November/December 1958

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November/December 1958 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 MACHINERY DIVISION Sales and Service Offices BAKERSF IELD, CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA PUMPING UN I TS 2500 Parker Lane 5959 South Alameda P. 0 . Box 444 Phone: LUdlow 5-1201 Phone: FA irview 7-3563 ~ NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI CASPER, WYOMING 3701 Ridgewood Road East Yellowstone Hwy. Phone : 4691 P. 0 . Box 1849 LINE Phone : 3-4670 NEW YORK , NEW YORK 350 Fifth Avenue CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phone : OXford 5-0460 915 Old Colony Bldg. 407 S. Dearborn St. ODESSA, TEXAS NOVEMBER • DECEMBER, 1958 Phone : WEbster 9-3041 P. O. Box 1632 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS Phone : FEderal 7-8649 Volume 33 Number 6 207 S & S Building OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA Phone : TUi ip 3-1881 1317 West Reno Phone: REg ent 6-4521 Published to promote Friendship and Good Will DALLAS, TEXAS with its customers and friends and to advance the 814 Vaughn Bu ilding interes t of its products by the Lufkin Foundry & Phone: Riverside 8-5127 PAMPA, TEXAS Machine Company, Lufkin. Texas. 2017 Mary Ellen Virginia R . .Rllen. Editor DENVER, COLORADO P. O. Box 362 1423 Mile High Center Phone: MOhawk 4-2401 Phone: Alpine 5-1616 SEMINOLE, OKLAHOMA EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Route 4 407 West Fayette Phone: 34 P. 0 . Box 6 CANADIAN DIVISION ISSUE Phone : 667-W SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA GREAT BEND, KANSAS U. S. Highway 80 East WINTER IS FUN IN CANADA . 4- 7 North Main Street P. 0 . Box 673 P. 0 . Box 82 Phone : 5-3451 SNAPSHOTS WITH THE LUFKIN CAMERAMAN 8- 9 Phone : Gladstone 3-5622 SIDNEY, MONTANA LUFKIN INSTALLATIONS . 10-11 FARMINGTON, NEW MEXICO 409 S. Sunset Blvd . East Bloomfield Highway P. 0 . Box 551 CANADIAN VACATION HIGHLIGHTS . 12-15 P. 0 . Box 1554 Phone: 861 Phone: DAvis 5-4261 16 STERLING, COLORADO C&H TRANSPORTATION COMPANY . HOBBS, NEW MEXICO 919 Beattie P. O. Box 104 17 P. 0 . Box 1448 MORE KUBE-KINGS FOR LEE WAY ... Phone : EXpress 3-5211 Phone : LAwrence 2-4504 LET'S LAUGH 18 HOUSTON, TEXAS TULSA, OKLAHOMA 1408 C & I Life Bldg. 1515 Thompson Bldg. Phone : CApitol 2-0108 Phone: Diamond 3-0204 COVER: Copano Bay-Looking In Original Wotercolor by E. M. Schiwetz, KILGORE, TEXAS WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Houston, Texas P. 0 . Box 871 727 Oil & Gas Bldg. Phone : 3875 Phone : 322- 1967 OPPOSITE PAGE: Esther Henderson Photo, Tucson, Arizona LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA LUFKIN MACHINE CO., LTD. P. O. Box 1353 OCS Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Phone : CEnter 4-2846 9950 Sixty-Fifth Ave. Phone: 33-3111 Regina. Saskatchewan, Canada 3913 Eighteenth Ave. Phone: LAkeside 3-8919 TRAILER DIVISION LUFKIN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO., INTERNATIONAL Sales and S ervice Off£ces Anaco, Venezuela c/ o Remolques Venezolanos, C. A. Anaco BATON ROUGE , LOUISIANA JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA Apartado 4168 4526 Washington Ave. 3114 Oak Forrest Drive U. S. Highway 80, East Puerto La Cruz, Phone : Elgin 6-1038 Phone : 2-7376 P. 0 . Box 5731, Bossi er City Estado Anzoategui, Phone : 3-0301 Venezuela CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS LUBBOCK, TEXAS 1434 Brentwood Maracaibo, Venezuela 709 Slaton Hwy. Av. 17 Los Haticos Phone : TUiip 4-7288 P. 0. Box 188 WACO, TEXAS No. 128-60 Phone : SHerwood 7- 1631 DALLAS, TEXAS 1800 LaSalle St. Apartado 93 635 Fort Worth Ave. Phone: Plaza 4-4705 Phone : Rivers ide 2-2471 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 1315 West Reno EXECUTIVE OFFICES FORT WORTH, TEXAS P. 0 . Box 2596 & FACTORY EXECUTIVE OFFICES 4501 Pleasant St. Phone : REg ent 6-3687 Lufkin, Texas & FACTORY Phone : EDison 2-3862 Phone: NEptune 4-4421 Lufkin, Texas HOUSTON, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Phone : NEptune 4-4421 L. A. Little, Vice-President 2815 Navigation Blvd. 3343 Roosevelt Ave. C. W. Al exander, Sales Manager and Oilfield Safes Manager Phone: CApitol 8-6407 Phone : WAinut 3-4334 Trailer Division C. D. Richards, Assistant Oilfield Sales Manager TRAILERS FOR EVERY HAULING NEED Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 OTT.9.W.9., capital of Canada with its gothic parliament buildings and scenic drives, wears its winter garb with dignity INTER in Canada is a delightful time of the Ottawa River in Quebec and the French-Canadian W year for a truly healthful and vigorous vaca­ flavor is very much in evidence in the city proper. tion. The bright sunny days and an abundance of Camp Fortune is the focal point for skiing in the sparkling snow provide the perfect setting for fun Gatineau and it i not uncommon to see members or relaxation. of the diplomatic co rps