.) . 7.00 p.m.-The Barrelman I ,:. ,1: 9.00 p.m.-The Scarlet . Pimpernel. THE: DAILY NEWS PRESENTS '0 ,.' 10.00 .pm.-The Liberace OBERNKIRCHEN CHILDREN'S CHOIR' '} Show. available It ------~~~----~~~~~------~~~------~~;~-Vol. 62. No. 137'. ST. JOHN'S; NEWF9UNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1955 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons , " . ' , _1--Bulganin .Says .... I. London Dock Strike· Ends Russians Will Strl've . I I F- t -•. Increase NURSES GRADUATE . Irs Reduce World " l TensIon Payment Break ~\. :I!OSCOW (Reuters) - w~uld travel to I~dia, probably Icontribute to a relaxatlon of ten· T J bl SO\';ct Premier Nikolai Bul­ thiS wlnt\!r, to repay Nehru's visit slon, We shall mak·~ every effort 0 0 hl'~, The two leaders shared the In' this direction and hope Ulat .ess LONDON (Reuters) plcdged ,Tuesday that .canin plnlIorm at Dynamo Stdlum Tues. others will be prompted by the ~ 1Striking London stevedores . make "every n!l~si.:l will day nIght, culminating one of the same 'motives." . F edeJ'lLZ Go L'l. Tue.sday night decided to. rif(ll't" to reduce world ten­ busiest days Nehru has had since Bulsonln said his government his arrival In Moscow two weeks welcomed the 10th onnivcrsarY s;:s: end their walkout next' ~oi:l at the Big Four meet­ Bows To Demands ago. slon of. the United. Nallons' now . Monday-first break in II . in Geneva next month. i:l~ Bulganln said In his sP~cch that bclng hcld at San Francisco. He Of Provinces . strikc which has tied up six· S;",aking nt a giant rally here the safeguarding of peace and se· expressed "the .ardent <lesira of . cc'ehmtin~ friendship between Rus. curlty of nations always had been the Soviet :Sovernment and people CP) Th f d- ports since it began a~ost . !ia and India, Bulganln also de· one of the main principles of Sovlct that this organizallon should con. OTTAWA ( - e e five weeks. ago. ' clar~d his government's "unfllnch. foreign polley. "Recently We ha\'\! tain principles of the UN charter, eral government Tuesday The London men represent al-:.· undcrtakc,! a' number of stcps In In which It wlIl hay/! .our unfllnch· bowed 10 provincial de. in~ ~Ipport" lor thc principles of thIs dlreetton," hc addcd. Ing support,.. most one·third or' the 20,000 dockers Ihc {Jnlled Nations charter. Hc who ha\'e bccn idle, p):l1t~d 10 SO\·!ct·lndian relallons He rcferred to next month's In his addrcss to the stndium mands and boosted Its pro- Their d~cision taken aller a 3'04. as "an example of cooperallon be. ~eneva conference, at whl~h he Ulrong, Nehru called for an en<l posed scale of unemploy­ hour printc meetiog of i',iioo men' t"'cr:1 cauntri~s with different 5)'5' I,l1\ m~et with Prime. Mlnlstcr to fear and Internallonal hatred, t, I' f aid to one-half TU2sday night' brought to a head tem:-." Eden, Prcsldent Eisenhower .and and stressed that. coexistence Is men 1 e Ie '. a tug·of.war· inside .the .stel'e.dores' France's Edgar Faure, and added: feasible. But h~ emphasized that the total cost under i: \1;11,' ft 'short lime earlicr, "isit. union which called the: strike ·to. .' l "The SOI'iet government has countries with. different s),5tems dl1ccd flool'. ~ I' I i,; Indian Prime MinIster .Iaw. enforce a voice in· the hiring Df I.. ,h:·rlnl ~chru had disclosed at n agreed to take part In th~ four· should· not'interferc In ·each other's 'Ti, wcre Indications most dock labor wherevcr it had mem­ ',' rrr--, Cllnlercnce \llat Bulganln p3Wer conference on thc assump· a~falrs, or seck to Impose their ro:i~~es wculd accept tltis £inal b2rs, il tlon that this conCerence should wll! on each other. ~[fer, though there st!11 wcre fome The London men wanted the :: I complnint; tltnt it \I'~s too low. claim sent to arbitration but Ihelr - PrOl'incial Trc~surcr Fm~s of Sas· colleagues from the northern porta: PERON STILL kntchcwon said it is ju,t "half a invoil'cd have resisted any return, New C• ' P•.