The Spirit October 2020
Apostolic Succession In Apostolic times, (the period of the Church that took place right after the Ascension/ Pentecost) we see a continuation of the Traditional and Liturgical life of the Church under the leadership and guidance of the Apostles. This continuation established an uninterrupted spiritual authority referred to as ‘Apostolic Succession,’ which means the Apostles initiated a Tradition that was meant to be carried out for generations. So what we have today, the way the Church operates and functions, how she carries out decisions, and most importantly her Liturgical and Sacramental life, are the result of Apostolic Succession. Through Apostolic Succes- the next generation, not just in nects the Sacrament of Ordina- sion, there is a bridge that con- Constantinople, but in all tion to today also applies to all nects us from the 1st century churches throughout the world of the Sacraments. For in- to today. One example of this is established by the Apostles, stance, we know in the New the Sacrament of Ordination. eventually leading to the mod- Testament, Christ establishes For instance, if a priest is or- ern day Church. In the exam- the Eucharist at the Mystical dained under the Patriarchate ple used before, from St. An- Supper. He handed this Tradi- of Constantinople, his ordina- tion to His Apostles in order to tion directly follows the line of be carried out through the gen- St. Andrew the Apostle. How Questioning our faith erations of the faithful to come, so? should never come as and to “do this in remem- After the event of Pentecost, an offense, but to be brance,” of Him.
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