Editor: Julie Fulbright

Front cover photography by: Marchelle Wear

Graphic Design and Production: Tony Bartolo and Brenda Ellis

Printer: Dockins Graphics, Cleveland, Tenn.

Copyright: 2008

Cleveland State Community College

All Rights Reserved

Cleveland State Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Ga. 30033-4097, telephone number (404) 679-4501. Cleveland State Community College is an Affi rmative Action/ Equal Employment Opportunity (AA/EEO) institution committed to the education of non-racially identifi able staff and student body. The college does not permit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religious views, veteran status, political affi liation, gender, age, national origin, orientation or disability against employees, students and guests in any college sponsored or hosted educational program or activity including, but not limited to, the following: recruitment; admissions; academic and other educational program activities; housing; facilities; access to course offerings; counseling; fi nancial assistance; employment assistance; health and insurance benefi ts and services; rules for marital and parental status; student services; and athletics.

CSCC HS/8148/4/11/08 Table of Contents

Jessica Schoate Eternal Winter ...... 6 Conversations with the Mirror...... 7 Helplessly Watching ...... 8 Jeremy McMillan Ode to the English Language...... 9 Dianna Ghorley Love of My Children ...... 10 Angela Shope Nightmare ...... 12 Bobbie Firestone This Old House ...... 13 Dennis Borelli Dancing (haiku) ...... 14 Erin Nelson Sharing the Nightmare ...... 15 Katie Pierce February’s Freezing ...... 16 Breandra Porter Bleeding Heart...... 17 Ashley Herrod Who Am I to You? ...... 18 Alina Dixon Never Forget ...... 19 Sierra Goins Sissy...... 20 Octavia Goodman You Are Loved...... 21 Sue Robinson A Child with a Child ...... 22 Chad Ehlers Remember Me ...... 23 Michele Lea Martin Who Am I?...... 25 Tia Seitz Calm before the Storm ...... 26 Fear ...... 27 Giving Up?...... 28 I Am Flirting with Disaster ...... 29 I Love You More and More ...... 30 Love vs. Hate...... 31 Untitled Hurt ...... 32 Peng Pan I Miss ...... 33 Prom Sisters ...... 34 Dear PC ...... 35 Story Time ...... 36 Laura Thompson Waters of Kentucky ...... 37 Dreaming ...... 38 Life...... 39 Melody Ramos Untitled ...... 40 Courtney Pippenger Fingerprints ...... 42 Steve Alvarenga The Day I Lost Everything ...... 43 Ultrasound ...... 44 The Cost of Freedom ...... 46 Expedition ...... 47 To the Ones That Can’t Have What They Want but Have Beauty All Around...... 48 Landen Saffl es The Law of Time ...... 49 If Life...... 50 The Broken Glass ...... 51 Of Rules and Regulations ...... 53 The Greater Calling ...... 54 Anonymous Paige ...... 55 John Stimmel Living Ashes ...... 56 Sara Straussberger Perceptions from a Campus Picnic Table ...... 57 Ode to Freakin’ Jeep Cherokee ...... 59 The Magenta Epiphany ...... 60 Ashley Stamps Untitled ...... 61 Devin Carson Sunday ...... 62 Forever...Mija...... 64 You Don’t Know ...... 65 Ann Green A-Z Poem...... 66 Where Is He ?...... 68 Nature’s Course ...... 69 Valentine’s Day Sonnet ...... 70 Color Poem ...... 71 You’re Beautiful...... 72 Fears...... 73 Parody of Emily Dickinson’s “Poor Little Heart” 74 Autobiography Poem...... 75 Tasha Bates Elephant ...... 76 Haiku ...... 77 A Few More ...... 78 Tiffany Bunch The Suicide ...... 79 Sam Robinson The Football Player ...... 80 Andy Wells Letter Poem ...... 81 Player 19 ...... 82 The Death of a Dream ...... 83 The Hole ...... 84 Hannah Bramlett Reluctant Hero...... 85 Untitled ...... 86 Butterfl ies...... 87 Life...... 88 Danny Giraldo In a Nutshell ...... 89 The End of Days ...... 90 Last Words ...... 91 Taylor Varnell My Big Boom ...... 92 Mallory Owens Campus Poem ...... 93 Wooden Solid...... 94 Alphabet Poem...... 95 Lauralyn Franklin The Watermelon Bandit...... 96 Giant Circles of Hay ...... 97

PHOTOGRAPHS SUBMITTED BY: Alicia Reynolds, Meredith Casteel, Bobbie Firestone, Kirsten Donnelly, Ashley Trammel, Jennifer Jack, Whitney Dodson, Peter Wakarura, Nicole Bryan, Judy Norton, Caitlin Elston, Peng Pan, Heather Lutz, Laura Thompson, Alesia Cabrera, Lisa Rymer, Steve Alvarenga, Terrell Lowdermilk, Jay Bailey, Will Bryant, Caitlin Swanson, Sara Straussberger, Chris Moses, Marchelle Wear, Ashleigh Pennington, Meghan Stout, Brittany Greely, Tonya Cross, Hilary Brand, Whitney Maroon, LaCinda Hyde, Taylor Varnell, Jenny Bryant, Rachael Thompson, Amber Shiffl ett, and Jeanette Banta.

ORIGINAL DRAWINGS SUBMITTED BY: Jacob Carpenter, Marcus Price, Kyle Brogden, and Ernest Saunders.

NOTE: Drawings/photographs and writings that appear on the same page are not always by the same person. Written submissions are placed in random order or by the editor’s discretion according to publishing needs. Frontage Road 10 Eternal Winter Jessica Schoate

The cold air chills my blood, Curling tightly around me, stealing my warmth. My tears turn to ice, slicing my cheeks as they fall. My world has become an arctic waste land. Numb, my skin is so terribly numb Deadened by the fi erce, icy breeze. Love once embraced me, smiled gently and warmed my soul, but quickly ripped its frigid claws into my veins. Spreading its frosted disease through my body. I dwell in my eternal winter. Gone are the days when I would bask in the heat of our love. Only memories now, scorching my mind, turning it to so much ash. My body freezes with your absence, yet my mind is set ablaze with it. I am doomed to wander this desolate place and endure its agony. This wintry hell that our love has created for me, this is now my .

Photo submitted by Alicia Reynolds

6 Frontage Road 10 Conversations with the Mirror Jessica Schoate

Pathetic tears sliding down your face, Shut up, little girl, you sicken me. You are the beaten dog whining at the feet of your master Begging for attention, only to be shunned.

So run away, miserable child. Ponder why no one could love a parasite like you. Weep your tears of self loathing and desperation. You are the insignifi cant toy tossed aside, only good for a moment of amusement.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall You say the most horrid things of all.

A nuisance, you are the thorn in everyone’s side. A putrid mess plaguing the earth and soiling humanity, An oddity that no one could ever feel affection towards. Lie in a puddle of your own self pity, at least you understand how worthless you are.

Shattered mirror, shards of glass, You are an eternal reminder of my desolate past.

7 Frontage Road 10 Helplessly Watching Jessica Schoate I see you, your venomous eyes glaring daring me to spill your secrets. I alone know your darkest of desires, I know your hunger for pain, I understand your starvation for tears, and I am willing to share my knowledge. I see you, your bitter voice gently whispering in Her ear. Her innocence shines like a beacon to your storm-tossed heart; Her angelic fi gure thrills your darkened soul. A fresh mind to torture and break, New agony to feast upon, And I weep the most sorrowful of tears for Her. I see you, your seemingly loving disposition towards Her; She takes your bait and runs into your arms. She doesn’t see your trickery, but it is crystal in my sight. She sees only your sorrow, not the violence you cleverly cloak. She sees your deep blue eyes overfl owing with love, not the harsh reality of your existence, and I wonder if she will allow me to save her. An unfaltering smile comes upon Her face as you touch Her hand, and I know that I am helplessly watching.

