Communication Abroad Europalia International A study that illustrates how a cultural institution can use marketing-communication to support its international mission

29-08-2011 Suzanne UGent 00601304

Thesis Meertalige Bedrijfscommunicatie

Promotor: A. Vandendaele

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Table of Contents Acknowledgements ...... 4 Abstract ...... 5 PART I: Communication Abroad Europalia International ...... 6 1. Introduction ...... 6 1.1 Europalia International ...... 6 1.2 Importance of this thesis ...... 7 1.2.1 Mission Europalia International ...... 7 1.2.2 Literary study: communication/marketing strategy in the cultural sector ...... 7 2. Research and Method ...... 9 2.1 Research ...... 9 2.1.1 Research Question...... 9 2.2 Method ...... 9 2.2.1 Ethnography ...... 9 2.2.2 Quantitative ...... 10 3. The planning and characteristics of the Communication abroad at Europalia International ...... 11 3.1 Leitmotifs in the communication abroad - Similarities europalia.- europalia.brasil ...... 11 3.1.1 OPT/TVL ...... 11 3.1.2 Cultural and touristic media ...... 13 3.1.3 Packages: partnerships with several actors in the touristic sector ...... 14 3.1.4 Presence on fairs ...... 15 3.1.5 Communication agencies ...... 16 3.1.6 E-mailing and distribution ...... 16 3.1.7 Free Publicity: International Press ...... 16 3.2 Marketing-Communication Plan ...... 18 3.2.1 The communication plan in Europalia International’s communication abroad ...... 19 3.2.2 Missing links in the planning of Europalia International’s communication abroad ...... 22 3.3 Conclusion ...... 23 4. The impact and organization of the Communication abroad of Europalia International ...... 24 4.1 Critical note regarding past enquiries ...... 24 4.2 Methodology Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 ...... 25 4.3 Results Enquiries ...... 26 4.3.1 Respondents Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 ...... 26

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4.3.2 Number and Origin of foreign visitors ...... 27 4.3.3 Cultural interests ...... 28 4.3.4 Sources of information ...... 31 4.3.5 Knowledge of Europalia International ...... 34 4.4 Position/Organization of communication abroad ...... 36 4.5 Conclusion ...... 38 5. General Conclusion: Europalia International’s communication abroad in the future ...... 39 5.1 The communication abroad in the context of Europalia International’s mission ...... 39 5.2 Recommendations...... 40 5.2.1 Events (leitmotifs and impact) ...... 40 5.2.2 Knowledge of Europalia International (leitmotifs and impact) ...... 40 5.2.3 Organization/position of communication abroad (Organization and planning) ...... 41 6. Afterword ...... 43 PART II: Internship at Europalia International ...... 44 1. Europalia International ...... 45 1.1 Company description...... 45 1.1.1 Structure ...... 45 1.2 Corporate identity & Mission ...... 46 2. Internship at Europalia International ...... 47 2.1 My instruction ...... 47 2.2 Tasks and Results ...... 47 2.2.1 Press ...... 47 2.2.2 Communication ...... 48 2.3 Personal and professional view on my internship ...... 50 Bibliography ...... 52 Appendix ...... 56

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)


I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to completing my academic career by helping me with this thesis. First of all, I want to thank my parents, Eddy and Miriam. Their support was always present and they advised me in all of my choices.

I also want to express my gratitude to Astrid Vandendaele, my promoter, and Tom Bruyer who have given me the needed practical insights for writing this thesis.

Moreover, I am very grateful for the opportunities the team of Europalia International has given to me. Especially the employees of the communication and press department have helped me in collecting the necessary data. Especially Elvira de Muynck and Colette Delmotte have always been available for answering my questions and giving moral support.

Last but not least, I would like to show my gratitude to my boyfriend, Bas, to my sister and her boyfriend, Michelle and Olivier, and to all of my friends who have always given me the moral support and love I needed to go on.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)


This thesis analyzes Europalia International’s communication abroad and to what extent it supports the international mission of the organization.

Several aspects of the communication abroad are analyzed using different methodological approaches. The actions within the communication abroad are summarized in recurring leitmotifs. These leitmotifs are acquired using a quantitative analysis of the communication plans for both europalia.china (2009-2010) and europalia.brasil (2011-2012). These communication plans were also compared to a mainstream marketing-communication plan to reveal the strategic planning behind Europalia’s communication abroad. Here, ethnography has filled in the missing gaps. The impact of Europalia International’s communication abroad is quantitatively analyzed focusing on the case study of the Dutch public that has been questioned in an online enquiry that is launched in the context of this thesis. Different organizational obstructions of the communication abroad are revealed using an ethnographic approach consisting of observation, participation and interviewing. When one compares the leitmotifs of the communication abroad with the results of enquiries regarding sources of information the Dutch use, one has to conclude that a lot of efficient actions are undertaken by the communication department. Nevertheless, the impact of the communication abroad leaves much to be desired. Important problems that can explain this are the lack of a strategic planning and organizational obstructions like an insufficient cooperation between the communication and press department and the temporary status of the employee for the communication abroad. Moreover, it became clear that the communication abroad misses out on some interesting communication channels in the . To enlarge the awareness in the Netherlands, Europalia International should especially make use of the internet (also regional websites), national and regional journals and specialized programs and broadcasting companies. Similar researches should be done for and (the other targeted countries in the communication abroad). Generally, the communication abroad should get a strategic planning and the cooperation with the press department should be improved. These, and other recommendations aim to help the communication abroad to support the international mission of Europalia International.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

