Acquired Characters. See Inheritance of Acquired Characters Adoption

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Acquired Characters. See Inheritance of Acquired Characters Adoption Index Notes are indexed only when they significantly amplify the main text. They are identified by N preceding the page number to which they refer, and can be found between pages 385 and 416. Acquired characters. See Inheritance of in macaques, 178–180, 183, 188, 207, acquired characters 220 Adoption, 187–188. See also Foster origins of, 333–336 parents prevalence of, 177 Agency, 208–209, 224, 231. See also stability of, 179, 182–185 Reproducer in tarbutniks, 158–159 Aging, 130 in tits, 169–170 Agriculture, 237, 296–297, 363, Antirrhinum, 141 366–367, N237 Aphids, 83–84 Aisner, R., 170 Arabidopsis, 268–269, 270 Alarm calls, 34–35, 54, 159, 194, 196 Ascaris, 68–69, 83, N68 Alleles 24–25. See also Gene Asexual reproduction metastable, N332 and epigenetic inheritance, 114–118, Alternative splicing, 65–67 138, 148, 250, 275, 277–278, 346 Altruism, 34–5, 187 and sexual reproduction, compared, Amplification of DNA, 69–70 82–84, 103, 346 Animal traditions. See also Behavioral Asimov, Isaac, 78 inheritance; Cultural evolution; Assimilate-stretch principle, 290–292, Lifestyle evolution 308–309, 309–310 in birds and whales, 172–173 Avital, E., 156, 291 in black rats, 170–171 in chimpanzees, 177, 183, 313, 368 Bacillus, 138 complexity of, 178, 180 Bacteria, 237, 328–329 and conservation practices, 190, 370 epigenetic inheritance in, 119, 138, 332 and cumulative evolution, 176–180, genetic systems of, 30, 85, 233 220, 335 mutation in, 79–80, 88, 93–98, 105, in insects, 189–190 106, 322–323, 345–347, 364 448 Index Baldwin, J. M., 289, 293 Boojums, 382–383 Baldwin effect, 289–290, 310–311, Bowerbirds, 169 N289. See also Genetic assimilation Bowler, P. J., 22–23 Bateson, P. P. G., 186 Boyd, R., 205 Bateson, W., 23–24 Brassica nigra, 98–99 Beaver dam, 237 BSE (bovine spongiform Behavioral imprinting encephalopathy; mad cow disease), in ducks, 218 123, 125 filial, 167–168 Buss, D. M., 216 on habitat, 181, 184–185 Butler, S., 21 on helpers and adopters, 186–187 Butterflies, 83, 190, 240 in insects, 190, 240, 367 on parasite’s hosts, 185, 240 Caenorhabditis elegans, 76, 133, 135, sexual, 168, 181, 185–6 144, 331, 344–345 song, 172–173, 185 Cairns, J., 79–80, 88 Behavioral inheritance Canalization, 65. See also Genetic through behavior affecting substances, assimilation 161–165, 182, 189–190, 334, 367 of behavioral traits, 290, 311–312 through imitation, 172–175 of morphological features, 44, through nonimitative social learning, 262–265, 267–268, 272–273, 282 157–161, 166–172, 181, 189–190 and plasticity, 78, 312, 377 origins of, 333–336 Cancer, 86, 372 stability of, 181–184 diagnosis and treatment, 248, 364–365 Belyaev, D. K., 259–260, 272, 347–348 epigenetic aspects of, 130, 144, 148, Biotechnology, 58, 136–137, 366, 382. 