Photo submitted by Meredith Casteel 8 Frontage Road 10 ODE TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Jeremy McMillan Oh you! What a controlling force! You have monopolized the way I communicate! Since my fi rst word as a young babe You, like cancer, has grown along, within, and through me. You are a half-bred monster A mixture of Latin, of German, of French, and of Greek You have no reason for your laws And no for the meek. For even the blind must adhere to subject verb agreements And the deaf must sign in the right tense! For as a child I grew up with Genesis That is – the alphabet, and have now come to the Revelation That you have an unyielding grasp upon my life! What a mangled system of rules That we constantly seem to break Comma splices and fragments abound Simplify yourself for Pete’s sake! I am under constant punishment For violating 16C and 13A As Hodges and Harbrace have cataloged your desires As we must now cite appropriately, in the format MLA! I became a math major To relieve myself from your constant smear And yet the more I learn in this numerical fi eld The numbers seem to disappear And to my surprise your ugly head is reared! As fi rst X enters the equation, Then Y and then Z Further along my journey, in comes the Greek. And out goes the real numbers whose solace I intended to seek. I have tried to grasp a purer language To release myself from your bloody reign Yet the only way I can learn it Is to compare it to something insane. That is – you, English. I wish I could have met your maker Well before he ever established this mess And I would have shot him till he’s dead And buried him in the wood yard Though, without him, I would be speechless. So on this I submit, English I cannot live without you I see And until my head hits the grave From you I will never be free. 9 Frontage Road 10 Love of My Children Dianna Ghorley

My Son, my hero, The one who picks me up when I am batting a zero. My ultimate source of pride, A better man he could not be if he tried. Of him I am so proud, He is the silver lining in my gray cloud.

My Daughter, my joy, So glad she was not a boy. My confi dante, my friend, To my happiness she doth lend. To this world I will shout out loud, That is my daughter of whom I am proud.

My children, my rays of sunshine, The babies that will always be mine. Living life without , Would make my light grow dim. A greater happiness I could not know, Than sharing life with my joy and my hero.

My children’s love, A gift to me from God above. My children who love one another, I am so blessed to be their Mother.

10 Frontage Road 10

Drawing by Jacob Carpenter

11 Frontage Road 10 Nightmare Angela Shope

I jerk, my eyes spring open, I and focus them. The morning light comes streaming in through my window. I take in long deep breaths, my lungs expand to receive the air. I sit up, and gaze into the mirror, a bead of sweat trickles down my face. I pinch myself. Ouch! I am not dead. This is real. I am alive. It was all just a bad dream. Darkness and death have faded away with the night.

12 Frontage Road 10 This Old House Bobbie Firestone

This house, this house is where I was born Now it sits all tattered and worn Home, home this house was to me Poppa sits on the porch and rocks me on his knee Time goes on, it will not wait, now it sits in decay

Photo submitted by Bobbie Firestone 13 Frontage Road 10 Dancing (haiku) Dennis Borelli

Moving Elegance Being part of Harmony One with the Rhythm.

Photo submitted by Kirsten Donnelly

14 Frontage Road 10 Sharing the Nightmare Erin Nelson

The day is so happy and the sky is so clear, Today was supposed to be wonderful with nothing to fear, Then something happened, something I can’t explain, With all of my might, control I could not obtain, It’s all happening all very slow, Sure in the end there’s blood to be shown, Now I awake to see, soon to ask the question, “Where in the world are we?” I glance up to look at your face, Wishing we weren’t here, that we were at a different place, Now people are surrounding me, I’m taking deep breaths and I can hardly see, I look for you but you’re nowhere to be found, I can’t move, it feels like I’m paralyzed to the ground, I hear a noise as I try to look down, I see paramedics coming from all around, This was a nightmare that felt so true, You had the dream so you saw it too.

15 Frontage Road 10 February’s Freezing Katie Pierce

We didn’t mind winter days, icy wind cut at our faces making it hard to try. Before then you were covering miles without ever leaving and we both knew, without ever speaking, there was something missing there. It wasn’t hard to see by the silence that it wasn’t working out. If time taught nothing more, there was at least our conscious screaming. Your car idle in the growing darkness, speaking both sides of the conversation. But there were thoughts of country drives and your hand in mine. Cold, chapped lips pressing harder and our breath rising high in the fading light, casting shadows on the buildings. So when tail lights are fading in the direction of some force that pulled you away, I suddenly became aware that February’s freezing and furthered the distance between your selfi sh ambition and me.

Photo submitted by Ashley Trammel 16 Frontage Road 10 Bleeding Heart Breandra Porter

I sit and think about my life and wonder if I could live it twice. I hurt and grieve of internal pain, my soul bleeds of bloody rain The weirdest thing is no one knows but it’s internal so it doesn’t show, I pray aloud to empty space, in the darkness without a trace. Drip, drip the blood, thick and red, I hope one day they’ll notice I’m dead. I hope they know it couldn’t stop, it was the pain of a bleeding heart

17 Frontage Road 10 Who Am I to You? Ashley Herrod

Am I a picture in a box That you have pushed far away? Am I someone you forgot? you never mention my name Am I a sweet memory That you love to repeat? Am I ever on your mind? Do I have a minute of your time? Am I just your crazy Ex? Or am I one of the best? Am I on your worst list? Am I someone you miss? Am I just a notch on your bed post? Do I haunt you like a mad ghost? Do I live in your dream? Do you wish I was reality? I’ve been wondering, Who am I to you?

18 Frontage Road 10 Never Forget Alina Dixon

I wonder how things would be if he was still here Sometimes I think I hear his voice I know that Mom misses him so much too I wish everything could be the way it used to be

I worry about my brother growing up without his daddy I still cry when I remember the day he died I understand that he isn’t coming back But I wonder why it had to be him to leave us

At night I dream of the good times we all had Sometimes I can’t hold the tears back in front of my family I wish for all of us to be together again one day A part of me knows I will see him again some day

Photo submitted by Whitney Dodson 19 Frontage Road 10 Sissy Sierra Goins

At fi rst I was unsure when I got the news, I stared in disbelief for several days, I had never imagined having a sibling eighteen years later, When you were born I was still confused, Now as I watch you grow, I wouldn’t trade you for the moon!

Dedicated to my sister Kylah

Photo submitted by Jennifer Jack 20 Frontage Road 10 You Are Loved Octavia Goodman

You are loved by many and have touched so many souls. You were never the one to judge but always the one to love. But God takes Special people like you to look down from above on the ones you loved. Even when you are gone, you will never be forgotten on this earth where you once were. So always remember you are the best here and a perfect angel above. In Loving Memory, Aunt Lillian 10-12-35 - 8-7-06

Photo submitted by Peter Wakarura

21 Frontage Road 10 A Child with a Child (1994) Sue Robinson

Praying, hoping, crying, wishing No one knows the pain I’m feeling. To you it was a one night stand To me it could be a lifetime demand. A child to me might often show In his eyes the dad they’ll never know.

My future could be down the drain You couldn’t understand the pain. My faults have fi nally caught up with me A child to you, you’ll never see.

22 Frontage Road 10 Remember Me Chad Ehlers

Please remember me, I was not of gold, nowhere close... Blackness in the heart, destroys what I see... But I still request... Please remember me... I’m winter all year around... Amused by pain, love cold rain... Locked my heart, swallowed the key... But I still request please remember me... Enjoyed sin, anger was my friend... Love to hate and hate to love... Didn’t believe in joy above... Remember me... If I had death become of me, and your happiness now times three... Would you then, or even if I said I’m sorry... Then would you please... Oh please... Remember me...

