Musical Prelude Tufts University Wind Ensemble John McCann, Direcror of Band


Presenter Peter L.D. Reid Associate Professor of Classics

Alumni Marshal Abbie (Pearlstein) Dean Class of 1975

Commencement Rocco J. Carza Marshal

Invocation The Reverend Scotty McLennan University Chaplain

National Anthem Elena Heifitz Class of2000

Welcome John DiBiaggio, President ofthe University

Conferring of John DiBiaggio, President Honorary Degrees

Recipients of Henry L. Aaron, Doctor of Public Service Honorary Degrees Betty Friedan, Doctor of Humane Letters Merrill M. Goldstein, Bachelor of Science Robert D. Hormats, Doctor of Laws Ismar Schorsch, Doctor of Religious Education William H. Cosby, Jr., Doctor of Arts

2 The Commencement William H. Cosby, Jr. Address

Recipients of Faculty Rocco J. Carzo, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College Emeritus/a John R. Galvin, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Certificates Bobbie M. Knable, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College James W. Schlesinger, College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College

Conferring of John DiBiaggio, President Degrees in Course Nathan Gantcher, Chairman, Board of Trustees Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Benediction Associate Chaplains Rabbi Jeffrey Summit Father David O'Leary

After the Benediction there will be a brief interlude in the ceremony during which the faculties and the students ofthe Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the School ofMedicine, the School of Dental Medicine, the School ofNutrition Science and Policy, the Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, and the School of Veterinary Medicine and their guests will move to other sites for the second por­ tion oftheir Commencement exercises. All others please remain seated.


We con beside thy knee, Speed on thy sunlit way, Dear Alma Mater, Dear Alma Mater. Earth's book of mystery, We vow new faith today, Dear Alma Mater. Dear Alma Mater! We crack the storied past, May glory light thy name, Dear Alma Mater, Dear Alma Mater, Over plains of learning vast, All thy children sing thy fame, Dear Alma Mater, with three. Dear Alma Mater, for aye!


by Elliot Wright Hayes, A'l6

Steady and true, rush along, Brown and Blue. Raise a mighty score roday. Fearless tear down the field and never yield! Brown and Blue, Brown and Blue for aye! Hammer them hard, boys, and break through their guard. That is old Tuftonia's way. And our glorious banner once again will wave o'er Tuftonia's Day. T-U-F-T-S, T-U-F-T-S, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown and Blue!

Refrain: Up on the Hill tonight all will be gay. Victorious in the fight, we'll raise the standard ofdear old Tufts to glory! Pile up a mighty score. It's bound to soar. Now one goal more! Nothing can stop us; it's Tuftonia's Day.

Push it right through, boys, we're rooting for you! Now then smash their guard once more. See, they are losing fast, their line can't last! Brown and Blue, boys, forevermore. Right through the hole, lads, and make it a goal in the good old fashioned way. And we'll all turn out with a lusty shout to honor Tufronia's Day. T-U-F-T-S, T-U-F-T-S, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown and Blue!



HENRY L. "HANK" AARON rewrote baseba.ll's hitting records during his 23 years in the major league, including the all-rime career home run leader. Hammerin' Hank, as he is known ro generations of baseball fans, hit 755 round trippers, bur his many other achievements both on and off the baseball diamond have helped make Aaron one of the best-liked and most-respected men in baseball and in America. Along with his homer record, Aaron also knocked in more runs (2,297) than anyone else in baseball history, as well as most total bases (6,856) and extra-base hits (1,477). He has 3,771 career hits, the third best in history, and he was the first player to compile both 3,000 hits and more than 500 home runs. Perhaps most impressively, Aaron combined his tremendous power with a lifetime barring average of .305, the statistic of which he has often said he is most proud. Aaron is the recipient of one Most Valuable Player award, three Gold Gloves for his defensive play in right field, and one World Series ring. He played in 23 All Star games and was elected to the Hall of Fame at Cooperstown in 1982.

Throughout his career- first in the Negro American League of the 1950s, to his dramatic quest to break the career home run record-Aaron approached his baseball business with consis­ tency and grace. Nor possessing a huge physique and never crowding the plate, Aaron appeared to be giving the pitcher the advantage, until he unleashed his lighting-quick wrists to steadily and

unrelentingly drive the ball to the farthest corners of the park. His lack of Aash caused many fans throughout Aaron's career to overlook the increasingly impressive statistics he was compiling. His steadfastness and moral courage also helped him endure a steady stream of almost unimaginable racism throughout his career. In the minors and early on with the then-Milwaukee Braves, Aaron and other black teammates were forced ro eat and sleep separately from their white teammates. In late 1973 and early 1974, as he closed in on the home run record held by Babe Ruth, Aaron received more mail than almost any other American aside from the president of the . And much of that mail was hateful and threatening. On many occasions since then,

Aaron has made an effort to note that 60 percent of those letters were supportive of his record quest. However, he says he has kept the hare mail and returns to it at rimes, nor because he holds

grudges, but as a reminder of the injustice that he faced and rhar others continue to face today. In his acceptance speech at the Hall of Fame, Aaron thanked those who broke down the racial barriers before him-especially Roy Campanella and Jackie Robinson- saying, "They

proved to the world that a man's ability is limited only by his lack of opportunity." Since 1989, Aaron has been senior vice president of rhe Atlanta Braves. He is also vice president of business development for the CNN Airport network. Aaron also is involved in the concession, uniform, restaurant, and automobile business. He sirs on the board of many businesses, educational institutions, and organizations. Aaron and his wife, Billye, founded the Hank Aaron Chasing the Dream Foundation,

which presents awards to children ages 9 to 12 to pursue a talent for which they have shown early ability, including arr and music lessons, individual rime with a coach, a writing course or

5 computer camp. He has received many civic awards, including being named an Honorary Eagle Scout, the Boy Scouts of America's highest honor. Tufts will award Aaron an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree.

WILLIAM H. COSBY JR. was born to William and Anna Cosby on July 12 in Philadelphia. Calling himself "a late bloomer," Cosby said he did not realize the value of a formal education until he was four days into boot camp in the U.S. Navy. "Four years later, when I got out of the Navy, I hit the ground running from Norfolk, Va., and immediately enrolled at Temple University," he said. He received his undergraduate degree from Temple and earned a master's degree in 1972 and a doctorate in education in I 977, both from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Cosby has been a longstanding advocate of educational opportunity, believing that the path to a satisfying and rewarding life begins with knowledge. Cosby himself returned to college long after he had achieved much of his success and says he has applied this further education in his professional life. Cosby said he has never stopped realizing the importance of challenging himself. "People always say, 'You don't need money. Why are you still working?' My answer is chat it isn't about money. Thar's academic. It's about accepting the challenges of one's own ideas, clarifying the unanswered questions, and pursuing the excitement of discovery." "Ir is always a pleasure to see chose fresh faces of the new graduates," Cosby said. Ir's also fun to notice the relieved smiles of the parents who are wondering, 'Are they going to be all righci' The unanswered questions are now really directed at them." Cosby will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Arcs degree.

BETTY FRIEDAN launched the women's movement in 1963 with the publication of her book, The Feminine Mystique. Few books in modern history have had as much of an impact on our cultural life, and its author has become synonymous with the societal change the book initiated and with the ramifications still being felt nearly forty years later. The Feminine Mystique grew out of Friedan's own life, which followed the pattern of many women's lives in rhe 1950s. She was born Berry Goldstein in Peoria, 111., in 1921 and graduated from Smith College in 1942 with a degree in psychology. After a year of graduate work at the University of at Berkeley, she moved to , where she worked until 1947, when she married Carl Friedan. For the next decade, she was a housewife and mother in the New York suburbs and free­ lanced articles for magazines. In 1957, she circulated a questionnaire among her Smith classmates and learned chat many, like herself, were dissatisfied with their lives. That survey led to further discussions and questionnaires and study, resulting in the publication of the book, which was an immediate­ and con troversial-besr-seller. The book said chat many American women were frustrated and unhappy and expected to find fulfillment through the achievements of their husbands and children. Friedan wrote chat the role of wife and mother was glorified by advertisers, yet the restricted role of women and the absence of meaningful work lefr chem unfulfilled and depressed. Three years after the book was published, Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW), which is dedicated to achieving equal opportunity for women. Today, NOW is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United Stares with 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters. Among the issues NOW has been instrumental in

6 promoting is the recognition of the value of women's work, both in the home and in the paid labor market, as well as the Equal Rights Amendment and efforts to elect more women co political office. As president of NOW from its founding in 1966 until 1970, Friedan directed campaigns to end sex-classified employment notices, to promote child-care centers for working mothers, and to legalize abortion as well as other reforms. Many of the causes with which Friedan is associated and which she first identified are now ingrained in American life. In a 1998 interview at Cornell University, where she headed a project at the school's Institute for Women and Work, she commented on her role in the transformation of American society: "I feel very lucky and almost awed to have been part of it, " she said. If we look back­ although who has time?-we have co realize chat we have changed the way women look at themselves and the way society looks at women, and that's been all co the good. Women's lives are no longer defined solely by marriage and children. These may be important co chem, but they may only be part of the picture. Women now have choices." In 1976 she published ft Changed My Life: Writings on the Womens Movement and in 1981, The Second Stage, an assessment of the women's movement. Her 1993 book, The Fountain ofAge, addressed the psychology of old age and encouraged society co revise its view of aging. Her auto­ biography, Life So Far, was published on May 1. Tufts will award Friedan an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.

MERRILL M. GOLDSTEIN, professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine and director of the Pratt Diagnostic Clinic at the New England Medical Center, was pursuing his undergraduate degree at Tufts in the 1940s, when he was called to serve in World War II. As an undergraduate, he joined the Navy V-12 program and was assigned to and remained stationed at Tufts College. After completing the requirements for medical school, Goldstein was accepted at Tufts School of Medicine. However, he had not completed all the requirements for his bachelor's degree. Recalls Goldstein, "With our acceptances to medical school, the Navy considered that keeping us in college was an unnecessary expense and chat we would be more valuable working in one of the naval hospitals. Therefore, with orders in hand, students who had medical school acceptances were transferred to the Sampson Naval Base in New York, ostensibly to staff and extend our practical education at the Sampson Naval Hospital." Goldstein and twelve other future medical students-all in full military uniform-arrived in New York as part of a large contingent of recruits. "The chief petty officer in charge refused to review our orders, labeled us a 'Aunkies' and assigned us to boot camp," Goldstein said. After boot camp, they were given the rank of third class pharmacists' mates and shipped to hospitals on the West Coast. Goldstein landed at the Oakland Naval Hospital. Eventually, the Bureau of Personnel in Washington, D.C., found the "missing thirteen sailors and ordered them to report to their respective medical schools," said Goldstein, who went on to receive his medical degree from Tufts in 1948. He has been director and chief of the Pratt Diagnostic Clinic at N EMC sine: 1986 and has been on the faculty at Tufts School of Medicine since 1957. He was promoted to full professor in 1986. He also maintained a private practice in internal medicine and pulmonology in Medford, Mass. , from 1957 co 1986. Goldstein is the former president of the medical staff at Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Medford. He is a diplomace of the American Board of Internal Medicine. He holds fellowships in the American College of Chest Physicians and che American College of Physicians and is a

7 member of numerous professional organizations, including the American Medical Association, the American Society of Internal Medicine, the American Thoracic Society and the Society of Critical Care Medicine. "le is no overstatement co say char for the past forty years, Dr. Goldstein has been 'the faculty's doc,"' said Sol Gittleman, senior vice president and provost of Tufts. "] cannot count the number of colleagues who have been the beneficiaries of the wisdom and talent of this marvelous clinician," Gittleman said. "He has also served his medical school with enormous dedication." And now, nearly 60 years after World War II interrupted his undergraduate education, Tufts will award Goldstein an honorary Bachelor of Science degree.

ROBERT D. HORMATS, vice chairman of Goldman Sachs (Internacional) and manag111g director of Goldman, Sachs & Co., held high-level poses in the Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations before going into the private sector in 1982. A recipient of the French Legion of Honor in 1982 and of the Arthur Fleming Award in 1974, Hormacs served as a senior staff member for international economic affairs on che National Security Council from 1974 co 1977. He was senior economic adviser co Henry Kissinger, Gen. Brent Scowcrofr, and Zbigniew Brzezinski. He also served as senior deputy assistant secretary for economic and business affairs at the U.S. Department of Scare from 1977 co 1979, as ambas­ sador and deputy U.S. trade representative from 1979 co 1981, and as assistant secretary of state for economic and business affairs from 1981 co 1982. In 1993, President Bill Clinton appointed Hormats co the board of the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund. He holds four degrees from Tufts-a B.A. in economics and political science and M.A., M.A.L.D., and Ph.D. degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. While an under­ graduate, he participated in the Operation Crossroads program, spending a summer in Kenya building fences and doing ocher community development work. He credits this experience with reinforcing his desire to pursue a career in international affairs. He wrote his Ph .D. dissertation on "Peasants and Pressure: The Peasant as an Active Force in the Process of Change and Development in Rural Tanzania." Hormats began his career with Goldman Sachs as vice president and director of Goldman Sachs Internacional Corp. He was promoted to vice chairman of Goldman Sachs (International) in 1987. He is a member of the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Engelhard Hanovia Inc., Human Genome Sciences Inc., and the U.S.-Russia Investment Fund. Hormats is the author of several books and articles on international affairs, including American Albatross: The Foreign Debt Dilemma, Reforming the International Monetary System, The Foreign Policy of the Internet, and Global Business in the 21st Century. He has been a visiting lecturer at Princeton University and a guest scholar at the Brookings Institution. Tufts will award him an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

!SMAR SCHORSCH is the sixth chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary and is the Rabbi Herman Abramovitz Professor of Jewish History. Founded in 1886, the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City is the spiritual and academic center of Conservative Judaism. As its leader, Schorsch has worked co convey his vi sion of Conservative Judaism as the most authentic contemporary expression of rabbinic Judaism. In 1995, he published Sacred Cluster: The Core Values of Conservative Judaism, his highly acclaimed monograph outlining the seven fundamental tenets of Conservative Judaism.

8 His faith in God is resolute. He once wrote an essay for Commentary in which he said, "Whatever else our century will be known for, it will surely be recalled for inventing the crime of genocide, discovering a cosmos of unimaginable size, and confirming the randomness at the heart of Darwinian evolution. And yet, I avow and live my people's ancient and oft-rested faith in the existence of God." Under Schorsch's leadership, the Jewish Theological Seminary continues ro inform and elevate the religious lives of Jews far beyond its Manhattan campus. As an engine for outreach, the Jewish Theological Seminary is committed to introducing religious alternatives and new leadership in Israel through its Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem; ro training a new Jewish intelligentsia for Russian Jewry through Project Judaica, its Jewish studies program in Moscow; ro raising a generation of literate and observant Jews in North America through the Ramah camps and Schechter schools; ro providing Jewish knowledge and experience ro adults through innovative programs; and ro creating a responsible Jewish voice on public issues from religious pluralism in Israel ro bioethics. Schorsch's belief that the survival of the Jewish people depends on education resulted in the creation of the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary QTS) in September 1996. Through this premier graduate school, rhe chancellor hopes ro effect a revolution in the field of Jewish education in this country. Schorsch was also a guiding force behind the Solomon Schechter High School of New York, established on the JTS campus in 1992. The only Schechter high school serving New York City and northern New Jersey, the school recently relocated ro a new state-of-the-art educational facility on Central Park West in Manhattan. The leading voice in the fight ro expand the rights and religious identity of Conservative Jews in Israel, Schorsch continues ro strengthen the Jewish Theological Seminary's Israel campus. His public statements and published writings have attracted wide attention in the secular and Jewish press, including The New York Times. His longtime support of the peace process was capped by an invitation from President Clinron ro serve with the official presidential delegation witnessing the peace treaty signing berween Jordan and Israel in Ocrober 1994. A rop scholar in the field of modern Jewish hisrory, Schorsch addresses the important issue of modern Jewish scholarship as a central facror in the reconstruction of Jewish identity and self­ presenrarion. In 1998, the Russian State University awarded Schorsch an honorary degree in recognition of the extraordinary success of Project Judaica-rhe first rime in that country's hisrory that such an honor was given ro a Jewish scholar. During his tenure as chancellor, Schorsch has become increasingly recognized as one of the foremost spokesmen on a range of critical issues besetting society. He brings a unique Jewish dimension ro such national issues as the environment, separation of church and stare and health care and welfare reform. He achieved national recognition on environmental issues when he shared rhe podium with the Dalai Lama at a Middlebury College symposium televised national­ ly by Bill Moyers. Working with Vice President Al Gore, Schorsch helped create the national Religious Partnership for the Environment, a coalition of religious and scientific leaders that succeeded in using the moral inAuence wielded by religious leaders ro effect change. Tufts will award Schorsch an honorary Doctor of Religious Education degree.