PART I: Communication Abroad Europalia International

1. Introduction

1.1 Europalia International

Since 1969, the in situated non-profit making association Europalia International has organized 22 cultural festivals that celebrate an invited country’s cultural heritage with events in music, fine arts, photography, cinema, , dance and literature. The events take place from October till February at several locations in Brussels, other Belgian cities and neighboring countries.1

The team of Europalia International consists of permanent employees and temporary employees that are engaged in the year that there is a festival2 for the immediate preparation of the festival.3 There is a department for press, for communication, for the programming of music/dance/literature/cinema, for finances/human resources and for expositions. Every festival, the Belgian team is assisted by a team in the guest country.4

This thesis will analyze the communication abroad of Europalia International. The communication department consists of four persons: two permanent employees (Aurore Detournay and Colette Delmotte5) and two temporary employees (Marie Klimis and Elvira de Muynck6.7 For the communication abroad, a cooperation with the press department is needed. Inge de Keyzer is the head responsible for press, she is assisted by the temporary employee Séverine Buyse for the Walloon press. Since 08.08.2011, Diane Hauwaert is responsible for the international press.

1 Mission, in:<>, consulted on 04.07.2011. 2 Europalia International only organizes one festival every two years, so there is one year with a festival and one year without a festival. 3 Conversation Inge de Keyser & Be a part of the team!, in: , consulted on 28.06.2011. 4 How Europalia works, in: , consulted on 28.06.2011. 5 The head of the communication department. 6 The responsible employee for the communication abroad. 7 For more information regarding the tasks of the different employees of the communication department, cfr. the internship report.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

1.2 Importance of this thesis

1.2.1 Mission Europalia International

There has been conducted a lot of research concerning communication strategies in enterprises, but this thesis stands out in focusing on the cultural sector and in providing the very first analysis of the communication abroad of Europalia International. It has been pointed out by the organization itself that there are some problems concerning the communication abroad.

The importance of a good communication abroad becomes clear when we take a closer look at the mission of Europalia International:

“The festival offers guest countries a unique opportunity to present their cultural heritage and contemporary arts in an optimal format. In this way, Europalia hopes to promote better understanding between nations and stimulate cultural exchange between peoples. Europalia contributes to the cultural dimension of European construction by promoting ’s diverse and encouraging their dialogue with the world’s great cultures.”8

This mission fits in a tendency of internationalization within the cultural sector. Over the last two, three decennia there has been an expansion of international contacts in the form of programming in other countries, exchanges, co-productions etc. It is important to keep up with this trend and to adjust the communication strategy. The audience wants to enjoy an international and varied cultural offer.9 Europalia International applies an international approach: it collaborates with the guest country and it strives to communicate the events to and organize events in neighboring countries. So, communicating abroad is an important part of the international approach. This thesis aims to give some insights that could help the communication abroad in supporting Europalia’s international mission.

1.2.2 Literary study: communication/marketing strategy in the cultural sector

This thesis is not only relevant to Europalia International, it is also an important contribution to the little research there has been done concerning communication in the cultural sector. Studies on communication/marketing strategies in the cultural sector are probably so rare because professional marketing10 strategies are only recently been

8 Mission, in:<>, consulted on 04.07.2011. 9 L. Teuchies, Internationale Cultuurcommunicatie in Vlaanderen, CultuurNet Vlaanderen - Rapport, 2003, p.6. 10 “Marketing management is the art and of selecting markets and market segments and attracting, maintaining and developing of customers by creating, offering and communication superior customer’s

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

applied in the cultural sector and this not even fully.11

One of the first works on marketing in non-profit organizations was Strategic Marketing for non-profit organizations (1975) by Philip Kotler. In the 1990s, there were several specific studies on marketing of like Marketing the arts (1992) from Blackall et. al, Le marketing des arts et de la culture from Colbert (1993) and Marketing the from McLean (1997). An important Flemish publication appeared in 1999: De Muzen nodigen u uit!? Marketing in de cultuursector by De Brabander et al.

A lot of people thought (and still think) that marketing in the cultural sector is unfamiliar and even inappropriate. 12 But marketing, or at least the basic principles, is perfectly applicable in this sector.13 More and more studies on cultural marketing are appearing and slowly deconstruct its negative image. Strategic communication is becoming more and more important for the cultural sector. An organization that is preoccupied with marketing of culture is CultuurNet Vlaanderen (2002). This organization also provides specialized publications like Internationale cultuurcommunicatie in Vlaanderen (2003) by Hilde Teuchies. 14 There are even specialized communication agencies like K&L (Kolgen & Laenen) that advice and support cultural institutions in their communication. 15

Studies like that of O’Reilly and Kerrigan (2010)16 and Blackall and Meek (1992)17 underline the opportunities of a marketing strategy that adapts itself to the cultural sector: an often made mistake in studies on cultural marketing is that art/culture is seen as just another object of consumption.18 Instead of doing that, marketing should support the artistic mission of the cultural organization.19 When one takes into account the specific aesthetic characteristics of culture20, cultural marketing can be a great tool to get a broad public interested in the cultural offer.21 That way, not commercial goals like

