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� ������������ AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION ����������� ���������������������� � ����� �������� � ������ ����������� SP’s ONE OF THE KEY SPONSORS OF DEFCOM 2009 ORGANISED BY INDIAN ARMY & CII � �������

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2008 ������������������� ������������������� 2009 � ������ 2008

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45 YEARS FINAL.indd 1 4/7/09 5:47:33 PM ��������������� ����������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������������������� ��������������� WWW.SPSLANDFORCES.NET SP's MYB 0809 CVR01.indd 1 Land4/20/09 3:20:57 PM ForcesROUNDUP Turn to page 13 In This Issue T h e ONLY journal in Asia dedicated to Land Forces

Internet Protocol India is all set to join “Since the Indian army is Security is complex the so large and do not have evolutionary process and Defence club. The recent an unlimited budget, you an important aspect of successful test-fire of an must take advantage of military communications. interceptor system shows the legacy equipment It assumes greater that a workable missile already in the field, importance in view of defence shield for the and construct a Battle the operationally country is not a long Management System sensitive data conveyed. way off. that can utilise that technology.”—DANIEL LT COLONEL LT GENERAL (RETD) VERWIEL, Director, BMS 13 S. NATARAJAN 4 S.R.R. AIYENGAR 8 DSD, Northrop Grumman

Editorial Face to Face

The Indian electorate has once again proved its maturity and wis- dom. The Congress-led UPA has been given an adequate majority and a fresh mandate to govern at a time when the country is facing serious challenges in the fields of human resource development, infrastructure and economic development, and national security. India’s immediate neighbourhood is on the boil once again. Sri Lanka has announced the military defeat of the LTTE. While no one is shedding tears for the rebel outfit, immediate humanitar- ian aid for its Tamil population together with a fair political solution would set the foundation for democracy and peace in the island nation’s embattled north. Pakistan’s military has finally decided to clear the Taliban from the Swat Valley and is employing tanks, heavy artillery, and attack helicopters to neutralise the mili- tants. The collateral damage has resulted in the displacement of 1.85 million people of the Swat region already. It is obvious Islamabad has shown no restraint or mercy for its own people. Nepal continues to be an unstable democracy. The crisis following resignation of the Maoist Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahl Prachanda on May 5 goes on even though the decks have been cleared for Madhav Kumar Nepal of the CPN–UML to be the next Prime Minister of Nepal. In the current scenario, India will have to use all its political and diplomatic skills to ensure the country’s national interests are not jeopardised. This issue carries ‘Ready for futuristic an interview of Signals Officer-in-Chief Lt General P. Mohapatra, and articles of topi- cal interest on body armour, air defence radars, network centric warfare, communi- cation security and artillery modernisation, communication challenges’ among others. Photographs: Sharad Saxena Interacting with SP’s Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal and SP’s Land Forces Editor Lieutenant General (Retd) V.K. Kapoor, Signals Officer-in-Chief Lieutenant General P. Mohapatra, AVSM, communicates the latest developments and distinctions of the Corps of Signals

SP’s Land Forces (SP’s): Define the roles communication requirements. As com- all communication needs of the entire IA and charter of duties of the Corps of municators, the prime duty of Corps of are coordinated by the Corps. Signals. Is the policy for planning com- Signals is to evolve, establish and main- SP’s Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal presents a copy of SP’s Military munications at unit level also within the tain the communication channels of the SP’s: Are the strategic and tactical level Yearbook 2008-2009 to Defence charter? IA, one of the largest standing armies communications in the army keeping Minister A.K. Antony Signals Officer-in-Chief (SO-in-C): in the world. Corps of Signals is an arm pace with the galloping field of com- The role of Corps of Signals is to provide with varied commitments, and the task munication technologies in the 21st reliable communication support to the of Information Warriors is unique and century? Indian Army (IA), across the entire spec- challenging. Apart from providing the SO-in-C: Certainly, the journey of the trum of conflict as well as its peace-time backbone and access to communication, Corps from Morse to Mouse has pre- Lt General (Retd) V.K. Kapoor

3/2009 SP’S LAND FORCES 1 conducting static and mobile operations? SO-in-C: Yes, we are focused in acquiring state-of-the-art equipment in the field of electronic warfare. In any conflict, domi- nating electromagnetic spectrum is the first concern of any army.

SP’s: Is the private industry geared to provide modern hardware and software technology to support the futuristic com- munication requirements? SO-in-C: In the present day scenario, technology gets obsolete every 18 months. This has led us to procure com- mercially-off-the shelf (COTS) equip- ment with necessary adaptations to meet requirement of the forces. Needless to sented new challenges at every turn and telecommunication industry and in the SP’s: How are you planning to provide say, induction of COTS equipment has the Information Warriors of the Corps military. What are the policies in this connectivity for Command Information reduced gestation period of projects and through their foresight, meticulous plan- regard at tactical and strategic levels? and Decision Support System and for its we are able to induct latest technology ning and execution, as also propelled by SO-in-C: Software Defined Radio pro- various limbs like Air Defence Control equipment for use in the Army. A lot has the impetus provided by the informa- vides dynamic selections of parameters and Reporting, Battle Management changed since the advent of the informa- tion revolution, have been successful in that help in dealing with problems due to System (BMS), Artillery Command tion revolution in the country, and the providing state-of-the-art info structure differing standards and issues related to and Control System, and Battlefield Indian industry has, apart from being to the army at all times. The Corps is deployment of new series of equipment Surveillance System in the absence of extremely prompt in assimilating tech- at present involved in several futuristic or those with varying features. Its adop- the TCS which is required to provide the nology, also spearheaded efforts in some projects involving modernisation of exist- tion and adaptation will take some time communication backbone to the C4ISR? domains. The private industry has to now ing systems and incorporating new sys- as the technology is itself evolving. SDR SO-in-C: The domain of enhancing com- concentrate on indigenisation of compo- tems, which will facilitate the IA’s march technologies on offer from various firms munication in the tactical battle area and nent level/embedded systems and indig- towards net-centricity, both at strategic are being seriously analysed by us. We the facilitation of synergy of elements enous operating systems. and tactical levels. are also looking at an indigenous SDR in tactical battle field is a priority for the programme with the help of DRDO/PSU/ Corps. The Corps is fully equipped and SP’s: DEFCOM 2009 showcases SP’s: Will the IA’s communications allow Indian Industry. capable of meeting the requirements of ‘Informatics for the transformation of it the flexibility required for future the various systems being fielded in the the defence force’ and ‘Technology devel- operational settings, including Fourth SP’s: How are you planning to employ IA. The Corps has established a reliable, opment in the information age’. What is Generation warfare which would decen- the legacy systems in the above context responsive, robust, secure and consoli- the basis of selecting such themes? tralise command and control to lower and what changes would this involve? dated infrastructure which is capable of SO-in-C: Technology has and always tactical levels? SO-in-C: Whenever any new technol- filling pre-TCS voids and meeting both the will remain central to warfare, giving SO-in-C: The concept of Fourth ogy is inducted, the aspect of backward present and future communication related qualitative advantage to numerically Generation warfare is not new to the IA. compatibility is always factored in. requirements of the environment. smaller forces. The rate of technology In fact, as stated by the Chief of the Army Compatibility with legacy systems will development the world over has been Staff, the IA is today prepared to fight certainly be of prime consideration while SP’s: How is the interoperability being phenomenal ushering in the introduc- across the entire spectrum of conflict adopting newer technologies. ensured in the current and future devel- tion of new weapon systems. The present situations. To this extent, the Corps has opment between the army, navy, air diverse nature of demands on our military been forward looking and has catered SP’s: Can you give out the mobile com- force and other concerned civil agencies? and the accelerated pace of technological for all communication needs of con- munication needs of the army and how SO-in-C: HQ IDS is the umbrella organi- developments mandates transformation of ventional and asymmetric warfare with are these being met? sation responsible to facilitate inter-ser- the armed forces, resulting in a changed technology skills and finely honed drills SO-in-C: Mobility is of essence especially vice cooperation at various levels. There nature of military competition and coop- and procedures that ensure provision of in the Tactical Battle Area. An infantry is a need for a tri-service network to eration through new combinations of reliable and responsive communications foot soldier needs to communicate with ensure inter operability between army, concepts and capabilities that exploit our in all contingencies. Our future network his platoon/company commander and navy and air force. Efforts are on to nation’s advantages and protect against development strategies are aimed at achieve greater synergy of the forces our asymmetric vulnerabilities to sustain ‘Anywhere, Anytime, Anyway and Any though interoperability. our strategic position. The effective infor- Device’ type of communication. We are, “Our future network mation age adaptation begins with inter- therefore, ready for any futuristic opera- SP’s: Considering China is so active in nal analysis and identification of strategic tional challenges. development strategies the field of cyber warfare, what steps are vision achieved through a process of are aimed at ‘Anywhere, being taken to ensure cyber security in transformation. Net centric concepts SP’s: What is the current status of the army’s communication networks? and Information superiority achieved by modernisation projects, including the Anytime, Anyway and SO-in-C: Major initiative has been under- overwhelming technology development Tactical Communication System (TCS)? Any Device’ type of taken on the aspect of cyber security. We will assist the armed forces in the process. SO-in-C: Modernisation projects planned have created a dedicated organisation to It is with this aim that ‘Informatics for by Corps of Signals are progressing well. communication.” look into cyber security and put in place Force Transformation and Technology While we are in the process of implement- a Computer Emergency Response Team Development in the Information Age’ ing certain earlier envisioned projects, in the army for incident management. has been chosen as the theme for we are also conceiving new projects in up the hierarchy; so does a tank or an Adequate cryptographic controls have DEFCOM 2009. keeping with operational demands and Infantry combat vehicle, a commander been incorporated within the ambit of evolving technological imperatives. We on the move or any other mobile sub- cyber security compliance framework. SP’s: What future role do you envisage are giving full impetus to the project to scriber. The Corps of Signals were the for the information warriors of the facilitate early fructification. pioneers in mobile communications in SP’s: What are your roles in low inten- Corps of Signals? both the civil and, of course, the defence sity conflict like terrorism and insur- SO-in-C: Information is a very potent SP’s: How are you planning to meet the arena with a mobile communication sub- gencies? weapon, especially when we are transit- Network Centric Warfare (NCW) needs set in Army Radio Engineered Network. SO-in-C: The role of communication ing from platform centric operations to of the IA with the anticipated delay in Today, we have assimilated the CDMA/ cannot be undermined in any activity of network-centric operations. Signallers, establishing the TCS? What is the cur- GSM technology. Technologies like the armed forces, be it conventional oper- who have traditionally been respon- rent status of NCW? WiMax, still in nascent stages of devel- ations or counter insurgency/counter sible for transfer of information, are SO-in-C: The vision of the Corps of opment, will also be absorbed to ensure terrorist operations. The side with better therefore the warriors of the future in Signals is to attain and maintain infor- high data rates as voice and data both and more reliable communications would a digitised battle field and are rightly matics ascendancy by developing infra- would be important constituents of com- invariably be at an advantage in any called ‘Information Warriors’. As tech- structure to cater for NCW in a digitised munication for future wars. type of operation that the armed forces nology advances and war fighting skills battlefield of tomorrow. The aim and may undertake. Our units deployed with get refined, there would be increasing objective of the Corps is to facilitate the SP’s: What all developments are being field formations which are undertaking demands on the Corps for management of IA’s march towards net-centricity. TCS, envisaged in Combat Net Radio (CNR)? counter insurgency and counter terrorist a complex system of networks, their con- being a large and technologically inten- SO-in-C: Combat Net Radio, in my operations are performing in an exempla- vergence, ensuring quality of service, fine sive project, will take some time to fructify. opinion, is an indispensable part of the ry fashion. Signalers are accompanying tuning of a plethora of information flow, In the interim, adequate steps have been inventory of any army because of its all troops undertaking such operations. enabling battlefield transparency, ensuing taken to ensure that our objectives are one-to-many capability. CNR must have We have a vast inventory of specialised sensor to shooter links in near real time met, albeit in a manner that conforms extended frequency range for short, equipment in the high frequency and and above all maintaining the security with the development of other systems medium and long range communication. very high frequency range which are of this gigantic network for information and applications. Backward compatibility will always be being used for provision of communica- assurance while degrading adversarial an important facet. Beyond Line of Sight tion for such operations. information systems. Signals will be the SP’s: Software Defined Radio (SDR) is Radios using one radio set in the vicin- nerve-centre of the future battle field to a rapidly evolving technology that is ity to provide relay for the next are being SP’s: Are we acquiring state-of-the-art facilitate decision making by command- receiving enormous recognition and studied. Data porting will be an impor- equipment in the field of Electronic ers at all levels, thus ensuring informa- generating widespread interest in the tant component. Warfare? Are our systems capable of tion ascendancy in the battlefield. SP

