Focus on Romania
EURAXESS Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) EURAXESS members in focus: Romania Whereas probably the most known thing about Romania is the legend of Dracula, Romania is much more than that. Think medieval towns, time-capsule villages, delicious cuisine, picturesque monasteries, virgin forests, majestic mountains, a blossoming art community, impressive landscape and, of course, high-quality 1 education and excellent research facilities. The Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation (MCID) is responsible for the overall research, development and innovation (RDI) policy described in its National Research and Innovation Strategy. While the Romanian Academy coordinates fundamental research in 14 sections, carrying out programmes of national interest via its institutions, MCID oversees the policy side with the help of the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) and the Institute for Atomic Physics (IFA). 2 The main funding instruments of the National R&I Strategy are the Romanian South-eastern National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PN3), the Core Location Europe Programmes and the Operational Programme Competitiveness – Axis 1 (POC- AP1). Capital Bucharest Together, PN3 and POC-AP1 allocate competitive, project-based funding Population ~19 million through a set of tailored programmes to address the specific needs of the distinct Area 238,397 km2 R&D performers and their technology readiness levels, and to support inter- sectoral and cross-border collaboration. Proposal selection is based on peer Language Romanian review, complying with the international principles of evaluation. Currency RON Four consulting bodies help MCID develop, monitor and implement RDI policies: Time zone UTC+2 the Advisory Board for Research Development and Innovation, the National Council for Scientific Research, the National Council for Technology Transfer and Innovation, and the National Council for Ethics of Research, Technology Development and Innovation.
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