
. . 7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman I ,:. ,1: 9.00 p.m.-The Scarlet . . Pimpernel. THE: DAILY NEWS PRESENTS '0 ,.' 10.00 .pm.-The Liberace OBERNKIRCHEN CHILDREN'S CHOIR' '} Show. available It

------~~~----~~~~~------~~~------~~;~-Vol. 62. No. 137'. ST. JOHN'S; NEWF9UNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons , " . ' ,

_1--Bulganin .Says .... I. London Dock Strike· Ends Russians Will Strl've . . I I F- t -•. Increase NURSES GRADUATE . Irs Reduce World " l TensIon Payment Break ~\. . :I!OSCOW (Reuters) - w~uld travel to I~dia, probably Icontribute to a relaxatlon of ten· T J bl SO\';ct Premier Nikolai Bul­ thiS wlnt\!r, to repay Nehru's visit slon, We shall mak·~ every effort 0 0 hl'~, The two leaders shared the In' this direction and hope Ulat .ess LONDON (Reuters) plcdged ,Tuesday that .canin plnlIorm at Dynamo Stdlum Tues. others will be prompted by the ~ 1Striking London stevedores . make "every n!l~si.:l will day nIght, culminating one of the same 'motives." . F edeJ'lLZ Go L'l. . . Tue.sday night decided to. rif(ll't" to reduce world ten­ busiest days Nehru has had since Bulsonln said his government his arrival In Moscow two weeks welcomed the 10th onnivcrsarY s;:s: end their walkout next' ~oi:l at the Big Four meet­ Bows To Demands ago. slon of. the United. Nallons' now . Monday-first break in II . in Geneva next month. i:l~ Bulganln said In his sP~cch that bclng hcld at San Francisco. He Of Provinces . strikc which has tied up six· S;",aking nt a giant rally here the safeguarding of peace and se· expressed "the .ardent

, " ,

, '. " . ,. . .. . '.·1." , , , •

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, , I, ,

" , . . ~: .. SUMMER '} !',

, . I (/.• r'f ': l' . ,(. " , ' I: ! I';. " /I"~, !, . ~.' ') • ' f -.." ,


"" 1 • ON O.UR· FASHION FLOOR! :J' .t,'I ~ ,L• : SINGLE HOT PLATES •••••• 2.60, 2.90, 3.75. ; : . I J,; , ! I': I s .95 s .95 DOUBLE HOT PLATES •••••• 4.65 and 5.65 GEMCO ELECTRIC IRON (with thumb rest) •• 4.65

I • " ' ELECTRIC IRON (with heat indicator) •••• 5.25

, r' I , I" '.95 '$ SANDWICH TOASTER •••• D •••• I I, ••••• 6.95 ; I '.95

D ••••••••••••••••• I,. \ ' ' GIANT TOASTER. 4.65 'I 1, .. I .;, ,I " * Buy Now For Yourself, For Gift Giving . : " I " !, . ~ " • FROM THE BEST OF THE AMERICAN AND , 'I CANADIAN STYLE CENTRES • • • WE PRESENT FOR YOUR APPROVAL THIS BRAND NEW . , SPECIAL OFFER! I : F. BO\\le, Prp.i •• SELECTION • • FEATURING ALL NEWEST FABRICS Oversea. Tel , "oration, by "NEW YORK" INSPIRED CREATIONS IN ONE 'N' Dt England, , ,hlp :Monarch. 'TWO PIECE STYLES. 400 PAIRS MEN'S Mr. Bowie wi . .ottle over it. • lIIoniea will be o Beautifully Sheer DACRON CHIFFON, the new SEPARATE laries includill,1 CRYSTAL ACETATE, crease resistant, tweedy textur. ed KO·KO fabrics, NYLON OVERLACE, ACETATE 'N' RAYON I


SIZE5-9 to 17, 10 to 16, o SIZES 28 to 42 NOW On By RUTI 12 to 20, 12~ to 24~ REG. 5.00 VALUE PAIR OTTAWA, .49 land will be the results eral·Provincial employment - Rowe told the - lfternoon. ENGLISH





': , . .,. ,. .." . ' .,~, , " ~ I'.:~ •• • , . \

, ' 'I • , ,THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,1955 3 of' ;.' .'.' I ·c'e­ etar s .' • •

O'Ft ., ,.I •• , IS erieS' Labrador Boat .. Vis.itor From England.: . A visitor for the first {ime to Newfoundland is Mrs. C. H. Cook, who' arrived by air on . Monday and is spending thrce months va· Forced·· .. To ·Reiurn calion with her daughter and son· . . in·law, 'Corporal and' IIfrs. C. c. Drift. ice' and heavy seas are!ha~peringthe,cod and Parsons at 110 Empire Avenue. salmon fIshery along the Labrador, coast,. reports' Capt.·Mrs.: Cook is the wife o( Mr. C. Walter Tucker, master of the C.N.R.:steamer Kyle, which'H.Cook, who was for many years arrived here late Monday night· on her second' speci.al he~d or the Royal Garder.s at trip for the season to Labrador fishing ports, W~ndsor ~astle and later at San· The Kyle" was unable to reach . drmgham, N~rfol~. Mr. Cook hol~s her destination, EmilY Harbour, but the Ice .. was causing:8 hit 0[: the Royal VI.ctooa Medal for ~IS because of the northern icc.floes trouble." However, they ·.fclt the .personal ~ervlce t? tbe late KKmg still clinging to tbe shoreline. s~lmon fishery would' be .good as ~corge 'I, and IS also an Asso· ,II After attempting to navlgare the soon as the seas· went' back. . c:Bte of Uono~r of tbe .Royal lI~r- , The Kyle encountered· countless bcullural Soclely; He IS now hv· /r i ce aroun d Whit e Coc ka d e I sland , . h did· i t' . N f Ik the steamer returned to Double icebergs on her trip, buH ese mg . n re.!rement ~n or 0 . aHer Island and landed the Emily Har. not interferj! with navigation. The servIng fIve relgn.l~g monarchs. (Daily News Photo) bour fishermen there. From greatest concentration of the. tow- . Yesterda~ we VISIted Mrs. Cook BRENDAN DEVINE OF THE ST .•JOHN'S LIONS Cu.m is shown making a cake under the able direction of Miss Double Island the fishermen were ering bergs was In the Straits of and saw plctur~s of her home at Belle Isle area. The steamer ·made Norfolk, and pIctures of her hus· Elizabeth !\'IacKinnon at Pitts Memorial Hall. Some of the prizes offered for the Canada Packers Cooking School bl t th ugh th insld a e t0 carry E '1 on Ha robour ine their e the crossmg . o' f th e' Str'. al't s dur Ing ban d WI·th th e Queen Mother tour. IIIRS • C• nco• 0 K nre shown on the platform including the DeLuxe G.E. refrigerator donated by John Clouston, Ltd. runs 0 t mbl y t r hi h' i .d nt daylight. Strings· of. drift ice were ing the grounds at Sandringham. Guilds and NONIA during her own11 mo or I'·oa s w cd ' nCIth Cb - seen off the Spotted Islan ds. It is worthy of note that Mrs. visit to Newfoundland for Ih' ~h YKw~re a so carrie nor y On her trip north the Kyle bad Cook's grandiather planted the will have to take back to her e ye. . d.s f d on board 190 fishermen taken forest of Dean in Gloucester. This women In England an account i:Jf. Th fish :~~ :~~:n ~~~ngS~h~ ~u;:e; from Conception an~ Bonavriista foriest was used for timber for the activities of women in New- C t" i th . i't Bay port'S. In her daVIts were ve sh ps. foundland.' Labf ~a dor H boas BntU e ;IC m ~ motor boats, belonging to the fish· Mrs. Cook Is president of the Among some of Mn. Cook'. Cable" Landing °D dOlx: i adr °burt' f 8 e r·than t ermen. These along with two' small Dersingham ,and Sandringham sec· prized possessions Ire two tea th ca ' san H f'· hu ur ernor bla. fishmg punh were unloa d'de WIt'h bon. of the Women's Branch of sets. One was 'given 10 ner by thit. P k ac . 5 r. .IS ermenltd were una e the f·IS hermen a t speci·f· Ie d st at' IOns. th e BrI ·t· IS h L'~glOn sInce. 1940 an d Queen Moth.cr, when .he WRI. t t I th o em elr sa .mon ne d 5 h an\' HaVIng. comp ltde e her specla . l'IS a I~o I!h' aIrman 0 (ht e group 0 { Duchess of Kent - In honour III th.'' f t raps beeause 0 ICC an ea y.,trIps for fIshermen the Kye I WI'11 ten branches of the LegIon.. in I bIrth of the pre~ent Queen, 8nd seas. take up her re,l(ular summer ached· Norfolk. She hopes to lee soml! of, the other was given. tn her by Iii. Ceremony Today A couple of the old timers at ule for st. John's to Goose Bay, the work rione in NPWfoundlanrillate Queen Mary, after II Ti&it til Pack's Hr., those arc people who Labrador, on Thursday of this by the wompn of the .Tllbilee her cot\a)le. : lil'e in the remote Lahrador fish· week. At G

\. 4 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 195!J Sfock ~ ._ ...... _ ." '._ ...... ,""m'i~I.--.""'::";,=::i="i,\Varied l!lcas Menen Calls At White HOllse Eisenhower TOIIO~TO (LOSI!'!O 111 The C.. "el". ~ '. . EFor Preserving Url1es "New ,.1" Slock ...... 151:5 MId Ur ~G' Acme 1(121)(1 AI"" (, ~ Wild Life Wa; OHife" 110:1 Alb"," ••! " " 1500 AklUcho j". " ~, By DlDN DENDERSON By MARVIN L. ARROWSMITII 51i1T Algom 1. tII " \ Associated PreES 'Witer SAN• FRfu'llCISCO (AP) - PNsi. ~130 Do d.b. '. ~ St~1f ~S" Do ,,11 Am Larder ;l,. E When It comes to taking care 01 d EI I iooo )h,,' '"' '" 190'1 Am Neph ,~ ~l . "'h". ,,'" "'",.m, dill""",I... Ii.", N,II... "w" I' I.'" ,Id" "',' ,,,. •. 16')0'1 Am L of the meet· &!oo Britalta , sra~on '200 Aroul ' , "'1 ,).. i ~ thr. thrce statrs which lead the nn.' S d 1 Pl' . o. \ pet Ilion. however, wcre h~aten.' D . NT r I inl: flf the Big Four - Ei;cn· 2'" l\ruck h .. '%000 Enln~man ~ \ ~ ;: 1 lion in 10(31 Iir0IlW- . S Boh Bellanl Shcrhrooke, Quc., 1 i Prime EMn. Pr&- . Ii Ii~hinn Wb ec' c{ (n'·e. ~I eVlSc. C" how~r. ~linister :nlO nrunhu~\ -'. ~ con,in Wchi~an an'l ~Iinr.~::ota-' "lost to Herbie flam 01 Beycrly· ' mier Faurc 01 France and Prr. i100 Bnlnstnn · IfI%O Brun,,,lck . :!~ I;cpt b'ass Il~ Plr fl\"ntol""r\ *t this~ Ell1Cl C S.. fcl,' ! 1~i11" Caiif .•. 6.3, 6·2, 6·2 anrl Don GUll rr() Tf'll} I'micr Bulganin of Russia - II :;1~3 But:k!es i ,; ocr iS3!) nufad~nn I : . ~~ vear unlll .Iunc 18. Anrl in Canada...... H. . : ['ontana 011IJrpnio wcnt down 6·0" 1'\ .. simply put: ~nOO Bul Cdn · ' i! 'the p'''...... onleri') 1":11 i·-I· ! W,.L; 1 1 I· i j·d, 6·2 to Adria Quist 01 Aus.! W'll "It is Ihat c\'rr)' indil'idual ~I s%?il Bul m i~ uff until .Iuly 1. ' lit 1m» c{ on ' !:alia. ' I ( DoCll' 50\11h tcr. ;3.\0 .mp ()\Ib . ""1 ~' ment' in dil(eJ'['~t ni"l. i Wimhledou all.England la\\"n ten·: Drobny of Egypt. seeded sixth, had i Wa}~s) pastttrcs prolection board "I can solemnly plrdl:e 10 )C(i '118% 11ft :.Itt :-," 100 Can,p RI '.' I. !~ I No, sa)'S Charles Lloyd, assislant' nis championshirs emcr;!ed ;afcly' any rcal rlif[ieult~·. Jloau. a bride·. has adopted a neW Iypr of trap' here - and to ail 01 Ihe m~11 ~n~ I , e~ Can ~III ' • ;~' sllpel'intcl1r1ent of fl,h mnn;l~el11ellt 'I from thcir first. r:l\ln<1 matches\ groom o( 48 tours. looked sluggish, )(1111 which fires cyanide huliets to: women ollhe world who ma)' rrad :!ill 011 t .. ~J\d' '.i ! 5300 Cdn Ad 011 cxprrls. But plltting th~m illio cf. ~Ionda~·. and slcepy as he rlcC·~ated felloll'i kill dingoes. lor hear my words - Ihat thn,~ IlSO Cdn All Oil . ~ fc~t~ I Thc two Canndians in the com.' Australian Robert Howe 7·5. 7-5., Din~nes are wil(1 dogs, rather: who repr~5ent the United StaIr; IZ(lIl C Br I:mp , , t:l "That's annlhcr .___ . __-;--_;--; .•..- -- -;---.16·2. Drohn:; won from Rene Bllscri Iikc Alsatian:; to look at, which: will stril'c to be tllUS loyal, thul IB'O Com .. stor~'." ~ays: 3100 C Dec. I 1 .' ~ II, Llo),(\, who has been heading 11[1 a i ~rm!nd. no sIze limIt. no bag hmll, of Switzcrland, 6·~, 6·1, 6·2. de·' roam in largc numbers in the'dc!llcnted." 1,5.00 Do warr 7300 CD.,· Pele ~ transition program lor Wisconsin, flsh mg( on Ihese, el'cn [he mosl\ spitc a minor shoulder injury and Illastornl areas of and 1 Speaking in the War ~!cmor!~l CMl ArtfMfJ1UM · 4000 C M.lar .~ . fI _ is from comp\lcatecl regulations sd dou bt ul angl~rs h3N ~ccn how thc appendix tronble. kill she-~p and cattle. \ Opcra House where 10 year, ;;go 1%33 Cdn 011 SIOO 0 and r. '. ; ~ ..,.'- I'! .~4lI"" ",- . fli ~ '" 'm'" .,' ".' "."n,' ,m' b.!", "" p,k, H",,,b,d "',, T"",'" T", T"b,,1 ,I C;,· Th, ,~'''ll'' b",' ""', I. n~ UN "''' I,~,'~d, lli. ,re,'~.' 5915 C P L Pel. , UtN L IJ\Mil", L e 1"1,,, or ,.m, I"b, 10 , m'''' h', \' A"",,,, "', G<, •• .1IM ,,,"" " )h, I", "")h, "''',,''"'' h" h" bolli 315 Canso Pele . I W li II ".1 R 1B:5 C NIt G ! j: I ~ U1mal operation.. O~Ah IlECmm,~""'. ENDATlON. cinna1i won easily from Australia's with a lure which smells "like'"~ its successes and failures in the I ~ ~f llAnO TO CO;';"I~CE . nc~ tl:'o we.c·sk ago, th e Wlscon'l Ken Roscwall, sccond seeded mcaty bone that has bc~n buried first decade of existence, then de· 122 C 011 i ! I tn 1490 Caul;t,r , ~~ SIlO C ..I1. , . . • "W, k"w wh'l "'. ... ',," I '" . ~,,~, to"" '"ogre ...... ' "', I ~m A"tt,U" ,1,1.. 1" Bd" 10', I" tI,,~ ",,'10." cl.,,"', :, cenl Expl i .' f" ~ Lloyd says. "Now we hnve to con·, gamzallOn [)~ sportsh.en from each IG. D. Owen 6·4, 6·4, 6·1. NEW KIND OF PEACE 755' C.n LI, ... ,,' No. ". " m!"' d, '" ", ,,,' I ,m,I1" "It ""'1 b.. m", ,Un;,!.1 , t:, ,I, "" ,,:p " ,I" ~". 7 .in smarpawn shade. Sizes 8!12 to 11. i \ \l \ :~! great many of the harl'estable aocment. Amateur fish tbscn~rs 1 • Budge Patty of Los Angeles, de beforc dlOl1er. the guns - It must be a glol"ltl(l! " p • ,,' b,,, I, '" ,h'" ..10< '0 I' ,,,,,I I' ",I"" ""I .11 "". I"h I ••I., r.H." Am""" G, W. Dm· A k' I D IV. ,'''' ,I ,II,. I, )h. I HI. th, ,)0", ':,1 nee per. pair ...... ,...... $1,50 \\~; I~ waste instead of for r~cr,e~ti.on. : ~e~ucd pr~tcctlOn,. parhcularly dur· I' lingcr. L.os Angelcs,. 6·,1, 6·3. 6·1. uscil ~~~ ,,::::~~\~ ~~~c'" mc(~ ;;~ ~ d~dicated once. as man's 'Iay~r. NEURAL I Clear, sheer 51 gauge, 15 den'ler, popular fawn ,' 1 "FI.h.'" m"""~"1'1""' - . ~"." . , In"B spaWningI tl f'periods. I I b I •Jack Kearns • Maxlm's• manager 'II to descnbe.' the .mrll P I. WIll become hIS most producl'l'e' h d • 8'12 11 r: II'here arc just about convinced of u. te p~o es~\Ona s 1?\"~ ~rlll Eighth seeded Sven Dal'idson uf .. sen·ant. , a ""'" 10 , "I th". BOj th,,, ;, ,, .",. ".,,,' ,h," ''''l r" I'"~" I"~·, '0" ,,, k""",' ••1 Am,';." , Tho I"" I, "I,,,, ., tho b" U" " 11 "'Ill '" • , .." " I, 'P ,. '., I Pric:e per pair ...... ,...... $1.30 l' lrove had b~\ter Illck than nll:~rs: tll on , sPleclc, by SPCCIPf,S'II\'l\h e'·.I·! Davis Cuppcr. Hamilton Rieharrl· of a trap gim and lingers for confidence and !aith so that all For general wear, 51 gauge, 30 denier. Cho'lee t in cOIll'incing their fishermen." : lint Ihe sporl IS !erman ", son 4·6. 6·3, 6·4. 8-6. . months. TIlt' gun. which is ninel will be relcased from " ,. Lloyd's division has spcnt 10 (en~cable to take. only thc surplus. of i inehc, long, is buried in Ihe ground p~oplcsdread fear or war. Scienti5t~ \\'illIh~ of fawn or grey. Sizes 8% to 11, l'e;1rs convincing thc nn~lers of I ~ach populatIOn, and that II'I\1ch I' . I and cOI'crerl with· piecc of hide .. be liberated 10 work alll"a.'·s for Price per po' . $ • his stntc. It II' a , a decade ago, am~lI1~lts 10 the. Ullcalchable 1'1'., , :-;O!'y CRE,~TURE I . . U • I mcn. ne\'cr against thf'm. , " """...... ""..... ".,,"""" ".,"... I. 50 : th" 11""""', r; ,h "p' b.,,,, "m '''' '"' ''',." "i 1h. ",', . """'. , "." " .",,," th' ",d, ,,1\. , ".',"g, i "''',,'' doo b. th'l ;, th"'" ."PHANTON" NYlONS ~. sCltin~ U[I so.callrl! ~xpwmentallrt~ it ratc 10 keep"~'I" 1~.hahllable ~ I\"aler' racnnn. uses Its long nnse to (li~ firm;! a .38 rel'."II'~r loaded \\'Ilh a: 10 years world science can ,0 bral lnkes for b~lh blnck ba .• s and W'll1. , !u1i 01 as man~' J15h as the water l liP. food. l'1t~l"g~ (I[ ~yanldc InSlead of a bul· rlown th~ ravages oj disea~e anri 8~~"qu;, to i I,11.Iy n" 'yI" h.. , I, ,mo ,I "m m" ,h ad... 51", i.... ",,,I,. __ .---.-.Ik" AI'" )0 ,... " 01 1m.'---.-.-.-- ,',," ..' '" ",",',.. --.------Ii""... --.. . .. -- ... ---' "I ,! ""kind , ..win" experience'" ,"""I, a !h.1 nell' h,,,expar.· .. 51 15 d . ~ ,;" ,I Ii"" ,I"'"'' ,,' • go ug', • m" ...... P,I" p" po;' $1.40 r ,,",," I ", ,,1,1\,,1 h.ri,"" , 60 gau", 15 d"I"." ...... p,;" P" pa;, SUO ,.\ lI'orkman."I, !h;, ","farmer, kI" produc'~r,I P"" ~nri'"' Crepe Hose in grey and fawn: I ,ri;'I, ""h" .., ,hl\,~,h" ... common welfare." Pd" P'" pal,...... - ...... $ 1.65 :: ";,,U.t ",;n 0'''' I", ... I., ,.

"KA YSER" MESH ~rt· Brilon Gets Very serviceable non·run nylon hose in smart fawn shade. ~' Sizesp • 8~2 to 11. "~I . Canada's Top rlc:e per pair...... ,...... , ..... ,...... ,.. $1.65 -!~: SEAMLESS NYLONS Medical Award TORONTO (CP) - A Very popular f~r summer wear. Fine quality; sizes 8% to 11, Britj~lt physiologist and biochemist. Sir Pt;ce per pa/r ...... " ...... ,...... I1 .... ,,,, •••••• •• $7.25 Henry Hallett Dale. today re· ceived Canada's premier medico· sci-~ntific award, the gold mfoal or honor given by the Canarlinn Gloves. & Hand.bags Pharmaceutical Manufacturers A!. sodation. NYLON GLOVES The solid gold medal, embos;rd Ideal for summer wear. Sizes 6% to 772 in blue with the figure of a win~ed g(o~. dcss s~'mbolizing man's conqut'!1 pink, red, beige, white and black. I of disease amI death, was pr~· Price per pair.. :·...... ,.$J .85 sented to the BrUon at a luuchr"n ¥:,ith bow at wrist. Choice of blue, pink or white. given in his honor by C. 11. \\":1· kins, executil'c member of thp ~,. I) Sizes 6Y: to 7%. socia linn, Price per pair ...... ,...... $2.10 !IIr. Wilkins said Sir Henn' i< a "univc1'sally acknowl(!dged i<'ailrr Sheer; shortie style in brown, chartreuse white and of scientific thought in medirinr." black. Sizes 6% to 7%. ' Onl), four othcr outstanding mrn have \\'on the seicntilic awarl1: ):ir Price per pair: ..... I ...... , ...... ,tI .. ,. .. , ..... I.I •• ~.I.I.$1.25 Alexander Fleming for 11is di,c,)I' NY of pcnicillin, Pro!' Chark. H WHITE HANDBAGS B-~st for his co-discovery or in· 1I Complete your summer outfit with one of these lin. Edward C. Kcndall lor hi.. d' for true taste and enjoyment, you can't beat Player's. plastic bags. Assorted styles to choose from. covcn' of cortisonr and Dr. T. Clarence noulley of Toronto. pr ..i That's because Player's are made from the finest Priced 0/ ...... , ...... $2.50 and $3,75 dent of the British and the Can~' TRY A PACKAGE TODAY Virginia• tobaccos-the best of all tobaccos grown. dinn ~ledical Association~. lor hi' STRAW HANDBAGS help in promoting the World ~t~rl Very smart are these basket style, straw handbags These fine Virginia tobaccos give you flavour and mildness. , • ical Association . trimmed with roses. • for perfect smoking satisfaction. Price . each ...... ,,, ..... ,, ...... ,, ...... u ••• $3.50 BEADED HA'NDBAGS French Prison Multi-colored and white beaded handbags in both Discover for yourself this mild, true, clutch and draw·string styles. Guards Strike PARIS (AP) - Nobody was ad· ••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••••••••• ; •••••••••••••••••••• $2.95 cigarette enjoyment. Try Player's­ Price eac:h mitted into any of France's 115 , SUMMER CHOKERS Newfoundland's best-selling prisons Monday, but nobody \1'81 able to go out, eIther. bead chokers in every wanted color. As~orted Virginia cigarette. The reason was a 2.. hour stri];e Price each ...... ,.: :: ..' ...... ~ ~ .... ~.:'.. .'.':~ :.... : .. ""~I ...... 35c. of ali 8,000 prison guards. The guards present many com­ BEAD NECKlETS ' plaints, The biggest Is that some prisoners they say, i!arn more than A ,new shipment bringing every popular color. Don't smoke just one-or a single pack. they do and often benefit front PrIce each .•.•. :...... ;...... 40c B housing conditions far better than Smoke Pla},,!r's only, for at least a week. their own. () A French prison gunrd gets the I n-. A... "gJiJ Let your taste discover the extra equivalent or $11.42 to $85.11 a month. Some prisoners, a spok~s· I 'IJ~ "MILD" enjoyment of fine Virginia tobaccos. man for the slrikers declared, gel . as much as $114 when they ar~ You"" enjoy Player's for keeps I • allowed to work Inside their cell PLAIN OR CORK TIP for outside firms, Furthermor:!. some prisonm I live in cells equipped with running water. central heating 'and el'e n telcvision ~els, the !:uarcls m· whne "with our mCAjlr2 ~alari~' we' can only allard I 5mall n.t with practically no comforl." ,1 ---.. ------...... "'.~.-----