Photo submitted by Judy Norton

23 Frontage Road 10

Drawing by Marcus Price

24 Frontage Road 10 Who Am I? Michele Lea Martin

Who am I? I have feelings I can hurt Sometimes I’m a saint A lot I sin I cry I laugh I make mistakes I love And sometimes I even hate I blame myself I blame others I smell I taste I touch I hear What am I? I am you You are me All together we are human being

25 Frontage Road 10 Calm before the Storm Tia Seitz

Have you ever felt the calm before the storm? It feels like the calm before something goes wrong in your life. Like the calm before the earthquake before you get . Like the calm before the tornado before it all comes crashing down. Like the calm before the hurricane before it all comes fl ooding in. I have come too familiar to these feelings. Is it possible to have so much destruction in one person’s life?

Photo submitted by Caitlin Elston

26 Frontage Road 10 Fear Tia Seitz

Why do you live your life in fear? If you live in fear, you will never be happy. Life is full of happiness and life is full of IF. What is fear? It can be a phobia so would that mean you’re afraid of life? Fear is the risk we are taking to be alive. Fear creates aggressiveness; it is the most destructive element in the human mind. You just have to stop and look fear in the face. Be not afraid of fear, let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Photo submitted by Amber Shiffl ett

27 Frontage Road 10 Giving Up? Tia Seitz

As I lay here crying, I wonder is there anything to do trying? What can I do to get you to understand that I love you? I scream it’s true, it’s true, it’s true. There is nothing else that I can do. Because I really do love you.

28 Frontage Road 10 I Am Flirting with Disaster Tia Seitz

I am fl irting with disaster because disaster is in the way. There are no more words to express the way my heart feels today. If I could just show him my heart, but my heart is like a rose, it is welting with the hurt. Is it going to last? Or is the love melting? I keep waiting and watching for the answers. But when will they come? I am fl irting with disaster. My mind tells me so, But my heart needs more. It is like a drug you can not get away from. But yet if I look past the hurt, I am seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. And living the good life in the fast lane like there is no tomorrow. But yet, I wonder if he really even cares. I want to rock his world, but I do not even know if he is satisfi ed or if he is just bored. There is a secret he wants to tell me, But I am afraid to ask. So I am fl irting with disaster because disaster’s in the way. It is like a drug that lets me be free. I have no other way to say it. I just hope he gets it and then we will always be together forever and ever.

29 Frontage Road 10 I Love You More and More Tia Seitz

I have never loved like this before; I give you my heart more and more. Every time I see you, my heart fl utters, kiss my lips before I stutter. We have so much in common, baby it’s fact. When I’m not with you, I just want you back. I believe we have true love, the kind that lasts. I hope we are not moving way too fast. I love the way you make me feel, hold me close, the love is real. I cannot imagine life without you, you complete me, this is true. I have never loved like this before. I believe our love grows more and more. I know this is just a silly rhyme. I hope you read it time time. You always seem to take my breath away. We always see in color and never in gray. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You make me feel beautiful, you make me feel free. I dread every minute I am away from you. I just cannot look past last night’s view. We already made many memories together. I just hope we are together forever. I promise to never leave you behind, that would be crazy to have that set of mind. These are just a few words to express how I feel. There is still so much more to show that this is real.

30 Frontage Road 10 Love vs. Hate Tia Seitz

Why is love and hate such strong words? They both have equal amount of letters and they both end in E. Both words can fi ll in the blank in the sentence “I ______you.” They both have two different meanings. Both words are strong. Both play with our emotions. People seem to love these two words. Love is giving your heart away to somebody and hate is murdering somebody with your heart. Both words are equally confusing. I love the words but I hate the meanings.

31 Frontage Road 10 Untitled Hurt Tia Seitz

Is it worth the risk you take? The way you love and the way you break? I have honestly never loved like this before. Should I stay with you? Or just shut the door? I just have to stay strong for you but there is nothing else I can do! All I want to say is “I love you, I miss you.” I am missing you so bad it hurts, it feels like a stick of thorns going through my shirt. How can something like this be true? I know who to blame and it is not you. When you’re not around I tend to listen to our songs. I think to myself maybe she is right or maybe she is wrong. I am scared of the results. I will never forgive her for her insults. The only reason she is doing this is to get you back. I tell you “I love you” and I really mean that. But whatever the outcome, I hope you stay. I hope you know I am never going away.

32 Frontage Road 10 I Miss… Peng Pan

I miss your fl uffy hair. I miss your loveable ears. I miss your bushy eyebrows. I miss your soulful eyes. I miss your kissable lips. I miss your perfect smiles. I miss your joyous laughter. I miss your corny jokes. I miss your supportive shoulders. I miss your strong arms. I miss your comforting hugs. I miss your talented hands. I miss your tickle-able belly. I miss your furry legs. I miss your big feet. Until June again, I’ll miss you.

33 Frontage Road 10 Prom Sisters Peng Pan Purple, green, lime and gold. It’s senior prom night, we’re getting old. “A Night in Paris” for some time with friends. The last chance, perhaps, to make certain amends. Where life may take us no one knows, But for tonight, let’s just all glow. Blood relations you have none with me, But from tonight forward, sisters we’ll be.

Photo submitted by Peng Pan 34 Frontage Road 10 Dear PC… Peng Pan

Dear PC, It is a love-hate relationship that we share. It isn’t my fault; you don’t play fair. When I have to work, you want to play. Don’t you know this report has to be done today? You make life easier, sure I admit, But can’t you do that without throwing a fi t? When I tell you something to save, Won’t you please not go dark like a cave? I if your screen keeps staying black, I’m going to switch over to a Mac!

This is your last warning. Your User.

35 Frontage Road 10 Story Time Peng Pan One stormy night while the acid rain fell, Young Glow-Glow Daisy begged Grandpa Oak a story to tell. “All right you young whipper-snapper, come here; sit close, And after this story, it’s off to bed you go. Long ago when I was just a young sprout, All the children would normally go out To play in the fi elds underneath a bright blue sky…” “You mean the sun didn’t burn them to a crisp?” “No, back then, the ozone was still strong And one could stay outside all day long Without fear of those dangerous UV rays. Oh, how I miss those good old days!” “What’s so special about back then? Isn’t today pretty grand too?” “Well, for starters, the sky was blue not black And, unlike today, clean and clear water we did not lack. The clouds were fl uffy-puffy white And there were birds fl ying left and right.” “What are birds and how did they fl y?” “Well, that’s a story for another night. As for now though, it’s off to bed you go. No more questions of sunshine and pure white snow. It’s out with the lights, so quit your glowing, And cover your ears so you won’t hear the wind blowing. Good night, sweet dreams Of light summer breezes and clear blue streams.”