2 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 Indian Army’s Seminar 276x418:Layout 1 20/05/2009 10.47 Pagina 1




Goal in Sight Lockheed Martin and DRDO India’s recent successful test-fire of an intercep-

tor system shows that a workable missile defence Sharad Saxena, shield for the country is not a long way off Photographs: LT GENERAL (RETD) S.R.R. AIYENGAR III Missile

n March 6, India successfully Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative a BM. Even a re-entry vehicle (RV) without premier missile facility. Although the DRDL conducted the test of an intercep- (SDI) in 1983. Despite the substantial stealth technology has a radar image similar was initially located on the campus of tor missile to establish a Ballistic amounts spent on R&D, this failed to over- to a small dustbin and travels at speeds up the Delhi Science Centre, it was shifted to Missile Defence (BMD) shield as come all the technical obstacles, and in to several kilometres a second. Next, the Hyderabad in 1962. In the 1960s, the DRDL Opart of the network-centric warfare. The 1991, President George Bush announced a target must be confirmed (whether it really was tasked with the design and development test was carried out from the Integrated Test shift of emphasis to Theatre Missile Defence is there and is not an airliner, legitimate of an anti-tank missile for the Indian Army. Range (ITR) located on Wheeler Island near (TMD), perhaps extending—principally space launch or any such vehicle) and the However, the effort was terminated in 1970 Dhamara off Orissa coast. ITR sources said in collaboration with Russia—to Global risk evaluated (from its heading, nature when the Indian government decided to the modified version of “” missile, Protection Against Limited Strike. This and where debris might fall if the BM is manufacture the SS II BI anti-tank missiles known as naval version of , a sur- would consist of infra-red observation sat- destroyed). A command decision is required, under licence from France. face-to-surface missile acting as an enemy ellites to detect BM launches and to track to sanction the launch of a counter-attack In the 1970s, the DRDL undertook two missile, was test fired from naval ship INS the warheads, Brilliant Pebble satellites, for in the light of all the known circumstances additional projects. The first, Project Valiant, Rajput anchored inside the Bay of Bengal. interception in space, and ground-based before handing over all the tactical informa- involved the development of a long-range When it zeroed in on the Wheeler Island missiles to engage surviving BM. Total cost tion to the fire control system, which must BM. The second, Project Devil, was aimed of Dhamara coast, a Prithvi Air Defence was estimated at $460 billion, but the plans calculate an intercept point, choose, arm at reverse engineering the Soviet SA-2 sur- (PAD) missile—a ballistic missile (BM) with were modified in 1993, when the SDI Office and fire the appropriate interceptor rounds. face-to-air missile. Both projects were con- a range of 1,500 km, similar to Pakistan’s was reconstituted as the Ballistic Missile The task of interception itself is no mean sidered failures and came to be viewed by Ghauri—intercepted the incoming missile Defense Organisation, with a remit to focus feat—with closing speeds of up to 10km/ India’s armed services and the government at an altitude of 70 to 80 km. The PAD was more on operational TMD to the troops. The s—it has been described as equivalent to as competence-building exercises. Project test fired from the Wheeler Island. first combat use of BMD was the Patriot trying to shoot a high velocity bullet out of Valiant was terminated in 1974; Project Defence Research and Development Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) missile in the sky with a second high power rifle. In Devil ended in 1980. However, during the Organisation (DRDO) sources said the cru- the Gulf War. Open sources indicate that fact, it can be even more difficult, because period 1972-80, the DRDL developed the cial test conducted for the third time proved about 40 per cent of Scuds engaged over the RV can deploy decoys to confuse the infrastructure and facilities to undertake the efficacy of a host of new technologies. Israel and Saudi Arabia was intercepted and interceptor, or debris from the booster or RV the design and development of missiles. The interceptor PAD missile has for the first of the intercepted missiles, 40 per cent were casing may have the same effect, forming The Indian government revived the mis- time used a manoeuvrable warhead called destroyed successfully. However, this overall a ‘threat cloud’ within which the RV must sile programme during the 1980s under Gimballed Directional Warhead (GDW) be targetted. Thus, the success of any one the rubric of the Integrated Guided Missile which has so far been used only in the interceptor is far from certain, and a prob- Development Programme (IGMDP). The US and Russia. The GDW can rotate 360 India’s new cruise ability of kill of 50 to 80 per cent typically IGMDP was launched in 1983 with the degrees. The first interceptor missile test was is claimed. In order to improve the chances objective of developing five missile systems conducted on November 27, 2006 and way- missile, the subsonic of success, interceptors must be fired off in simultaneously: laid an incoming BM in the exo-atmosphere , is said to be volleys, while using a layered defence can • : Short-range surface-to-air missile. at 48 km altitude. The second test was reduce the total number of rounds required • : Medium-range surface-to-air missile. carried out on December 6, 2007 against 6 m in length with a by ending the sequence as soon as the RV • : Third-generation anti-tank guided a target missile at 15 km altitude in the 520 mm diameter; has been destroyed. missile. endo-atmosphere, intercepting the “enemy” A BM can be targeted at all the three • Prithvi: Short-range surface-to-surface missile at an altitude of 70 to 80 km. The weighs 1,000 kg and has points in its trajectory boost or launch missile. ground tests of the missile have been done a 1,000 km range with phase, mid-course in space or terminal • Agni-I: Intermediate-range surface-to- on the directional warhead but it was for phase during atmospheric descent. While surface missile (technology demonstrator). the first time the test was done on flight. a speed of 0.7 mach the PAC-3 system intercepts hostile mis- In the 1990s, the missile programme was Sources said intercepting a missile at a high- siles in the lower atmosphere, the Arrow-2 expanded to include the development of: er altitude of 80 km has the advantage as system destroys them in stratosphere. India, • Agni II: A 2000-km range, single-stage the debris will take longer to fall through the success rate of 16 per cent is questioned by on its part, is designing the BMD system to version of Agni-I with a weight of 16 ton atmosphere before it hits the ground. In a some, with doubts raised as to whether any intercept an incoming missile at both the and a payload of 1000 kgs. typical war scenario, this would reduce the warhead was destroyed as a result of PAC-2. “second mid-course and terminal phases”, • Surya: Medium-range version of the effect of any fallout of nuclear debris and Failure to intercept could have been caused with a very high kill probability. The aim Agni BM. the risk associated by errors in the radar and guidance systems would be to first engage in exo (above 40 • Dhanush: Naval version of the Prithvi. with radiation. and insufficient manoeuvrability; failure to km) and then whatever remains, in endo • : Short-range cruise/BM. The third test, sources said, would be destroy the warhead was most likely caused (below 30 km). The BMD system will have to • : Beyond-the-visual-range air-to- part of India’s plan to deploy a two-lay- by the Scuds breaking up, generating a be tested for a variety of flight envelopes. air missile. ered BMD system in the coming years. The ‘threat cloud’ of debris which ‘decoyed’ • BrahMos: A , it is a joint interceptor was a two-stage vehicle, with the interceptors. The first of about 350 The Indian experience collaborative effort with Russia. the first stage fuelled by liquid propellants upgraded PAC-2 missiles are now entering The use of rockets and missiles by Indians The Indian missile programme has been and the second by solid propellants. It was service with the US Army. Russia also has a in modern times dates back to the 18th a largely indigenous one, with almost all of 10 m long and weighed about 5.2 tonnes. point defence capability based on its S-300P century, during the period of ruler Hyder Ali the equipment developed by Indian scien- The entire interceptor missile system was family of weapons, which gives a similar and Tipu Sultan. Fighting the British colo- tists. However, it was delayed by some years home grown, except for the radars that performance to Patriot. Russia exports this nial army, Tipu Sultan’s army used variety as more variants of Agni were expected. were acquired from Israel and France. system to Bulgaria, China, Croatia, the of rockets in supporting role. It was world’s India’s most sophisticated intermediate The interceptor missile was guided by the Czech Republic and Iran. It is also learnt first use of rockets for fighting modern wars. range ballistic missile Agni-III was on July 8, Inertial Navigation system in mid-course that PAC-3 of the US is a major upgrade of At the Battle of Seringapatnam in 1792, 2007, test-fired from a range off the Orissa and radio-frequency homing seeker in the earlier Patriot Systems in terms of both cov- Indian soldiers launched a huge barrage of coast. The indigenously built surface-to-sur- end game, which implies destroying the erage and lethality. rockets against British troops. Tipu’s rockets face nuclear capable missile, with a range incoming missile. were far more advanced than any other of 3,500 km, was test-fired from a fixed ABM: Key characteristics at the time and had been fully integrated platform at the launch complex of the ITR. History of BMD from WWII A worthwhile BMD system must be capable into his army under special rocket brigades Described as the most powerful of India’s After World War II, the US attempted to of performing a sequence of complex tasks, called Kushoons. These were extremely missiles developed by the DRDO, Agni-III develop anti-BM (ABM) systems that could in about six minutes for a Scud-type missile effective in battle and were known to have has the capability of carrying a payload of defend the US mainland against Inter- or about 15 minutes for a long range TBM. completely scattered the British armies. 1,000 kg. Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), but First of all, the incoming threat must be In the 20th century, the government of In what could provide India greater stra- it became apparent that not only would detected: intelligence sources might provide Independent India embarked on a number tegic depth, the government announced its defence against an all-out attack be imprac- forewarning that a missile attack is likely, of plans to develop missiles which would plan to develop 6,000-km range Agni-IV tical, but ABM systems could seriously and satellite or aerial surveillance can detect strengthen India’s defences. In 1958, missile which will be capable of destroy- undermine mutually assured deterrence. the characteristic infra-red ‘signature’ from the government constituted the Special ing targets deep in China. The announce- The USSR and the US signed the ABM a rocket launch. Radar on the ground would Weapons Development Team which would ment is seen as a move to send out strong Treaty in 1972, in effect ending ABM devel- then focus in the direction of the threat and later become the Defence Research and signals to countries in the neighbourhood. opment for the next decade, until President try to isolate the very weak reflection from Development Laboratory (DRDL), India’s Any missile with a range of more than