value..” (P.Kotler, K.L. Keller, H. Robben, M. Geuens, O. Ponfoort, Marketing Management: De Essentie, Pearson Education Benelux, Amsterdam, 2010, p. 10. ) 11 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, De Muzen nodigen uit!? Marketing in de Cultuursector, Brussel, Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 1999, p. 9. 12 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, op.cit. pp. 75-77. 13 I. Porrez, De externe communicatiestrategie van het Kunstencentrum Vooruit als produktiehuis. Gent (onuitgegeven licentiaatsverhandeling Universiteit Gent), 1992, pp. 23-24. 14 15 16 D. O’Reilly and F. Kerrigan (ed.). Marketing the arts. A fresh approach. New York, Routledge, 2010. 17 S. Blackall and J. Meek (ed.). Marketing the arts. Paris, ICOM, 1992. 18 A. Bradshaw, F. Kerrigan and M.B. Holbrook, “Challenging conventions in arts marketing. Experiencing the skull”, in: Marketing the arts. A fresh approach, New York, Routledge, 2010, p. 7. 19 D. Hayes and S. Roodhouse, “From missionary to market maker. Reconceptualizing Arts Marketing in Practice,” in: Marketing the arts. A fresh approach, New York, Routledge, 2010, p. 49. 20 A. Bradshaw, F. Kerrigan and M.B. Holbrook, “Challenging conventions in arts marketing. Experiencing the skull”, in: Marketing the arts. A fresh approach, New York, Routledge, 2010, p. 7. 21 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet en K. Van Winkel, op.cit. pp. 75-77. &skull 69

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profit or social prestige but aesthetic appreciation becomes the objective of marketing art and culture.22

This thesis will provide a study on how an international cultural organization like Europalia International can support its mission with marketing-communication. It aims to complement the existing literature on strategic communication and marketing in the cultural sector and it can be used as an example by every (cultural) institution that wants to adapt an international approach.

2. Research and Method

2.1 Research

2.1.1 Research Question

The research question of this thesis is the following:

What are the characteristics of the communication abroad of Europalia International? How does it support the international mission of the organization?

This research question can be subdivided into several sub questions:

- What are the leitmotifs of the communication abroad? - Is the communication abroad backed up by a communication strategy? - What is the impact of the communication abroad? - How is the communication abroad organized and what is its position?

2.2 Method

Europalia International’s communication abroad will be analyzed using a combination of two different approaches:

2.2.1 Ethnography

Ethnography is a scientific approach that has its origins in anthropology. 23 An ethnographic approach usually implies a long-term immersion of the researcher in the

22 A. Bradshaw, F. Kerrigan and M.B. Holbrook, “Challenging conventions in arts marketing. Experiencing the skull”, in: Marketing the arts. A fresh approach, New York, Routledge, 2010, p. 17. 23 J. Blommaert, Ethnographic fieldwork: A beginner’s guide, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2010, p.8.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

researched company, a description of the company from the perspective of the researched company or person itself, the combination of different methods to acquire data from different directions and the gathering of data during an extended period of time.24 A unique feature of ethnography is the collection of data in “natural settings” that are not prepared for research. The observer has to have a role in the field that is being studied.25 This role can focus on observation or on participation. My role was that of an intern which gave me the ideal opportunity to observe the team of Europalia International. While the relationships with my colleagues developed, my role of observer became gradually one of participator. 26

There is opted for the ethnographic approach because the “insider-approach” enables you to make an in-depth analysis of the activities of organizations.27 Moreover, it reveals invisible facts that are not stated in official sources. 28 This makes ethnography the ideal approach to analyze the different organizational problems within Europalia International’s communication abroad.

To be able to insert an ethnographic element in this thesis of Europalia International, several meetings and negotiations are attended. Moreover, interviews with employees are conducted and the daily routine of the team is observed.

2.2.2 Quantitative

A quantitative approach focuses on factual material, statistics and numbers, often obtained by conducting (large) enquiries.29 Here, the quantitative approach is chosen to combine ethnography with some more statistical information about the communication abroad of Europalia International. This sort of information is, for example, needed to give an idea about the impact of the communication abroad, it gives the target audience a voice. The quantitative approach will analyze the communication plans of both europalia.china (2009-2010) and europalia.brasil (2011-2012) to describe recurring leitmotifs in the communication abroad and to analyze whether the communicative actions are backed up by a strategic planning. There is chosen to focus on the communication plans of the present and the former festival because these are most up to date30 and because these

24 C. Patterson and A. Zoellner, “The efficacy of professional experience in the ethnographic investigation of production,” in: Journal of Media Practice, 2010, 11(2), p. 98 25 P. Atkinson and M. Hammersley, Ethnography: principles in practice. New York, Routledge, p.4. 26 S. Cottle, “Ethnography and News Production: New(s) Developments in the Field”, in: Sociology Compass, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1,1, p. 5 27 C. Patterson and A. Zoellner, “The efficacy of professional experience in the ethnographic investigation of production,” in: Journal of Media Practice, 2010, 11(2), p. 98. 28 Cottle, art.cit., p. 5 29 Kwantitatief onderzoek, in: , consulted on 27.07.2011. 30 Europalia.china: communication plan of 2009; europalia.brasil: communication plan of 2011

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are the two plans that are the best comparable: the communication plans of older festivals have another layout and are often not as completely conserved as those of europalia.china and europalia.brasil.

Besides this, the results of past enquiries that are conducted for Europalia International and those of a small online enquiry31 that is launched within the context of this thesis are used to analyze the impact of Europalia International’s communication abroad. Here, there will be focused on the Netherlands.

The results of this quantitative analysis will be combined with the ethnographic insights to analyze different components of Europalia’s communication abroad in depth and to give some recommendations.

3. The planning and characteristics of the Communication abroad at Europalia International

In the first paragraph of this chapter, the leitmotifs of Europalia International’s communication abroad will be outlined to get an idea of the actions Europalia International already undertakes to communicate abroad. In the second paragraph, it will be analyzed whether these leitmotifs are backed up by a strategic planning.

3.1 Leitmotifs in the communication abroad - Similarities europalia.china- europalia.brasil

3.1.1 OPT/TVL

Collaboration with the touristic sector is one of the core elements of Europalia’s communication abroad. Especially the partnership with Toerisme Vlaanderen (TVL) as well as its Walloon counterpart Office de Promotion du Tourisme Wallonie/Bruxelles (OPT) (or WBI (Wallonie Bruxelles Internationales) ) is important.