Photo submitted by Heather Lutz 36 Frontage Road 10 Waters of Kentucky Laura Thompson

As I look out my window I drove over the bridge to Kentucky I take a deep breath I stop and get out I look beyond and look up in the sky and out at the blue waters I see boats, homes, and mountains Oh how beautiful this may be Knowing how wonderful life can be Being alive and able to see this beautiful scenery On this wonderful fall day, in Kentucky

Photo submitted by Laura Thompson

37 Frontage Road 10 Dreaming Laura Thompson

Watching the clouds in the sky I often wonder why God took you away Yet only to realize As you go through those gates May you have neither more aches nor pain You will always be in our hearts And now you will rest forever And be happy and may rest in peace

Photo submitted by Alesia Cabrera 38 Frontage Road 10 Life Laura Thompson

Anxious as life may seem Beginning until the end, here we will be Conscious or not we will be Exceptions there shall be Frightened or not it may seem Good or bad we will see How about that? Individually we all will be Joyful or joyless we shall see Kindness and kindless others will be Look up at the sky, what next will be seen? Maybe we will see stars, clouds, sun, or the moon Not the time to be afraid Oh how beautiful this may seem Please pray with joy Questions might we ask Religious you or I might be or not at all Sensibility and skeptical shall we be Thankful for life we must be Understanding the joys and love life can bring What next? X-ray could it be? Yes, it will be time one day Zip away some day

Photo submitted by Lisa Rymer 39 Frontage Road 10 Untitled Melody Ramos en este día de san valentín ; desperte pensando en ti. me levanté pensando ; como extraño lo que teniamos. entre al baño ; y encontré unas fl ores hermosas. eran departe de mi papa ; y ahí fue mi primera sonrisa del dia. lagrimas surgieron ; de alegría y nostalgia. después comenze a recordar ; las caricias, los besos, el amor. que tú me entregabas ; en tu casa, en tu cama, de tu corazón. es cosa rara de como un día como hoy ; pienso en ti como loca. como si eso fuese a traerte de regreso ; pero se que estoy equivocada.

40 Frontage Road 10 este día pasara ; y ese sentimiento de tristesa y nostalgia también. pero el sentimiento que siento por ti ; no creo. es duro tener tanto rencor y tristesa ; porque me afecta a mi y a los que estan alrededor mio. espero que tu corazón llegue a entender el amor ; que es cosa seria, y no de aventuras. y que también sepa que yo te quize ; como ni una otra. a pasado el tiempo, sí ; y tengo fé en Dios ; que el sentimiento tal como el dolor también pasara. le doy gracias a Dios; por lo que tuvimos. porque fuistes tu quien me enseño a amar; pero te pido que también me enseñes a olvidar. felíz día de san valentín ; a ti y a con quien la pases en este dia.

41 Frontage Road 10 Fingerprints Courtney Pippenger

I can see just where you’ve been. Your artwork’s on the wall. And fi ngerprints upon the fridge I still love you, after all. Autumn leaves on mountains high As with my child I go, Tell me that You love us all More than we’ll ever know. You threw a fi t down at the store Your shoe fl ew down aisle three Goldfi sh crackers everywhere You’re still precious to me. Pastor said words for me to hear. My heart feels light and free. Wonder if He sent those words, Because He heard my plea? And by your bedside, late at night I’m grateful for His care We thank Him for all we have And we know He is there.

Photo submitted by Jeanette Banta 42 Frontage Road 10 The Day I Lost Everything Steve Alvarenga

The day I lost everything, the sky wept childishly while being hugged by bruised clouds. The day I lost everything, I was awakened by him in his spiritual form. The day I lost everything, I did not pay attention to him but I obeyed him and loaded the Gun. The day I lost everything, I looked for him like no ordinary day. The day I lost everything, my eyes dried up for him, And for a moment, I almost picked up the gun. The day I lost everything, He took with him the innocence In my eyes. The day I lost everything, I saw him, the hero I loved to fear, fallen. The day I lost every- thing, they deliv- ered him inside a fancy box. The day I lost everything, life had just began.

43 Frontage Road 10 Ultrasound Steve Alvarenga

I saw you for the fi rst time on a cold winter day. In the time way back in the year Y2K. You were a whole human being already. With arms, legs, heart, And a brain capable of being smart. Though at plain sight I could see nothing really. Only a distorted shape on a monitor screen. Science helped me see you that way. and there was nothing so beautiful I’ve ever seen Even if it just was black, white, and gray. To me, you looked beautiful like when a star shines. From that moment I knew I had to fi ght For my baby girl and everything that is right.

*I would like to dedicate this poem to my beautiful daughter: Shariah Estrellita Alvarenga.

Photo submitted by Jennifer Jack (page 45)

44 Frontage Road 10

45 Frontage Road 10 The Cost of Freedom Steve Alvarenga

The desert was never so deafening. Bombs came down with a roaring fury. A stray one stroked my friend’s dwelling. Another one ripped mine in a hurry.

It was in the ides of March like it said in the play, But we were not bewared. We felt it was coming but we let it wander away. All that was left was to be scared.

The Shock and Awe came with a boom Taking my family and leaving many wounds. I guess it was all the cost of my freedom But it is hard to forget those screaming sounds.

Did you have any leads? Did you fi nd those WMD’s? All I know is that I can’t fi nd my legs. My family is dead. My birthday is today, I am 10 years old. I push my wheelchair out the orphanage’s door And watch the Coalition of The Willing pass by Will they ever leave? I wish they will die. I will never forget what you took from me. What is for Pride, oil, or freedom?

46 Frontage Road 10 Expedition Steve Alvarenga Ended my journey On top of tejas roofs. There I smiled funny And I am a living proof Of my family’s semi-nomad life. Ironically I was at their beginning And I dreamt I’ve always been part of it all. Amongst the sky reaching cactus, pricking, Amongst the mescals that makes strong men fall. I smiled again then I cried. Narrow streets made of stones. I trip in this unaccustomed walk. Strange faces remembering their loved one gone While uttering a strange talk. Again I smiled but later I cried. La Virgen’s Church announcing the precious hours. The sun regaining his strength and climbing. The rooster’s voice getting hoarse and sour. Navidad is here! And all the kids are smiling. I’m smiling too! But secretly I’m crying!

Photo submitted by Steve Alvarenga 47 Frontage Road 10 To the Ones That Can’t Have What They Want but Have Beauty All Around Steve Alvarenga

Is the sea as forlorn as I am today? No, he has the moon and the stars. All night together they dance and play. In harmony, they laugh at Mars. Is the foggy and immobile forest sad? No, they have deep roots underground. Their foremost duty is to point out to God. They bear fruit to hear the songbird’s sweet sound. Does the soaring Mount Everest feel isolated? No, he is always embraced by the clouds and heavenly snow. He’s the king of the hill and never complicated. He’s always waiting for his queen, the sun, to show. The world is encircled by beauty and is never alone. But I can’t have you and I feel like a restless stone.

Photo submitted by Terrell Lowdermilk

48 Frontage Road 10 The Law of Time Landen Saffl es

Time is as God—for Time is All— No greater power than this exists: What is seen—what is Forgotten must fall beneath its ominous frame.

Whether in being or in thought, earth bows before its way; No matter what resistance brings, it crumbles beneath time’s waves.

Time must act—as a tyrant— life runs one course, then never more; Whether the past or the years to come: all islands of time have a shore.

No matter what tomorrow brings, tomorrow must also pass— Resounding the ever present urge: live deeply, for briefl y—time is ours.

- February 2, 2008

49 Frontage Road 10 If Life Landen Saffl es

If life were an author, he’d use only pencil: no other’s words are so temporally sung. Should anyone fi nd a glimpse of his reason near lurks the time when all is undone.

If life were a singer, he’d choose his crowd: no others will be so privileged as these— In choosing, change is his only device, many seek, but only few fi nd this need.

If life were a jester—a jovial king— scantly would others fi nd frequency: All are his subjects, none are his equals; left are we broken, humbly we bleed.

Life is not authored, a singer or jester. such visions bring watchers a measured fate— Life is a fl ow—a series of meaning; a beginning of pleasure, an end of relief.

~In loving memory of Helen Thomas – Rest in Peace

February 28, 2008

50 Frontage Road 10 The Broken Glass Landen Saffl es

A life is like a broken glass— its shards, the memories lingering still Yet in the remnants survives the living— walking and breathing, remaining untouched.

The soul has seen a thousand Battles: the struggles resolve as seas divide, Rushing forth with tumultuous questions— how were losses valued more than defeat?

The heart is the landscape of endless sensation; it knows not but that which can it feel— In the perils and losses and suffering that plagues: how meekly they weight against love that failed!