Continued on page 7


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09IDS052_Hawk_SPLandForces_resize_Apr09.indd 1 5/20/09 4:10:12 PM Technology ELectronic INTelligence The surveillance of the electromagnetic environment represents one of the main tasks of a nation’s military commitments and its basic purpose is two-fold: prevention and defence

he surveillance of the electromag- To perform the above function, a spe- deployment of the sensors, Passive Sensor in armoured vehicle configuration netic (e.m.) environment repre- cific Passive Sensor has been designed that overall sensor area coverage, sents one of the main tasks of a operates primarily in the radar bands. EOB, routes of tracked moving nation’s military commitments and Moreover, the need of covering wide areas emitters, etc. ELINT Network are: Tits basic purpose is two-fold: prevention and acquiring inside , accurate and reli- The Passive Sensor can be installed in • Tasks assignment for the Passive and defence. able information on the opponent’s EOB, fixed sites and/or shelters or armoured Sensors The term ELINT (ELectronic requires the use of several Passive Sensors vehicles. • Real-time data collection by EWAC of INTelligence) is commonly used when the connected in a network arrangement and These sensors can operate in stand- the information acquired by the Sensors surveillance function is confined to non- coordinated by a Supervisor Working post. alone mode or can be fully remotable and • Acquiring, displaying and real-time communication type emissions, such as The latter that can assign specific tasks controlled from an operator work post updating of the processed threat sce- radar emitters. to each operator (depending on high level located in accordance with operational nario on digital Maps; requirements. • Monitoring of e.m. scenario evolution; Each sensor can perform master or slave • Correlation of the acquired information n 3 2 1 functions for triangulation purposes. (Off-Line Analysis) for creating/updat- Passive Passive Passive Passive The EWAC can also be installed in either ing Data Bases Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor AIR fixed sites or mobile facilities. • Tracking of mobile emitters and route DEFENCE ELETTRONICA S.p.A. has acquired plotting on Maps a long standing experience in the design • Capability to report the processed data and development of EW Systems to meet to a higher level command even the most demanding Customer The communication system can be a ELINT requirements. Customer Furnished Equipment, or can be The company’s ELINT Network is supplied by ELETTRONICA. ELINT NETWORK based on the ELT/888 Systems Family Civilian or military telephone lines (also Supervisor WP of Passive Sensors, the latest generation optical fibre), V/UHF data link, satellite of ELINT systems for Data Collection (of Systems can be used. radar emissions) and Surveillance (of the It has to be highlighted that these EWAC e.m. scenario), that can effectively perform systems have been checked and tested the required functions by exploiting such by the Indian Army Officers during a unique features as: NCNC test and trials performed in Treviso • high sensitivity interception (can inter- (Italy) form 24th to 28th February 2008 cept radar emitters even some hun- utilizing systems made available for such dreds of Km deep into enemy territory) activities by the Italian Army. • high measurement accuracy The result of such field tests and rel- Higher Level Command • high accuracy signal analysis; evant performance analysis lead to an offi- • high capability to operate in dense, cial statement of “Full Compliance” with complex and a-priori unknown e.m. the requirement issued by the Indian Army Block Diagram of a typical ELINT Network Configuration scenarios; delegation SP • automatic identification and classifica- tion of emissions; The objective of prevention is to gain operational requirements), such as: spe- • modern and user-friendly Man/Machine knowledge on the “radar” resources of a cific analysis of emitters, triangulation, Interface (based on window applica- likely opponent for the purpose of deter- reporting specific threats inside or outside tions) mining and updating the deployment of a selected area, tracking of moving • high level of interaction with a network of the radar-associated weapon systems emitters, cooperation for air picture build- Supervisor (known as Electronic Order of Battle ing and/or updating, etc.. The Supervisor • high “interoperability” - EOB), tracking of moving emitters, build- is typically connected to a higher level ing up a local (and regional) air picture, in command. ELT/888 Composition a selected area of interest and supplying For ELINT purposes, all the acquired The ELT/888 Passive Sensor basically this information to higher level commands data (i.e., processed, intra-pulse, inter- consists of the following items: for use at both tactical and strategic levels. pulses) is sent to a control centre (Electronic • Monopulse Directional Antenna Moreover, this function can be exploited Warfare Analysis Centre: EWAC) for analysis • Equipment Rack (Superhet Receiver, also for defence purposes (ESM), since and national Database and libraries upgrad- Measuring Units, Operator Console) the surveillance of the e.m. environment ing. The use of a Passive Sensor network • Ancillary Units (GPS, Gyro Compass, allows detection of “threats” located allows better emitter correlation for location Communication and data link system) “deep” in the “opponent’s” territory and and identification purposes and typically • Data and voice link devices thus to exploit this vital early warning features a link to a higher level command information in order to effectively counter for transferring both the EOB and detected ELINT Network Composition any likely aggression. emitter characteristics; this information is The ELINT Network is composed of: Passive Sensor in Shelterised The most appropriate technical solu- vital for both national data base updating • ELT/888 Passive Sensors (at least 3); Configuration tions to meet the country’s comprehensive and decision making purposes. • EWAC with Supervisor and Map capa- passive surveillance requirements could be The extensive use of Electronic Mapping bilities the adoption of mobile land-based systems System consents a very powerful display • Communication System that can operate from fixed or mobile sites of the “operational scenario” in terms of The main tasks and functions of the

Passive Sensor in armoured The Monopulse Directional Antenna vehicle configuration EWAC Internal Layout (Vehicle Installation) Typical Equipment Rack Arrangement (Retracted for shelter transportation)

6 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 Skyranger E 260x191.qxd 12.03.2009 17:05 Uhr Seite 1

New tasks, new solutions

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Goal in Sight Continued from page 4 scientist Dr V.K. Saraswat said the Agni-IV through the IGMDP has been successfully more than 1,100 km. The longer the project was in the design stage and its tri- utilised in the BMD programme and is a reach and range of the missile the faster als and development could take a few years major milestone in the direction of prov- the warhead is propelled and the more and its range is planned for 6000 km. Dr ing our capabilities in this field. The hat difficult becomes the problem of inter- Saraswat said the DRDO would carry out trick by the DRDO, as per Dr Saraswat, ception. India’s concern with so many three more tests of Agni-III over the next Programme Director, Air Defence, proves missiles in Pakistan’s armory possibly year. The 3,500-km range missile has the “the robustness, reliability and repeat- explains the motivation and eagerness to capacity to carry a nuclear payload of upto ability of the design of our system for have some form of defence against such 1.5 tonnes. The success of Agni-III paves engaging incoming BMs with a range missiles. The recent successful test-fire of the way for India to build its truly inter- of 300 to 1,500 km”. India became the an interceptor system shows that a work- continental range missiles Agni-IV with a fourth nation in the world to acquire able missile defence shield for the country range of 5,000 km in the near future. It is such a capability and the third nation to is not a long way off. also learnt that a miniaturised submarine- develop it through indigenous effort. The A DRDO spokesperson stated that it launched version of the Agni-III, called mission’s success had boosted the confi- would take three to four years before India Agni-III SL, is also being developed and dence of DRDO scientists in networking would be prepared to say that it could put could be test-fired shortly. The test of the an array of radars, optics, command, con- in place a national missile defence system. missile comes in the backdrop of spy satel- trol and communications systems to track The three successful tests of the indig- lites showing China possessing five nuclear an incoming missile in real time, validate enous BM shield must also be viewed in PAC-3 Missile submarines equipped with long-range all the software computation and send the the context of reports that the US wants nuclear tipped missiles which are located at command to the seeker to home in on the to sell its improved version of Patriot Sanya Island in the southern tip of Hanian target. The country has also embarked Advanced Capability-3 and Terminal High Island off the South-China Sea. on a programme to indigenise radars Altitude Area Defence Systems, which The DRDO scientist is also reported to to put in place a standalone approach. together are intended to provide protec- have stated that India would have a com- Dr Saraswat, while briefing journalists, tive shield against BMs. India should be plete BMD system in three years—ready mentioned that the integrated endo-atmo- wary of falling into this trap for such an and deployed. The system will have inter- spheric and exo-atmospheric tests were option will demoralise the DRDO’s team of ceptor missiles that can hit targets 50 km expected to be conducted by 2009-end. scientists and engineers, and the techni- above the atmosphere and supersonic The first phase envisages ability to inter- cal capability and expertise that has been interceptors that can eliminate endo- cept incoming missiles with a range of so painstakingly built up over the years atmospheric targets 15 km within the 2,000 km. It is designed to engage mul- would go waste and eventually wither atmosphere. Further, India is reportedly tiple targets by firing a salvo of missiles. away. Expressing confidence in the BM in the intermediate stages of developing a The second phase would be to engage programme, Dr Saraswat was hopeful new cruise missile, Nirbhay (dauntless). the intercontinental BMs which a have a that the first phase would be completed by Prithvi Missile The subsonic Nirbhay is said to be 6 m in range of over 3,500 km. 2010. As for cooperation from other coun- length with a 520 mm diameter; weighs Neighbouring Pakistan has in its tries, he said, it was sought to bridge the 5,000 km stationed in south or central 1,000 kg and has a 1,000 km range with a armory a range of missiles that can carry technical requirements and to accelerate India would be out of the range of most speed of 0.7 mach. The technology demon- nuclear warheads. With a 700-kg pay- technical development. SP capable missiles in Pakistan’s arsenal while strator flight is planned for end-2009. load, it is estimated that the Ghaznavi it would be able to hit targets in eastern could have a range of about 350 km, the The author was former Commandant of National Defence College, New and northern China, with cities like Beijing Boost confidence Shaheen-1 of about 500 km, the Ghauri Delhi, Defence Services Staff College, Wellington (Nilgiris) and Military and Shanghai within its ambit. DRDO’s top The expertise and technology developed of over 900 km and the Shaheen-II of College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow (Madhya Pradesh).

3/2009 SP’S LAND FORCES 7 Industry Speak ‘Take advantage of legacy technologies’ Daniel Verwiel, Director, Battle Management Systems DSD, Northrop Grumman Information Systems of Northrop Grumman Corporation painstakingly highlights the complex procedures and India-specific criteria for a comprehensive, but uncluttered, BMS modelled along the lines of the US Army’s FBCB2 Photographs: Sharad Saxena