Toerisme Vlaanderen supports cultural first-rate events and exhibitions because these generate a large image strengthening, free media- and press attention, more overnight tourism and a stimulation of the trade sector to take Flanders up in its touristic offer.

For marketing abroad (buitenlandmarketing) Toerisme Vlaanderen (and OPT) disposes of several agencies abroad (buitenlandkantoren). These agencies abroad direct the trade sector, the press, media and the public abroad to promote and its cultural and touristic offer in other countries. Toerisme Vlaanderen helps cultural institutions who

31 From now on referred to as “Survey Dutch public May-August 2011”.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

want this in developing a communication –and marketing strategy, in the development of actions in the field of promotion and press, in the evaluation of impact etc. The agencies abroad place their network at the disposal of the cultural actors to generate an intensive press working, trade working and public promotion at the targeted market.32

For europalia.china, the general help of OPT/TVL consisted of different actions: putting europalia.china on their websites ( and www.bruxelles- and and and on websites of city trips:; insertion in brochures; insertion in weekly newsletters, on postcards etc. ; distribution of Europalia’s folders via regional agencies etc.

Specified for the Netherlands, OPT did, among other things, publish a folder « Verrassend België », sent mailings and e-mails to the general public, sent numerous info letters to 1200 contacts (journalists, touring car agencies, travelling agencies), and participated in fairs and salons like 50+ Utrecht.

TVL put europalia.china on its website, e-mailed its database of contacts, participated in fairs like 50 + Utrecht, sent an e-mail to professionals in the touristic sector and distributed information and folders33

For europalia.brasil, the presence on is already visible:

32L. Teuchies, Internationale Cultuurcommunicatie in Vlaanderen, CultuurNet Vlaanderen - Rapport, 2003, pp. 18-19. 33 Server Europalia International. Résumé actions OPT/TVL. europalia.china, 2009.

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Generally, the cooperation with OPT/TVL is experienced as productive. The press department of Europalia International sees only advantages like the extended network and the financial support of OPT/TVL.35 The communication department also sees the disadvantage that OPT/TVL give little new ideas.36

3.1.2 Cultural and touristic media


Europalia International advertises a lot in cultural magazines like Connaissance des Arts for France or the e-magazine for the Museum Jaarkaart for the Netherlands.37 For the selection of magazines, Europalia International takes into account the information they have about their target group (age, diploma, interests) and compares this to the target group of the magazine. The internet is another important communication tool. Europalia strives for a presence (with banners) on websites that focus on culture, tourism38 (like

34 .html?view=415876859&zoek=europalia%20brasil 35 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 36 Verslag Buitenlandcommunicatie Suzanne, europalia.brasil, 2011. 37 Server Europalia International. Advertentielijst. europalia.brasil, 2011. & Server Europalia International. Advertentielijst definitief. europalia.brasil, 2011. & Server Europalia International. Pub étranger. europalia.china, 2009. 38 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. & Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

weekendjeweg.nl39), art or websites that have something to do with the guest country.40 There is no advertisement in large national journals abroad.41


The division of articles in the written international press for europalia.china was as follows:

Written Press europalia.china Medium Number of articles Daily Newspapers 60 Weekly Newspapers 16 Monthly Magazines 56 Bimonthly Magazines (every two months) 38 Bimestrial Magazines (twice a month) 8 Three times a week 1 Three times per quarter of a year 5 Four times a year 1 Six times a year 5 Eight times a year 3 Nine times a year 2 Ten times a year 2 Eleven times a year 4 Newsletter 542

Of these articles, about 120 articles are published in cultural or touristic magazines or journals. Besides this clear importance of cultural and touristic press, the significant presence of daily newspapers, especially in Germany and the Netherlands should be noticed.

3.1.3 Packages: partnerships with several actors in the touristic sector

Europalia International makes often use of partnerships with several touristic actors, here some recurring package deals are described:

Transport: Thalys

39Server Europalia International. Update Buitenlandcommunicatie. europalia.brasil, 2011. 40 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. & Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011. 41 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 42 For this estimation of the number of written articles abroad, a press file that mentions all the articles with title of the article and the journal or magazine in which they are published for for example France, Germany and the Netherlands is analyzed: Server Europalia International. Persartikels Internationaal. europalia.china, 2009.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

During europalia.china, Europalia International engaged in a partnership with Thalys. This partnership entailed various aspects like the installation of posters on platforms and in trains and the creation of a special tariff for Europalia visitors who traveled first- class. Moreover, a special communication tool, a “sachet de thé”, was distributed in the train. 43 For europalia.brasil, preferential fares for trips to Brussels from Paris, Amsterdam or Cologne are offered. In this way, foreign people can visit the festival for a special price.44 Europalia International prioritizes the communication via Thalys to France and not to the Netherlands, market research has shown that the Dutch do not often.45

Transport: Zaventem

Europalia International communicates in several ways on the national airport in Brussels, like the installation of posters.46

Hotels: Thon Hotels

Thon Hotels is a partner of Europalia International in providing different special touristic offers. For europalia.brasil, the package includes one night for two people in one of the 4 and 5 star Thon Hotels, breakfast, two one-day metro tickets and two tickets for the large exhibition Indios no Brasil.47

Tour operators

Several tour operators are contacted by Europalia International (selected from a list of 300) to see whether they are interested in offering Europalia’s package deals. The tour operators also play a major role in distribution and e-mailing.48 One of these tour operators for europalia.brasil is TUI.49 This will be discussed in the next chapter.