enjoying a day's outing on Skiers from all over North America and, in­ the well groomed slopes. deed, from many other parts of the world, take to The Capital has numerous city-owned outdoor I the trails and slopes of Canada' resort regions rinks for ice-skating and hockey, while a privately­ with great zest. While skiing is the chief attraction, owned rink provides the more timid with indoor a wide variety of winter activities swell the Cana­ ice-skating. Curling has a large following in the dian population with vi iting sportsmen. Curling, Ottawa area and visiting curlers are warmly wel­ the "roarin' game" imported from Scotland, has comed by private clubs. If you are a novice skier its many devotees, and there is skating, sledding, or like tobogganing or sledding, beautiful Rock­ ice-fishing, ice-boating, ski-joring, hockey or hiking cliffe Park and the Experimental Farm grounds are through the wood on snowshoes. Others are at­ popular meeting places. Across the river, the City tracted by the fascinating winter carnivals, the of Hull has a new arena where exciting hockey wonderful opportunities for photography or just games played by the Hull-Ottawa Canadians can I the stimulating climate. he seen in the utmost comfort without pillars or Where should you go to enjoy winter sports in other obstructions to mar the spectators' view. Canada? The areas are practically unlimited. Most popular winter playground in Eastern Can­ Cities like Quebec, Montreal, Sherbrooke and Ot­ ada is the Laurentian Mountain region to the north tawa are centers for the snow fraternity who prefer of Montreal. The smooth frozen surfaces of lakes the vistas of French-Canada. Although Ottawa, the and rivers are the scene of skating parties, ice­ capital of Canada, is in the province of Ontario, hoating, and ski-joring, while thousands of skiers its skiers, for the most part, find plenty of chal­ swish down the surrounding mountain slopes. From lenging slopes in the Gatineau Hills across the December through March, skiing conditions in the 4 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 THE Laurentian region to the north of Montreal is the most popular winter playground in Eastern Canada Laurentians range from good to excellent with a choice of te rrain s tar ting at 700 feet to Mont Tremblant's White Peak, 31,150 feet high. Cro s­ country or ski-touring is a popular pastime here with visits to friendly, colorful French-Canadian villages like Val David, Val Morin, St. J ovite, St. Sauveur and Ste. Adele en Haut, always a high­ light of a vacation in the Laurentian Mountains. Winter transportation services and accommoda­ tions in the Laurentians are unexcelled. Highways are quickly cleared of snow even when heavy snow­ storms descend, buses and special ski trains work regular schedules and even private or charter air­ craft have good airfields at their disposal in the Laurentians. Accommodation range from modest French-Canadian " p e nsions" to luxury resorts where the exquisite cuisine is a standard attraction. Practically every week championship ski events or colorful winter carnivals will be in progress somewhere in the Laurentians. One of the gayest centers is Sts. Agathe de Monts where for about three weeks before Lent, the festival spirit gains momentum with each su cceeding day. Dog-sled BEAUTIFUL Mount Revelstoke National Park is one of British Columbia's most inviting ski terrains 5 Copied from an original at The History Center. 2013:023 MANY frozen lakes and rivers ~~~~~W_1take on the appearance of bustling towns as anglers try their luck at fishing through the ice in rented huts racing, square dancing in the streets, snow sculp­ turing, fireworks, sing-so ngs and many impromptu events bring about a friendly feeling between visi­ tors and residents. If you're looking for a co mbination of Big-City interest to combine with winter sports, then Metro­ politan Montreal is the answer. You may shop for typical Canadian handicraft items and antiques along Sherbrooke or Peel Streets, dine in some of the finest French-Canadian restaurants or visit some of Montreal's beautiful churches and mu­ seums. You may toboggan or ski on the snowy lopes of Mount Royal, skate at the many city parks or watch the World Champion Montreal Ca­ nadians in action at the Forum. Montrealers are ardent hockey fans and the din created when " Les Canadiens" score a goal will remain in your ears long after the game has ended. There is every con­ city limits including night skiing under lights while ceivable type of night club in Montreal ranging in the resort areas of North Hatley, Magog, Mount from the small intimate bi tros to the spectacular Orford and Sutton Mountain are excellent skiing nite-spots with elaborate floor shows. facilities for both downhill running and cross­ Historic old Quebec City, one of the wo rld's country touring.
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