it connects to the local network listed online. For airbnb, ensure and doesn’t force you to get a it has all amenities and is in a safe temporary SIM card while there. area before booking. Pack rightly I wouldn’t advise you to pack heavily, but it wouldn’t hurt to bring a few warm clothes. And don’t forget to carry sunglasses. Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 *0))/ 

2-+,863:)6 BY CHEBET KORIR PHOTOS: JOHN OCHIENG '09&&)(398 BY CYNTHIA MUKANZI %XLVMPPMRKVSSJXST Meryl Paige wows the crowd with her soulful FY^^EX0SRHSRĂW voice. TEVX]MWPERH

A mellow night Up a brightly coloured staircase to the rooftop, Bar Elba was our happy hour and late night plan. Call it a party island as it is known, Bar Elba’s charm in London’s Wa- of smooth tunes terloo stands out like a peacock. And I have a thing for peacocks; so, I was in the right or those who are not familiar place. with Meryl Paige, she’s one of We were a big squad and had made a res- Kenya’s top R&B and soul musi- ervation with an eagerness for their killer cocktails on a Tuesday afternoon. The bar’s cians. She has worked with vari- historical theme was carved off the French ous local acts including Ythera Revolution military commander Napoleon Fand Linda just to name a few. Re- Bonaparte’s exile to the miniature Island of cently, during her concert that Elba. The décor was so beautiful and when was held at the Best Western Plus in Nairobi, you aren’t admiring it, your eyes inevitably guests were treated to a sensational per- wander to the London skyline, with a drink in hand. Mine was a double mojito, to kick formance. She arrived on stage at around things off. 9:30pm, a bit late than planned; however, Let me just say Bar Elba convinced me the crowd was already turned up as they that my mojito love had been played by so enjoyed the services of the hotel. Revellers many clubs here in Nairobi. They showed went into a frenzy when she performed a me how a classic mojito should taste like; kind to the tongue and awakening senses rendition of Adele’s song Hello, which is one in the right corners within. of her better known performances around As the afternoon wore on and sunset town, to the adoration of her screaming Underground came, the tunes playing were right for that fans. Though the event had a few hiccups rapper S P mixed moment. The company was amazing, the and a noticeably low turn out, guests par- up the RnB with a drinks flowed in plenty and when my stom- tied on until the wee hours of the morning. dose of hiphop. ach rumbled I went for the Potato Rosti Burger that sandwiched a fried egg with a side of cheesy fries. Oh, it was bliss. What other great way to step into midweek than with beautiful people, good conversations College student over swanky cocktails, a glowing skyline Idiona Gathoni for a view and laughter. kills it in her 90s The bar menu hosts a selection of wines, inspired look. beers, cocktails and ciders. Of course there’s a range of sparkling bubbles for big spenders. We stuck to the cocktails and lat- er in the night when we were down to five people, we ordered a big jug cocktail of Sex on The Elban Beach. The jug came after my last sip of Hidden Julep, which was a blend of Bombay Sapphire gin, fresh lemon juice, fresh mint, Pimm’s No.1, cucumber syrup, apple juice. Naomi Gitau, Joseph We chatted into the night as the first and Maelo and Cynthia second jugs sashayed down our throats. Kairu were all smiles. A couple of sips later, we left the starry-lit party island and parted ways with free Elba postcards. What a way to spend a night!

Mercy Achieng and Brandy Kilalo didn’t Ian Challo and mind the wait. Beverly Mbaika seems to have a Alechi Kenya a lovely time. and Dassilva The Fashion Guru.  908-1%8)%44)%0 SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

*%7,-32 &=(-%2%1%',-6%  4,3837()2-1%2('%8)=) Something floral &)%98= &=:%2)77%1;%2+- In case a full pink look is not your speed, then some subtle floral print may IEW][E]WXS just tickle your fancy. It’s the playful dance between the PSSOTVIXXMIV bold and feminine elements It’s the little things that make the biggest that we love so much, and difference. Looking prettier doesn’t have this skirt is a definite to require too much time or effort. There win. are many ways to up your beauty game in a matter of minutes. Stand and sit up straight Slouching is unattractive. Instantly change that by making standing and sitting up straight a habit. It makes you look more elegant and appear few pounds Pink lighter. Wear a lipstick that’ll make you stand out You don’t need to accompany this with a full face of make-up. A bare face with a bold lip is all that is needed. Go for dark reds and light pinks for this look. Know what works best for your skin colour. Drink water October Your skin will thank you for this by looking more radiant. Just down at least five glasses of water a day, and you’ll see t is breast cancer awareness month and we are incredible results within a month or less. definitely crushing on pink. Of all the colours Get the help of a vitamin capsule Vitamin supplements can help you in the spectrum, pink has got to be the most better your skin, hair, nails and overall whimsical and versatile too. Here are some health overtime. The best vitamins to buy fun and fabulous ways are Vitamin A, B, C, and D. All you have to wear the to do is consume one daily and watch as I you become prettier. Research on which trendiest vitamin can help you achieve exactly what colour of the you’d like to improve. month. Focus on your eyebrows Once again, this doesn’t need to include a full made up face. How your eyebrows look will determine the way your overall facial features appear. Ensure you shape them often so that your face can look more aligned and attractive. Find out the best eyebrow look for your face shape. Smile more It sounds cliché, but happier people are generally more attractive. So laugh a little louder. Wear a nice perfume If you smell nice, you’re more likely to appear attractive. Get a scented moisturiser and body wash to smell even more heavenly.

Fancy Nancy We all need a little fancy in our lives, and fascinator hats are right on cue! A pink one would be the perfect addition to complete your wedding guest outfit this season.

Tiered The weather has been so good to us lately, which could only mean it’s time to pull out the airy pieces. A pink, tiered dress captures the very essence of summer, and we are loving it! A swipe of pink Pink lipstick is a trend that is not going anywhere any time soon, so, if you have never had the chance to embrace it, now would be a good time to start.  Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 '-6'0)73*03:)


ow did you meet? Sen Irungu: I was a young lawyer work- ing with Gacheru and Company Advocates, Haged 26 or there- about. I was based in Muranga town. She had just left Bishop Gatimu High School and her aunt used to work in the law firm I was at as a sec- retary. She would visit her aunt a lot at the office, that’s when I noticed her and we exchanged contacts. When she President Uhuru’s called me, I knew she had fallen for me. attendance was a highlight. How long did you date? We dated for about three years, then when she was in Third Year at Moi Uni- versity, she got pregnant. From then on, she became a de facto wife. After- wards, we did the traditional marital rights as per our customs. I paid bride price and there rest is history. How was the proposal? There was no such thing. Ours was mere formality without much hulla- baloo. I was reluctant to do a formal wedding due to my hesitation towards BRIDE: MARY WAMBUI flamboyant things. However, I also had GROOM: SENATOR IRUNGU the desire to make her happy and be at peace with my parents and the church. KANG’ATA How was the process of planning DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 Tunes from Ben Githae made your wedding? VENUE: GATHINJA CATHOLIC for a fun afternoon. We planned the wedding within CHURCH, KIHARU, MURANGA, three weeks only. Everyone was sur- prised how perfect the wedding was, AND FIRST RECEPTION AT despite the fact that we planned it GATHINJA FIELD, SECOND within short notice. We had two re- RECEPTION AT THIKA GREENS ceptions, as many people attended our wedding. NEAR THIKA TOWN What were some of the highlights on PHOTOGRAPHY: THAIRU your big day? MUSIC: KENYA POLICE BAND The major highlight was President KIGANJO Uhuru Kenyatta’s attendance. It was such a great honour. I had invited him, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, TENTS, but I only got the confirmation that FOOD AND DÉCOR: POSH EVENTS Friday. Also, choosing to go to our rural church was a masterstroke. They re- ally appreciated. I was raised in Mu- ranga town, so, many people thought Dignitaries were in plenty. my wedding would be held there. Oth- ers thought we would hold it in Nairobi due to the high profile guest list. But, we opted to go deep into the rural area where my parents originally came from. Local people felt cherished and Senatorial honoured. We also did the first recep- tion there, before we went to the posh Thika Greens. What was the theme of your wed- affair ding? Being an ardent reggae fan, we thought of adopting the so-called ‘true colours’, but we also thought of being sensitive to the conservatives who may attend. So, it was a balance; incorporating some reggae colours and also white, that indicates peace and respects Christian sensitivity. Senator Isaac Mwaura and his wife What inspired your choice of outfit? Mukami were the best couple. I wanted something similar to what Senator Isaac Mwaura, who was my .914-2+8,)&6331 &=+6%');%',-6% best man, wore during his wedding in 2015. It was awesome. the bride-to-be, as well as a come across guys who held How did you choose your bridal bit for the single ladies in the a groom/man shower. While party? It was a splendid mix that represent- 3JFEGLIPSVTEVXMIW house. We concluded with women usually hold their ed who we are in one fell swoop. There showering the lady of the event days or even weeks to were politicians; MPs and a senator, as After months of planning, suggested and money is col- moment with gifts; some to the wedding, men have theirs well as lawyers and relatives. a countdown to the big day lected. Usually, they come as give her a hand in the kitchen sometimes a night before the What are some of the challenges begins. It could be in weeks a surprise to the bride, and department now that she’ll big day. It mostly consists of you faced? or hours. Some are lucky to the best ones involve the need to flex her domestic close buds and those in the The main challenge was choosing have their closest friends groom delivering his fiancé muscles, some to jazz up her line-up. I heard they allow who to explicitly invite. We have so take into consideration the at the party. I attended one closet and make-up drawer you to bid your freedom many friends, and time was not on our side. So, it was nice that a newspaper fact that they need to cel- recently, and she was caught so she has no excuse to look goodbye in style. Lots of announced the wedding some time ebrate their single friend as well unawares. She showed drab for her man, and others food and drinks are not only before the big day in an article that (s)he makes the crossover, up rocking jeans. Needless to yet, to spice up her upcom- what dot these nights. If they went viral, which informed a lot of although that role squarely say, she was quickly whisked ing (very legal) bedroom pur- aren’t a pious lot, they’ll likely people about the wedding. But, I still lies on the shoulders of the away to get dressy and dolled suits. We also cut the cake have strippers attend the meet people who complain that I didn’t best maid or man. up for the afternoon. and snapped some photos of fete or even head to a strip invite them. The ‘farewell’ parties The food, not snacks, and alcohol. Apparently, the course. It was fun and we re- club, and let the lad have Secondly, it came at a demanding time financially, as I was struggling are planned. Some so me- was served, then the bridal point is, your girlfriends gun ally made her day. fun one last time. I don’t get with my sick parents. I even had at one ticulously, especially for the shower games started. I un- for you to succeed in the next In the local scene, bridal that part though, it seems point to ask my dad, “You meant just bride-to-be. Secret What- derstand that were it not a phase of your life, and throw showers are more common like cheating, but to each his any wedding or church wedding?” But sApp groups are formed, Christian crowd, the shower you a well-deserved party. for women, while bach- own. Some will also include somehow, we managed. friends from back in the would have incorporated After the fun and games, elor or stag parties/nights/ married friends, who offer Advice to couples? day are added, themes are aspects of a bachelorette/ there was a round of advice weekends are more popular the groom a couple of matri- A wedding is such a sweet event. It decided upon, gift ideas hen party; the club, strippers from some married guests to with men. I’m actually yet to mony nuggets. makes people happy. It brings joy in life. So do it!  8)',;%8', Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018