THE DAilY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 . 5! ------.. Stock Market Report Damp Weather Tough Sociali~t Judge and Wife Missin~ I Says Relations 00) Chlh t:.p 99 97 97 Has Big Plans Based' On Trade lORO:13U CI.lnl. 21B 212 212 nr n. ('Inaelan Prrn 21910 CII I.,. 11 It IIl~ VANCOUVER (CP) - Newly.ap.: h'tt ~I.r. IIIlh Lnw fin"! 319 Cob.1t 9~ 91 93 pointed Canadian consul·generai to·· 'r.1 .,,,d \'1' IR J2 13\ • 3710 Coch WI '112 79 ~2 For 1955 • ,;1 ."m' 1ft II 1ft lOO Coin L 11· It II the Philippincs. H. L. E. Prbst·' 1."::'"' \oh\ 31 12 R.l Imo Cld,lm ~. 40 421l XI66 zczcyncyn junc20s man has been westcrn representa.;. :~r.' ,.\Ib~rl'l't\nt H'I1 90 ton 20300 Colom 7 &'. fi 2Z.l Condull . 10\i 10!1 lOll By !UN .JlARVEY I f d . . P~si. .;,_l .\":li'ctm ~!l .i1 ~!I CanadIan Press Slnrr WrIter live 0 the e eral tradc depart·· ,7\'17 ,".cnm :f1~ 211 21~~ 42Da Conlour Sl )0 S2 d the ,I>' n., (\~M 9ft14 1'7'4 gil. 7300 Con,. l4 II M LONDON (CP)-Emanucl Shin. ment in Van~ouver since 1952. . 1 l3D C AII.nb ncw for .... " ntt \\h 11 , 111... In. 17 17 17 wcll Is swclling like a political )Ir. Pries 1m an. 59. takes up his. ~,'" ,'In t.urlt'f 17 17 17 3COO Con AU 13 t3 t3 ;r. which ;,.,'W1 .\m ~el·tt l:!' 12" 1~' 1319.l7 C n.llek :1:. ~o S2 opcyc, rcady to swot Ihe fir.lt post in Manila in Scptcmbrr. He' .:,,,,, ~m V:tlur 1:!1\ 11~ 43580 e nenls 1:Ii 1m tm P will also acl as trade commis;: . n~~' as n. H~r-' I', r1~ 12 11 1~ 8110 COl •• m 310 m upsuspcctin/l Tory who stcps im· sioner. his Dlost .~.\t a.nHO"1 3-10 l30 3tfl 202; V "eniln 22.1 2\ 215 Do ~ prlldently Into ran;!c. I -." .\n~ ~'" I:. 1m U'I 141. 2391 rls J 4 Br~e7.y. two.lIsted Manny Shin. Latest a\'ailable figures 8 lOW·. ~!' \nr:: Cdn 5"" SilO 3M 1000 DI b wll 1~, IS II r:-l 10th ,,;'\''\ .t,rl: nauyn ~, .'0 ~I 7.100 Con Ga 17'.': 161, 17\. well. lhe slugging. Socialist with Ihat th~ republic buys more lhan 4001: C ltollllV fiU 57 ~B le pre,i­ . ~.. 'nlh" 23'. 2lli 23'l lhe t~nder hc.ort under the lou!lh I S16.OW,OOD worlh of goods from mil \rr\" ... .~ '," 2l0' Con 110w no 400 410 t;nlt~d 1',"1 ,'rr:'ln '1'1 90 P!'I 10700 Can Molar m Illi J61. Cront, opcrates n 10'ycar par. I Cnnmln a year. and ~Ir. Prieslman .;M \tPA 6:1 :-A :HI ~037:l Con M Mac m' 300 32~ I Four 3100 I: MOI'Tls ;1 33 JI liamentary pIon. It calls lor big sa)'s th~ amount is incrcasing. 1~~"1 ."r~" 1:!'.1 12'1 12'.i C In ,'M' ,'.rflt ~, 4" SII 1303 Mo.h 711\ 7t 71 things In 1955. ! Wheat nonr is Ihe main com· t'~.'" MI!n nul )2 30 ~1 1000 Con N'~ 4~ 48 48 mO\'c 42361 Con .Nith "It's very simplc." hc says. modity purchased by the Philip· ,. :J 12',' "uhrll! 12'1 In 121J JJ n 4; I I in this ,~~ \umarho 31 30 30 42Sn C lI:.rlhld 113 m 142 169.\0 Con 0,1 "Every 10 years I get a new Icasc I .pincs. OIher important itcms are thc l\Vj 'umaq 11", 11$, 11s..t II 914 II I j~~ll ",·illa 11 10 10~, 3l0() l~on 1'cak II 131'1 1\ o( !lfe. In an election in 193;, I canned salmon. newsprint, alumi· 200 Cons Ilue 12J I2a 120 . , 1\'" na!:3.nUle 1.1 I~ 1:1: defealed the prime minislcr. Ram·· InUIll, asbestos and r·~rtili:crs . !!I ""lIe,. ,,", ml 11~ H3:lil C Rlnwk m m 221 ~~~~ nanheno :\9:17 3~ 20019 C n~d rap BI 78 80 say MacDonald. In 1945 I bcclmc I'" "11'•• 1 11\ 10ft 1(11 11100 C SonnDm 3D 371\ 38 n cabinet minister In the first Last year Canada bought $4.- 11(\1 ~"'1I' I!~ I~ 15\ 133J.10 Con Sdli)' 4~ 3IS no majority Labor government. In 000.000 worth of Philippine copra- ;:l no ~1' 32 3! 31 111200 C Tlm8.1 81 II 84 110 "m'mln 19<1 289 :!!IO 700 C W.:I ret. 40J 39.1 3Dl 1955-wntch me go." (NEA'Tcle;Jhoto) which is process~d i~ Vanelluvcr 3000 CDn We. 620 600 60S l .. l 11 Met.l. 65 ~I 61 IIAR.D PRODUCT. Florida pollee arc Investlgatlng the mysterious disappearance of 'I soap works-?llamla fibre, chrome : 3:..."1} nlli'-" n (itl.~ 'jCl 19100 Cop elll 10 137 139 Tn~ES .. 4l:la Couteu 161 Il~ 1.0 I~" n.la 13'.~ I~I' ISII 'Sbholr~W'~llhalsd 7yO. HbC' hatS Jthust quit Judge and JIlrs. C. E. Chilling worth (above) wbo vanished from their lore and veneers. ::~:'t1 l\t\h II 22l :2R 2%.' 1700 Cournor 1711 m. 171, 1001) Cl'o:nor Lu S S 0\ cn me - e men k l :$11\ nuq ~ !H 5S 2011 20l. 201> who would rule with s()cialism in bloodstained cottage at West Palm Bench, Fla. Investlg· I Mr. . says 1m . s be II) 11 ..U)· 7'; 71\ 71. 3500 C,owpOi 21 27 27 o~eanfront PTlestm~n w.~n ~r.'.1 liunr L .~ It lU 22700 L"u' In Glasgow, dnfled !nlo um~n as war secretary and defence min· henchcs. free oC inhibitions, stor·· ~nll l'r~. ~.'I Fr,ln-"1,," l:I'~' l;l't 1:\1',: 3' 1,:,'1 Sil :1 :. :\ lJ~go~~~~~\n ~I 'm"1 I I tQO Rupunllnl .Il. 4'. 4'. work nnd >!ntcI'cd Parlwmcnt 10 ister ing up political fodd"r for Ihe pop· I ~', nrur.!·I1I'''\ !'P4 !1'~ ~,~ ~jon 1':ldl'f 2 61 .1 , II 1 7' •• 'Rn:nfot('l" :\n 2; :j UOH 1~ldrlrh i7 is 71 4Jl~ ~ln<\l1 M ~I" i~ m ~~ ~~~l~ I~~ IfJ I~I' ~922. oOC Clf 13. Clyde~i~c "R~d" Re'ccnlly a London newsPilperl ~)·e·like assault on' Ihe consen•• .:~, fir.:~""l\'\" 12 11:"., IF, 270') 1-:1 Sal In rill 1(1 O 1 ;~~~ ~1;~~""l~I\ 2i9n ~aQ ~~~ 1>03 Sopphlro \/)11 1M i~~ .IPs. Once he IICnt .to ~nll for fIve I described Shinwell's socialism as atins he conducts with ~o milch, ".' . I' .'~ :dl:~l )t ~ ,., )-ur ... ·!'~ :1 iii ';!l :"5\:3 f~", WuC'irr 19 IAl, 18'\ I , • '\, ~.!!;,!hl"ln t) R r.'i :'00;) !:;\ll'c,",n I\:' 1n.1 113 31~lO:-;0\ 1'.'1.1 201 m 19R ~t~ ~~~~;'~. J't>; J:ll 3n; m?,nths for labo~ agitatIOn. . , Iikabl·~ and engaging, but outdated. 5'Jrface enthusiasm and. prohably., . :r.r .. pira :!~j4 2~V, 1 ,,~'.' ?o;.:~ "(I~ :'1 IPo :0 ~2j ."nlrt1nl1ridlf 29 , ~11~~ ~~~,. ~r~e 170 170 170 ~tlOO Shol\k~y P'.; ~ 9 I I fought agamsl eyerythlO~. HI The mRn himsclf was a rare little real splcen. One tar~et will, : roc! cltrl;. ;;-.\ r,Jf n1 12. II 1~ 3,)~lIl.I fftrad;\y m 276 2~,1 :.\..' ,,:1 r• .:lId\11I 111~ 1n 10 ~'(I:' FarRO 2~1!I 2:1.i 23:1 mno ~ IIthon 11~ I~l II~~ ~~&; ~n::;;;l ;0 ;.10 m anythlDll was \\'rong. and 1 dldn't specimen "Ihrown up from thc I ~ur~l)' he Sir Win~ton Churchill. in: l:; char. II'to' Fhnii. II 'l11.:.!!\ :1 ~OO, I' lihk I.i 1.1 1.) 2Jl~ ~ l;:~t I~~ ,~i II :1.100 Sll ~Ur ~~. ~~ ~ ~lake a {uss, I felL It \l'a~ rellce· depths of the sea. antedilul'ian, impishness and belligerence per.! t:_1 t: t:,t 111 Jj~i Ii~. .310 I' Pett ~3'l lJfI ;\3.\ ro,,, l ",!Ill' ~2 .11'! ~!1 ::WJ Frnnc';rllr 8 R R !'co ~ II 110n. 2~', lIS g~ ~m ~~~r~~ ~; ~~ 44 hon on. me. And th~r~ was plenly prehistoric, belonging to a bygone hap5 Shinwcll':; closest counter,: ..:t" 10 ~Nl ~.\ Cth ((1ft :\1,\ ;\~I:i ~3j ~640 1"Dhl,II 410' m 410 Iut~ Wl~~"~'1 ~~ ~~ ,. 20CO S Un Oil. ;, 61 ~~ wrong 10 .those. days. . . epoch. . part on Ihe British political scene.: mcn ~nll ;'\~" ,mj\ t'hlh '3\ !tIn !'I3l 1001 f}(J wtll 81 81 II ~If"t ~j'l 2:~~ :!il :l1i0!) Galtwln 46\: 4~ I!': :12.10 ~ lllrktn 210 2tl1i 2l~ m~ ~::~~.rlt 2ft Aft 2A He carrted hiS scrappmess mto Shin well rio~s not In' to duck. m;:, rr~c1 a;',= '''' 62 r ~,., l,n'l' RI un a:Jn no 29M G:&!I f;~", 9~ 90 90 Im~ ~ ~·gU,. 42 40 U ~~no Starr.11 11 It\; I~!i th~ Commons. In 1938 n Co~serv. JIlUST TIl\\'ART REDS PLhXT'S Sr.TELI.ITE I ·1'" '~'1 lOI 7C21 S ~~ J: ~~~ ~~%~ut 3~1 i;3 The stocky lallor s son. who it from going Communist. The Majority of the historic naval unUl 2 p.m. Sund~y. Rctum ~~'.~', () :mrt G '12 5ft 70 2::100 OldhRWk 41 12 43 20000 N ItIgh,ld(c 41 39 40 11l(\~ Trnn. Emp 190 leI 181 stale still has a big responsibility coaEng stations around the world Journey to commence not later .' 111\ (. r I. reI_ 22\ 21. 218 SOO Ilrah Dou.q 33 3R 38 16200 N IIn,eD 60 58 ~9 moo TranI Era 3S1'I 33 33 eh .1 Oh' . ," (,,,,. Pel. 210 210 2\11 4300 Omndln .. \~\, WI II!, 20~ N J.. 711 m m 10700 Tn", R 43l\ 41 13 es anu 10...... " 53\11 to the individual and the ndlvdual now 3l'~ oil·refuelling depots as thon Midnight, Monday. lIl1" : •• 1 G IlS 14~ III 10M Grandllc ~O 493 300 I:~ ~C'~~~d 13 40 40 9200 Tr.nd 21 19 21 Cons Edison .... " •• .. 53~ must learn hs responsibilities to well. ~:: (' 0:1 295 29S 29S :175 Gr PI:Jlnl ~3 221i 22!; 33 .) Z\50 II: I.o.u" 35 1717 16 EI Auto L.. .. •••• .. 43 the I think that in Canada ------... - .... --.------RIDE RELAXED 1"'" C,,,\ar ~SfJ ft!lO 1100 £l.5{} G Sweet G 33l 330 3'5 ~~ I~~ ~rl~~lnln. ~~ 5~~ e~~ stat~. ARRIVE REFRESHED ,~"l C&,Ur 47:\ 47~ 47,~ 78700 Ilutch 210 2fl9 m I~~~ ~ ~\~.~~I.q I? i~ ~r' 5175 U A!b ••t 720 no m Gen Elec .. '.. " .. 55\8 and lhe Unitcd States the need and ::" ("tnt l:lPl !\::!:1 S2~ ~2.'\ 48000 GIIII I. 27 24 25 ~ WI ( f':t l.td :JO 2211 22S 9730 Gunnnr 19t~ 18~~ 19!_ 9500 NCW'Of 14 13', 13\, I~~~ Bn 1~~e~~. 7~~ 7;~ 7\~ Gzn Motors...... 107'1.. the desire for sodal reform arc ::... ""'1 rtn I'Clr IS l~ IS 4710 On wi. tm mi lIIi 1 Il~~~ ~ II:P~~Oll. ~7 ~;l m 8200 U ~Iont.ub 50 4m 49 Goodyear ...... " .. 63% as grcDt as they are Ime." I :,~'\ t('nmq 9 2 9t~ 9\i moo Gwllllm 21 n 24 Gt y ., ~i) l'h:':11bln 3~::3 31 5800 II Rork II IS 15 7ceo N n~on L W• . Ol, gl~ ~I~ gn g~~ l~ l;~ 19 K Notrr ...... 41% He has twice visited Canad~ :Z'-' l h~rt 011 liJ 173 173 9500 lIor ~!ln 4r. H 44 SOOON Se •• 1 11\. 10l. II 500 Tombll ]3 3J 33 enneco t. .. .. •• • .118 If.. and a brother, Jack, lives iR Tol" 1:!tl 'l'I~:n nu ~~O :;23 s,o 10C;) Hn5~R:i\ IB\, ]81, 1611 28JS Sllpel' 2,iS :3, 2.i~ 1000 T,.n. Rill" 190 ts' 181 R di C 527' m .,\,) (nil) li .. Yrrt ~i .. O 40 6000 IIc.lh g~. !l 9'. 19 17 17 ]3000 ~p.n. ~~~ m m lOO Tombltt ~) 3J J3 U Aircraft...... •• .. m. itical philosophy springs parH. th~ atom. 4:00 Itt C"'I 11000 ~I'I" In gIL 10 tOOO T,an. t:mp I~ IR4 181 V dl 44" C b h d . . mn 1I.1lIn~rl' 21'. :!·n~ 2(~4 .• Buteo Trons I':ra ~.\I\ JJ 3~ all3 um.. .• .. .• .. '" rom 0)' 00 eXpenences In • .. ' ,Ia)·rr. ln l ;': 101~ lnl,~ 138 110m. tOOl4~l :O:oordon:O:.rand. ~C\\' .11'11'.• \;3 Ill. 53HIl 1070~ Tun, n 4'3.. 4I IJ \', (1 Te.. I .. .. •. .. ~~7'...,:8 I101IS~ h0 Id t hat k'nell' what poverl) prnrl\lctil'~ 10lJOl 110m "k :!] 1~3, 2:\ MU ~JO !\GO rom" ~or",>hl n ;U 70 !,~G" Trend 21 I~ 1I WestiRl:house j01. meant 3100 II" It ~()r.r) ~ol'lD.rt tuH 101. lO!_'~ 10J1I1 Tri::Jd ."{) tao 6t' A' ER C N' •• .,.. • . NEURALGIA AND 18Gl 111101 II.)' :!1~ 61~~ I~; . t 70 ;1) iO 57l.1 riornorl ~". 31" 48) 7f.00 U Mlnlo, :ft 27 27 111' 1 A : He lI'iII remember always. h~,' to ;n'pir~ \,\') nu~k\' "It .. • .... ,,_.'.' .,),) I ~'\17;' lf J\\br~1 7~tI 'i10 715 111 Z' 12 I d h h k I ~90.1 II)' l'hA.·g 1n P'2 10 •. '" .,00I'n< ~ 27 12100 \I ~.I.lli 73;0 70 IOC.. .• •• •• •. I say~. I Ie ays II' cn c wor ·C( .) th.t all 1M 2000 ~C 011 If.O Of) 460 ., NEURITIS PAINS 30.\0 In"ph'nt\n" ]7.' Ij!1 1300n Nor tllC III 9 9~l 2:!OO \:n l\cnn 7jn n... 740 ------.• --.--- -- I frllm th~ 20:.7 Inl ~lrkd 711 9~' jO 89j In1 J11'1f' 2tW, 21\ :!fi I~~ ~o:l;;;~n i~6 i~ I~ ~~~~ Hn ~:I~lnub I~~ 1~;" I:: 'nti,t~ will 4000 .Iorl: \\'1 2.1 20 :2 1I0lNl :\'01' Can 6 6n ; 210<1 1I ('An IO~ 10.' IIll! lh.:·~ for AGONIZING Y\)U? 2:.ljffi) .Iilrnltt 23 22 1 17f1 Iii,' 110 ).~.(}Il Oba"kil 12 111 Z 111.2 100 \'nn:lIl:uM 6 t fill Ii~i. m DUO .t~IIIf1(,I' 4:)00 r.; rI I j3 7 14)00 \' nO! 8' a 8 ~~~ ~oo .1t'lH,·uf' 10 1,fJ 9 9 1. 4'\(10 ()::l'i~;1ll 1i~11 62 n.' 53.'70 Vlc.'our fI !'ill fin :n the n~\: (;'1 Ih ...Ii.r 'ou "'Int ,,·h.n 2j.~lltl JnlulI'l;,,. II 10 :1000 oJ:nmi\ :!D' 1ft 20 1761 Vt'nt\llr.1I 34 1.1 :l3~l :\3~i fi,.\M .Inn~m\th til 1i0''': 1l(I'.1 I ·.• n 'II IlO' 9 R ilion ,. bel\( rlin mil.. : Try SLOA~·S. h', 3:10) .Iuplrr 2RII 273 280 011 H.l R Vlnl.m,e 310 320 330 101.10 Ok. I1n,. ~I 1~' m 137 lOO I'ul'on ~o ~o 4n ;C:l,f' anc! 22~ Ii" Ad I'i II> m r"."I.I. Don't rub. JU'I PilI! 1 It 1t; :1800 ()~'I H7 \43 1'3 1'I1l.\ \\·oU. AnI W.i I~" m. ~;;t human· 1.'00 l\f'~'bunnn l~nO ()h~ill'~' -32 ~9 2:9 7000 \\',rdln :\ft. :tl :\1 ,. ~n. R" ..rch Iho .. ·• it l~O lil'k L ;\i :\7 :\7 ncW Iirl,IIM 19 18 18!\ 21;8.1 Oprm,ka ~50 ~Ol 310 ~1600 Wek"'ko II 12 IS rXllan· 23ll1{l BlDo 0,101;" .I~' 41 ~; IlOIlO W ~I.I 11 12 14 tI~on 1\to~' llU t:,~ I~~, 138 II, and or ACTS FASTE'U \7 11 17 3.1011 Pile I·:n"t I~ 1.\ l!i &2' W J.t"U ~ 14 14 2~O l~hrll.{lnr JO;O PlI" I'rlc 12 lI" 12 ~9~0 1I'IIt,o.v 21~ 2n:. 213 : ~ nor:zon,. :"\~n~ I. t'inth m )2; m HMll hr,· 23 22 2% fi!'OO Wl,leh 82 0 I ACTS LONGERI :'il\n 1. Dul 131 t~2 1J.1 ro. I pour Iho 21 17 19 IOG3" Pnl'llr" lSI m 1.\0 1~700 1\"'1 .~h I~ 10 In 3'.'1111 I. 1.10: 2i31 P;Jthrdl' fil ItO fit 11l\13 WiUr,('y In~, HI~, In:4 ,hiin'ophrr. j;Ot'j l~ n .. u II ~o 40 :10000 :13 3:\ 50f) Wlndw""d 2!l :!9 . i A:'" lor Mlhrilil. Rheum.ll1m, :Ii:! I. !'Imrf" ~2i ~2,; ~Z.·I l'a"nli1~lrr ~J ~~ '~Ilr~r ~nrl !lOCI )'rarr n ~2.1 ,to P2.i 715 W Hnr& 2o.t. In.> 203 lu",h.~o rains. SLO ...."o/·S aid. JOO I. Lu, 220 nrt :20 thrr Inr Ihe 320 JOOll 1'0"'" Oil 281 260 lJI2 4QijO Yal. L 15 ~S II :16 1.nI"nflll!' J2' 320 4S00 1'.1'01 41 41 eno ~, ~o in b,in~iDI th. hst., relie/fod M I•• ltd. !\ ~; ~1 12 21Dl00 Y 2m 17 17 17 4~:' Pid, Crnll' 121 m 121 S~7tlO Yollo,ox 23 21 23 IOnn I.rnrrl Or. Y ]70 ]70 181:,0 1•• ,lnd 7 5R ~R 1l9l00 Pilch m. 18 18'.. 900 n,.,· J7n AI;' 'il-j foR l;oa I'emh l\i 16 16\, 17158 Yllkeno ]6 U IS j,"'1 [.OInt'~" JeO Jm 36 ~1900 B H '0 ,,." • I,nl," .irI 11j7:\ l.Otilcn 430 61;' m PlarfT 36 cnmac 72 in ,,/i,.i., ~.;.I 5700 '..ou\'rl :\9\"; :\1; :111 7200 Pnnder 110 I 7 109 cunn 14~ 110 HZ MO Pop Oil. J!; 351, 361> 20<1 nuloln 4;200 LYndhll'o\ 2~:' 2~1 2~S 200 Sl2'\ Ma('I'It;~R m m 174 J03 Prol,i. oU Coast enr 1000 Macllo nl~ 14~~ 14t.i: 20an r,em nor 7 7 7 00 Palo %27·uo Mnc1(eno ~\ tG os ]210 l'.. e.I,," 911 900 92l 100 P.nd 0,. 210n Mnelrod lR~ I~S troB 11jOO (Jronln Ur 12~, lJ~i 12~i DANKS SLOAN'S 70n l'ro~ "Il' 3~{I 340 345 M,1j Montrei'l 4100 ~I.d,en 2J: 185 200 Introduces llle LINIMENT 9310 Ma,nel IRli n I~ 19170 Do 11'1.. 735 67.1 750 675 Comm 4900 Malarl I8l I!l 183 2300 Purdy II 2.1 1:i 2S 2., Imperlol '01 ACHIS AND PAl'll .IBIl30D Mln ..,1 Ur 101 102 P2 39900 Que Chlb 66 l3 66 1:\'~~S~l'ii~LS "''1;1 42.10 Moral.o 11 10 II 9900 Cop 400 380 380 8200 Mathen 101, P!: 9!i 10SO Q I.• h \l 10 to 433 r. nrtW 2m 291\ 2m 1I4l Q LUll ali 141, WI 9n D M., 191m 1111 A Brithh 3000 M.rt"s 91.• 9 9 JVew Low Priced TRADE SUPPLY BV 1200 MariUme m 220 22.'1 2780 Q M,I.I 42l 410 42n 490 r. 51«1 17 17 17 mist. Sir 3000 Mlrtln 11 II 11 moo Q Nlcket 2.18 212 217 14 Slmp.on. 19" 191~ 19!1 today re· 1000 MllOloh, .. 40 40 40 2148 Qu.monl 2\ 23'1 21 Tolll oales 7,396.000 .ho,es. ,'. I . AI 40183 Mll'brun . 19~i 18 Zg 9100 nadlo,," 89 m 280 NEW YORK CLOSING QUOTES If' ! medico· 81 83 tl ..' . I!"" V I 1091 M.lnl)',. emo nanork 421 38. 400 NEW YORK, (AP) Closing I" J:old medal 42 38 40 15800 ne,erl 27 2\ 26 31 3311 34 8203 nc .. par 90 Bl 90 quotations: Canadian GERALD S DOY~ I~~g ~l~~:t~ ~~03 1II.,r 81 77 77 10938 filo Prado G3 ~8 .60 B th St l' •. 1421,& i • -- 90J 90J 903 700 RL"thk 157 130 157 C ee...... • As· • ~;J:Z;t I 136 Mer reI. m2 n.ok",n 105 100 100 B Warner" ...... •. ..45% ____~,~ .. -~-~~ 41&65U 'lei' Ur 10D 101 101 I. embos.