SP’s Land Forces (SP’s): What is the basic be redistributed back to all of the platforms. which is necessary for operational work ticular type of radio network. Rather, we architecture of the Battle Management So, be it company level, regiment level, bat- and filter the rest. The information required might access already fielded and available Systems (BMS) designed for the US Army? talion level or brigade level, you have the will change from one level to another, from terrestrial networks supporting the Indian Daniel Verwiel (Verwiel): The US Army ability to structure it so that it can be used battalion to battalion, from regiment to regi- Army, which allows you to utilise legacy utilises a system called Force XXI Battle at any one of those levels. So for India, for ment, and from soldier to soldier—and vary networks already fielded. You must design a Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) as a ‘battalion and below’—with the average even further, depending on the level of the system that will take advantage of the radio its predominant BMS. The system is fielded battalion in India being at 150 platforms organisation using or receiving the data. networks that are already in the field. Then to US Army units throughout the world something like 650 or so soldiers—you can the issue becomes how to structure commu- today, and is battle tested in both Iraq and structure your system at the battalion level SP’s: The Indian Army constitutes a very nication operations based on how the Indian Afghanistan in support of US operations in so they can share information amongst all large force. With restricted frequency Army operates. I could imagine a scenario both of these countries. The basic system is the owners of the battalion. They can also spectrum, how would you ensure voice- right now within a battalion level commu- designed to provide situational awareness share that information with the brigade, data-video communication at unit level nications cloud or within a company level and command and control capability to the allowing for the creation of a system that without electronic interference? What are cloud where they could talk to each other vehicle platform level, allowing you to know can handle data consolidation and redistri- the types of technologies available for and deal with that local data only, without where you are as well as where all of your bution at any one of those levels. At the end spectrum management? overwhelming the rest of the network. In friends are. The components of the basic of the day, it is about how useful the data is Verwiel: In a comprehensive BMS setup, this scenario, the company or battalion system include a vehicle mounted onboard to the soldier and to the platform. you have a broad spectrum of capability that might have a single celestial link that would computer, a Global Positioning System (GPS) can be utilised to support the network. But pass data up to the next level only when it is locator, and transceivers for both line of SP’s: How do you suggest that we ensure you can never lose sight of the fact that the critical information, or is required to move to sight (LOS) and beyond line of sight com- that while the soldier handles his own system can only be as strong as the network the next higher level, or to an adjacent com- munications (BLOS). The onboard computer mission, he does not get overloaded with that will support it. Given the size of the munications cloud. This really comes down contains the software which provides for situ- information? Indian Army, it is not a stretch to think that to what the army’s concept of operations ational awareness and basic command and Verwiel: You can’t have the soldiers receiv- the network could become overwhelmed. will be for the BMS system. control functions. The GPS locator provides ing every piece of data that might be made But there do exist a number of technolo- With the Concept of Operations for the capability of always knowing its own (ConOps), the army decides how it wants to location, information which is transmitted structure the system so it gets to its forces via LOS or BLOS transceiver to a network the C2SA data that a particular force(s) operations centre (NOC). At the NOC, the needs. You can think about a battalion or data which is transmitted from all vehicles in regiment that moves together in a war situ- the field is combined into a common picture, ation. They need to know about each other which is retransmitted back to all of the vehi- because all of them are in close proximity cles, providing a single picture displaying the so they need to talk to and share data with locations of friendly forces. LOS communica- each other for real time situation aware- tion is based on a terrestrial radio network, ness. There are techniques to ensure that whereas the BLOS communication relies their C2SA keeps each other informed, and on a satellite-based celestial network. With only transmits the data to the NOC on an this capability, all of the vehicle platforms intermittent basis, thereby not overwhelm- have the ability to tell where the buddies are, ing the total network with data. As these where the enemies are, as well as have access troops move around, we know they are to relevant available information. In addition, talking to each other. The data that reaches the system provides a means of communica- the NOC can then be retransmitted, again tions between vehicle platforms, including intermittently, back to all platforms for a command and control data. SP’s Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal with Verwiel complete picture. But it is less important for a troop in one area to know the real time SP’s: The BMS designed for the US Army exact location of another troop 20 miles caters for ‘brigade and below’. What available in a BMS system. But with any gies that can be utilised to ensure that the away, than it is for him to know the loca- would be the modifications required to software application, you always have the communications network is optimised and tion of those folks in his immediate vicinity. cater for the Indian requirement of ‘bat- ability to filter data so that only relevant not overwhelmed. One example is in set- So, the concept is to keep data moving in talion and below’? information is passed to the soldier, includ- ting up your Command and Control and real time amongst those troops that are in Verwiel: I like to think of the US FBCB2 ing the ability to request data on demand. So Situational Awareness (C2SA) software so close proximity, and less than real time for system as being more about the ‘soldier and once you establish the individual platform that its message formatting is structured in the broader common picture. platform and above’—not necessarily ‘bri- needs that your soldiers require, you can a way so as not to overwhelm the system That is just an example of a concept of gade and below’. If you look at each one of get to them the data that they need or want. with information. In addition, you might use operations that allows you to make sure the platforms, which includes calling a sol- Via software filtering, you can strip out the data compression techniques to minimise you can optimise the network. The real key dier a platform, each has the ability to gen- information that they are not going to use. the amount of data transmitted and the is to make sure only the necessary data erate its own situational awareness. If you It should only give pieces of data the soldier data bandwidth required. A second point moves in real time and the rest of the data have the ability to tell where you are, and needs to use, while other pieces of data you is that you have to have one network that might be staged and prioritised. In your the capability to transmit that data, you can can put behind the scenes. With structured can utilise all the available transmission software you set a priority status so you send that up to an operations centre which training, you ensure that the soldier knows capabilities. Our approach is radio agnostic; can monitor how that traffic needs to move can generate a common picture, which can how to use the data. You should get the data meaning, we aren’t dependent on a par- so you don’t lose anything.

8 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 SP’s: Can legacy equipment in use be facture. We have gained from our FBCB2 revamped and employed in the BMS design application experience, developing a designed for the Indian Army? system architecture that works effectively, Verwiel: The US Army is a good example of optimising the network, but also utilising how to utilise legacy systems for BMS. Any both existing technology in addition to new military can’t really afford to put a brand capability. The real power is in the system. new system into use, and require a com- We consider ourselves to be a system inte- pletely new set of radio technology when grator whose job is to create a system that you are potentially fielding to hundreds of will do exactly what it needs to do… in a thousands of platforms. The cost to do this is very efficient manner and a very optimised prohibitive. So, in a BMS set up, it is wise to manner utilising new technology, the latest re-evaluate what existing fielded equipment technology, and existing technology. That’s can be utilised to support the system. Can a part that shouldn’t be lost on the India you revamp or reutilise existing equipment? BMS. If you do system integration, you Absolutely. In the US, the army took advan- make it a cost effective system, one that is tage of existing radios, like SINGCARS and affordable. A system based on entirely new EPLRS, and developed systems that could technology is not affordable. On that mixes use these radios. There are other examples as the new with the old is. well. Of course, it’s a lot easier today than it might have been 15 or 20 years ago. Today, SP’s: How would you compare the you can take the legacy applications and strengths of your BMS centric programme retool to utilise it. Since the Indian Army is so with other such systems? large and you don’t have an unlimited bud- Verwiel: I think the biggest advantage is get, you must take advantage of the legacy that we have a system that is battle tested. equipment already in the field, and construct It’s been fielded to nearly 70,000 platforms a system that can utilise that technology. in a battle environment. When we look “Since the Indian Army is so large and do not have at the competition, we don’t see anybody SP’s: Would software defined radios (SDR) an unlimited budget, you must take advantage who has that type of legacy or real life be necessary for the BMS? experience with users who are using the Verwiel: Not necessarily. But if you ask me, of the legacy equipment already in the field, and system. It really is a leap (of technology) if SDR can provide you an added capabil- construct a system that can utilise that technology.” from where the system was even 15 years ity and perhaps advantage, the answer is, ago, and now the users simply expect it yes. This gets back to structuring and offer- to do a lot more. Also, when I look at our ing the army a communication operation information. As the systems have become within the network. For example, with competition, I don’t see any company that gives you the ability to better optimise more necessary, available and relied upon, FBCB2, it utilises several different satellites which has a truly scalable system that’s the network, and there are potential cost so has the demand for greater amounts of for the transmission of data. The bottom been demonstrated to this level in battle. advantages in using SDR. But do you need information. The soldier now wants more line is that there are multiple redundan- There a lot of systems out there that are to employ this groundbreaking technology? intelligence in the field—pictures, video. cies in place to make sure that if one part trying to get there, which are struggling The answer is no. With FBCB2 today, the US Basically, the ability to have more informa- of the network goes down you have access to get there, but there are no systems Army does not use SDRs. The system works tion to make his job safer and more effective. to another part of the network connec- aside from ours that have successfully quite fine with its combination of terrestrial This generates need for a lot of information tion. This is also where taking advantage been used on even hundreds of platforms, radios and commercial satellite capability. that they haven’t had access to in the past, of legacy technologies is very important. whereas the Northrop Grumman system And it is constantly evaluating the network, so we are developing a more robust system Redundancy is the key and with available is working today on tens of thousands of which supports tens of thousands of nodes. that can handle this demand, with the communications technologies, such as cel- platforms. I have difficulty believing that The US Army is always evaluating the net- ability to move information at higher data lular, meshnet, 4G, 3G, basic terrestrial and there is any solution in the field that can work for its next generation radio. SDR is rates. We are working on new technolo- Satcom, there is much to leverage. There really compete with what we have done one of the candidates it looks at, but it is gies, as are many other companies, that will are a lot of different redundancies that you today with FBCB2. Our greatest success is certainly not the only candidate. Again, with allow transmission of more data. That’s the can build into the system, and that is what that it has been put through operational tens or hundreds of thousand of nodes, the long answer. The short answer is that in India’s BMS is looking for—how to get these scenarios which has given us the unique cost to field new radios is always a top issue. today’s BMS system, you will get all the data devices and technologies into a broad BMS. ability to see the system in action, and then you need and you will be able to have text to talk with soldiers who use the system, SP’s: What would be the approximate cost messaging and clear control. Tomorrow’s SP’s: Is a flatter organisation necessary and make the improvements that the user of digitising a Brigade group? system will depend on the types of devices in a network centric environment? needs and demands. We are using real time Verwiel: At this stage of the BMS develop- we can put in the field to make the network Verwiel: I don’t think so at all. What you feedback from a theatre of war to imple- ment, it would be very premature to discuss more robust. They will be able to get video must determine is the fastest way to get ment new developments. I think we are costs at any of the different levels. Costing and audio capability, they will be able to get information and orders to the edge of the quite far ahead of our competition because is an exercise that is very much part of much broader text messaging and e-mail organisation—and this often has little to we are getting the real time, real life feed- the process that the Indian Army has to capability. This will be from the top levels do with the BMS technology. Getting infor- back from the users, and constantly updat- go through before designing its qualitative (division, brigade and battalion) down to the mation and authorised decision as quickly ing the system to implement those needs. requirements. Once a ConOps is designed, a soldier level, and will include the ability to as possible from the top of the chain of No one else can make that claim. thorough cost-benefit analysis will need to move intelligence data. There are a number command to the bottom of the chain is be performed, looking at the different types of different applications but it depends on imperative, regardless of how flat or tall the SP’s: Where are all your systems of operational requirements; and these how powerful you can make that network. organisation is. The technology is neither deployed? How do the users view them? varying estimates could be very wide rang- going to require that you have a flat organi- Are there any particular references that ing. So it would be a little premature to get sation to do that, nor does it need a multi- you may wish to give? into a discussion around costs. “System integration is tiered organisation. Flat or tall, it doesn’t Verwiel: Well, I’ll have to see the list to a cost effective system, really matter as far the network or technol- take on this one. Our biggest test was the SP’s: What is the type of information that ogy is concerned. Once you decide how US Army with FBCB2, and represents our can be made available to a soldier on the one that is affordable. your organisation is to be set up, and how single largest customer. FBCB2 is also used battlefield? How does the BMS ensure this? A system based on you want that command structure to work, by the UK and Australian defence forces. Verwiel: Again, I will use FBCB2 as an entirely new technology you can set your network accordingly. Much lower in numbers, but it gives them example. There are physics limitations on an inter-connection with the US system things like bandwidth and the capacity of is not affordable.” SP’s: What are the strengths of Northrop so that they have access to joint data. The data which can be transmitted. For those Grumman in the field of C4ISR? feedback has been fantastic. Everybody who units that use SATCOM based networks, Verwiel: Northrop Grumman is one of the sees the system, and uses it for the first time the data transmission rate is pretty small. SP’s: How does the BMS ensure the connec- few companies worldwide whose primary wants more of it. We are looking at how to You really can’t get a whole lot of infor- tivity to a brigade, division and corps? focus is to develop and implement systems, get more information, how do faster trans- mation. But for basic C2SA, it’s effective; Verwiel: The nature of the question gets principally accomplished by partnering mission of information for the next genera- it does what it exactly needs, and has for back to the network. The system is only with other organisations and companies. tion, and we take user feedback to build on the last five years. The US Army has been as powerful as its network. Taking FBCB2 We are a part of Northrop Grumman’s those capabilities. A lot of international happy with the promise that has come with as an example as we work, we have set up Information Systems Sector. We are system customers, including India, are looking for the network. So if the original purpose of network redundancy, ensuring that if one integrators and our expertise is that we are the same capability. One of our never end- the FBCB2 system was to identify ‘where part of the network goes down, you have a system engineering house and we don’t ing issues is in dealing with the nuances of am I, where are my buddies, where are my the ability to utilise another part of the net- necessarily view ourselves as an agent to international trade law and that’s a little enemies, where are my points of interest, work. One concept employed is the hybrid solve any particular aspect of C4ISR. Our bit of an obstacle we have in promoting and do I have the ability to talk to everyone’, network architecture, that has both a ter- job is to make all the elements work togeth- “FBCB2 like” solutions. Many countries then it has accomplished that objective. restrial base and a celestial base. In the US er. So our strength is in system integration. want capabilities just like that. We have The system gives the soldier situational Army, the concept might include that every We take a variety of platforms and tech- accomplished something great, and quite awareness, and it gives them command platform has the ability to operate over a nologies, and are able to tie them together frankly, we see our competitors trying to and control information, a whole set of terrestrial network, as well as a celestial to provide a more powerful system that replicate this system because of its success. other information, including the ability to network. If one goes down you always have a user can take advantage of. The FBCB2 But because of some of the export issues, it text message from one platform to another. the ability to operate over the other network presents a good example of what we have does create opportunities for international But as we look to the next generation of and pass data back and forth on a periodic done: designed technology to be utilised, companies to pursue the development of systems, there is a new demand for more basis. In addition, there is redundancy built and handed it to other companies to manu- FBCB2 like products. SP