8,)09780-78 +->13',%8 &=)00=+-8%9 &=:%2)77%1;%2+- %**36(%&0)4,32)7;-8,+6)%8'%1)6%7 If you’re in the market for a budget smartphone thy. The phone’s 13MP rear camera is surprisingly that won’t disappoint when you want to flex for good too. However, when it’s a bit darker outside, the gram, then you’re in luck. With a budget of the image may appear less impressive and grainy. Sh20,000 at most, you’ll find the exact phone you There is a manual mode that lets the user custom- are looking for. ise the white balance and the camera’s ISO setting. ,9%;)-=46-1) 7%1792++%0%<=.  (..6Ā Price: Sh16,685 Price: Sh16,300 When it comes to photo editing The Samsung Galaxy features, one can edit the back- J3 (2017) has a 13MP )28)68%-2)6%8 ground of the photo before or rear camera, which is in after taking the photo. Further- line with its most simi- /%/%)14-6) more, you can change the bright- larly priced rivals. In fact, ness of the flash depending on in terms of megapixel how bright you want it to be as you counts, many phones hich is are taking the picture. The back camera is a dual even at the high-end are your lat- 13MP + 2MP, while the front is 8MP. now settling for 12 or est gad- 13MP snappers. As a budget gadget, it is not bad. get? However, low light shots won’t always look bril- It’s an -2*-2-<>)63 W liant, but in good light it fares pretty well. iPhone X Price: Sh15,999 Infinix Zero 3 is one of the best What do you love in it? phones to buy at a super afford- It’s iPhone X. It has the able cost, especially if your inter- world in it. Hahaa 71%68,%'/783 Do you prefer the dee- est is the camera. The phone has jay software or the whole a 20.7MP shooter and has dual 4%=0)77;,)28%<- equipment set? SIM card slots. It is equipped with I prefer the whole equip- 16GB internal memory, 3GB RAM ,%-0-2+ ment because that’s what I and a 2.0GHz Octa-Core proces- If you are an avid taxi user, then you’ll be happy to learnt to use first, plus it’s sor. know that taxi-hailing apps come with a few nifty always fun spinning the tricks to avoid paying too much for a ride. Simple decks. things you input can mean a difference of anything Have you ever made a 8)'23'%132'<%-6 between Sh20 and Sh100, which in the long run mix that fans didn’t like? Price: Sh13,300 works out better for you. Never! I’m a perfectionist, Tecno Camon CX Air is another 1. Input the road along the destination you are so I take my time in making cheap alternative that has a great headed to. all my mixes, so when they camera. Both the front and back Do this as opposed to writing down a name of a go up they’re up to the de- cameras are 13MP, which is pretty certain building. For example, if you were going to sired standards. impressive for its price range. It a shop, instead of jotting down the shop’s name, What’s that one gadget also has internal memory of 16GB indicate the street it’s found along. Roads take up you wouldn’t trade for any- more space, so this brings down the price, since thing? and a RAM of 2GB. The phone’s That must be my laptop, battery capacity is 3200mAh and the destination is not as specific. because all my work is in is a 4G smartphone. 2. Add more than one destination if making sev- it. It is one of my invaluable eral stops. and priceless possessions. This would work best if you were two or more One childhood gadget <-%31-6)(1-238) people sharing a ride. Instead of taking individual that you still treasure. %46-1) cabs, it’s probably more affordable to request for The famous Brick Game. I Price: Sh18,500 two destinations (or stops) with one taxi ride and still have it to date. I love it! The Redmi Note 5A Prime is share the cost. Your worst gadget ever Xiaomi’s attempt at a budget 3. Wait for the right time to hail. and why? friendly selfie smartphone When you open your taxi-hailing app and see a The same Brickgame. surge in prices, just close it. Wait a few minutes if with its 16 megapixel front cam- It got me suspended in you aren’t in a rush and then reopen it to check if era with a dedicated front LED school. the prices have lowered. You can end up paying As a deejay, what among flash. It can produce good self- Sh100 more than you would have to during the your gadgets do you value ies when the lighting is good. surge period. the most? Photos look detailed, vibrant and Instagram-wor- My laptop. Without it, I’d hear the next song before have a hard time because everyone does in the club. all my music is in there. The gadget you can’t live Men that don’t want to get Which is your most ex- without and why? married, especially in the Afri- 1%66-%+)%886%'87132)= pensive gadget and how My laptop; it’s what is on can setting, are often labelled much did it cost? don’t need much money and hungrier than the bachelor, he it that pays me. Literally, it as commitment phobic and as a result, can easily get com- seeks out every opportunity My deejay equipment. feeds me! immature individuals who I spent a lot of money to placent and lazy. Research to advance his career. HR pro- If you were to upgrade want to live life without the has found bachelors lack mo- fessionals also prefer married stay up to date with the lat- one of your gadgets, what burden of responsibility that est in the business. How- tivation to hustle compared to men, as they’re more settled would you opt for and having a wife and kids brings. their married counterparts. and unlikely to abruptly leave ever, I am not at liberty to why? But that is a simple-minded disclose the sums. When one gets married, a job. While single men are I would go for the deejay generalisation as we are all according to my married con- only concerned about them- Which gadget do you use equipment because tech- individuals who have differ- the most and why? sultants, one is immediately selves, married men have nology evolves everyday, ent experiences and percep- woken to the magnitude of themselves, their wives and My laptop because I lis- and I want to stay updated. tions of the world. If someone ten to music everyday, use the responsibility. After the children to think about, and Do you look for brands or truly feels that marriage is not wedding and honeymoon, not forgetting their extended it for practice and arrange the output while shopping for them, then they need not playlists. begins the marriage, which is family obligations. for gadgets? explain themselves to anyone essentially nothing but work. This all adds up to a sizeable Which app do you use I definitely look for the &=78)4,)21&98,- and pressure to have them mostly on your phone and But the nature of humans, es- amount of pressure, which — if brands. Who wouldn’t want hitched is unwarranted. pecially men, is to rise to the harnessed by the happily mar- why? to shine to their friends? However, there is also a cali- First thing almost every- challenge and when a man ried man and supported by the (Laughs out loud). bre of men who assume that does this, even though he may devoted wife — translates into one does when they get marriage is an exploitative ways that you can advance What’s the gadget you al- fail, is moulded in the crucible performance that a carefree at work or whatever hustle it online is to open What- ways wish you had? scheme where a man works sApp. Communication is 1%2 of pain, leaving him a better bachelor cannot match. Even is. The advice she gives you A time-travel machine. himself to death to satisfy man. the Vedic scriptures, which everything, although my the insatiable desires of their and her desire for your suc- Don’t ask me why though. Married men, if honest, often advise against marriage, cess is what pushes most men boss King Kaka sends me What are the basics of wives, and avoid the institu- mad memes on Instagram '%:) will admit that marriage life is concede that marriage is ma- beyond what they could have becoming a deejay, espe- tion altogether. This concern pure trouble, but they will also terially beneficial. A man who like nobody’s business, so is valid in this era of gold dig- possibly achieved on their cially when on a budget? admit that it was possibly the wishes to get ahead in life is own, and the reason for the that would be the second Just enroll in a deejaying gers and sponsors, but that’s one. best decision they ever made. advised to marry as a woman famous quote, behind every school first and get to learn not the whole story. The reason for this is quite sim- is known as stri, or one who What would you be if you Single men are simple; they successful man is a woman. the basics of deejaying. ple. When a man accepts the expands the field of material Only thing to remember is to were a gadget? Then save up for a laptop can get by with nothing more Technics headphones for responsibility of marriage, his enjoyment. marry a levelheaded woman. and a hard drive and col- than a mattress on the floor mind-set changes. He works Women are generally clever a deejay because I would and a single bowl to eat instant Marry a mindless slay queen lect music. Game over. harder to make sure he pro- and calculating and when and you may as well burn all noodles from. Because they vides for the family, and being married, they will think of live simple lives, bachelors your money! SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 17  13836-2+ SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

1=6-() &=78)4,)21&98,-  4,383.3,23',-)2+ '%6,%'/7 &=78)4,)21&98,- Drag race master WHO: ANTONY BLACKBEARD OCCUPATION: MACHINES AND PLANT ENGINEER 4VSXIGX]SYVFMOI BIKE: GEN 2 SUZUKI EKEMRWXXLIJX HAYABUSA 2011 In the interest of equality for both four and two wheeled enthusiasts, here are specific measures motorcyclists can take to deter thieves from stealing hy did you go for the bikes. Motorbikes, as things go, are much sim- this particular pler and increasingly sought after for their engines, bike? which are then sold in the black market for use as I have been boat engines. riding since Disable the bike: In addition to using the factory I was nine- bike lock, which is pretty much useless against a de- W termined thief, disable the bike from starting up by years-old. Rid- ing was a family affair back then and removing the spark plug connector, shutting off the everyone I knew was riding a bike. So, I fuel supply or removing a fuse. The thief will try and naturally found myself on a motocross start it up and think it’s broken. bike as a young boy. Motorcycling is like Chain the bike: Bikes, being portable, can be load- a virus, once it gets into you it infects ed on a pick up by two or more thieves. Make sure to chain your bike to an immovable object like a bike your mind and you don’t want to do any- rack if you’re in a sketchy neighbourhood. thing else. So, I really dove in and even- Keep it within sight: Motorbikes are conveniently tually went to Europe where I was drag little, taking up slightly more room than their pedal- racing motorcycles using a Honda CBR powered counterparts. If you are going somewhere 900RR SE28 and there is simply noth- such as Industrial Area for instance, go with the bike ing like it, save for the Hayabusa. When into the buildings and factories, most sensible com- I finally came back to Kenya, I decided panies allow this. If going to a café, park it where you to get this Hayabusa in 2015 for drag can see it. racing. Get a kill switch: A kill switch is a hidden button What do you love about it? that the owner of a car or bike has to press to get the As an engineer, your mind is con- car running. Kill switches are common enough and if stantly spinning with many thoughts hidden well, will deter a thief from starting your bike and calculations and biking helps me and riding off. relax and shut all that out. To ride, you on two wheels, so you really have non-existent. Especially when it So, you really have to behave or Keys and ignition: It’s easy to forget the keys on have to have your mind 100 per cent to know what you’re doing. Since I comes to matatu drivers, you have you’re going down. the ignition or to leave the ignition on where then focussed on riding, which is somewhat work on customising motorcycles, to look out for yourself and think With the bike specifically, I the thief simply kick starts the bike and rides away therapeutic for me, and the faster the the plan is to give it a bump in per- ahead of what the driver is going would say that it’s not made for with your prized possession. better. I love flying and riding, but rid- formance by fitting a turbocharger to do and react accordingly. You twists and curves. It’s heavy and Keep it covered or hidden: Bikes are specialist ing this bike really does it for me. It is before the next drag races. That can easily get knocked down, as long, which makes leaning into a equipment that is not as common as cars. Motorcy- an absurdly fast bike with the engine will make it the only turbocharged people generally don’t pay much turn difficult. However when I get cle thieves will notice a specific bike and plot to steal sending some 200 horsepower to the Hayabusa in the country. attention to bikers. I have been on the straights, it more than com- it. Because motorcycles take up little room, you can rear wheel. It can do a 0-100kph dash in Any drawbacks to speak of? pushed off the road a thousand pensates for the time lost in slow park it even in your living room if it’s on the ground 2.4 seconds. That’s hyper-car territory The riding culture in Kenya is times and I just have to accept it. corners. floor. Alternatively, you can cover it with a tarp, also protecting it from weathering effects.