There is little to worry when the sun shall rise— neither its rise nor its set should hold dismay: Beginnings mean endings, and endings new beginnings In each we must walk—we must fi nd our own way.

February 23, 2008

51 Frontage Road 10

52 Frontage Road 10 Of Rules and Regulations Landen Saffl es

Of rules and regulations: I know not what these mean— A man’s taboo—his greatest folly— constructs these walls, a blinding scene.

The world is lost—without Direction— its maps record better than greatest Fiction: Should it discover the state of its wonder indignance would rule—our greatest Dictator.

February 23, 2008

Photo submitted by Jay Bailey on page 52

53 Frontage Road 10 The Greater Calling Landen Saffl es What we long for— What we breathe for— What we hope to become; Finds no use in holding us back, From reaching our place in the sun—

So often I wonder Why we pause— Life’s greatest doorway before us; All that makes sense is to Achieve— The moment is ever upon us.

Some say I’m a dreamer, I reach for the sky: When the cost seems much too great— I turn from this and continue on— For quitting is always the greater mistake.

No matter if this be right; Regardless if it holds wrong— There is a greater calling I face: I would rather live in brief with Success— Than live forever—without fi nding my Place—

Photo submitted by Will Bryant 54 Frontage Road 10 Paige Anonymous

When you were born the world stood still. Even though you’re my niece I love you more and always will.

I worry about this world that you hold now at your feet. Only fi ve years old, but so full of wonder everything you see you seem to think is “neat.”

A world torn by war, famine, and hunger but in you I fi nd calm. Sometimes I fear for your future but I trust your dad and mom.

Now you are in school and a lot I know you will learn. But, no matter what anyone tells you let every day be an adventure and write new pages that only you can turn.

55 Frontage Road 10 Living Ashes John Stimmel

It consumes like a fl ame, Burning deep inside. Flaring, whipping, scorching Because no one knows you lied.

It is sparked by reminders, Of which you lament. Hopefully no one knows That you thirst to forget.

The embers are glowing white As your false words taste bitter. The truth has been charred And your heart starts to fl itter.

Limited time remains until It brands through to the surface. Soon they will all know It was an accident, on purpose.

Regret is the catalyst Of a blaze this fi erce. A core of guilt, Only the truth can pierce.

Guilt was the cause Of my suffered years spent. My soul was the tinder, And lies were the fl int.

56 Frontage Road 10 Perceptions from a Campus Picnic Table Sara Straussberger

The teeth of the bitter cold tear at my bare toes. Harkening to the rhythmic trickle of the pathetic fountain, I watch nonchalantly as the hooded people stroll by Under the gray sky. Like a shot through the distance, pierces the whine of the interstate traffi c. Feet shuffl e past and I peer into the ominous puddle wondering, Were there fi sh, or now are they dead-- Tragic loss of life from this uninhabitable cold?

And the fountain gurgles on With its tune of compliance. So many birdhouses... Careless and torrentially, the wind lashes out. This spontaneous swell of Sends the hooded people scurrying for cover. Then comes a moment of less resistance, So the wind becomes hushed and listless.

A single warm ray of sun brightens the slight world. After glaring in my eyes, its brief visit fades from my perspective. Escapees fi le into the vast barren courtyard. Clutching their dense books of gold, They seize their freedom gleefully. Gradually, the chorus of people became distant until Only faintly could they be heard. Thoughtfully, the fountain continues its catchy tune.

57 Frontage Road 10

Photo submitted by Sara Straussberger

58 Frontage Road 10 Ode to Freakin’ Jeep Cherokee Sara Straussberger

The heartless beast gazed ungratefully into the useless sun of the winter sky. Thick skinned, the weather had taken its toll, Leaving the scarred creature with a dull exterior, warn by the years. Dwelling in the ruts and gravel of an endless road of the boondocks, And caked with mud from fl aky head to its warn black toes, It desired the sweet vengeance of its long abused past.

After a spark and a strenuous whine, Its snarling speech rumbled; low and ferocious was its voice. Setting out on a merciless path of devastation through the timber and muck, Its heinous rampage was momentarily halted prior to the pavement. And with a jolt, it started out once again. The taunting from the younger generation infuriated the archaic red skinned beast. In days long forgotten, the beast triumphant in its state of youth, Could carry itself to the unthinkable speed of 85mph! Now, huffi ng and wheezing, it struggled to 65, While its inhabitants cussed and swore from within, Ridiculing the momentous performance of speed the beast had reached.

The beast, through the static which was once a melody, Heard the perfuse laughter from within, And the beast now had inconceivably evil aspirations. Clicking its crusty joints and freezing in its tracks, The cumbersome speed ceased, falling free from 65 to zero. Endless profanity overtook the beast’s hearing. It whined in misery from the slamming and rattling, With violent blows from all directions, and frantic pleading from desperate individuals, A thick cloud of black smoke rose from the beast’s nostrils. It had taken its fi nal breath.

59 Frontage Road 10 The Magenta Epiphany Sara Straussberger

The Sienna forest lives-- Green leaves sweep the Amber knolls Of the Marooned land.

A Cyan sky facade Ivory clouds danced atop In Azure array.

Fuchsia petals swirl On the Slate Cream of the earth Crowned by Olive mist.

The Indigo birds Make the Lemon Chiffon Fjords Their royal home soil.

Thyme waved on in night; The Crimson dream of silence Ruined by dark drab.

Photo submitted by Caitlin Swanson

60 Frontage Road 10 Untitled Ashley Stamps If he only knew how much I loved him How much I cared

Then maybe he wouldn’t have done the things he did Did he even care?

I gave him my all and would have given him the world

He gave me heartache and tears and pain

If he only knew I would have died for him maybe he would still be here

But he left me for another who will only give him tears

Maybe he deserves it In fact I’m sure he does

But all I feel is regret for his impending fears

There are some who say he didn’t deserve my love and I could do better than him

But all I think about is the love I lost...

But then again was it ever really there?

Photo submitted by Chris Moses 61 Frontage Road 10 Sunday Devin Carson

I take care of a woman, her name is Kay.

There’s one day a week I make completely her day.

I open the door, her body kicks, and she hollers,

Out of her wheelchair she almost comes, because Sunday excites her.

All week she waits and goes through the motions,

To pass every day till it’s fi nally the one for us.

Not a word she can speak, but I know what she’s saying,

“Get this, get that, hurry up we’ll be late!”

I dress her, gel her hair, grab her Bible and her bag,

Once outside, she laughs, cause she sees that big white van.

All through the service she grunts and smiles at me,

She laughs cause I know deep down she’s trying to sing.

Intently she listens and soaks it all in,

Every week like clock work, time at the alter she must .

She knows what she wants even if words she cannot use,

It’s not hard to fi gure her out, if you just take a few.

Photo submitted by Marchelle Wear (page 63)

62 Frontage Road 10

63 Frontage Road 10 Forever...Mija Devin Carson

My fl ame has fl ickered but never went out, Even though two years I’ve been without. Love is still there even though it’s not the same, My heart still gets weak, when I feel you touch my face. I told you, Justin, I’d be yours forever, I’ve kept my promise even though our future was severed. I was full of hurt and mad at the Lord, Questioning why you had to show up at my door. I lost myself in the darkest of places, Trying to make my memory erase us. I was lonely, sad, shut down, and mean. I was crazy, depressed, and no one knew me. When you left I was pushed further than I’ve ever been, It’s so hard to crawl out of this life full of sin. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve done in my life, You would have married your best friend the day I was to become your wife. You let go of passion for a cold shot and a good hit, But the fi re between us I can never forget. I don’t know why we had to crash and burn, I wish you didn’t have to be a hard lesson learned. Of all the questions that are unanswered and lost, I hope in our time I helped you see the real God.

