Foot orthoses in the Management of Anterior Knee Pain: An Evidence Informed Pragmatic Clinical Approach. Prof Bill Vicenzino Title: Foot Orthoses in the Management of Anterior Knee Pain: An Evidence Informed Pragmatic Clinical Approach Presenter’s Details: Bill Vicenzino PhD, MSc, BPhty, Grad Dip Sport Phty Professor (Sports Physiotherapy) & Head of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland Email:
[email protected] Overview synopsis: If you see clients who have overuse injuries such as patellofemoral pain and you are not too confident about the examination of the foot, its role in these conditions and prescribing foot orthoses, then this course is for you. It provides a simple yet effective means of understanding foot function and its role in the treatment of lower limb overuse injuries. More importantly it teaches Vicenzino’s new and efficient way to make a clinical decision on the appropriateness of orthoses in treating overuse injuries. Orthotic prescription is demonstrated and practised. Importantly, integrating the use of foot orthoses with exercises, manual therapy and other physical therapy management (i.e., integration into an overall physical therapy management plan) is covered during the 2-day workshop. Bill is a Prof in Sports Physiotherapy at the University of Queensland (Australia) and leads a productive research team that has a track record in this area with numerous publications and competitive research grants underpinning the workshops and presentations. Aims and Objectives: After the course, participants will be able to: a) Outline the evidence underpinning the use of foot orthoses in the management of anterior knee pain (largely patellofemoral pain) and its role in the decision making process in the physiotherapy treatment plan.