'. , •


wor!d to think anew and act anew. He prayed that it might come to usher in a Gener The Daily News glorious way of life. in which the atoin would be man's most,devote.d servant. In ·The News The DAlLY NEWS ts a morning paper estabUshed in 1894, anll published at tbe But can the meetings at San FranCisco, It !'tews Building.' 355-359 Duckworth Street. those of the United Nations and those BY WAYFARER SL John'., Newfoundland, by Robinson & others of. the foreign ministers of the Big, ____.._------__ • ,____ .Il CompaD1. Limited. • Four, 'produce the miracle of a genuine NOTES AND COninlENT on this side' of ClarenvUie. The A SEMI-WEEKLY rEMBER OF THE CMoIADlAN PRESS and promising peace? 'All depends upon If Sunday's congestion on Top· hour of arrival at Clarenville for The Canadian Press [s exclusively en· the .Communists. sail highway was a fair sample of the wesl"'ound. run [5, however, II iI 1111 titled tu the use for republication of all The Russians have to' give, convincing what to expect this summer, somewhat inconvenient. To be at news dispatelles In tilis paper credited to .' ., motorists may as .well resign them· Clarenville at 9 a,m. means that It Ilr to The Associated Press or Reuten pr~of th~t they .have abandoned thelr a.lm selves to travelJing at a snail's departure from St.John's must l.ld also the local news' pu bUshed therein, of lmposmg their system upon t~ entIre pa<;Sl between St. John's and Holy. be either the day before with an Peopl AU Press service and feature. article. In world. They have to accept disarmament rood, Endless lines of traffic mov· overnight stop at Clarenvllle or this paper are cupyrlght and their reOfOo and abolition of atomic weapons on the cd in both directions along the else a4 a.m.·nn the morning it Mr. George C. • ': I duction Is prohibited. ' basis of foolproof supervision. . And if road. If somebody up In front was i~ intended to use the ferry ser· want a speaking on Sunday Authurlzed as second class mall Post . '. • going at twenty miles an hour, vice. It Is not an easy service to his daughter Office Department, Ottawa. t~ey are not ~r.epared to. tolera~e mterna· literally hundreds of following operate but it ought to be :11ossible !'. Fink at her home bOO'll superVISion ~nd mspectIon, there cars were restricted to that same to put it on a 'better and more Mar)'land. MUriel is can be neither' disarmament nor surcease speed. In reiation to the volume convenient basis than the times in the USA, and Member Audit Bureau of from cold war' conflict which might at of. traffic. now using the matn involved now make possible. We, membered to aU CIm1!aUonl tim erupt 'into something far worse. highway, the road has reverted do~'t supppse many people on the brand-new and relatives on the any h e t t' t' f to horse and buggy standards. mamland realize that people In . .Tewes ern na Ions' are no gomg 0 st. John's who want to go to Gan· DAILT SUBSCRIPTION RATESl • be content to allow the Russians to make It Is Mlle, of course, to criticise der and points west are compelled • canada ...... , ...... ,$ B.OO per annum the conference ·a t the· summit another at this late stage the policy which to make use of a car ferry on the Un!ted K[ngdom and aU medium for propaganda. The United saw concentration on building new 70 mile run between Ciarenvl11e Forel~n Conn'Tles .... $12.00 per annum \ Sl t came' reluctantly to agreement to stretches of the Trans·Canada and the, Airport. I=~~=-====~~==~==::::=.======::,'I a es ." '.. I Th lIighway In sparselY'populated WE-DNESDA-Y-' UNE '-9-- have thiS top- le~el meetmg 1~ Ju~. e areas while the most densely·popu· From a tourist standpoint, it Mr. Charles • ~_ _ 22, 1 55 President has smd that Amenca Will reo lated sections of the islan4 were ~ems incredible that anyone could reeent business jed no method that offers and faint hope left to make ,thc .best of steadily Imagine there would he more bus· John's. {) for a just and lasting peace. It now reo Increasing traffic volume on two· Iness to be done between Port aux • ,1 I Traffic Authority . t b seen whether the Russians lane highways. We cannot recover Basques and Stephenville than be- Mr. Tom Don,neUI .. mams 0 e . . past errors but that does not tween Avalon and Gander. Literal· · ., patient. at the , , The conviction of a committee made want peace and are wlllmg to make lesson the obligation to do some· [y thousands of people have yet to nearly two years • 7' up of representatives of the city's major realistic concessions to get it. thing at once about the situation see the Airport and would be glad home and Is now · ' . service clubs that there must be a central that has arisen on the 51. John's· to visit It, bringing their families lent health. Hoiyrood highway. That is also with them. The money would be · i traffic authority is, we are certain, widely , ' part of the Trans.Canada, the spent and the circulation of \ ' ' Messrs. Albert ! ~ '. I shared. Whether it should come' under most Important part at the money, whatever Its source, Is the for only r" liam Ennis of the ,~' 1 I. I i') .' the jurisdiction of the Municipal Council Economic Commission moment, and the new !lne should. all·lmportant question In tourist Sons who 'Were .. ' I be ; may be a matter for debate. l!1 the last federal budget speech', driven through without delay, trade. Newfoundianders who want for their firm , This is necessary as much for to- show more of their own island John's last Friday One problem is whether the Provincial Finance Minister Harris promised a Royal economic reasons as for the con· to their families are likely to be Government will be prepared to delegate Commission to study the Canadian venience of those who usc the more liberal patrons of tourist , authority to the Council without asking it economv and attempt to predict the road. facilities than 'those who eome " ~\ to foot the bill. A bother is whether the course it may talte in the next· twenty· {rom thc mainland. There is plenty .95 .95 council is well constituted in its present five veal's. This Commission has now We have not been over the Sal· of scope for the development of a Iorm to take over the responsibility for been and the President of Memorial. monier Line this season but we local tourist trade. . ., ~1amed :·1 traffic ct'ntro1. henr that it is nolV in bcller shape i A mayor and six councillors who University has been invited to be a mem' thRn ever belore. The Americans Some years ago we talked for bel" maintain it and thcy arc doing a quite a while with the vice pre­ or (\ operate on a parttime basis have only a Dr. Gushuc's invitation is both a good job. Of course. it is a gravel sident of American Overseas Air· of 1 limited amount of time a\'ailable for the tribute to his special talent for a searching surface and dust is a nuisance. lines about the possibllltie! CounciUor direction of dtv traffic DOUCY. They d l' t'g ti n and to his But traffic can move over it tourist trade in the Gander arel. paid a business He was quite confident that I! , t l :t b t th' d t an ('omp ex lOves I a 0 safely and at. far more sensible last Frida)'. s h ou Id .co~ 1'0 1 U are ey geare 0 knowledge of the Atlantic fisheries which speeds than Rrc possible on the roads were available, his company /,'t"l do the Job. And can they count upon the '11 b on of the subjects to be explor· main highway. It is a pity, how. could put down daily at Gander ~Ii,s Shirley delegation to them of control over traffic. \~ e e ever, that something cannot be people who would like to be able week·end on the police who are paid b~ the Government e • done to keep down the dust. There first to view the a Irport and mother Mrs. ;1 I" nnd upon the co.operation of the Public 'r'he Royal Commission will be ex· is nothing worse than that gritty thereafter to hire cars and drive Works Department which must pay the pectE'd to make a close study of every feellng that comes from driving towards St. John's. That was just I bills for traffic signals and other facilities, phase of Canada's economv. It will ex· long distances over dusty surfaces, after the war. We doubt that things have changed much line •. i I, 'fhat the present divided authority is amine the growth of popUlation,. 1industrial d'l There are at the moment two We have them .' f t I I the ma)'or cause of the vI'rtual stagnation trends, sources 0 raw rna erm 1s an h al maJor. alms of highway p,olicy. Accommodation remains a prob· Mr. Lcn I I k 'I '. of traffic in St. John's is plain to be seen. the ()ther conditions that are Ii e y to ave One is the completion of the lem. Too little of it Is to be found ment of Social But it mav well be that the Traffic Au· a bearing on the futUre of the Dominion's Ciarenvllle.Gander link and the along al) the routes In Avalon here on a thority sh~t11d be controlled by a repre. prosperity. other the construction of the new that local tourists would like to here at Ayre's .. they're nf this week. Basha's Hotel. sentat:\'e body who would agree on the It is a formidable task, made no Trans·Canada route out of St. visit. There should be better bclll· . f th t th C .. John's. These, for economic rea· ties between Clarenville and appo:ntmel1t of a top-grade DI'rector of easier by the act a e ommlSSlonbl sons and because of the volume of .Bonavista and between Goob!es Traffic. must deal with so many impon d er.,a es. traffic that may be expected to and' Fortune. The Swift Current handsomely tailored obm'vation We have no desire to dogmatize on the Economics is at best an inexact SCience. use them, deserve special priority. cabins are good. But In the larger Hospital. subject. Central control is necessary, Predictions founded upon past experience towns in Avalon too little in the There must be real authority. But the and prevailing trends may be knocked into The Gander car ferry service is way of eonvenfences is to be found d hat by unexpected and unfore· useful to those who want to travel by family parties wanting to' aee of shower-proofed best means of producing the most d esirable.a cocke between the airport and points their own . Island, results may have to be discussed in detail seeable events. ---...------:------by representatives of all the official bodies But the Commission cannot be ex· Big Four Leaders Furnaces Liner concemed. peeled to do more than examine existing 'Bruk' fabric ... single facts and trends, take' the most expert Will Be HeaVl"ly Booking evidence that can be found and come up with conclusions that will at the very least Guarded by Swiss Passengers' Longest Day set up a good foundation on which to base breasted slip-on models It does seem to be just a little polir.y in the immediate future. Even on By LYNN HEINERLING HALIFAX (CP) - The Furness Miss Lilly '11 h t GENEVA (APl-Any celebrity· Warren Line said today the liner ~nhn'l Sunday anomalous that t.eh longest day of t h e that basis, its members WI ave an exac - tovlng Swiss who succ~eds in get· Newfoundland will take all the pas· Mrs. Regina year should preceed the arrival of ing and thankless duty. ting a long look at one of the sengers available for her return in colours grey,blue HospItal. Newfoundland summer. But there it Big Four leaders here next month trip to the United Kingdom next , will become a celebrtty himself. Monday.' • }Iu. T. A. is. This is the longest day of the President Eisenhower. Premier The Newfoundland mad! the. At· tneas trip to year and aiter a few days in which the Str·. eng!h 'For To-day Nikolai A. Bulganin, Prime Mn· laalle crossing from Liverpool with 34-4'4 lIIornlng. hour of sunset will remain unchanged, _ ister Eden' and Premier Edgar less than 20 passengers following and brown. Sizes , , . , Faure are going to get security the wildcat walliout of her dining darkness will come a little sooner night By 'EARL I,. DOUGLASS rarely accorded any visiting dig. room and cabin stewards •. after night. It will actually take a full nltary in Switzerland. Furness Warren' said that return· mont11 to shorten our days by as much as Swiss police have never forgot· 'Ing strikers are being flown to . l\IIGHTYBUlLDER ten that someone threw a tomato Boston to man tha shIp for the reo nineteen minutes but that shortening pro· Cecil Rhodes was onc of the most remarkable at the late Eva Peron, wlren the turn voyage. Earlier, the New- cess soon begins.' men of modern times. He made a fortune In Argentine president's wife was foundland did· not plan to accept . T'lme and agal'n people say that this South , returned to England 'Bnd purchased tomatotou~ing missedSwitzerland lIlrs. Peronin 1947. but Thl!hit passengersThe strikers for arethe expectedtrip. to loin spring has been no worse than . other for himself the best education money could buy. Swiss Foreign Minister lIlax Petit· the ship today at Boston. spring!;. That we will not and cannot Then he went back. to South Afric¥ again and until pierre, seated beside her in an f his death at the age of fifty he "threw ~he whole automobile. Call in foc/ay and belie\'e. There has not been any year or of his energy into the clearing of the jungle and Four companies of Swiss troops GAY NINETIES ;J. long', long time that has seen ~uch pro· the building of an empire. The natives loved him, will mlp pollee guard the hotcls Th.'l stage star Lillian Russell tracted periods of fog and so little sun· burled him on a high mountain, and called his and villas where the delegates wi11 often appeared In public en a ,gold. live They will patrol every foot plated bicycle fol1owed b... admir· ask fa see these shine from the first of January to the grave, In their native tongup., "World .vIew.'" . of ;oad along which, the Big Four ing throngs. . . • 'middle or June. That, at leo.st, is how it Think of being 'almost tile richest man in the ride and guard their airplanes at .....:-.....,-=------feels at the moment. world and having to die 'at ~he age of fifty, with Gen~va airport on a 24·hour sched· ference. Swiss policemen will' be your work only apparently half done. "So much to ule stationed at the' entrance and a The miserable nature of the weat h er do," he cried with his last breath, "and so little time STiJDY RECEJI,"T mSTORY Swiss security' oUicer will be inside with the' prime mnster's "CROYDON" all through the year has depressed the in .blch to do" .it," But he' laid the foundation of In their calculations, Swiss Secu· spirits of most of us, brought on a pro- a real empire In a part of the world which most rity officIals werit into the recent own seeurty men. ., f f . f1 'd men shunnad. He found riches where they .found political history. 0 the United tracte d an d VICIOUS orm 0 10 uenza an, States, the Soviet Union, France TAKE WHOLE HOTEL .done a good deal of harm to the trading nothing. The scholarships he founded have en· and Britain. :Bulganin Is expected to' stay at " 't riched the educational life of even our own coun· They studi~d ,the police reports the villa occupied by tha per; :commum y.. try. '. . . of the shooting In' the U.S. House TOPCOATS manent Russian delegation in There were few caster bonnets ancl, Fuw people realize what an empire the southern of Representatives last year. They Geneva-the former. headlpJarters 'other finery bought this year. by compari· part of lilat greai African continent has become. looked Into the· r.arller attack of the Lithuanian delegation to the 50n with those other years when Easter Rhodes was a mighty prophet and builder; on Presid~nt Truman's residence,. u!ague of Nations. The rest mthe . Blair House. Russians wili live In the Hotel Sunday was attended by bright sunshine. Hc had'a world view, Because of French 'dlfficulties in Metropole. The entire. hotel has They're really a And while school is over and people with -:0:--. ~rorocco, police have' been told to been placed at their disPosal so · t 1 . • t f tn'keep a close watch for Moroccan there can ba plenty. of security; counry p aces are movmg ou 0 ow, . S . . extremists; Avid antl·Communlsts they have had so far precious little in· W. h.at .0, t. h. ers. A, re" aYlng wlil b~ lVatched' in Bulganin's Faure is expected to live In a wonderful buy! centive to indulge their whims in summer interest. viIla, stl\) not chosen. As far as. finer". All that can be said is that a few. Eden will live in the Villa Repo- Is' known, President Eisenhower J . solr on the edge of Geneva, where will stay at the Rhone Hotel over· daxs of really warm weather will change KEEP NEHRU .. NEUTRAL . 'he stayed durlngth~ Asian con· looking the lUlone river.' State' all that.· It. will bring betterspiri,ts ,and " (Louisville Courler.Journal) {erence last year. Swiss troops will Secretary Dulles lived ·there ·dur· better trade although nothing that· hap. . We do' not' want leaders in AslDn countries surround the vill,adurlng the ·con· ing last year's conference. . who ar~ pliant. tools to, our· will. To' be practical, pens from now on will allOw what was such' autes are useless. 'What we do want are iost in 1\ foul, spring to be fully ·.reclilimed. leaders, spnmg .from AsIan :8011 ,who will fight for' ! • independence from· al1 outside power, whether ".It comes' from"Chlmi, or ., Russia· or from. the United " ond Of Peace States •. Alnong such leaders Nehru of IndIa stands New K. . . it tho' top. 'He .Isnelther 'ourfrlend'nor our foe at thIs moment,' but' a neutrar,whci 'says 'he'seeks · President Eisenhower's' address. to only the way~o peace •. There are two things thut the l'epresentatives ot' sixty nations' as­ could turn ·hlm from~a rieutrallnto an active 'enemy sembled at San Francisco t.ocelebrate the of the United.states, .Qne.··is '.an unexpected triumph of' Red propaganda, which trles"ilreYessJy \enth anniversary of. the United' Nations to .drlve .American and India, lIpart.' The other is ., JOHN'S, was full of hope .. Its theme wasinspira. continued American' carping' at· Nehru's moti~es, sr. \ional. He talked about a new. kind of The.la~ter weapoll of' destruction Is In our :own NEWTO(JNDLANIJ. peace,• . a peace thatI would cause· all the hands.. '. .. '.', .,.'..

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. , THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 7 .. )

General Sport Items The Belllslalld JVews Activities

---'A SEMI.WEEKLY ------~------.------.------~------.------FEATURE WABANA, NEWFOUNDLAND ._-..;..----_._-----:.....;..------. --.----- .. _------Trans-Island Belt Sub.Inspector R.C. Prelates People In Hospital People In The News· Conveyor Under M. Jo J(eougb, Visit Ben Is. From Bell Island ,APRON ALLEY Most Rev. Alfred Lcvcrman, AT TilE GRACE and 1£ this recipe sounds wacky to RED RASPBERRY \!r, George C. Normore was Messrs. Geo. Skanes and Edward Construction . R.C.M;P. D.D., Bishop of st. John, N.B., Mrs. James Hiscock up ~'ou, that's the way it sounds to REFRIGERATOR ;,~.'kin~ on Sunday afternoon to Basha made a trip to St. John's on 'and Msgr. S. J. Cronin visited Bell around, fecling fine. . b CAKE The Installation of the trans·' d h'l h 'Irs. Alex 'Iartin had opera. us too. We haven't tried it yet, ut , h.- dallghtcr Muriel, (Mrs. Jack Monday. Island belt conve"or, which will Island recently, an I\' let ere" LI our curiOSity• won't ho Id out So fl'ten ge atm In• water. Add ha t' !'ink ,L her home In Baltlmore , were guests of Msgr, G. F, Bart· tion !\londay. i I h I I' Add replace the prcsent method of lell of The Deanery. Mrs. T. Quilty over operation aga ndst t mkuc iltOnJsgcr. Itknot on y watebr; ~tir lunti jdlisSOlved. d ~lar)'land, Muriel is enjoying life Mr. Ralph Roberts. is presently transporting ore from No. 3 soun 5 wac y, wac y, as a rasp ewes, emon u ce, 5ugar an in the USA, and wishes to be reo Ime ·In the interest of his bus· The purpose of their visit to feeling fine. , I I' I i Deckhead to the loading bins at Newfoundland is to participate in Mastcr Eric Kavanagh over matter of fact that's it s tit c- sa t. Pour mto bowlj ch 11 n r~ ",cmbcred 10 all her old friends iness. the ScoUa Pier b" Euclid trucks "Wacky Cake". However, it is frigerator until mixture begins to J the Centenary celebrations of the operation, feeling fine. d Ind relatives on the Iron Isle. major undertakings . included In a collection of tested thicken. Whip cream still; fol is one of tho Cathcidral of SI. .rohn the Baptisl, Stanley Jackman, feellng fine. Mr. Arthur Bursey travelled of the company planned' for this . b' h Id I st J h' 'Ir. Denl's Hannlford over on. recipes which appear above the into raspberry mixture. Cut cake "rs. J. A. Hughes who was a city wards Monday mornlns. \'enr. which arc emg en, a n s 1\ .. signature of the donors, 50 un. into Ih inch slicesj line 9 x 5 X , June 24th·29th. eration, feeling fine. p.lirnt at SI. Clare's Hospital for I -- The system which was designed' AT TilE GENERAL doubtedly it tastes good, despite 21h inch loaf pan, or baking dish, I couple of weeks recently Is now Mrs, William Allen and her two and Is being Installed by the . Mr. Mike Bartlett feeling fine, its name and the peculiar method with cake slices. FlU with rasp' f~eJing much better' and able to I children arc presently here on a Stephens·Adamson Manufacturing R.. Otal Nett'Sn having more x·rays soon. of mixing. The recipe I\'e have berry mixture. Chill in refrigera;. be around again. I holiday visit to her parents Mr. Company of Bcllevllle, Ontario, ospI Mr. William Kavanagh. feeling doesn't specify the type flour to tor until firm. Unmold on servilli and IIIrs. R. R. Costigan. will consist o[ a series of cantin· fine, having operation thl s wee k. be used, but we think we'll use dish, garnish with i a feW d raspbefo' ~Ir. Charles Noseworthy wss a uous belts of varying lengths, At a recent meeting of.lhe Bc 11 Miss Mary Dwyer feeling fine. cake flour. But don't let us in· ries, and more wh ppe cream •. recent business visitor to St. ~Ir. E. L. Morning returned stretching [rom No.3 Deckhead to Island Hospital Committee It was !luence YOUj this is a case of John',. from a visit to the locsl mainland the Scotia Pier bl ns, 8 dl st ance 0 [ decl'ded to defer the VI'SI't of Dr. J.Mrs. Donnelly M, E. feelingDrover fine.had opera. every ga I f or herse. If Here we go: S·IDce we are on th e IU bject''0. Monday afternoon. some 9000 feet or 1.7 miles. Each Leonard Miller, Deputy lIlinlsler WACKY CAKE (CllOCOLATE) raspberries, here'. another dessert ~tr. Tom Donnelly who was a I II of Health, untl'l such time as the tlon, feeling fine. I'L il h' h I k ddt t b' section of the b eIt conveyor IV I Jack Newton, no need to worry, T' cups our w IC DO S goo an. ,as es e.. ,llil'nt at the Sanatorium for Mrs. Joseph Basha visited St. be powered electrically and travel· committee meets with the Govern· 1 cup granulated sugar ter. r.rarl), two years has returned John's yesler day morn Ing. ling at a speed o[ 550 feet per ment and Dominion Wabana Ore feeling fine 1 tsp. baking powder ROSY FRUIT SHERBET ;,pmr and is now enjoying excel· minute, will have a carrying ca· 'Limited, to seck their exact atli· 1 tsp. baking soda 1 cup sugar lr~.t heillth. Mr. and IIlrs. Richard Clarke paclty of over 1000 tons per hour. Joining the Newfoundlaml Can· tude on the matter. Baseball lh tsp. salt 2 oups water Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clarke and Ore and rock wlll be taken stabu\ary'at an early ,nge, ~!ichacl These meetings will be arranged 4, scant tbsps. cocoa 1 package raspberry gelBtlll : ~tc;m. Albert Grace and Wil· Mrs. George Clarke spent the from the present loading Keough soon gained the attention in the very near future following A • 0 0 1 tsp. vanilla dessert li.m Ennis of the firm of Ayre and wcek·end on the Hodgewater Lln~, bins at No.3 by means of an over· of his su·periors. First doing street which a meeting of the whole cUVltIes 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 No.2. can red raspberries . Sons who were here on business head belt to a surge pile _which duty in st. John's, he was later committee will be held to deter· Activities on the Bell Island 5 tbsps. melted shortenlni (2~) cups) for their firm relurned to 51. Miss Elizabeth Stares left for will be built up to contnln about attriched to the C.I.D., then to Cor· mine the next step. Baseball scene picked up during 1 cup lukewarm water y, cup orange juice John'~ last Friday afternoon. Harbour Grace yesterday morn· 7000 tons From there It will be ncr' Brook, where he was Ser· Since the move for a hospital the week.end present plans are to Sift dry . ingredients together Ih cup lemon juice Ing where she will spend her "aca· reclaimed' by means of n 42" con· /leimt in Charge o[ the Corner on Bell Island began in April hold the opening game for the into 8" x 8" pan-level off. Make Combine 5ugar and water; brhil ~Iiss Joan Hall, R.N., spent the lion with her aunt Mrs. Robert veyor belt located underneath and Brook Station,' ~rter C~nfed:ration some progress has been made, season on Sunday afternoon com. 3 holes, in one hole put vanilla. to boil, stirring until sugar is dill' 'leek·eod on the Island visiting Davis. She was accompanied by transferred to the. heavy medln he assume~ Similar dulles With the howcver a spokesman for the com· ing. The Green, last year's champs Second hole, vi.negar. Third hole, solved. Boil 5 minutes; remoy~ rtbtil'es anrl friends. She return· her sister Joan a student nurse !cperatlon plant where the rock IR.C.M.P. .' miltee said during the week that will start the season with a team melted shortemng, Pour water from heat. Add raspberry gelatill pd to Ihe Capital Monda~' morn· at the General Hospital Who is will be separated from the ore. Sometime ago hc \I'~s promoted still quitc a bit of worl. had to be that will be announced later. ol'er all and mix well. Bake 20 to dessert; stir until dissolved. Chill i~, home on vacation. From the seperated plant, the ore to Sub·Inspector, and IS now Per· done before the plans for the pro· It is hoped that when the serlcs 30 minutes in 325 degree oven, in refrigerator until slightly thicK. ~t~, Fred Snow of Clarke's 11'111 be loaded unto the· bclt ~ys'l·sonnel. Officer for. Newfoundland posed hospital are finalized. commences to make up for lost That's aU there is to it, but we Sieve raspberries; add pulp and Br.th ,'isiled here recentl~' as thc Mr. Allan Hnrt returned {rom tem and sent on. its journey to and Labrador, Pl'mce Edward Is· AU major organizations on Bell lime caused this year by the un. wash our hands of all respon· juice with orange and lemo. .UtH 01 his son !IIr. Lloyd Snow. a visit to St. John's },Jon day after· the Scotia Pier. At thc pier, it land arid New Brunswick, with Island arc supporting this long seasonal weathcr. slbility for It. "You pays your juice to gelatin mtxture, blen4 noon. \l'1lI be either dumped directly headquarters at Fredericton, N.B. needed project and have active So far It is known that four money and you takes your Pour into Ice traYj place on lower i'0ullcillor Slephen A. Ncary • Into the loading bins by means o[ Most of his time is spent travel· representation on the Hospital teams are Interested in cnterlng chance." surface of free~er. Set temp;~. pid • business trip to SI. John's II M H a stacker conveyor mounted on a ling In these areas, and In the Committee. this vear's competition they are ture control at No. 9; free~e firm. lilt friday. any appy travelling carriage or If the bins course of his duties, he will be The West Mines, The' Green, st: F:om Wacky Cake to something Place frozen mixture In ehi1lt~ are full placed In storage piles visiting Bell Island soon. . Kevin's and Town Square. a bit more glamorous. Red Rasp· bowl; beat smooth. Return to I~ ~Ii's Shirley Neary spent the I Returns by this same stacker. During the Born In Caivert, Ferryland DIS' C gr t ~ations berry Refrigerator Cake is a tray; freeze firm. For alor1n~ \llrk,cnrl on the Island with her non·shlpping seaSon, a stacker triel, 45 years ngo. He is married on a I . C W11 dream of a dessert. For the angel turn temperature control back to :r.~:hrr ~Irs. Sarah Neary. mounted on caterplllar tracks will to the former Mary Hughes, daugh· Red ross e cake, try one of the mixes. Drain· a setting slightly colder than nor, , I Man~' happy returns of the day be used to extend the stockpile ter o[ Mr. and ~lrs. J. A. Hughes, Congratulations and best wishes ed, canned raspberries will do very mal. "r, Charles ~(urph)' well known I to IIIr. J. Dickson Taillon who and during the shipping season, to of this lown. to 1I1r. and Mrs. George Peddle B b Clin • nicely, but when fresh ones are ~,Ic,mnn on ~~ll Island spcnt the celebrates his birthday today Wed· d the are back onto the belt for They have 3 children and reside who were 10 years married on a IC , in season, by all means use them. loa y 't High square necldines, higher "tckcnd at his home In St.· John's. ncsday, June 22. Into the loading bi ns. in Fredericton. Monday June 20th. ~Irs. Peddle The "nal meeting for. the season No canne d or frozen flUI can, d b' discharge .. scoop or boat necklines an I~ The longest scetion in the system ------was the former Elsie Searle. of the 'Well Baby Clinic will be measure up to the freshly picked. collars are all shown on this s'~a. ~!r, I.rn Walsh of the Depart· Happy birthday though belated wlll extend from Tank Hill to the At The f11 Hall held in the surgery this Wednes- However, we don't want to talk son's sheath. Occasionally somr !:lCnt of Social Securities arrived to Carol·Ann Normore who was 7 brow of the. hill leading to the 1 0wn Mr, and Mrs. Philip Locke, day, June 22. Those who have you out of trying this recipe be· with lower necklines, primarily de- years old on June 17. l:rrr on B busill~sS \'Islt Monday Scotia Pier, B distance of 4528 . The . 1271h meeting' of the Wa. (nee Marceila Reid) celebrated ~he toxiding to be finished are asked fore we give It to you, since we signed for la~a day or sun-taning of this week. lIe is registered at feet This section, which runs bana Town Council commenc~d at 3rd anniversary of their weddmg to be on hand to have this . at· must use thc canned or frozen have cover·up boleros or olhel' B)'ha's Hotel. A very happy birthday to Garry adjacent to the. Ore Road, as well 9 p.m. Thursday, June 16th, wi~h on Tuesday Junc 21st. Congratula' tended to. Free cod oil and orange raspberries if we are to make this small jackets which convert them