64 Frontage Road 10 You Don’t Know Devin Carson

You don’t know what happens, unless I call. You don’t know when life makes me fall. You don’t know where I go at night. You have no clue that I’m ready to fi ght. You don’t know how hard things are. You don’t know that I haven’t come far. Everything’s fi ne because you’re okay. Reality Check!! You’re the one who made it this way!! I hug and I smile so hurt doesn’t show. It’s just so sad, Because you don’t know. You don’t know that there’s anger still. You don’t know how unwanted I feel. Becoming you is one of my fears. I just can’t believe that this is all real. You don’t know how the distance has grown. Our relationship now is just texts on a phone. I miss you, I hate this, but you don’t know. Without you this house is just not home. Whatever! It’s over! I’m glad I was grown! It’s just so sad because you don’t know.

65 Frontage Road 10 A-Z Poem Ann Green

As I sit here gazing into your eyes, I see. Blue like the sea, swallowing me. Comfy being here with you. Down the long road we’ve been. Eager to take you home with me, your Friends are nothing but users you see. Grown up you are, but choices Have made you all wrong. I need you to see your friends are, Judging you behind your back. Killing you inside, this I know. Love sucks, it’s plain to see. Mainly because you can’t trust anybody. No person is worth the trouble. Open your eyes I’ll Point you in the right direction. Quiet, as can be you have the Right to Set your own path, but I warn Thee, Pick you friends wisely, because Unreal people exist, Vacant in sympathy Wrongfully hurting others. People are Xenophobes to our customs. You could say that we are very Zealous for each other.

66 Frontage Road 10

Photo submitted by Ashleigh Pennington

67 Frontage Road 10 Where Is He Now? Ann Green

Where is he now? When there are kids dying! Where is he now? When there are people starving! Where is he now? When they are beating young children!

I ask you people! Where is he now! Does he exist? Where is he now! Why do these things happen? Poor children, crying and being beaten! Some not living to look forward to better days! Where is he now!!

Where is he now? Why does this happen! Where is he now? In a world so full of hate! Where is he now? Women being beaten and dying! Where is he now? You’re almighty God?

Where is he now? My faith has been broken. Where is he now? When we are in pain! Where is he now? That is my question!!!

68 Frontage Road 10 Nature’s Course Ann Green

We all think this weather’s crazy, But wait till that one day comes. They say an Ice Age is on its way, Like it has not happened before, But maybe technology will save us this time.

Pollution has a toll, On mother earth’s beauty. But one day or another, It will all just go away.

We don’t have a choice, Living our lives like we always do. So just sit back and watch, Mother Nature will change, It’s coming soon, will it be today?

These words cut people, The way razor blades do. Maybe people will change, But Mother Nature has chosen Our destiny and we will all end some day.

Photo submitted by Meghan Stout

69 Frontage Road 10 Valentine’s Day Sonnet Ann Green

What is love, it’s bound to fade away, Love always makes people so mad. Why is it though that we always want it to stay. Yet it tends to make people so sad. Some people make me so , I fell for you, now my heart and soul I give. Maybe you were my fi rst pick. My life is so great, freely they dare to live. I’m feeling quite nauseous now. You’re new found love. But I ask myself somehow, Why is there a white dove? So as long as people think Valentine’s Day is so fantastic, I might think otherwise, it’s pretty Sucktastic!

70 Frontage Road 10 Color Poem Ann Green

Green like your eyes, So pretty, yet so full of sadness. Every time you open your mouth, More and more lies come out. You lay in the grass now, Darkness is the last thing you see as you close your eyes. Your dreams are fi lled with my green eyes. As you lay here in the dark, You hear “Go to sleep my child.” Green is what most people want, Greed is what they get. Green like your eyes, my dear, But not as green as I remember from long ago. They gleam at me so. Green like the grass as you open your eyes.

71 Frontage Road 10 You’re Beautiful! Ann Green

She is beautiful, but does not know it. Her face lights up when people tell her so. Deep down she knows it’s just not true. She nods with a smile, But deep within her mind, she is crying.

Without a word she leaves, nobody knowing what really feeds her fury. Black like the abyss within her soul, she is not free, Free from the pain and agony, that burns deep inside of her.

For days now her mind is all jumbled, Screaming, screaming through the pain, Screaming voices while that one blade touches her skin. Voices saying it’s not the way, but others just edging on more pain.

Finally her day has come; she pulls the trigger on the gun. Left a note explaining why that one day was the end. She felt so lonely, no one knows why, they all adored and loved her, but she felt otherwise, her note explained, “I felt like you all left me, my problems are big, my heart has turned so gray, but now you must face it, I’ll soon be in my grave.”

Her funeral is today, everyone is there and everyone misses her, But oh the fears they felt that day, Wondering if they would soon feel the same way!

72 Frontage Road 10 Fears Ann Green

My fears are great, suffering though the pain, like any other person. I fear the cold, icy, water just surrounding my body. My heart starts to race, my body trembles, and my eyes Go black within the deep abyss. No strength left here, just weakness.

No breathing now it’s much too late, Just lay back letting the waves take you away. No sign of remorse, just what you once knew. Your memories fade; there is no holding on, Let the cold black abyss take you, and now you’re gone!

Photo submittted by Brittany Greely

73 Frontage Road 10 Parody of Emily Dickenson’s “Poor Little Heart” Ann Green

Poor little Dwarf! Did they forget thee? They didn’t care! They didn’t care!

Proud little Dwarf! Did they shame thee? Be proud! Be proud!

Frail little Dwarf! I would not beat thee. Come to me! Come to me!

Gay little Dwarf! You’re not free, You will be! You will be!

74 Frontage Road 10 Autobiography Poem Ann Green

Baby years were pretty rough, Premature is what describes me. Teenage years were harder, From moving around a lot, To having no friends or even keeping track of them.

Struggling through school, A teacher said I’ll never amount to anything, But one thing I know is I’ll prove her wrong, I’ll amount to something.

Saddest year of my life, Was when she died that one damn night! First time I’ve ever been to a funeral, But I never once cried. Is there something wrong with me for not crying? Or is it that I don’t show my feelings, but hide them!

I sure hope my feelings never leave me, For that would leave me with one empty soul. One thing I know for sure is that, You have to forget the past and live life to the fullest Because you never know when something could go wrong.

75 Frontage Road 10 Elephant Tasha Bates

The old man walks down the dirt path, His long gait heavy and unhurried. His tan suit, as always, is dirty and wrinkled. Like all old men, his nose and ears are large. With him forever is his handy trunk. Perhaps I’ll see him again, My next trip to the zoo…

76 Frontage Road 10 Haiku Tasha Bates

Water runs softly On down the rocky cliff face Dripping on my head.

Photo submitted by Tonya Cross

77 Frontage Road 10 A Few More Tasha Bates

Her eyes were blind. Her fl esh was gray. Her hair was thinning. Her teeth were missing.

She took a few more, To push the pain away.

She climbed into bed, Turned off the light. She wouldn’t make it through the night.

An hour later, her pulse was racing. Her breathing was labored. He heart clenched tight. Then something burst and it was over.

When they found her, Her eyes were blind, Her fl esh was gray, Her hair was thinning, Her teeth were missing, And she was dead at seventeen.

78 Frontage Road 10 The Suicide Tiffany Bunch

Is there a death so lonely as the suicide? No one is there to hold your hand. You take your last breath, alone. In the newspaper the cause of death is “unknown.” In a sense it is. How could anyone know your pain? Only you could possibly understand. Only you are responsible for your life. You pass day by day, lonely and strange. You bleed, but no one really cares. If you take your life no one will shed a tear. Time will heal you if you try, you can be someone yet. Put the knife away, my dear. There is no failure here, just when you give in.