Random Notes about Tufts and Its Commencement Exercises Tufts College opened its doors in I 854 under the modest but courageous leadership of Hosea Ballou 2d. Hesitant as to his fitness for the presidency, he wrote to his brother Levi: "But I shut my eyes to the consequences, and rush forward ... I am in for it, and if I come out ground to powder, I hope it will bring the price of flour down." The distinguished Ballou and his successors wrought well, however, for Tufts College has grown from its original complement of "one building, four professors, seven students" into a universiry with a full-time faculry and staff of over 2,600 and student enrollment of 8,700. The climax of the academic year has traditionally been a public Commencement, which for many years was scheduled for the second Wednesday in July. The first Commencement at which degrees were conferred took place on July 8, 1857, when three candidates were graduated. In those days students were assigned Commencement parts in accordance with their class rank, and appropriate addresses were delivered in Latin. Until 1879, the degree candidates were listed alphabetically. Until 1875, the morning Commencement exercises were followed by a formal program in the afternoon under the auspices of the leading undergraduate literary and debating club. In 1875, the afternoon program was conducted by the Association of Alumni and marked their increasing interest in the affairs of their Alma Mater. Printed circulars of the first Com­ mencement were sent to all Universalise pastors to read to their congregations and special notice was given that ladies were invited to all of the festivities.

Source: Light on the Hill, Russell E. Miller, Beacon Press.

Since chat auspicious day in July 1857, Tufts has conferred 115,625 earned degrees. The Medical School was opened in 1893, and the first graduating class consisted of rwenry-rwo students, including eight women. Since then, it has conferred 11,208 M.D. degrees. The Boston Deneal College was incorporated into Tufts in 1899, and all graduates after this union received the Doctorate of Dental Medicine from Tufts instead of the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Thus, Tufts became one of only three dental schools in the United States to award the D.M.D. instead of the D.D.S. as the degree for general practitioners of dentistry. The Tufts Universiry School of Dental Medicine has conferred 9,588 D.M.D. degrees. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy opened its doors in 1933 to twenry-one students, all college or universiry graduates. In 1935, fourteen students received the Master of Arts degree and at the same Commencement the first Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy was awarded. Since 1935, The Fletcher School has conferred 2,908 Master of Arts degrees, 3,032 Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy degrees, and 552 Doctor of degrees. The School of Veterinary Medicine, founded in 1979, has conferred I 089 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees. It is New England's only veterinary school.

10 The Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences was established in 1980 in cooperation with the schools of medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, and the graduate schools of arcs and sciences. Furthering Tufts' commitment to multidisciplinary health investigations, the Sackler School has conferred 303 degrees. The School of Nutrition Science and Policy began as the Graduate Department of Nutri­ tion in the College of Arcs and Sciences in 1976. It began operation as a school in 1981. Since then, the school has conferred 466 degrees.

The Commencement Exercises Today the Tufts Commencement exercises open with an academic procession which brings all participants to the Green in front of Ballou Hall, where the first Commencement was held. Candidates for degrees lead the procession, followed by members of the faculty, in order of seniority. Members of the administration, deans, trustees, and honorary degree recipients are ushered in by the Marshal of the 25-year Reunion Class of 1975, Abbie (Pearlstein) Dean, to seats on the platform. Associate Professor of Classics, Peter L.D. Reid, the Presenter, carrying the official mace, leads the final marcher, President John DiBiaggio.

Academic Regalia Traditional academic regalia has been worn by the Tufts faculty since the Commencement of 1906. The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The Master's gown has elbow-length, pointed sleeves; the Doctor's gown has bell­ shaped sleeves; both may be worn open or closed. The Doctor's gown is faced and the sleeves are trimmed with velvet. By its color and its arrangement, the hood worn with the gown indicates the wearer's highest advanced degree, the field in which it was awarded, and the school from which it came. The lining of the hood carries the school's colors, brown and blue in the case of Tufts. The velvet edging on the hood, wider for the Doctor's degree than for the Master's degree, signifies by its color the field in which the degree was designated. Master of Science and Doctor of Science hoods are trimmed in yellow; Engineers in orange; Medicine in green; Dental Medicine in lilac; and Doctor of Philosophy in blue. The mortar­ board or Oxford-type cap is the one usually worn, but of lace, the soft cap which resembles an over-sized beret has come into favor because of its comfort. Tassels, other than the universally accepted black, may indicate by the various colors the field of learning in which the degree is earned, while the gold tassel generally signifies a doctoral degree. Many foreign universities show great diversity following traditions which extend back for centuries.


Musical Interlude

Presenter Peter L.D. Reid Associate Professor of Classics

Student Oration Keshia Pollack Wendell Phillips Award Winner, College of Liberal Arts, Class of 2000

Presentation of Sol Gittleman Faculty Emeritus/a Senior Vice President and Provost Certificates

Recipients of Faculty Rocco J. Carza Emeritus/a Certificates Mark De Voto Bobbie M. Knable James W. Schlesinger

Presentation of The Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Diplomas to Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Ph.D. Candidates Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Presentation of The Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Diplomas Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Bernard Gordon, Founder, The Gordon Institute Edward Aqua, Director, The Gordon Institute Arthur Winston, Senior Associate Director, The Gordon Institute Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The College ofSpecial Studies Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost


Musical ln·terlude

Presenter Peter L.D. Reid Associate Professor of Classics

Student Oration Keshia Pollack Wendell Phillips Award Winner, College of Liberal Arts, Class of 2000

Presentation of Sol Gittleman Faculty Emeritus/a Senior Vice President and Provost Certificates

Recipients of Faculty Rocco J. Carzo Emeritus/a Certificates Mark DeVoto Bobbie M. Knable James W Schlesinger

Presentation of The Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Diplomas to Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Ph.D. Candidates Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Presentation of The Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Diplomas Robert M. Hollister, Dean, Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Bernard Gordon, Founder, The Gordon Institute Edward Aqua, Director, The Gordon Institute Arthur Winston, Senior Associate Director, The Gordon Institute Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The College ofSpecial Studies Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gittleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

12 The College ofEngineering Ioannis Miaoulis, Dean, College of Engineering Kim Knox, Assistant Dean, College of Engineering Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Sol Gitcleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

The College ofLiberal Arts and Jackson College Charles Inouye, Dean ofthe Colleges Melvin Bernstein, Vice President for Arts, Sciences, and Technology Leila Fawaz, Dean ofthe College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College for Arts and Humanities Susan Ernst, Dean ofthe College of Liberal Arts and Jackson College for Natural Sciences and Social Sciences Sol Gitcleman, Senior Vice President and Provost

Alma Mater Claire M . McCarthy, Class of 2000

Finale The audience is requested to remain seated for the singing of TUFTONIA 'S DAY by the Beelzebubs, Jackson fills, and the Amalgamates.

Recessional The audience is requested to remain seated until the platform party has retired. This will mark the end ofthe Commencement cerremony. Immediately following the ceremony, the graduates and their guests are invited to attend the Commencement luncheon on the lawn adjacent to Tisch Library.

Commencement Rocco J. Carzo Marshal


The Alpha Omicron Pi Prize The Class of 1911 Prize The Ethel M. Hayes Scholarship Scholarship Scholarships David M. Eo ll E'Ol Erin J. Cox A'OO Samuel G. Hanson A'OO Jonathan F. Troy A'OO Edward C. Harvey E'OO The Alpha Xi Delta Prize Darlene R. Hurley-Woods A'OO The Lewis F. Manly Memorial Prize Scholarship Jonathan F. Troy A'OO David H. Moon A'Ol The Class of 1942 Prize Margery A. Yeager A'Ol Scholarship The Lt. Commander Robert James Lissa M. Dutra A'OO Manning Memorial Prize Fund The Association of Tufts Alumnae David S. Trill in g A'OO Melissa A. Bargmann E'OO Seventy-fifth Anniversary Award Andrew Y. Wu E'OO Meema D. Thever A'OO The Community Service Award Jill F. Krakowski A'OO Alison J. George A'OO The Multicultural Service Award Tiphanie Y. Gundel A'OO The Bennett Memorial The Donald A. Cowdery Memorial Scholarship Scholarship The Ellen C. Myers Memorial Prize Zachary Brown A'OO Lisa P. Kaplan A'OO Lori J. Genser A'OO Gerald J. Topping E'OO James L. Weinberg A'OO Christopher D. Lamo reaux E'OO Ashley P. Weaver A'OO Janak A. Sanariya E'O I The de Florez Prize in Human The Benjamin G. Brown Engineering The Navy V-12/NROTC Scholarship Todd R. Reily A'OO Memorial Prize Christine S. Hsu E'OO Douglas J. Leister A'OO Kevin Lai A'OO The Alex Elias Memorial Prize Scholarship Yu Lui A'OO The Class of 1947 Marybeth Baker A'OO Victor Prather Prize The Gemma Cifarelli Memorial Rachel B. Levin A'OO David M. Berns E'OO Scholarship Matthew L. Lyons E'OO Sarah E. Dubner A'OO Jenny Lee A'O 1 Cynthia L. Manning A'OO John A. Umina E'OO Margery A. Yeager A'O 1

The Frederick Melvin Ellis Prize The Pride on the Hill Award The Prize Scholarship of the Class Malcolm S. McDermid A'OI Carl M. Sciortino A'OO ofl882 Caitlin M. Murphy A'OO Aisha M . Barbour A'OO The Charles F. Seymour, Jr., Prize Bradley A. McGregor A'OO The Ivan Galantic Special Irina Kogan A'OO Omer Trajman E'OO Achievement in Hµmanities Prize Brian D. Schneider A'OO Carrie E. Duncan A'OO The Class of 1898 Prizes The Philip E. A. Sheridan, M.D., Chin Lain Goh A'OO The Audrey Butvay Prize Gruss Science Award Thomas P. Korwal E'OO Shanesha L. White A'OO Clare S. McCarthy A'OO Heral A. Dave A'OO Rebecca A. Noll A'OO The Tufts University Alumni Reshma S. Vaswani A'OO Association Award Terri-Ann T. Wong A'OI The Audrey L. Hale Prize Christopher Erric Maddox A'OO


The Department of Anthropology The Class of 1921 Leonard The Department of Chemical Prize Carmichael Prize Scholarship Engineering Prize David S. Trilling A'OO Fund Jeffrey R. Pugh E'OO Lauren M. Brodsky A'O I Jennifer S. Brown A'Ol The Sociology Prize The Eliot-Pearson Department of Talia Cohen A'Ol Lisa P. Kaplan A'OO Child Development Prize Amy J. Metzger A'O 1 Michelle M. Graziosa A'OO

The Marianne J. H. Witherby Prize in Archaeology The Priscilla N. Dunne Prize The Chinese Language and Scholarship Carrie E. Duncan A'OO Literature Prize Elizabeth J. Razin A'OO Ramona V. Romero A'OO Natalie C. Cheung A'OO David B. Schatz A'OO David M. Dunoye A'OO

The History of Art Prize The Joanne Mary Sullivan Prize Cambra E. Stern A'OO The Michael E. Avtges Memorial Melissa B. Arbus A'OO Prize Caroline A. Blackman A'OO Sarah A. Widing E'Ol The Asian Studies Prize Hui Ling (Kaye) Lim A'OO The Marjorie B. Greene Award The Earle F. Littleton Scholarship Patricia L. Wu A'OO Stephanie L. Blodgett Benjamin W. Findley E'OO Graduate Student Katherine E. LeBlanc The Anna Quincy Churchill Prizes Graduate Student in General Biology The R. M. Karapetoff Cobb Matthew C. Long Jessica A. Cimolo A'03 Chemistry Fund Graduate Student Rebecca L. Eiss A'03 Shari R. Cohen A'O I Gerald J. Topping E'OO Evangeline A. Thibodeau A'02 Melissa A. Passino A'O1 Michael J. Weaver E'OO Philip M. Vitorino A'03

The Durkee Scholarships The Boston Greek Prize The Paula Frazier Poskitt Michael K. Hilinski A'OO Jason A. Diamond A'OO Scholarship David H. Stitelman A'OO Johanna E. Neumann A'OO The William Frank Wyatt Prize

The Margaret Durkee Angell and David S. Edwards A'03 The Thomas Harrison Carmichael Henrietta Brown Durkee Danielle L. Perrin A'03 and Emily Leonard Carmichael Scholarship Fund Prize Scholarship Stephen A. Quinet A'03 Rebecca A. Noll A'OO Kevin J. Bender A'OO Scott R. Glaberman A'OO The Moses True Brown Prize Kevin Lai A'OO The Max Tishler Prize Scholarship Elizabeth H. Gould A'OO Robert B. Shaw, Jr. A'OO Shari R. Cohen A'O I Danielle J. Snyder E'OO Neha S. Vibhakar A'OO Nicholas A. Spinelli A'O l


The Anne E. Borghesani Memorial Prize Shayla D. Donald A'02 Megan J. Dooley A'Ol Swati B. Mehta A'Ol Rita C. Mercado A'02

The Marshall Hochhauser Prize Rachel D. Berry A'OO Jennifer C. Dodge A'OO

The Elizabeth Verveer Tishler Prize Steven Kahn '00

The Wendell Phillips Memorial Scholarship Keshia Pollack J'OO

Jackson College appears on the diplomas of women graduates to commemorate the long and hard­ won tradition of coeducation at Tufts University. Although women applied to Tufts almost immedi­ ately after its founding in 1852, they were denied admission until the 1890s. With the founding of Jackson College for women in 1910, which was named for Cornelia Jackson, the benefactor who did the most to promote women's education at Tufts, women's education gained secur­ ity at the institution. To remem­ ber that important change, we continue to place the name of Jackson College on the diplomas of women in Liberal Arts.