2+%2=% &='=28,-%19/%2>- 6MGLJSVXLI+ERK I saw this Rich Gang jav in front of me when I was in a cab in Mombasa and I was captivated by the Rick Ross portrait at the rear. The graffiti inking on this matatu was, in a word, flawless. I couldn’t see the sides because we were in slow moving traffic and so I had to be content with staring at Maybach Music’s honcho. I would lat- er find out who was sitting at the front; another rich painting of American hip-hopper Birdman. Rich Gang, like most mathrees in Coast, is pimped with a stroke of colour by Faraj. The Tudor Ferry route 14-seater is barely a year old, but has a good following thanks to its design and music that reverberates through a sound system built by Sahid Said. Several months lat- er, it is still the city’s sweetheart and the pride of MOM Sacco. Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 0-880);32()67 

/,77/(67$5 &=,%66-)8.%1)7

ice to meet you Leyla Mohamed. Tell us a bit about yourself I am 13 years old and I go to St Te- -RWTMVMRK Nresa’s Girls Primary School in Eastleigh. Your rendition of the famous Ke- nyan patriotic song Wimbo Wa His- toria, originally written by Enock On- dego, has recently gone viral online. TEXVMSXMWQ What inspired the song? How do you balance school and mu- my talent, and has encouraged me and I had been doing vocal classes for sic? taken me to functions where I got to nine months during school holidays at I study when it’s time to study. I also perform. Secondly, DJ Pinye, who spot- PPMC (Permanent Presidential Music get guidance from my mother, teachers ted me through a friend and introduced Commission), before I was given the and mentors to ensure I strike the bal- me to PPMC, and also sponsored and di- song to . It was inspired by the ance. rected my first project. Third is Christine upcoming Mashujaa Day, which will from PPMC, who is my vocal teacher. be a good reminder of how far we have What are some of the challenges What do you want to be in future? come as a nation. you’ve faced as a young artiste? A pilot who is also a musician. Did you expect the response it re- A lot of exposure has forced me to Which subjects do you like in school? ceived? learn how to handle large audiences I love Maths and English. They are my The response has been beyond and people who love my singing. While favourite. anyone’s expectation. I have even some people have been good, others Advice to other upcoming young sing- received an invite to perform for the have been extremely scary in how they ers? president and the whole nation at the behave when they meet me. There is also Trust God, be humble and follow your Mashujaa Day celebrations in Kaka- a misconception out there that working dream. I have been raised by my mother mega! on your talent while still young is a bad to always follow my dreams and become How did you get into singing? thing. I’m still trying to balance my life to whoever I want to be, regardless of the I began singing at the age of three, ensure it all works out well for me. religion I was born into. I have been given and my greatest influence came from How have you been handling your the permission and free will to make my listening to the radio, which my mum newly found fame? own life choices. My mother is Muslim, loved playing. My family and close friends keep me but does not impose her own beliefs on How many songs have you record- grounded and in check. I don’t even have me, instead, encourages me to make ed so far? access to social media yet; these are all and follow my own path. Therefore, I Only the one that has been re- handled by my manager. don’t view my religion as an obstacle, but leased; Wimbo Wa Historia. I plan to Who are your mentors? rather, a way to express myself and show record more songs once I have fin- I have three mentors: My mum, be- other young children that they can grow ished my KCPE exams in November. cause she was the first person to spot up to become their authentic selves.

,17+(/,0(/,*+7 &=:%2)77%1;%2+- Ja- mal Mbiyu Koinange Jamal is the son to here are a num- Citizen TV presenter Jeff ber of mixed Koinange and second race children in wife Shaila Koinange, a the local celeb- Kenyan of an Asian rity scene, born origin. Tof actors, mod- -RXIVVEGMEP els, musicians, politicians and other media personalities. It is normal for many children to go on to fol- Oyoo low in their parents’ footsteps, GIPIFOMHW and Ojwang the field not withstanding, so, Of singer Akoth- it remains to be seen whether ee’s five children, the some of them will grow to be two sons are half Cau- famous like their parents. Here casian. The eldest son, are some biracial celebrity Ojwang, has a French kids you prob- father, while Oyoo’s ably didn’t dad is Swiss. know of. Taji He is the son of songstress Wen- dy Kimani Onderwater and Caucasian husband Marvin Onderwater. The youngster will soon be turning two. Fatma and Meysam These are the two daughters of business- man Steve Mbogo and Sabrina Jamal, the sister to KTN TV presenter, Jamal Gaddaffi. They’ve clear- ly taken after mum and dad. 20 71)'0-2-' SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

by Rose Muthoni #URVHPXWKRQL1 ctober 10, the world com- Enhance mental health memorated World Mental Health Day themed; Young people and mental health in a changing world. Last by being prepared year, the day was dedicated toO mental health at the workplace. Even as for struggles in their lives. You have to foster this happens, it is critical to appreciate that an environment that encourages your em- today’s ever increasing pressure on you as ployees to speak freely. boss and your employees as well, could lead to mental health issues. It is therefore im- Have your employees’ backs portant to note that some of the employees With the statistic surrounding mental ill- or bosses you work with might be dealing nesses, it is not a matter of if your employees with minor mental ailments. Mental illness will need support, it is a matter of when. After does not discriminate, no matter how put to- establishing transparency, make sure that gether or glamorous someone appears, they your team knows that if they are open about might be going through struggles in their mental health, you will have their backs. personal life. Once the conversation has started, under- As the stewards of your ships, this is a mat- stand how you can help them, learn what ter you cannot afford to ignore: not just for they need and strategies how to help them yourselves, but those under you as well. In when the time comes. If they need time off, Kenya, it is estimated that one in four people engineer an open policy on requesting leave. who visit health facilities suffers from mental If they need support from a medical special- illness. ist, ensure your health policies are tailored Great leaders identify talent and create to suit those needs. Flexi time should also a good environment for them to thrive in. I be encouraged just in case your employee believe every business should take time out needs time out, but while still working re- and talk about mental illness among employ- motely at home. ees. This should include talking candidly about their mental health and ensure treat- Make your office a safe place ment is provided as soon as possible. As a People spend a quarter to a third of their business owner, you need to be empathetic lives at work. Make sure that time does not to what your employees are going through feel like torture. I understand that some jobs both at work and outside, and be prepared are quite taxing but the environment does to extend help whenever they need it. not have to be. Here are steps you can take to enhance Employees spend anywhere from a quarter mental health awareness in your company. to a third of their lives at work. Make sure your workplace is the kind that your teams Transparency look forward to every morning. Sometimes it To develop awareness around mental is as simple as being a nice boss. Tackle chal- health in the workplace, you must come up lenges in a humane manner instead of shout- with effective policies, whereby workers ing their ears off. It matters so much when must be open enough to talk about their you’re kind to people, so make that a part of challenges. For that to happen, you must your company’s culture, on every level. build a transparent company. Create an envi- Get help ronment where mental issues are discussed your self. By extension, if you have ever expe- where your employees can unwind and relax openly and shared widely. Hold sessions and Just because you are the boss does not rienced mental illness, you will be more em- at subsidised rates. Getting the services of a open the dialogue with your team. If you are mean that you will not need help when you pathetic to your team. That does not mean counsellor especially when the job is stress- facing a mental problem, share it with them. have a mental breakdown. If you have any of that you are equipped to deal with it. Partner ful will go a long way in keeping your employ- Make it known that no one will be punished this challenges, make sure you take care of with other organisations like gyms and spas ees health in check. ,)%08,;%8', 7XVIWWIHQMHHPIEKIH[SVOIVWEXVMWOSJTW]GLSPSKMGEPMPPRIWW Middle-aged adults who feel 89 percent more likely to be diagnosed said Harvey. “When accounting for stressed, powerless or overworked on with psychological disorders. non-workplace factors like stressful the job may be more likely to develop “Several studies published over the life events, illness, IQ and early life, the mental health problems in the coming past decade have suggested a link results indicate that people with higher years than more contented coworkers, between workplace stress and poor job demands, lower job control and a recent study suggests. mental health outcomes amongst higher job strain were still more likely For the study, researchers examined employees,” said lead study author to develop mental illness by age 50, re- data from questionnaires completed Samuel Harvey, head of the workplace gardless of sex or occupational class.” by 6,870 workers who, at age 45, had mental health research program at the While the exact ways that job strain never been diagnosed with depres- Black Dog Institute at the University of might cause mental illness are not sion, anxiety or other common mental New South Wales in Australia. clear, stress is a known risk factor for illnesses. Overall, about one-third “However, it has always been difficult psychological problems as well as a reported having little control over what to work out which came first: difficult wide range of other chronic health is- they did at work and slightly more than work situations or mental health prob- sues like heart disease, diabetes and one-fourth described their jobs as very lems - the classic chicken or egg situa- obesity, said Dr Sabir Giga, author of demanding and stressful. tion,” Harvey said by email. an accompanying editorial and a re- By age 50, workers who reported Even though the study focused on searcher at Lancaster University in the high levels of job strain five years ear- middle age, all of the participants had UK. lier were more than twice as likely to be been followed since birth, allowing “For individual workers, it is important diagnosed with mental health disor- researchers to account for a variety of to recognise that persistent and long- ders as the people who had low-stress circumstances growing up that might term stress could lead to physical and jobs, researchers report in The Lancet influence the odds that a person would mental health conditions,” said Giga. Psychiatry. experience job strain or mental health “Demanding jobs may be unavoid- With demanding jobs, workers were problems. able,” Giga added. “But we can make 70 percent more likely to develop a “We were able to develop the most changes in our lives that allow more mental illness by age 50, the study also precise picture to date of the possible control and flexibility in how much we found. And people who reported hav- reasons an individual’s working condi- work and the way we do it.” ing little control over their work were tions could impact their mental health,” –REUTERS SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 21 22 4)22=;-7) SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi

