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June 23, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 12177 fact that these taxes are already due. ted into NATO as an unequivocal state- 3. Eric Dawson. They are not collected because it is too ment of the West’s support for Baltic 4. Stephen DeMasco. difficult. freedom and independence. 5. Anthony ‘‘Rags’’ LaCava. 6. Scott L. Pomeroy. The National Governors Association, Being the son of a Lithuanian immi- 7. Dr. Thomas Treadwell. the National Retail Federation, and grant myself, I take great pride in the 8. Robert McKcan. the e-Fairness Coalition are among the accomplishments of the Baltic states. I 9. Nancy Schwoyer. groups that believe this legislation is a support admitting the Baltic states 10. Dr. Louis Kunkel. proper approach to level the e-com- into NATO and I hope my colleagues 11. Robert Watson. merce playing field. I urge my col- here in the Senate will support their 12. Robert Arnold. leagues to join with this bi-partisan entry also in the next round of NATO 13. Dr. Stephen Price. 14. John Kennedy. group in supporting the balanced ap- expansion. 15. Rachel Sparkowich. proach of S. 2775 that accomplishes one That debate we will save for another 16. Kathleen Brennan. of the main goals of the Internet Tax day, but I am sure all of my colleagues 17. Jeannie Lindheim. Freedom Act: to find a way to simplify can agree on the importance of Esto- 18. Kristen Finn. the existing sales and use tax structure nia’s struggle for freedom and inde- 19. Padraic Forry. for remote sellers while the morato- pendence, and will join me in congratu- 20. Jennifer Noonan. 21. Marjorie Kittredge. rium remains in place. lating Estonia on the 80th anniversary 22. Kelly Dolan. f of Victory Day.∑ 23. Lindsay Amper. f 24. Michael Bonadio, Sr. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS 25. John Pearson. THE BOSTON CELTICS’ ‘‘HEROES 26. Thomas Forest. AMONG US’’ AWARD 27. Patrick Walker. CONGRATULATING ESTONIA ON ∑ Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, it is a 28. The Families of the Fallen Worcester THE EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY special honor for me today to pay trib- Firefighters. OF VICTORY DAY 29. Billy Ryan. ute to the forty-seven outstanding in- ∑ 30. Robert Prince. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, June dividuals who have received this year’s 31. Reverend Joseph Washington. 23rd marks the 80th anniversary of ‘‘Heroes Among Us’’ Award from the 32. Nahid Moussavi. Voidhupuha, or Victory Day, recalling Boston Celtics. 33. Jeraldine Martinson. Estonia’s break from Russian control These honorees are men and women 34. John Paul Sullivan. in 1920. On this holiday, Estonians of all ages who have chosen different 35. Ned Rimer. commemorate the battles during the career paths. What they all have in 36. Eric Schwarz. War of Independence in which military 37. Ann Forts. common is the extraordinary contribu- 38. Marti Wilson-Taylor. forces fought to regain Baltic control tions they have made to our commu- 39. Claudio Martinez. over the region. On Victory Day Esto- nity. They are role models for us all. 40. Reverend Hammond. nians also celebrate the contributions They demonstrate the fundamental im- 41. Laurie and Doug Flutie. of all who have fought for the cause of portance of the individual in our soci- 42. Stacey Kabat. independence throughout their coun- ety, by proving that each person can 43. Detective Tom Chace. try’s history. 44. Sister Louise Kearns. truly make a difference. All of these 45. Sister Jean Sullivan. Many lives were lost for the cause of heroes saw a need to achieve change or 46. Ellen Olmstead. Estonian independence. Three battles, take other action in order to improve 47. Ryan Belanger.∑ Roopa, Venden-Ronnenberg, and finally the lives of others. f Vonnu were the turning points that ul- This past season was the third season timately led to the defeat of the oppos- in a row that the Boston Celtics have MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE ing army. The Tartu Peace Treaty in honored one or more these heroes at ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED 1920 marked the end of centuries of home games for the special contribu- At 11:45 a.m., a message from the struggle and finally granted independ- tions they have made to our society. In House of Representatives, delivered by ence to Estonia. those three seasons, the Celtics have Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, On Victory Day, Estonians also re- honored 114 men and women with the announced that the Speaker has signed member those who battled against the ‘‘Heroes Among Us’’ Award, which is the following enrolled bill: Nazis and the Soviets. From 1944 until one of many programs that the Boston S. 1967. An act to make technical correc- 1991 the Soviets again occupied Esto- Celtics Charitable Foundation has ini- tions to the status of certain land held in nia, and during this time those who tiated. The Foundation is dedicated to trust for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw In- voiced opinions against the govern- improving the lives of the youths of dians, to take certain land into trust for that ment were typically sentenced to 25 New England through innovative out- Band, and for other purposes. years in a Gulag prison, and 5 years in reach initiatives. The Boston Celtic The enrolled bill was signed subse- exile. The designation of June 23rd as players actively participate in these quently by the President pro tempore Victory Day signifies that all those in- programs in many ways—from washing (Mr. THURMOND). volved in the crusade for freedom are cars, to raising funds for books for the f remembered for their efforts, and that Boston Public Schools, to cleaning up EXECUTIVE AND OTHER their messages live on. sites for the development of homes for COMMUNICATIONS Estonia has become a strong inde- low and middle income families in Bos- pendent country since 1991 when it ton. The following communications were again rid itself of Soviet occupation. It I commend the Celtics for their com- laid before the Senate, together with is a free-market economy and has es- mitment to improving the quality of accompanying papers, reports, and doc- tablished a rule of law. life for the members of our community, uments, which were referred as indi- This year we celebrate the 60th anni- and I commend all of these ‘‘Heroes cated: versary of the refusal by the United Among Us’’ for their dedication and EC–9376. A communication from the Ad- States to recognize Soviet domination their inspiring leadership. I ask unani- ministrator of the Foreign Agricultural of the Baltic states. The recognition of mous consent that the names of this Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- Estonia as free and independent is posi- year’s 47 ‘‘Heroes Among Us’’ may be mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule tive, but does not go far enough. What entitled ‘‘Adjustment of Appendices to the printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. Dairy Tariff-Rate Import Quota Licensing we celebrate this year is what we must RECIPIENTS OF THE 1999–2000 BOSTON CELTICS’ Regulation for the 2000 Tariff-Rate Quota help to preserve next year and the year ‘‘HEROES AMONG US’’ AWARD Year,’’ received on June 12, 2000; to the Com- after that. We must be sure that Esto- 1. Charles McAfee. mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- nia, Lithuania, and Latvia are admit- 2. Andre John. estry. VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:47 Nov 01, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S23JN0.000 S23JN0.