3.1.4 Presence on fairs

Participation in fairs (and festivals) abroad is becoming more and more important in

43 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. 44 Server Europalia International. Packages. europalia.brasil, 2011. 45 Server Europalia International. Etudes de marché. europalia.china, 2009 46 Meeting Airport , europalia.brasil, 19.05.2011. 47 Server Europalia International. Packages. europalia.brasil, 2011. 48 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. & Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011. 49 Meeting Buitenlandcommunicatie, Colette Delmotte & Elvira Demuynck, europalia.brasil, 2011.

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international collaboration and communication. Especially the sectors music, literature and benefit from this special medium.50 Advantages of participating in fairs are the fact that the public itself decides to come to you and that you can have personal contact with the visitors. A good stand gives the visitors a thorough impression of your offer.51

Europalia International adapts to this interesting opportunity, the organization takes part in several important yearly cultural fairs abroad like the Salon Spectaculaire in Paris (September) or the Uitmarkt in Amsterdam.52 The Uitmarkt refuses Belgian stands this year, this is regretted by the communication department.53

3.1.5 Communication agencies

For the communication to Germany during europalia.china, Europalia International engaged a communication agency, Projekt250854.55 For europalia.brasil Europalia International will engage no communication agency because the success of using these services was not proved.56

3.1.6 E-mailing and distribution

Independently and with the help of OPT/TVL Europalia International does a lot of e- mailing and distribution. For europalia.china, an e-mail was for example sent to tour operators, , associations of museums, art schools etc. The e-mail comprised a letter and an educative file.57 Folders are distributed abroad, for Germany a special folder is made in German. A postcard will be distributed in the North of France.58

3.1.7 Free Publicity: International Press

When an organization gets editorial coverage in the press, this is free publicity.59 When one succeeds in using free publicity as one of the main aspects of the external

50 L. Teuchies, op.cit., p. 31. 51 J.M.G. Floor and W.F. Van Raaij, Marketing-Communicatie Strategie. Houten, Educatieve Partners Nederland BV, 1998,pp. 437-438. 52 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. & Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011. 53 Conversation Colette Delmotte, 19.08.2011. 54 An agency that specializes in marketing campaigns for museums and exhibition projects on the German market. 55 Server Europalia International. Compte-rendu Projekt 2508-déc08. europalia.china, 2009 56 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 57 Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009. & Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011. 58 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 59 Unlike communication where advertising costs a lot of money.

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communication, one can enlarge the promotional scope with relatively low costs. This is an ideal opportunity for a sector with low budgets like the cultural sector. 60 But the place for culture in the press is becoming smaller and smaller and the articles become more and more superficial. That is why an organization has to work out a thorough strategy to use that possibility of free publicity effectively. Then, it is the perfect way to address many people for a cost that is a fraction of the cost of advertising.61 The press department of Europalia International tries to get editorial coverage in the international press in several ways:

Press releases

From 08.08.2011 on every ten days or two weeks Diane Hauwaert62 sends press releases to the international contacts of Europalia International and to OPT/TVL who send them to their own contacts. Normally, this is done earlier, but now there was a delay because of a lack of material from : “when you do not know what can be communicated, you cannot communicate.”63

Press Conferences and Press Journeys

For europalia.china, several press conferences were organized abroad for the international press: one in Cologne (14 September 2009), one in London (22 September 2009) and one in Paris (29 September 2009).64 In hindsight it was clear that these press conferences were not very useful: there was not much press attending.65 This is also shown from the articles in the written press: in the data of the articles, there is no clear peak in the period of these press conferences. Moreover, there appeared as many articles in Germany and the Netherlands, where there were no press conferences, as in France, where Europalia International organized two press conferences.66 Personal meetings with journalists proved to be more efficient.67 Personal meetings (roadshows) like that were organized before the opening of europalia.china, in Paris, Munich, Amsterdam and Lille. There were journalists of art journals and general journals like Het Parool in the Netherlands or La Gazette du Nord Pas-de-Calais in France. For europalia.brasil, similar personal meetings will be organized.68

60 S. Schroevers, Free publicity. Het genereren van redactionele aandacht, Kluwer, 2005, p. 12. 61 R. Weyns, Communiceren met pers en media, CultuurNet Vlaanderen, 2003, pp. 4-9. & free pub. 12 62 The new responsible for international press. 63 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 64 Server Europalia International. Jaarverslag 2009-2010 Pers. europalia.china, 2009. 65 Conversation Séverine Buyse, 15.06.2011. 66 Server Europalia International. Persartikels Internationaal. europalia.china, 2009. 67 Conversation Séverine Buyse, 15.06.2011. 68 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011 & Server Europalia International. Persplan 2011. europalia.brasil, 2011.

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Europalia International organizes press journeys where foreign journalists visit the major exhibitions and some extra explanation is given. For europalia.china, there were a lot of journalists of cultural journals but there were no French or Dutch journalists of large national journals (except for the Telegraaf). For Germany, Die Welt was an example of a represented large journal. 69 These sort of press journeys are organized with the help of OPT/TVL: on demand of an organization (like Europalia International), they invite journalists and organize a press journey to Brussels.70

3.2 Marketing-Communication Plan

“Marketing was once a dirty word in museum circles; advertising was worse. Now both marketing and advertising are accepted techniques of modern museum management.”71

A business plan72 and a marketing plan73 often precede the marketing-communication plan in commercial enterprises. 74 This thesis analyzes Europalia International’s communication abroad, so here there will be focused on the marketing-communication plan, this could be a good start for Europalia International to get a more strategic approach without making it all too commercial.

