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Digitalcommons@WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Newspeak All Issues Newspeak 4-2-1991 Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 9, April 2, 1991 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 19, Issue 9, April 2, 1991" (1991). Newspeak All Issues. Book 417. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Interfraternity Council adopts new alcohol policy Under the new rcgul:llaon.,, corn hut wall not be !>Crvcd to mayone under ch<~ptc:r pre,tdcnt~ and a mc.•mhcr lJf fonnalltln on the topics. In the future, 1111111 cnnt:uncr~' hcer ball-.. thm age Each frmcrnny "required to the I FC'~ Executive Buard. wttl en­ the Ri\1. M<mngemcnt Commaltee WPr.. lntcrtnucrnit} C'uuncil hao, harrcl' or other cont<~incr~ of alcohol 'ubmn a wri11en proJl("ttl ('>UbJcc.:t to lnrcc the p<Jitcy. The control board will expand ih focu" 10 includL 'uch Jlloptcd a new Jh:ohol JXIhcy. The pun:ha,cd for ma'' cc>n,umpuon} arc II C .1ppm' all C'<platmnp how alco­ will Vl\11 all rcga .. tered p<tnic' and 1'>\UC'> ,,, ha11ng. 'exual abu'>e and JX'hcy. whach i' a pan of the IFC'., mi. prolubatcd :u fraternlly function<.: hulil' bcvemge~ "'til bc dt,pcn ..ed :u repon any vaolauon~ to the prc\ldent health and .. arcty. muta.tgemcm rrogram. wa-. unam­ collective fund' may not be U\l.'d to II\ func.llon'> and all pantc' mu~t be of the IFC. The IFC prc'>tdent Y.tll "Tbc nl'W IFC alcohol poltcy " mnu,ly approved on Jun. 2.2 by the purcha\e alcohol; alcohol may not be rc~l\tercd wtth the IFC 411 hnur-. in pre,ent any charge' to the chapter con'>"tent wtth the po"uon on mi. pre~ac.lent.!> of the II chapters in the \Old at the-.e functton'; :tnd chapter' advance ol the event. prc,adcnt and the E>.ecutivc Commit­ management taken by :ttl our chap­ IFC. The IFC i-. a 'elf-governmg body arc forbtddcn from \J)On\oring or fi­ The ne~ policy wu, dr.tfled by the tee of the IFC for ac>tion. If the maHer ters' national organi.wtion,," says that oversees all u~pcc t ' of fraternity nancing functiun'> where alcohol ha' IFC\ Ri'>l. Management Commi11ec. cannm be rcJ>olved to the satbfaction Roben G. Dietrich. who ili WPI's hfc. incluc.Jing !IOCial program.... hccn purcha\ed for general con!.ump compri'>ed of repre!>cntative'> of all of of the chapter of the board. 11 will be director of special gifL\ and IFC advi­ membershtp recruitment and educa­ tton. the ln,titute'' fraterntiiC'>. The coun­ referred to IFC'' Judtcwl Board for '>Cr. Dtetnch. who i~ also a member of tion, intramural <,pono, and phtlan­ Imitated fmtemit) members will cil dctennmcd that there wa ... a need funher ucuon the nauonal board of his own fr.ller­ thropic and community servtce proj­ monitor entrance~ and exn' to areas for fratc.:mtlles to act more re'>pon-;i­ In cOnJunctton \\tth the new pol­ nit}. Theta Xt. adds. " the adoption of ects The counctl worl.o; tn conJunc­ Y.hcrc alcohol wall he ovatlable to bly in o,ituations where alcohol \\a'> icy, the IFC plan' an nggre'>~tve edu­ a policy at the local campus level will tion with the Panhellemc Council. identify all guest!. who arc ol legal prc\cnt and to pay clo~cr attenuon to cauon program on liability and the prov1de fratern11y member-. at WPI which ts charged with overseeing dnnking age and to en~ure that all i"ue~ of accountability in !ouch !>itu­ benefit., of n~k management. The with the opponunity to govern them· WPI's sororities to monitor the lmti­ those who attend ure on the guest liM. ati on~ . council will provide chapters with selve~ and to hold each other account­ tute'' rccogni1.ed Greek-letter organi­ No one under the age of 21 may bring A Control Board. cono,i\lmg of two ~pcuker,, vadeo tape ~ and printed in- able for vtolatiMs." Jattons. alcohol to a soctal funcuon. and alco- The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Volume 19, Number 9 Thesday, April 2, 1991 WPI hosts Massachusetts Special Olympics WPI News Suvice Harrington Auditorium and Alumni ment wall conclude at about 4pm with tors and will work with thetr fraternity play during the tournament. Gym on Saturday, April 6. and Sun­ awards and clo!>ing ceremonies. brothen. and other volunteer& to set up The Massachusetts Spec1nl Olym­ WPI will be one of the host col­ day, April 7. Athletes will register at Admh!