OregonAUTUMN 2014 QUARTERLY tinr the upublic st Building case law for a climate in crisis. THE MAGAZINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Untitled-17 1 7/31/14 3:35 PM EDITOR’S NOTE dialogue What’s New? The magazine you’re holding represents a nearly yearlong process of questioning and examining THE MAGAZINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON everything about Oregon Quarterly—from the paper, size, and color palette to the editorial vision AutumN 2014 • VOLumE 94 NumBER 1 that guides our approach to storytelling—and asking ourselves how we could make it better. We surveyed readers, talked to alumni, and asked some of the best university magazine editors and EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Ann Wiens art directors out there to give us ruthless, no-holds-barred critiques. We talked about what makes
[email protected] | 541-346-5048 great magazines great, and we thought about what connects Ducks to the UO. MANAGING EDITOR Jonathan Graham
[email protected] | 541-346-5047 Then we found Matthew Bates ’96. A graduate of the School of Journalism and Communication, ART DIRECTOR JoDee Stringham Bates is the group creative director at Active Interest Media, where he oversees the design of 16
[email protected] | 541-346-1593 magazine titles (see our profile on page 28). He jumped at the chance to bring his expertise to his ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Susan Thelen
[email protected] | 541-346-5046 alma mater’s magazine. His partner in the redesign was OQ’s new art director, JoDee Stringham, PuBLISHING AdmINISTRATOR Shelly Cooper who brings a wealth of experience in magazine design to her role at the UO, including stints at the
[email protected] | 541-346-5045 New York Times Magazine and Washington Flyer.