Itr!. Ed\\'ard Jackman, is ..under onN~Ore~Orilbe6~"~asill~~~~~~~S~~infu~~a~~~tio:n;~~~~~~;;~~~~j;~;c;e~w;n~l~b;e~d;b~tt~I;~~t~~~.~~~~d~~~s~er~t~i~n~t~h~e~n~e;~;fu;t;u~re~.~~;~~d~a;y;ti;me;;tt~~e;l~o;r;cl~~~w;e;a;~~ June 25th. , by curved hoods to eliminate the I~rs B. ~lurphy, G. Martin, M._;;---- ~hm"ation at St. Clare's· Mercy . dust nuisance and also to pro· Boone, T. Kent and Town Man· I. Hospital. teet the structure from the ele· ager Halleran present. ments.-Sumarine Miner. A request for the instaUation of lli;!ps Carmel and Margaret Dust Nuisance septlc tank by R. Bennatt was de· ,J t:!ckicl ~pent the week;end on It Is understood thnt the Wa· [erred until he had time to can· .' ~ suit \vith Public Health authorities. !~e i~IJnd with their !amll~·. bana Town Council has been ne· , ! gotiatlng with the Dept. of Public A motion was approved whereby Card Game residents of the Municipality wer~ ',. i IIr!. .T. J. ~Iurphy returned from Works for the. past couple of to be notified regarding the extent a ,:, Clare's Hospital \vith her baby weeks for a supply of road all to tip. And Dance of the clean·up and garbage col· • • lilt FrldB~'. eliminate the dust nuisance on lection. Bell Island roads. The loader [Dr roadwork is nOW ~tr. R. R. Costigan has purchas· A few weeks ago the Council A card game lind dance, spon· completed and the Council moved sored by the Wabana Gun Club, !d I ne\\' Dodae. car. experimented with this Idea on to hold a meeting on Tuesday, p~ No. 2 :oad and found It to be will be held In the C.L.B. Armoury June 21st. to determine exlent of QUALITY PRINTING YS .. ~Iiss WI, Carbasc went to St. most effective, so it was decided on Friday, June 24. Music for the roadwork. to be completed this lohn', Sunda~' to \'isit her mother to contact Public Works rlcht away dance wlll be sup piled by Mc­ ~'car, .. Lean's Orchestra. Admission for The report on sanitation was BIG DIVIDENDS Ilrl, Rtgina Carba&e at st. Clare'. \0 solicit their co-operation on the tabled nnd intlividuals concerned \!o!pital. matter In a joint undertaking. card game 5000nts. Dance $1.00 slnsle; $2.00 double. Door prize will be natlfied and instructed as Nothing definite has been an· to the nature of the breach of ~In, T. A, Conway paid II bus·, nounced 0 nthe project, but it Is for both card game and dance. regulations. . Let us shoW you how Inm trip to St. John's Monday hoped that the Idea will material- Teas wlll be served after the card Permits [or the past week were lI1orning. Ilze In the very near future. game for 25 cents. Issued to the following: J. Byrne, repairs a dl'iellingj B. Burke, reo p~ofitable good printing can be. pairs to dwelling; W. Morgan, roo • pairs to dwelling; B. Sweeney, reo pairs to dweUingi James Hunt, to dig drain; William Delaney, to • 'DODGERS construct dwelllngj Dan Jackman to Install septic tankj Levi Whelan e'LmERHEADS to' install septic tankj William PO\Y'ar, to Install septic tank; Jas. Kavanagh, to Install septic tank. PROGRAMMES The meeting adjourned at 11 • p.m. MENUS Closing Exercises '. ;" • STATIONERY Red Cross •• ENVELOPES The closing exercises {or Ihis vear's graduating class of Red Cross Home Nurses will be held MAGAZINES In the C.L.B. Armoury on June • 28th. at 8 p.m. It Is expected that members of previous nursing PRICE LISTS : ~ classes will also attend. •

' .. : Miss K. DeMarsh from the Na· tlonal Office who Is presently in • BILLHEADS Newfoundland will be our sp~cial DOWN·PAYMENT ••• 1 MORTGAGE MONEY ... ? guest and It Is hoped also· to have Commissioner Decker, Miss Isabel INVITATIONS If you.haven" the mattq .bandy, tb~ Talk '0 u. about a B of M • Cutton, Mrs. H. P. Cart~r, and ben way to 8et It I. to Optll I B of M Mot!!ige Loall under the Na· IItrs. J.·G. Grieve, from St. John's. . lavings account into which you de­ tlon.1 HouslDS Act ••• at 5% A social hour will follow for which CARDS posit a set amount of money each interest per annum and repay­ a small fee of 25e. wlll ba charged. • pay·day. able ov~r eucoded periods. To inake the evening' a really ETC. Plan your livings I. you plan your You will Uke the reasonable special one a dance will be held bouie -Illd see bow fist your bank ttnaI ItId OUl, manager'a help­ with MacLean's orchestra In at ballllce becomes yoar down·Plymtllt. ful approach to yout problem. oondance. Admission to the dance $2.00 double. Please remember the .. U your propOllrloll conforms to NHA Ilfjulre­ date-Tuesday, June 28th. men", there's money for you at the B of M. The 1955 earmarks of ·the shirt· I' .'MY BANK" waist dress may ~e a hlp yoke In .' the skirt or belt contoured' down I . ~', BANK OF MONTREAL over the hips lind perhaps a big i'ilJjj bow at- the neckline. .

51. JobD,.·Bta~th: ..' P. 5. 5HA~PE, M~.er. ". , , BOYD McDORMAND, Aut. 'Mlnager '0 'Ollice.. alia at BI.bop·s ,Falb, Botwood, Buchail.,. JdbPrinting Department Comr BroDie, Comer IIrook Wat, Curling, Ddt Lake, . . .; .. GraDcllalb, 51. Gtor.. '., 5lt!lhenvlUe, Sttpheflvlll. Cros.lila tad·: ~lndlOf. DIAL 2178 (3 Line.)" ',; .' "... .;. : ,,\. DUCKW()~T~ .' S.T~ . -.' '. :. 1 . ~'J ' WOIICINO WITH CANADIANS IN IV .. " WAll( 0' LIFI SINCI 1117 = 0·,,51 .. (':I:• \'1 :• f;j'i( , ~11 1\ I :,', I .! p ! I·Ji I ,; ,\! " Sf \ Mo'ore Is Marvel 'at His ,Age, rNewconlbe Clubs j lilt ; . ~ , . ! •• " I .: To t . But Grayso" Has tit Pick Olson lWay Twelve . i' , J ~ ~ YESTERDAY'S RESULTS batting for John McCall in the f~ _ 38~Age~Zo, ., ~ Nationnl League eighth. '-"" \.Vr~ 6' He' hL 5 lOlL ' , Brooklyn 7, Chicago 2 BRAVES OUTSLUG BUes , W·. O· ~='1.;4 ~ - - 19:t.;....."· {I. New York I, Cincinnati 10 MILWAUKEE (AP) - The ).Iil. ·r. usa d er S l n ' pe ne r ' Zg;, .:\~~~~t· ,'lJ~ '... r~I~:~~~~~i~! 1~'u~:bu~~iS4.8 ~~:~r;!~~t ;:~VeesT~~~d3yth~ii~ht(jf!~ .' .' 42'Jhe~t(exp.t._4i Amcncan I.eagoe Ed Mathews and JOe Adco~k C 1 !'I~l:cd Cbvcland 3, Baltimore hcme runs in heating 1"- .F· I 78~Reaeh~70 NelV York 6. l{ansa, City 2 Pitt~burgh Pirates, {; 4. If' .' I n'a '5 17~Nei::i<..:_:J6'f Chicago 6, \\'ashinl!ton 1 Bob Buh!, fastball right hand'r . Boston 5, Detroit 4, for the BrRves, posted his fourlh 43~39 In HO " 0 P , By TIlE CANADIAN PRESS vb tory against five dcfeats. lie Ovel'r.ome Filial QUflI',te,' SI. BOll:S' ---- Pitcher Don Newcombc's second j went all the way allOWing six hits. lifOORE., .IS p'Iel f double of the gamc drOVe across He struck out fi\'~ and issued four ~ad 1,1 CO.I.'eba,.k if, ~ ~ \. two runs in a fi"e'run Brooklyn I ba~es on balls. L L' _., _ '"'' ... 11th which gave the llace.seltingj PUIJ..') EDGE CARDS 1I0l)' Cros~ grabbcd of{ the 'In Ihe final minutes '01 the game OF EXPERTS Dodgers a 7·2 victory Ol'':!r the, ST. LOUl~ (AP) - Richie A~h fir~t lIin In the besl o( thrce hilS. to tal:c the I'crdicl: " '" , 'J'. ' second·place Chicago Cubs Tues· burn, Who hit only one homcr a\1 krtbalJ champIonship finals last Fa' Murphy; ',,:ol'kinl( Ilis left. O"E" > day. last season, belted tIVo Tuesday night at the Stndillm 'b~' coming handed Pllsh shot (rom both'sldr.;, R OLSON Towering Ncwcombe registered night, the second with on2 on in lrom behind, after'loling nn carll' poltcd'the two clutch h~skels thai 'i., - his 12th victory against only one the ninth inning to give the Phila. I~ad, and no'slng' out St. Bon's 43. J;a\'e si. Bon's the Ihird qual'ler ,NE\\, ,YORK (AP) _. Ancient defeat as he scatt~red six hits, delphia Phillies a 1008 vetori' over Mehle ~Ioorc is expected, to shatter including a trillie and the No. 15 the 51. Leuis Cardinals. 39 in a rcal pla"olf, Iinl~.ll. ' 1lead hul Robin Shorl's jump ~hnt Bobo .Ols~n's dreams. o(be~om!ng IlOmer b y s hor ts t op E'rOle Ban ks, As hb' urn s second homer of the The Crusaders were nhea!!' all (lut C:'usadcrs ba'ck' In (I'onl at ~ sU!>er champIon tonight on the who scored bolh Cub runs. game and season came On Ih~ fint the way to Ihe last li~J[ ol the Ihc bell. .' , old ring ,adase that a "good, big Newcombe, beaten only by the pitch thrown by lefty Paul La. third quarter when SI. Bon's found Sharp' whl~t1e tooling by Ldl'ry man \s~al~ a good little man/' Cubs, struck out nin~. palme, taking over with a "2·0" the range' and drew 'ahreast o' Hi.ban .ailll Joe Ya!tub'~in caused Moore:s Jl'In~!ling pOIl'er and rIng The dcfeat which left the Bruins count from Frank Smith and made them'. From then on they'lraded Hugh Fardy and Fa IIlurphy of sav~y ,are giVen t\ie e.dge over, D). 12 games behind the Dodgers was Lapalme a losIng pitching 'for Ihe baskels' wIth the large crowd oC St.' Bon's ami .lohn (:al"'n\' of son s persistent attack. charged to Warnn Hacker, his first time this season. Gran Ham. o 'AA'HIE. lans' sitting on the edge of their Holy Cru~s to be banished on 1 Unless A~chie, has l!n~xpcct~d ' , ' fifth against. seven victories. - ner hit Lapalm~'s sec~nd, de:\~r, seats until Holy Cross pulled It fouls In' the laRI' quarter riJld the trOUble making the ,175'jlound Iiglit , MO 0R E Hacker qUll'ln the 11th ,after the for another homer, hIS Ihird. oul resulting Iree throws' made' a dlf. heavyweight, lil1l1t for ,the fourlh Dodgers had moved ahead 3·2 as . '. ' , deIenee 01 .his crown, the, odds Don Hoak, running for Campanella, T d 'Wh o At the cnd of the Imt quarter ference. agaInst Olson tna middleweIght Q\.' ~cl'na:I,~,etroedr'\gahct. r 0, s s on, Am, 0, ros' orn~ oes lp Il l1'a~ Holy Cro~~ 1l·5. At tile .E(ldle 'Power and Rohln Sho~~ ehamplon, ma'y .Ioar over thc 2.' 'e>' , ~" h~1£ Cru'ndcrs hcld ~ 20.17 edl!e each netled R paIr o( frce throws t(\,l figure. No middlweight champ' Campanella, wbo l13d two doubles I P' , .' 12 2 on Ihe Blue and Gold which St. In the fillnl (ramc· and rower ha~ cver stcpped up to 1I'1n the 'BY IIARRY GRAYSON - .toni;h~d ~t"thc iack' ioE' (llsDn SUp" with each'luceeding round. and J\\'o singles,left hecause o( a epperrets • IlM\ narrowcd 10 2&.27 at the p(hlcrl a layup as Cl11~aders match, light hca\'~' title. I NEW YORK _ [NEAl -At· port cr. am~ng m~n ,suppos~d 'to ,ThIs and the diflerenee in age slightly bruised left knec. " - 0 tl,ini quart cr. St. Bon'; look Ihe! r.d the ~IZllin:: pace o( I~rallk The welgh·ln {or Ihe IS • round tempting to pick the Olson·Moore "now. and wear and the tear and the fact Newcombe gree~~d, relider' Hal III GIrls Softball Ir-d I1\' four points in Illc fin~l! !'ardy 10 knol Ihe score. The game match, sch'~dulcrl lor. noon 'in the wInner at the Polo Ground~, June But that docsn't kcep u~ ,from that IIfo'ore had to make weight Jeffcoat with his two·run double. ., '., qllartr.I:. nnh' Cr~s5 IOng), tC.I ttlCI slOlY ,of hlhe fight to be proximale aisle with the housewife an old rule: The fir.lt'thought the old pappy guy with the S'd' . 1 d th pcarance at the Stadium I~lt ' 1 t d 'IV e:o>pec c( ton I" I at the rolo " I .1 I Id I . ,.01 cr ~ sing c r,o\',~. across. e n'lght as a prel'lm'lnary I th r-o"'d went limp. ra~,' 10 r owcr 11'10 cage( a r • Ground" debating soap powder, was 0 son anu he 0 rtl e IS goalee. filth rlln of thc Inntng. Snider's 0 • • , in".ln \a\'UP to ~hoot Crusadcrs If 'I .~, k I . Th' d .t· ' . "DeS that whenever you are in doubt • • • blolV Wa" off Lhe third cub pitcher, hasketb. all plaro((s al1d' the city lohn Galwa\'·~ pil'OlIl1;: la"1I11s I ~ .' \ II I d 'Itll ., oorc ma 'cs t With ease S31' IS a~ une announcci ", h T d II d ~r~OUnIC[; lor 'ci;:hl 01 the tw'enl)' fOlIl' potnl~ n le en \\ at about 1731~ pounds, h'~'II' gai~ all out for one brand and she about Lhe' outcome of a prize Moore Is I marvel for a r.CCler Jim Davis. campion orna ocs v'a ope Iha ' :, ' H(lI\' Cro

: ' the whistle to close the' gap 10 Namara 3, Browne 2, Brennan, Francisco, normally weighs about We remained pretty sure o( barely missed belting .out the there isn't any logical reason that Cleveland Indians to a 3·1 victory Tornadoes scored two runs in three points. In the second hal£ Lake, O'Grady, Murp~y 10. 168 for ,over·the·weight scraps. He that until we took a stroll along lormer light·hevyweight leader this trip has been an exception. over the Baltimor2 Orioles Tues· the boltom of the first, two in the Holy Cross accuracy was feeble Referees: Rlsban and Yaku. has 10 work hard to lIet down to , in the second round and had him He had to cut down on his vita. day night, The deciding blow Was Ihird, five in the fifth and three as they missed repeatedly while blsln th'2 101l·pound middleweight limit. what used to be known as Jacobs rolling aU over the floor in the mins and work much harder Al Smith's two run homcr in the in the sixth inning. Biggest blow • • G h S . If lIIoore doesn't make wel"ht Beach. There we found most of nillth. (i[th innin.g.. • .. o[ the game was a double by .Jc!- Blue and Gold closed the Scorer. ra am nOll. Ith ... , h fi ht b (I I b I' . than Olson, who comes to the L d h I hi ( I , Ihe d d II d h d C Ti' D ve Baird even \I' two hours extra, Julius t e g mo rm y C ICVlng • • 0 • emon Injure IS ~g.w Ical· sic Cook of the Tornadoe~, 'I 1 j sprea an pll c a ca. ru· NEmXeTr. GAaJllE_Th '1' day. Helfand, chairman of the New,Yor~ that Olson was going to war ring naturally. Anybody who 109 to be.at out .an Inl1eld rollcr, Ruth Krubsack starlcd for I'rp. ~aders regained their equilibrium u S state at~letic 'commission, WIll be with a popgun. Moore men point out that Olson has ever made weight will tell for the thIrd out In the top of th() . ready WIth a ruling. Although m can't be rated as 1\ hrilliant taco you Ihis hasn't done Ancicnt scvcnth. He attempted to take his perrettes and was rehcI'ed by DA won't say in advance, there is pre There were Ihe damaging tician. When you see him in Ihe Archie any good. warmup losses, bul was forc~d to Ben~on and ,Jeanette Fcal'cr .. cedent for a decisloD that Olson quotes by Joey MaxIm and Cus first round, you see him lor the Moore had 10 knock out Har. give wa)' to Ray Narleski. Clcl'e· PEPPERRETTES - Ruth Kill II· . I Iy fAICK£Y McCOHNIlL , \ INSIDk: DASEBALL could grab the Utle, 'by winning D'Amalo. Maxim, who [ought next 14. He never changes. od Johnson at Madison Square land held a 2·1 advantag,~ at thc! sack, Dol Benson, Ro;cmary BM· Major Leapi S,oul 1 ' the Ight even I Arche woare over both flatly says that Moore "This, against a wily campaign. Garden last August to win. This time on Ihe 01 Smith's ron, Jeanette Fcavcr. .1.11rt ~I: i' and IDII!'!'I.' slren~lh I Li~ Leaguers 115 pounds. When JIm Farley was punc'h'c 5 ' too hard for Olson. . homcr following Gcorge Strick·' 5parke~. EI'a Hughes ..10 Dicki". .f,?f er who can punch with either he did wilh R right·hand Jaw jolt . I I ....---,,.-----. eomm issloner, he once ruled, when , land's SlOg e. son, lrcne Hogan, Helen \\'a:;. Charley (Phil) Rosenberg (ai1'~d to DAmato, ,who manages Floyd hand like' 1\Ioore, Is dangerous," in the 14th round. TRUCKS TUROTI'LES NATS coach .Jack Connors. ;I make the bantam Umit, that chal. Pattcrson, ,asserts that he would they point out. If Archie Moore goes into the WASIlINGTON (Ar) - Yirgil TORNADOES - Jcs'ie l'.,,,~. '\ lenger Bushy Grham could win the match his young charg~ with 0). What tile Moore !anclers neg· 14th round losing to Bobo Olson. T,rucks captu!,ed. his sixth straight Palsy Earle;. ~Iarie Cool;, !ihl! Ir, title if he \\'on the fight. lIowever, son tomorrow, but not Moorc. lect to ~dd is that Olson doesn't he'll find himsclI caught in a I'lclory and, hIS clghth of the s~ason Osmond, Shirley Cook, nul', Graham lost the d~cislon. 'This old £Ight writer was as· cnange except to' quicken the pace c~clone. T~I~.,day mght as Ihe C.hlcago Skiffinglon Bcth' Cook ~Ir\l The II' eat her man predicted' '\111t,.' Sox ddealed Washmgton. . ' ;. ' . "mostJ). fair" for today wilh a 6·\. Tr\1rk:; restricted the Senators EngJI~h, ~Iary '~Ifcman •• TClrq high' of 80 and less humidity. I[ Money, Can't Buy A Grey Cup to see it through. I'm convinced to sil' hits, struck out six and Rochc, Lllcy Fcaver. (oach,>, It does rain, the fi!iht will be we're on the way to the Grey Cup. walked two. IRalph Field and Fred Hammond. ~ . I don't know wilat club is going to st a,lZr. d Th IIrs"ay night. Trucks ran a string nf scoreless New IYorkk willi be· ~lacked out of' Champ·Ion Says Argo Sonsh.·ne h~Je Ut~ ~~e;;~ ~~~t?,m Ih,z others innin~s 10 24 before Roy Siel'ersil L I Le th 2 ne 11"01' Ie C\' iS10n sholl' bul . , MONEY SCARCE TlIEN slammed ;t home run inlo the left Ott (flIer will'be tuncd in on Ihe I'adio broad. fi~ld bleachers with two out in thc 1:[ e a... s cast. With the local TV blackout 8y WII,F·GRUSON of U5,OOO) for n~xt 5~ason: The~:'11 Sonshine is one of tl105e ~rcnl seventh inning. M TI "- d the International Box In g Club Canadian P.ress Staff Wrller develop our young Canadian play. Canadian players who was born 15 WILLIt\lIlS BOSOX STAR 1 eet 1111'" a,r counts on a house 01 25,000 and a TORONTO (CP) _ Harry Son. ers and make us Grey Cup con. years too soon. He didn't receive a BOSTON (AP) - Ted Williams' " - . ,. • gate of $250,000 or more, plus a shine, Who hns roen spenilln" Tor. lenders," nick~l for playing with Argonauls towerin"b 390·fool home run int~ the A meeting of all boys inlrrd· $100 i b in 1937-38·39 or with Queen's in the ,000 tv.rad 0 (~. onto Argonaut money-and his own LONG EXPERIENCE preceding four years hut he was right field seats with tll"o mates ed in taking part in the L'ltie -like mad the past few months, That's how Sonshine thinks bllt, Instrumental, with Annis Stukus, aboard in the eighth inning Tues· League Baseball Series (or W55 , b hI P doesn't go along with the idea that many fans ask, who is this fellow? now coach of British Columbia day night b;ought the Boston Re.d is scheduled to lake place al ro a e I"tO)lerS a club can buy the Grey Cup. That, How come he suddenly appears on Lions, and Jake Gaudaur, presi. S?l' a 5-4 vIctory over th2 DetrOIt Bannerman Park at 3.30 p.m. to- P \. probably, ls the understatement of the foolball scenil as one of the Tiger; NEW, YORK (AP) _ Probable the Nar and HarrY Is stuck with most controversial figures in !he dent of Hamilton Tiger.Cats, in wilii~ms, thc hit.mastcr, timed mo~row Thursday. It would, hE pitchers for loday's major league it. game in years? ~ak~g f~otba1! a paying business loser Ned Garver's 3'() pilch per· admahle (or all. boys intcrc_trd ::nmcs (won.lost records In Paren. He has spent about $250,000 lining Well, he has been' around foot. or e payers. Iectly for a tremendously high fly to be surc to be In attendancc. theses):' up name Americans and Canadians ball for nearly 25 years as a player Sonshlll'2, Stukus and Gaudaur after singles h~' pinchhitter G2nc Only boys between the agc; 01 for Arg'onauts, whose so.sad ,sho.... and spectator. lIe's an old Queen!- were the leading lights in organiz. Stephens and Billy Goodman. The' 8 and 12 will be considered. .\ Amerlcan League 11th iF" U I i 0 ing the share·the·wealth Toronto ' MARIO ~RICM'O, ChIcago at Washington (nlght)- ng neB g our Union last year n vcrs ty and T!1ronto· Argonaut Indians of the Ontario Rugby Foot. bal! landed in the stands next 10 real good summer of baseball II 01=' rJ.lE KAt;S'A5 CITY Donovan (B.2) va Stobbs (1.7), or prompled a wholesale o((·season flying ,wing and centre secondary- bal! UnIon in 1946. Except for two the Boston bullpen runway for assured all those taking pari in ATlllET/CS, 15 Ar-J . Piii;¥'Eiii's!\,*'d) Pascual (2-4) house·cleaning o( imports. If his and a good one-and now ls lnde· or three players, Sonsbine says, nO !ed'~ ninth.o( the season and 3751h the Little League Baseball !ierir<. E;:;:ECTIVE KEl.llit= Cleveland, at Baltlmore,(nlght)- newly·acquirad hlgh·priced Amer· pendently wealthy as part owner of one on th2 club prel'iously had been In Ius major leagu~ carcer. T~e So come along boys and trY 3nrl PITC,IEIl BECAIISE liE Wynn. (8.2) .vs Pallca (2.1) ieans don't go to Vancouver for the a Toronto furniture manufacturing paId for playing football. blow ~nablcd. B?stnn to post Its make ynur place with one nl thl KNOWS ;lOW TO (/SE HIS AS/UTX Kansas qlty at New York-Dlt. Grey Cup classic next November company., ,At 'the end o( the 1946 season 12th Irlumph In lis last 14 games. teams. See you Thursday at 3,:10 mar. (3-3) vs Ford (1.~) the club probably will be known as 'Many old.lime fans around the I l' th . I Detroit at Boston.- Hooft (6.3) "Sonshlne's Follies." senior Int~rcolleglale and Big Four the p ayers SPIt e profits. YANKS BLAST A'~ p.m. at Bannerman Park. • - H~w often have you uen a 'young pitcher walk halfway to home vs Brewer (3.7) . ,But the' 40·year.old ~.pound eircults'remember the big bruising LOT TI' GOOD NEW YORK (AP) - Micke~' plate after a pitch to take the return throw from the catcher, then National League ',roronto business man reasons this SonshIne When he was on the play. Sonshine, who ended his playing ~Iantle powercd one o( the lon~est wa,!' I'ng II'eld In' the 1930s·. H~ I\'as' onc career with Ihe Indians thc follow. homc runs cl'cr hit in SJr.ciOIlS turn and circle the mound, and ftnally walk back up the hlll from N Y ric i Practices IIIell' II 0(73) at ·c MncinOliti (night) • of Canada's great flying ~wings and 101(• 3\'!ar, sal'd th at cI u b (II'd fool· Yankcc Siadium to gct Ncw York the .ccond·bue sIde-like Teddy Roosevelt charging up SIIII Juan g HIII-belore IItopplng at the rubber to look for the nellt sIgnal h' ;- sa e (. or onzant (0 .2) "A l~am can get tllC besl 10 'or. didn't cwn bother to wear a hel. bali II lot o( good; It startcd the rollin~ Tuesday nighl and the St, Bon's ~enior baseball tw~ s tAl ey 5·4) 12 imports and it still \\'on't be t general idea among Canadian play· American League lcaders put 10· will hold a practice toni!;ht ,\ will reed\'e from his calcher~ It yO\l hB.\·e aecn much ba5cball, you have ~'atchcd thIs type 01 (~~rooklyn at Chicago - Meyer certain of winning the Grey Cup m;t~ retired In 11141 and hi- name ed that they should rec~il'e more l:elh~r four more run~ in the fourth I's, pahn (4.7). 50 per cent of any team's ability 0 n bumps 62 e , ball hit In his direction and then rctrcatlng directly to the 'rubber. , Philadelphia at. st. Louis (mght) and that's' II'hy I'\'e gone out and as th'e man ArgGnauts caned in to d s·' I' h" . , . Guard5 !enior ba~·ba]\ t~~1!\ if the baU Isn't hit, to bc rcady to make hla next pitch. . R b t (0. I make them a Grey Cup contender. An ons nne, in 15 pla)'mg r1a~'s Veteran Tommy Byrne 11- the . .', I I"' - 0 er s 6) \'s Jackson (2·4) got three good coachcs (at II cost 0 r h . a rugged 220·pounder who didn't A's I'n command with a six·hitler \\111 hold a .pr~ctice tomght ! ..,- Once he has his &Ignlll, he ahould know how to usc a windup to ne 0 is first, and most startling, A hI t G d t 7 on Al\ hclp him and to confuse the batter., The purpose ot the windup I. 'CNR 'CI ERK t· baek up from am·bod .... , "i\'idly reo for hi! fifth \'ictor.v and second Arre t e IC roun sa. , .. ' to keep the arm and shoulder loolie through a stretching moUon,.' " j 1 S STRONG, ' . IN DE' BUT ' Importsac s ,was their to givewalking Argonauts' p~pers, 1954 caUs his lumps. He remembers, lor straight complele game. His only inle~esled wish Ittng to ry ou 11.• but clever pitchers like HarfY Brecheen and 'Preacher Roe learned HUNT FOR TALENT, ,instance, a' game in 1937 when weak momcnt came in the fourth welcome to attend. to "UY their mollons to keep 'the baUer olf balance. They might , IN 14 5' COl\nWRCI' "L WIN Ik Ihen put the snatch on Na. Bunny Wadsworth o[ Ottawa Rough Inning, after a 47-minule delay be· ST. BON'S PRACTICE ., ., .", pump once before the lirst pItch. three times befure the accond , . .1 .. , lUlllli J,I\, _ tional Football League' leams for Riders put him out [or the season cause of rain and a In.degree drop SI. Bon's Section A footb!1I ' ' lal'2nt. It I\'as the fll" st .,l·me that lIith, one tackle. in temp2rature, when the 35·year. team will hold a workout tonight pitch, twice before the third pItch and continue to change th~ CNR CI k IlUDIber of times they pump before pltcnlng u the ganle progrca.,ed. db , i'er 5 made an impressive CanadIan National Rall,"ays hit. Argonauts raided the' NFL and So ns h'Ine came au t 0 f it'thWI a o.Id sout hpaw Was tapped for three at 7.00 at the Shamrock Field. A · Marlo Flicano Is, one of the proml~lng young pitchers who has e ut n the, Commercial Baseball tcr managed nine hits olf the pair Sonshine, 'Who spent an estimated broken jaw. smgles and the second Kansas City full turnout of prospective pIa),' profited by studying these detaIls, and any beginner would be wla. League last night by scorl.ng ten of Canada Packers, hurlers. They $5 "fJOO.$6000 , 0 f h"IS oWn money on RED'rlln S CRUSH GIANTS ers is requested. runs in the fl t i i \0 fo~w hili example. ' Ii , C d rsck nn n,g In t op· also: made fl've 'ml'scues afield payerI -' hun Ung Jaunts·~ covering F F" H I Holy Cross senior baseball te.m p ng .ann a Pa ers 14·11 at tile compared to seven by the Pack. about ~oo,ooo miles, put Argonauts orest, Ire a ts ,CINCINNATi (AP)-Little Jackie will practice tonight at 7,00. All FcildlanIrs Groun, ds, ers, CNR', coaxed el'ght pass'es off In buslness-on pape at lea t-as C0 II um, the Giant Killer, Tuesday members are requested to be In CLOTHES make the man if CHAfE R ghthander .Dan Kielley scat· Woodman and Francis while Dan the club to watch this season ..',' R il S" night celebra!-cd his 28th birthday attendance at this Important tered four hits to the meat pack. Kielley issued only lour Argonauts ,wnnt-cd a man 'who a erVlce by defeating defending champion k t makes· the clothes ers and lanned 'nlne in racking CNR CLERKS _, Fly~n e D could devote plenty' of time and New York 10-1. He handed the wor au . .. up the .victory. Starter Woodman, Kielley p Dalton' 2b . prett~ .If· energy to the job of rebuilding the lc:!~~:~i~' r~i I~;t~;~~::~ Giants their sixlh straighl defeat! ---.----- . w.ho. wnlked six up 'one Millman 3b, Murphy 'cl,. How1cli clUdb footba11 powHer Nipisiquit Junction and Bathursl and cut down ,Tohnny Antonelli's Th OLD d" f0\ I~d g~v~, ~nd ilt~ ~ne.tlme t I '~N~PLOEREf hit,' took the lo!s. He was rell,A\'. rf, QUI'ck lb, \V. Kl'ellc", sr.. , an .. ons lin" WaS'a na ural. e record of "'i"ht strai"ht wins over' ~ name 1 ew ng an wPtt L. CHAFE,. Tailor , ,., agrc2d 10 take on the job of team mincs \\'as halted Sunday when the Reds i~ bthe past two seasons, I th~ northeast U. s. territ?ry Il'h"r' r:ni~~ Doug Francis in the fIrSt ,'CANADA PACKERS _ Mc. manager without pay and after'six heat from Ii forest (ire Iwisted th~ Col1um gave the Reds their first! comed by Capt. Joh,n SmIth, \I . New address. 4 'HOLDSWORTH ST. Afte'r their first ipning Icn run Grath. 2b, Walsh 3b, ,~ield rf, months he: find.s it is a "hob,by." ~f~IStr~fl~y~aUSed derailment o( an fI,l in a third inning that (eatured,' explored. tile eoa~t m 1614.. . outburst the 'Railroaders II'el'C held FranCIS s~", (l" Mormsey cf, He spends more time at foolball 'Firc.li,,"hters confined Ihe flame" Walll' Posls's three • run homer. Slee.1 IS used at. some pomt ,n