Graduate School ofArts * Margaret Caldwell Bloch Qazi *** Ni I kolaos Fourligkas and Sciences Biology, B.A. Wellesley College. Mechanical Engineering, M.S. Tufts Dissertation: "Sperm Precedence in a University, B.S. Aristotle University of Flour Beetle. " Thessaloniki!Greece. Dissertation: Doctor of Philosophy '/I New Thermal Rapid Prototyping Process by Fused Material Deposition: Xuefeng Cheng Implementation, Modeling and Control. " Saleh Hashim Al Hashimi Electrical Engineering, M.S. Huazhong University/PR. China. Dissertation: Chemical Engineering, M.S. Tufts *** Seman ti Ghosh University, B.S. Tufts University. "Dijfose Optical Tomography of Dissertation: "Use ofAccurate Asympoti­ Hematomas. " History, M.A. Calcutta University/India. tic Analyses of Local Transport Rates in Dissertation: "Nationalism and the Prob­ the Design ofAlkaline Scrubber/Stripper lem of Difference: Bengal 1905-1947." Systems for Acid Gas Separation." David S. Choi Electrical Engineering, M.S. University Thomas Patrick Gloria of Massachusetts/Amherst, B.S. •• Charles Edward Amass University of Massachusetts/Amherst. Civil Engineering, M.S. Tufts University, Chemistry, j.D. Boston University School Dissertation: "Fuzzy Subband Decom­ B.S. University of Connecticut. of law, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. position. Dissertation: '/In Approach to Dynamic Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Environmental life-Cycle Assessment by Dissertation: '/In NMR Study of Evaluating Structural Economic lithium Reacting with N, N'bis Christopher Kneeland Cratsley Sequences. " [2-(dimenthylamino} ethyl]-N,N'­ Biology, B.A. Brown University. dimethyl I, 2-Benzenedimethanamine, Dissertation: "Sexual Selection in A Model Compound of lithium­ Photinus Fireflies: The Roles Male David George Harper Graphite Intercalation. " Courtship Signals and Nuptial Gifts. " Psychology, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. Tufts University. Dissertation: "Circadian Rhythm Disturbances in Advanced Behnam Arya ***William David Dagenhart Dementia. " Civil Engineering, M.S. Ct!lifornia State Physics, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. University!Northridge, B.S. Iran Massachusetts Institute of Technology. •• Elizabeth Christine Harvey University of Science and Tech.I Iran. Dissertation: "Atomic Mass Dependence Dissertation: "Structural Identification of a- and anti-8- Production in Psychology, M. 5. Tufts University, for Condition Assessment Using Modal Central 250 GeV/c1C-Nucleon B.A. Simmons College. Dissertation: Nondestructive Test Data. " Interactions." "Determining the Relationships Between Personal Weight Concerns, General Personality Traits, and Attitudes Toward Tamara Babaian Shuanghua Patrick Dai Fat People: A Functional Approach. " Computer Science, M.S. Tufts University, Physics, M.S. Tufts University, B.S. B.S. Yerevan State University/Armenia. Nanjing Normal University/PR. China. Dissertation: "Knowledge Representation Dissertation: "X-ray Scattering and Laura J. Hillman and Planning in Open Worlds." Thermal Analysis Study of lsotactic Child Development, M.A. University of Poly(propylene}. " Virginia, B.A. American University. Dissertation: "Battered Women and Colleen F. Bleczinski Their Children: An Exploratory Study of Chemistry, M.S. Tufts University, B.A. *** Leonidas Deligiannidis the Relationships Between Mothers Who Have Fled Obusive Relationships and the College of the Holy Cross. Dissertation: Computer Science, M.S. Tufts University, Children Who Have Witnessed Their "Synthesis, Selection, and Characteriza­ B.S. Northeastern University Abuse." tion of Oligonucleotide Hybrids with Dissertation: "Dlo Ve A Specification Increased Target Affinity and Selectivity." Paradigm for Designing Distributed VR Applications for Single or Multiple users. "

• August I 999 ** November 1999 ... Febmary 2000 19 Christine H. Jaworek *** Wendy Foulds Mathes * Jane Runyue Wu Pepper Chemistry, B.S. Ti,fts University. Psychology, M.S. Tufts University, B.A. Chemistry, M.S. State University of New Dissertation: "Synthesis of Inositol University of Massachusetts/Amherst. York at Oswego, 8.5. Furlan University! Phosphate Glycons. " Dissertation: "Running Wheel Activity P.R. China. Dissertation: "Design and Attenuates the Effects of Exogeno11s Application ofa Multichannel Laser­ Opiates: Implications for the Endogenous Induced Fluorescence System for Ludo Bernard us Franciscus Juurlink Opioid System." Environmental Monitoring." Chemistry, B.S. Hogeschool Ktttholieke Leergangen Tilb11rgl Netherlands. Dawn Kristin Mendoza * Christine Rauh-Adelmann Dissertation: "Eigenstate-Resolved Meas11rements of Methane Dissociation English, M.A. Tiifis University, B.A. Biology, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic on Ni(JOO)." . Dissertation: Institute. Dissertation: "Newly-Identified ''An Ethic of Feminine Reconciliation Potential Therapeutic Targets for in Contemporary Cuban American Hormone-Re.fractory Breast Cancer." Amelia Vittoria Katanski literature." English, M.A. Tiifis University, B.A. ••• David Anthony Sarracino Kalamazoo College. Dissertation: "'No­ Madhavi Menon one can dispute my own impressions and Chemistry, 8.5. Merrimack College. bitterness'.· Representations ofthe Indian English, M.A. St. Stephens College/India, Dissertation: "Inter-and fntramolecular Boarding School Experience in 19th and B.A. St. Stephens Collegellndia. Complexes of Single-Stranded Oligo­ 20th Cent11ry American Indian Litera­ Dissertation: "\~mton Words: The Rhetoric nucleotides with Peptides and Peptide ture. of Sexuality in Renaissance Drama." Analogs."

* Alexander Vladimir Kornienko Amanda J. Nelson ** C heryl Silbert Schnitzer Chemistry, 8.5. Mendeleev Institute of Drama, M.A. San Francisco State Chemistry, B.A. Skidmore College. Technology/Russia. Dissertation: ''Practical University, B.A. University of California/ Dissertatio11: "Sum Frequency Generation Enantiospecific Syntheses of Differentially Irvine. Dissertation: "Performing for the of Water on Inorganic Acid and Salt Protected Cyclitols and Partial Synthesis Empire: Victorian Women on Stage for Solutions. " ofa Non- Hydrolymble Phosphooligosac­ the South ofA.frica." charide Analog Related to Insulin Signal Trnnsduction. " Barbara Day Schofield ** Melissa Anna Nolan Drama, M.A. Tiifis University, B.A. Chemistry, B.S. Utica College. Schiller lntemational University! * Daphne Pi-Wei Lei Dissertation: ''Microfabricated Iridium England. Dissertation: "Daddys Girls: Drama, M.A. California State University! Amzys: Failure Mechanisms, Investiga­ The Company of Womens King Lear: Los Angeles, B.A. Soochow University! tion of the Hg-Ir Interface and their use Observations of Gender, Shakespeare and China. Dissertation: "Performing the in Cu or Hg Determination." the Creative Process. " Borders: Gender and lntercultural Conflicts in Premodern Chinese Drama. " ** Bojana Obradovic Sigurdur Vidir Smarason Chemical Engineering, M.S. Tiifis Chemistry, B.S. University of Iceland/ *Li Li University, M.S. University of Belgrade! Iceland. Dissertation: ''Advances in Fast Mechanical Engineering, M.S. F11jian Yugoslavia, B.S. University of Belgrade! Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Institute of Research/China, B.E. Beijing Yugoslavia. Dissertation: "Bioreactor and Cone Penetrometry for the Sampling University ofAeronautics and Studies of Tissue Engineered Cartilage: and Analysis of Subsurface Pollutants. " Astronautics/?. R. China. Dissertation: Experiments and Modeli11g." ''Adhesion Phenomena and Cure Kinetics of Photopolymers. " Igor I. Tkachov ** Annie Pecastaings Electrical Engineering, M.S. Moscow English, M.A. Tiifis University, B.A. Engineering & Physics Institute/Russia. *** Frances Malamy University of Massachusetts/Lowell, Dissertation: "Millimeter Wave Complex History, M.A. Tiifis University, j.D. DI PLEcole Normale de Charnberyl Dielectric Permittivity and Complex Suffolk University Law School, B.A. Tiifis France. Dissertation: "Politics and the Magnetic Permeability Measurements of University. Dissertation: "The Creation Body in Eighteenth-Century Gothic Absorbing Materials. " ofa Land Use Policy in Seventeenth Novels." Century Massachusetts: A Complex Interaction of Legal and Intellectual Traditions. "

' August 1999 ·' November 1999 20 ···February 2000 Stefan A. Winkler Biotechnology Engineering, DIP Fachhochschule Weihenstephan!Germany. Dissertation: "Triggered Assembly of Spider-Silk Like Proteins."

Hongwei Yu Physics, M.S. Hebei Normal University! PR. China. Dissertation: "Quantum light Cone Fluctuations. "

Antigoni Zafirakou Civil Engineering, M.S. University of Connecticut, DIPl Aristotle University of Thessaloniki!Greece. Dissertation:

Angela Maria Zapata Chemistry, B.S. Worcester State College. Dissertation: "Development and Performance Enhancement ofa Capillary Microwave Induced Plasma Mass Spec­ trometer far Gas Chromatographic Detection."

Tianli Zhu Chemical Engineering, M.A. Zhejiang University/PR. China. Dissertation: "Direct Reduction of SO 2 to Elemental Sulfur by Methane and Partial Oxida­ tion of Methane to Syngas on Ceria­ Based Catalysts. "

• August 1999 •• November 1999 ·., February 2000 21 Certificate ofAdvanced • Gregory Rowland Lee Jennifer Mary White Graduate Study Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Education, School Psychology, M.S. University, M.A. State University of Southern Connecticut State University, New York/Stony Brook, B.A. State B.A. Wesleyan Univeristy Ilana Achildiyev University of New Jersey/Rutgers Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Brandeis University Kelly Lynn Maynard Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Melissa Beth Berkowitz University, B.A. La Salle University Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University Christine M. Newton Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Deborah Datz University, B.A. Merrimack College Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.A. Brandeis University Jay C. Norton Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Christine Ann Dupuis University, B.A. University of Michigan Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, A. B. Stonehill College Rebecca Dawn Selwyn Education, School Psychology, M.A . litjis ••• Rebecca J. Frankel University, B.S. Union College Child Development, M.A. T Tufts University, B.A. University of Oregon Kelly Ann Sierkowski Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Nancy Grant Gerety University, B.A. College ofthe Holy Cross Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, M. Ed Boston College, Emily Joyce Sostek B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, 8.5. St. Lawrence University Shana Ann Healey Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Antonietta M. Spacciapoli University, 8.A. Providence College Education, School Psychology, M.A. Faiifield University, Auralea Michele Juskiewicz A. 8. College ofthe Holy Cross Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, B.S. Bradley University Jessica Lyn Tredeau Education, School Psychology, M.A. li,fts Britt Elizabeth Karlblom University, B.A. Skidmore College Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, 8.A. University of Michigan Dennis Wilson Trombley Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts Kevin P. Lalli University, B.A. Assumption College Education, School Psychology, M.A. Tufts University, 8.A. Heather Elizabeth Weston Educntion, School Psychology, M.A. li,fts University, B.A. Williams College

'August 1999 "November 1999 22 • • • February 2000 Master ofArts •• Charlotte Burgess Anthony Cornish Art and Art History, B.A. Oberlin College Drama, B.A. Birkbeck College/London

Shani Elizabeth Abshier Art and Art History, Lora-Lynn Elizabeth Byfield • Ursula Margarethe Costa B.A. University of South Carolina Education, B.A. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, Dip. OT Acad. far Occupational Therapy, Innsbrook/Austria

Qunwei Ai Darcy Greenfeld Byrne ••• Michelle Marchetti Coughlin Child Development, B.E. Beijing Urban & Environmental Policy, Normal University!P.R. China B.A. University of California/Los Angeles History, M.A. Harvard University, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

Stephanie A. Baker Karen Ann Carlson •• Caryn Hardey Crosthwait Child Development, German, B.A. Messiah College B.A. Tufts University History, B.A. Drew University

•• Mary L. Carpenter Karen Batterby Cynthia Michelle Cullen Education, School Psychology, History, B.A. University of Connecticut A.B. College ofthe Holy Cross Education, M.S.L.S. The Catholic University

••• Xenia Esperanza Barahona Maurice Kirk Carr III Jennifer Amanda Cunningham Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Economics, B. S. Tufts University University of Central America/Nicaragua Child Development, B.A. Yale University

Ivica Ceraj * Milissa Ann Barry ***Nandini Datta Economics, B.S. University of Child Development, Zagreb/Croatia Education, B.A. Bryn Mawr College B.A. Tufts University

Lung Fai Chan * Angela C. Davis Neeti Belliappa Occupational Therapy, DIPL Hong Kong Education, School Psychology, History, B.A. St. Stephen's College/India Polytechnic/Hong Kong B.A. St. Joseph's College

Anitra Lorraine Blanco Jana Helen Chaudhuri Sarita Digumarci Urban & Environmental Policy, Child Development, Economics, DIP TA. Pai Management B.A. University of California/Irvine B.A. Colgate University Institute/India, B.S. Khallikote College/India

Rebecca Eleonore Blumenthal • Albert Tae-Eui Cho Sarah Elizabeth Dryden Education, B.A. Brown University Education, B.A. Tufts University Education, MPhil. University of Cape Town/S. Africa, A. B. Harvard University •• Kimberly Bray ••• Susan Joy Cobern French, B.A. Dickinson College Education, B. S. Tufts University Mai Thuy Du Education, B.A. Tufts University Tonia Valerie Bremi • Rachel Miriam Cohen Education, DIPL Teacher's College Education, B.A. Oberlin College Unterstrass/Switzerland Beth Hope Engel Child Development, Sarah Colman B.S. Wheelock <:;ollege Julie Elizabeth Brenninkmeyer Child Development, B.A. Tufts University Education, B.S. Tufts University

• August 1999 "November 1999 ... February 2000 23 Carolyn Bronwyn Evans Nicholas James Gresens Edward Joseph Hutchinson Music, B.M. Berklee College of Music Classics, B.A. University of Wisconsin/ History, B.A. Providence College Madison

Jessica Kathryn Farley Valentina Iankina Education, B.F.A. University of Paul Sandford Guggenheim French, B.A. Moscow State University! M assachusptslAmherst Urban & Environmental Policy, Russia B.A. Ithaca College

Preerhi Fernando Courtney Jean Jacobs Ziva N. Haller Music, B.A. Clark University Education, A. B. Dartmouth College Art and Art History, B.A. Barnard College ** Shelly Roper Folsom * Genevieve Marie Jacobs Education, School Psychology, Education, A.B. Dartmouth College A.B. Dartmouth College **J. Jill Hanley Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. McGill University/Canada, • Darcy L. Jameson *Todd D. Ford B.S. W McGill University/Canada Urban & Environmental Policy, Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. University of Vermont B.A. St. Lawrence University *** Trisha L. Hasch Urban & Environmental Policy, * Panle Jia **Craig D. Fox B.S. Northeastern University Economics, B.A. Fudan University/China Philosophy, B.A. Boston University

Martha Holland Hevenor David Glen Johnston Lirong Fu Urban & Environmental Policy, Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Wellesley College Economics, B.A. Huazhong University of B.A. College of Wooster Sci. and Tech.lP.R.China

* John Francis Hill Nancy Kowalick Jones * Charlene Rae Garland Education, B.A. Trinity College Art and Art History, Urban & Environmental Policy, B.F.A. Massachusetts College ofArt, B.S. University of New Hampshire B.A. The Pennsylvania State University Shawn Eric Hill Art and Art History, A.B. Bard College Susan Geduris Rebecca Rabin Kaplan Music, B.A. Hampshire College Child Development, Ann Elissa Hinckley B.A. Brandeis University Education, B.S. University of Utah * Nathaniel Jason Goldberg *** Priya V. Kapoor Philosophy, B.A. Brandeis University *** Suzanne Joy Hirsh Economics, M.A. University of Bombay/ Education, M.A. University of India, B.A. St. Xaviers College/India *Warren D. Goldstein-Gelb Massachusetts/Boston, B.A. Northeastern Urban & Environmental Policy, University * Susan Frankel Karz B.A. State University of New York/ Binghamton Education, A.B. Boston University ** Heather Colleen Horn Art and Art History, *Lena Adduci Goodwin B.A. University of Hawaii Tia Kaul Urban & Environmental Policy, Child Development, B.A. Bryn Mawr College B.A. Tufts University Fengru Huang Economics, B.A. Tianjin Normal Wendy B. Gordon University!P.R. China Child Development, B.A. Beaver College

• August 1999 •• November 1999 24 ••• February 2000 • Michele Lisa Keefe Jane E. Martin Gillian Leigh Nagler Urban & Environmental Policy, Drama, B.A. University of Art and Art History, B.S. Syracuse University Southern Maine B.A. Emory University

•• Michele Rae King • Alison M. McBride •• Rebecca Holly Noskow Education, School Psychology, Education, School Psychology, Education, School Psychology, B.A. Brown University B.A. Trinity College B.A. University of Rochester

Christos Savva Koulendros Alicia Leone McCabe David R. Nurenberg Music, B.M. Berklee College ofMusic Child Development, English, B.A . Brandeis University B.A. Brandeis University

Jan Alexander Koziara • Julie Anne O 'Brien Jonathan Ray McCollum Economics, B.A. 7i,fts University Education, B.A. Colgate University Music, B.A. State University

** Renee Marie LaPointe ***Naomi Anna Ornstein ** Kelly Jean McNamara Education, School Psychology, Child Development, A. 8. Princeton University Education, School Psychology, B.A. University of Michigan B.A. Tufts University