hile you may be busy setting financial ob- jectives and projec- tions, your lifestyle, which is a culmina- Wtion of repeated activities, is a Expensive habits major determinant to the success of your financial achievements. D not to ignore the fact that some choices can sabotage your finan- cial wellbeing. Breaking those bad financial habits will get you closer you need to break to meeting goals. in “retail therapy” and a further Here are a few habits to avoid: 40 per cent of men attempted to shop their blues away. Among the 1. Letting groceries go to waste 1,000 adults polled, more than half When you are hungry and tired said they think online shopping after a long day at work, it is tempt- provides better therapy than visit- ing to pick up take-out rather than ing physical stores. Even if “retail cooking. To avoid this, plan meals therapy” lifts shoppers’ spirits, it ahead. You can add “take-away” to is fraught with the danger of over- the meal plan on certain days when spending. Set aside funds for a you know you won’t want to cook. “spending account”. These funds Make extra meals and freeze them can be designated for your retail to make weeknight dinners easy. therapy. Check out cook books or blogs for some free printable weekly meal 9. Ignoring credit cards and plans. bank statements. Now that most banking services 2. Leftovers are all going paperless, it’s easier Have you ever carefully pack- to ignore financial statements. aged leftovers, knowing you won’t There may be sneaky recurring eat them? This is a bad habit . Own charges for items you no longer up to the fact that you do not like use, or charges that are incorrect to eat last night’s dinner for lunch and need to be disputed with your the next day. Make smaller portions financial institution. Review your instead to spare the expensive financial statements diligently for wastage. recurring expenses. Ask yourself if you use the services you are paying 3. Misusing a car for. If not, drop them. When you see Owning a car is an achievement. an item you do not recognize, con- However, when misused it can lead tact your bank. Also avoid subscrib- to bloated bills and expenditure. complishments in ways that are not saving, and that’s free money! ing to mobile services and apps Plan car-usage; set a fuel consump- fulfilling and affordable. Always do 7. Discarding valuable items without a clear objective or need. tion limit per month. Attending cost-benefit analysis before you 6.Losing receipts. If you are not up to selling used family and friends functions that reward yourself. Referring to legal tax evasion, items on e-commerce sites or at a 10. Comparing yourself to oth- are beyond the usual radar for your you will need copies of receipts garage-sale donate them to charity. ers. car might mean extra maintenance 5. Waiting to save to substantiate the expenses you Many organisations will even come Do not let sleek cars, flashy and repair costs. Instead, consider “Change your life today, do not claim. Some people simply throw to your doorstep to pick them up. clothes and high-flying lives fool car-pooling to curtail spending. gamble on the future, act now,” receipts away or keep them in Some of them will exchange used you. The picture is never com- Giving out you car to friends and those are the words of a traditional random spots around their home shoes, electronics, clothes with plete if you cannot access their relatives may not be a wise deci- sage. Postponing saving because or office. This means they could new house-hold items saving you financial statements. You do not sion either. you think it will be easier in the be throwing away thousands-of- some money and likely cost of know whether they have got an in- future can be a trap. The future is shillings in write offs. Keep a file or disposing them. If you give to quali- heritance, made good investment 4. Rewarding yourself filled with unexpected expenses, envelope for important receipts. fied charitable organisations, you choices, or saved for years to buy While you certainly can reward particularly if you settle down and Put it in an accessible spot, and can take a charitable deduction on a car or the home of their dreams. yourself for hard work, you need have a family. Start small instead when you pay your car registration, your taxes. Itemise your taxes, and They probably have huge loand to to ask yourself if the treat is some- and increase your contribution a medical bill, or a give a charitable have a receipt. settle. Do not compare yourself to thing you can afford. Have you each year to ease the psychologi- gift, put the receipt in the envelope them. Making financial comparison saved up for it over time? If so, pat cal burden. If your employer has a for safekeeping. Always use these 8. Retail therapy between yourself and someone yourself on the back and enjoy. If group pension scheme, you might receipts while making your annual According to a survey released else is not realistic, and may lead to not, consider a different reward. be missing out on a company tax returns to claim all taxes paid on, 64 per cent of unnecessary spending or stress. Choose to reward yourself for ac- matching contribution if you are through your purchases. women say they have engaged –HELLEN NJERI 8)',73098-327

For many of us, meetings are a bor- ing waste of time but technology could soon help make them more interesting %-GSYPHGYVIFSVMRKFYWMRIWWQIIXMRKW and productive. What do you do during a boring meet- agement platform. ing? tell him to shut up? An AI agent “might be able to deter- Some people play phone games. Well, that day may not be too far away. mine whether a meeting leader is ensur- Some secretly check out twitter on their It is “very feasible” for an AI to recognise ing that each participant is being heard phones or watch catch-up TV, while oth- when one person is dominating a meeting, equally and fairly,” she says. ers fiddle with their jewellery, doodle, or or when a circular discussion keeps com- Voicera, founded in 2016 in Silicon Val- simply nod off. ing back to the same point, says James ley, has created an AI assistant called Eva. What is frankly worrying – if you are Campanini from videoconferencing com- As well as taking notes, Eva identifies a the meeting holder, that is – surveys pany, BlueJeans. meeting’s action items and decisions. show that the vast majority of us confess “If no new points are made after a while, “If AI can do most of the mundane and to doing other things during meetings. the AI could suggest to wrap up,” says Cyn- drudgery work during business meetings, And there is always one person _ often thia Rudin, a computer science professor at that leaves more space for humans to a man who loves the sound of his own the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. think about strategy and vision,” argues voice – who drones on and on so no-one “While it’s a lovely idea to think every- Niki Iliadis at the London-based Big Inno- else can get a word in edgeways. body will be fabulous at running meetings, vation Centre, an innovation hub working Would it not be fantastic if an artifi- everybody is not,” observes Elise Keith from in AI. –BBC cially intelligent (AI) meeting bot could Lucid Meetings, a US-based meeting man- SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 23 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018

6928,639+, By LYNETTE MATHEKA | @Peoplesport11 %RSXLIV/IR]ER VYRRIVKIXWFER Kenyan marathon runner Sam- uel Kalalei was handed a four- year doping ban on Wednesday after testing positive for banned blood booster EPO, the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) announced as the African powerhouse suf- fered another body blow. Kalalei, 23, tested positive at April’s Rotterdam marathon where he finished seventh in a time of 2h 10min 44sec, a personal best. The 2017 Athens marathon winner had already been pro- visionally suspended in June. A number of Kenyan athletes have been banned for doping in recent years, including the 2016 Rio Olympic women’s marathon gold medallist Jemima Sumgong. In September, Kenya was de- scribed as having a “serious problem” with doping by WADA the world anti-doping agency. - AFP

/EOEQIKE-RK[I JERWGEPPJSVSVHIV Football stakeholders from Kakamega AFC Leopards branch has called on the club’s top management not to sacrifice the coaches without addressing the real cause of the problem bedev- Part of the KBF action pitting USIU and Strathmore at USIU-Africa Basketball Court. Faheem iling the team. Speaking in Ka- Juma of Thunder (left) shields the ball from Victor kamega Friday the group led by USIU-Africa face Odendo of KPA during their weekend KBF Premier Patrick Miheso who contested League match played at USIU-Africa Baskeball Court.KPA for the seat of deputy secretary won 72-43. PHOTO RODGERS NDEGWA general in last elections has blamed the entire national exec- or Thunder in the quarters. How- utive office led by Dan Mule for Trailblazers in ever, he remains positive that failing to stamp authority that reaching the final four is within has opened room and allowed reach for his relatively young element of indiscipline cases squad. from the playing unit. “The clubs penultimate tie In the women’s league, relega- top organ had former coach tion threatened Foot Prints take Robert Matano sacrificed at the nited States Inter- However, coach Isaac Munywo- funct Co-operative Bank Spartans on Western Delight while Kenyatta altar political expediency, the national University- ki is confident they will pick wins in 2013 and again in 2016 to Ulinzi University Oryx face off with problem with the club is deeply Africa (USIU-Africa) in their remaining fixtures, against Warriors. The side will, however, Storms who are currently third rooted and embedded in the men’s team face Trailblazers Saturday and Umoja have a herculean task of downing on the log. Strathmore University software and hardware. Matano Trailblazers in their later and qualify for the final eight Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) in the play USIU. Masaku Sparks are is a case study he took Tusker penultimate Kenya where they intend to fight for a quarters if they manage to finish scheduled to play Western Delight while they were number 15 on U Basketball Federa- final four berth. in eighth position. as KU engage Foot Prints in an- the league table and managed tion (KBF) regular league match “What is important for us is to Meanwhile, Equity Bank men other fixture. to guide them to finish above on Saturday with the students register a win today and we have face off with World Hope on The regular season is expected Afc Leopards this you can take looking to register their ninth win trained for that. My target for this Sunday with a win in the match to fold up at the end of the month it to the executive office,” said and move closer to making it for season has been to reach the guaranteeing the Bankers a bet- after which playsoofs for both Miheso. He added that the same the playoffs. semis and nothing is lost just yet,” ter position as the league heads premier and division one leagues happened to Rodolf Zapata USIU-A have blown hot and cold said Munywoki. to the final-eight clash. They play will jump off. Meanwhile, the Nai- when he was fired at the end of in the season, registering eight The Thika Road-based side that Strathmore University Blades in robi Basketball Association (NBA) the season as the head office wins so far and lost 10. The result hosted the league matches this their final regular league match. playoff quarter finals are ongoing. hides their heads under the sand has put the students’ chances of season owing to the closure of Coach Carey Odhiambo, in his Teams play game three today in this kind of vice to devour the featuring in the playoffs at risk as gymnasi- first stint with the bankers, will while semifinals, to be played in a best coaches after sensing that they are fighting for the final spot um have been in the finals twice in have a tough task ahead as the best-of-five format are expected they have lost the confidence of against the lakesiders, the past. They lost to the now de- side is likely to play Ulinzi, Blades to commence on Sunday. the fans. - FREDERICK LIKUYANI 25 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 6%00=-2+