3/2009 SP’S LAND FORCES 9 Security ‘We are seeing less of red Basic & Best of Body Armour tape-ism’ R.K. Gupta, Managing Director, One of the newest types of body armour is both Anjani Technoplast Ltd, India flexible and lightweight—achieved by introducing SP’s Land Forces (SP’s): As one of the biggest manufacturers of body armour, liquid in the existing armour materials have you seen an upsurge in demand? R.K. Gupta (Gupta): Yes, post 9/11, Photograph: LT GENERAL (RETD) V.K. KAPOOR there has been a major increase in both national and international demand. ow intensity conflict in Jammu combination with metallic components tain a visible liquid layer. Instead, these use SP’s: Have such demands expedited and Kashmir, the Northeast and in or tightly-woven fiber layers, soft armour Kevlar soaked in a shear-thickening fluid, India’s procurement procedures? the hinterland of India against the can offer some protection against stab and which behaves like solid when subject to Gupta: Developments, like the Kargil Naxalites, besides increasing vio- slash from a knife. Soft vests are commonly mechanical stress or shear. In other words, and Mumbai attacks, have hastened the Llence due to acts of terror both in India and worn by police forces, private citizens and it moves like a liquid until an object strikes procurement process and supplying has abroad has stepped up the demand for body private security guards or bodyguards, and or agitates it forcefully. Then, it hardens in a actually become easier—we are seeing armour not only for the armed forces and hard-plate reinforced vests are mainly worn few milliseconds. The fluid is made of silica less of red tape-ism. the police, but also for individuals (business- by combat soldiers as well as police tactical particles suspended in polyethylene glycol. SP’s: Who are your Indian clients? men, politicians, and other high profile per- units and hostage rescue teams. The silica particles are only a few nanome- Gupta: We make customised products for sonages). Today, lightweight body armour While a vest can prevent bullet penetra- ters in diameter, hence reports describe this paramilitary forces and the state police. vests have become an integral part of the tion, the vest and wearer still absorb the fluid as a form of nanotechnology. In the defence services, we supply to the attire of such people. The basic idea behind bullet’s energy. Even without penetration, army and the air force. We have also bid body armour—that the projectile must modern pistol bullets contain enough ener- The Indian scenario for a naval tender for bullet-proof jackets. be prevented from reaching the body of a gy to cause blunt force trauma under the At present, the Indian Army uses bullet SP’s: Body armour manufacturers get person—has not changed since the ancient impact point. Vests’ specifications include proof jacket (BPJ)—single plate and double requisitions for supply from terrorist times. Another requirement is that it must both penetration resistance requirements plate. Single plate weighs 3 kg while double and insurgent groups as well. Have you? diffuse the weapon’s energy so that the final and limits on the amount of impact energy plate is 9 kg. The heavy weight of the BPJ Gupta: Never. We would never associate impact causes less damage. Over the years, delivered to the body. Textile vests may be due to the inserted steel plates is not appre- with anti-national elements. developments have ensured stronger and augmented with metal (steel or titanium), ciated by a soldier who has to additionally SP’s: Who are your international clients? more advanced armour to protect against ceramic or polyethylene plates for extra carry his weapon and ammunition, ren- Gupta: Most of the developed coun- increasingly sophisticated weapons. protection to vital areas. These hard armour dering the total weight quite unbearable, tries—Middle East, Europe and the US. However, despite these improvements, plates have proven effective against all hand- especially when operating in hilly and modern body armour still has some of gun bullets and a range of rifles. Corrections mountainous regions. SP’s: What are your research facilities? Gupta: We have a very big and efficient the same shortcomings as ancient forms officers and other law enforcement officers In the future the concept will cater not research, development and design centre. of armour. Whether it’s made from metal often wear vests designed specifically against merely for the protection of the soldier but his The DRDO has been in close association plates or layers of fabric, the armour is often bladed weapons and sharp objects. These overall survivability on the battlefield which and advises us to customise to defence heavy and bulky. Rigidity of the material vests may incorporate coated and laminated combines the characteristics of protection and security services needs. also makes it impractical for use on arms, para-aramid textiles or metallic components. against conventional weapons with situation- legs and necks, and hence, in most cases, it al awareness. The Future Infantry Soldier as a SP’s: What are your other products for the defence sector? protects only the head and torso. Liquid body armour System is being designed accordingly. Gupta: We produce surveillance equip- One of the newest types of body armour is ment, vehicle armour, riot control suits, Bulletproof vest both flexible and lightweight—achieved by Industry leaders helicopter armour and bullet-proof riot A bulletproof vest absorbs the impact from introducing liquid in the existing armour Some of the vendors in this field in India shields. projectiles fired by rifles/revolvers/sten- materials. Not entirely ready for combat, and abroad are: Imperial Armour, South machine carbines and shrapnel fragments liquid body armour has the potential to be Africa; Global Armour SA (Pty) Limited, SP’s: Do other countries have as tough government procedures in defence sup- from explosions. This protection is for the a good replacement for or supplement to South Africa; LBA International Limited, ply as India? upper body or the torso. Soft vests are made bulkier vests. The two primary types of liq- UK; KATA Vitec I Limited, Israel; MKU Gupta: Yes, absolutely. Also, the US sup- from many layers of woven or laminated uid body armour currently in development Private Limited, India; Hellweg International ports its domestic players a lot, which fibers and protect individuals from projec- start with a foundation of DuPont Kevlar, Pty Limited, Australia; DSM Dyneema, makes our entry tough. In India, there is tiles fired from certain handguns, shotguns, commonly used in bulletproof vests. The Netherlands; Oskar Pedersen AS, no preferential treatment to Indian com- and small fragments from explosives such The term “liquid body armour” can be Norway; International Armour Corporation, panies in global tenders. as hand grenades. When metal or ceramic misleading, conjuring the idea of fluid sand- USA; Peace Keeper Middle East Sharjah, plates are used with a soft vest, it can also wiched between two layers of solid material. UAE; Secure Mobile (India); and Anjani —By Sangeeta Saxena protect against shots fired from rifles. In However, liquid body armour do not con- Technoplast Limited, India. SP Seminar Report Spotlight on BMS The requirement is to draft a well-defined policy on the type of communication services and connectivity that could be made available to battalions/regiments LT GENERAL (RETD) V.K. KAPOOR

communications, automation and network Lieutenant General P.C. Katoch emphasised management, a communications network that speed and pervasiveness of data trans- responsive to the army’s new information mission in the Information Age were causing The 2nd International Seminar on BMS was held in New Delhi from April 14 to 15 needs is competitively implementable. a revolutionary change in the nature of mili- Photograph: Sharad Saxena tary operations and warfare. The rapid diffu- Areas of Interest sion of information, enabled by technological urrent and future communication Analysing weaknesses The seminar identified the following topics: advances, challenged the relevance of tradi- devices to assist tactical entities Existing tactical communications network • Promote awareness of current and future tional practices and principles of warfare. from the soldier to the commander lacks the capability to support the Indian trends in tactical communication systems. However, to derive maximum benefits attracted the spotlight at a recent Army’s (IA) needs on the digitised battlefield. • Identify technologies which support the that the Information Age had to offer, Cinternational seminar held in the capital. Present and future communication require- communication requirement of BMS. requirement of a reliable, robust and resilient Eight sessions spread evenly across two days ments will critically depend on a broader • Identify communication services which communication architecture that assured witnessed extensive deliberations on the sub- spectrum of information services: video, keep all elements of battalion/regiment in the availability of bandwidth for passage ject at the second International Seminar on graphics, data, imagery, collaborative plan- the situational awareness loop. of critical information in the required time Battle Management Systems (BMS) in New ning tools, remote interactive battlefield oper- • Provide a dynamic network management frame and secured manner was mandatory. Delhi, on April 14 and 15. Organised by the ating systems, and distributed data bases. system which can sustain the vagaries of The legacy systems do not support this aspi- Directorate General Information Systems Hence, the IA has embarked upon an grouping/regrouping in the tactical battle ration. Hence, the requirement is to draft a (DGIS) and the Confederation of Indian aggressive digitisation programme, and is area. well-defined policy on the type of communi- Industry, the sessions included the inaugural rapidly changing its doctrine and tactics, • Maintain integrity of BMS despite dispa- cation services and connectivity that could and valedictory addressed by the Chief of thereby outstripping and dangerously sur- rate levels of user security classification. be made available to battalions/regiments. the Army Staff, General Deepak Kapoor, and passing the capability of the current tactical To facilitate this, it was imperative that state- Vice Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General communication systems. Fortunately, with Setting the pace of-the-art capabilities and technologies be N. Thamburaj, respectively. the tremendous technological advances in Director General Information Systems capitalised upon. SP

10 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 Air Defence

tracked, or by using a phased-array anten- na to generate two or more radar beams and dividing them between both the roles. Detect, Identify & Destroy In the TWS mode, the radar has a possibil- ity to acquire additional targets, as well as providing an overall view of the airspace. Track-while-scan radars became possible with the introduction of two new technolo- gies: phased-array radars and computer memory devices. The development of tun- able high-power coherent radio frequency oscillators and digital computers enabled TWS radars. By effecting a slight phase shift between a series of antennas, the resulting signal could be steered and focused elec- tronically, and superior memory of digital computers to retain the radar data from scan to scan, permitted the dual function of track and scan simultaneously. Defence

One of the first modern fire control radars was Contraves’ Superfledermaus which had a pencil shaped Skyshield Radar