Marc B. D. Labonte * Matthew A. Ouellette Heather Lynne Mead Economics, B.A. Tufts University Education, M. B.A. Texas Christian Education, B.A. Elmira College, University, B.A . Assumption College B.A. Elmira College • Miriam R. Landman O 'Neil A.S. Oucar Urban & Environmental Policy, Johanna Wilhemina Meyer 8.A. University of California/Santa Cruz Urban & Environmental Policy, Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil & B.A. Tufts University Env, B.A. Oberlin College * Gorman Lee *** Irene Chrysovalantou Papadopoulos Education, B.S. Boston University ** Brian Matthew Miller Child Development, B.A. Boston College Education, School Psychology, Beth Ellen Leopold B.A. Fairfield University *** Helen Yong Park Child Development, B.A. University of Pennsylvania Education, B.A. University of Rachel Christine Moo California/Irvine Child Development, ••• Meridith Winifred Levy B.S. Syracuse University Ekaterina V. Pechekhonova Urban & Environmental Policy, B.A. Grinnell College Economics, DI PL St. Petersburg State *** Maria Mori University/Russia Child Development, B.Ed. Aichi **'Thomas Lucas Littlefield University of Education/japan Chuin Sui Phang Economics, B.A. West Virginia University Music, B.A. Brandeis University *** Samantha Fox Morrow Amy M. Magazzu History, A.8. Columbia University *** Leo Thomas Piantes Child Development, 8.S. Syracuse University French, B.A. 7i,fts University ** Jonathan Warren Graves Mugar Education, B.A. Tufts University Asja Mandie * Merredith Desiree Porcsmore Art and Art History, Education, B.A. 7i,fts University, Amber L. Mugford B.A. St. Peters College B.S. 7i,fts University English, B.A. University ofHawaii at Hilo

* August 1999 *' November 1999 '•• February 2000 25 Jonathan Rabinowitz Martha L. Sesin • Robert Tatsuo Watanabe Urban & Environmental Policy. Art and Art History, Music, B.A. Tufts University B.A. McGill University/Canada A. B. Cornell University

• Emma J. Weiler •• Lori Ann Rego • Jessica Fay Siegel History, B.A. leMoyne College EducatiQII, School Psychology. B.A. Education, B.A. Tufts University University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth Kevin E. Wery Jill Carol Silverman Drama, B.A. University of Wisconsin/ •• Minka Lea Ricker Child Development, M. B.A. Boston Madison Education, B.F.A. Metropolitan State University, B.S. Tufts University College of Denver * Anna C. Wexler C hristina Elaine Sil vi Art and Art History, B.A. The Hebrew •• Lesli e Sarah Robertson Child Development, University of Jerusalem/Israel Art and Art History, B.S. University of Vermont B.A. McGill University/Canada •• Brian James White Michele Ming Shan Smith Economics, B.A. Purdue University N icole M. Robillard English, B.A. University of Hawaii at Urban & Environmental Policy. Manoa A.B. Bowdoin College • Amy Jo W hitehead Child Development, B.A. Smith College • Patrick Gerard Sorenso n • Stephanie Es telle Robinson Child Development, B.A. University of Occupational Therapy, Arkansas at little Rock Whitney Rae Wilson B.A. University of Vermont English, B.A. University of Utah

H olly Anne St. Clair ••• Sarah Anne Rogers Urban & Environmental Policy. Cynthia Ann Wood Art and Art History, B.A. Bates College B.A. Boston University Classics, B.A. Hollins College

• Amanda Ruhe Rothermel Leslie Aliso n Steiman • Brendan Michael Woodburn Education, B.A. Hobart and William German, B.A. University of Urban & Environmental Policy, Massachusetts/Amherst, B.S. University Smith Colleges B.A. Albion College of Massachusetts/Amherst

••• Catheri ne Ann Salemi ***Yuka Yamaji • Julia C hristine Stitson Urban & Environmental Policy, Art and Art History, B.A. Smith College A. B. Ripon College Education, B.A. Emmanuel College

Yum iko Yasuda • Lauren Anne Santoro ***Yi Su Urban & Environmental Policy, Child Development, B.A. Boston College Economics, B.A. Wuhan University/China B.A. japan Womens University/japan

•• Jess ica Il yse Schneider Stephan ie Ann Tenuto ** Jennifer A. Yebba Education, School Psychology. Education, B.A. William Smith College Education, B.A. Tufts University B.S. Union College

* Angela Joy Viru lli ** Jennifer Zuniga •• Alicia Ann Scott Urban & Environmental Policy, Education, School Psychology. B.A. Tulane University Education, School Psychology. B.A. University of California/Berkeley B.S. St. Lawrence University

** Jennifer J. Was il ewski • James Everett Searon, Jr. Education, School Psychology. Philosophy. B.A. Michigan State B.A. Gettysburg College University

• August 1999 •• November 1999 26 ... February 2000 Master ofArts in Teaching Todd Andrew Davidyock *** Michelle Rose Griz Education, B.S. Tufts University Child Development, B.S. University of Connecticut ••• Max L. Achrau, II Education, M.A. Tufts University, B.S. Cheryl Haline De Jong Kary Bridger Haley State University of New Jersey/Rutgers Education, B.A. University of Delaware Child Development, B.S. University of New Hampshire Frances Ellison Arnaud *Heather Lynn Dejohn Education, B.A. Tufts University, Child Development, B.A. Trinity College B.F.A. Tufts University *** Pamela Jeanne Hilston Child Development, Julia Richmond DiBello A. B. Stonehill College Daniel Glennon Bauer Education, B.S. Tufts University Education, B.A. University of Pennsylvania * Mark Reed Humke Cheri Eileen Ehrlich Education, B.S. Murray State University Education, B. F.A. University of David Baumrirrer Massachusetts/Amherst, B.A. University Jill Elizabeth Kaufman Education, B.S. University of Richmond of Massachusetts/Amherst Education, B.A. Miami University

* Benjamin Frederick Bradford Jessica Lee Epstein Jeanne Marie Kehrberger Education, B.A. University of Education, B.A. Middlebury College Massachusetts Education, B.A. Tufts University

* Deborah Jura Fisher Kendra Winifred Brown Jennifer Ann Kelly Education, B.A. University of Education, B.F.A. Ohio University Massachusetts/Boston Education, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Whitney Anne Brusman Jenifer Lynn Fisher Alicia Lyn Kersten Education, B.A. William Smith College Child Development, B.S. Brigham Young University Education, B.A. Yale University

••• Phyllis Callihan Education, MDIV Andover Newton Patrick John Flaherty * Laurell Anne Knowlton Theological School, B.A. Nasson College Education, B.A. Wesleyan University Education, B.A. Tufts University

• Soo Jeung Cho * Rebecca Jo Frankel • Sarah Colleer. Koenig Education, M.A. University of lllinois, Child Development, Education, M.A. University of B.A. Wheaton College B.A. University of Oregon Connecticut, B.A. University of California/San Diego

*Caitlin McMillan Clancy * Judi Helene Freeman Natasha Marie-Claude Labaze Education, M.F.A. Sarah Lawrence Education, MPHIL Yale University, College, B.A. Bennington College M.A. johns Hopkins University, Education, B.A. Tufts University A. B. Vassar College

Jacqueline Clark * Rebecca Ann Ledig Education, M.A. University of Rhode Emily Kare Censer Education, A. B. Colgate University Island, B.A. George Washington Education, B.A. Tulane University University • Stephen Wardell ~eere Rebecca Brenner Gilman Education, B.A. University of Connecticut * Elisa D'Amore Education, B.A. University of Wisconsin Education, B.S. Salem State College

• August 1999 "November I 999 '** February 2000 27 * Rachel Bl ayne Lichtig Mark Andrew Rogers Jonathan P. Wilson Education, B.A. Tufts University Child Development, B.A. Vassar College Education, 8.5. 7iifis University

Jennifer Louise Marold Natal ia Rojas * C hristopher Mark Yanco Child Development, Education, B.F.A. Los Andes Education, B.A . Tufts University 8.5. James Madison University University/Columbia

*** Rachel Worden Zucker * * Ruth Grossman Masters Dorothy Beth Rolde Education, B.A. Transylvania University Education, 8.A. Wheaton College Education, B.A. McGill University

Jea nne A. McDerTTJOtt Gerard Michael Scarangella Education, B.A. Hampshire College Education, B.A. Northeastern University

Brendan F. McWilliams David H oward Schmirer Education, B.A. Colorado College Education, B.A. 7iifis University

* Juliane Gardner Michae li * Gayle Lesli e Shenson Education, B.A. Tufts University Education, 8.5. Northeastern University

* Anne Florence Nash * Jonathan Edwa rd Skillings Education, 8.A. Marquette University Education, B.A. Bates College

* Rachel Lee Nathan Shinique Amiee Smith Education, B.A. University of Education, B.F.A. Maryland Institute Massachusettsl Amherst College ofArt

* Krista Taim i N ii t * Adam C. Steiner Education, B.S. University of Michigan Education, B.A. University of Chicago

* Benjamin Ri chard Pi erce Michael Dylan Teret Education, B.A. Carleton College Education, B.A. 7iifis University

* David Spencer Ramsey * Derek Anthony Texeira Child Development, B.A. Vassar College Education, B.A. Rutgers University

Mary A. Ricc iardi Julia Heather T hompson Education, B.A. University of Education, B.A. University of Massachusetts New Hampshire

Andrea Es meralda Rodriguez * Bhav na Mohan Vaswani Education, B.A. Tufts U11iversity Education, B.A. Texas Tech University

• August 1999 "November 1999 28 • • • February 2000 Master of Education Master of Engineering

•• Joanne Grossman Pearlman Tolga Bayrakcar Educ11tion, B.A. Colby College Chemical Engineering, B. S. Tufts University

••• Paul Shun Teh Chen Chemical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University

Brian Kevin Doherty Mechanical Engineering, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Lowell

Joel Robert Howe Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

*** Christopher C. Kiley Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Northeastern University

Thomas Gerard Larkin, Jr. Chemical Engineering, B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

'August 1999 '* November I 999 '••· February 2000 29 Master of Fine Arts Diana L. Patrick Studio Art, B.A. Washington State University Trina Marie Bellavance Studio Art, B.A. University of Vermont Julia Maria Szabo Studio Art, B.A. Brown University •• Davis Bliss Studio Art, A. B. Smith College Paul Douglas Taylor Studio Art, B.FA. West Virginia Evelina Brozgul University Studio Art, B.FA. The Cooper Union School ofArt, Diploma lmtituto Per L"Arte E fl Restauro/ltaly Thomas Patrick Walsh Studio Art, B.FA. University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth Charles Jesse Cregar Studio Art, B.FA. Atlanta College ofArt Ellen J. Wetmore Studio Art, B.FA. University of •• Isa Elke Dean Michigan/Ann Arbor Studio Art, B.FA. University of Oregon

Deborah Boyle Wojcik • James Gordon Fossett Studio Art, B.FA. Tufts University Studio Art, B.S. Kent State University

Edythe Fried Wright Lara Karn Frankena Studio Art, B.FA. Rhode Island School Studio Art, B.A. University of Michigan of Design

*** Kate Pulitzer Freedberg Studio Art, B.A. Hampshire College

•• Bjorn Jakob Kindem Studio Art, B.A. St. Olaf College

* Christopher Lamberg-Karlovsky Studio Art, B.A. Bates College, MFA. Boston University

Frederick L. Levy Studio Art, B.A. San Francisco State University

Alexandra Julia Opie Studio Art, B.A. Southern Oregon University

• August 1999 •• November 1999 30 ... Febmary 2000 Master of Science *** Nicole Patricia Bacon Stephanie Leigh Blodgecc Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, B.A. Boston College B.S. University of Vermont Marc William Abbott Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Vermont D. Brent Bailey Jonathan Marcelo Bonta Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University Urban & Environmental Policy/Biology. 8.A. Yale University Daniel K. Abi-Aad Computer Science, B.S. Notre Dame *** Patrice Diane Bain Laureen A. Borochaner University. louaiu!Lebanon Occupational Therapy, 8.A. University of New Hampshire Civil Engineering, B. S. University of Massachusetts/Lowell * Kacie Ab lard Occupational Therapy, B.A. Bates College *** Catherine Ann Bednar * Dewi Palu pi Yulianti Bramono Civil Engineering, A. B. Dartmouth College Mechanical Engineering, * Mannix V. Aklian B. S. Tufts University Biology. B.S. Tufts University Peggy N. Behrakis ** Thaden Edward Brient Computer Science, B.A. Boston College Kris E. Alexander Chemical/Biochemical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, 8. S. Tufts University A. B. Harvard University * Gregory Kenneth Bell Electrical Engineering, 8.5. University of Abdelrahim Brown Central Florida Melanie Allamby Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University B.S. Cleveland State University *** Matthew Louis Benari Electrical Engineering, Christina Stephanie Buell B. S. Clarkson University Sophie Allred Biology. D.E. C john Abbott College! Computer Science, B.S. Ecole Francaise Canada, B.S. McGill University/Canada D'Electronique Et D'Jnformatique Hawani D. Berhanu Civil Engineering, B. S. Gordon College Jason Christopher Busboom Shahla Almasri Computer Science, Computer Science, B.S. King Abdul Aziz Stephanie Lauren Berk B.S. Florida Atlantic University University/Saudi Arabia Occupational Therapy, B.S. Pennsylvania State University Caroline R. Busch Regina Altaras Psychology. B.A. Denison University Chemical Engineering, B.S. Universidad * Bridget D. Berry Metropolitana/Venezuela Occupational Therapy, * Susan Farisc Buder B.A. Boston College Psychology. M.S.N. Boston University. *Teresa A. Alvarado B.S.N. Boston University Civil Engineering, Jennifer Erin Berry B.S. San Jose State University Occupational Therapy, Robert Owen Button B.S. Bowling Green State University Civil Engineering, B. S. Wentworth * Eric D. Ashton Institute of Technology. B.S. Wentworth Civil Engineering, B.A. Morehouse * James Alan Bickford Institute of Technology College, J. D. University of Pennsylvania Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Tufts University Amelia Chriscma Bye • Jennifer Lynn Ackins Occupational Therapy, B.A. State Civil Engineering, B.S. Dickinson College University of New York/Birmingham

* August 1999 "November 1999 ••• February 2000 31 * Regina Ann Cadillac G lenn Jeffrey Cook JI *** Louis Desmarais Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University Electrical Engineering, B.S. Trenton State College 8.5. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

*Kristen M . Cote * Gary N exander Carr * Michell e L. Des mond-O'Neill Biology, B.A. University of Rhode Island Mechanical lingineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Northeastern University B.A. Westfield State College Rebekah Helen Core Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of * Peter Thomas Carvalho Karen Mari e Diehl New Hampshire Civil Engineering, B.S. Miami University Occupational Therapy, 8.5. Boston University Robert Jonathan Cox * Gemma Casad es us Computer Science, M. B.A. University of Joann Doherty Psychology, B.S. Tufts University Southern California, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Occupational Therapy, 8.A. Boston University *** Amy Elizabeth Cashion * Amy Sa rah Coyne Occupational Therapy, Matthew Dav id Dong A. B. Dartmouth College Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of California/Davis C indy Anne Castleberry Kate Elizabeth C ross Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University * Eri ca Linnea Downs Occupational Therapy, BSc Oxford Brookes University/United Kingdom Civil Engineering, B.A. Barnard College *J ane E. Cawley Occupational Therapy, M.Ed. Cambridge *** D aniel O scar C row * Jana Caryn Dunbar College, B.A. Clark University Occupational Therapy, B.A. Binghamton Civil Engineering, University, B.A. Rhode Island College 8.5. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ** Tony G . C hedid Electrical Engineering, M. S. Tufts * Diane M . C urry *** Hilary J. Ell is University, B.S. Paul Sabatier University! France Civil Engineering, B.A. 8t!lltley College Ocwpmional Therapy, 8.5. University of Maryland

