INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2016 About This Report Letshego Holdings Limited’S Directors Are Pleased to Present the Integrated Annual Report for 2016
INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2016 AbOUT This REPORT Letshego Holdings Limited’s Directors are pleased to present the Integrated Annual Report for 2016. This describes our strategic intent to be Africa’s leading inclusive finance group, as well as our commitment to sustainable value creation for all our stakeholders. Our Integrated Annual Report aims and challenges that are likely to impact to provide a balanced, concise, and delivery of our strategic intent and transparent commentary on our strategy, ability to create value in the short, performance, operations, governance, and medium and long-term. reporting progress. It has been developed in accordance with Botswana Stock The material issues presented in Exchange (BSE) Listing Requirements as the report were identified through well as King III, GRI, and IIRC reporting a stakeholder review process. guidelines. This included formal and informal interviews with investors, sector The cenTral The requirements of the King IV guidelines analysts, Executive and Non- are being assessed and we will address Executive Letshego team members, Theme of The our implementation of these in our 2017 as well as selected Letshego reporT is Integrated Annual Report. customers. sUstaiNAbLE While directed primarily at shareholders A note on diScloSureS vALUE creatiON and providers of capital, this report We are prepared to state what we do and we offer should prove of interest to all our other not disclose, namely granular data on stakeholders, including our Letshego yields and margins as well as on staff an inTegraTed team, customers, strategic partners, remuneration as we deem this to be accounT of our Governments and Regulators, as well as competitively sensitive information the communities in which we operate.
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