• R . .L 'I'ner loaf" bllt that "we may have to to work until thair breakaway union RUtER OF had bcen officially rccognized In: . O· ~~~~fntg~'~ Incause it Is b~~tcr than their home ports, ' , Under the upwardly·revlsed con- 180 SIIIPS IDLE ARGENTINA Irlbutions formllla, announced by The strikers arc members of the' IS C t d ·· n National Amalgamated Stev'2dores on en er Prime IIUnlsU!r St, Laurent, the . federal government would pay one· and Dockers. Ther union, now rec-·. hal! tha cost of providing \\'clfnr~ o"nized only In London and sus-' relief for persons in excess of .4, p~nded for a long time by Ihe' . , per cent of the provincial popula· 'I'rades Union Congress, Britain', T r a d e big national labor federation, is' . tion. " . This followed overnight revIsion fighting for nalional bargaining sta· Queen of th~ central government's pr·7· tllS. To Launch "Emp"rss Of violls oHer to pay for p~rsons 10 On~ hundred and eighty ships' excess 01 .50 !ler cent of the PJ~u. were standing idle in British ports Britain" Today lation with fcderal contriblltionr. m· Tuesday because of the' strike, and el'easinn Irom 30 to 50 per c~nt loading anel unloading opcrations: LOND . a 1lOC;lulol'ment intensified, , on 92 olhers were ~Iowed. 1 ON (CP )-Th e Queen today Will launch the I COST SI0',OO'o,ooo . I It was understood that thz baCK· 22,500-ton lincr Empress of Bl'itain, anotht'r contcnder Fcd~ral olficials cstimated Ihc , lo·\\'ork adricc was vi20rollsly re· ~i,lerl bv dclr.zates from Ihe north in the heavyweight battle fol' passcllger trade on the linal olfer,.if aeceptcd hy all pro\" l 'fHE r::.RADUATING CLASS OF' oC lhe Grace Hospila.l School 0[. nUl'Sil.lg, r h • " inces 1I'0uld en,t lh~ r.cntr~1 Ire~'1 '" 1!l5~, h I anrl by ;ome mcmbers of Ibr union ex('cutil'·z. N~rt Atlantic., " l ~II1,~:'roughlY $10.000,000 rt year onl as .he\' rcc~i\'ed their diplomas allrl pins al the grac1u<11101l c?l'emonlcs W ICl , ) 1hJ fi40·foot Canadtan PacIfic J. tho bilsis of winter's unem'l I\'el'e h'eld '111 tile Dr'lll Hall of Buckmastcr's Viclel nn Thcy are: IIncr will slide Into Iho Clyde from II J:IlOnOr C.:(1)0 l'S . 1110l'lnenl li~urr.5,I~sl 'fhe cost would Monrl:1~' 1I1.~ht.,G d B 1 :ho yards of tho ["~Irlicld shipbuild.: • he 'hi;:hel' i[ provinces incrcascd! Mar~~\'et Dawc, St. John'~; Ruth All~tC.\'. T\\'ilJill(!<llc; ,Jane Stoodle~', !'an, an c :Gets $240,000 tn~ eomp~ny at Go\'an, ncar Gl3S' Discovcrv Of Nfld lheir p\'e5~nt \l'eUar.e oulln)';, \ I' ' Rideout BI'i"'u~' Elizabeth Rcicl, 51. .John·s; M,\'I'lhlc Ded,cl', Cnok 5 Har- I,: III Dama~.. er;;;,- gow. Dcslgned to cal'fy 1,500 Pi1~' , ' ~Ir, SI. Laurcnt, 10 R Commons, Ilene G Field Hr"Grace' E"c\m Short Te!'ra No\'a; 1\,\' Miller, SI. ,John's; ... ~cn~crs and \\'ith a ser\'ice spc~.d of 1II0N'J'RBAL <CP) - Citizr.n~hip ftnnOUn~Clllcnt following t,he ,Windup i )our; race ,. , " I'S A' II l-rid S un ell Valley 21 knols, she m~kcs her mOlldcn ~linlsler Pickers~iU and Ihe Italian of a lI=·day fedel'al'prol'lnclal con· Dorcen Wiseman, st. .John's. Janice Bi es, 1. n lOnr I. a p .' - II From Oil Firms ''OJ'a betll'ee!1 Ln'crpool and Mon· ambassador to COlnada will partic. ference, ~aid the a~reel!'ents ba,~d ficld and .J oan. R~·~ler.'. Moncloll,. N,D, spring. ,,' . ipate,at a ceremony here June 26 on·the ·federal' offc!, ,may: be diS· SEATIT,E (AP)-A federal court \I ".·~9~! I Sl.J· ':'I1Il- thcn JOin, an cl'er- to honor .Tohn Cabot, discoverer of cu&Scd at anolher nllmstertal.m~e~. 1. T"llJlS.IJO"l .l.lelllis jury Monday night awarded 1 I tNEA Telephoto) Increa~ln:: flect of DrlttEh. Cana· Ne\\'foundland, Ing "if a subsequent meeting IS "Don't EXIJeet _~I ltC ~', former scrrlce station operator , ~ , 1 • dian, United Stales, French, Ger, Plans for the \\'crc an· necessary." . $240,000 in damages against seven fin:W~~ AIRES (AP) - The c~rcmony 'Irll~tllrc nf Arllentina's govern­ mR~,crUising ItHllan Ole Atlanlte and. J?utchm sea~ch liners of AssociationnOllnced by (IfIhe Montreal. Newfoundlanders those"But who I thinkwcre itat isth~ the conference deSire of B .t D n 't Call For' pO!anthlees. country's largcst 011 com- "i,'nt rrmaincd unchanged TUesday tourist doll a r s and Immigrant Mr. Plckersgi11, member of Par- to try to have agreements worked George F. Moora.had charged In dc'plle ~pcculatlon that It would rl onSOl I~ rrl)r~rtnized in the wake of last poun.~s, , 1Iament for Bonavlsta, Nfld., 11'111 out and signed bcforc the Oc.tober ,. the civil action that the companie5 \trek', hrief rCl'olt. I'OS.·WAR I~CREA5E place a wreath at the statue of meeting (of f\!de~al,andprovmci?1 F D 01 ruined his buciness in lDj2 by I Pmidcnt Juan D. Peron took Sinca thc end of the Second Cabot In Western Square opposltc premiers) as an mdlcatlon that we ~h.
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