Chia Ming C hen *** C hristian Orazio D 'Annunzio * Jerry L. Elli s Electrical Engineering, M. S. Columbia Civil Engineering, B.A. Tiifis University University, 8.5. Columbia University Ci vii Engineering, 8.5. Clark Atlanta University ** Shuanghua Patrick Dai Michele C himienti Physics, B.S. Nanjing Normal University! C lin t Epperson Civil Engineering, PR. China B.S. University of Southern California Electric11l Engineering, M.S. Oklahom11 City University, *** Eri ca D efrancesco B.E.E. Auburn University Kendra Lee Cambi Occupational Therapy, Chemistry, B.S. Stonehill College B.S. University of Florida *Timothy Morris Fa ll on Mechm,ical Engineering, William H . Connors Ill Jayme J. DeMuro B.S. Ti,fts University Chemistry, 8.5. Virginia Commonwealth Occupational Therapy, University B.A. College of Holy Cross Alissa Jea nne Flo ri o Occupational Therapy, B.A. Rhode ls/11nd College

'August 1999 •• November 1999 32 ·., Febru11ry 2000 Jonathan Alan Francis * M. Carolina Gomez Ji-You Han Physics, B.A. Bard College Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering, 8.£. T. Southwest State University 8.S. Kosin University/Korea

*** Claude R. Francisque Margarita Lucia Gomez *** Kevin Brad Hanlon Electrical Engineering, 8.5. Wentworth Institute of Techology Occupational Therapy, Civil Engineering, 8.S. University of 8. S. Boston University Massachusetts/Amherst

* Macchew Joseph Friend * Melissa Lynn Gomez Glory Hardjadinaca Civil Engineering, 8.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Occupational Therapy, 8. S. University of Mechanical Engineering, M.8.A. Boston Massachusetts/Amherst College, 8.S. California State Polytechnic University • Carol W. Fuller * Sharon A. Griffi ch Occupational Therapy, * Laura Faye Harris M.Ed. Northeastern University, Civil Engineering, 8.£. McGill 8.A. University of Maryland University/Canada Occupational Therapy, A.B. Harvard University

*Yuan Gao Orescis Grigoropoulos Jessica Hearcquisc Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Nanjing Civil Engineering, 8.S. Tufts University University ofAero. & Astronautics/China Occupational Therapy, B.A. Tufts University * Allison J. Gross Diana B. Garcia Occupational Therapy, B.A. State Rodney David Hemingway Occupational Therapy, University of New York/Binghamton B.A. Boston College Occupational Therapy, 8.5. Tufts University Ingrid Lindley Grosz ** Pranav Garg Occupational Therapy, ** Rhonda Turnell Heschel Chemical Engineering, M.S. Indian 8.A. Wellesley College !mtitllle of Technology/India Biology, B.S. University of Illinois

Staci Ann Gruber Jonathan Baird Homer Mandy Sanford Giampaolo Psychology, M.E.D. Harvard University, Civil Engineering, 8.5. Tufts University, B.M. New England Computer Science, 8.5. University of New Hampshire Conservatory of Music 8.5. Carnegie Mellon University

Rocco John Giampaolo Liv Helena Haines Alison Blair Howard Civil Engineering, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of New Hampshire B.A. Macalester College 8.5. Northeastern University

*** Leah Marie Gilberr *John Michael Haley ***Yijia Hua Occupational Therapy, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, M.S. University B.A. Brown University 8.5. Merrimack College of Maryland, 8.S. Tsinghua University! PR.China

** Simone V. Gill Tracy Marie Halliday Joshua Jabs Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, B.A. Regis College 8.5. Carnegie Mellon University Electrical Engineering, 8.5. United States Air Force Academy Farah Sobhi Hammoud Amy Elizabeth Godarr Occupational Therapy, B.A. State Occupational Therapy, University of New York at Binghamton 8.5. Bridgewater State College

• August 1999 "November 1999 ••• February 2000 33 Katherine Elizabeth Leblanc * John A. Jarossi Marina Kilman Civil Engineering, 8.5. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Occupational Therapy, B.A. State Massachusetts/Lowell University of New York/Stony Brook

***Namhyung Lee *Jemy Jemy *** Grace Nam Jin Kim Physics, M. 5. Seoul National University! Korea, B.S. Kyung Hee University/Korea Gordon Instit• te, 8.5. Telkom School of Electrical Engineering, Engineering/Indonesia B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cindy Ann Leonard Irena Alexandra Johnson Susan E. Kimball Occupational Therapy, Chemical Engineering, M.S. Mendeleev Biology, 8.5. University of New B.A. Rowan University University of Chemical Tech.I Russia, Hampshire/Durham B.S. Mendeleev University of Chemical Elliot Roy Levine Tech.I Russia •• Karolyn Ruch Kingman Civil Engineering, 8.5. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, A. B. Vassar College Gunjeec Juneja *Yan Li Civil Engineering, B.E. Punjab University/India Donald N. Kirkland III Computer Science, Civil Engineering, 8.5. Tufts University 8.5. Hunan University/PR. China

*Galeeb S. Kachra Kathleen Mary Lilly Civil Engineering, Lisa Ann Klimkewicz B.A. University of Pennsylvania, Civil Engineering, B.S. Union College Occupational Therapy, B. S. University of Pennsylvania A.B. Stonehill College

**John Harvey Kolb,Ill Debra Lee Kearns * Breana E. Limpiclaw Mechanical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, B.FA. Moore College B.A. Binghamton University

Anne Maureen Korwan Jaime Elizabeth Kelley Jianying Lin Occupational Therapy, Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil .A. Ithaca College Chemical Engineering, Eng. , B.A. Boston College B.S. Tsinghua University/PR. China

Alexandra C. Kuchar Jason Douglas Kenny Lin Liu Mechanical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Civil Engineering, B.A. Syracuse University B.E. Tsinghua University/PR. China

Anoop Kumar *** Brandon Marcin Kernen Songhua Liu Chemical Engineering, 8.5. Indian Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology/India Electrical Engineering, 8.5. Dalian 8.5. University ofArizona University of Technology/PR.China

• Gary Robert Lacroix Ian Gary Kezsbom ***Wei Liu Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Computer Science, Massachusetts/Lowell Computer Science, 8.5. University of B. S. Binghamton University Massachusetts/Boston

* Monica R. Lawson-Gaudet *** Kim Marie Kilgore * Genevieve Lloyd Civil Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of B.A. University of St. Thomas Occupational Therapy, Rhode Mand B.A. Boston University

• August 1999 •• November 1999 ··•February 2000 34 Alison Beckett Lockitt Katherine Jean Mathey * Renathe Moldenaes Occupational Therapy, Mechanical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.A. Wittenberg University B.S. Tufts University B.A. Hunter College

Matthew Charles Long Kathleen Lewis May * Heather Robin Moore Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, M.Sc. Queens B. S. University of Vermont University/Canada, B.A. Tufts University

*** David Yi Luo Electrical Engineering, * Deborah A. McClelland Virginia Ann Mosher B. S. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, M.S. Wheelock Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of College, B.A. Russell Sage College Massachusetts/Amherst

Angela Ma * Michael Francis McEwen Civil Engineering, Brendon Charles Mulcahy B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Computer Science, B.S. Tufts University Massachusetts/Amherst

** Decheng Ma ** Patricia M. Newman Laura Ann McGrath Chemical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Tsinghua University/China Civil Engineering, B.S. Bates College B. S. Suffolk University

•• Brian Wade MacDonald * Matthew Cahill McGrath Arthur Robert Newton, Jr. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, B.S. United States Air Force Academy B. S. Tufts University B.S. E. University of Massachusetts/Lowell

Sonia Figueiredo Maher * Sandra Kay McNeal Kristen Alicia O'Hear Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, B. S. Stonehill College B.S. Oregon State University B.A. Emory University

Tamar Mamulashvili ** Rachel Platais Medrek * Eric Martin Oddleifson Civil Engineering, DIPL Georgian Occupational Therapy, B.A. Reed College Occupational Therapy, Technical University/Georgia B.A. Union College

Susan Denise Mess Amy Marlowe Terry E. Orfanos J. Occupational Therapy, Biology, B.S. University of South B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering, Carolina B.S. Tufts University

*Gerardo Millan-Ramos * Mona Masghati Selvi Burcu Oyola Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, B.S. University of Puerto Rico Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Kim Alison Miller Michelle Ann Massiglia ** Benjamin William Paharik Computer Science, A.B. Brown Occupational Therapy, University, A. B. Brown University Mechanical Engineering, B. S. Boston College B. S. University of Vermont

*Maya Misra * Rebecca Lynn Mastronarde *Dave C. Pak Psychology, B.A. Rice University Occupational Therapy, Civil Engineering,· B. S. Tufts University B.A. University of Rochester

• August 1999 •• November 1999 *** February 2000 35 Minal Lalit Parekh *Dahai Ren Michael P. Schwartz Civil Engineering, B.S. Montana College Chemistry, B.S. Fudan University! Civil Engineering, B.S. State University of Mineral Science and Technology P.R. China of New York at Genesco

Bina Ambalal Patel • Marc John Richards Gayle Kathryn Severance Occupational TJ?erapy, Civil Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Rutgers University B.S. University of Massachusetts/Amherst B.A. West Virginia University

• Kristina Lynn Patterson ••• Priscilla A. Ross Kristine Jill Severson-Green Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Mechanical Engineering, B.S. University of New Hampshire B.A. Wellesley College B.S. University of Minnesota

Maria A. Peralta Robyn Amber Ross ***Wael Salim Shalhoub Civil Engineering, B.S. CE. University of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Miami, B.S.A.£. University of Miami B.S.C.E. Union College B.S. Ti,fts University

•• Natacha Maria Perez-Sanchez Danielle Louise Ruggiero ***Tatiana Simikova Civil Engineering, B. 5. Univer. Nacional Occupational Therapy, Psychology, M.A. Northeastern University, Pedro Henrique:dDominican Rep. B.A. Albert/ls Magnus College M.A. St. Petersburg State University! Russia, B.A. St. Petersburg State University!Ru.ssia Susan Mary Pfau Erik Kenneth Rushton Occupational Therapy, Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University B.A. Boston College Yang Song Physics, B.S. Jilin University!P. R. China *Noreen Anne Ryan *Natalie Marie Policastri Occupational Therapy, B.A. State ••• Ellen Levy Sosin Occupational Therapy, B. 5. Siena College University of New York at Binghamton Occupational Therapy, B.A.S. W • Lorence A. Pope Kaori Sakaguchi Civil Engineering, B.S. Virginia Urban & Environmental Policy/Civil ••• Alexandre Bruno Pereira e Sousa Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. Eng., B.E. Waseda University/japan Physics, B.A. Universidae Technica De Lisboa/Portugal Jason Matthew Priebe • Craig J. Sanchez Occupational Therapy, Civil Engineering, B.S. University of Rekha C. Srinivasan B.A. University of Washington Wisconsin Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of California/Santa Barbara Karin Eileen Rando **Tara L. Savoie Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Salem State College B.A. Boston College • Amy Tara Stern Civil Engineering, B.S. Tiifis University

• Piyaluck Rattananont • Dyna Jill Schmeltz Civil Engineering, B.S. Tufts University Occupational Therapy, Deborah Robson Stillerman B.A. Northwestern University Occupational Therapy, B.S. Wake Forest University •• Matthew K. Reich • Geoffrey Bryan Schwartz Electrical Engineering, B.S. University of •• Christiane Struve Massachusetts/Amherst Civil Engineering, B.S. Tiifis University Chemistry, B.S. Maximilian University! Germany

• August I 999 " November 1999 36 · • • February 2000 Allison Kent Swezey Karl Erich Vinacco Amy Ilyse Zager Civil Engineering, B.S. Boston College Electrical Engineering, Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of Rhode Island B.A. Emory University

*** Martha Anne Taber Occupational Therapy, M. J.M. *Thomas L. Volkert * Courtney A. Zamora Thunderbird Graduate School of Biology, B.A. Middlebury College Civil Engineering, B.S. University of International Mgm, A.B. Stanford Michigan University Leonard Gerard Wamboldt Bradford Spencer Zawasky Electrical Engineering, * Haruna Tada 8.5. Tufts University Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, 8.5.E.E. Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S. Tiifis University B.A. Wheaton College **Lai Wang Electrical Engineering, B.S. Beijing Xiaorong Tang Institute of Technology/China * Jonathan D. Zemsky Chemistry, M.S. Wuhan University! Occupational Therapy, B. S. State P.R. China University of New York/Albany B.S. Wuhan University/PR. China ***Na Wang Electrical Engineering, B.S. Shandong University!P.R. China Jianjun Zheng Heather Michelle Tenney Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, B.S. Boston University B.S. Wuhan University!?. R. China *** Anastasia Paskus Warden Biology, B.S. Northeastern University ***Charles Nicolas Tetzlaff ***Xianjie Zhou Chemistry, B.S. Tiifis University, Chemical Engineering, M.S. Dalian B.A. Trifis University * Rami Louis Weiss Institute of Chemical Physics!P.R. China, Occupational Therapy, B.S. Yimnan University/PR. China B.S. University of Delaware Cynthia Lynn Toryu * Mechanical Engineering, Anna Zourabian B.S. Ohio University Rachel Kaufman Wolf Electrical Engineering, 8.S. State Occupational Therapy, B.A. Colby College Engineering University ofArmenia! Armenia * Alice W Tse-Chiu Occupational Therapy, B.S. University of *Cecile Wong-Tagliani Mmsachwetts!Amherst Occupational Therapy, B.A. University of Massachusetts/Amherst

• Persefon i Tsezou Chemical Engineering, Daniel Bin Xi B.S. Tufts University Computer Science, B.A. Tiifis University

Shorab Tuli Haiyan Xu Computer Science, B.S. BIO Trifis Computer Science, B.E. Beijing Institute University, B.S.COM!' Trifis University of f'rinting!P.R. China

Jeanne Christine Un *** Rina B. Yosubash Occupational Therapy, Electrical Engineering, 8. S. Technion­ B.A. Trifis University Israel Institute of Technology/Israel, B.A. Technion-Israel lsntitute of Technology! Israel

• August 1999 •• November 1999 "* February 2000 37 Master of Science in Toshihide Kadoca Engi.neering Management Gordon Institute, B. S. College of Electro-Communications/japan

Domenic K. Armano Xin Liu Gordon Institute, B.S. University of Massachusettsl.Lowell Gordon Institute, M.S. Tsinghua University/PR. China, B.S. Tsinghua Uniersity!P.R. China • Mehdi Berbich Gordon Institute, B.S. Boston University Richard A. Moro, Jr. Gordon Institute, M.S. Boston University, Albert E. Bradshaw B.S. Boston University Gordon Institute, B.S. Wentworth institute • Kevin H. Negroni Gordon Institute, John W. Coddaire B.S. Roger Williams University Gordon institute, B.S. Wentworth institute Mostafa Raziq Gordon Institute, Ronald G. Corsetti B. S. Wentworth Institute Gordon Institute, B.A. Boston University •• Jihad M. Rizkallah Robert Donovan Gordon Institute, B.S. Wentworth Institute of Technology Gordon Institute, B.S. Franklin Pierce

Omer Shezifi • Alexander Campbell Edsall Gordon Institute, B.S. Technion-Israel Gordon Institute, M.S. Massachusetts institute of Technology/Israel Institute of Technology, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology David Paul Travis • Joseph Ferrara Gordon Institute, B.S. University of Massachusetts/Lowell Gordon Institute, M.S. Northeastern Universtiy, B.S. Northeastern University Spero A. Tsefrekas Gregory C. Formichelli Gordon Institute, B.S. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gordon Institute, B.S. University of Rhode Island Yi Zhang Rajeev Das Hada Gordon Institute, B.S. Harbin Institute/PR. China Gordon Institute, B.S. Manuel L. Quezon University!Philipines

Kenneth Mapes Housron Gordon institute, M.E. Rensselaer Plytechnic Institute, B.S. Harvard University