Photo submitted by Hilary Brand

79 Frontage Road 10 The Football Player Sam Robinson

He steps onto the fi eld knowing it’s his last game. The score is tied and not much time remains. He looks at the scoreboard, the minutes running down. He sees his sweat falling on the ground. Strategies and plays run through his head. “We’re counting on you, 80,” the coach said. His uniform is covered with blood and grass stains. His body throbs with aches and pains. The look on his face was fi erce yet calm, As he saw his opponent grip the ball in his palm. He stepped to the line determined and ready. His heart was racing but his hands were steady. The last play seemed to be in slow motion, Like watching peaceful waves tossed in the ocean. The clock was ticking; they were down to the wire. The gaze in his eyes was like a ball of fi re. The opposing quarterback releases the ball, But short of his intentions it started to fall. Number 80 jumped into the air, And intercepted the ball, only by a hair. He was running with all his might, He was unstoppable, out of sight. The other team began to frown, Because 80 had scored the winning touchdown.

80 Frontage Road 10 Letter Poem Andy Wells

Dear Future Mrs. Wells To whom this may concern, this letter is the key So you’d better pay attention if you wanna marry me I’d like to leave some day, to where, not sure A place that’s quiet, peaceful, warm, and pure If you want kids, you’ve come to the wrong guy Nah, I’d like to give one or two a try But it would be nice, to be married for a while fi rst We’d go to all the big games to quench my sporting thirst And of course we’d go dancing, to shows, and the ballet Because a strong and lasting relationship requires fair play The weekend is reserved for my other girlfriends CBS, Fox Sports, and all of the ESPN’s I’ll cover you in diamonds, and put you shotgun in a Jeep That’s mine of course; a Jag or Mercedes is yours to keep As my face appears on TV, you’ll giggle and blush A strange feeling falls over your friends, then a hush You’ll only have to work if you get bored during the day We’ll be sitting pretty, for what the TV execs will pay I feel an April wedding, not too hot or too cold Nothing but the best, for the girl for which I’m to grow old Tears of joy and dancing fi ll the night A drunken serenade from the groomsmen, whatta sight The jet whisks us off, to an island oasis What an amazing place, for nothing would I miss this Basking in the sun, until we’re golden brown My life goal from now on, is to never make you frown Five years down the road, we get the big news, twins We exchange baby names amongst our grins A pair of daughters to de-masculinize our dwelling How much will my feminine knowledge grow…there’s no telling

Photo submitted by Whitney Maroon 81 Frontage Road 10 Player 19 Andy Wells

A local product from way down south Big scouts peek interest by word of mouth His high school erupts, his fi nal time on the fi eld They know they can’t stop him; he’ll shred their shield Florida State, Miami, and USC This six-foot senior is who they came to see Three touchdown grabs seal the state title And turn this young man into a national idol He chose Mississippi; he’s fi nally a Bulldog In a rising powerhouse, he became the main cog Running the table twice in the Southeastern Conference Mississippi State had fi nally hurdled the fence Back-to-back victories over the nation’s elite Bring the maroon and white nation to their feet Two national titles and Heisman Trophy Awards The NFL has our young star looking towards Draft day 09’, the stage is set Where will he end up, place your bet The Commissioner takes the podium for the day’s fi rst pick He watches on from the greenroom, so nervous, nearly sick Rising to his feet, his name called before the rest Now knowing his future in Oakland, will be his fi nal test MVP and Pro-Bowler at age 21 His legacy as the greatest ever had just begun A perennial contender arose from a city of shame He made millions, dated super models, and basked in the fame The transformation was underway, bottom feeder to dynasty And Player 19 was the key Countless trophies, awards, and championship rings adorn his case Every receiver from now on will have his records to chase He hung up his cleats after 15 years And looked up from his introduction speech, full of tears “This game’s taught me so much, and I’ve had fun” “But it’s all just beginning…watch out for my son”

82 Frontage Road 10 The Death of a Dream Andy Wells

After the craziness of college, what else would you expect But a thrilling Super Bowl fi nish for me to dissect The stage is set, a record number watches on A new champion will be crowned as of Monday dawn The New York Giants, the league’s hottest team The New England Patriots, chase the perfect dream Three rings for Tom Brady, young Eli has none Can he follow in Peyton’s footsteps and win number one New York strikes fi rst, thank you Lawrence Tynes 70,000 on their feet, University of Phoenix Stadium they line Antonio Pierce is fl agged for pass interference Touchdown Patriots, as Laurence Maroney makes an appearance Both teams cool down, as they close in on intermission Tom Petty takes the stage,” play Runnin’ Down A Dream,” I was wishin’ After a tremendous performance, from one of the greatest of all We were all ready for the dynasty to fall Brady was down all night, thanks to Umenyiora, Strahan, and Justin Tuck While Asante Samuel, Adalius Thomas, and Vince Wilfork had the Giants stuck Midway through the fourth, it remains 7-3 Until Manning hooks up with David Tyree The red-zone score gives New York the lead But a resilient New England was poised to impede Brady leads the comeback, less than three minutes on the clock Then fi nds Randy Moss in the end zone, whatta shock Coughlin sends out his offense, for the most important drive of their lives And an unlikely hero emerges, and helps them to survive A heavy rush sent by Belichick’s fast and hungry defense Engulfed poor Eli, but he shook off the blitz, showing amazing pocket presence He launched a prayer, which was answered again by Tyree It’s been called the greatest play in the game’s history…whatta sight to see As he cradled the 42 yard fl oater on the top of his head Harrison did his best to strip, but he could feel that they were as good as dead Plaxico Burris cashed in the game’s winning points just two plays later I wept as the G-Men celebrated the upset, amongst tons of other Patriot haters Eli Manning was the game’s MVP, put the Pat’s made an early exit, full of steam But who could blame them; we’d just witnessed the death of their dream

83 Frontage Road 10 The Hole Andy Wells

The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other In my life, for all 20 years Isn’t enough to hold back the tears You fed me, changed me, raised me, taught me To be a genuine and great person in today’s society The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other My roommate since the third grade Thank you for this time, the memories never to fade We played tic tacs, checkers, and Madden football And taught me traits for life, making all other knowledge seem small The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other My best friend in high school, till age eighteen You fi lled me with happiness when others were so mean Thinning out and growing tall for my senior campaign The pride inside you, impossible to contain The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other Your fall will haunt me until the day I’m gone Never to forget the ambulance on the lawn That would be the fi nal time, you’d visit my house Who’s gonna protect me from monsters and that darn mouse The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other Life Care Center would be the setting of the rest There’s nothing I can do, I took care of you my very best But I came up short, please don’t be mad I tried to return the favor, of you raising me from a lad The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other You waited two weeks, after my 20th birthday Taking your fi nal breaths, looking so peaceful as you lay No words could come to my mouth, so I had to write you a letter But I promise one day, we’ll open it up and read it together The hole inside me can be fi lled by no other

Photo submitted by Nicole Bryan

84 Frontage Road 10 Reluctant Hero Hannah Bramlett

*Dedicated to my brother, Patrick*

He never wanted to be a hero. He just wanted to get by. Yet He is my hero. He lives on forever in the hearts and minds of those who love him. Because Heroes really never die.

85 Frontage Road 10 Untitled Hannah Bramlett

I saw your dying eyes,

But you could no longer hear the cries.

People screamed you name,

Hoping that life you would regain.

I know it is a terrible strife,

But you must try for me on this hallowed night.

Beneath the stars you attempt to control fate.

Never suspecting it could be too late.

With a deep breath you make another try.

As I watched helplessly with a wild eye.

