3068 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST i?, John Ward, bargained, sold, and assigned unto the said tested by, Frank Richardson, of No. 15, Old Jewry-cham trustees, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hers, in the city of London, Solicitor; and the same inden- all his personal estate and effects, upon certain trusts, for ture now lies at the office of Messrs. Robinson, Nicholls, and the equal benefit of his creditors ; and further, that the said Co., of No. 14, Old Jewry-chambers aforesaid, Accountants, indenture was executed by the said John Ward, Daniel for execution by the creditors of the said Joseph Braim.-— Bakewell Fletcher, and Stephen Thomlinson, on the said 3rd Dated this 16th day of August. 1860. day of August, and is attested by Thomas Simpson, of OTICE is hereby given, that by an indenture, dated Leedsaforesaid, Solicitor,and Benjamin Rob'ertshawBurrellof N the 2nd day of August, 1860, Thomas Prust, of the the same place, his Clerk. And notice is hereby further given, parish of Poundstock, in the county of Cornwall, Grocer that all creditors who shall neglect to execute the said deed and Draper, conveyed and assigned his real and personal within three months from the date thereof shall be excluded estate and effects to Charles Henry Daw, of Tavistock. in from the benefit thereof ; and that the said indenture now lies the county of Devon, Draper, and John Doidge, of Launces- at my office No. 34, Commercial-street, in Leeds, for exe- ton, in the county of Cornwall, Grocer, upon the trusts cution by the creditors of the said John Ward.
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