John Ward, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.,· OHN WARD, the Founder of the Trust Which Pre
.JOHN WARD, LL.D. 1679-1758. PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AT GRESHAM COLLEGE, VICE. PRESIDENT OF THE -ROYAL SOCIETY, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, TRUSTEE OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Front the picture in tlte National Portrait Gallery, Photographed by Emery Walker, Limited. ns cations· . ,of tlte ~aptist Kistoriea\ Soeiety. John Ward, LL.D., F.R.S., F.S.A.,· OHN WARD, the founder of the Trust which pre . serves his name, was born in London in or about J the year 1679, and 'remained a Londoner all his . lifetime .• He was the son of a Baptist minister, also named John, who Jived to the ag;e of 81, dyin.g in 1717 .. His epitaph, composed by his son, describes him as one who "had suffered much for the sake of . integrity and religion, and borne 'it with a valiant and lofty spirit." .. The mother, Constancy Rayner, w:as known as a woman "of extraordinary p~ety:: and ex-· oeUence of temper." . Out of a family of fourteen chilaren only two surviV'ed. their father, John .and Abigail, the sister keeping house for the brother, and .dying some y;ears befor'e him.. The Wards seem, to have had a . close association with the village of Tysoe in Warwickshire. John Ward, the father, was buried there: and a tablet fixed against a pillar in the Parish Church still hears the names of Thomas Ward, whb died in 1710, his wife Abigail, and their SOIl an:d daughter, Isaiah and Ahigail. Thomas. must have been hrother to the older John, for we find Isaiah in correspondenoe with the younger John, and addressed by him as cousin.
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