' "W;th' y,. &C"o"'mp'" any:,'Lt' .d,'" in (airl" dose cheek bv shortsto Brown Ib, GI'eenlng c, Rendall]f, Ihandat his busin~ss. He sat in the to a small area but not before th~ Ncw York's only run \\'a~ a pinch. the wlI1ning and manufacture of I I . d J'I' I' . D ' '.. p. Woodman p 55. stan s as a paYing customer l<\st hit hom~r scored bl' Ray Katt all other metals. Furn,ess: , . , " ,,' : , . , .. , ' ,umc .pl c lcr. ouS FranCIS. Fran, " fall' a d listened, to disgruntled trolley burned. It had ber.n uscd Liverpool 8t. :John'.' ,BOIilon ,aailln 1>1 ,Jau" .. cis ': whiffcd :~even, and .walked Argonaut' fans, roast th~ Doublc since 1922 and operated during that . ,QI' III IDs.. .' ,ill' ,.,~. t. "only',.two;' ,: ' :: Blues' who' missed' the Bil(, Four time by Lincoln Lebreton. " ,. ., iii ~qh.'. :'-:BOIi\OlI "aUfa" ',St JOhll~~ Lh,.,rllaal ' , ,.. playofls lor. the second straight The one'· man Cr21\' escaped :":-.'~w(oundlalld" .hie. -11; ',Tnc~ JR ", 'Jnl:: 32' ,. "Inc: 25 'Jne; 27 ~'ear.· injury in the derailment but dense "Xu\,;! Scotla'~ .lnc •. IIl, \ ,Ine. 25' ',lIy; 1',.' .• IIY .. 5' •• Ily: 7 . ..• ,smokc' forced him 10 abandon thc ~'\ewroundlalld" :I\.I'./1l " ,lb:.,~3'... 111!. \9 .' Jly. 2i1 .lIy,26 Also d~rin(·!he. season •. "with trolley, which pulled freight on a "~o\'a .Scotla·~, , ,lIy. 20' ":J1y. '27 "I\lIg; 2'" Aug; '6:' ., Aug: 9 Argonauts future plans in mlnd,'hn fiat' car: In winter. a snoll'mobilel "~c\\'foundlanr\" Aug. ,Ii ":,~ug,,')3' ";\Ul!. 10 Au;:.!!!l Aug: 25. . visited ap NFL city'.e~ch weekend replaC2d the'trolley. ' ":\o\'a Scotia:' '.~Dg: .~o,. Aug; 27 :SCilt. 2' Sep~:. 6 ' Scpt •• 8 to watCh tha pro teams and talk to The Une is owned by the '~'. PcrsullS (:unleI1lJlI~tlll& .paaSi&t IIJ, t:urIJP~ aliuu!trmaJ(i' tiuulitn&1 ., . players 'about joining the' Argos. Bathurst Power and Paper Com· )l"tU ill adv.nc~. ' • '( , .. ,"-','. . , ' ,.:. ' • "This' job is a hobby 'wlth',me," pany and serves the village of ~ PuJllts I~nle(i: iiy :s.o."':c:· _ j(L.M. ~ .scknalnnv:an· ·... Ir. he s,ys. "The big, thing is to be ~athurst Mines, where the .' : 11n~ -- ~~ ·... lIlerican Airways' _' T.W,A, and' cOlUl.ietln& "'Ir., 5ucce~sIul In what I'm trying to do. pany has q power houw. : '. lints.. ' .', ! .,': i . :' .., . '..".' If, I succe,ed in, making: Argos 3' ' , ..,...... ---- :.' ~ocswt.us·,~ellal'dlni'yollr)"~Verpr9!lI~mi '.' . , winner, I'll feel I've been ··com· ". FAST. DRYING · , . ,,~, 'FU~t'!IES~.· J~VEL.: OFFICE) , P?nsated for, my,time and elfort. Nylon fabrics dry with' unusual .WiV1:JmtLU..'I1OW." ': ': .~:, I , " : " .'PDONI MIl :'It h~sn:t been ea.), but ~'m i rapidity beca~~e of their low mols· . .. , stuck WIth It, now .and. I'm.io1nll. 'lUre absorption. ' ~."" ••:"'."':"''''.' .... , ••• ,: .. , r'''','- I . " " '.' '" '.' , '

s SECTION II The ·J)aily. News SECTION '/ i ,'- ,,.sr. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, ,. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 ~------,~.~,~------~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~------.----~------~ tht . ~:~t~~~O;:d' Shop. . Unrest, .In Buenos Aires Camels' Not .Ik~ ~ s·Headqua~ter8. 3.Ql-Housewives Club (prizes). , , ' -- ,~ ,'.:, , 4.o{)-News. 4.05-Spot the Star. . TralUe · . d T0 4.15-Ranch Party. " . . 5.uO-News. I( T Th R I 5.01-Record Shop. !, r ee,p,' 0 e It --; 6.00-News; .' , ,i2:v s.25-Program Preview .. 6.01-CJON Bulletin Board. I KARACHI, Pakistan (Reulcrs)- S.30-Supper Guesl. 6.05-Record6.15-Sports Parade.Shop. Th e P ak' 'Islan j!overnment'I s dec. CBN S.45-1nterlude for Music. sian 10 change the rule of the road ,n:Il:\ESDAY, June 22nd. 5.45-Musical Program. 7.00-CBC News and Weal her. ~:~t~~~t;tality' Time. to "keep to the rij!ht" starling -:;;iO::-TOP of the ilornlnc. 7.15-Curlain Calls . IIA5-The Oclopus.. .. Jan. 1, 1956, is causing grave can· • Olo-CBC Ncll's and Weather. 7.30-'rops Today. 7.00-News. cern among Karachi's 2,000 camel S I:i-~Iusleal Clock. 'i,45-Doyle Bullelln. 7.01-Courtship ,and, Marriage. drivers. Q'QI1-~torninG Devotions. B.I5-Newfoundland Story. 7.l5-Program. Report. From ancient times, camels rhir A,h PI:'o-rro~r3m PrcI'iclV. B.3{)-Rawhide. 7.3{)-News. have been 'the main modeo! a "I)-Organ SII·lIngs. B.45-Introduction to Wedncsday 7.45-Dark S~ranger. transporling freight in Karachi, 'mer :Ill :'., \ o30-~lelody Scrapbook. Nlghl. =:~~~~wKildarc. which \l'~s on !he frinse of the jl: Tur~~~\. 1(,-c()-KnolV Your Nfld. 9.0{)-l'rogram on "June". Sind desert. Camel·drawn carts, '. on '.' ~,:o in 10 1U-lIit ot the Oa7. 1l.3{)-CBC National Ncws, Round· 8.30-Eddie Cantor. 'fitted with pneumatic tires in ;., ; hr Phila. 1(I.15-lri5 Powcr. up and Midweek Review. 9.0{)-Ncws. 9.01":"Album of Favourites. recent years, carry cotton, rice . .' Dry O\'cr tO~:i-News. , ' 1O'3ll-Triple Treasure. --- 9.15-Thirty Minules ToGo. and wheat from the railhead to r of the 1(1 -l:i-Drcakfast Club. VOCM 9.45-Dosco News. the buslling docks and warehou&~s 1U:'o-Lisht and Lyrical. WEDNESDAY, June 22nd. lO.O{)-They Were Champions. in the city. The fruit and vegetable th~ first 10.15-Thcy're ,Human After AU. growers in the garden suburbs of L~. I' ''i-Parade of Stars. ------I~ 11n-Announccrs Choice. 7.00-Brcakfast Club. lO.45-Barry Wood SholV. MaUr and Landhi use camels to 1~.t:;-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 7.l0-NcIVS. 1l.O{)-National News. bring their produce to KarachI 1~ :tl-Farm Broadcast. 7.3{)-Ncws. H.l5-Sports Parade. . markets. 1" .~>-Aunt Lucy. 8.0{)-Breakfast Club. 11.30-1 Was A Communist For Th~ 18 miles to Karachi from i OIf--~lid Day Serenade. 8.33-1IIt of the Day B.35-News ' 11.30-I~fe ~fg~t Theatre. !he Malir ane Landhl, suburbs II I'I:-Laura Limited. " onN a long trip to tired peasants who 1:31l-CUC Ncws and Weather. 8.4O:""Name thc Newfoundlander. I~. u- ews. 1.1:'o-lJoylc Bulletin. 9.0{)-A Date Wlth Denys. 12.01'--Houseparty. . often sleep. through· the nightly "r,n-Words and ~lusic. 9.15-1Ian From Ycslerday . 12.3{)-NeIVS. journcy while their long strings of ~ "~_Dominion Time SignaL 9.30-A Date With Dcnys. 12.35-Houscparty, camels confidently make their ::iil-Of( the Record. 9.45-Burtons of Banner Strcet 12.54-Ncws. way, unguidzd. to !he city markcl!. ~A~>-~Iu,ical Program. IO.OO-News. 12.55--:Praycr. . Motorists know that a sharp warn- 'll~-~Illsical Kitchen. 10.05-A Date With Denys. 1.00;-Qucen and Sign orr. (NEA Radio.Tclephoto) ing of a horn is sufficient to brinlf ~ ~o-Trans Canada llatlnee. 10.55-News. 4 :1t)-l'BC Ncws. 1l.Oll-Club Time. (NEA Telephoto) , . WmlEN WORKERS Police officers search a worshiper at Metropol\lan Cathedral in Buenos ~f s:~:y;~~d~a~eI b~C.~ to the \eft 4 ::,.-Timcly Tunes. 11.55-News. Preshlent Eisenllower (right) a",1 Defr.nse M()hillnr Arthur Flcmmim( ,Tap an's working population in Aires, Argentina, following weekend riots in the city, where between '. 12.00-Cluh Time. \ n_rhllrlrcn's Slury. I.walkpast. one or the ,tents, his .evacuation headquarters.' 19:;i included 16,400.000 women, an 400 and 600 pHSons' balee been arresled in antl·Catholic moves by I Camels have been . trained to :.'1.i-Carnation Entertains. 12.15-Bank 01 [lapines!. a~ Th~ fir~t a~ President led some 15,000 ornclals from Washing Ion during "Operation of 4,000,000 over 1947.. President Juan Peron. .to the left. The gowrnment'. :. ::i\-Fishcrlc~ BroadeR!\. 1!!.30-Ncws. ' , ..., incrca~c deCISIonkee~ to. change the rule of thl blt I' \lll-intermezzo. 12.35-'-:ltusical Menu. Ih, 1.3{)-N ews. Alcrt.'~ . REAL RAGTUIE GARDEN IIIN'I' LOXGER LIFE road means that the camel driver. cit, IA~Tuncs [or Today. ; 1.40-Bargain' Ho-u-r.---,---[-!l-.O-u...;-N·clVS. . ;....--,._.:....-- Old ragtime music p rib a b 1 y . ,Old. and surplus wood should be 1 Since 1900, the averag,z expecta-\ will e}tbetr ~ave'lo keeP 3wake ?! ~.O{)-Bettygrable-:-Harry Jam .. h l to k the l.45-Bowring's T.V.. 2.0i-Perry Mason. " 1 originated from negro folk·music, rcmovcd from spring flowering tion of life bas increased from 501 rNra!n elr came 5 eep .. Show. Melodies. 2.l&:-Young Dr.' ___...:s..::h.:..:ru:.:b::s..:i:::n_J:.,:u:.:n:,:e:... ______...... :.:.l.,::·c,::ar:,:s....::to:..::n.::.:ca.:r:::IY-.....:.7o...:.------!h-e-rl.:.,.gb-t-. _____ -,- __ Inn. A,NNAPOLIS 2.55-News. 1.50-~r~ntovani Malon,~e::..:--_._~p:.:.re:c::e:di:::n~g.:.j:.:az::z...:a:.::n::d...:s~I\..::·in.:.:g::.. 3.0{)-Do\Jars on Parade. , . r 4.00-Ncws. . ROYAL 4.05-Newfoundland Parade. .. • 4.55-Nell's. 5.3{)-Fron\lcr Town. I B.O{)-News nnd Wealher. celebrates H.05-Supper Serenad~. BAD-Riding Along wilh a Song. 6.45-News. 7.00-Thc Barrclman. 350th 7.I5-Doctor Paul. 7.3{)-Sons of the Pioneer. R.O{)-Canada at Work. ANNIVERSA,RY 8.15-Samm)· Kaye. R.30-Pcnthoul'c Part~·. fl.O{)-The Scarct Pimperncll. Thr Fn'ndl ----came first and call· 0.30-Timc Out for ~Iclody. cel ~ ilr l11ace 1'0l't Royal. The 9.45-N ClVS. i,I~!i,h I'nptll,'cd It and made It lO.O{)-Llberacr. :::clr I il';\ Cannd ian scttlemenl. IO.3{)-One Night St.1nd. ,r""l11i:l;! it ,\nnapolis Royal. It 10.4fi-N CII'S. '.' ." 1he ,110st tought·over ~pot JI1 11.00-Snorlsca:;t. \/lrlh ,\lllcl·lea. 'I'his su·mmer. 1!.l5-C1ub Timc. , ;1 ry r,.l r· 'ill' 3.;0Ih al11111'crs&orY nf Al1na· 12.00-Ncws. .l.nrl )',,'i. 110:-al will be crlctll'alcd by 12.ot-Club Time. 12.:l0-Ncws. " Dickill' fI'r, and paJ:eal1ls which 11'1\1 re· lril it. ,tnrlcd past. Rcad Ihe 12.35-Club Time. 'n \\'ar~. !r.:lIrr MOI'\' in thl~ week's Slar l.OO-Nell's in a Minute and . I \\'rrkl\' "Caila(ln's Cradle Town". Closcdown. :t- l'f'II~. Cnllacla's Glselc lIIacKcnzie --_. ;. Shiite) "'flllid lilee to bc more than just CJON ·k. A 'in~e'r. ami her acting on recent • nui'~' lrlr\ :'ir'lI shO\I'S Indicatcs wide WI\DSESD,\ Y, June 22nd. ~I~'.\' \ n-nt allty. Shc's Intll\'csted lu :} , Trrrq 7.0[)- Wake up and Live. bn:h B\'oaclwa'y and I-1011ywood. 7.l()" ·News. . This '55 " " .1111 h(\l\\ stagc amI scrcen are 7.15-Slrength for the Day. Ir~or:crl 10 be interestcd In her. 'i.30-News. The ,c3way forges ahead ••• 7.35-Bob Lewis Show. t ~:111 ,Inntrcnlers ha\'e a ringside 'i.45-News. must have something that 'r~. ,1arhines chewing out rock 'i.5{)-Bob Lewis Show. ! ,,,'I d:"1 acro~s thc waist of 8.0{)-Ncws. \Iclrnl'(l\ltan j\lontreal, indicate B.05-Bob Lewis Sho .... 'hat nctloll haR started: This 8.3{)-Nelvs. folks just won't do without! IIrrk'~ Star Weekly tells about B.35-Bob LewIs Show I'flll,\l'ul'llon work wbleh 1\1on· 9.00-News. Ii; ;n!r ... ·-t· trr:\lrr~ ~ee getling under way. 9.05-Jukc Box Review. the Uttle .\rr the Irish dying oul? Em· 9.3{)-Flnal Year. lor 1955 n:i~ratinn-and particula'l'ly the 9.45-Wom\!n's New •. rn1igralioll of younJ( Irish womcn LO.O{)-News. , , phce at - i. creating 'an alarming drop 10.o1-Time out with Westons. i o p,m. to­ ::\ I1npul~:ion. 10.15-What's On My !lUnd? would be 01.001) Canadians live In trail· IO.30-Who Am I? I intcre;lrd 'I· ,\ feature in this week's Star lO.45-Joan Blanchard Show. Torkl;' tells about the people 1O.5{)-1I1usical Fill. ~'ho lin! in mobile homes. 11.00-News. ages 01 .~fi"fJ is olfercd fC11' solution of 1l.Ol-BIll Ring Show • er~rl. A :;1., lI'\'ck's Cash·wordS Puzzle. 11,l5-Tennessce Ernie. ba~eball i! 1l.3{)-lrnprisoned Heart. part in 1l.45-David's Children. C/~STJlR 12.CO-News. Serir<. 12.02-Melody Magic. try and 12.15-BllIyO'Connor ShoW. one of the WEEKLY 12.05-Hor,nbakcrs Qutz. at 3.:10 12.3{)-News, 5 PAPERS This week's 12.35-lln,) .. ewis Show. FOR THE issue 1.00-New.,.J.OI-Bllh Lewis Sholl'. PRICE NOW ON 1.15-Blue Slar NeY's. 1.30-N CIVS n10cr . OF ONE SALE l.35-Sports Parade. I":. ----="====:::::;::;;::;-:::= i" .. II I. 1 ~ Answer... ITI to Prev -______U. S. President.....:_...JI :' ,._ :~ti ,i i . IP II l"' Ie EmL.alMlpO , ,I ACROSS 50 Hirelings , i~· I , : I : I Pre~ldenl 01 51 Lock 01 hair ':. I Ihe United DOWN ~~~ I , r.; ~ ! rei I : I'" Stales. 1 Girl's name 1&1 IA ry out art William -- 2 "Lily maid of I Harrison A5tolat" UII. ~ ...... ". ~ He was the 3 Burmese Two months ago, in t1~e public print, we said Buick SPECIAL 2.D""f RiTfm - U. S. wood 6prite \ football that this looks likc Buick's biggest year-and oul tonlghl President 4 Route (ab.) II Puff up • we weren't fooling. ", . Field. A 12ldolite ~ Amrmatlve 17 Footllke part 32 Changes play' reply 20 Dre~s 33 Kind ot saUCI But what has happened~and continues to What is it ahout the '55 that folks by It's Variable Pitch Dynaflow automatie 13 Blackboards 8 Perlainlng 10 2:1 Mythical king 34 Swamp transmission*-engineered from the principle H Continued thl! nose ot Britain 35 Expunges. happen-is almost beyond belief. the thousands ,just won't do without? It's of the modern plane's switch.pitch propeller­ story 7 Roman date 22 Antenna 36 Lease . People buy up these stunlling new Buicks many things • 16 Hawaiian 8 Correlative of 24 Sca cagle 38 Paces and what it brings you in the way of pure thrill. practically as fast as we get them from the It's styling that's bo~dly distinctive and fresh Wreath neither 25 Withered ·41 Blackthorn mere words can't describe. 17 Dance step 9 Baseball term 27 CQOking 44 Unit of weight factory. Buick production-already revised as tomorrow. It's beauty of line and beauty of 18'thlckncss 10 Curcd utensils 45 Rodent Just you drop in on us this very. week and 19 His wife was 13 Lath 30 Pierce with 46 Make a upward several times-keeps forging ahead to interior decor. It's a ride that's level, firm and - Symmes 15'Strong a knife mistake new highs every month to'meet the mounting :'iteady. It's a new sweetness of handling. It's try it. That way yon can eec what a terrific Harrison alkallnes 31 Cylindrical 47 Pastry . demand. ' great power-walloping new V8 power of automohile-and a terrific bu\·-the hottcst­ f(" 21 Babylonian . selling Buick of all t.ime rcally' \\'a~ deity ., . And Buick,sales keep soaring higher and higher record might. is . :t 13 ~ ~ ~ 17 ,8 I~ .K) Smith, whe '~aoll'ard the anrllziglwr-out.srrippillg by/ar rilcp/rcllomcllal But above nil, it's a lIew kind of performance, , ~heltcred sid e lfiH. III Ir? I ~IICC:f'SS q{ l!,st.."ear~llrc slIc('ess Ilrat moi'r>d lJllicli from a new kind of automatic transmis.,ion that tlhllnflow Drive aritomatk Iral1Emi,!ion. is 6tandard,on, mp point In ~3 Seesaws 2~ Plants 113 I 1[If I' , ~ I .. ililo Ihe Top fluIII,s rif CUllwla's IJcst sellers. \1 as born of flight thinking. n;13.Jm3,ter. optional al extra co;1 ou other ::crics. ufacll1re 01 2~ Pewter coin v, . Malaya 11& • 0; II liB .- --- ~7Through WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBIL.ES ARE BUIL.T BUICK WIL.L. BUIL.D THEM :R lIo;;lelry IF! p ~ 2~ l Boundary r ~. 1 (comb.- form ) 1Z3 1tI @ 30 Gaze fixedly I ,33 Rlv~r boat ~ :37 Diatant .7B I (eomb. form ) Thrill the ye~, is 11 0' •. I '38 Signal ot I~ ~l ;L I%~, 3} ~ 35 [3&- 1 dMress 3g ~~; 3il 3't '1 LeamlD' ~1 40 Wile 14i 41 Pll»tn ~ ~~I ~ rWl ~ ~Z Unlced r1 1l31nsect 1/3. 115 ~ , tHlnl . II') ,~ TERRA NOV,A M,QTQRS,' LIMITED t8Grnup of . , 'oldl~rs ,SO . ' 51 to Gtt up tl REAR" NEWFOUNDLAND··.HOTEL'