You shake as the wind tries to carry you away.

Not wanting to think about the next day.

You fall to the ground with a huff,

Not able to admit life’s too tough.

I sit beside you looking into my own eyes,

Knowing that my reasons to live haven’t passed me by.

86 Frontage Road 10 Butterfl ies Hannah Bramlett

The fi rst fl utter of love,

When knees begin to quake.

A shiver down the spine,

Giving lips a teasing taste.

Tiny wings ignite a fi re.

As I savor the feel of the butterfl ies.

Photo submitted by LaCinda Hyde

87 Frontage Road 10 Life Hannah Bramlett

Born again to another life. I’ve seen the wonders and the strife. It’s all so much for one to admit. Man has dominated and woman submit.

Man is so sure of no mistakes. Differences are shot out and burned at the stake. I myself have been kissed by the fi re. Crying for and blaming God for my desire.

I’ve lived so long that I’m now jaded. Love and hate, it all has faded. It’s been so long that all seems a lie. All that once was will wither and die.

Man has tried so hard to fi nd insight. Why we are living and why we must fi ght. Through all my lives with all the lessons. I’ve heard all the answers and the questions.

Now to Man the true words I’m giving. Life isn’t bliss. Life is just this. Life is about living.

88 Frontage Road 10 In a Nutshell Danny Giraldo

From nothing, a blinding light appeared. Time and Space began ticking away as Life itself strolled into view.

No greeting, just a smile. It chuckled for a little while at dreams already dancing like snowfl akes through the air

Then, in the blink of an I Time and Space, too, passed by as quickly as they had come.

“So what did you think?” said a voice. I responded. “But my life had just begun?”

89 Frontage Road 10 The End of Days Danny Giraldo

It’s chilling to the bone outside Behind veils of gray, the Sun shivers and hides In place of footsteps, three banners fl y A remnant to the past.

Ghastly skeletons reach up and curse the sky As their father would rather run than provide Trembling with sickness as they die The trees twist in their suffering

Where have all the birds gone? No more singing. No more song. Only creatures born of iron and steal growl and moan in search of a meal.

But hope shines bright - as bright as the sun. In the form of a voice saying, “My weekend’s begun. I’m out the door and class is done. Wanna meet me by the car?”

90 Frontage Road 10 Last Words Danny Giraldo is anybody listening? can anybody hear? the World is crashing down around me dust settles into tears

Trade an eye for another a tooth for the truth they’re fi ghting fi re with liars can’t you see there’s no use? look beyond the word carved in stone at the Center, you will fi nd cain was never a killer he was abel to sacrifi ce.

‘Cause hOldiNg on iS Pretty easy letting go Is not at all eveRy plAn Comes with a purpose and for that reason onlY, i fall.

91 Frontage Road 10 My Big Boom Taylor Varnell

Frigid cold, outside of Best Buy Waiting behind a lot of guys Halo 3 comes out today Me and my brother, waiting all day Doors fi nally open, everyone rushed in You’d think someone had a grenade and pulled the pin We picked up our game, drove home really fast But with all the excitement, we forgot to get gas. After a few phone calls, our dad helped us out We’re so close to home, I had to yell and shout. Raced in the house, popped the game in Snacks and friends, let the good times begin. Rushing and hurrying to get it online Our internet went down like Cyberdyne. After getting everything fi xed, trying to fi nd room It was all worth it, for my fi rst Big Boom!!!

Photo submitted by Taylor Varnell 92 Frontage Road 10

Campus Poem Mallory Owens The door swings open and creaking while making a great commotion some stand around while others’ purposes are completely sound

“Oh! Your curls are all out of place!” whispers the mirror to your too-pale face

Dig through that bag and fi nd a brush and defi nitely apply some hot pink blush

Don’t forget the germs on your hands are screaming and try not to be frightened that the stainless steel is anything but gleaming

“Did I tell you what he did last night?” toilet seat gossip just really never seemed right

Talk, Talk, Talk, as if no one is sitting here apparently forgetting that now we all know you just had your fi rst beer

Trying to study for a last minute test complaining about the teacher since you did not do your best you stand in line and your eyes, ironically, never notice mine so next time you are sitting on a toilet seat remember people are doing more than just staring at your feet.

Photo submitted by Jenny Bryant 93 Frontage Road 10 Wooden Solid Mallory Owens

I feel you slam your plate down when the day has offered too much to go around, I feel you trying to attack your sister’s foot and I whisper to you “you had better stay put”, You throw your bags on me and tattoo your initials on me with the tip of a key, Sometimes I see the candles and romance and other times I witness you begging for a second chance, You let your baby sister lick my surface and sit and ponder about your purpose, I tell you I will always be here but you let your friends clothe me in their smoke and beer, You read me the words written in the Bible and I feel even more compelled to hold you liable, I have tasted your tears and been the foundation for discussion when he fi nally reappears, I have always been there. Abused, misused, never thanked, but always able For my job is to be the structure that holds you up. Your table.

94 Frontage Road 10 Alphabet Poem Mallory Owens

Amazed at your sacrifi ce Brings me to understand why your directions are so intimately precise, Crafty with decisions Delicate with making permanent incisions.

Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy your life.

Fierce when it comes to others bothering me Guiding me through the defi nition of a family, Holding my hand the entire way Intensely promising never to stray.

Juggling a job and bills Knowing it is your responsibility to teach me the skills, Leading me to attempt to be like Christ Moving me to leave behind an attitude of feist.

“Never stop dreaming” you say Obviously reluctant by my look of dismay, Pushing me on towards a goal Quivering because you know mistakes haunt every soul.

Remembering you were once young Supplying the notion that is sometimes hard to hold the tongue, Trying to adequately explain life Unworthy, and knowing there will inevitably always be a small thread of strife.

Very intelligent and encouraging my education Wishing and praying I never fall into imitation, X-raying your own heart for dissatisfaction Yet realizing that the beauty of life should be my only distraction.

Zealous. Zealous. Live a Zealous life.

95 Frontage Road 10 The Watermelon Bandit Lauralyn Franklin

Curiosity and temptation got the best of me While surveying the fountain area one could plainly see A small appealing melon still attached to the vine It looked so good to me I had to make it mine.

Over my shoulder I did not chance a look Maybe they won’t notice and I’ll be off the hook Hurriedly I strode to the offi ce with my prize Set it down grabbed a knife and began to delve inside.

What? Not a hint of red or a trace of pink? Some rare variety, that’s what I think Sliced it again this time in the middle Still without color, not even a little.

I fi gured I should taste it; at least give it a try Its taste like its color - bland and somewhat dry A Google search revealed the fruit was plucked too soon There won’t be any melon for the bandit this noon.

Into the trash went the heavy sliced-up heap That un-ripened melon was never mine to keep Days later a new melon appeared in the row Affi xed with a post-it note: please let me grow!

96 Frontage Road 10 Giant Circles of Hay Lauralyn Franklin

Giant circles of hay; each neatly rolled The baler hums along in the fi eld below Kicked back on Jim’s front porch; ahhh… the view Once again it’s haying season and there is much to do.

With curiosity and admiration I watch the task unfold How does he keep on going at 89 years old? Cattle to attend to, up before the sun A way of life for him, hard work and little fun.

The blessing of this life, good health and a sound mind Hard work and right living are qualities hard to fi nd Relaxed, I wonder, how does he stay so strong? He can’t take a day off and all his days are long.

Giant circles of hay; each neatly rolled He exits the tractor in the fi eld below Into his truck he climbs, calling it a day He’ll start all over tomorrow, giant circles of hay.

Photo submitted by Rachael Thompson 97 Frontage Road 10

Drawing/poem by Ernest Saunders

98 Frontage Road 10