Clerk; Stuart Bacon, c/o 3 Mountfield Road, Earl Shilton, Leicestershire LE9 7LW 07818 261 585
[email protected] MARCH AGENDA Councillors Summons and Public Notice of meeting to be held at 7:30 pm on Monday 23rd March 2015 at Stapleton Village Hall, School Lane, Stapleton 1. Welcome/Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests (In relation to Agenda items) including requests for dispensations 3. To Review, Approve and Sign the Minutes from the Meetings held on Tuesday 20th January 2015 and Tuesday 17th February 2015 4. Matters Arising/Update of actions from previous Minutes 5. Reports from County and District Councillors (10 minutes on items relating to the parish) 6. Parishioners’ time (20 minutes are set aside for Parishioners’ to raise issues and ask questions) 7. Planning Issues/Applications 7.1. To review planning applications received since last meeting 7.1.1. 14/01226/FUL - Erection of 1 No. wind turbine (up to 41.5 metres in tip height) with associated infrastructure including access track, turbine foundations, crane hardstanding, substation and associated underground cabling at Odd House Farm Cottage, Rogues Lane, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 3DX 7.1.2. 14/01276/OUT - Erection of two dwellings with associated access (outline - access) at 16 Main Street, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JN – APPLICATION WITHDRAWN 7.1.3. 15/00113/HOU - Erection of new garage with studio over and enclosure of swimming pool in new The Old Farmhouse, Ashby Road, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire 7.1.4. 15/00115/HOU - Proposed single storey conservatory at 37 Manor Crescent, Stapleton, Leicester, Leicestershire LE9 8JQ 7.1.5.