• August 1999 "November 1999 • •• Febmary 2000 College of Special Studies Alexander Van Swearingen Kendall Hiroyuki Tanimoto ***Christian Tyler King Lauren Taylor Bachelor ofFine Arts *** Anna Kiczis *** James Cheyney Thompson In cooperation with the ** Sarah Bess Kornbluth Whitney Vieira School ofthe Museum ofFine Arts Daniel Langhans Christopher A Vila ** Stephanie Adams Anya Katherine Lewis Claire Nicole Weigand Peter J. Alfano *** Susan C. Maier Manon-Claire M. Whittlesey ** Hala M. AJ-Khalifa Marc E. Mandeng Gregory Yates Mark Avestruz Jennifer Lynn Manning **Yin Yin S. Yen Adam Bailey Tina ManWarren *** Sheila Yu Stephen Bailey Susannah Marsh Daniel Aaron Zox *** Johanna Gabriele Barrett Anthony Matarazzo Danielle Harisse Bass Brian McKechnie Matthew Bencley ** Megan McManus John A. Boyd III Regina Mei Sara Jane Braunstein Erin Merchant ***William J. Brown Jacqueline Maria Ameen Milad Paul Bryant Julia M . Moffitt Adam Capone Emily Kathryn Morgan *** Grace Creech ** Amy Moy Ryan Cronk ** Azura Nakazawa Amanda Baldwin Curreri Jeremy Noritz William Davenport David Norton ** Michela DeBari Donna Anne Orr ** Melanie Decker ** Edward O'Sullivan Karen Delio William Lonnie Paige Alanna Dempewolff-Barret Lori Paradise ** Jason DePietro ** Kyle Parrish ** Lori A. D 'Onofrio Erik Patterson Hilary Duggan Noah Peffer Sarah Dullea Rebecca S Phillips ***Christina Dunn ** Christine Phungrasamee ** Assia A. Essaydi ** Steve Putz Zachary Feuer ** Andria Rapagnola Matthew Foley Molly Camilla Roberts *** Francis J. Frazier Thomas Sarenceno ** Michele Gower Winston Christopher Schopf *** Anthony James Greaney ** Amanda Thatcher Senior Garnette Cyndia Hall *** Masaru Shima Jonathan Holmes *** Yoriko Shiraishi Jesse Hopkins Douglas Smith Sachika Iwata Ingrid Solberg Jennifer Lynn Jones Maria Teresa Sosa Peter Keaney Ben E. Spiegelman Rochelle Kelly Miya Taguchi

• August 1999 •• November 1999 # Elected co Phi Beta Kappa "* February 2000 ## Elected co Tau Beta Pi 39 College ofEngineering Kaerhe Valenti Podgorski ##Chen-I Lin Barnet C. Rogers Erik Nathaniel Meserve Scott Andrew Schneider Andre E. Pelletier Bachelor of Science ## Frances Switkes *** Brandon Edward Smith in Chemical Engineering Gerald Joseph Topping Suzanne Sea•Wan Chan Isaura Vergucht Kelly Lynne Desmarais ## Michael James Weaver Bachelor of Science ##Hung K. Do Teruhiko Yokota in Mechanical Engineering Chenxi Dong Andrew Cha Yoo Ephraim Akyuz Lella Claire Gembicki George F. Anronios Ralan Lucas Hill ## Melissa Ann Bargman ##Nancy D . Hsieh Bachelor of Science Katherine Susanne Baus Tatum Noel Kobayashi in Electrical Engineering Adam Prestley Blake ** John Farren Kovatch Melissa Ann Beede Christopher Alan Bullard Grace Jimmy Lee Jaime Lauren Benner Kevin C. Carrigan *** Karen Leslie Lew Allen Hoan Chau Edward Y. Chan Melissa Anne Ostberg *Chwee Kan Chua Adam Lee Cohen Jin Yun Park Eric J. Elliott Jonathan Thomas Cole Tosapol Pepe Pibulsonggram Megan Brett Fidler ## Jesse Thomas Cornely ## Jeffrey Richard Pugh Scott Howard Frey Thierry Alexis Dreyfus Shaina Greysen Reese Yunus Guvenen ** Hans Paul Gauger ## Nari Saberi Joseph Charles Hachadorian *** Kevin J. Gousse Matthew Harder Sagendorph ##Christopher J. Herrick ••• Sameet Y. Goyal Ronald Terk Sia Linda C. Hsu Daniel Scott Greenberg Barbara Jeanne Stutzman • Richard Sean Johnson Jeffrey Christopher Harry Irina Kapetanakis *Todd Evan Horton *Yen-Jung Kim Aaron P. lsraelski Bachelor of Science ##Thomas Prabhakar Pramod Korwal ••• Jeremy Hassan Javidi in Civil Engineering * Jonathan Har"ry Morris ## Barry Clark Johnson Omar Farid Asfour Michael Joshua Park Michael Kasameyer Stacy Christine Bauer Mara Quinn-Porzig Jason Kar-Eng Kwa Evan Don Bourquard Robert Paul Sadowski ••• Eduardo Jose Labat ## Kelly Sue Carmody Enoch Peter Shih Christopher Darby Lamoreaux ##Thomas D. Ensminger Bradbury K. Thurlow, Jr. Phillip Andrew Lau Benjamin Carter Findley * Edgardo L. Valenzuela, Jr. ## Brendon Whiting Lewis Leesa Anne Jones Leonard Gerald Wambolt ## Jason F. Lipman Jason T. Kacamburas Michelle R. Wang Matthew Lawrence Lyons Stephen Edward Kaye ## Andrew Yao Wu Shane A. Malavenda Christine Theresa Lynch ##Aaron Noah Marks Joshua John Marks Eric Floyd Marsh David G. Martinson, Jr. Bachelor of Science in Giovanni Enrique Melendez Laureen Marie McKenna Environmental Engineering ## Jason A. Mello Jonah Paul Misterka ## Jocelyn Greer Clark ** Francisco Narganes Brian Morris Pardo ##Yongxuan Gao •• Michael Joseph Netto ## Robert Ernest Pesce, Jr. Patrick Robert Kay Catherine Frances Petronino

'August 1999 # Elected to Phi Beta Kappa •• November 1999 40 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi .. · February 2000 Michael Daniel Pierro ## Joshua Ian Harriman College ofLiberal Arts Jason K. Santos Joshua E. LeBow and Alicia Frances Scarfo ## David Park Logiudice Jackson College * Emily Dale Shattuck Eamon Perry McKenzie Nicholas Peter Svencer Paul Wansford Miller IV Dimitri Paul Tagaropulos Vasant Prakash Paranjpe Bachelor ofArts ## John A. Umina Michael Leon Prentice Olukemi Morenikeji Abayomi Sharaf Ahmad Zaki Yamani Jeffery Hempstead Rick Aya Khaldun Abuhassan Timothy Raymond Young Craig Stuart Spitzkoff Rima Walid Abushakra Yevgeniy Dimitry Spivak Bridgette Annette Acklin Chen-Chieh Jack Su Stephen Patrick Adams Bachelor of Science Joshua Stephen Yeo Matthew Jason Adler in Computer Engineering Paul Michael Adler Charles Thomas Barnes Sameer Agarwal Michelle Nava Gielan Bachelor of Science Jehan M. Agha Michael 0. Glaser in Engineering Physics *** Sabina Ahmed Edward Ned Harvey David Marc Berns Sarah Akerman Christine Hsu John Holt Condon Farhad Alavi David C.W. Lee Zaineb Yaquob Al-Awadhi Joshua Michael Lee *Wid H. Alhanhy ## Danh Quang Luu Bachelor of Science Nouf Fawzi Al-Issa in Engineering ##Colin Warren MacNaughton Damain Lee Allen * Alejandra Furth-Ali * Amit V. Mahajan Daniel Allis Molly Veronica Gates Christopher P. McHarg Safa Anwar Al-Mulla Zheng Lin Melanie Ann Moran Alaa Mohammed Al-Shroogi David Keller Solond Christopher Moscardini Sarah Fahad Al-Tamimi ## Margaret Rebecca Steiner John Albert Nason IV Rashid A. Al-Tayer Michael Patrick O'Connor *** Devika Anil Anand ## Robert J. Parks Eric Scott Anderson Bachelor of Science Patrick J. Rafferty Mary Elisabeth Wellington Sean Patrick Regan Jeremy Baker Bruce Anderson Lauren Kate Reiffel Adam C. Buggia Brooke Holman Ansnes Albert Su Robert Ryan Centa Jessica Marie Antonucci Omer Trajman David B. Engen Nicole Soumela Apostola • Melina Woo Michael O 'Hara Gillespie # Melissa Bech Arbus David Eric Lendler *Joel Arencibia Daniel Paretsky Benjamin Maxwell Arrow Bachelor of Science Phillip Rakhunov Mangayarkarasi Arumugam in Computer Science Willam Keith Richard Tomoko Asai Frederick William Crimins Ill Jeffrey Michael Stern Ohene Kwaku Asare Ethan E. Danahy ## Daniel Piecer Zaal Claudia Ruth Asch Stephen James Di Bona * Karen Elizabeth Atkins Jarter Lei Fang Stephanie Elizab:th Augurt Andrew Guard Ferris Raushann Austin Russell W. Goodwin Cloe Riggio Axelson

· Augwt 1999 •• November 1999 # Elected to Phi Beta Kappa ... February 2000 ## Elected to Tau Bera Pi 41 Kelly Virginia Ayers Mark Allen Bower Cheryl Wai-Chung Chan Benjamin Marrin Azoff Claire Bowley Matthew David Chandler Catherine Elizabeth Bailly Jeffrey Robert Bowman Rachel Chase Chandler Brian Bradford Baker Stacie Ann Bowman Winifred Warren Chane David John Ball Stacey Lynne Bran Michael Da-Jing Chang * James Peter £all Jessica Marie Branco ** Nicolas Chang Emily Elizabeth Balogh Sara Jane Braunstein Brooke Lea Charette Munna A. Banglawala Jordan Gilbert Brenner Rory Watterson Chase Aisha Maria Georgia Barbour * Rebeca Maria Brizuela Anamika ·Margaret Chaudhuri Michael Brandon Barkley Melissa Wilkomer Brody Sana !mad Chebaro Alexander Bennett Barocas Annalyn Ruth Brondyke Christopher Scott Chen Sam Jacques Barzilay # Elizabeth Karen Brown Denise T. Chen Aparna Basnyat Trevor Ian Brown *** Kuan Yin Andrea Chen Danielle Harisse Bass Zachary Brown Maria Sze Nga Cheng Benjamin Jones Baylin Eric Peter Bruskin # Jason Lee Chertoff Gena Arleen Beach Benjamin Rice Buhayar Natalie Carmen Cheung Leah Ellen Beasley Michael George Bulat ** Escher Santhosh Chigurupati *** Sarah Rebecca Beaudoin ** Rebecca Sandys Bureau Hannah Cho Tamara Janine Bedrosian Douglas Matthew Burns Miriam H. Cho Rebecca Leigh Bedwell Kira Kristen Burns Yulee Choe Matthew Harris Behrens Lawrence Paul Burns Ji-won Choi Travis Dean Bellicchi Nicholas Robert Burns Gabriela Chojkier Kate Louise Berlin Susanne Miriam Burstein Annmarie Cholankeril Tiffany Danielle Berman Vernee Anita Butterfield Warren Choo Gabriel Ruben Bernier * David Charles Byrne Jacquelyn Chrystal Chow * Jennifer Davi Berns * Harold Sunkook Byun Heiji Patricia Choy Rachel Davida Berry Cristina Cabrero Seth Michael Christian Kabir Bhasin * Edwin Wyman Cahill Sarah Radcliffe Christie Babar Aziz Bhatti Jeremy Brad Cantor Caroline Young-Chi Chun Stacy Lyn Birdsell Emily Jane Capello Eurie Jean Chung Stella Bitran Richard Caraviello Jee-Sun Chung Jonathan Seth Black #Gina Marie Carioggia Jennifer Lee Chung Caroline Ann Blackman Drew Hunter Carleron Tarry Chung # Seth Robert Blacksburg Jeffrey Steven Carlon Yoon Kyung Michelle Chung #Mitchell Howard Block Erik David Carlson Andrew Franklin Clark Jacey Ann Bloom Brenda Christine Carr Dana Whitney Cohen Alexander Benjamin Blum Catherine Ellen Carrington Heidi Robin Cohen Stephanie Jill Blumstein Carmen Nina Casgar Kate Anne Cohen Lesley Ann Bogdanow Erica Bree Cassidy Mindy Laura Cohen Heather Hamlyn Bois Robert Vincent Cataldo Seth Benjamin Cohen Lisa Ann Bologna Camilla Marie Catenza Crystal Lynn Cole Christina Yvonne Borland ** Evelyn Ura Catterson Dana Lauren Cole Jeffrey Charles Borland Jennifer Ann Cecchetti Sarah Marie Coleman Amanda Pell Bornstein Maria Gabriela Celli David Lawrence Colman Danielle Nicole Bosquet Barbara Ceprus Daniel Emil Colon

• August 1999 # Elected ro Phi Beta Kappa .. November 1999 42 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi '·· February 2000 Christina Geraldine Connor-Cerezo Zena Arlette Duguid Daniel Alexander Fliman Paul Daniel Cooley Alan Garrett Duke Abigail Emma Flood Benjamin Michael Coplan #Carrie Elaine Duncan Alexandra O'Neill Franklin Carole Marina Corm Raymond Thomas Dunn Molly Nadja Frank-Meltzer *** Foster Howell Corwith llI David Marc Dunoye Evan Scott Freedman Beth Coughlin Christopher Harrison Duryea Elizabeth Adah Freiberg Elizabeth Katherine Countryman Lissa Marie Dutra Amanda Carron Fried Erin Johanna Cox Michelle Shana Dworkin # Eric L. Frieden Jeremy Philip Cramer * Elizabeth Harriss Dwyer Michael Howard Friedland #***Matthew J. Crawford *** Isaac Joaquin Dye Cara Haley Fuchs Ashley Anjana Creager Ahmed Ebrahim Michael Aaron Fuerstein James Andrew Cresswell Keith J. Edelstein Rhonda Roblyn Fuller * Brendan Joseph Cullinan Megan Elizabeth Edwards * Alejandra Furrh-Ali Amanda Baldwin Curreri * Aleisha Egan Cristin Anne Gadue Nicholas Cutaia Seth Adam Eisenstein Kathryn Anna Gagnon Robert Vincent Daly Ill River McKenzie Elliott Denise Anne Garcia Marlyn R. Dantes Jayna Patricia Ellsworth * Elizabeth Elvira Garcia Daniel Andre D'Aquino Melissa M. Emero Elizabeth Ann Gardner Natalie Marie d'Aubermont Stephanie Jane Engelsman #Ana Catarina Garnecho * Monique M. Davidoff Alexander Escobar Conor Brendan Garry Tiffany Elizabeth Davis Carlos Patricio Escobar * Geir Mika! Gaseidnes ,Robin Denise DeBlosi Cameron Essalat Elizabeth Christine Gares Kristina Elizabeth Dechrer Steven Oluwafemi Fadeyi Danielle D. Geihs David Delbos * Leah Marie Fahey Lori Jill Genser Michael S. Denisenko Christopher Edward Fahy Alison Jill George Michael Donato DeNovellis David S. Falco ••• Sharyn Hope Gershowirz Dirk Willem de Pagrer # Saeed Taji Farouky Jennifer Brie Gilbert Daphne Desgranges Sara Regina Feder Ayesha Nicole Gilkes Tania Dominique Desgrottes Thomas Patrick Feeley Christina M. Gilliam Jonathan David Devan Andrew Mark Feinberg Laura Marie Giuliano * Michael John DeVellis Benjamin Eric Feinberg Scott Ryan Glaberman Anisha Dhanani Charles Zingler Feldman Elena Isabel Glas Jason Andrew Diamond Gerald M. Fels Lauren Kerry Glassner Danielle April DiNapoli Adelaida Jelena Ferchmin Matthew A. Glazer Cara Marie DiPaola Christopher E. Ferraro Chin Lian Goh Rebecca Ann DiRuzzo Ramiro Mauricio Ferrey Andrew Laurence Gold Jennifer Conway Dodge Alba-Justina Fershleiser Erika Beth Goldberg Daniel K. Dolsky Isis lvellisse Figueroa Lisa Ann Goldberg Jeffrey Howard Dorfman Thomas Gerald Filippone *** Joshua W. Goldblum Nora Ann Drane Neil Alexander Finn Briana Jill Goldfein # Deborah Miriam Dreher Elizabeth Michelle Fischer Elizabeth Anne Goldman Thierry Alexis Dreyfus #***Jeremy Jay Fischer Ryan Seth Goldman Brandon Paul Drohan Karie Louise Fiszman Alexis Maria Goi;,de Alyssa Ilene Dubin Denise Catherine Fitzpatrick Christina Maria Gould James T. Dugan Darcy Jill Fitzsimmons Elizabeth Hulda Gould