7YVZMZEPJMKLXXEOIWGIRXVIWXEKIMR7YTIV)MKLX4VIQMIV0IEKYI After Jericho All Stars clinched the Super 8 Pre- Stars with 31 points lose to Makadara Junior League until the end.” Eliud Mathu, RYSA coach said. Having mier League title last weekend after their emphatic SA to keep the slim interest of playing in the Super 8 suffered a 1-0 defeat to Metro Sports, Blue Stars who 7-0 win over Rongai All Stars, the bottom four teams top flight. have played in the competition for three consecutive will now be fighting for survival in the competitive RYSA placed 12th with 31 points with a lesser goal seasons will need a win while they cross fingers Ma- league. difference have won two of their last three games kongeni Sports Association (MASA) and Metro Sports The bottom four who include, Runda Sports As- and their latest 1-0 win over Meltah Kabiria gives the lose to Shauri Moyo Sportiff and Meltah respectively. sociation (RYSA), Leads United, Shauri Moyo Blue debutants major boost in confidence of avoiding a “It just like any other game but of course the stake Stars, Kayole Asubuhi will be expecting to win their return to the second tier league. is high and for us, we are targeting a win and hope it respective matches today to increase their chances RYSA coach Eliud Mathu stated his side is ready to things go as planned.” Shauri Moyo Blue Stars’ coach of surviving in the top tier league. take on the pressure and survive this scare. Hassan Ali said. RYSA need to win their clash against their fellow “We are not denying the pressure is there but we Bottom-placed Kayole Asubuhi have a date with strugglers Shauri Moyo Blue Stars away at the leg- have handled the same pressure throughout the sea- destiny as they host freshly-minted champions Jeri- endary Ziwani grounds in a do or die match. son. It will be a tough game but from the preparation cho All-Stars at Calvary grounds in perhaps the most Both sides are in a must-win situation with RYSA we have had, I know we can win this game. I am posi- significant match of their season. needing to win while hoping 11th placed Rongai All tive we can survive we have to keep the fighting spirit — RODGERS NDEGWA

ldoret Rally revs off Satur- day morning at 8am from /IJSJEVIGIMZI the Eldoret Town Hall in the centre of the Western Kenya Region. *MVOQÅZ[\WNN MRXIVMQGIVX E Clerk of the Course, Jag- jeet Patter, is a happy man JVSQ6IKMWXVEV as the rains, which had hit the areas Kenya Football Fans Association along the route a few days ago, have (KEFOFA) has received an interim now subsided. ZIUXQV-TLWZM\ certificate of registration. “I hope to have a good rally with no The registration certificate, rains, which had threatened the organ- handed to the association chairman isers in the last few days. The event is WHERE TO CATCH RALLY ACTION (1st Car) –SATURDAY OCTOBER- 13 Francis Liboyi, gives them a chance ready to roll with a majority of the title to further their scope in the country contenders in place and in the right 08:00: Sikh Union Club and open branches that will in turn 08:48: CS1- Chemweno 1 (5.5km) mood to score vital points with just boost their membership numbers one more rally remaining in the current SERVICE A (Chemweno) across the country. calendar,” said Patter. 09:31: CS2-Farm 1 (31.00km) Following the move by Rose Eric Bengi and Tuta Mionki will make 09:30: CS3: Forest 1 (34.80km) Wasike, the Registrar of Sports, history as the second indigenous crew Remote refuel @ Singore the Liboyi-led committee that was ever to start first in a round of the Kenya SERVICE B (Chemweno) elected at a Special General Meeting National Rally Championship since Pat- 12.28: CS4-Chemweno 2 (5.5km) (SGM) as per the laid down law, the rick Njiru dominated the sport until late 12.41: CS5: Farm 2 (31km) association can now venture into into the 1995 KNRC season. 13:24: CS6-Forest 2 (34.80Km) more meaningful affiliations includ- Their Menengai Oil-sponsored SERVICE C (Chemweno) ing legal matters on its members Subaru Impreza will be followed by the RALLY TOTALS and their activities. Mitsubishi Lancer Evo10 of Carl ‘Flash’ Competitive Distance: 142.60Km Yesterday, Liboyi told People Sport Tundo and Tim Jessop, who are seeking (63.18%) that they will now be focussing their their fourth KNRC title. Liaison Distance: 83.10 (40.35%) activities in an enhanced drive that Total Distance: 255.70Km Uganda’s Hassan Alwi and Leroy Olin- will boost their numbers on the da- ga are the only foreign competitors in tabase that currently holds slightly the event driving in a Subaru Impreza. over 1,000 members. There are eight Subaru models, beat- “We are happy that the long jour- ing the Mitsubishi make by one in the Eric Bengi’s Subaru Impreza ready for ney that we started in 2011 has finally competition. materialised with this certificate. The penultimate round of the 2018 action during the scrutineering in Eldoret Friday. INSET: Bengi It is one thing that gives us, the of- KNRC is set to run six competitive stag- and co-driver Tuta ficials pride or honour and place es along the route of the 250-kilome- that we are the legitimate holders of tre-long rally. The longest competitive the office of an association that will stage will be 34km while the shortest change the way sports fans in this stage will be 5.5km. Three stages will country. I believe that this is the right be repeated twice. time for us to bring in many mem- The total competitive distance will be bers to our fold,” said Liboyi. 142.60km (63.18 per cent) while Liaison Liboyi at the same time said that Distance will be 83.10km (40.35%).Cer- they are reaching out to fans across emonial finish will take place at Chem- the country to play a role in support- weno Farm, which is also the venue for ing the national team Harambee the Service Park and Rally Headquar- Stars in their bid to qualify next ters. Scrutineering and reconnaissance year’s African Nations Cup finals. will take place a day prior at Sikh Union He said that as an affiliate African Club. — CHARLES THUKU body COSAU, they expect more sup- port from well-wishers and corpo- rate bodies to help . ;40WIGSRHPIKTMGOWYTTEGI[MXLXIRQEXGLIWGSYRXV][MHI — CHARLES THUKU Women Premier League’s (WPL) second leg is Thika in front of home fans, subjecting them to a we will have to fight hard for a win,” said Okiring. picking pace and this weekend will see 10 matches 1-0 defeat, the only defeat for the league leaders Thika are currently top of the table at 45 points played at various venues across the country as the so far. after 16 matches and a win will extend their lead. hunt for points continues. Coach Justin Okiring is upbeat that his charges However, they will play without the services of The highlight of the weekend will be the clash will be up to the task to pick another win at home. forward Esse Akida who has since signed for Israel between league leaders Thika Queens and new- Despite missing the services of winger Monica side Ramat HaSharon. On their part Falcons have bies Trans Nzoia Falcons, who have already sent a Paul who is currently under the weather, Okiring played a similar number of matches but have lost statement of intend in vying for the title, currently believes he has worthy replacements for her and one and drew in five, placing them ten points be- at third place. they should hold their own well. hind the leaders. Meanwhile, defending champions The match will be played Saturday at 1pm at “We picked a win away in Thika and I am expect- Vihiga Queens are three points behind Thika and Manour Agricultural Center in Trans Nzoia County ing the players to give their all for another win with two fixtures lined up for the side this weekend, where 2016 champions Thika are out to revenge here. We have the home advantage and a fan base they have a chance to assume the leadership. the first leg loss to the hosts. Falcons humiliated that will cheer us through the match but we know —LYNETTE MATHEKA PHOTO: GIBO ZACHARY 226 3**8,)4-8', SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi 2SHIEP#;IQFPI]7LF )\PW][IVL[MK]ZQ\aWNÅKMZ[ WEPISRXLIZIVKISJGSPPETWI deployed for Stars’ free entry match at Kasarani to avoid muggings ootball Kenya Federation (FKF) has enacted a stop- gap measure to enhance security in football match- es. The new concept com- mences this Sunday during F crowds,” The FA’s £600million the Africa Cup of Nations said Wembley deal is at risk (AFCON) qualifying tie between Kenya Mwendwa. of falling through after a and Ethiopia at Moi International Sports As heated meeting with the Centre (MISC) Kasarani. Mwendwa FA Council on Thursday. FKF President Nick Mwendwa said made the an- Despite an impassioned that owing to the expected large turn- nouncement, plea from former Leeds out, the federation has enlisted the football fans in the manager Howard Wilkinson services of a crack security personnel country are excited and encouraging words from composed of 1000 officers drawn from after the announcement by England coach Gareth Southgate National Youth Service (NYS), General the government that there would be no in favour Service Unit (GSU) and regular police gate charges for the match. of selling the stadium to billionaire Fulham who will be on patrol before, during and Following the development, the owner Shahid Khan, there is still strong opposition from after the match. 60,000-seater stadium is expected to fill representatives of the amateur game. “We have gone to great lengths to en- to the rafters just like when Stars played Following a three-hour Wembley meeting, several blazers sure the safety of spectators and play- said the crunch vote on October 24 would be ‘too close to call’, Egypt in the final of the 4th All Africa In the ers and I want to warn that anyone who while others described the deal as dead. Games in 1987 or when Gor Mahia played recent past, will come to the stadium with ill motives FA chairman Greg Clarke wants 60 per cent of the FA Coun- Esperance of Tunisia in the final of the Kasarani has been in the will be dealt with according to the law,” cil to back the sale if it is to be approved - but that is in serious Africa Cup Winners Cup (Mandela Cup) news for all the wrong said Mwendwa. doubt. The FA plan to use the windfall from the sale to transform the same year. reasons as security has He further said as one way of beefing grassroots facilities, but questions were raised about those Granted, this is a God-sent chance for been breached with up security and ensuring smooth entry plans on Thursday. A major concern of the 127-strong Council fans to cheer Stars in their thousands and reckless abandon by of fans in the stadium, the federation surrounded the long-term upkeep of pitches, which could prove especially given that the team needs a goons masquerad- has printed specific number of tickets expensive. win over Ethiopia to make it to the 2019 ing as fans. after which the gates will be closed. Indeed, a high-profile member of the Council said that the AFCO finals in Cameroon. It can be re- “In as much as the match is free of Football Foundation - who will distribute the Wembley cash However, common-sense dictates called that in charge, the entry points will be acces- for grassroots facilities - had a considerable amount of work to that authorities need to be wary of lurk- 2012 during the sible by fans through tickets after which give ‘cast-iron assurances on how the initial capital expenditure ing dangers associated with mammoth Castle Cup involv- gates will be closed to avoid stampedes would be spent’. crowds whenever Harambee Stars play at ing Stars, mugging and other pitfalls associated with large The FA’s top brass also faced damning accusations that they the facility. in and outside the had tried to ‘push through’ the sale with favourable paperwork stadium including and had not given a ‘balanced view’ of the deal. washrooms were re- As the meeting came to an end, one councillor said: ‘There ported with the security were lots of comments that we weren’t getting a balanced personnel overwhelmed by view and the executive were pushing it. We haven’t been given the hoodlums. enough information. Crime reared its head as in- ‘There have been a lot of changes as it goes along. Originally nocent fans fell victim to violent we were told that the offices (in Wembley) would be rent-free, muggers while walking home at the now we are told we have to pay market rent. The paperwork is adjacent Safari Park Hotel. not from a neutral point of view, it is biased. We need both sides.’ The shenanigans repeatedly visit vio- Clarke opened by stating the case for accepting Khan’s of- lence on innocent citizens despite Foot- fer, highlighting the opportunities it presents for investing in ball Kenya Federation promising to put 3G and grass pitches and other football facilities across the up elaborate security measures. country. Fans stand advised to carry less cash In a meeting that at points became ‘heated’, Clarke received with them , just sufficient for the day, support from Wilkinson, the former FA technical director behind avoid moving with ATM cards to the sta- the creation of St George’s Park. dium and if possible leave all valuables Wilkinson urged fellow FA councillors to approve the sale, de- at home when going for such high risk scribing it as a ‘once in a generation opportunity’ for the game. matches. —CHARLES THUKU Wilkinson said his mission as technical director was to get more boys and girls playing football, and that this deal repre- sented an opportunity to do that. Asked about the potential sale, Southgate said: ‘It is impor- 1SVIWYWTIGXWHIXEMRIHMR&IPKMYQJSSXFEPPWGERHEP tant the debate is had because I don’t think it’s essential to own Brussels, operation targeting Belgium’s football part of a probe into suspected match- the national stadium. But the deal has to be right and the cov- elite. fixing by Veljkovic in a failed effort to enance of playing there has to be right and the plan for spending Three players’ agents, a referee and the money has to be right. a former lawyer were charged and de- Former Anderlecht club lawyer Lau- save formerly top-tier KV Mechelen rent Denis and referee Bart Vertenten from relegation to the second division. ‘I’ve obviously been in the role at every level and, having tained in Belgium on Friday as a mas- coached kids’ teams and seen how many games are called off, sive football fraud and match-fixing were also charged and arrested over- On Thursday, the judge charged five night, according to the Belga news people in the match-fixing case, in- we are short of pitches. That’s really important.’ scandal widened. However, of the councillors who stopped on their way out of Mogi Bayat, portrayed in the media agency. cluding the club’s financial director. On Thursday, another referee, Se- Hearings before the judge were held Wembley, many said they still had unanswered questions with as Belgium’s most powerful sports the mood in the room ‘mixed’. agent, was charged with “money laun- bastien Delferiere, was charged but throughout night. was immediately released on parole. At this stage, at least 17 suspects Brighton chief executive Paul Barber said that Council opin- dering,” his lawyers said, after he ap- ion was ‘in the balance’. peared before a judge. Vertenten and Delferiere were sus- have been charged, according to pended on Thursday with immediate French-language RTBF. One councillor said there was ‘not the enthusiasm for it (the Bayat was detained pending his next deal)’ and left saying he ‘hadn’t got the answers I came for’. He hearing, as were fellow agents Dejan effect by the Belgian Football Federa- A total of 29 suspects were interro- tion. gated on Wednesday, the federal pros- added: ‘If they (the Council) walked away now and had a vote, Veljkovic and Karim Mejjati, who were it would be dead in the water.’ questioned this week as part of the The charges against referees are ecutor’s office said on Thursday. 27 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 *338&%00 ‘Ingwe’ announce damning report of self-injury