It is important to draw up a marketing-communication plan that supports your communication policy. It obliges the management to reflect on a method and strategy to bring the offer to the audience. The plan will provide a frame that can be used to manage objectives, timing and future decisions efficiently. 75 Drawing up a marketing- communication plan makes your communication automatically more effective.76

A marketing-communication plan is usually constituted of different elements. Here, different handbooks for communication77 are consulted and compared with a handbook

69 Server Europalia International. Jaarverslag 2009-2010 Pers. europalia.china, 2009. 70 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 71 W. Altman, “Advertising as Investment”, in: Marketing the Arts, Paris, ICOM, 1992, p. 51. 72 In this business plan, a company formulates the objectives for the complete organization. (J.M.G. Floor and W.F. Van Raaij, op.cit., p. 88). 73 The marketing plan states the marketing objectives and the strategy that is used to fulfill these objectives. (J.M.G. Floor and W.F. Van Raaij, op.cit., p. 88). 74 M. Hemminga Communicatieplan a.h.v. Marketingplan, in:, consulted on 30.07.2011. & J.M.G. Floor and W.F. Van Raaij, op.cit., pp. 87-90. 75 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, op.cit. p. 82. 76 K. Weyts, Communicatieplanning van theorie naar praktijk, CultuurNet Vlaanderen, 2003, p. 31. 77 P. ’t Lam, Werkboek communicatieplanning: het communicatieplan: stappen, kernvragen en elementen, Bussum, Uitgeverij Coutinho, 2000 ; K. Weyts, op.cit. ; M. Waardenburg, Het communicatieplan: opzet en uitvoering in 8 stappen, Kluwer, 1999; J.M.G. Floor and W.F. Van Raaij, op.cit.

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for cultural marketing.78 This has provided a model that will be compared with the communication plans for europalia.china and europalia.brasil to test whether Europalia’s communication abroad is based on a strategic planning.

3.2.1 The communication plan in Europalia International’s communication abroad

It is certain that a lot of aspects of a marketing-communication plan are, one way or another, present in the communication abroad of Europalia International. However, in the Europalia communication plans, one will only find the planned actions with dates of implementation. Other components were here filled in using ethnographic observation and interviews.

Here, you see the mainstream components of a marketing-communication plan and an X when Europalia fills in this component, these components will now first be analyzed more thoroughly.

Marketing-Communication plan Objective X Current Situation Problems Strategy Plan of Action X except for objectives Organization of communication X Implementation X Evaluation X

78 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, op.cit.

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A marketing-communication plan should state the main objective of the communication policy.79 Europalia International has as objective to maintain and enlarge the current number of foreign visitors. 80

Plan of Action

In the plan of action, you define which target group you are going to approach, when (planning), with which objectives, with what sort of message and with what means and channels of communication (communication mix).81

Target group

Over 25 % of the Europalia public is international.82 The communication abroad addresses the North of France, Paris, the frontier zone of Germany and the Netherlands.83 The target audience consists of those people who are willing to travel to Belgium for visiting exhibitions and cultural events.84

The audience of Europalia International is mostly 45 years old or older and has a (non)academic bachelor. 85 Europalia International also wants to target younger people.86


Besides the main objective, there are needed more detailed objectives that are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realizable and Time related. They usually go about changing the knowledge, attitude and behavior of your target audience.87 For Europalia this could be done for the next festival:

- After the end of the next festival (in February 2014), 8 % of the Dutch know Europalia International (knowledge) - In February 2014, 6% of the Dutch are positive about the Europalia festivals (Attitude) - During the festival of 2013-2014 15% of the visitors were Dutch (Behavior)

79 M. Waardenburg, op.cit., p.25. 80 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 81 M. Waardenburg, op.cit., pp. 49-67. 82 Europalia infobrochure, europalia.china, 2009, p. 37. 83 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 84 Server Europalia International. Compte-rendu workshop TVL-OPT, europalia.china, 2009. 85 Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 by WES. 1 200 surveys were distributed among the visitors of the four large exhibitions of europalia.china. 86 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2009 & Europalia infobrochure, europalia.china, 2009, p. 37. 87 P. ‘t Lam, op.cit., pp. 53-54.

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This sort of planning is still a distant future for Europalia International, but it gives an idea about how the communication abroad could be planned more concretely.


It can be doubted whether there can be spoken of a real message in the communication abroad. It is striking though, that normally only the large exhibitions are communicated abroad.88

Communication Mix and Planning

The communication mix comprises all different communication channels and means an organization uses. 89 For Europalia International, the communication plan gives a clear overview of the different tools that are used together with their dates of implementation. These actions are discussed in the preceding paragraph.


The communication abroad gets 7.5% of the total budget for communication. This is equally divided between France, the Netherlands and Germany. 90

Organization of communication

Every festival, a temporary employee is responsible for the communication abroad. For europalia.brasil, this is Elvira de Muynck. She discusses everything with Colette Delmotte91 and often also with the director92. The organization and position of the communication abroad will discussed thoroughly in the last chapter.


The different planned actions are implemented before and after the opening of the festival.

Monitoring and evaluation

The last phase evaluates the entire communication policy: this is very important for all

88 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 89 Communicatieplan als basis voor effectieve communicatie, in: http://www.communicatie-, consulted on 20.06.2011 & K. Weyts, op.cit., p.32. 90 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011: The Total budget for communication is not publishable for privacy sakes. 91 Head of the communication department. 92 Kristine de Mulder.

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actions of future communication.93 There have been conducted several enquiries about Europalia International. (cfr. Chapter 4.)

