Opportunities for New the Hague

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Opportunities for New the Hague The Hague CID in The Hague Central Innovation District The CID is the area between the stations HS, CS and Laan van NOI and includes Binckhorst. JOBS Opportunities COASTAL It is the economic heart of the city and the region, HOUSES AREA and the area in which a large part of the city’s urban 83,000 development is taking place. The CID is where Working population: for new 25,000 the economy of The Hague is being rejuvenated 71% compared to 63% INTERNATIONAL and where job opportunities are being generated in entire The Hague ZONE for future generations. This is being done by The Hague combing the growth of the city with the economic modernisation. This way the economic heart of INHABITANTS Den Haag The Hague is developing towards a cohesive and COMPANIES / ORGANISATIONS Centraal internationally attractive hub which will benefit 46,000 the entire city. 5,400 33,000 Higher educated people DOWNTOWN Laan van NOI 12,000 Practically educated COMMUTING MOVEMENTS people CID EACH DAY Den Haag HS 200,000 CID in The Netherlands The economic axis of the province of Zuid-Holland New city + AMSTERDAM accommodates the very qualities that could make a difference in terms of creating a better, more new economy = secure and just world. These can be harnessed New The Hague by combining the power of The Hague with the LEIDEN knowledge and expertise of cities such as Leiden, Zoetermeer, Delft and Rotterdam. To this end we Most of the growth in The Hague will AREA THE HAGUE UTRECHT are developing the CID as a regional hub that will take place in the Central Innovation add value to the region and to the Dutch economy. District. The current total of 83,000 5.7 KM2 ZOETERMEER DELFT workers and 46,000 residents will CID 2040 double in the next 20 years, due to ROTTERDAM the development of this new section Assignment FOOD AND BEVERAGE of the city. What we are seeing is the ESTABLISHMENTS + 25,000 houses development of a new piece of the city, 410 + 50,000 inhabitants involving homes, job opportunities + 25,000 jobs and services. This part of the city is also where the new economy of + 210,000 Commuting The Hague is gathering momentum: EINDHOVEN movements an inclusive, digital and socially oriented economy. Because this is a global trend: economic innovation is increasingly happening against an inner-city backdrop in which home and workplace and recreation reinforce one another due to their 6 UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS OF APPLIED relative proximity. SCIENCES, THE HAGUE 13 KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTIONS Turning growth into (INCLUDING EDUCATION LONDON BERLIN INSTITUTIONS). a positive force NEW YORK QINGDAO ERWIN VERKADE BRUSSELS This vigorous growth will bring about challenges in terms of, for example, VIENNA CID in the world UNIVERSITY & UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON GENEVA APPLIED SCIENCES STUDENTS accessibility, liveability and appeal. ErwinErwin VerkadeVerkade MUNICH HANGZHOU The Netherlands possesses unique qualities for But using this growth as a vehicle HYDERABAD making a difference in terms of creating a better, 30,000 results in The Hague being an more secure and just world. These can be SHENZEN economic hub with international BANGALORE harnessed by combining peace, justice and security AVERAGE ANNUAL ACCRETION with 21st-century questions regarding governance, OF STUDENTS (UNIVERSITY & appeal, one that future generations UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED technology and digitalisation. SCIENCES) GENEVA will reap the benefits from. To this end we are developing an international hub where these issues physically come together 7,000 and where parties from all over the world can come www.ciddenhaag.nl up with new ideas, new agreements and solutions. of which 850 internationals. � @ciddenhaag GOVERNMENT AND INNOVATION BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTIONS CORPORATE HIGH-QUALITY CULTURE (CYBER)SECURITY AND “POLICY CAMPUS” ICT/TECH CAMPUS “I think you are on the verge of introducing technology into sectors of the economy that are almost exclusively considered as public but can now be public Den Haag and private.” Centraal - BRUCE KATZ, DIRECTOR OF NOWAK METRO FINANCE LAB, DREXEL UNIVERSITY AND CO-FOUNDER OF NEW LOCALISM ADVISORS Turfmarkt - Beatrix - HISTORICAL LIVING WORK AREA Centraal Station kwartier CULTURAL DIVERSITY and Laan STUDENTS van NOI Laan van NOI Stations- & Rivierenbuurt Den Haag HS Laakhaven - Hollands Spoor - Binckhorst Kop Binckhorst Railway infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURAL BARRIER BooQi products are produced under license and “The Central Innovation District (CID) is an important hub for the Dutch economy. In the are subject to design registrations and trademarks | next five years, central government, the provincial authorities, MRDH and the municipality together | | www.booqi.com © BooQi Media Solutions BV will invest € 137 million in the mobility transition STARTUPS and better accessibility CITY CAMPUS CREATIVE ECONOMY of the CID.” STUDENTS LIVING, WORKING AND PAULINE KRIKKE, MAYOR OF THE HAGUE BUSINESS RECREATING AT THE WATER NO 37293/31.
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