• Attgust 1999 •• November 1999 # Elected to Phi Bera Kappa '** February 2000 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi 43 Carrie Elizabeth Grable Natalie Margarita Hernandez Samuel Scott Josi Eric Jason Grabois Heidi Melissa Hertel Tamara D. Jovovic # Jaaron Lane Graham Courtney H.G. Herz SeungJoon Jung Emily Katherine Graves Robert John Hesse Renata Y. Ka Dana Maynard Gray Ayako Hirose Caroline Sophie Kabla * Michael Edward Gray Cara Llewellyn Hobbs Lauren Elisabeth Kadi Michael Hank Gray **Wayne Russell Hoffman Zachary Samuel Kahn Michelle Marie Graziosa Anica Holman Cecily Jill Kaiser Eric Scott Greece ** Denise Nicole Holzer Jocelyn Hannah Kaley Emily Jill Greene Ross Adam Homer Gregg Ian Kallor Jessica Leslie Greene Christina Elizabeth Hornby Seth David Kamich Lauren Alexandra Greene Noah Horse *** Christie Yoonoak Kang Joshua Ian Greenspan Kare Elizabeth House Lisa Paige Kaplan Lindsay Ayja Greenstein Jih-Syin Hsin # Andrew J. Karpinski Christina Michelle Greer Catherine Lee Hubbard Stefanie Joy Katz Michael Ian Greif Reginald Sau-Ming Hui Timothy Alexander Kaufman Kara Kilmartin Griswold Geoffrey Compton Hulette Reiko Kawamura Lana Marie Grom Carolyn Elizabeth Hunt * Casey Jane Keiderling Maria do Mar Zarvos Guinle *Nancy Welch Hunter • Brandon Richard Gilladoga Keim Tiphanie Yanique Caliber Gundel Darlene R. Hurley Woods Karine Elizabeth Kelley Mayuri Lakshmi Guntupalli Larissa Janel Hyde Patrick D. Kelly III Laurie Helene Gutierrez Daniel L. Hymowitz Alexander Van Swearingen Kendall Mikaeel Habib Rashid Kamran Ibrahim Linda S. Khalascchi Raya Odette Hakim Melanie Romy lkauniks Joseph Khym Eric Kelly Hanson Matthew B. Ingalls Hannah Young Kim # Samuel Gregory Hanson David Steven lntoppa Kare Kim Larry Darnell Harris II *** Adam Daniel lscove Lynnette Kim Casey Baxter Harris Kazunori lshizuka Sarah Kim #Timothy F. Harris Matthew David Olaf Isles Joshua D. Kirshner Andrew Roger Hart Cara Alana Issa '** Sanam Kittikulsingh Benjamin Jacob Hartman Georges Yiccor William Issa Annica Helena Kjellberg Edward Mann Harvie Pici Icharat Daniel Moises Klainbaum Melissa Marie Harvill Tomoko Jane lwaki Matthew Adam Klainer Jack Devin Hasler * Saira Farhana Jaffer Ian David Klein Sean Hassan Amit Jain Aras M. Knasas David Scott Hackoff Chaican Jain Ian Ernesco Knizek Lauryn Elizabeth Hauser Christina Ballard James Andrew Nathan Knoll Mark Allen Hays Joshua Samuel Jarvis Danielle Gayle Koby *** Amy Bech Hecker Anita Jayagopal Daniel Timothy Koetser Nora West Hedling Yulri Juliana Jeon Evan Mitchell Kono Elena Rachel Heifetz Karim Jecha Brian Jacob Korb Lauren Marie Heist Melissa F. John Meredith Ann Kormes Adrian Eduardo Heizmann-Checa Christine Marilyn Johnson ••• Naomi Kosugi Susan Lee Helwig Emily Lindahl Johnson # Jill F. Krakowski Jana Davis Henning Jaclyn Dyan Johnson Stacy Bech Kramer Michelle Bech Herman Jaime Russell Jones Joshua Adam Krauss

'August 1999 # Elected co Phi Beta Kappa " November 1999 44 ## Elected co Tau Beta Pi ... Febniary 2000 Sarah Katharine Krichels HuiChang Li Severino Enrique Martinez Paul Wesley Krieger Hui Ling Kaye Lim Leah Gold Massar * Kumud Karina Krishna Roger David Limon * Mallika Mathur #Jiri Krol Chen-I Lin Marisa Catharine Matsudaira ** Karina Krulig ***William Lin Yoshiro Matsuoka Sara Robin Kugler Sven Ponrus Lindberg Eleni Mavrakis Rakhee Shilpa Kulkarni Lisa Maria Lindo Heidi Jean May Hsin-Jui Margaret Kuo Amy Anne Linsenmayer Pierre-Andre Hill Mayer *** Hyeon Jeong Kwon Aliza Shana Lipschitz Megan Sharyn Mazzeo Jonathan Christopher Cartmell Ladd # Rebecca Gordon Litt Ryan Patrick McCabe #Alok Nidhi Lal Jefferson Kawarsu Litten Timothy Phillips McCann Faremeh Laleh David Howard Littman Jordan Elaine McCarter Jennifer Kare Lambert Lisa Wen-Hui Liu #Claire Mary McCarthy Carmen Elsa Lamoutte * Caroline Read Locke Clare Shea McCarthy Naomi Landau Dylan Tyson Locsin William F. McCarty * Anderson Cory Lankford *** Jennifer Lok * Anna Lisa McClelland Aukrir Laohaprasir Laura Ann Longhine Kristin Michele Loesch Michelle Andrea Lappen Valentina Valesca Louwman McDonough ** Maribel Angelica Lara ***Yu Lui Richard Anthony McGlynn, Jr. Melissa Anne Latham Brian Leif Lundquist Douglas Michael McGowan Daniel Michael Laureano Michael David Lupa Ayanna Zoisha McLean Anna Michele Lavelle Van Kier Ly *** Tracy Elizabeth McNichols Rebecca Ann Lazinger Jennifer Stacy Lysz Susan Meaney Brian C.H. Lee John Francis MacDonald Ill Domin.ik Gregor Meier Carrie Dorothy Lee Kimberly Loren Mack Luke Robert Meixner ** Catherine Lee Justin Edward Mackey Benjamin Joel Meshoulam EunJi Lee Christopher Erric Maddox Sarah A. Methe Hamilton First Lee Jaffar Mahmood James David Metzger Marcus E. Lee Clara Wai Yin Mak Cynthia Emily Meurling Mi-Yeon Lee Hana Anwar Makarim Erin Ann Meyers Romana Suzanne Lee Jared David Malbin Matthew M Miller *** Sarah Man-Shih Lee Omar David Malik Shani Adia Mims * Steven Jon Lee Emily Alice Malone * Satoshi Oshiro Minagawa *** Julie Sheppard Leimbach Nadia Amal Mamoun Sabih Saleem Mir Douglas J. Leister Michael Henry Mancini Robert Andrew Mitchell #Christina Elizabeth Lembo Marc Erienne Mandeng Eric R. Modeen Sarah Kopaskie Lennon David Ford Manoogian Shawn Model! Alicia Heather Lerman Liza Isabel Mancilla Samuel Armour Mogilner #Ilyse Marla Lerner Jeffrey Alan Margolies Jonathan Chung Kiu Mok Sandrine Jacqueline Levallois Wayne Michael Margolis Gregory Todd Molinelli Rachel Beth Levin Seth McGovern Markle Alyson Elizabeth Monaldo Sara Beth Levine Cynthia Ann Marks Ji-Won Moon Caron Allison Levis Emily Marmolejos *** Alyssa Ann Mo

* August 1999 ** November I 999 # Elected to Phi Beta Kappa *** Febmary 2000 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi 45 Emily Kathryn Morgan Geerha Ramanarh Pai Francine Rabinovich * Marisa Rachel Morgan Song Yee Paik Andrew Lewis Raff Antoine R. Morris Sonali Arun Palkhiwala David Andrew Rajfer Matthew David Mosreiro Elena Yurievna Panarina Sabeena Rajpal Audrey Irene Moultrie David Edward Paniccia Bhavna A. Ramanlal Jayson Brand'on Mugar Angela M. Paradise Paula Rachel Ramer * Kentaro Murata Rupert Gordon Parchment Harris Zaki Rashid Kare Murdoch Kishor Olivier Parekh Benjamin Rarheau Reshma Murjani Niraj Jayanr Parekh Beth Theresa Rawden Caitlin Maura Murphy Daniel Parersky Elizabeth Jean Razin Alexis Elizabeth Myers *** Raffaele Parisi Lydia Elaine Regopoulos Sara Hanford Nadig Jeehyun Park Justin Robert Reigle Amanda Elizabeth Nagler Joseph M. Parker Dara Rachel Resnik Taichi Nakashima Leela Ann Lakshmi Parker Nicholas James Rheinwald Asad Raza Naqvi * Neel C. Patel Michael Tare Richards Paul Bryant Nardone Nirav Subodh Patel * Scott Christian Richter Donna Heather Nathan Anita P. Patil * Christopher Cabell Riely Keith Andrew Nelson Ian Daniel Peisner Sean Adrian Riley Nicole Sylvia Nelson ** Chad Vincent Perbeck Lauren Elizabeth Rille Minh Thuy Vicky Nguyen Laura Meaker Perry Jennifer Emily Ritter Sang Quang Nguyen Rebecca Ann Perry Alexis Whittier Rivera Constantino Nicolaou Trisrram David Perry Miguel A. Rivera * MariaFrancesca Lucia Nicotra Natalie Marie Petric Karen Lee Robator Tara T. Niemeier Piyush Yeshwanr Phadke ** Jeffrey Waintroob Roberts Erika Yoshiko Niwa Mattie Gwyn Picard Jessica Swift Roberts Elizabeth Ann Noonan Adam Becker Pignatelli Jennie Katharine Robin Adam Bannow Noren Ramesh Balakrishna Pillay Gareth Sheldon John Robinson Christine Marie Northrop Victoria Frances Pina Claudia Monica Cecilia Roda Marina Novoa Lauren Elizabeth Pinkus # El izaberh Jane Rodgers Heather Anne Noyes Meridith Kare Piper Peter Joseph Rodrigues Ruth Jennifer Nussbaum Anders Stoud Platou Carmen M. Rodriguez-Altieri Ekene Annie-Laurie Nwokoye Elisabeth Alexandra Podell *** David Allen Rodwell Kathryn Leslie Nygreen Jessica Estrada Pohl # Ramona Vanessa Romero *** Matthew Alexander O'Brien Keshia Marie Pollack Katherine Juri Rose Kieran Michael O'Callaghan Serena Jing-Ling Poon David A. Rosenberg * Christine Anne O 'Connell *** Kent David Porter Julia Rosenfeld Gregory Gerald Oehler Jason David Potts Kimberly Beth Rosenfeld Matthew J. Oestreicher Vasilis K. Pozios Joanne Beth Rosenthal George Okanta Ofori-Arra Noe Prado Brette Allan Rorhlield Lorin Elizabeth Oliker Edward Garrett Pratt John Paul Routhier 111 Emily Jane Olson Elizabeth Gayle Press Marni Renee Rozen *** Shea Tobin O'Neil Desiree Principe Nadine Rozenoer Timothy Patrick O'Neill Scott Vicror Pullman Adam Daniel Rubin Wendy Blanchard Oppenheimer Jessica Ann Puma Rebecca Pauline Rudnick Brian Joseph Rullan Ordona Audrey Purwana Robert Lee Rudnick Valerie L. Orth Robert J. Quintiliani Rebecca Jacqueline Sarah Ruff Julie Ann Oris Lonnie James Quirion *Christopher Daniel Rylander

'August I 999 # Elected ro Phi Bera Kappa • · November I 999 46 ## Elected to Tau Bera Pi '" February 2000 Joseph H. Ryu Adam Lee Shopkorn •• Stephen George Svajian * Philip L. Saferscein Kathryn Boucher Sill Eric Timothy Sweetser Joshua Michael Saipe Alan Joseph Silver Jonathan Charles Symonds *** Patricia Joyce Videna Salle William Max Silverman *Eenae Tam Matthew Terence Salter Jonathan Siman Anupama Tammareddi Timothy James Salter Courtney Elizabeth Simson • Rahwa Tesfay Darrin Sharif Samaha Pamela Sine! Andrew Laurence Tetzlaff Isaac Spiegel Saposnik Kemal Hasan Sirin Ravi Philip Tharisayi ••• Ioannis Sapountzis Senthuran Thiru Siva Meena Denise Thever Michael H. Saucier Mark Zito Slezak Jessica Greene Thomas Katie Ross Saville #Christina Ross Sloan Derek John Thompson Katie Innis Schaaf Karen Celeste Smillie Sacha S. Thompson ••• Alexander H. Schaffhausen Evan Scott Smith •• David J. A. Thomson # David Beck Schatz Jacqueline Rose Smith Laurie Anne Thurrott David Louis Scher Katie Lane Smith Scheherazade Bridget Tiller Peter Lindsay Schieffelin * Kimberly Michelle Smith Isaac David Tilton Marla Joy Schiff Paul Gifford Smith Tako Tomita Mark Thomas Schinkel Matthew Keith Snook Carolin Elizabeth Topelson Brian D. Schneider Danielle Jaclyn Snyder #Neil Andrew Tow Eric Jameson Schneider Casey Adam Soloff Carlos E. Townsend-Pico Sarah Kathryn Schares Jordan Ilan Solomon Mary C. Traester *Jason Paul Schreiber ***Nir Nazem Somekh Ho-Thao Thuy Tran # Laura E. Schufr * Jessica H. Song Huong Thi Tran Emily Rebecca Schulman # Amanda Beryl Son is * Margaret Chandra Tranggono Andres Schumann Nicholas Alexander Stavrides David Sturdevant Trilling Claire Mary Schwartz Philip Brett Stein Bhumika P. Trivedi Vanessa Rachel Seibald Margaret Rebecca Steiner Jonathan F. Troy Amalia Serafim Tarn L. Stem Claire Tsavliris Candice Andrea Sergeant #Cambra Ellen Stern Eric Nicholas Ubias Ani Christine Setrakian Drew Albert Stern Elizabeth Solan Urheim Rabeh Bassam Shalhoub # Matthew Aaron Stern Roberto Alejandro Uribe Shyam Shankar *** Shayna Adrienne Stern Alison Urkowitz Sara Elizabeth Shansky Alice Kalenga Stevens Sabrina S. Vargas * Emily Sara Shapiro Mark Benjamin Stevens Jacqueline H. Vasen Dorianne Dobbs Sharlip Timothy M. Scigliano Samuel Walker Velishka Amal Sharma Christopher Eric Stiner Lynn Venugopalan Ruch Stacey Shaw Lindsay H. Stout Lisa Beth Vernoy Tara Lindsay Shaw Eliza Ann Strickland Stephanie Diane Wagner Adam Michael Shedd Laura Elizabeth Strickler Justin Andrew Waldman **Nicole J. Sheldon Michael David Stuart Rachel Melinda Walker Beth Wendi Sherman Victoria Stubrin Qiaomei Patty Wang Sarah Henehan Shields • Hannah H. Suh Naomi Dawn Wartel Lauren Jennifer Shienbaum Joanne Jee-In Suk # James Lawrence Weinberg Nadia Ibrahim Shihata Elizabeth Christian Sullivan * Jacob Benjamin Weinstein Thomas Jay Shi meld Scott Russell Sullivan Daniel Adam Weiss Marlena Huon Shin David Saul Sultan Jonathan Michael Weiss Paul Ki Won Shin Melissa Beth Sussman Shanesha Lave! White