3.2.2 Missing links in the planning of Europalia International’s communication abroad

Besides SMART objectives (cfr. Plan of Action) there miss other components of a marketing-communication plan in Europalia International’s communication abroad:

Current Situation

One should thoroughly analyze the current situation which entails different forms of research and its results. For example, the market with the concurrence is analyzed. The result of this usually takes the form of a SWOT-analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).94


One should analyze the different possibly occurring problems and formulate possible solutions for it.95


The most important component that misses is a strategy. Normally, a strategy makes clear how the main objective will and can be reached.96 For Europalia International this should answer the following question:

How can the current number of foreign visitors of Europalia festivals be maintained and enlarged?

When we look at the following figure:

GOAL Giving Information Influencing target group Only sending Informing Persuasion Sending and receiving Dialogue Forming97

93 Communicatieplan als basis voor effectieve communicatie, in: http://www.communicatie-, consulted on 20.06.2011. & K. Weyts, op.cit., p.32. 94 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet en K. Van Winkel, op.cit. p.247. 95 M. Waardenburg, op.cit., p.40. 96 P. ’t Lam, op.cit., p. 20. 97 Communicatiestrategie : het communicatiekruispunt, in : vaardigheden/communicatieplan/strategie.html, consulted on 30.07.2011.

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it can be concluded that for Europalia International the goal will go in the direction of persuasion and informing. To influence and to inform your target audience, one should make use of publicity and . In the last chapter of this thesis it will become clear that Europalia International could use enquiries in the neighboring countries to get the information they need to choose the right media and channels. With that information, a detailed strategy could be formulated that would include the different communicative actions to maintain and enlarge the current number of foreign visitors.

3.3 Conclusion

It can be concluded that Europalia International undertakes a lot of initiatives to communicate the festivals abroad but that they are not backed up by a planning that comprises the different components of a marketing-communication plan. Most obviously there is no real strategy for the communication abroad. Europalia International is characteristic for the communication in the majority of cultural institutions: marketing and communication initiatives are often based on practical experience instead of on a thorough strategic planning.98 The comparison of the communication abroad for europalia.china and for europalia.brasil has shown that there are a lot of recurring leitmotifs. Actions that are undertaken in the former festival are repeated for the present festival. This is partly caused by the recurring cooperation with OPT/TVL. But the organizational support of OPT/TVL cannot (yet) be missed. Still, past experiences are not the only sources of inspiration for the communication abroad. As has been noticed shortly in the description of the package with Thalys, the communication team of Europalia International takes into account results of market research and enquiries. These enquiries bring us to the following chapter of this thesis.

98 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, op.cit. p. 102.

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4. The impact and organization of the Communication abroad of Europalia International

This chapter will analyze the impact and practical organization of Europalia International’s communication abroad in combining ethnography with a quantitative analysis. The quantitative component analyzes past enquiries and my own online enquiry about the knowledge of Dutch people about Europalia International.99 The majority of results of the past enquiries relate to the Belgian situation, but some results are usable in this analysis of the communication abroad. There will be focused on results for the Dutch because these are comparable with The Survey Dutch public May- August 2011. In general, there will be focused on results regarding europalia.china and the results of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 because these are most up to date.

4.1 Critical note regarding past enquiries

There are some critical remarks to be made regarding the past enquiries. First of all, most of these enquiries question people that visited the large exhibitions100. It is clear that the other events like concerts are underrepresented. The focus on the large exhibitions has a reason: the other events like concerts only take place once or a couple of times (compared to a few months for the large exhibitions) and this makes it harder and more expensive to obtain enough answers that could be compared with results of other years.101 Secondly, the majority of enquiries question people that are already visitor of a Europalia festival. This gives other results than the at random questioning of people, especially for the percentage of people that knows Europalia International. Thirdly, there is a lack of contingency between the various results of the enquiries, which makes a good comparison or analysis of evolutions difficult.

99 The Survey Dutch public May-August 2011. 100 These large exhibitions are the exhibitions that Europalia International organizes completely itself: content, communication etcetera. Most of these exhibitions are held at locations as the BOZAR or ING . The content of the other exhibitions in the festival are organized by the cultural institutions where the exhibition takes place. 101 Conversation Colette Delmotte, 19.08.2011.

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4.2 Methodology Survey Dutch public May-August 2011

The Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 is an online enquiry (composed using Thesistools), an online enquiry is easily ignored by people when there are problems.102 The survey was therefore first tested by some friends of mine till everything was comprehensible. The questions are chosen with the help of Colette Delmotte and with the example of the past enquiries.103

Advantages of online enquiries are that the results are quickly consultable, that they are up to date and that the respondents can choose whether and when they want to response. Thanks to this free choice respondents will take more time to fill in the enquiry and they will not take social expectations of the interviewer into account (because he or she is not present). Moreover, conducting an online enquiry is low-cost. 104

This enquiry is different from most past enquiries for Europalia International. First of all, it questions people who are not always visitor of Europalia International. Secondly it does not only focus on the large exhibitions and thirdly it is specifically meant for foreign (future) public of Europalia International, here the Dutch.

The Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 is dispersed using the internet, on networking sites like Facebook and Hyves105 but also on Dutch internet forums,106 in public institutions like libraries and via personal contacts. There has deliberately not been chosen to use contacts of Europalia International to avoid a distorted image. It was the aim to reach the general Dutch public and not only visitors of Europalia.

After three months, only 150 people were reached. The response was not as large as was hoped, but an online enquiry generally has a 10 % lower response than for example interviews or enquiries that are dispersed by mail.107 A lot of people had to be contacted more than two times before they considered responding. Still, the enquiry gave a lot of usable results because of its uniqueness for Europalia International. Moreover the results were not surprising and can therefore be seen as a real indicator for the image of Europalia International in the Netherlands.