I. . . I J , ! . ~ t

[ ,: ' 10 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 1',: ' , 'I Summer ( Between Us The Hem·tj 1 , A bout People Separates! " ' Wom~n Chit Chat'Column By RUTH MILLET! TIPS ON now TO ATTAIN HEIGIITS AS GOOD HOSTESS OS BUSINESS Is at present spending a holiday Her home Is far {rom being a Mr. baac Geilee, well known in the city and Is registered at show place, The food she serves businessman from Flower's CO\'e the Brownsdale Hotel. is always.good and there 15 always lrrh'ed In Ihe city on Sunday on To-day's Recipe plenty of It, but It isn't unusual business {or his firm. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY or different. She Is quick to laugh Mr. and IIln, J. IIlcCarthy, I.EI'ION CREMl CAKE when someone' else makes a funny 2 baked g.lnch layers white Crescent are receiving the con· remark, but isn't especially clever, ON HOLIDAY cake herself. She Is nice enough look· Mr. G. Barller of Gander Is gratulations of their friends 2 cups sugar in d but sh(l ISn't any beauty. at preseDt sptDdlDg • holiday on their 20th wedding aD' 6 tablespoons cornstarch And yet when shl! invites you to ID the cli)', and Is registered nlvenary, "hleh they 'Ire 2 cups bol1!ng watcr a party you go with pleasure, you It the Brownedale Hotel. celebrating today. 2 eggs, well benton stay later than you nieant 10, and 1 tn blespoon butter you have a [inc time. WEDDING BELLS .'ROIlI BURIN I" cup lemon juice You probably know at least one The marrlalle of Calherine Mr. G. Bridal of Burin arrived 1 tablespoon shreDdcd lemon hostess that description would fit­ " Ellubeth Kelly of St, John's to In the city on Monday to spend a peel and you may hav~ wondered why " MIl( sugar and cornstarch thor· It is that she gives such successful Lleutcnant Bernard ~!asse or the short bollday. oughly In a saueopan. Grad· parties. , , USA~' took place at the i\larlan uany stir In boiling water. Place Chances nre she simply under· ' Chapel or the Cathedral of St. FRO~I BELL ISLAND pan over low heat., Stir constan· stands what does and wbat docs John the Baptist on Thursday Mr. ind Mr6, ' lIerbert Nor­ tly white mixture thickens like not make a good party. June 18th. The reccption was held man and young son, Boyd are thick gravy. r." ,\\ma S!OUl: Seal'berry She knows' a good party doesn't Set pan of[ heat. Gradually Harr;mic Hoofer was talking wiUI come about becau&;) a house Is in C, J .t Ihe Officers' Mess, Peppcrrell at present In the city and are Air Force Base. The bride ant! leaving today by S.S. Northern pour a little hot mlxturc Into beaten the Widow Spoofer, trying to make immaculate order. the hostess has his voice sound very alarmed over on a new and becoming dress, llroom are .pendlng tbelr boney· Ranger to vIsit frleDlls at La. yolks. Stir vigorously then slowly Sele aDd Paequet. add this to rcst of too hot mixture. the phone. He was yellin: the food' is unusual, and the hos. moon at Macklnaon's. SUr weli. "PleaEe hurry, Widder Spoofer. tess is determined that it is going : 'I Place pan over low heat, stir Sammie's got the stomach ache to be a good party., LEFT FOR PARIS and cook about ~ mlnule. Add, somethin' awful here at our house. Parly Takes On Character ON ROLlDAY Rev. and Mrs. Alan Gibson, II'ho An' I feel kinda' squcezley too. butter, lemon juice and peel. Guess We ate too many green Of Guests Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers af were' married at the Church of Stir and cook slowly less than apples, Better hurry, Widder. What she realizes is what a lot Hamilton" Ont., arrived In St. England Cathedrnl on Monday hai£ a minu~. Cool. Spread over This is SERIOUS." of hostesses fail to see a~t that Bared, billowing and beautiful! John', by T.C.A. on Monda)', June morning leCt here by the express on each cool layer of cake. Poor unsuspecting Widow SpOOl is that a party is no be er or Wear the lovely blouse 'over Ih. Whip cream and sweeten slightly. 20th. The)' arc accompanied by Monday for Gander, lind IcCt there fer didn't even time to change worse than the combination p[ skirt too-for the new long fa!h. Spread over cake, in peaks, and on ta~~ ~lrs. J. McDonald, formerly Ma), yesterday to spend their honey I Sh W t unning to guests invited. j'on look. Skirt is "'our fa"on't. ler apron. e en r Make up a guest list that includes J' Antonoul o[ St. John's, who would moon in Paris. the sides. Sheriff Gillum Hoofer's house. a'gore style-so-o flattering! S mi laughed hard while Ham· some interesting, entertaining peo· Pattern 7149: Miss'!!s' Size 12, H, " like to htnr from any old school Wheth~r you usc a paint brush am e b f h pie and some bores-and the party 16 18 20 T' tt ('hums. They are guests or Mr. and ARRIVED 1I0~IE mie talked. B~t evcn . e are e \\111 sink to th~ levcl of the greatest ' , . Issue pa ern, em· or a roller, paint In strips 18 to, Singer Alice Ghoslley: "It was the most wonderful piece of luck !lIra. S. J. Moore, I) Ha)'ward A\·e. Mr. and IIlrs, Cecil Duff, 24 Inches wide to avoid streaks and I hung up Hammle's conSCience was b broidery transfers. St:lte slzc. They \1;1\ be returning by T.C.A. Falkland Place returned to overlap marks. that my husband Ind I (lnaUy got to work in the same show." gn,awing. , I' d o~~:ke up a guest list of inter- ~en1 TlthV~NTYt·FIVE CENTS In on Monday, June 27th. the clly on Sunday by TCA I Dog.gone, kHam'lnhtoC thcoemcPr:zl'lneest csting people but include individ. ,cams tor IS p:l tern (stamps can· " I let you tal me " not be accepted) to ST. JOllX'S from a holiday in England, CONGRATULATIONS BY BETSY WADE Ithe producers after they'd seen th c, tho I d 't know where's my uals who aren't comforta~le with DAILY NEWS, (Ifousehold 1\'1'11 J.EA VING FOR HALIFAX France lind ]taly. Mr. and IIIrs. John J. Murphy, Two careers In a family, even various parts in various places. il~gS~\\""r o~ just ought to socko each other or don't really like each Dept.) 60 FRONT ST., WE~T, Sgt. and IIln. Ronalt! S. King's Bridge COllrt, are receiv· If U's a family of bright young Being in the same show means ;ou 1n th~ big fat ole jaw next oth~r. and nobody really rela:es. TORONTO, Ol'iT. Print plainly Eldridge, -4 Kenna's 11111, are ATTENDED GRADUATION people can be a touchy matter. that they keep tile sam~ hours and t' e you get one of your ideas. InVIte people to the same p rty N A !II E, 'ADDRESS, PATIER:-I , Ing the congratulations' of their , . leaving today for llaUfax Mrs. Philip Stoodley of Granu friends on the birth of a daughter And'if the careers are both in can eVcn go to the theater to· \~~rr)'jn' your IlIa again." !us~ b:cause you "?WC" the~ ~n NU~InER AND SIZE. 1\'here they \\'111 spend their Bank was In the city on Monday at SI. Clnre's Mercy Hospitill on that erratic business, the theater. gether. "WeIJl" Sammie sniffed In did. invItation and that s what ~0.u II ORDER our 1955 Alice Brooks but In different branches of It the It Isn't always this easy. When ntly '''you wanted me to figg;r get for yOUr time and effort, Just Needl'2craft Catalogue. E nj 0 y hollda)'s with their parents. 10 attend the gradUation of her Thursday, June 16th. situation poses a series of problem Felice first. found h~ir p~esent ~~t a ~vay 10 get your Pappie and so ma~y ?ebls repaid. , pages and pages or exciting new Mrs. Eldridge Is well known daughter Miss Jane Stoodley [rom that wouid stagger tha most ac· apartment In Green~lch Village, my Ma married didn't you? Well, But invite to a party just tho.:c designs - knitting, crochet, em. Inr her "'ork with tllc St. Lhe Grace Hospital School o[ Nurs· BIRTIIDA Y GREETINGS complished sociologist. Allee disappeared WIth the road I figgered it When Ma comes we people you are reasonably sure \1111 broidery, iron .. oos, toyS and novet. John'. Theatre Guild. lng, She is spending a holiday with Birthday greetings are ex· EVen so, astonished cries of " •• company of "New Faces" before got to be In' bed just about dyin'. enjoy each other and they are sure ties! Send 25 cents for your copy relatives at Manuels. tendcll to Miss Bernice Kava. but .• but •.•" and questions she ever got to spend as much as S she'll sec the way the place to enjoy your party, 01 this wonderful book now You'll YISlTING CITY nagh, 194 Gower St., who like' "what about competition" o~e night there. She was gone l~oks and stay to take care of us But wha.t of the. bores lOU ha~ want to order every design in it. Mrs. James Nisbet of Jlrockville, AFTERNOON TEA celebrates ber blrthltay to. "what about temp-~rament?" seem Sl~, months., . and cl~an it up an'-an'-" t~ entertain oec~sl~nally. That 5 :1 ' Ontario, accompanlcd by her IIlrs. A. D. J. Blackler was day. Greetings come from quite apart {rom the comfortable, But whe." we re both In town, "An' then what?" Hammie de· SImple. E,lther inVite them when S E handsome menta· decorated home whatever kind of work we're do· manded you haven t other guests so tJ:at : young daughter .Judlth, arrived In hostess yesterday afternoon at the girls at the office. e,,'- asv shared by Felice Orlandi and his lng, we do eat br-;!ak[ast and sup. Samm'ie said placidly "You got you alone suffer boredom. Or m· .I ' Pretty! the city by TCA on Sunday on a I tea given at her home on " wife Alice Ghost!ey. per together," Alice explains. to trust me Things aiways iurn vile, a number of them at the same " \'islt with her sister and brother· Military Road In honour of the ,1 1I1ARRIED IN MINNESOTA, USA Felice, an actor, and Alice, a "That's only because ~'oun want out all right when I get an idea to time-and let them bore each In·lal\', Mr. and ~Irs. J. McCarth)', gradUating class of the Grace The marriage of Miss Rita singer, who arc both appearing In me to watch your ealones, ribs fix 'em. Don't theyk" other. Glenrldge Cresccnt. Hospital, wbo received their Christopher, daughter of the late a current Broadway shoW, go about Felice. "Wl! baven't been HUNG yet," I diplomas and pins on II10nday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Christopher their marringe and homemaking as "W'~I\ •••" Allee says. Hammie threw himself on the bed. I LEFT YESTERDAY Dlght, The graduates and tbelr • o! St. John's, Nfld., to Garold happily and relaxedly as a couple AlI.ce ext~nds hope to shy bache!; "But there'll come a day," he pre. ,I: Mr. Stewart IIlc;\ll1Ian ~Ian· mothers were special guests " and '"rs ,at their golden anniversary. or gIrls. I proposed to Felice, dieted Beauty Briefs 5c h nco I kl th , son 0 f , .. r. 'u. .. [ h la' "It. A '1" Sh . . 'I " , ager of the Newfoundland at the tea, G S hnl kl til f G d FelIce whips up a few cups 0 5 e elms. \1 as prt. e Wh'n the Widow rushed Into the Branch of Mutual Life As­ eorge ceo 0 ran soup In the kitchen he built. It stops and thinks, dreamily. "He bedro~m the two boys were bent To make your "summer more I I, Jl!eadow, Minnesota, U.S.A., took Is soup with a difference-rather aC,~epte~.ln O~tober." '" dOUble. There moans shook the pleasant, chemists have come up I '>1;:' lociallon, accompanied by the VISITING CITY place on March 20Lh, St. strong. But good. Well! ,Felice says, I d always cottage. She Was 'alarmed. I • at S~e ~ ~I Bcneral managcr, lIlr. lIarry IIIr. and l'tlrs. G. Isaacs of with mosquito rep-allent in stick ! '1' " Francis Roman Catholic Churcb. He tastes It. "Alice, Is this sup· thought I d marry a singer. But fussed over tit~m and' felt their form. Pleasantly scented, pleas· 4 .. ,. ·1 L. Guy and 1I1r. Norman IIlc· Burin are at present spending The Rl. Rev. F. J, Janson offi· posed to have a can ~f water or I didn't thln~ it would ~e you." heads to see If they had fever. ant to use. Leod, left "here yesterday on a holiday In the city. clated. som~thing in 111" If ~e trad~tlona~ desmption of "r do hope there's some castor I::.', a business visit to Grand Falls '\They say so. But really honey, marriages SIS uttmg the tooth· 011 in the house, so I won't have For your purse or dressing table and Corner Brook. ON BUSINESS BRIDAL SIIOWER It's much betler without," Alice brushes in the same cup, the des· to run homa for our bottie." gilt·finished tweezers very small :lfr. James Lawrence of Grand 111155 Beulah Dar was the reo replies. cripUon of this one is that b?th She bustled to the kitchen, and very, efficient. They come in tiny rno~r GLENWOOD Bank Is' at present In the city on clplent of many lovely gifts at Everyone drinks the soup wilh usc the same \

' .. DIAL 5J55 ' Th. 'hard~r,' yo~

NEEDS OUR SANITONE D,RYCLEAN/NG I .. '". .• ' .• , '.1


, , -, J

" THE------DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 11::: 1'11(1 Hew'(Of Juliet Jones By Stanle-.r Dl'ake For'Sun And Fun! Half-Size Style ~------____--. 1', TAKE A GAN~eR AT LUSSAGE-rr 'Dr. Jordan' TAKEll P.EAI.. GENIUS TO 1.0GB YOU SItUS I~ A PEPARTIAI:NT 7}V\T NEVeR. /Mt>E Nt( ,...,..,.."Tf-f-I-l TO!iPEAK'OFI ~ays By EDWIN P.JORDAN, M.D. CAN , , ' 'INl"ECTION BY PINWORMS IS " WORLDWIDE PROBLE~l . ,--' WIN One estimate has ,~n made to the effect that some.' 18 million" persons in the United States, and ,Canada and about 208 million in ANY OF THE the entire world' harbor, th'zPesky Pinworin , or ,seatworm in ,their 'MANY intestines. 'WHatever the' fi"gurcs many correspondents"have written moe that' their endeavors to push this pest out oC ll1eir famles·' al· CASH most entirely drives them' to dis· traction. ' Pinworms are more common In children than grownups, e'specially CAMERA among those In large families or those living 'In-institution's: ll)fec­ tion is' comparativ'2ly rare, in hm· iles nwhlchseparlite': bedrooms PRIZES, are used. " ,,' " , " THIS 'IS BECAUSE tiie worms get ,on the bCd: liJlen,'..'pajamas, , TOTALLING and other clothes and arc picked up,by.others who come In contact A ", with such' objects. When children live in an, institution or dormitory • or' .whe'n several use the same bedroom, tb.i spreading o! the ""\ 4,000 ,I'orms from one persoll, to another __...... t Is hard to avoid. ' .: .. The eggs from pinworms are 4865 14~-2'1Yz usually laid on the skin. and mucous JOIN THE PHOTO membrane near the au tlet of the I bowl. This causes severe itching. t,./k.~ -!/Jfwtt$ FUN., NOW I Brightcn your summer, sew In fact; theltchin'g 'can be so Want to look taller, smat!er, slim' theSe gay fashions - so wonder· bad that it produccs nervousness, mer? Sew this attractive casual-i ful for sun and fun! Carefree T· sleepness ,and even convulsions. ,see how it flatters the half,siz'~ fig.' shirt with cool convertible neckline, this causes severe itching. In fact ure! Favorite step-in style-no: slim.trim 'shorts, pedal pushing th-~ itching can be so bad that "overhead" muss or' fuss. Simple I ..-:::::~ too! Perfect. styles for denim, it produces nervousness" slecpness lines crisp dctailing easy 10 s~w i sailcloth, poplin fabrics - in bold and el'en convulsiops.,'·The exact Porportioned for perfect fit. No - diagnosis must be made by taking alteration problems. i - patterns, solt pastels! swabs from the, place wher~ the ' Pattern 4865: Half Size W~, 16'!. I DON'T DELAY Pattern 4532: Missic3' SilCS 10, worms arc liikcly to be and cxam· 18~l, 20\1" 22H" 2m,. Sizc 16% I 12, 14, 16, 18. Sil,e 16 shirt, 21-2 ing the material' under the micro· tnkes 4 yards of 35·inch fabric. '1 " ENTER !/ "

ular. ';1'j:: I" ENTITLES il: ' Slim 5 h cat h s and shirtwaist ;, ,I dres&~s are' rival styles for sum· I YOU TO AN ',I' mer in the city for dayti~e wear. I' i" Features which distinguish this ENTRY FORM 'licason's sheath from those of reo 'cent years are highcr mckllnes; the long torso look and perhaps a white accent at the ncckline. • Enquire at TOOTON'S ,': Some which actually are not cut with enlongated waistliil'2s indicate FOOT' NOTES now tor infcrmation about this eUect by low.placed pockets or LIGHTER! Yes our Men's Summer this great Photo event. TOOTON'S Invites all • J Shoes are lighter, and cooler too. J Styled with nylon mesh a!)d perforat­ Amateur Photographers ,ed, vamps, these smart 10 participate. footnotes' provide full .•. Wonderful Prizes in foof-ease. ' each divsiion (under 18 years and 16 ycars and over).

i'hc Welcome Wagon Hostess ,TAN ONLY Will Knock on Your D~'or WHY DDfS A PERSON UKE with Gifts & Greetings GHam'GOAROUND PIC)(JNG from Friendly Busines. FIGH1S?,\'IHY DOESN'T )l!l. ·7.50 TRY..:J!). .. 6E"./-JICE?. Neighborl and Your SO, .. SLEfPY." Civic and Socia) Welfare Leader.' ' On th, occastlJlc ./1

Changa ..)i residunc. • I . • Arrival. of NowGometll tit < ' Citr ":faJtkeIL ' MRS; ,CATHERINE FOSTER .Supervising HO$t,,:"'s " '- -~ .-'.

. '.:~ ,

T' w. ______~~""""""_ __ .. ,:' •.• . M -,,"')1"61 .. == r C'e- r .


girl grimace, "That's the first I added bravely "And he's not fixed it up over. the phone that had since a doughnut this morn· In any trouble at all. You know I was to come, and the way he Ii', Death Has Three Lives lng, I never was so hungry . in how cops are, A person's a talked I though he had a friend all my life, I just thought Jl 1 stranger In town,' he doesn't lived there. Neither of us have by BRE.TT HAL IDA Y could walt unlll tonight Bnd want to get mixed up in a mur· ·ever been in Miami before and . The Theatre , Page TUE STORY: Prh;atc De· front of her with lwo open beef meet my husband like· he prom· der, If h~' was himging around Ihe didn't know where else to tecth'e IIl1chael Shayne is In sandwiches smothered In steam· Ised, that eVerything would be waitIng for me, woud they be· say. I guess I'll just have to go trouble bcrause he unwittingly ing gravy, She grasped her fork all right, He's got plenty moncy," lIeve him?" Her lips curled de· back and hang around outside Comment. On Current Movies aided Jack Bristow, wante(\ and wolfed Into the food, wash· she weill on proudly, "He'll pay rlslvely, "They'd drag him right untll he shows." ror muriler, ucape arrest. Ing It down with long. gulps 01 you back, I promise you that." olf to the hoosegow and work • • • ,( GOIDg to 'be scene. of Ihe milk, . "Is Jack in some trouble with him over with rubber hoses and ., SHAYNE shook his head. I crime, he metls a young woo He ordered her a second glass the pollee?" like that." "That won't be good, There'll be CORNWALL PARAMOllNT .::.1 miD whose aclions lend him of milk, and she emptied that Shoyne couldn't tell whether Shayne said, "I'vc heard about police staked out all around . CAPITOL to luspect the IlIlIln!:, or per· and scraped her plate clean be· her Involuntilry start was from things like that, and I think it's there tonight." -_.. ------lIap5 about Bristow. fore another word was spoken surprise or fear. "What do you a lousy deal. The thing Is nOlv "1 don't know what sic I can To-morro'LV . .NOlv Playing Now Playing • • • between them, She sIghed deep· mean ••• Jack?" , •• what arc you going to do do," she said forlornly, tears , , "Did n't you say that WBS your about meeting your husband? creeping from her eyes again. "111 Iy and rcsled both elbows on the Sure you don't know any other "Why did it have to happen to. "SIERRA" WITH " A MAN CALLED PETER" "ON THE WATE;RFRONT" I THE watcr sct a. ,llatter in table and confessed with a Ilttle· husband's name?" "I didn't sa)'," she told him with place you might' contact him?" night? What'll he do when he AUDIE MURPHY WITH RICHARD TODD, WITH MARLON BRANDO, She shook her head can't find me?" JEAN PETERS, I LEE J. COBB. dignity, "Anyhowl It Isn't Jack, decldedl~·. 1 It's • , • Pete, Peter Smith," ~he "1 just had .that one address, We "Under the circumstances, l' "~ierra," th.e Universal·Inter·, "/I Man Called Peter" Twen. I EARL MALDEN .1 should think he'd wait until to· nallonal Techmcolor film which·. . ,. ': -- morrow morning when it won't opens tomorrow at the Cornwall! hcth Century·Fox s CmcmaScopc: l\Iark this down as a ~emark· The look suspicious to be seen hang. Theatre . f II (th . production of Catherine Marshalls. ahc picture I)ne oC the most ,IS U 0 ose mgred··I . rib k h· h . I ' lng around there ... and expect ients that bring the Whole family IIlsp~ra lona 00 w IC IS now powerfully affecting in a lonl you to dn the same. Things will into the theatre for an exciting playmg at the Paramount Thea· time. Budd Schul berg has pro· look belter in the morning after show. Homanee, action and colour lIre, Is a .tonlr. for your heart and I'ided a well wrought screenplay YOU'I'C had II good night's sleep." with II background of wild horscs soul. ThIS gn~a~ hurna? story sent i t~Iat explodes like.a string 01 "But I'm broke like I lold you. arltl up to a brilliant outdoor film i!he openlug d.y audIences. soar· Ctreerackers and Elta Kazan ha. T'O-MORROW * 1 don't know where •.." Ihat earn.~ Audie Murphy a per. IIng a stage of cetnsy: Here IS cn· given It dynamic dircction, 1.. 1ok. , . ------.-- Shayne said easil)" "I'll stake manent piace among the roster of I~~:ain~cnt on the IlIghest plane. ed to thcse lactors are stron~ '.ou to a room for the ni"h!." strong sil nt tillS pIcture cannot be judged by star quality performances bv , b • e s ars. ord· I d d b It . TOWERING ABOVE ALL OTHERS , TO·MORROW "I couldn't ... not after all Running neck and nrck "'lIh • Inary s an .ar s ecause 1I1arlon Brando, Lee J. Cobb and . . this." She gestured toward the Audie for acting honours Is Wanda c1"P~ alll1um?lIIty to its he.arl. Karl Malden. It goes without in its excitment , , • its advenfure emply platter and glasses, Hendrix who plays a lady lawyer Eleryone \\110 sees It .wIll ~e saying tllat this It a type of pic· THE MOST "I couldn't oC the early we,!. Inept as a novice I a better person ..for hnvlllg WIt· ture that will stir the comment "Don't be silly." He macle his counsellor.at.law Wanda makes up I~ess~d this star, of a Sco.ttlsh and conversation Which in tlU"n ; l and spectacular beauty I NOTORIOUS voice sound fatherly and quite lor it with a determination to Imnugrant ~oy, whose COl:sclc~ce I will whet tickely buying Impubes. Indulgent. "You can repay me help and a love for her man that w~uld permIt no comproml~e WIth Since this Is superior, intcl1l· OUTLAWS OF after you 'I·e found your Pete. makes {or poignant scenes be. prmclple~, who fought Ius way gcnt entertainment, It also setl No strings attached," he went on lween these two youngsters, It is ~pward mto the love and affec· a higher standall'd by which it ALL TIME, .. briskly, glancing at the check a perfect vehicle for Audie to! hon of the America he adopted, must be judged, Thus one mu!t SIERRA and laying bills atop it. "If my display the tenderness that In. Iwho become famous, but remain· point out at the risk oC carping, wife were wandring around a el'itably ShOll'S through a rough Icd humble, and who left the that although Kazan lias gotten strange city, I'd hopc some man mountain exterior, :vorl~ a b~tter pia.cc for his hal'· many Imaglnallve touches In thl : . I Starring AUDIE MURPHY. WANDA HENDRIX would do the same for her." The story centers around Audie I mg hve~ In l th.e "lneyard of hu· film, there are times when pro- t She looked at him with shin. and his father, played with admir.,· man ?phft.• t IS t~e .story too, of dUction with these effecb de­ BURL IVES • DEAN JAGGER Ing eres. "I do helleve you able ~trength and restrain( hy the gIrl who love·: hIm and .shar. tract from the stOO"Y develop. mean it." IDean Jagger, 1949 "Oscar" win.l cd. an emotional life that WIll in· ment. And as ror Brando, 85 an He got up Rnd took her arm ner for his supporting role in spIre eevryolle to ,learn how ex·prlze fightcr embroiled i:t I .. firmly to lead her out to his car. "Twelve O'Clock High", who h3slreal.lY deep great can be. longshore union goon ~ Also-UP·TO·THE-MINUTE NEWS lo~e ~quad He got in ami suggested "With. hidden out for 15 years in the hnlchar.d Totld, as Peter I\lar· which terrorizes the waterfront, • ., t· b I I 1 ·I s all, brings a man oC great char. h· f ( out any luggage R tourist COllrt moun alns ecame Ie las Iccn .. IS per ormances range rom un· .' If· 1 I· I t actcr and heart to lIfc. HIS por· Cor"gett bl . k·Jlf I t TIMES OF SHOWSI IS your hcsl bel tn a\'oid emhar. accuse( 0 a crtme Ie (I( no: car. m 5 I U ness 0 self rassmenf." commit. Audie's only friend be.lrlaya.1 1,5. a tdo a n,lan, conscious posturing and affcct. E\'[sr!'\(; SHOWS: 7,15 O'CLOCK-D.lfi ~ol\Utnilent .ill\ !ICIlARO SDONt. LLOYD BRIDGES I "Whatel'cr ).Oll sa)'." S h c fore Wanda comes along is Burl: \~. 10 In liS m~0I5 r. cs an as e lap· ion, At any e\'Cnt it I, a perror· 1I1A TlNEE 2 P,~l. 'to