• August 1999 .. November 1999 # Elected to Phi Beta Kappa • • • Febmary 2000 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi 47 Tijan Garrison White Tomer Avraham Axel Gilbert Diaz Claudia Anna Wiatr Jaime Elizabeth Babino Lindsay Laura Dubbs *** Matthew Wal con Wight # Marybeth Molly Baker Sarah Elizabeth Dubner Shamel Tenise Williams ** Sarah E. Bartkiewicz Christopher Ryan Fahey James Peter Wirch Lisa Kelly Baxter William Gerard Ferguson J. Kendal Wolf Michael Panlilio Bediones Kim Louise Hering FiczGerald Joshua Michael Wolkomir Kevin James Bender Ryann H. Flack Alexander M. Wong # Jacob Torrey Bendor Maxwell Charles Furr Gregory Bork Wong Bech Alyssa Bergman Rashmi R. Gajra Kacie Jean Woo Cristin Denise Berkey John Scarosca Galante Christopher Shinlei Wu Dustin Miguel Bermudez Valerie Germaine Gallet # Patricia Len Wu Lauren Rebecca Bia! Kiran Ganda Sharon Sheung-Mun Wu Leena Leslie Bitar *** Megan Martha Garretson Alysse Gail Wurcel Hector Boix Perales Dimitri Garcsbeyn Lee K. Yamashita Corinne Cruz Bonvino Peter Faragher Gawne Dongseok Yang * Mark Borrelli Zsofia Kriszcina Geck Kristin Marie Yasenka # Bryan Mathieu Boucher Jill D. Gerber Emily Grace Yau Joy Noel Brining Geoffrey Thomas Gibney Doreen Ani Yessayan Daniel Charles Brocks Marcin Oliver Glynn David Yoon Daniel Lindley Bronson Calvin Louis Goldring ***Tae S. Yoon Meghan Elizabeth Brown Matthew Joseph Gollinger Geoffrey Fursce Young *** Zandra Shameka Buckley Jeremy Michael Goulder Edmund Yu Nathan Jean Butts Nicole Ann Gregoire Joanna Sara Zablocsky Benoite Cagnioncle • Daniel Song Haack Estelle Helen Zagaris Christopher Cacral Camacho Kianc Michael Hammond Irene Zaki Stephanie Rose Carver David Samuel Harold Noreen Kausar Zaman Antoinette Tara Chabilal *** Eden Hauslaib Matthew Paul Zarzecki Amanda Chee-Yun Chan Meghan Jeanne Hession # Milciadis Holger Zgonis Alex An-Kai Chang Jason S. Hewitt Seth David Zimring Richard Chang # Michael Kenneth Hilinski Daniel Aaron Zox Jean R. Cheng Rebecca Pearlson Horwirc William Charles Zuck Ill Eric Cho Scefanos Konscancinou Inczes * Andrew Stephen Zucker Yeon H. Choi Christine R. lshikane Yu Kyeung Choung Sarah Brooks Janson Amy Chu *** Jeremy Hassan Javidi Bachelor of Science Erica Anne Chu Katrina Mara Jimerson Pamela Bech Abrams Alison Chumnanvech Steven Anthony Kahn Paige Lindsay Abramson *** Melissa Bech Cohen Carrie Ann Kalata Michael D. Ahnemann Elizabeth Purdy Colangelo Michelle Jeanette Kazdin Robert Keith Aleman Luke David Conlin Gregg Francis Keaney Hannah Clarice Amoah Laura Whicney Coquillerce Patrick Michael Kelly Michael John Andrews Katharine Lynne Crane • Michael Mark Kemmer Shariq Lacif Ansari Gary Yan Dahme Anh Bao Kha Christina de Leon Arguelles Jill Brainard Damato Mun Sook Kim * Alice Ruch Arredondo Heral A. Dave Jennifer Sarah Kirkland Ebonee Allison Achanaze Todd Andrew Davidyock ••• Sophie Irene Klep Srilacha Acluri ** Nicole Kristina Davis Morgan Sara Kluger

• August 1999 # Elected co Phi Beta Kappa •• November 1999 48 ## Elected co Tau Beta Pi '" February 2000 Khalfani Nyeme Knibbs Dylan Leigh McPhetres Ericka Maria Rovira Irina Kogan James Williams Moore Daniel M. Ruane Shakirahmed S. Kolia Elizabeth Lee Morris ** Cheryl Ann Rundlett Philip Adam Konnikov Sona! Mukhi Jean-Philippe Saint-Louis Rajashree Koppolu Kavitha Narayan Kristian E. Sanchez ** Sarah Bess Kornbluth Howard Andrew Newman Jonathan Allen Scabich Jason Michael Kronstat Christine Quynh Nguyen ••• Nicole Rita Schmid George Kullavan Oanh Mai Nguyen Carl Michael Sciortino, Jr. Monica R. Kung Meredith Mackenzie Nichols ••• Koonam K. Sethi Anna Lawrence Kupin Luis G. Nicolaou. Robert Bruce Shaw, Jr. Kevin Lai Wanjiru Margaret Njuguna Kevin Peterson Shaw •• Brett J. Laidlaw Rebecca Anne Noll Salmaan A. Shikari Aukrit Laohaprasit Danielle J. Olivier Bryan Ronain Smith ••• Candace Lapidus • Shinji Ken Oyama Ellen Renee Solomon ••• Albert Lincoln Lash IV • Jeffrey Stephen Pacuska Deborah Rivka Stein Rian Michael Laub So Yun Park David Arie Steinberg • Julie Frances Lee * Aimee Marie Parow Sarah W. Stevens Paul Lee ** Elizabeth Ann Parvin David Hugo Stitelman Jennifer Leong Jennifer Jaye Pascua] Jamie Lee Sculin Thomas Leong Amy Patel Maheen Syed Carlos George Leopoldo # Darshana Ramesh Patel #Suzanne Eleanor Szwarc Meredith Manee LeRoux Joseph James Paton Tiffany Yun-Wing Tai Nicole Ann Levesque Andrew Michael Peck Nguyen Minh Tau Steven Michael Levine Megan Claire Phillips Tracy Trager Xing Ling Li Sabrina Pieroni Reshma Suresh Vaswani Edward Libfeld Charlene Joan Pimentel Maxwell Thomas Vergo ••• Jennifer Claire Li tow Deborah Rachel Purdy Neha Shardul Vibhakar Rosalyn Yen Liu Vivek Ramgopal Aaron Raphael Vine **Yi-Hua Lo Michelle Lea Ramirez Ash Peter Weaver #Yasmin Locfi Sunil Kumar Rao Joshua Brian Wechsler Lynette Crystal Lotz Elizabeth Jane Rapp Claire Nicole Weigand Wayne Luan Christian Anthony Ray Karen Ann Weigand Suzelle Sabine Luc Todd Richard Reily Joshua Ari Weinberg • Virgina Carol Lynch Stefanie Jill Reisfeld Adam Alexander Welland Kristy Lee Lyons Luke Russell Remage-Healey Jennifer Q. Weng Adam Paul Machanic Ambereen Renfro Jeremy Duncan Wilbur Rioa Jasmine MacMaster Marcela Encarnaion Reyes Zachary Lowell Williams Andrew Stephen Majewski Matthew Paul Richard Brant Richard Wilson Marla Kay Maltin Katherine Ann Richert Britton Douglas Windeler Cynthia Lynn Manning Eric Albert Richmond Gregory J. Wong Hector Fernando Martinez-Wilson Alba Maria Rodriguez Sharon K. Wong # Briana Leigh Martino Jane Elizabeth Rogers Amy Woo Jennifer Lyn Masella Monica Rose Rohrschneider Lawrence Lee-C!iang Yang Kimberly Allison Mastis Ari Samuel Rosenbach Motoyo Yano Meghan Alice McGinley Sarah Ann Rosner Stephen Yhu Bradley Alexander McGregor Benjamin Shapland Ross Jennifer Ann Zambriski

• August 1999 "November 1999 # Elected to Phi Bera Kappa · ·• Febmnry 2000 ## Elected to Tau Beta Pi 49 ORDER OF EVENTS


Musical Interlude John McCann, D.Mus. Conductor, Tufts University Music Department

Processional Nancy S. Arbree, D.D.S., M.S. Assistant Dean for Academic Ajfoirs Presenter

Frank R. Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean ofthe School of Dental Medicine Faculty Marshal

Michele Eileen Semonelli Student Marshal

Alphonse Joseph Matrone Student Marshal

Alexandra Corina Warren Student Marshal

Invocation Father David M. O'Leary, S.T.L., Ph.D. Associate Chaplain ofthe University

Greetings and Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Remarks Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Presentation of Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dean's Medals Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Presentation of Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Teaching Awards Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Greetings and J. Robert Hendricks, B.S. Remarks President ofthe Class of D2000

Yun Saksena, B.D.Sc., M.S. President ofthe Class of D/2000

Commencement Jim Boyd Address Newscaster, Co-Anchor, Channel 5



Recognition of Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Honors and Awards Senior Associate Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Lisa Giarrusso, D.M.D. President ofthe Tufts Dental Alumni Association Academic Excellence Award in honor of Dr. Philip Molloy, D55, K67

Presentation of Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Master's Degrees Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Petros Damoulis, D.D.S., D. M.Sc. Director of Graduate Studies ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Presentation of Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Dental Specialty Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine Certificates

Russi K. Gheewalla, D.M.D. Director ofAdvanced Education Programs

Presentation of Lonnie H. Norris, D.M.D., M.P.H. Diplomas Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Roslyn Berenberg, M.A. Trustee Emerita

William Sellers, D .M .D. Trustee

Mark Gonthier, M.S. Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs

Robert E. Doherty, D.M.D. Director ofthe International Student Program ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Hooding Frank Robert Susi, D.M.D., Ph.D. Senior Associate Dean ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Charles Henry Rankin III, D.M.D. Associate Professor and Director ofPredoctoral Endodontics ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Oath for the Robert J. Chapman, D.M.D. Dental Graduate Professor and Chair, Department ofRestorative Dentistry ofthe School ofDental Medicine

Benediction Father David M. O'Leary, S.T.L., Ph.D. Associate Chaplain ofthe University


An informal gathering in honor ofthe graduates follows the ceremony 51 ORDER OF EVENTS


Student and Faculty Processional

Welcome John R. Galvin Dean, The Fletcher School ofLaw and Diplomacy

Special Presentation of Dean Emeritus Certificate Presentations Presentation John DiBiaggio President of Tufts University Recipient John R. Galvin

Class of 1947 Gift Presentation Charles P. Edwards, F' 47

The Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Public Diplomacy Presentation Professor Lee McKnight Recipient John P. Dwyer

The Robert B. Stewart Prize for an Outstanding First-Year Fletcher Student

The Edmund A. Gullion Prize for an Outstanding Second-Year Fletcher Student

The West Publishing Corporation Law Prize for a Student Who has Excelled in the Law-Related Courses at The Fletcher School Presentation Professor Alfred P. Rubin

The James L. Paddock Teaching Award

Presentation of Special Certificate for Fletcher Service

Presentation of Class of 2000 Gift



Class Address Jennifer Anne Lahue, F'OO

Graduation Address Robert D. Hormats, /\65, F'66, F'67, F'69

Presentation of Master of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance Diplomas Master of Arts Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty Recessional

A reception in Cabot and Mugar Halls will fallow the ceremony Music by Gainsborough Brass Ensemble



Musical Prelude Cantabrigia Brass Quintet


Chief Marshal Arthur R. Rabson, M.D. Professor of Pathology

Presenter Paul J. Wang, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine

Invocation Rabbi Jeffrey Summit Associate University Chaplain

Welcome John T. Harrington, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine

Special Programs Pamela Wendy Rice Student's Address

Medical Class Sarah Beth Shubert President's Address

Greetings Louis Lasagna, M.D. Dean, Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences


Commencement David Michael Kent, M.D., C.M. Address Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine Medical Officer, Medecins Sans Frontieres (1999 Nobel Peace Prize Winner)

Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Faculty Emeritus Dean, School of Medicine Certificates Recipients Norman I. Krinsky, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry Timos N. Valaes, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics



Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Diplomas to M.S. Dean, School of Medicine Candidates James N. Hyde, Jr., M.Sc., M.A. Director, Health Communication Program, School of Medicine Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Mary Joyce, D.B.A. Chair and Professor, Department of Communication, Emerson College Rick Barber Registrar for Special Programs

Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Diplomas to M.P.H. Dean, School of Medicine Candidates Elizabeth Barbeau, Sc.D., M.P.H. Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health

Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Diplomas to Dean, School of Medicine M.D. Candidates Barbara A. Rockett, M.D. Board of Trustees Janet S. Kerle Acting Dean for Students, School of Medicine John A. Matias, M.Ed. Registrar, School of Medicine

Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Diplomas to Dean, School of Medicine Combined M.D./M.B.A. Norman S. Stearns, M.D. in Health Management Director of fnterschool Affairs, School of Medicine Candidates Schering-Plough Professor in Health Sciences Professor of Medicine

Presentation of John T. Harrington, M.D. Diplomas to Dean, Srhool of Medicine Combined M.D./M.P.H. Candidates Jeffrey K. Griffiths, M.D., M.P.H. & T.M. Associate Director, M.D. /M. PH. and D. V.M.IM.PH. Programs, Schoo(of Medicine Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health Associate Professor of Medicine



Presentation of Louis Lasagna, M.D. Diplomas and Dean, Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences Hooding of Ph.D. Candidates Brian Golden, M.D. Board of Trustees Carolyn F. Locke, M.S. Associate Dean, Sack/er School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences David A. Damassa, Ph.D. Dean for Information Technology Professor ofAnatomy and Cellular Biology

Presentation of Recipients Diplomas and Elissa Lynne Ash Hooding of M.D./Ph.D. Dawn Michelle Gross Candidates Arash Radfar

Administration of Jonathan Schindelheim, M.D. Oath Clinical Professor of Psychiatry

"America the Beautiful" Nicholas Stephan Kasdon, M.D. Sarah Bech Shubert, M.D. Matthew Eric Tilem, M.D. Jennifer R.Williams, M.D.





Welcome Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. Dean for Nutrition Sciences

Musical Tribute to the Friends and Family Class of 2000

Charge to the Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Graduates Dean for Academic Affairs

Class Address Sarah McDonough Phillips, Class of 2000 Master of Science/Master of Public Health

Commencement Barbara Underwood, Ph.D. Address President, International Union of Nutritional Sciences

Presentation of Diplomas

Master of Science/ Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc. Combined Dietetic Director, Frances Stern Nutrition Center Internship Mary McLaughlin, M.P.H. Assistant Director for Education Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. Master of Arts Lynne M. Ausman, D.Sc. in Humanitarian Dean of Students Assistance Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. Master of Science/ Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy Master of Science/ Master of Arts in Urban and Environmental Policy

Master of Science/ Master of Public Health

Master of Science



Presentation of the Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc. Rebecca Roubenoff Mary McLaughlin, M.P.H. Award Ronenn Roubenoff, M.D., M.H.S.

Presentation of Lynne M. Ausman, D.Sc. Diplomas and Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D. Hooding of Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D. Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy

Doctoral Hooding Molly Anderson, Ph.D. Jeffrey B. Blumberg, Ph.D. Johanna T. Dwyer, D.Sc. Mohsen Meydani, D.V.M. Aviva Must, Ph.D. Susan B. Roberts, Ph.D. Robert M. Russell, M.D. Jacob Selhub, Ph.D.

Remarks Doctor of Philosophy Recipients

Closing Beatrice Lorge Rogers, Ph.D.

A reception will follow the ceremony in Farmer Lounge, Alumnae Hall.



Musical Prelude Symphonic Brass Quartet

Faculty and Graduate Processional

Greetings and Dr. Philip C. Kosch Remarks Dean Dr. Sol Gittleman Senior Vice President and Provost Or. Henry L. Foster Trustee and Chair ofthe Board of Overseers for Veterinary Medicine

Commencement Dr. Mary Beth Leininger Address

Faculty Address Dr. Harold Hammerquist Assistant Professor of Environmental and Population Health

Student Address Siubhan Bongiovanni Class of 2000

Class Gift Siubhan Bongiovanni Nicole McGrath Class of 2000

Presentation of Dean Kosch Norden Distinguished Teacher Award

Presentation of Dean Kosch Pfizer Award for Research Excellence

Presentation of Dean Kosch Distinguished Professor Award

Presentation of Or. Anthony Schwartz Certificates of Associate Dean for Academic and Outreach Programs Internship and Residency



Presentation of Dean Kosch Diplomas and Dr. Richard Jakowski Hooding of Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences Graduates Dr. Orla Mahoney Clinical Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences Barbara Berman Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Nancy Horniak Clinical Rotations Coordinator

Administration of Dr. Henry L. Foster the Veterinarian's Oath


Reception for Graduates and Guests