Photographs: Rheinmetall beam in X band The combination of radar and computers revolutionised the fire control Research and Development Organisation systems for air defence has also developed an effective phased array radar called Rajindra for Akash LT GENERAL (RETD) NARESH CHAND Missile System. All current fire control radars are normally autonomous or TWS. anually calculating an effec- specifically to provide information regard- come equipped with a TWS capability that Autonomous systems can be mounted on tive trajectory, for the firing of ing the target with respect to target bear- allow for simultaneously operation as a tanks, vehicles or can be towed thus are air defence (AD) guns or mis- ing, elevation, range and velocity to the fire-control radar and a search radar. This more suitable for mobile weapon systems. siles to destroy a moving tar- weapon computer for computing the firing works either by having the radar switch They are also less costly. TWS are more Mget, is an uphill task. The problem becomes trajectory to the target. This trajectory is between sweeping the search sector and suitable for medium and long range missile more complex when the target is a fighter then passed on to the guns or missiles for sending directed pulses at the target to be systems—and also more costly. SP aircraft that can zoom past at supersonic firing. This process is continuous and auto- speed in all the three dimensions simulta- matic as long as the target is within range neously. Before the invention of radars, AD of the radar. Fire control radars have a very guns were fired by manually calculating narrow intense beam (X band and below) the lead angles. Search lights were used for to ensure accurate tracking of the target. engagements at night. With the invention One of the first modern fire control of radar, detection of aerial targets became radars was Contraves’ Superfledermaus easier but the problem of calculating the which had a pencil shaped beam in X band. accurate trajectory still remained. This was It could perform the functions of surveil- partially overcome with mechanical predic- lance by mechanically moving its beam to tors, where the radar indicated the current cover a larger area. After detection of the position and the predictor predicted the target, it started tracking it with the help of future position based on target speed and its analogue computer. This process caused direction of movement. some delay, and being a narrow beam, the Next came the mechanical computers surveillance had wide gaps in its coverage. which did not automatically train the gun It had a range of 40 km for detection and towards the target, but moved a dot on a tracking started at 9.5 km when the com- disc which was then followed by the gun puter started functioning. It had an optical layers. The earlier mechanical comput- laying system as a back up and could con- ers were humongous in size, weighing as trol two guns, but it was possible to control much as a three-tonne lorry. The story more guns or missiles with a tailor made goes that when one such system was to computer. It could also be provided target Skyguard be moved to Devlali (where the School of detection from a surveillance radar. Artillery is located) from Mumbai, its tyres Autonomous Systems: With the flying had to be deflated in order for it to pass profile of fighter aircraft dipping lower and Latest & Best through the tunnels on the Western Ghats lower to avoid radar detection, long range without getting obstructed by the roof. The for surveillance became redundant as the Flycatcher Mk 2 (HSA Signaal now taken over by Thales) mechanical prediction system was known pickup ranges came to about 20 to 25 km, Flycatcher Mk 2 is an autonomous, all-weather, hybrid weapon control centre that has an as ‘mechanical devices’ as it had a number depending upon the height of the antenna. I-band radar and a K-band radar/Electro-Optical (E-O) tracking suite employed with short range and very short range AD Systems. It can be integrated with a variety of guns and missile of moving rods and cylinders; later, capaci- This also resulted in lowering of reaction systems. Its search radar is a 3-D sensor that covers up to 70° in elevation on every scan. It can tors were also incorporated. timings, thereby necessitating an autono- be operated in AD and Command Centre (CC) modes, with the former being the radar’s basic Solving a mathematical problem mous surveillance and fire control radar operational mode. In the CC function Flycatcher Mk 2 acts as the co-ordination centre for a mechanically was an act of sheer genius. located on a common platform with the group of systems within a short range AD network. Accurate 3-D target tracking during an Ballistic problems became easier and faster target being passed electronically within engagement is performed by either the system’s K-band radar or by its E-O subsystem. to solve with the development of analogue the system. Skyguard was one such system Raytheon’s AN/MPQ-53 and AN/MPQ-65 Radar Set computers. The size of the computer also developed to replace the Superfledermaus. The AN/MPQ-53/65 Radar is a passive electronically scanned array radar which is equipped with became smaller and smaller. Analogue It is has two radars, one each for search IFF, electronic counter-countermeasure and track-via-missile (TVM) guidance sub systems. The computers were followed by digital comput- and track. It also uses a digital computer AN/MPQ-53 Radar Set supports PAC-2 and older units, and the AN/MPQ-65 Radar Set supports ers which were even more accurate, faster instead of the earlier analog system. The PAC-3 units. The main difference between these two radars is the addition of a second traveling and smaller. These were primarily weapon search radar is a fully coherent pulse dop- wave tube which gives the AN/MPQ-65 Radar increased search, detection, and tracking capabil- computers which were dedicated to a spe- pler system. It utilises a common transmit- ity. The radar’s antenna array consists of over 5,000 elements which “flash” the radar’s beam cific weapon system. Thus, the combina- ter in tandem with the acquisition radar, many times per second. Additionally, the radar’s antenna array contains an IFF interrogator tion of radar and computers revolutionised works in I, J and K band and has a range subsystem and a TVM array. Patriot’s radar is somewhat unique in that it is a “detection-to-kill” the fire control systems for AD. between 17 km and 25 km. Skyshield is the system, implying that a single unit performs all functions of search, identification, track, and latest version of Skyguard. Both these are engagement. Normally, separate radars are required for performing each function. The beam created by the Patriot’s flat phased array radar is comparatively narrow and highly agile com- developed by Oerlikon Contraves (now a Fire-control radars pared to a moving dish. This gives the radar an unmatched ability to detect small, fast targets A fire control consists of a radar and a subsidiary of Rheinmetall). like ballistic missiles or low radar cross section targets such as stealth aircraft or cruise missiles. weapon computer. The radar is designed Track-while-scan: Some modern radars

3/2009 SP’S LAND FORCES 11 Ar tiller y Delays Plague Modernisation To generate both qualitative and quantitative firepower asymmetries, it is imperative that artillery modernisation is undertaken with alacrity


boost for the long-range firepower capabili- are likely to cost Rs 13,000 crore. The major ties of the army. If this weapon system had acquisitions will be of initial lots of 400 been available during the Kargil conflict, towed howitzers of 155mm calibre, with a Pakistan’s brigade HQ and forward airfield barrel length of 52-calibres, costing about at Skardu and other targets deep inside POK Rs 4,000 crore, 140 ultra-light weight could have been hit with impunity. 155mm towed howitzers, with a barrel Extended range (ER) rockets are being length of 45-calibres, costing Rs 3,000 crore introduced for the 122mm Grad MBRL to and 180 SP 155mm howitzers costing Rs enhance the weapon system’s range from 22 5,000 crore. The Shakti project for a com-

Photograph: Wikipedia M777 Light Towed Howitzer to about 40 km. A contract worth Rs 5,000 mand and control systems for the artillery, crore has also been signed for the serial pro- earlier called Artillery Combat Command ince January 2008, the Ministry capable of effective operations in the moun- duction of the Pinaka MBRL weapon system, and Control System, has reached the stage of of Defence (MoD) has issued three tains. A light-weight 45-calibre 155mm another Defence Research and Development maturity and is now being fielded extensively global tenders to revive long-delayed howitzer weighing less than 5,000 kg, with Organisation project plagued by time delays in the plains. Gradually, it will be fielded up plans to modernise the Indian artil- a light but adequately powered prime mover, and completed with help from Larsen and to the corps level and the two artillery divi- Slery. Tenders were issued for 155mm guns is ideal for the mountains. The gun-train Toubro and the Tatas. The Pinaka rockets sions will be equipped with it. and howitzers for the mountains, the plains should be capable of negotiating sharp road will have an approximate range of 37 km. and self-propelled guns for the deserts. bends without the need to unhook the gun BrahMos Summer and winter trials were expected to from the prime mover. The two British 45- Counter Bombardment Efforts are also underway to add ballistic as be held over the next one year, and expecta- calibre 155mm howitzers that competed Counter-bombardment (US term counter- well as cruise missiles to the artillery arse- tions ran high that contracts for acquisition for the US contract for a similar howitzer fire) capability is also being upgraded, but at nal. The BrahMos supersonic cruise missile and local production would be awarded as some years ago—the Ultra-lightweight a slow pace. At least about 40 to 50 weapon (Mach 2.8 to 3.0), with a precision strike early as in the first half of 2010. As none Field Howitzer and the Light-weight Towed locating radars (WLRs) are required for effec- capability, very high kill energy and range of of the bidders have yet been invited to par- Howitzer—or others that have now been tive counter-bombardment, especially in the 290 km, is being inducted into the army. It is ticipate in the mid-2009 summer trials, it developed could be considered for licensed plains, but only a dozen have been procured a versatile missile that can be launched from appears that there will be further delays. production with transfer of technology. so far. In addition to the 12 AN-TPQ 37 TATRA mobile launchers and silos on land, As future conventional wars on the In January 2008, the MoD floated a Firefinder WLRs acquired from Raytheon, aircraft and ships and, perhaps in future, also Indian sub-continent are likely to be fought Request for Proposal (RFP) for 140 pieces USA, under a 2002 contract worth $200 from submarines. As many as 50 BrahMos under the nuclear shadow, deep manoeuvre of ultra-light 39-calibre 155mm towed million, Bharat Electronics Limited is missiles are expected to be produced every battle will be extremely risky. This major howitzers for use by the Indian Army’s (IA) reported to be assembling 28 WLRs. These year. Efforts are afoot to further increase its restriction on military operations on land will mountain formations. Presumably, these will radars will be based on both indigenous and strike range. BrahMos Aerospace has orders lead to much greater emphasis on firepower. also be employed by the army’s rapid reac- imported components. The radar is expected worth Rs 3,500 crore from the army and the Hence, it is imperative that artillery mod- tion divisions as these howitzers will be easy to match the capabilities of the Firefinder navy, which has opted for the anti-ship as ernisation is undertaken with alacrity so as to transport by air. That many howitzers will system and will have a detection range of well as the land attack cruise missile versions. to generate both qualitative and quantitative adequately equip seven medium artillery about 40 km. The indigenous sound ranging Critical to the IA’s performance in the firepower asymmetries to achieve unassail- regiments and cost approximately Rs 3,000 system does not appear to be making worth- next conventional war that India may have able dominance on the future battlefield. crore. The RFP has been reportedly issued to while progress and may be shelved in favour to fight, if there is any field of defence pro- UK’s BAE Systems (which now owns Bofors), of an imported system. curement in which the MoD must make Search for 155mm 52 cal guns for the M777, claimed to be the lightest in the haste, it is artillery. SP The last major acquisition of towed gun- world at under 4,220 kg, and to Singapore Costs involved howitzers was in the mid-1980s when about Technologies for the Pegasus SLWH. Modernisation plans of tube artillery alone The writer is Director, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi. 400 pieces of 39-calibre 155mm FH-77B howitzers with a range of 30 km were RFP for 155mm towed & SP guns acquired from Bofors of Sweden. This gun The MoD has also floated a global tender for proved its mettle in the Kargil conflict. After the purchase of 400 155mm towed artillery ‘Fully committed to two decades of neglect, during which the guns, to be followed by indigenous manu- 100mm and 122mm field guns of Russian facture of another 1,100 howitzers, in a origin and the indigenous 75/24 Indian project worth a whopping Rs 8,000 crore. offset & ToT criteria’ Mountain Gun joined the long list of equip- The RFP was issued to eight prospective ment bordering on obsolescence but still in bidders, including BAE, General Dynamics, service, tenders were floated and trials were Nexter (France), Rheinmetall (Germany) and Gerhard Hoy, Senior Vice President, held for a 52-calibre 155mm gun to replace Samsung (South Korea). An RFP has also Rheinmetall Defence, India all field and medium guns. Just when a been issued for 180 wheeled self-propelled contract for 120 tracked and 180 wheeled guns for around Rs 4,700 crore for employ- SP’s Land Forces (SP’s): What are your bids in the artillery modernisation pro- self-propelled (SP) 155mm guns was about ment by mechanised forces in the plains and gramme of the Indian Army? Gerhard Hoy (GH): We had submitted our bid for the towed 156mm/52 cal artillery to be concluded after years of protracted tri- semi-desert sectors. Since the Bofors 155mm gun. But, unfortunately, the clearance for transfer of technology came from my coun- als, South Africa’s Denel, a leading contender Howitzer was introduced into service, the try a little late and we were informed by the Government of India that we were not in for the contract, was alleged to have been indigenously designed and manufactured the running because the documents had not been submitted on the deadline. involved in a corruption scam in an earlier 105mm Indian Field Gun and its (not so) In the RTG-52 tracked self-propelled artillery gun bid, we were the only bidders, deal for anti-material rifles. The other two light version, the Light Field Gun, have also and the Government of India has returned the proposal, saying the case is closed. The howitzers in contention, from Soltam of joined the list of guns and howitzers heading RWG-52 wheeled artillery gun bid is on and we have been called for the technical tri- Israel and BAE (Bofors) of Sweden, did not for obsolescence. Approximately 180 pieces als. So, let’s wait and watch. meet the laid down criteria and Army HQ of 130mm M46 Russian medium guns have recommended fresh trials, setting the pro- been successfully “up-gunned” to 155mm SP’s: Are you ready for the transfer of technology and the offset clause? gramme back by at least three to four years. calibre with ordnance supplied by Soltam of GH: Yes, we are fully committed to offset requirement and the transfer of technology. Another bone of contention was that the Israel. The new barrel length of 45-calibres howitzers were technology demonstration has enhanced the range of the gun to about SP’s: How will your guns suit the Indian soldier and how effective will it be in the models and not guns in actual service with 40 km with extended range ammunition. Indian conditions? the home country armies. GH: We stress on human engineering needs and will give a product which will have Smerch MBRLs the ability to lower the lifecycle cost. We’re totally committed to supplying the Indian Ideal for mountain operations: There has been notable progress on the government and its armed forces with cost-effective, leading edge technology. 155mm 45 cal howitzers rocket artillery front. A contract for the SP’s: Is there a plan for a joint venture with Indian companies? The artillery recently conceptualised a acquisition of two regiments of the 12- GH: Yes, we are absolutely open to it and will see when we get the contract to produce requirement for a light-weight towed howit- tube, 300mm Smerch multi-barrel rocket the guns for the Indian defence forces. zer of 155mm calibre for employment in the launcher (MBRL) system with 90 km range mountains. Neither the present Bofors how- was signed with Russia’s Rosoboronexport in —By Sangeeta Saxena itzer nor its 52-calibre replacement will be early-2006. This weapon system is a major