come over to the offIce and reg· "City of Bad Men", an unusual I' hon. atmosphere is like on the better tI . Isler," "first" In Technicolor westerns "A l\Ian Called Peter" Is the I· ro d [th l! 5m Shayne left his car in front with the clashing action of out: story of faith nnd Twenleth Cen· Itadlan Pd uCd onls, wtl g rI~a 15 a d • Ik d b k • I tury F x h gl . It II an s h a ows om na n • 3 n \\,~.[e adc to sIgn lIe ~eg. laws revolving around the world's I . 0 d at~ • ~enkl a.trne cu· fascinating role that Schulberg 1s t er, ~ r. an Mrs. Peter SmIth, championship heavy·weight clash ous pro \lC 10.1, rna ng I an un· h t d f' B d H i 3 " d forg"ttabl exp r' I th th as crea e r!J ran o. e! Homs Iea, d FIa., an to write bctween Bob Filzsimmons and ~ e. e lence n e ea· raan hungering for dignity of !oul down the make and license num· "Gentleman Jim" Corbett opens tre. There can be nothing but I th I I d t h rf ·d ' praise for this g at p. tu even n e po u e a mosp e ber .0f bl scar. He pal $7 and Tomorrow at the Star Theatre, re IC reo that surrounds him. And before Of a r~eelved ~ key and the Informn· Jeanne Crain and D~le Robertson cating the locale was ··ii;;;-··Tech. his resurection he goes through hon that If they stayed past noon eo.star in the twentieth Century· nicolor photography. the sordidness of a fixed fight t>-ct>-OE~'f ON IHIII &II W.II.PRO.'. IWII •__ the next day tbc)' would be charg· Fox drama set in Carson City "City of Bad Men" marks and silence In the 'face of odious ,..'IN />.ROS .,,_ UllIUlBEK 'La 1 CIII ...... m. ' ed for another night. during the gold fever days at the lovely Jeanne Crain's first ap- Incideni. H'a. (To He Continued) lurn of the century.. I pearance in a weslern, To ccle- This Elia Kazan production ... _~llYA IUIIf S.IDIr· _., IflillPUIl In CINEMASc:opE '-""., .... UllUIIt ' """., UllAllllllllia • _.,0l1l.I IIIn'oI Dale l!oberlson, RIchard Boone Ibrate the event, the star has dyed merit~ a final work about the flnt and Don Haggerly portray the. hcr trc,'ses "spitfire red" whith subsidll1l1'y performances by Rod RICHARD TODD· JEAN ~~TERS !Floyd Patterson Icallers of three gangs of dcsper.j fils in with her character part- Steiger, Pat Henning and Lei! Also-UP-TO·THE·MINUTE NEWS a(.loes who ar" drawn to Carson! that of a tempestuous and fiery Erickson, Sam Speigel produced. iTo Figbt Durene CIty I~)' th~ lure of ~he moncy that " personality. 1IIiss Crain el'en ad. TIMES OF SHOWS, A/sc-UP·TO·THE·MINUTE NEWS the rich Eastcl'U fIght fans arc ministers her fir.ot screen slap in i •.•. -- TH EVENING SIIOws: 7 O'CLOCK - 9,00 NEWCASTLE, N.B. ~CP )~Floyd bringing into the town. In further· "Citv of Bad lIIen" after a stormy IB b SpI·rl·ts HI· IT}l El'ENING SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK _ 9,00 Patterson, Brooklyn Itght hea\·y· Dnce of a plan to make an ·enor· f ci '"lI D I R' b tOO .. (;. MATINEE 2 1'.111. weight is expect~d herc by plane . . eu \\I I a e 0 er 5011. . l- 1IlATINEE 2 P,;\!, t tI '\"·d d- f h· Th mOils rohbery, the), even lom to. John Dnv good·lookin d "oun" I F· 11' dayQ ay night or "ebout nes inay Sinclairor IS Arenaurs· gcther an d .alowI Ilemset I:es . to he I aclor who ..played the "champion '" nInaI armu P ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS· ENGAGEMENT: ADMISSION PRICES FOR ",HIS ENGAGEMENT: against Canadian light heav~·. made dcpuhes by t~le sherIf[ of lite i with Kirk Douglas in "The· R· N J r flPI- EV£NING-ADULTS ...... 750 CHILDREN ...... 35c EVENING-ADULTS ...... 75c CIIILDREN ...... 35c weight champion Yvon Durelle of lown. Jeanne Cram Is seen as Champion" was assigned the I ~SBURy PA K, .. 'B . 01 MATINEES-ADULTS ...... 50c CHILDREN ...... 25c Baie Ste Anne . l!obertson's liery sweetheart, who, role of ':Gentleman Jim" Cor. I 1II1ddlcWCIg ht chamI Phl?n f• °lbo or~· MATINEES-ADULTS .. ,... , .. ,.50c CIIlLDREN ...... 25c . . '. hIt h' I 1 son s teppe d th roug I IS ma w . The bout IS scheduled for 10 though s e las. no ~een 1m or belt, and Gil Perkins, \'etcran film ; out Monday before his light·heavy· Irounds and promo~~~ pode Daley several years, ftnds that her lo\'c i stunt man, that of Bob Fitzsim· i weight title b 0 u t Wcdnc.LOR-ClNEMASCOPE, c osc y as s 5. qll~nces In t Ie fIlm which was and will lea"e here Wednesd~r in has about 170 dally and the championship bout I:. wnUen by George W. George ana time (or the noon welgb·ln In New newspapers. self, Of great value In rcdupb· George F. Slavin. York, ~~~~======------~--- .------_.------Pl. . ,I ~:. r . I ,;. '. l. ,. • '.', ,'. - \ <.1 "', • ':t l~' • I , 4 ..... ~ \ NOW ON SALE by TWIN


,;\ ) " I ',' ':' I ,\, , ,t ; -. I' '. r:.' .•• ,~-.'.~,.,."' ,j" .~.,. ~ .1:' '. . ~ ; .. ,.' .... '.' .. 1 . '.' .. V .

• THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 " "'-, - Jacoby On Bridge

SMART PI. AYER First name in Wireless . DISCARDS ACE NORTII ..., ~3 YQJ5 .763 Greatest name in Radi-o '" J 109 G4 ~ WEST EAI3T .K65 .A914~ YK91642 . • ,T11i 9'8 "'8.542 or. None of, 1: C15 and now SOUTII (0, • QJ 10 G YAIC~ .AKQ "'AQ3 North-South vu\. TIle last word in Television South Wut North EIII ~ N,T. Pass 3 n.T. • PaIS Pass Pn!5 Op~nlnillcad-. J , ': i . '",':. :, .. J II .; nY OSWAI,n JACOBY , : :i· '1' t TilE opening bid o( tll'O no· .j ,..- trump ill lod~l"5 hand was a 'r,· ~ MARCONI '''book'' hid, showing a count o( '22 to 24 points, balanced distri, ! bullon, and a stopper In each of i, ,j: i Ihe four suits. North Is expected I,' 'to go on If he call sec a combined Ii ; 1t ,! i COUllt of.26 points. In this case ii',: ~ North hnd a count or 4 poinls all'\ : knew Ihat Soulh had at le~st 22, i: . ! so Ihat the dccision to bid game i: . • I wBsqulte reasonable. 1 " ~ . I 1 West opened the jack ofdia· ;i'l mOlltls, and South won the first " ,. . trick with the queen. South con, tinued with Ihe queen of clubs, : l expecting nothing very remark· able 10 happen in Ihe hand. The I aclunl result \\'as a surprise 10 ,! , everybody. West discarded a low heart 011 tile Ilrst club, and East played : f low. South contillued with the . "',' 'ace o[ clubs and then with a low 'club to dummy's jack, and Eas! I still refused the trick. West dis· : carded two more he~rt5. Now declarer led a fourth club [rom the dumm)', and Easl took !he I:ing at last. What was South 10 discard? : South couldn't discard 8 low : hcart, or hc'd never get to dum. i my for thc rest of the clubs. He couldn't afford to throw n win· i ning diamond, since then East I would rcturn a di~mond to force out the nee 01 diamonU'" In extended up to November ht, 1955.

The Great Eastern Oil Company; Limited

. HErwes AR.E MADe - NoT aORIJ ., - .•.. _'40_"_''4" _--'---- "

I 14 THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 OLD EXPLORER ,Schedule of Events l Th~ name "New England" for TOURIST' HOME Newtoundland the northeast U. S. territory was coined by Capt." John Smith, who OF Services explored the const.\n 1614. Steel ' Is used at some point In CONNECTION SOUTH COAST the winning and manufacture of "flr:1rs. Henri .Lefevre SERVICE-TODAY all other metals.. ST. PIERRE " Cathedral Centenalsy Resul3r 9.1111 a.m. train to Ar· Whln you iulllr Irom paIn 01 lentia today, Wedncsday,. will Zoologists arc' agreed that Neuralgia, Headache or M,:" • BOARDING HOUSE make conncctlon with 5.5. Bar there Is, only one species .of lion Mustular aches you want '}';i I' , HRI'cn for tht! South Coast Ser· existing at the present time, • RESTAURANT relief and you wanttt fast 1·(1 Ceiebrations l , ,·ice. ••• That's Aspirin t Atablet , whether found in Alrica or As,la. jc21,11T) starts disintegrating almost the in· 5.5. GLENCOE SAILING stant you take It'-slart! to relieve NOON TOMORROW. that pain almost instanlly I 5.5. Glencoe. operating on 51. John's.Lewlsporte Service. will sail from Ihe Doc:. Coastal Wharf -----­ FOR SALE tomorrow. Thursday. RIM FRIDAY, JUNE 24th S.S. KYLE SAILING 5.00 P.M. LAND on the old Bay Bulls Road, about one mile from TOMORROW 2:45 p.m.-Arrival of His Eminence Jam~s Cardinal :FURNESS, ." Waterford Bridge, with private road at side. Size of : . 5.5. Kyle. opcrntlnll on the Certified McGuigen, Archbishop of Toronlo. Labrador Service. 11'111 snll [rom land 190 feet frontage on the Main Rood, over 400 Welsh's Crossing, Topsail Road. je22,23 the Dock Constal Wharf 5.011 p.m. ! ! ! feet in depth. Will consider selling building 'lots on tomorrow. Thu~fdDY. for regular, Used Car Values Bargains Cars TRADE S.UPPLY BY )lOrts to Goose Bay. this land., For further particulars apply 3:00 p.m.-Motorcade to the Palace, St. John's. n . Length of Route 9.9 miles. c~~~~~~~o~g~~~:~:Y 1951 STUOEBAKER SEDAN' If its a ,.Bargain you're in- BROW~E; RENOUF and MERCER, Solicitors 4:00 p.m.-Liturgical Reception for His Eminence th. Train lea\'lng St. John's 8,45 L3nd Cruiser, Radio, terested .In call at MUNN Renouf Building, St. John's Dial 7115-6 GERALD s. D&1~ Cardinal, Cathedral of St. John th, p.m. tomorrow. Thursday. will !Ieote!' and Defroster $1,300.00 MOTORS and ,see:- ' je22,25 make connection at LewlsDorlc -0-, Baptist. .' with :\('V. Codl'oy for the Green 1953 LAND ROVER To Day's Spec·lal B:lV Sen·ice. 4 Wheel Drive, Low - 10:00 p.m.-Fireworks Display! Signal Hill. FREIGHT LABRADOR SERVICE I ~l1lage, Healer ...... $1,450.00 ' Freight for regular ports Lab· - -0- (Good for to-day only) radar Sen'ice per 5.5. Kyle. \1950 HILLMAN SEDAN SATURDAY, JUNE 25th acc~pt~d Dork .Con5tnl Shed 10· Heatcr and Defroster, 1953 VAUXHAll $850.00 Cathedral Centenary Cle da~. "cdnesda~. 9.00 a.m. to 5.00, fully reconditioned .... $675.00 10:30 a.m.-Motor T.our for visiting Clergy from the p.m. -0- With· Guarantee Meinlond. Witless Bay and Bay Bulls. FREIGHT SOUTH COAST 1953 SEDAN PREVIOUSLY SELLING FOR Some SERVICE DELIVERY . 1:00 p.m.-Luncheon for' Clergy on above Tour, for right ln order fa\' freight 10 connect $1100.00 "Pageant with ncxt trip 5.5. Baccalleu on Heater, Defroster, Witless Bay and Bay Bulls. hospital thc South Coa5t Service, freight Radio ••• $1'27S.00 • must be at the Railway Freight =~=.... Munn Mot.ors Ltd. 7:30 p.m.-Private Drives, as required. applicants .) Shcd by Xoon tomorrow Thurs" and. Musicale ~ .. . . . ~ .. day. 1953 HILLMAN SEDAN,' BENNETT AVE. NOTE-Arrangements have been made for country FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S.CORNER Heater and Defroster : je21,tf drives during the day for visiting and New. BROOK SERVICE Low Mileage' ... , ... $1,050.00 '-~------­ foundland Clergy. Particulars will be supplia.£ f\'eighl (or regular porls 51. '-:-0- ' June ·28, 30, July 1st .1ohn·s.Corncr Brook Service for by Information Bureau at the PalaCIo forwarding via Corne\' Brook and 1951 STUDEBAKER S.S. Northern Ranger. accepted , V2 TON PICKUP Tickets at Hutton's: $2.00-$1.50-$1.00 nailway F':clght Shcd today. Wed· 'Fully Reconditioned .. $825.00 Maj nCfday. 9.00 n.m. to 5.00 p.m. and ALL SEATS RESERVED SUNDAY, JUNE 26th je22,23 ~~~~.day, June 25, 9.00 n.m. to Adelaide Motors ltd je20,31 (No General Admission) 10:30 a.m.-Pontifical Mass. Celebront-His Eminence Jamel.Cardinel McGuigan, Archbishop 'PHOIII'E5 3015 13 dnls) New Gov'fr at Adelaide of Toronto. Sermon by Most Reverend J. SELLING AGENT G. Berry, D.O., Archbishop of Halifax, DIAL 784C OR 4813 N.S. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. jeB,10,13 1:30 p.m.-Clergy Luncheon, Newfoundland Hotel. 4:00 p.m. -5:30 p.m, - Public Reception by His Eminence Cardinel McGuigan, the Arch. bishop of St. John's and Visiting . Dignitaries. Com pus of St. Bonaventure's 1955 College. jne22,25,27 YOUR NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICE FORGET -ME-N:OT 7:30 p.m.-Pontifical Vespers, followed by Pontificai HERE I~ Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacro­ ST. JOHN'S APPEAL ment. Most Reverend A. B. Leverman, I, D.O., Bishop of Saint John, N.B., will of­ I Will be BROADCAST THROUGH C.B.N. ficiate. Cathedral of St. John Ihe Baptist. is at 123 Water st. THURSDAY, JUNE 29th 'PHONE 8·0366 9.30 p.m. - 10 p.m. MONDAY, JUNE 21th WITH EXP Addresses by: 9:30 a.m.-Students' Mass. Cel<;lbrant-Most Reverer.d Francis P. Carroll, D.O., Bishop of Cal­ 1954 METEOR ...... 2100.00 HIS HONOUR THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. je18,20,21,22,23,25,27 ,28.29.30 gery, Alta., who will address the studenh: 1953 BUICK ...... 1900.00 MRS. W. G. WARREN, President, Ladies Auxiliary. 1954 STUDE ...... 1800.00 Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. 1953 METEOR ...... 1800.00 MR. FRANK TEMPLEMAN, President, Provincial 1953 FORD ...... 1550.00 11:00 a.m.-March Past by Students on Campus of Qual' 1953 METEOR ...... 1600.00 Command, Canadian Legion. Memorial University of 1950 VANGUARD ...... 700.00 St. Bonaventure's College. Proces~bn . With 1950 FORD ...... 650.00 will be reviewed by His Eminence the 19S2 MERCURY ...... 1400.00 1953 CONSUL ...... 1100.00 ANNOUNCEMENT Cardinal, the Archbishop of St. John's ·Newfoundland 1953 METEOR •.••..•.•. 1500.00 1951 ...... 1200.00 o nd Visiting ,Dignitaries. 1953 DODGE ...... 2000.00 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, CANADA 1952 PONTIAC ...... 1400.00 MISS SHIELA O'REGAN 4:00 p.m.-Reception by His Honour the Lieutenant 1952 PLYMOUTH ...... 1l00.00 liTHE MAPLES" visiting, and local Clergy. Government 1951 FORD ...... 950.00 1952 STUDE ...... 1050.00 Corner Hamilton Avenue and patrick St. House. 1950 VANGUARD ...... 700.00 Newfou 1953 PONTIAC ...... 1450.00 ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF' HER NEW 8:00 p.m.-Opening of Pageant, depicting evenls in Canadian College 1951' METEOR •.••...• 1100.00., the hist: ... of the Cathedral of St. John Scholarship Plan Munn Motors Ltd. BEAUTY SALON the Baptist. St. Patrick'\ Hall Auditorium. THURSDAY JUNE 23rd • TUESDAY, JUNE 28th The Memorial University has pleasure in' onnouncing 11:00 a.m.-Civic Reception for Church Dignitaries th"at it has been included in the General Moton OPEN MONDAY ,FOR AN and visiting and local Clergy. Bowring Canodian College Scholarship Plan. ' THROUGH SATURDAY APPOINJMENT Park. The Uni'/ersity has been allocated one scholar­ 3:30 p.m,-Visit to St. Clare's Mercy Hospital, for ship each year under this plan to award to students and DIAL visiting Dignitaries and Mainland Clergy. who are outstanding in scbolastic achievement and in TUESDAY and Motor Drives 'as required for Newfound· qualities of leadership and who need assistance to THURSDAY , land Clergy. Nearby.Settlements. enter University. No restriction is placed upon the 6316 . EVENINGS' ALL THIS 7:30 p.m.-Buffet Supper, Murray's Pond (All Clergy course of study to be followed. The awards will range je22,23 from $200 to $2000 per year according to the de­ invited). , , monstrated need of the selected candidates. The WEE·K AT' .' awards will be renewed annually for four years, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29th provided that high scholastic standards are maintained Visit to Bell Island, arranged for His Eminence the ',' PUBLIC NOTICE" The Registrar will furnish application forms for HICKMAN Cardinal, the Archbish~ps and Bishops. this scholarship on request. , 10:00 a.m.-His Eminence and Party leave the Palac •• BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF UTILITIES je22,25,29 ~UBLfC MOTORS Ltl 12: 15 p.m.-Luncheon at St. Michael's Presbytery. IN THE MATTER OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES ACT, 2:30 p.m.-Return to St. John's. IN STOCK AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, 10,30 a.m.-Visits to places of historical importance or +QUICK , AND 1952 DODGE Seda'n .. 475. , particular interest. For members of Clergy STENCIL PAPER, 24 X 36 and 5 x 16 CLEAN", as desired.. St. John's and nearby IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF NEW· 1953 CHEV Sedan ...... 1325. Settlements. STENCIL INK, Gallons and Quarts WASHE~ FOUNDLAND LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, " 1953 CHEV Sedan ...... 1095. BRASSO BRASS POLISH . LIMITED, FOR ADJUSTMENT OF; DOM~STIC' RATE. 3:00 p,m.-Private Drives for sightseeing as required. , " ONLY $2 PIlI Nearby Settlements. SILVO SILVER POLISH .".r_1I" WUIC, 1952 PONTIAC Sedan .. 875. RECKITT'S WASHING BLUE tIown P"1mtllt 1953 FORD Sedan ...... 1025. 7:00 p.m.-Centennial Parade to Ball Park, Carpas· SILVER GLOSS STARCH, 40·1's ian Road, through St. John's. Senior 1954 DODGE Sedan .. 1875. School Children, Cadet Units, Youth Or-' L1NIT STARCH, 48·8 oz. ,eA,tlv.t., Waahlng A,tlon e Pln, ..tlp Controla e Adlua'· 1952 FORD Sedan ..... :1175. ganizations and Catholic Societies. Re­ MAZOLA COOKING OIL, Gallons, .ble W,lng., e Fln-ye., w... nty on W.ahw Moch;'n". view in front of Cathedral. Pints, Quarts 1953 FORD Sedan ...... 1250. And 'ms, lots more­ 8:00 p.m.-Solemn Pontifical Mass. His Eminence the "TXT 'A BENSON'S CORNFLOUR, 40·1's You'll have to come 1950 'STUDE. Sedan.. 725. Cardinal presiding. Celebranh Most .. ~~ .y.." ./1. " ,in and KAIO CORN SYRUP, 24 x 2's' SEE' . 1948 OLDS. Hydramatic .975 Revered P. J. Skinner, C.J.M., D.O., Arch· , " bishop of St. John's. Ball Park, Carpasian Road. At' E.. HICKMAN , All ;persons interested 'take notice arid govern co., trD. The Pageant, which opens on Monday evening, themselves accordingly; . ' ' ' THE HU]{MAN June 27th, will be repeated on the evenings of Tues' , I WATER ,ST.' 'PHONE 4131 . Doted at St. John's this 10th day of June, 1955. day, the 28th; Thursday, the 30:h, and Friday, July 15,1 , . BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' OF PUBliC UTILITIES .. MOTORS LTD. 'Great TopsaillWad ,'phonp. 5715L (CUT OUT FOR REFERENCE) , '" je21,22 , Dial 2444 , JEAN SEYMOUR, ACting Clerk Water Strcet....'Phone 5047 P.O. Box 785 ~gen's je13,22 \ , \I Je22,Z3 I -----_-.-__ .. ,.:-'...... _--