>ion h. free. orx:ning ceremonies, assist with reg­ pics is a nonprofit. volunteer organi­ leges for the Massachusetts Special K:30 am. Opening ceremonies will be About 750 people. age~ 8 to 60. i~tration and tranl>mit scores to offi­ zation that offcn. year-round sports Olympics Spring Ba ketball and held at 9am. and the liN game will wall panacipate in the tournament, cials manning a "nerve cemer." training and athletic programs for Bowling Tournament, to be hdd in begin at 9:30am. Each day's tourna- which ts also being !>ponsored by Holy "Special Olympic!> i\ TKE'!> na­ athletes wtth mental retardation. "We Cro" and Assumption C'ollegeo, and tional phtlanthropy." ~ay'l Cavallo. sponsor about 70 athletic events each Canned food drive Thunderbtrd Lane~ in Auburn. Mass. "Chapter.. throughout the country year. mdudmg 6 - 8 tournament<;," 1\lo't of the basketball game\ wall be pantctpate tn fund-rai~ers for the ~ays Sean Canty. the agency·., a '> t ~­ held at WPI: some divio,nm'> will play mgani1a11on" For mony year~ the tant coorcJanator of spon~ and trnm­ at the other campu,c'>. BCiwltr\ will \' Vent ha' hccn held at Ft. Dcvem. in tng. for the homeless compete at Thunderbirc.J Lum~'> Aycr. Ma">. It wn~ movetltn WPitlm If anyune want~ to volunteer to by Dtnise F ilzgtrald cnuo,c of thi .. many homeleo,o, people The WPI chapter of Tau Kappa year l'!Cl:nuse the mtlitary facality is help with rcgJ\tration. '4:0rcl.eepmg Class of '93 do not know where thetr nc>ot meal Ep,ilon i~ helping cuoadmatc the bcmg used to \uppon Opcrauon Des­ or to help ,c.;t up for the tournament. w111 come from C\ cnt TKE presuJcm (harte, C<llhn' en Stonn Personnel from Fon De- plca'e cull ChariC!> Collm~ or Peter A'l a \Cgetannn I curcfull)' choo~c On Monda) thru Wcdnesda). '92 and "tcc prcsadent Petc:r c." alto ven'> "'ttl \erw as offll't.. h ant.f ,cnre- Ca\ullo at 752 - qq46. the food I e.u bur then.~ are m:my April ~.C) 10 rh~· Vcgcwn 111 Socrct) ' 93 hi.iH I~Cll .tp~lllll~d C\\:llt Ju._c. l.ccpers lllh; a b.tnd frnm the hJ\C \\Ill people who don't have thi!. luxury. will have a table m the Wedge at For them it is a queM ion of whether or lunchtime to collect canned goods or not they will eat at all. There are 15 !>pure change. On Monday. April 8, Don't be fooled with alcohol homeless shelters in WorceMer and our table will feature vegetarian foods by SMART I SADD we ! everything there i~ to know small mtestine, and l!!lllhe stomach. over 4,000 people require the services which everyone is welcome to about :llcohol but we have all often 2. The only thing that hclp'l a they provide each year. The open sample. We ask only for your dona· A' \ludenL'I in college we have all been misinfonned. Here are some pen.on sober up i time. All coffee pantnes which provide free food are tions in retum. Plcnsc JOtn us m been exposed and often overe:(posed fact'> that are often not realized: and shower do tS make a drunk person often l>imple 'iupplies such as ~upponmg those who are less fonu­ to the effects ar.d after-effect 'I of alco­ I. MoM of the alcohol people drink awake and wet. tuna ftsh, peanut butter, or rice. Be- nate than we are. hol use and abuse. We all thank that enters the blood stream through the 3. Mixing alcohol wnh carbonated mixers like soda makes it affect you faster than mixing it with water. Physical Graffiti: the song remains the same 4. Drinking too much alcohol too grade school when the group dis­ Plant's hand gestures and Page's body Led Zeppelin's music. So, after all f~t can cause death. by Ray Bert 5. There is no way to preven1 a Associale Editor banded. Since the three surviving language). their in trumcnts arc the that rambling. about the show: they members have steadfastly refused to \arne and they avoid improvtsmg on played two ~ets. each about an hour hangover. If you don't get on\! you Alden Hall rocked to the -;ounds of rcunate (probably wtsely so). the duty Zcp's mu~ic - preferring 10 play eve­ long. during which they trotted out not weren't going to get one. Taking one of the most influemial bands of is left to bands such a~ Physical Graf­ rything note for note a~ tt was origi­ only the obvious hit'i but 'iome of the asparin and dnnking a glass of water the seventies on March 23rd.
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