248, 366 See also Genetic engineering, by Cannibalism, 124 humans Caporale, L. H., 101 Birds. See also Bowerbirds; Ducks; Carroll, Lewis, 382 Mauritius kestrels; Ostriches; Carrot juice, 163–164, 181 Peacocks; Tits Cassirer, E., 193–194 alarm calls of, 34–35 Categorization, 172, 175, 291–292, helpers in, 186–187 305–307, 308–309, 314–316 imitation by, 172–174 (see also Cattle Parrots) bovine spongiform encephalopathy imprinting in, 167, 173, 181, 185–187 (BSE), 123, 125 parasitic, 185 domestication and dairying, 293–296 seed caching by, 183 Cavalier-Smith, T., 122–3, 328–329 songs of, 54, 161, 172–173, 185, 202, Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., 205 218, 288, 368 Cell division. See Mitosis; Meiosis Blackmore, S., 207–208, 211 Cell heredity. See Epigenetic Black rats, 170–171, 176, 178, 237 inheritance Bloom, P., 314 Cell membranes, 122–123, 147, 151, Bonobos, 304, 337–339, 349–351 328–329 Index 449 Cell memory, 113–114, 137, 251–254, Chromosomes 325–326, 344–345. See also Epigenetic bacterial, 30, 85, 138 inheritance elimination of, 70, 139, 256 erasing, 138–139, 149, 253–254 inactivation of, 138, 256–257, Cell organelles, 32, 33, 329 279–280 Central dogma, 31, 104–105, 152–153, and Mendelian genes, 27–28, 29, 81, N31 85 Chaperones, molecular, 266–270, 273, number of, 5, 81, 83, 259 347 origins of, 342, 343, 351–352 Characters, definition of, 390. See also polyploid, 69 Genes, and characters; Traits as units polytene, 69–70 of evolution sex, 256–258, 278–280 Chickens, 66–67, 153 structure of, 126–128, 246, 351–352 Chimpanzees, 124, 173, 193, 337 Weismann’s view of, 16–17, 18–19, cultural traditions in, 177, 183, 313, 68–69 368 Ciliates, 121–122, 138, 328 genomes of, 76, 83 CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), 123, and language, 302, 304, 337–339, 125, 266, 365 349–351 Clones, 82, 114, 250. See also Asexual Cholesterol, 61, 72 reproduction Chomsky, N., 218, 298–303, 313–316 Cloning, 59, 150, 366–367 Chromatin diminution, 68–69 Cnemidophorus uniparens, 83 Chromatin marking, 126–132. See also Cockroaches, 190 Genomic imprinting Coen, E., 142 Chromatin marks, 128, 134, 137, 145, Coevolution, N293 270, 366, 371 of genes and culture, 293–298 through DNA methylation, 128–131, of genes and language, 306–310, 138, 140, 142, 143, 247–248, 315–316 329–332, 344–345, 366 Cone stripping behavior, 170–171, 176, environmental influences on, 144 178 evolutionary origins of, 329–332, 352 Conservation practices, 168, 190, and genetic change, 247–250, 344–345 369–370, 371–372 through histone modification, Coprophagy, 164 131–132 Copying processes, 234 persistence of, 138–144, 150–151, content insensitive, 55, 210, 226 256–257, 332, N332 content sensitive, 55, 174–175, 209, through proteins, 131, 138, 270, 211 (see also Reconstruction 331–332, 345 processes) transgenerational transmission of, Coronary artery disease, 60–62, 71–72 137–144, 269–270 Correns, Carl, 24 Chromatin structure, 126–128, 246, Cortical inheritance, 44, 121–122, 328. 270, 329, 351–352. See also See also Structural inheritance Chromatin marks Cosmides, L., 216, 231 450 Index Courtship behavior, 159–160, 168, 202, and the tangled bank, 10–11, 239 230 and the theory of natural selection, Cows, 123, 125, 293–296, 379 9–11, 239 Creationists, 9, 373 Darwinism Crick, F. H. C., 30, 31, 48–49, 152–153 Darwin’s, 10–16, 39 Crossing-over, 81, 84–85, 103 four-dimensional, 1–2, 353, 355–356, Crouse, H. V., 139 378–379 Cultural evolution gene-centered, 1, 4, 30–39, 41–42, 45 in chimpanzees, 177, 183, 313, 368 Modern Synthesis, 24–34, 39, 42–45, definition of, 160, 177, 205, 227–228 378 in humans, 178, 204–223, 224, social, 372 226–229, 293–298, 312–313, 372, transformations of, 39–40, 355–356 374 (see also Language, evolution of) universal, 11–12, 40–41 in Japanese macaques, 