Management of Kenya’s sec- “Therefore we have decided said Igaida. The current office holders’ ten- ond most successful football to make a raft of changes that Igaida attributed the changes ure elapses in June next year and club AFC Leopards this week ire- include appointment of new in management to conse- Igaida has cautioned hopefuls leased a self-indicting statement chief executive Victor Bwibo to quences of failing to meet their not to meddle with the team for following the conclusion of 2018 replace Ronald Namai. We are set targets. The team owes Sh1.9 the sake of portraying the cur- SportPesa Premier League (SPL) also in the process of recruiting million to the playing unit in the rent officials as failures. season. a coach and we will unveil him form of winning bonuses “Let us all support the team The club had three main tar- very soon,” he added. “We work on a shoestring bud- through to June 2019 then we gets at the beginning of the sea- On player recruitment Igaida get that means we don’t have can think about elections. We do son that included finishing 2nd said they have a technical report luxuries some think we have. The not want interference with the in the league, reaching group prepared by very competent sponsorship money all goes into team. The incitement by certain stage of CAF Confederation individuals that they will imple- salaries and management, which individuals cost us dearly in the Cup and winning the SportPesa ment to the latter. leaves us with a very huge task last seven games and it is not Shield. “Contrary to rumours being of paying winning allowances. healthy for the team,” he said. Instead, they ended up peddled by some people, the We have, however, planned well Igaida at the same time an- seventh in the league, were technical bench will remain as for the upcoming season and nounced that anew coach will be AFC Leopards players celebrate after scoring a goal during a eliminated in the second round it is with the only addition being come up with a reward scheme named ahead of the new season, SportPesa Premier League (SPL) match at the Mumias Complex in of CAF Confederation Cup and a new coach. Eleven players will that we hope will be agreeable to their fifth in three years as they August. Leopards have gone through a torturous path in the last failed to defend the Shield. be released then we will add five all players. We’ll unveil the new seek to steady the ship that is two months failing to win a single match. Officials blame sabotage. “On that front we failed,” or six players. We want to work scheme in a retreat with all play- frequently rocked by internal dis- PHOTO: FREDERICK LIKUYANI secretary Oscar Igaida said. with a lean manageable squad,” ers and staff.” putes. —JAMES MAGAYI LEAGUESTANDINGS Pos Club P W D L F A GD Pts Golden boot 1 Western Stima 35 23 8 4 55 24 31 77 2 KCB 35 23 6 6 51 22 29 75 up for grabs in 3 Nairobi Stima 35 18 14 3 62 29 33 68 4 Ushuru 35 19 11 5 52 22 30 68 5 Bidco United 35 17 10 8 47 20 27 61 FKF Division 6 St Joseph Youth 35 13 13 9 56 36 20 52 7 Nairobi City Stars 35 14 10 11 41 38 3 52 One league 8 Coast Stima 35 13 12 10 45 41 4 51 9 Kenya Police 35 12 11 12 41 37 4 47 10 Modern Coast R. 35 12 11 12 38 40 -2 47 11 Kibera Black Stars 35 12 9 14 36 42 -6 45 12 FC Talanta 35 11 12 12 41 48 -7 45 13 Kisumu All Stars 35 10 12 13 27 35 -8 42 14 Kangemi All Stars 35 11 6 18 38 49 -11 39 270*-<896)7 15 Green Commandoes 35 10 5 20 37 58 -21 35 Sunday fixtures - 16 Administration Police 36 9 7 20 37 59 -22 34 2pm-KCB vs Nairobi Stima (Camp 17 Migori Youth 35 5 10 20 20 58 -38 25 Toyoyo) 18 GFE 105 35 5 9 21 22 56 -34 24 2pm-Ushuru vs Bidco United (Ke- 19 Nakuru All Stars 35 5 6 24 24 56 -32 21 nyatta Stadium, Machakos) 2pm-Western Stima vs FC Talanta Nakumatt defender Nicholas Meja (Moi Stadium, Kisumu) shoots past Kariobangi Sharks Tayo 12pm-Kisumu All Stars vs Kibera Odongo during a National Super Black Stars (Moi Stadium,Kisumu) After Eldoret Youth sealed their pro- 2pm- League match at the Safaricom Kenya Police vs Coast Stima motion to National Super League as PHOTO: (Karuturi Grounds) Kasarani Stadium last week. 2pm- well as FKF Division One Zone B League DAVID NDOLO Nairobi City Stars vs Green Commandos (Hope Centre) title last weekend with Shabana secur- 2pm-Migori Youth vs GFE 105 (Awen- ing a playoff slot in second position and do Green Stadium) Nyakach United and Griffins relegated, 2pm-Kangemi All Stars vs St. Jo- the league continues this weekend in seph’s Youth (Ruaraka Grounds) its penultimate round with focus now 2pm-Modern Coast vs Nakuru All Stars (Mbaraki Sports Club) turned to golden boot battle. The centre of attention will be on who will be the league’s top scorer at the end of the season in the remaining two matches in a tightly contested race where Transfoc’s prodigy Collins Juma leads the chart with 14 goals while Alex :MTMOI\QWVLWOÅOP\ Nzei Ingambia of Raiply is breathing on his neck with 13 goals in second place. Ingambia alongside his teammates Emmanuel Makwingwi and Victor Lisam- ula who have scored nine goals each, as NSL curtains fall will lead Raiply onslaught when they visit It is a do-or-die; now or never survive the big chop. The stakes (FKF) has already promoted For- involved but essentially football Shabana FC who will be banking goal situation with candidates for are even more intriguing consid- tune Sacco and Eldoret Youth must be the ultimate winner.” scoring services on highflying Oscar relegation facing off as the 2018 ering GFE 105 on 24 points has from the Division One Champi- Meanwhile eyes will also be in Oketch (nine goals) and Bob Mugalia National Super League (NSL) en- a stronger goal difference (+4) onship. Whoever loses the battle Machakos and Nairobi for two (six goals) in a match slated at Mosocho ters a tense season finale. over their opponents Saturday. at Awendo Stadium will join al- tasty fixtures to determine play- Academy today while Juma will lead his Round 38 may be etched on However of major concern ready relegated Nakuru All-Stars off slots. Already promoted KCB Transfoc side when they welcome St. the minds of the players this to the border team is that their in the lower division. will be home at Camp Toyoyo in Joseph’s Youth Academy at St. Anthony’s afternoon at Awendo Green scoring ability is greatly wanting According to football analyst a juicy duel against rivals Nairobi Boys School. Stadium as GFE 105 from Eldoret as they have only notched 20 Simeon Mulama, the cracking Stima who are third on the log Kevin Cheti with nine goals to his town meet hosts Migori Youth in goals in 35 matches while they match should be well officiated with 68 points same as Ushuru name, will be hoping to get more goals a crunch tie. The pair is only sep- have conceded 58 goals. The Rift so that no team feels hard done who lock horns with Bidco Unit- when he leads his already promoted arated by a single point and this Valley side that beat Kangemi by. “We have a situation whereby ed at Kenyatta Stadium. With a Eldoret Youth side against Transmara deadline day duel should keenly All Stars 2-1 at Sudi Stadium last both sides believe they can goal difference of +3 separating Sugar at Wareng’ High School while third be anticipated in the domestic weekend have to win to be sure stay in and so this fixture will be the bankers and the taxmen, big best goal scorer so far Micah Kipyegon football quarters. of survival. They currently have explosive. Competent referees attention will be on who blinks with 11 goals, will be eyeing to score as Seventeenth placed Migori 22 goals on their favour against must be assigned this match. first and who has the last shot at many goals as possible when he leads Youth on 25 points who were 56 conceded which pundits be- Fair play must be seen to occur playing Nakumatt in the decider his team Silibwet FC in an away match hammered 3-0 by Bidco United lieve they must work on critically. because of the high stakes in- for a premiership slot. to Bondo United at Migwena Grounds in last time out only need a draw to Football Kenya Federation volved. I feel there will be nerves — BARRY SILAH Bondo. — GIBO ZACHARY 28 8)22-7 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018