, .. Lost' JVANTED LOST-Gruen Wrist Watch Cathedral· .Centenary from South Side, Road West BINGO AND FAIR to .Waterford Bridge Road. (Under' auspice! Parish ot Cape Broyle) CASHIER Finder· please can 3050 or TO-NIGHT :l306·A. K. OF C. AUDITORIUM Not under 30 years of age. Celebtations A PRIVATE . ' . Wanted· DINNER PARTY. .) Apply by letter: to Final Night, at 8.30 o'clock WANTED-Three room furnished .,.rdinal ApBll'tment for wlfc and onc' child CLUB CLOSED BINGO, 30 GAMES. USUAL GOOD PRIZES FURNESS, WITHY & CO. Ltd. 19 months old. Please call S/Sgt, A.' :Motorcade-June 24th ronta, Wcndlln Glatt, P.A.F,B, a9, .Ex TO·N/GHT'S SPECIAl. ir22.~ . P.O. BOX 2180 . 4101, or 62223. je21,22 CAN ACCOMMODATE- One COMMITTEE- GAME No. 30 .... :...... WORTH $100.00 ohn's. e=c:::;::======gcntlcman boarder In privote home i£ willing to shotl'e same -(Tel) DOOR ADMISSION: FIVE CENTS . room. Apply 255 Hamilton . Not later thari 2:30 p.m., that is fifleen minutes . Avenue or Dial- 3567·L~ • ',e the WANTED . .' . .., before the arrival of the special train carrying His , th. Eminence Cardinal McGuigan and several Archbishops Teachers Wanted AiN MEETING ,... and Bishops, all committee cars should be parked on IMPORTANT ;", the South side of Topsail Road immediately west of I·' ' Female WANTED teacher (female pre. OF ALL EX·PUPILS OF THE ferred) to teach gradcs 5 and Walsh's Crossing. 1 6' also Utility teacher malc, 11' , for Unltcd Church School, Members are requesled to I1(; Bell Island. Applications to These cars will show on the windshield a cord II : Clerk-Typi!it be sent to the Chairman of marked COMMITTEE, which owners may obtain from assemble at 55 Patrick St. at .College of Our Lady of Mercy Ii . the U,C. School Board, Bell 11.15 CI.m. this Wednesday ,, the chairmen of their sub-committees, and should be I.. Island. jn22,25.27 morning for the purpose of Will take place TO-NIGHT at 7.30 in the College Some experience preferred. Excellent po.sition decorated with. ribbon of the papal· colors. ...i ., WANTED for Mlller!awn Amal. r o ' attending the funeral of our Auditorium. The purpose of this meeting is to finalize l lour. for right applicant. 5 day weekraccident and gamated SchDol: Intermcdlate II f'" Room-:-Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, COMMITTEE cars should have on board Com­ late brother, Patrick F. Burke. plans in connection with the Centennial Celebrations. " hospital plan. Salary commensurate with 1 . F.emale Teacher, First miftee members only. Members not having· cars are Grade preferred.· Primary J. M. BAILEY, , I applicants ~bility. ' . Room-Grades Beginners· to requested to arrange with other members for • .. too,,,, .' . 4. 1 hmale Teacher, First transportation. Recorder. >1: Grade preferred. Salary sup. ======- ," New. plement ~100.00 (one hundred HOLY NAME SOCIETY ppli .. dollars) for school year, In . the Motorcade, COMMITTEE cars will follow Apply A. Osmond, Secretary, lm(l1ediotely behind OFFICIAL cars c,arrying the clergy. CATHEDRAL PARISH Mlllertown Amalgamated 'LOST . School Board. ~ .J Majestic Sales Ltd. je13,mon,wed,frl,tf GENERAL PUBLIC Between Royal Stores and A special meeting of the Society to make final arrClnge. Mammy s Bakery, via Water ments in connection with the Centennial Celebrations ir22.23 Agents Wanted·-Male inenc. . . Cars. carrying members of the general public Street and Hamilton Street. will be held TO-NIGHT, Wedensday, June 22nd, at bishop IF WE SEND YOU YOUR OWN (men and women) taking part in the Motorcade will , 8.30 o'clock, in the Holy Name Hall, Harvey Road. SUIT WlTHOUT ONE CENT park immediately behind COMMITTEE cars and will 1 PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN -end J. SALESMAN WANTED COST TO YOU will you. wear All present and past members are cordially invited . . . and show.1t to your friends fallow them in the Motorcade. Finder please fa offend. . TO HANDLE COMPLETE LINE OF WOODWORKING and take ~helr easy orders. making a hiindsome 'pro£!t on Cars proceeding west to join this section of the DIAL 6751A AND ASSOCIATED MACHINERY each one? You need no experi­ ======-=== ence. I show yoU how and Motorcade ~hould pass Walsh's Crossing before 2:30 A reward is offered: supply big woolen sample kit y His Applicant mu~tbe between 20-25 years, with some p.m. when westbound traffic will be stopped until the LITTLE 'LEA,GUE BASEBALL frce. But act quick. Write us Motorcade has passed. ~ Arch­ knowledge of woodworking. a letter telling all about your­ left. Send no money. Dept. A meeting of all boys interested in taking part in the C visiling Apply by letter 529, Goodyear Cloths, Box It is the wish of the Executive Committee thaI a 652. Montreal, Que, STADIUM Little League Baseball Series for 1955 are requested ~nture's large number of the public toke part in the Motorcade .. P.O. BOX 866, ST. JOHN'S jne7,13,17,22.25.30. to attend a meeting at Bannerman Pork on THURSDAY, and that as many cars CIS possible be decorated with TO-DAY jnr22.25,27 June 23rd at 3.30 p.m. This applies to boys between For Sale ribbon of the papal colours . . ~n'ifiC:ol 2-4- the ages of 8 and 12 only. Socro- FOR SALE-Two storey dwelling house. situated at Beach ROLLER SKATING ,Il " .':rrr.on, Avenue, Carbonear. Contains CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION "j WE·REQ.UIRE 'J, . will of- seven rooms, also two oul' B. Reserved Seats in Cathedral 8-10 JOHN M. WALSH, Secretary houses and parcel oE land. For ROLLER SKATING Baptisl. further particulars apply to I! Mrs. James POlVer, c/o Mrs, June 24th and, 2§th , Competent Sal~sman. Charles Noel, Carbonear. THURSDAY, June 23rcl jn21,22,23 . For the liturgical Reception on Friday, June 24th, PONY L'EAGUE BASEBALL WITH EXPERIENCE IN AUTOMOTIVE LINES FOR SALE-Scbooncr, length and the Pontifical Mass on Sunday, June 26th, a section 2-4 evercr.d 75 feet, width 17 feet 2". Ton­ of the pews in the Cathedral will be reserved for ROLLER SKATING of Col- Also nage 38.19. This boat Is pow· All boys of 13-14 and 15 years of age who w~uld like ered with a 170 h.p. Superior members of the General Committee and their wives. luden! •. Die8el Engine, :I to 1 reduc' 7.00 to take part in the' proposed Pony league Baseball tlon, In excellent condition, SOFTBALL - LADIES Boat has been all rebuilt duro Ushers will admit persons to these pews on pro­ Series are requested to attend CI meeting at Banner­ Ing last 2 years nnd Is also In duction of a ticket, which committee members may Tornadoes vs. PeppereHs man P~rk on MONDAY, June 27th, at 4.30 p.m. !'lpUS 01 Qualified Service Man very good condition. For In· , "ces~bn formation contact A. F. procure from the Chairmen of their sub-committees or, . 8,30 Theriault, Mctegian River, CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION nee the With .experience in Automotive Electrical N,S. ;ln14,151 in the case of members of the Pageant and the BASKETBALL FINALS John's Servicing and Carburation Servicing. Factory Centenary Booklet sub-committees, from Mr. A. M, St. Bon's vs. Holy Cross JOHN M. WALSH, Secretary training offered to successful applicant. Insurance Duffy, one of the Secretaries. FRIDAY, June 24th eu!enant FURNI:SS WITHY INSUR· These 'tickets are not transferable. Reserved seat$ Interviewl arranged by calling: '.' ANCE Department offering 2- Newfoundland Tuberculosis dependable Insurance--Aut~ will not be held after the procession has entered the mobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate Cathedral. ROLLER SKATING Ltd. Glass, Tourist Baggage, Association in Newfoundland Amatu·reWorks Transportation, Travel Accl. B-10 INCORPORATED 51. John 'PHONE 7191 - 7192 dent, Liability. Phone 2073, C. Public Reception-June 26th ROLLER SKATING ditorium. ROBERT DAWE & SON, Fire The Annual Meeting will be held at the St. John'. ======and Automobile Insurance. SATURDAY, June 25th , ! Be safe. be sure, Insure, Tele­ From 4:00 p,m, to 5:30 p.m. there will be a Public Sanatorium on June 23rd CIt 8 p.m. An invitation to 10 -12 ,., . phone 28B2, P,O. Bolt Bll Reception by His Eminence Cardinal McGuigan, His attend is extended to all those interested in the work Royal Bank Chambers, St. CHilDREN'S TO LET John's. Grace the Archbishop of St. John's and other Dignitaries being carried out by the Association towards the .~\' " on the Campus of St. Bonafure's College. ROLLER SKATING prevention and control of tuberculosis in this Province. j, .. Contact STAN FOWLER, Re· ]:' nou! building, for Fire Aut~ Unfurnished Rooms mobile and Plate Glass Insur­ His Eminence, His Grace and the other Dignitaries 2-4 • q:' . ance. Claims promptly settl­ Gf:NERAL ROLLER SKATING I, Also WA",TED . ed. 'Phone 5531-P .0. Box will be pleased to receive persons of other religious I' 63. ' denominations as well as Roman Catholic men and 8-10 Required' Immediately- .1r INSURANCE-Bowring Broth· women. ROLLER SKATING ~ I" MAL'E .BOARDERS er Limited Insurance Depart­ I,. . ment-Fire, Automobile, Mar­ Ine and all Casualty lines, J TELEPHONE 6794H Venetian Blinds ! . Telepbone 3131. Cle'rk-Typist ONLY COMPLETE BLIND WANTED FOR SALE : t CONTACT A. E.HICKMAN ~======;:; Co, Ltd. Insurance Agents, Service. Manufacture. Laun· 'Phones 4132-345-6 P.O.B. dry Repair Work gUa1'antced. ONE JERSEY COW (Female) 9B4, for your insurance ·re­ One day service. Free quota. By R.C.A.F. Officer - by qulremen\ll. tlons. Kearneys Limited, WANTED _lI'_l_an_u_fa_ct_ur_er_s._4_54_'_~_ate_r_S_t,_ July 1st, an unfurnished ~i1king, 5 years old; Apply stating age, education, and Ii . . the . . : DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· ANCE .... Don't risk your valu· good creamer. qualifications to . . abIes to "save" a few dollars. Repairs Apartment. Can furnish Our fair-rate. Irellable policY excellent references. SALESLADIES Hives Immediate protection. FOR ALL your repairs to your JOHN McNEIL, BOX·SOO Phone· 8921 or write. J:. J. home Inside and out at low· Lacey, P.O. Box 506, .repl,t! est estimatCll and satisfactory 'PHONE 4929H service. Contact J. Stratton, WATERFORD BRIDGE RD. ~'SEVERAL EXPERIENCED SA1ESLADIES. 'Phom! 6B88·H, . my6.1m cloThe Daily News Dry Cleaning je22,tf PERMANENT EMPLOyMENT . IF YOUR roof, window. or imy * other part of your house Is CRAFT CLEANERS LTD., I' j ~. GOOD WAGES. where the cbarm of newnen leaky, don't stop and wonder Is restored, Dial 8985, 14 . what to do, Dial 5992 and rl, . Hamilton Street. .. We will see to It for you. Gen· WANTED I Apply' to· . eral Contractors. my24.1m WANTED I ;' ., , Musical Instruments Experienced GIRL for EXPERIENCED .SALESGIRL required. . Miscellaneous' . housework in home with GIBSON GUITARS - Harner PRINCESS BEAUTY PARL· one adult, for three Apply The Lon-don, New York &Paris ..Button Stop Aceordeol1s and OUR, 13 LeMnrchant Rond. Carpas· Harmonicas, Richmond Snx~ 4310. We specialiZe In hair months. Apply phone., Boosey Clarlnets.­ styling and cutting, alsoUnt­ Senior . Association .of Fashion .Ltd. CharlC\'! H~tton & Sons ... P.0. ing nnd cold .waves. Open 178 LeMARCHANT RD. Simon Levitz & Son Ltd •. Youth Or-· .. " nights by nppointment: je22,~ . e21,211 • .. 318 WATER ST. eties. Re-. Beirber Shop ALL WOOL MATTR'SSSES are je21,22 ~:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;; THE . CENTRAL·. BARBER picked, re-co~'t!rcd; springs ... SHOP-Fast· efflcieht sanl-' daybeds rewired; Inner . tary slirVlce. All.·· modern spring mnttresses recondition· nee the . ' . 'Iqulpment; f1vebarbers,The ed. Write,. Phone 3891, wire ATTENTION! Salesmen, Tourists, Motorists .} Most .WANTED' least possible Waiting, 24 New H. ·J.Keots, 16 Mount Royal Gower Str"t, opp. Adelaide . ~A-:-,ve_n_ue_,':...' • ______WANTED If you plan to stClY in Clarenville overnight or longer, . (; " Arch· ?t1:otors ~t4. iny4,1m . FOUR grease ramps, two wash why not try . 'MESSENGER FOR: OFFICE rack to serve you, GreBslng, B R· C A F Off' b , . Au·to ACCeSSOr·leS·oll change and washing while. Y •••• Icer- y Refrifjoration u·walti Cars called for and II TheKaribou~st House" .. Age 16•. MUlt have at I.ast .Grade 9. x evening, . " ., TillIS 750 17"l!IY. Rig. $35, delivered for these and gener. July 1st, an unfurnished COURTNEY'S REFRIGERA. .' . In Beautiful ~andom Sound N· "9 Ti h' 7 0 ""10 I 01. repairs-Terra Nova A· art ent Can fu 'sh TION SERVtCE-Repalrs to of Tues' " • ". f ~ • OW"~i ~d. ·x...,. P y. M. otors Ltd .• rear Newfound. pm. rm Apply' Reg. , .., Now $39. Other size. ' II f· all makes of Rellrlgerators. Home Cooking, Comfortable Beds,' Reasonabl~· Rates· , July h.t lli';, and lB" 4 arid·8:ply, pdc. ...:.::la;:.::nd~H.:::ot~el:.:.. _____.. exce ent re erences. DIal 4846·F or write P. 0, cd 'from $10 to $16.M, Tubes C A'S", ,. D Bolt 1311 .. ., .. my14,lm For reservations write, wire or 'phone ~reat·E~st~~n.Oil,&import c~. Ltd. Reg. ~.50, Now $2. Used Tire L S F E ADS 'PHONE 4929H . MR. and MRS, BOURNE, CLARENVILLE, T.B.·"" Je21,U . . . '. =,,: ~tOD st. .' . . . GET .RESULTS je21,22 ADVERTISE IN' THE NEWS Je20,22,27,29 . ~\ I:" : ., ., " , " ~ .. ' H :i 8.40 a.rn '1 16 THE DAilY NEWsi:wi:D~ESDAY~ JU~E '22, 195.5 Newfoul " , . :q ,I. 12.15 • j, • \ p.rn I .... • i' 1 Happim 11 6.40·p.m . . , I" i w••• hiting, '.' ,': ···T·O·:POULTRY MEN with a ! ., 8.30 p.m I in CanCi . '" and DAIRY' MEN r, _ • I . , . I . , . "BONFI~U ·is a Tonic conditioner....;. a special Poultry tune up Aneurin .•. , .,' here is. and intestinal Medicine to promote Health and Vigour and CHURCHILL " allevia~e unthrifty symptons. Highly concentrated. quality' 'at 'low' His' liI~ In, , .. "NO SHOCK ••• NO SCARE ••• NO SET BACK" Hop~ , Speedy relief from Phologr.aphs .. :.""".. 5.00 " FROM' CABBAGES . Also COUGHS TO KINGS . "NUTRI TABS" NUTRITIONAL SCOURS . control for young 'Key • '. • due to colds. Beech·Nut Lisa, Sheridan ." .. ;";',, 3.75 I BLACK. JACK, smooth, 2S Ibs. Menthol Cough Drops give quick Calves •. Directions on each package. . ' .' -LONDON (P I relief from coughs ••• soothe in· FROM· MY EXPERIENCE I NOX·ALL SLATE,' 18/1 and 36", ,flamed, paInful throats. Refreslt· Wednesday night ling! Pleasant tasting! Keep II handy Louis Eiromfialrl ...,' 500 . "USE PIONEER PROFIT PROVEN FEEDS fOR POULTRY - in the Labor pari. 45 Ibs. ~. roll in ),our pune or pocket. . , . GIFT FROM THE SEA' . HOGS and CATTLE"· ended for the 12 DUX·BAK, SL~TE,. 18" and 36/1, .Anne Morrow Labor's "bad boy . rowly cscaped expul~' 55 Ibs. .Lindbergh· " ..... ".,~ ... :, 3.00 ... ;" ... :" .. ' .' " party onl)' three mon RAILROAD, COLOURED, 18", 90 Ibs. one of 54 candidates THE CAPTAIN SAVES by. the 2;7 Lab~r ~en l·PL Y, 15· Ibs., 4 ~quclrei only ·S( HIS SHIP .. ,'.: liament, Results WI!! tonight. ,ROLL SHINGLE, 1;8", Coloured ri!~H" N'U'T .Jan Cwi~lin~ki~': ... ,,~ 4.~5. Even moderate Soc I;Iii'-j· '.' THE LINER . , .' , ted Bel'an would reg . ASBESTOS, SHINGLES; White 8 th~ shadow cabinet. Cp, 2.75,' the part~·'s day.to·da ut.fh'Drop. s "~douard' P~is~~,~" tactics In the HouS{' ,; ~ND' • AMBASSADOR'lN·.' ': 'PHONES 5143 - 5144 QUEEN ST • and frolTl which the . CHAINS:. "" ' ment would be formE :"BEAUJILlTY" . TRADE SUPPLY 'BY Labor \'ictory. ·.SPHALT . SHINGLES' Raymci,;dA:l~na :.... 4.00: '--~------~------"": Former tr .. dr. mi , .. WilSall. onll' lefL·win: .. '.'ROOF MASTER" !!!!!!!~~~~~~~"~I NORTH POlE. ; '. '~ : , .. i .vITAL RESEARCH USEFUL CAMELS .SEA PRODUCT in tlte sharlo\\' cabilll 10 retain his ;eat. r .. Also" .. GERALD.S. DO~~. BO~~DI~~:' ,HOUSE' ... , E~blt~;~~~~'i~o:;~n~~:'~:v::a~ W;:tA~~i/am~~~~~d ~:~; b~~~~~S~ sC~~~~:d t::~~~~~~~~li~f~~~, ;~~ h~rs of the Icfli'l (': :2;;;;- (:;,II,s. and Myl.e! .'..... 1·98: .million',pounds,on'improved wind· including people In the Canary Is· tilizer ~nd human and anim'l ing: MI's. Bnrh:lr:l ( , ; MOVEMENTS:-', IN~PECTb~~ ~E~r . _tu_nn_el_s' ..:....{Of_f_cs_cJl_rc'-h;_. _':....-__I_an_ds_. ______fo_od_s. ______Crossman, Haroltl II ROOF COATI~GS,' PLASTIC CEMENTS ~likardo. . . " MAKES JiASTE.. ' " ROUGIl GOl:'\G i Etc •. . " .. : '., . '.".' '.. '.:.,. j . , ' , . .' . Bcnn has encOl BUILDING StEAMSHIP . John Cr~a's~y·::~;: .. :.::·:·i:i5· " ". ' . going from the p:l " . " '. THE SHAD. OW.:c'.OF· '.. , .... since he quit the ~ ., NFLD. GREAT 'LAK,ES '. more than a year MATERIALS·' .. STEAMSHIPS,. A SORCERE'R~" " espousal of West G( M.V. Dundce loading at Hamil· S II' G'bb ,', ment and the Soul DIVISION ton June 2!l, Toronto June 30, te a , onl ,.. ; .... 2.00 fJnceor;:anizn lion. Montreal July 4. for st. John's, THE ACTOR The climax came I . he pabJicir de[ied This vessel has 45,000 cubic feel Niven Busch .:.~ ...... :. 3;50 Clement Attiee on I SHAW S.TREET of refrigerated space. . \lollse of Common, MV Perth loading at Hamilton NOBLE IN REASON Ironicalh·. '\ttl~c JUlY' Toronto July 9, Montr'cal Ph II' B II 3 50 ,'car·old \\'clsb firr DIAL 80291 8, Y IS . en ey " ..... ". , July 12, for St. John's, THE SHY pulsion in an appe; . Je'l,22 FURNESS WARREN LINE ill' at tlie outsct NewfoundlandLeaving Liverpool YORKSHIREMAN e:'e~lion campai;;n. ~Iany politicnn;; I~~~~~:~~:~~~~~:~::~:~:::::=:::::===~~===~=' July 6, due St. John's July 12, for the ioss of mOl ""C" Nfld' D cherishing the memory of heroic Lcavlng for Halifax and, Boston Will R. Bird .; .... " ...... 3.50;1 Labar ,'olcs in tl1 Operabon ove . s ay men and women, whose famous July 13, due Halifax July 15 and . C FOR ADEQUATE WIRING · 2J. Wedne~day. thr I' .. I 01 · deeds will be written lnrge In the Boston July 18, Leaving Boston ~ I;onal executh'c Ferry Delaye d . Of Rememb.rance· history books of the future. . July 19 and Halifax July 23, due iiI'.':-:." .. . . , hr all "inqu~sl" These great traditions, forged st. John's July 25. Sa\1lng for Llv· , v : and aooointer! a In AN ADEQUATE ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTRANCE The new car ferry "Elmer "Memorial Sunday," our great· at Galllpol!. strengthened at erpool July 26. ~14.m'm'MiI"'. f mittec'lo Drobc a Jnnr~" will probably not be going est and most sacred' provincial an~ .Hamel,' and carried Nova Scolla Leaving Liverpool ••• buying enough wires of the right size to , party machinery. In the Bell Island service until nlversary ,Is now rapidly approach. through those filteful years when July 20. due st. John's July 26. THE BOOKSEllERS bring in as much Electricity as your home may a weeks time. lng, calling all our people, younl! we were almost beset on our own Leavins' for. Halifax and Boston 'Phone 3J9J ~ 4425 need. Your home will not be limited in its ability Af!l'ee On Apparently some delays In tile and' old, to the Pllgrlmmagc of shore by 'all. Implacable foe, are Juiy 27, due Halifax July 29 and u· erection of a landing slage at Bell Remembrance. a priceless heritage. Boston August 1. Leaving Boston Ie> accommodate your electrical needs. [~Iand are responsible. . July 1st Is a dale forel'er In, From the memory of these ilIus· August 2, and HalifalQlo August 6, Settlemcn scribed in Newfoundland provin. tralions 'and Imperishable deeds due St. John's August 8. Sailing 8, due St. John:s July 11, .ailing cial archll'es •. 1l Is fitting that. we we may draw Inspiration for Ihe {or Liverpool August 9. again July 12. . .. ENOUGH CIRCUITS ••• having enough circuits should commemorate wilh mingled tasks {If lhe present and the {uture. FURNESS RED CROSS Belford' II· !eavinl! Hallfax July; With Rus, pride' and sorrow,: the sacrifice And, In .:betwecn, comes the Fort Hamilton Icaving Neiv York 11, due St. John's 'Jul~ 13, I8lJing . 10 carry alectricity at full power from the service LONDON (AP) of Newfoundland sailors, ~oldiers annual reminder of the Forget.Me. ,Tunc 29, St; John, N.B., July 1. again' July 14. . i entrance to all electrical equipment - lights and 'United Statcs ar. and airmen, who, twlce,:ln a RIngle Nots, to which Ihc Ladics Auxllla.ry Hamax july 5, due 81.' John's BelleI!I! II leaving Halifax! .. ~ ~ ,~rccd on the IT generation. (ought and . suffered of the Canadian Legion, devotc Juiy 7,sailing again July 9UlaJi· July 16, . due ~l John's July 18,' appliances - assuring maximum efficiency and · three·stage pro,:r and died for their country. their activltics for. this week. , [ax and .Ncw. York). . sailing again July 19. I economy to a II use of electricity· , pcan settlemcnt formed diplomats On Sunday, July 3rd In this year, l!. we can . bring Into our dally ;Fort· Malon leaving Halifax CLARD" STEAMSBlP CO. Ii " Veterans'. of the World ,Wars join livcs something; of thc 5ublime July 7, due st. John JUly g, sail· Novaport sailing June 22. . Here's what the with the . Newfoundland . people. in courage, faith and comradeship of ing again July 11 (Corner Brook Sheldrake due SI. John's 22, sail. ENOUGH CONVENIENCE OUTLETS, PERMAN. iter Eden, Presh the Newfoundlanders, In all the and New York). . and Premier Ed servlces,we need 'have 'no fcar of Fort Hamilton 'leavlng . New ing again June 24 (Bay Roberts) .. ENT LIGHTS AND SWITCHES-at proper places , 10 lell Soviet Novaport leaving Montrul June the fulure p~osperity'and possl· York July 13, 51. John, N,B,. July 29, due 51. John'. July 4, .salllna -to add beauty to home indoors and out, prevent Bulganin in Gen. bUlties of our native .Iand-Terra 16,' Halifax July. 19, due st.. John's again 'July 6, i 1. That Ihcr Nova-the Tenth Province. July 21,~alJlng again July 23 Shel~rake leaving Montreal July : accidents, reduce eyestrain, .make for a; more limitation on an . . (Halifax and New York). 6 d St J h' J I~ 11. III flexible and ~onvenient use of a II electrical also on armies. 1 Sergeant C... Saundors of the Fort Avalon leaving New Yory agal~eJU~ 1~. n I u'f .a. Ilg . Europe, This th Ncwfoundland ConstallUlary has July 23, St. John, N,B" July 25, equipment. becom!! t he ha~i been ,promo~edto. b,e In. charge of IHalifax Juiy 26, due St.. oJhn's Europea n or l!: the Traffic Bureau: He has been i July 28, sailing aga'!n July 30· (for program which a: mem~er of:th~~ ~ur~~~: f.or· a i Corner Brook and 'New York. When building or remodelling plan your electric wiring for the future. aled through 1.:1 number of .. yem. '. . NFLD. CAN. STEAlI1SBIPS Premier In chinery . Belle . Isle II due, St. . John's . 'Whe~ you have ADEQUATE WIRING you are organized for comfortable, 2. They wa nt ., ·AGAIN. iNDEPENDENT . 22, salling' again' June 23. .. New York safe, clean, convenient Electrica I living. fetllement whir Austria : again a:aoverelgn'Blale, . Belle . Isle II leaving Halifax· Premier J.'R. Smallwood and , German), on Ih· cQvers 32',000 square inUes with a June 28,. due St, John's June 30, Attorney General Hon, L. R;: Cur- · called Eden pia: ~-.~ ~ Soviets at the 1 _ salling again July 2. tis were.ln Nelv York yesterday. ~~::=~~~~~~:::::::~:~~~~~i.i0~f~~~iiiiii_. Bedford' U leaving Halifax July. One' report said that Newfound. I ~'1te~dlMrtt~ I cnee. Russia re.1 2, due St, 'John's July. 4, sailing land·s. tourist director .AI 'Var.cly SEE YOUR 'ELECTRICAl I LI G HT" POWE R IADEQUATE WIRING • • again July 5.. would also be there and that It's CONTRACTOR, TODAYl i ,_ .- SERVES AND SAVES I . '.' CUM PIoHV LIMI't£. Belle Isle 1I:lea~lng Halifax July possible a . hotel. arrangement for .i.·a··•• _ ...... Newfo'uridland may' be discussed .. WEA . I: MARRIED " At pr', 'nt, however,· all such reo , . ", " .. , . , , . -" I' ' .'. . --....:..------.--...---'- ports arc purely speculative,' Clouding O\'cr today 60. . STOUFFER. BAGGs..:....The mar· : ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' rlnge took place 'af Riverdale 1"'1 NEWI'OUN I United Church,Toronto Dn June Thursda , 11th of Marllyn Christine Baggs, Sunrise .' •• I daught~r, of Rev: A. R. and Mrs, , Baggs' formerly of this city to Mr.' Sunset .. •. 1 Elgin Stouffer of Minden,· On-' T tarlo, .DIr; Baggs, officiated. High ...... ! Low •••••• DEATH' ,. . ,BURKE - Pa~sed peacefully \i'ay'at 1'p,m. MQnday; June 20th, ·atrick. Francis Burke, son' of Ru ~Rtherlne and the· late Pierre' .. BurJre,::bel{lverl-hllshand . of l'ldle . G•. Burke;. leaving to ,ourn be~ides. wife,' mather, l\oIil'5. 'ath-crinc Burke,' one brother, Ag ev. Francls·J. Burke, S,FJ\f,. in FC?R Ie Dominican Republic; four .~tdt··~ Isiers, Sister M,· Agnes, O.S.C., .nd Sister M. Anthony, O,S,C., at SM:~RT ·A'PP.EAR.ANC~ :'owell, Mass.;. and two ,sisters at . .. "ollle. Funeral today, Wednesday, ' , En . . " ~ .rom55 .Patrlck' Street to St. ROoiria,1In1ah8d With DonnaconaInsUlaUng Board brinq I,'atrlck's Church for Requiem,' MOSCO\ "Jullmarb" tor m,ut ap~llfllJ1ce •. D~~ccna ~1ii1q Mliss at 11,30 a.m; R.I.P.' " Russia and . 'Iloanr and' Donnacona Decorative ·Specialtie.: beautify ed. a joint . . . ~ , ' .. ~ . .., ," Con.tact .'!c.i# home anlisave fuel at the same

'.', • •• r , .. .. ~ J • .- It'was gei .t: '. ' t '

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