12 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 Communication Internet Protocol Security Security is complex evolutionary process and an important aspect of military communications

LT COLONEL S. NATARAJAN Illustration: Ratan Sonal

ver the last three decades, the encryption algorithms, like DES, Triple DES • Support for higher bandwidth. standards security solutions are available, Internet has grown from a small, and AHS. It also makes use of digital certifi- • Low latency. policy restrains on the use of same should relatively captive network to an cates with RSA or DSA keys. • No impact on Quality of Service. be viewed holistically till the time we have enormous public domain net- • Protocol Independent. an indigenous security solution. Towards Owork. TCP/IP was developed for very small Limitations of IPsec this end, an overall robust PKI policy for networks and was used by government While IPSec VPNs could achieve secure, Security in defence networks the defence forces is also a must. researchers at the United States Defence remote connectivity for end-to-end connec- Information conveyed through military Security Policy: Network security will Advanced Research Agency. All workflows at tivity, they proved to be inadequate in a high- communications systems must be rendered always be an evolutionary process and never that time where between few machines and ly mobile and open environment, mainly due secure. Network security in the defence forces complete. Technology solutions will have among known people from the same organi- to the following limitations: was predominantly at the lower layers of the to be strengthened by effective policies and sation. Gradually, new sites were added and • IPSec VPNs are resource intensive and OSI stack. This model is not adequate with standard operating procedures. Needless to eventually the Internet was opened to the takes time to install. the emergence of modern networks and its say, security is a serious aspect and all per- public. After initial proliferation, information • IPSec VPNs can pose difficulties on convergence. An ideal encryption model sons should adhere to guidelines. technology (IT) was seen as opportunity by account of need to cross firewalls while would include support for multiple media Security is complex evolutionary process the commercial sector to improve business using centralised resources. (satellite, OFC, radio, line an so on) and and an important aspect of military com- models. This eventually led to an exponential • IPSec VPNs are full programs of 0.1 to encryption at multiple layers (Application, IP munications. With technology advancement growth of the Internet, exposing a host of 8 Megabytes, thereby resulting in slower and Physical Layer). The approach would be there are a number of security features security threats. Accordingly, the need for downloads and poor performance on to eliminate vulnerability using encryption to obviate risks and threats. Military net- security in the public domain arose. devices such as PDAs. techniques that protects information across works have their peculiarities and plain Like all modern armies, the Indian Army • IPsec VPNs have associated complexity of the network. A suggested model is as under: vanilla leveraging of technology will have has a large number of projects in the pipe PKI needed to support them. Multilayer Layer Security: Information its associated effects on bandwidth over- line to support network centricity. The army security can be achieved through a multilay- heads. Therefore, a call based on operational has diverse networks spanning from legacy Secure Socket Layer VPN ered model. parameters should be taken to achieve an combat net radios to high end strategic To overcome these challenges, among other • Physical Layer: The existing arrange- effective model. SP networks. While these networks are captive, measures like IPver6, SSL VPN technology ment of using Bulk Encryption Units for they are not insulated from threats. In fact, was introduced. SSL VPN signified a para- securing the lower layer must continue. The author is serving officer of the Corps of Signals of the Indian Army. security assumes greater importance in view digm shift in the very perception of secure, • IP layer and Application layer: This of the operational sensitive data conveyed. remote access. Security in SSL VPN hinged layer requires to be addressed with solu- Disclaimer: Certified that views expressed and on the premise that every user is ‘guilty’ tions like SSL, IP sec VPNs and so on after suggestions made in the articles are made by the IP Security till ‘proven innocent’. SSL VPNs essentially weighing their pros and cons and associ- author in his personal capacity and do not have The technology that brings secure commu- leverage the ubiquity of SSL encryption tech- ated tradeoffs. A large number of open any official endorsement. nications to the Internet Protocol is called nology, which is built into almost every web IP Security (IPsec)—an open standard suite or WAP browser. In comparison to IPSec, of protocols for securing IP communica- which works at the IP layer, SSL sits on top tions by authentication and encryption of of a transport protocol, such as TCP. each IP packet of a data stream. IPsec is a dual mode, end to end security scheme Advantages of SSL VPN operating at the Layer 3 in the Open Systems • Cost effective and easy to use. ����������� Interconnection (OSI) model. It uses an • Allows organisations to create user iden- ���������������������� �������� Internet Key Exchange (IKE) which is used tity-based access policies, offering granu- � � � � � � � � � � � to set up a Security Association (SA) by lar network access to users. handling negotiating of protocols to perform • SSL (which uses port 443) will work various functions, an Authentication Header through firewalls without any special (AH) which provides guarantee connection- configuration less integrity and data origin authentication • Eliminates all IP address management for IP packets and an Encapsulation Security issues associated with IPSec VPNs. Payload (ESP) that protects origin authentic- • Supports user authentication. � � � ity, integrity and confidentiality of packets. • Supports more granular authorisation Modes of Operation: IPsec operates in two policies than IPSec. IN THIS EDITION modes—Transport and Tunnel. In Transport • Offers browser data protection. • Indiaʼs Homeland Security & Ministr y of Home Affairs Elements Mode, the payload of the IP packet is encrypted. The header is neither modified Defence Networks • IDS Headquartersʼ role in Procurement Process elaborated nor encrypted. Transport mode is used for A large number of networks have been • Eventsʼ Reference - Special Insert

Ministry of Home Affairs Elements • IDS Headquartersʼ rol Procurement Process elaborated • Eventsʼ Reference - Specia host to host communications. In Tunnel fielded to provide operational, intelligence • Indiaʼs IN Homeland THIS EDITION Security & -

e in mode, the entire IP packet (data and header) and operational logistics to commanders and l Insert is encrypted. This is then encapsulated staff. Networks, however, have a different into a new IP packet with a new IP header. connotation in the defence forces. Required ��������������������� � ������������ Tunnel mode is used to create Virtual Private to be dynamic, these are so designed that ��������������������������� � ������ Networks (VPN) for network to network in event of failure they only fail partially� ����� or 8 ���������������������������� communications. degrade gracefully. Few peculiarities of� ������� mili- 200 � ����������� ������������������� Key Management: The default automated tary tactical networks are: 9

������������������� 2009 200

key management protocol for IPSec is IKE. • Networks would be required to support 2008 ��������

���������������� ��������������� 4/9/09 3:12:44 PM � ������

IKE provides a standardised method for mobile operations. ������������� ��������������� ��������������

dynamically authenticating IPSec peers, • Dynamic grouping and regrouping���������������� of negotiating security services, and generat- entities in the network. ����������������������������������������� ����������������� �������

� ���� ����������������� ������������������������������� ing shared keys. An important element of • Diverse RF tail to provision����������������� last mile con-

.indd 1 IPSec key management is the use of Public nectivity. SP's MYB 0809 CVR01 ��������������������������� Key Infrastructure (PKI). PKI is a trust infra- • Easy to use with least technology burden � � � � � � � � � � � � � structure that manages online line identity on the end user. � � � � � � � � in digital format. While PKI is an effective Future networks of the defence forces � � � � � � � approach, it has its associated challenges would be IP based, being most suitable for � � � � � � � in key selection and computational over- operations. While technology offers a large heads. IPsec uses asymmetric encryption of solutions they have to be templated with algorithms like RSA or DSA and symmetric caution, few of the challenges are:

Inside frn CVR_myb ad.indd 1 4/29/09 8:23:26 PM

3/2009 SP’S LAND FORCES 13 Technology Net-Centricity Lends the Edge Powerful information processing and communication systems have resulted in dramatic improvements in the quality and quantity of information available to the defence forces


ince World War I, the primary ational awareness and significantly increased to being dynamic and multidirectional. information. A fascination with technology emphasis in military modernisation combat power. It is also true that network- Data acquisition, transmission, processing alone is counter-productive, as it might lead has been on “platforms”—better air- centric operations impact at all levels of war: and display will have to be quick, without to a narrow approach towards change. It craft, better ships, better tanks and strategic, operational art and tactical. interruption between the different media is necessary to weigh how much decision- Sso on. Today, platforms are considered less employed. Significantly, collaborative deci- making should be devolved to machines. important than networks in an electronic Hierarchy versus networking sion-making via networks may cause infor- Networking doctrine emphasises the need web that links all the weapons, so that the Hierarchy is not yet dead, but in a network mation overload, command gridlocks and for a process of constant innovation and sum is greater than the parts. The main environment it will be under pressure to even a degree of chaos in operations. identifies two key capabilities. These are, components of the Revolution in Military change. The Indian defence forces, especial- In some respects, networked technolo- firstly, an ability to produce new ideas, and Affairs are: command, control, computers ly the army, currently conform to an organ- gies may amplify uncertainty. Networks are secondly, organisational effectiveness in and communications, intelligence, surveil- isational philosophy of vertically integrated complex systems that, unlike hierarchies, turning these ideas into practice. If tech- lance and targeting (C4IST); and the devel- command and control. This organisational thrive on connectivity, flattened command nology is to be implemented successfully, opment of doctrine, strategies, tactics and system reduces uncertainty by providing a structures and ‘peer-to-peer’ nodes of com- then even personnel policies would require military organisations that can take advan- framework that specifies how individuals, munications. In cases where there is a long significant changes. Indeed, effects in the tage of this technological potential. C4IST is sub-units and units should behave, as well chain of command dependency, small fail- areas of hierarchy, leadership and combat the heart of network-centric warfare. as their relationship to others. In a hierar- ures can slow down decisions. As network organisation could be far reaching. Net-centric warfare must always be chy, people reduce their uncertainty about complexity increases, solutions to problems viewed in the joint context amongst the why to act and what to do by reducing in one node are likely to require parallel Attitudinal changes three services, as well as many other agen- all the available information to only that adjustments to behaviour in other nodes. All new technologies represent a challenge cies and departments of the government. to an existing social order and imply gain Fielding a stand-alone net-centric system for some constituencies and loss for others. would be of little value, as the dividends There is also an intra-organisational com- will be marginal. Although we had started petition for resources and status. Since the on the wrong foot in developing the nec- results of networked technologies are likely essary hardware and software indepen- to have major impact on the sociology of dently, it is believed that the three services military organisations, the greatest chal- now have a fair degree of co-ordination lenges that the armed forces will face are between them. The defence forces of India likely to be cultural, in the form of intro- understood the need to harness the power ducing changes in thinking and behaviour. of the electro-magnetic spectrum over two Existing attitudes and beliefs about how decades back and set up a number of task warfare is conducted today may well be the forces to research, evolve, test and field a biggest impediment in achieving network- number of systems. Considerable work has centric capabilities. Increase in information been done to develop various battlefield sharing has the potential to create dramatic systems during these years. However, for a improvements in single service and joint war number of reasons only a few stand-alone fighting capabilities. Exploiting this potential systems have been fielded. will require capabilities in exploring new tactics, techniques and procedures. Harnessing information Increase in networking is achieved by While the relationship between informa- investing in networks, and by education and tion and combat is well known, the chal- training of soldiers who operate the network lenge has always been as to how it can be in operations. Training joint and combined maximised. forces that have compatible networking