178–180, 183, Weismann’s, 17–21, 39 188 Dawkins, R., 40, 373 Lamarckian view of, 189, 219–223, meme concept, 206–208 228–229 recipe and cake metaphor, 33, 70, of literacy, 215 209, 361 of mathematics, 218–219, 231 replicator-vehicle concept, 36–37, of music, 245–246 41–42, 102, 189, 207–209, 375–376 in nonhuman animals, 159–160, selfish gene theory, 35–38 (see also 174–175, 176–180, 188–189, 205, Selfish genes) 220, 313, 335–336 Deacon, T. W. 193 rate of, 189 Deforestation, 296–297, 368–369 and speciation, 159, 184–185 Development. See also Canalization; in tarbutniks, 157–160 Networks, genetic-developmental; Culture, definition of, 160, 205 Plasticity; Differentiation Cyanobacteria, 237 of behavior, 188, 218 Cytoplasmic inheritance, 29–30, 32, and cultural evolution, 211–212, 33, 45 220–221 Darwin’s view of, 14–16 Dairy farming, 293–296 evolution of, 251–254, 256–258, 277 Dance transmission, 174, 202, 204, genomic changes during, 68–71, 78, 224, 291 85, 88, 99–101, 102, 106, 139 Daphnia, 83 and heritable variation (see Instructive Darwin, C., 141, 145, 373 and selective processes; Lamarckian and hereditary variation, 9, 13–16, 23, processes; Replicator-vehicle concept) 141 Gould’s view of, 38, 374 and the inheritance of acquired in the Modern Synthesis, 27–28, 29, characters, 14–16, 311 44–45 and niche construction, 176, 239 Weismann’s view of, 16–19, 68 pangenesis theory, 13–16, 22, N14 Developmental systems theory, 374 and sexual selection, 288 de Vries, H., 23, 24, 141–142 Index 451 Dialects, 161, 172, 368 Dosage compensation, 256–257, Diamond, J., 193, 237 279–280 Dicer, 133–135 Dover, G., 362, N332 Diet. See Food preference transmission; Drosophila (fruit fly), 27, 44–45, 76, 83, Maternal effects, on diet; Nutrition 153, 262, 311 Differentiation, 113, 117, 251–254, 330 chromosomes of, 69–70 Directed mutation. See Mutation, courtship dance of, 202 directed DNA methylation in, 131, 331, Diseases, 140, 355–356. See also CJD; 344–345 Coronary artery disease; Kuru; heat stress effects on, 104, 264–265 Lactose intolerance; Sickle cell selection experiments with, 264–265, anemia; Tay-Sachs disease 267–268, 269–270, 273, 274 complex, 58, 60–62, 71–75 Ducks, 167, 218 monogenic, 56–58, 75 Durham, W. H., 293–296 new treatments for, 75, 136–137, 248, Dyslexia, 215 364–365, 366, 367 DNA, 5, 320, 342, 351–352 Earthworms, 83, 239–240, 241 changes during development, 68–71, Easter Island, 369 78, 85, 88, 99–101, 106, 152 Educated guess. See Evolution, of the code and translation, 30–31, 49–52, educated guess 53, 57, 271 EIS (epigenetic inheritance system). See foreign, 139, 140, 329–330 Epigenetic inheritance as information, 52–55, 67 Endangered species, 168, 190, 369–371 junk, 32, 52 Environment methylation (see Methylation, DNA) dual role of in evolution, 233, 276, modular organization of, 55 281–282, 285 (see also Inheritance of noncoding, 32–33, 52 acquired characters; Instructive and repair, 82, 86–87, 94, 103, 248, selective processes) 322–323 fluctuating, 290, 312, 324–326, 347 repeated sequences in, 95–96, 98–99, human impact on, 241, 296–297, 135, 259, 323, 328, 330, 331–332 368–369, 372 replication, 33, 48–49, 55, 86, 130, Epibeasts, 117–118 323 Epigenetic ecology, 371 structure, 30, 48–49 Epigenetic epidemiology, 364–366 Dobzhansky, T., 29, 227, 265 Epigenetic inheritance.
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