7TVMRXPIKIRH&SPXWLMRIW [MXLEFVEGIJSV%YWWMIWMHI .MLMZMZÅZM[\W Usain Bolt scored the first two goals of his professional football career on his full debut RWQV,RWSW^QKQV for Central Coast Mari- ners on Friday. Aiming to impress in his latest trial appearance, the 32-year-old Jamaican sprint king did his ;PIVOPIQ[MUQ[ chances of a long-term contract no harm as the A-League side roared to a 4-0 pre-season victory over Macarthur South West United in Sydney. After the game he reflected on his so- oger seventh seed. cial media accounts, ‘Dreams become Reality Federer The 31-year-old from Serbia is through hard work’, as his burgeoning foot- (pic- in blistering form, winning Wim- ball career finally took off. Bolt showed all the tured) bledon, the Cincinnati Masters hallmarks of his legendary sprint career when blazed and US Open in recent months, he found the back of the net for the first time, Rinto the after having elbow surgery in 10 minutes into the second half. He was fast Shanghai February. out of the blocks to race past the last defender Masters semi-finals The second seed is desperate and onto a through ball, then shake off his with a 6-4, 7-6 (7/4) to grab injured Rafael Nadal’s opponent and fire low into the bottom corner victory over Kei Ni- year-end number one ranking. with his left foot. He wheeled away in celebra- shikori as the Swiss Djokovic and Zverev met on tion and even unleashed his iconic lightning great’s title defence clay in the final of the Rome Mas- bolt pose, a sight usually reserved for another belatedly caught fire ters in May last year, the 21-year- gold medal on the track. And it soon became on Friday. old German winning 6-4, 6-3. two goals for Bolt, although in slightly more The 20-time Grand Djokovic, who endured a tur- fortuitous circumstances. A defensive mix-up Slam champion and top bulent last season with injury between defender and goalkeeper saw the seed will meet 13th seed and off-court issues, said they ball spill loose, leaving Bolt with an empty net Borna Coric on Saturday were “both different players” that even a part-timer couldn’t miss. after the Croatian defeated now. unseeded Australian Matthew “I wasn’t I feel like playing as Ebden 7-5, 6-4. well as I’m playing today,” he /IR]EQSZIJMZITPEGIWYTMR The other semi-final tees up warned. Novak Djokovic against young “But also he has improved a lot PEXIWX*MJEVEROMRKW German star Alexander Zverev, and he has established himself Harambee Star’s latest exploits in inter- just the second time they will as a top player. national football has seen Kenya jump five have met. “It’s going to be definitely a places in the latest FIFA rankings released The 37-year-old Federer was close match.” on Thursday evening. Kenya is now placed forced to battle through the Touted as a potential future 107th in the world and 25th in Africa. That is first two matches of his title multiple Grand Slam winner, after Frenchman Sebastian Migne master- defence, first to Daniil Med- fourth seed Zverev eased past minded a shock 1-0 victory over top ranked vedev and then Roberto Bau- Kyle Edmund to reach his first Black Stars of Ghana at Kasarani followed tista Agut. Shanghai semi-final. by a similar win over Malawi at the same He put Nishikori under the The 6-4, 6-4 victory over the venue three days later. Uganda is the highest cosh immediately, breaking 11th-seeded Briton seals Zverev’s ranked east African country at position 17 the eighth seed in the first place in the season-ending ATP continentally and 83rd overall while Tanza- game of both sets, though Finals in London next month, nia languish 38th in Africa and 140th glob- the Japanese did well to re- which bring together the top ally. Benin, Mauritania, Niger, Madagascar cover and force the second- eight men. and even CAR are above Kenya in the rank- set tie break. The top four players in the ings which accounted for up to last month’s Djokovic said that he was world Nadal, Federer, Djokovic international engagements. Kenya could rise relishing facing “top player” and Juan Martin del Potro had further after forcing a goalless draw away Zverev after the 14-time Grand already qualified for London. to Ethiopia midweek with Kasarani results Slam champion beat Kevin An- Zverev is ranked fifth. equally poised to play a key role in movement derson 7-6 (7/1), 6-3. Zverev, now under the tute- up or down the table. Djokovic saved set point in the lage of Ivan Lendl, said he is opener before taking control of pleased with his overall prog- the tie break and the second set ress, even if a maiden Grand 2]EQ[I]EGEYXMSRW7XEVW to dump out the South African Slam remains elusive. EKEMRWXTVIQEXYVIGIPIFVEXMSRW Former Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Sam Nyamweya has cautioned Ke- nyans over being overly confident in Kenya beating Ethiopia in the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) qualifying match at Moi In- ternational Sports Centre (MISC) in Kasarani on Sunday. In a statement, Nyamweya said it is still premature to ascertain that Harambee Stars will make it to the continental showpiece to be held in Cameroon next year, adding that hard work and dedication by the home boys is paramount to realize this dream. Nyamweya pointed out that his attention is drawn into the match and especially the premature celebra- tions by Kenyan football fans. “This is a very important match in Kenya’s quest to qualify for Africa’s premier soccer showpiece for the first time in 15 years and it is understandable that the whole country is highly expectant. Many football fans are excited at the prospect of Stars qualifying for Cameroon 2019,” said Nyamweya. 29 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 7)6-)% 6EQWI]XSWIISYXWIEWSREX%VWIREPEJXIVXEPOW Aaron Ramsey insists he will stay years and it is expected foreign clubs ‘So I just have to carry on playing my at Arsenal for the season rather than will propose pre-contract agreements football and do my best for Arsenal this leave in January, after confirming the for next summer when the winter season and I’ll leave the rest with the Aaron Ramsey club withdrew the offer of a new con- window opens. Sportsmail revealed club now.’ (right) scores against tract. Juventus’s interest on Thursday. Asked if he was disappointed that Fulham in a EPL match last weekend. The Wales midfielder revealed he It is also thought Premier League the contract offer was withdrawn, he PHOTO: AFP thought an agreement on fresh terms sides will look at signing the 27-year- replied: ‘That’s a decision they have was in place and though he chose his old for a cut-price fee in January, but made. Things happen in football and words carefully he was clearly sad- Ramsey said he wants to stay at the you just have to get on with it and carry dened at the sudden change of cir- Emirates until his current deal runs out on playing the best you can. That’s all I cumstance. on June 30, 2019. am concentrating on.’ An improved four-year deal had ‘Of course, yeah,’ he said. ‘I am con- Ramsey was speaking after Wales been sorted but before the final ver- tracted to Arsenal and I am going to lost 4-1 to Spain in front of 50,232 sion was written up Arsenal pulled out do my best now this season to try and at the Principality Stadium, the first a fortnight ago. It is believed Arsenal achieve something special.’ match at the ground since 2011. need to cut the wage bill after two He added: ‘Everything has been go- ‘It was a tough game,’ said Ramsey. seasons out of the Champions League ing great with the club. We thought ‘Spain are a very good team and es- and manager has other we were in a position where we had pecially in the first 30 minutes we got midfield targets. agreed a deal but that’s no longer the caught out. That was the most disap- Ramsey has been at Arsenal for 10 case. pointing thing.

132%'3%8%+0%2') How would MONACO’S DEPARTURES SINCE 2014/15: PLAYER SOLD CLUB SOLD TO FEE (£) SEASON James Rodriguez Real Madrid £65.5m 2014/15 Radamel Falcao Manchester United Loan (£6.84m) 2014/15 Emmanuel Riviere Newcastle £5.69 2014/15 Thierry Anthony Martial Man Utd £54m 2015/16 Geoffrey Kondogbia Inter Milan £32.4m 2015/16 Yannick Carrasco Atletico Madrid £22.28m 2015/16 Aymen Abdennour Valencia £19.80m 2015/16 Henry do at Lucas Ocampos Marseille £6.75m 2015/16 Radamel Falcao Chelsea Loan (£6.3m) 2015/16 Isimat Marin PSV £2.16m 2015/16 Ivan Cavaleiro Wolves £7.2m 2016/17 Monaco? Marcel Tisserand Ingolstadt £3.15m 2016/17 Delvin N’Dinga Lokomotiv Moscow £2.25m 2016/17 hierry Henry French foot- Benjamin Mendy Monaco £52m 2017/18 (pictured) had a ball journalist Bernardo Silva Monaco £43m 2017/18 Kylian Mbappe PSG Loan (£40.5m) 2017/18 highly successful Julien Laurens Tiemoue Bakayoko Chelsea £40m 2017/18 playing career said: “The idea Allan Saint Maximin Nice £9m 2017/18 and could now of Henry ticks Valere Germain Marseille £7.2m 2017/18 Ttake on his first a lot of boxes Abdou Diallo Mainz £4.5m 2017/18 managerial role, for Monaco - Nabil Dirar Fenerbache £3.15m 2017/18 back where it all began. the name, the Corentin Jean Toulouse £3.15m 2017/18 The former France forward, charisma, the Kylian Mbappe PSG £166m 2018/19 a 1998 World Cup winner, player he was Thomas Lemar Atletico Madrid £52m 2018/19 scored more than 400 goals and his career Fabinho Liverpool £44m 2018/19 Guido Carrillo Southampton £19.8m 2018/19 and won every major club there. Huddersfield £18m 2018/19 honour, and has been linked “The image Rachid Ghezzal Leicester £12.6m 2018/19 with the vacant Monaco job, is important Adama Diakhaby Huddersfield £9m 2018/19 with Leonardo Jardim sacked for them to Soualhjo Meite Torino £9m 2018/19 following a poor start to the appoint a new Joao Moutinho Wolves £5m 2018/19 season. manager, they Keita Balde Inter Loan (£4.5m) 2018/19 BBC Radio 5 live’s Euro need a big name with a Ruben Vinagre Wolves £2m 2018/19 Leagues Show discusses what great image to follow Jardim Henry will bring to Monaco because they feel the club is the press conferences. ing them to immediately and whether he will be a suc- back now to where they were “The Aston Villa project jump back up to the top of cess. not long ago, when people really interested him, he the league.” Former Arsenal, Barcelona did not care that much.” was really keen on it but As well as glory at Mo- and Juventus striker Henry Jardim was sacked after he wants to work with naco, Henry’s career saw started his career at Monaco, three successive league young players and feels him win league titles in winning the title in defeats, by Angers, Saint- he has a relationship with England with Arsenal and 1996-97. That team, managed Etienne and Rennes, and “ran them. Barcelona in Spain. by Jean Tigana, featured tal- out of ideas” after four-and- “He did that at Arsenal He also won the Cham- ents such as David Trezeguet, a-half years in change, sug- for one of the youth teams pions League and three Emmanuel Petit, John Col- gested Laurens. and this is like going back domestic cups, plus the lins, Enzo Scifo and Fabien “In his press conference home. It ticks a lot of boxes World Cup, European Barthez. before the Saint-Etienne for Henry too as his first Championship and Con- Yet Monaco now sit 18th defeat, there were [only] 10 managerial role.” federations Cup with in Ligue 1, having won just journalists there,” Laurens BBC Sport’s European France. once in 12 games in all com- said. “This is a big club that football expert Steve “Henry was very de- petitions under Jardim, who won the league and reached Crossman added: “It is a manding with himself as a guided the club to the French the semi-finals of the Cham- softer landing for his first player, hence the no-smile title in 2017 - their first since pions League. job in management than celebrations after scoring 2000. “The lack of pressure from Aston Villa would have goals,” Laurens said. “His Henry, who was linked with the media and fans won’t been. Even though Mona- dad was so demanding the Aston Villa manager’s job be an issue - Henry won’t co are a much bigger club, with him as a kid and never before it went to Dean Smith, mind that - but there will be the pressure is less and no being happy with anything has most recently been work- a lot of scrutiny of him going Monaco fan will be expect- he did. ing as an assistant to Belgium there. There will be far more head coach Roberto Martinez. people in the stands and in 30 2%8-3270)%+9) SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 Wik ndi Germany boss Loew under pressure for Dutch, French tests