Physical and Mental Domains: All Illustration: Ratan Sonal capabilities is important to the development military operations are conducted in three of new tactics, techniques and procedures. domains. Two of these, the physical and which they need in order to perform a task Focus on joint service the mental, are well known and under- at their level and in their specialisation. All the three services have been develop- In conclusion stood. The physical domain is where attack, Transition to a network-centric force ing a range of networking capabilities but Network-centric warfare is becoming the defence and manoeuvre occur. Elements of requires an organisational system that usually with an environmental rather dominant logic of current and future mili- this domain are easy to measure, namely, increases the productive capacity of the than a holistic or joint focus. Single ser- tary operations. These technologies bring subordinates by maximising individual and vices tend to design their future operations with them a dramatic increase in the quan- variable human intellectual effort. around existing forces, with an overlay of tity of information, the need for constant Network-centric network improvements, based on today’s interaction and a demand for greater organ- operations impact at Capabilities of net-centric forces knowledge. It needs to be remembered that isational transparency. Powerful informa- A network-centric force has the capability future networks may create an operational tion processing and communication systems all levels of war: to share and exchange information among environment that cannot be anticipated or have resulted in dramatic improvements strategic, operational geographically dispersed elements—sensors, predetermined. The professional military in the quality and quantity of information shooters, decision makers or supporting inclination is to seek to control change available to the defence forces. New technol- art and tactical organisations—to achieve a more coordi- and try to plan, to the last detail, while ogies have enabled militaries to make opti- nated approach to decision making in com- evolving a networked force. Yet, we need mum use of the electro-magnetic spectrum. bat. This results in a common operational to be prepared for unpredictable features. This is a continuous process, constantly get- lethality and survivability. The domain picture and a common tactical picture. Consequently, while evolving the network- ting upgraded by new technologies. of the mind is where battles are won and Network-centric forces synchronise ing plan, we should seek general direction, Net-centric capability requires a multi- lost. This is the domain of the intangibles: their efforts from the bottom-up, to achieve but we must possess the imagination to disciplinary and holistic approach, which leadership, morale, unit cohesion, level of dramatically increased combat power. The exploit unforeseen opportunities. includes the development of matching training and experience, public opinion ability to increase combat power at the tacti- Network centric operations must be joint doctrine and infrastructure, restructuring and so on. Key attributes of these intan- cal level provides operational commanders endeavours to the maximum extent. Most and even re-engineering of some organisa- gibles have remained relatively constant. with increased flexibility to employ their operations, whether in the conventional or tions. It also requires qualitatively higher The Information Domain: The third forces, to generate desired effects. Network- the sub-conventional arenas, must be joint or knowledge and skill thresholds. The armed domain is that of information. It is this centric warfare thus provides commanders in our context at least bi-service. Therefore, forces, the entire national security establish- domain which is now increasing combat with an improved capability for dictating the not fielding net-centric capability in a joint ment, Defence Research and Development power exponentially. It is network-centric sequence of battle and the nature of engage- manner amounts to diluting our capability. Organisation, PSUs and information technol- forces which help us to share a common ments, controlling force ratios and rapidly ogy companies have to work in unison and operational picture, resulting in a very foreclosing enemy’s courses of action. Organisational changes leverage their capabilities, so that a truly high level of shared situational awareness. There are four main ingredients of institu- Indian system emerges. SP Protagonists of network-centric warfare Limitations of net-centric forces tional change: technology, ideas, people and assert that there is a strong correlation On account of the impact of technology, organisation. Networked technologies open The author is a former Vice Chief of Army Staff and former Founder Director between information sharing, improved situ- operations are shifting from being linear access to what is always rare in warfare— of Centre for Land Warfare Studies.

14 SP’S LAND FORCES 3/2009 Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal News in Brief Editor Lt General (Retd) V.K. Kapoor Army Chief visits Army The Indian Army tested a Prithvi-II bal- Assistant Editor Training Command in Shimla listic missile with a range of 350 km from Arundhati Das a mobile launcher on April 15 from the Senior Technical Group Editor missile test site at Chandipur in Orissa. Lt General (Retd) Naresh Chand Sources in the Indian Defence Ministry Contributing Editor said the launch tested the missile’s abil- Air Marshal (Retd) V.K. Bhatia ity to carry a heavier payload, enabling Chief Special Correspondent it to be armed with a nuclear warhead. Sangeeta Saxena This test was conducted with only a con- Sub-Editor ventional warhead. The Prithvi I and II Bipasha Roy missiles have already been inducted in Contributors the Indian Army, but the missile had not India been tested with a 1,000-kg payload. The General (Retd) V.P. Malik, Lt General (Retd) PRO PRO Army Prithvi series of missiles are regarded as Vijay Oberoi, Lt General (Retd) R.S. Nagra, Lt General (Retd) S.R.R. Aiyengar, Air Marshal On May 14, Army Chief General Deepak weapons aimed at Pakistan, while the (Retd) Vinod Patney, Major General (Retd)

Kapoor, accompanied by his wife and Agni-II missile, with a range of more Sharad Saxena Ashok Mehta, Major General (Retd) G.K. President of Family Welfare Organisation, than 2,000 km, was built for possible use SP’s Editor-in-Chief Jayant Baranwal Nischol, Brigadier (Retd) Gurmeet Kanwal, presents a copy of SP’s Military Brigadier (Retd) S. Mishra, Rohit Sharma Kirti Kapoor, visited the Army Training against China. Liquid and solid variants of Yearbook 2008-2009 to Chief of the Command (ARTRAC) in Shimla to review Prithvi missile have been tested. Army Staff General Deepak Kapoor Europe doctrinal and training issues. GOC-in-C Andrew Brookes (UK) ARTRAC Lieutenant General B.S. Jaswal ■ nonlethal rounds, and function as a stand- USA & Canada received the Chief, who complimented the alone shotgun or be attached to an M4 rifle. Lon Nordeen (USA) institute for providing impetus to achieve Elbit Systems’ MFC Systems The contractor for the M26 is Vertu, a com- Anil R. Pustam (West Indies) his vision for a modern army, besides Integration for US Army pany based in Manassas, Virginia. South Africa being a premier think tank for evolving Elbit Systems Limited recently announced Helmoed R. Heitman military doctrines. that its wholly owned US subsidiary, Elbit ■ Chairman & Managing Director Systems of America, was awarded a contract Jayant Baranwal ■ from the US Army for the Mortar Fire Control Study claims China, India, Admin & Coordination (MFC) Systems Integration programme. UAE top arms importers Bharti Sharma India launches Risat-2 Under the contract, Elbit Systems of America The UAE has become the third-biggest arms Design surveillance satellite will perform systems integration, develop- importer worldwide, a leading defence Associate Art Director: Ratan Sonal Layout Designs: Rajkumar Sharma, On April 20, India carried out the accel- ment, production, fielding and support of the think tank recently declared. The figures Vimlesh Kumar Yadav erated launch of its Risat-2, a military US Army’s Mortar Ballistic Computer and from the UAE reflected what the Stockholm Sales & Marketing surveillance satellite built with help from MFC Systems. Work on this programme will International Peace Research Institute Director Sales & Marketing: Neetu Dhulia Israel and carrying an Israeli synthetic- be performed in Fort Worth, Texas. (SIPRI) described as a “worrying” regional Head Vertical Sales: Rajeev Chugh aperture radar. The dedicated military trend of increased arms imports into the Sales Manager: Rajiv Ranjan satellite will watch for possible terror- ■ Middle East. The oil-rich country accounted Published bimonthly by Jayant Baranwal ist infiltrations, including from the sea, for 6 per cent of the world’s arms imports on behalf of SP Guide Publications Pvt a Defence Ministry official said. India Rheinmetall’s force protection between 2004 and 2008, according to the Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this preponed the launch date in the wake technology for Bundeswehr report from SIPRI—the same proportion as publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form of the November attacks on Mumbai by South Korea. Only China with 11 per cent or by any means, photocopying, recording, terrorists who arrived by sea, the official and India with 7 per cent had a larger share electronic, or otherwise without the prior said. An upgraded version of the Risat-1 of the market, said the report. written permission of the publishers. weather satellite, Risat-2 is dedicated to Printed in India military use. The Risat-2 was launched ■ by Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd via an Indian Polar satellite launch vehi- © SP Guide Publications, 2009 cle from Sriharikota. It weighs 300 kg, India, Bangladesh promote Annual Subscription similar to the Israeli spy satellite Techstar, defence relationship Inland: Rs. 600 • Overseas: US$180 which was launched by an Indian space- India-Bangladesh defence ties are on the Email: [email protected] craft in late 2007. upswing under the Sheikh Hasina govern- Letter to Editor ment in Dhaka. A high-level Bangladesh [email protected] Rheinmetall ■ Air Force delegation led by the country’s [email protected] German troops serving in Afghanistan air chief, Air Marshal S.M. Zia-ur-Rehman, For Advertising Details, Contact: Exercise Hind Shakti concluded will soon be equipped with a highly is in Delhi to discuss defence ties between [email protected] The Indian Army recently concluded effective new form of protection against the neighbouring countries, a senior [email protected] [email protected] a major training exercise named Hind rocket, artillery and mortar attacks. The Indian Defence Ministry official said. India [email protected] Shakti. The 72-hour long exercise con- German government has contracted with is ready to export to Bangladesh defence SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD ducted in the Punjab plains from May 3 the Düsseldorf-based Rheinmetall Group equipment, including the Advanced POSTAL ADDRESS focused on practicing its premier corps, the to supply the Bundeswehr with newly Light Helicopter, and to assist the coun- Post Box No 2525, New Delhi 110 005, India KHARGA Corps, in conduct of offensive developed air defence systems. Dubbed the try in building warships, the ministry Corporate Office tasks. The exercise entailed participa- Nächstbereichs-Schutzsystem, or “very official said. Delhi is concerned about A 133 Nagar, Opp Defence Colony, tion by Mechanised and Re-organised short-range protection system”, the state- the increasing levels of defence supplies New Delhi 110 003, India Plains Infantry Division in a blitzkrieg of-the-art NBS is a major milestone in the being sent from China to Bangladesh, Tel: +91(11) 24644693, 24644763, 24620130 type armoured incursion, emphasising Bundeswehr’s SysFla programme. The NBS Defence Ministry sources added. There Fax: +91 (11) 24647093 rapid penetration into enemy territory. C-RAM is specifically designed to defeat the are reports the Chinese Navy has access Regd Office It included effective offensive support by danger posed by rocket, artillery and mor- to Bangladesh’s Chittagong port. The Fax: +91 (11) 23622942 Email: [email protected] air power and attack helicopters. Units of tar attacks on the Bundeswehr. Bangladesh air chief will hold talks with KHARGA Corps were also tested for their Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony, Representative Offices BANGALORE, INDIA ability to undertake and sustain operation- ■ Indian Navy Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta Air Marshal (Retd) B.K. Pandey al manoeuvres against intensive electronic and Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor. 534, Jal Vayu Vihar, and information warfare. US Army tests new small arms Kammanhalli Main Rd, The US Army Soldier Weapons programme ■ Bangalore 560043, India. ■ is revving up preparations and testing of Tel: +91 (80) 23682534 the M26 modular shotgun system and US Army’s Future Combat MOSCOW, RUSSIA the XM25 25mm airburst rifle, service LAGUK Co., Ltd India tests ability to System under revision Yuri Laskin launch nuclear warhead officials said. The M26 shotgun, planned Barely days after US Defense Secretary Krasnokholmskaya, Nab., for infantry squads, Special Forces and Robert Gates killed the army’s Future 11/15, app. 132, military police, is slated to begin produc- Combat Systems’ (FCS) Manned Ground Moscow 115172, Russia. tion and delivery in three to four months. Vehicles (MGVs) programme, service Tel: +7 (495) 911 2762, The army has been testing the weapon at leaders said they would draw up a new Fax: +7 (495) 912 1260 Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. “M26 is modernisation plan within weeks. The a short-distance area weapon. In one car- Non-Line-of-Sight Cannon was to be the RNI Number: DELENG/2008/25818 tridge, you have small steel balls which can first of eight MGVs. “The MGV is going hit targets. You can use it for room clear- back to the drawing board. In the next ing. A single slug will go 50 m,” said Col. week to four weeks, we will go through Douglas Tamilio, programme manager for a series of deliberations and analysis to soldier weapons. It is lighter than the cur- see what the MGV programme will grow rent weapons. It can be attached to the M4, into,” an army official said. or it can be detached and it is only 3 to 12 pounds. Magazine-fed, it can fire lethal and ■

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