oachim Loew (pictured) with the German FA in May until the faces the toughest tests 2022 World Cup, defeats against the of his 12-year tenure as Netherlands and France would leave Germany head coach in Loew facing growing calls to resign. the forthcoming Nations The draw with France and a 2-1 League matches away friendly win over Peru last month, in the to the Netherlands and first matches since a disastrous World world champions France. Cup, were viewed as no more than suf- JAfter earning himself some ficient by the German public. breathing space following a 0-0 Likewise, the performances of RB draw with Didier Deschamps’ Leipzig striker will be France in Munich last month, Loew heavily scrutinised, having failed to hit must take points from the Dutch the net in his last five international ap- on Saturday in Amsterdam, and pearances. French in Paris next Tuesday, to re- If Werner again misfires against the store his tarnished reputation. Dutch in Amsterdam, Schalke’s Mark His former captain Michael Bal- Uth is set to make his debut in the fa- lack turned on him this week, claim- mous white shirt. ing he was “surprised” Loew kept There are concerns in the German his job in the wake of Germany’s media that the dip in form of Bayern World Cup debacle when they Munich, who are winless in their last crashed out after the group four games, is bad news for Loew and stage. the Germany defence. Jurgen Klinsmann, Ger- Goalkeeper , plus many’s head coach with Loew centre-backs and Je- as his assistant at the 2006 rome Boateng - the axis of Germany’s World Cup, also ramped up defence - have produced below-par the pressure by saying a performances for Bayern in recent semi-final berth at the 2020 weeks. European Championship Bayern forward Thomas Mueller, one is now a “minimum require- of Loew’s trusted senior players, who ment”. struggled badly at the World Cup, has “It’s expected ‘Jogi’ will also been out of form. redeem himself with vic- Loew’s chief playmaker tories and by reaching the is sidelined by a knee injury, which semi-finals of the next Euro,” gives a chance to Manchester City’s UEFA NATIONS LEAGUE Klinsmann told magazine Leroy Sane. Sport Bild. The 22-year-old winger was a sur- FIXTURES: The former striker, 54, says prise omission from the World Cup Saturday: his post-World Cup conversa- squad and wants to show Loew why he Slovakia vs Czech Republic 4pm tions with Loew convince him that was voted the Premier League’s best Georgia vs Andoria 7pm the 58-year-old still has the necessary young player last season. Latvia vs Kazakhstan 7pm “hunger” to succeed. Injuries elsewhere forced Loew into Armenia vs Gibraltar 7pm Unusually, Loew, who steered Ger- further changes after goalkeeper Kevin Norway vs Slovenia 7pm many to the 2014 World Cup title, has Trapp, defender Antonio Ruediger, Ireland vs Denmark 9.45pm yet to face the press this week, leaving midfielder , winger Kai Netherlands vs Germany 9.45pm to defend him on Thursday Havertz and Reus dropped out of the Bulgaria vs Cyprus 9.45pm from Ballack’s criticism. original 23-man squad. Macedonia vs Liechtenstein 9.45pm “I think he has deserved this chance They have been replaced by Juven- Sunday: and I am convinced we will sort our- tus midfielder , Bayern winger Romania vs Serbia 4pm selves out with Jogi Loew,” insisted and Arsenal goalkeeper Azerbaijan vs Malta 7pm Kroos. Bernd Leno. Faroe Islands vs Kosovo 7pm “These next two games, against Hol- After repeated criticism for too often Russia vs Turkey 7pm land and France, are music to the ears turning to his trusted core of senior Poland vs Italy 9.45pm and we hear the sound of six points. We players regardless of form, Loew must Israel vs Albania 9.45pm want two wins.” be bold in his selection - or risk more Lithuania vs Montenegro 9.45pm Despite signing a contract extension damaging defeats. -AFP 31 Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018 2%8-3270)%+9)

SPORTS BRIEF Costa stand in Alcacer impresses as Spain crush Wales MADRID: Paco Alcacer (pictured right) made his eight goals in 14 Spain appearances, while Ser- the Majorca flooding which has killed 12 people. case for a regular place in the Spain team as the gio Ramos and Marc Bartra were also on target The former world and European champions on-loan Borussia Dortmund forward struck twice for the visitors. endured a disappointing World Cup, stunningly in his country’s 4-1 rout of Wales on Thursday. Alcacer has hit seven goals in four matches for knocked out in the last 16 by hosts Russia after With Diego Costa injured and Rodrigo on the Dortmund since joining on loan from Barcelona, sacking manager Julen Lopetegui on the eve of bench, Alcacer seized his chance to impress Spain where he struggled to break into the team and the tournament. boss Luis Enrique in his first international appear- was rarely picked by Enrique during his time in But Enrique has won all three of his games since ance since March 2016. charge at the Camp Nou. taking charge after the World Cup and this em- The 25-year-old maintained his blistering club Enrique might be having a change of heart after phatic success was the ideal preparation for form to leave the Wales defence in tatters in a this predatory display from Alcacer on an emo- Spain before they resume their Nations League one-sided friendly at the Principality Stadium. tional night for Spain, who stood before kick-off campaign against England in Seville on Monday. Alcacer netted twice in the first half to make it for a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of -AFP

France coach Didier De- save from Ragnar Sigurdsson schamps fielded six of the before keeping out follow-up players that began the World efforts by Bjarnason and Finn- Red hot Cup final against Croatia, bogason. handing in-form Marseille A searing Thauvin strike winger Florian Thauvin his first fizzed just over the crossbar start as Mbappe was left on early in the second half, with Mbappe helps the bench. an Antoine Griezmann header Iceland were beaten 5-2 by also turned behind by Runars- France in the quarter-finals of son. France avoid Euro 2016, and new coach Erik Arnason connected su- Hamren’s reign had started perbly at a corner, heading in disastrously with two heavy via the underside of the bar, as defeats to open their Nations Iceland surged two goals clear Iceland defeat League campaign. on 58 minutes and on course But the Nordic nation with a for a first win since beating population of around 350,000 Kosovo 2-0 last October. ylian Mbappe needed to do something else. stunned the hosts in Brittany Mbappe promptly replaced inspired a fight- I bring what I can do,” Mbappe as Aston Villa midfielder Bjar- Griezmann, and the teenager back from world told TF1. nason beat Hugo Lloris with soon had the ball in the back champions “We saw the fans were a low strike after Alfred Finn- of the net only for it to be cor- France as they completely behind us even bogason stole the ball from rectly ruled out for offside. rallied from two if it wasn’t a big stadium. We Presnel Kimpembe. It was a warning that went goals down at wanted to do everything for Ousmane Dembele was de- unheeded by Iceland, as home to earn a 2-2 draw with the people who were there. nied an equaliser by a terrific Mbappe was at the origin of KIceland on Thursday. “We got the draw, we didn’t block from Iceland goalkeeper an attack that saw France pull Birkir Bjarnason swept lose, but we’re still a bit an- Runar Alex Runarsson, while a goal back with four minutes Iceland ahead from the edge noyed.” Lloris pulled off a stunning to play. —AFP of the area on 30 minutes, and Kari Arnason’s excellent second-half header doubled their lead in Guingamp. But Mbappe, brought on as a substitute for the final half-hour, gave France a INTERNATIONAL RESULTS: lifeline when his shot was saved and then inadver- Argentina 4 Iraq 0 tently turned in by Iceland Wales 1 Spain 4 France 2 Iceland 2 defender Holmar Orn Ey- Poland 2 Portugal 3 jolfsson. Russia 0 Sweden 0 The Paris Saint-Germain Israel 2 Scotland 1 forward levelled from the Montenegro 0 Serbia 2 Lithuania 1 Romania 2 penalty spot in the 90th Faroe Islands 0 Azerbaijan 3 minute after Kolbeinn Sigth- Kosovo 3 Malta 1 orsson handled at a corner. “The team saw we

France’s forward Kylian Mbappe (right) beats Iceland’s goalkeeper Runar Alex Runarsson during their friendly match at the Roudourou Stadium in Guingamp, on Thursday.. PHOTO: AFP Wik ndi SAT-SUN October 13-14, 2018

Stars in must-win game and can attain a maximum of nine points if they overcome Stars and Walya in their remaining matches. Having been done with the arithmetics, it is make or break for Stars with the team’s trainer tie against Sebastien Migne angling to be the second expatriate coach to take Kenya to AFCON after German Eck- ard Krautzun who steered the team to the 1972 finals in Cameroon. Stars have yet to lose a match since Mgne replaced local coach Ethiopia Tottenham star and Harambee Stars captain (centre) hands over the national team Stanely Okumbi and coupled with jersey to Deputy President William Ruto when he visited the team at Kasarani yesterday. INSET: Ruto the fact that there is a new wave ith a large hands over his Sh 1 million token to the team. PHOTOS: SPORTPICHA crowd of while Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko of optimism after Kenya stunned 50,000 fans pledged Sh three million through Ghana 1-0 in Nairobi last month, rallying be- his communication office, in case the qualifying group means that fans are pregnant with hopes that hind them the team wins on Sunday. %*'32+6394* Stars who top the group with four the team will revisit AFCON after and the fact Stars put themselves in a vantage points need an outright win over a 15-year wait. Stars virtually have W Walya, who have registered a point no reason not to roll over Ethiopia that any type position of qualifying for the bian- of a win would guarantee them an nual tournament after settling for an LEAGUESTANDINGS thus far, to qualify either as the considering that they have a full appearance to the 2019 Africa Cup invaluable barren draw with Ethio- group winners or runners-up. squad that is inspired by Totten- of Nations in Cameroon, Harambee pia at a sold-out Bahir Dar Stadium Team P W D L Pts For Stars, the arithmetic is sim- ham Hotspurs midfielder Victor Stars have all reasons to pip Group last Wednesday. ple: beat Ethiopia to be guaran- Wanyama and Japna-based Micheal 1. Kenya 3 1 1 1 4 teed a first or second qualifying Olunga. “F”rivals Ethiopia at Moi Internation- When Stars last featured at AF- 2. Ethiopia 3 1 1 1 4 al Sports Centre (MISWC) Kasarani CON in 2004 in Tunisia, most of the place in the finals regardless of Patrick Matasi is a sure bet be- on Sunday. current players in the squad had 3. Ghana 2 1 0 1 3 the outcome of their last qualify- tween the posts and will need a A lot is at stake for the national barely hit their teenage and would 4. Sierra Leone 2 1 0 1 3 ing match against Ghana in Accra water-tight defence from the likes side who received a morale booster only be too eager to be among the later this year. Assuming Kenya of Brian Mandela, Eric “Marcelo” yesterday when Deputy President generation that will join the folklore beats Ethiopia and Ghana in their Ouma and David “Cheche’Ochieng’ William Ruto visited the camp to of the championships. THINGS AT STAKE FOR STARS’S WIN: final matches, they will hit a ceiling to shield him from Ethiopia attacks urge them on and re-affirmed his In a nutshell, it will be a crown- - 2019 Afcon qualification of ten points to be all but assured including Aschelew Tamene and initial pledge of Sh50 million if ing moments for them all if they will - Sh50m (from Deputy President) of qualifying. Henok Adugno. they beat Ethiopia and qualify for make their debut in the 2019 finals - Sh3m (from Nairobi Governor Ghana have three points by vir- As usual, Olunga should lead the the continental showpiece for the to be held in Cameroon. Mike Sonko) tue of having picked a single win in striking force in partnership with - Improved Fifa World Rankings first time in 14 years. He also gave The result in Bahir Dar coupled their 5-0 thumping of Ethiopia at Eric Johanna or Paul Were. the team a token of Sh 1 million, with Sierra Leone’s banishment in home in their opening qualifying —CHARLES THUKU

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