102 E.D. De Leeuw, Passen en Meten online. De kwaliteit van Internet Enquêtes. Oratie, 2009, p. 2. 103 The complete enquiry can be found in the appendix of this thesis 104E.D. De Leeuw, op.cit., pp. 6-7. 105 The social networking site that is very popular in the Netherlands. 106 Among others: Trompet, Studentenforum, Expreszo and Babbelforum. 107 E.D. De Leeuw, op.cit., p. 6.

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4.3 Results Enquiries

4.3.1 Respondents Survey Dutch public May-August 2011

27% of the respondents of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 are male and 73% female. The origin of the respondents is as follows:


Zuid-Holland 11% Gelderland 9% Zeeland 35% Noord-Holland Friesland 12% 0% Groningen 0% Brabant Drenthe 17% 2% Overijssel Utrecht 3% 5% Limburg Flevoland 5% 1%

So, 57% come from the southern provinces, possibly the people that will come most easily to Belgium for Europalia festivals. 12% come from Noord-Holland, the province of Amsterdam, the city where Europalia International generally organizes most of its events in the Netherlands. 40% of the respondents have an academic or nonacademic bachelor and 18% have an academic master.

The age of the respondents is as follows:

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

65+ Age 2%

45-54 55-64 8% 13%

35-44 5% 18-24 25-34 56% 16%

23 % of the respondents are older than 45 years old, an age that resembles the age of the public of Europalia International. This could partly be explained by the fact that this is an online enquiry: older people more often have no internet than younger people.108 56% are 18-24 years old, but this can give interesting insights because the communication abroad wants to target a younger audience this year.109

4.3.2 Number and Origin of foreign visitors

The international public for europalia. (1989), europalia. (1991) and europalia. (2003-2004) made up a total of 20 % per festival. This proves the importance of communicating abroad. The number of visitors from the Netherlands reached a peak in 2003-2004 (13% compared to 5.6 % in 1991 and 9.3 % in 1989). This increase in visitors was due to good press actions in cooperation with Toerisme Vlaanderen.110 During europalia.china (2009-2010)4.6% of the visitors of the large exhibitions came from the Netherlands, 4.9% came from France and 2.5 % from Germany, Grand Duchy of and the United Kingdom. This makes up a total of

108 E.D. De Leeuw, op.cit., p. 4. 109 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 110 Comparison of three surveys (map) In a comparison of surveys for the festivals europalia.japan (1989), europalia.portugal (1991) and europalia.italy (2004) different interesting results are obtained.

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12% coming from the countries that Europalia International targets at the moment.111 This figure shows the evolution of Dutch visitors.112

Number of Dutch visitors at large exhibitions 14







0 Europalia 1989 Europalia 1991 Europalia 2003-Europalia 2005-Europalia 2007-Europalia 2009- 2004 2006 2008 2010 113

4.3.3 Cultural interests

The engagement in the cultural sector of the respondents of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 was measured, this gave the following result:

111 Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 by WES. The in Bruges situated non-profit making association WES “carries out research and consultancy assignments for public bodies and private organizations both in Belgium and abroad”. ( ) For this survey, 1 200 surveys were distributed among the visitors of the four large exhibitions of europalia.china. 112 This stays an estimation because of the lack of contingency in the different enquiries. 113 Comparison of three surveys for the festivals europalia.japan (1989), europalia.portugal (1991) and europalia.italy (2003-2004) ; Résultats comparatifs des enquêtes « individuels » BOZAR europalia.italia 2003 et europalia. 2005 ; Bozar expo enquête europalia.europa 05.11.2007 – 03.02.2008 ; Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 by WES .

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Are the Dutch active in the cultural sector?

34,9% 28,1%

16,4% 12,3% 8,2%

No Hardly: 1-5 Average: 5- Yes: more Yes: I work in cultural 10 cultural than 10 the cultural activities a activities a cultural sector year year activities a year

So, 88% of the respondents are active in the cultural sector, but the majority does not visit more than 10 activities a year. Reasons for non-participation are described in the following figure:

Reasons for non-participition in cultural activities among the Dutch

65,1% 58,9%


13,0% 8,9% 5,5%

Price Not No cultural Too little Distance Other interested knowledge practical information

Price and distance are two major reasons for non-participation. Distance is an important factor for the communication abroad. There are some events in the Netherlands (especially in Amsterdam), but the majority of the events is situated in Belgium. The Dutch visitors of Europalia festivals will have to travel to Belgium, this could be a reason

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for non-participation. The factors price and distance come together in the package deals Europalia International is offering (cfr. 3.1 Leitmotifs). It is smart to choose the side of tourism to attract more foreign visitors for a preferential fare. 40 % of the respondents state a lack of interest as a reason for non-participation.

The Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 gave the following results regarding cultural activities the respondents prefer and Europalia events they would prefer in the future:

Cultural activities that the Dutch prefer


50,7% 50,0% 46,6%


6,2% 7,5% 8,2%

Top Five:

1. Film (67.8%) 2. Exhibitions (50.7%) 3. Concerts (50.0%) 4. Theater (46.6%) 5. Ballet/Dance (19.9)

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Future interesting Europalia events according to the Dutch

67,8% 64,4% 55,5% 43,8%

30,1% 26,7% 21,9% 10,3% 4,8%

Top Five:

1. Film (67.8%) 2. Concerts (64.4%) 3. Theater (55.5%) 4. Exhibitions (43.8%) 5. Opera/ballet (30.1%)

When the top fives of these last two questions are compared, it becomes clear that Europalia International could find a broad audience for its film-, exhibition-, music-, theater- and dance program in the Netherlands. Programmed events in the Netherlands for europalia.brasil are music, theater, literature and conferences.114

4.3.4 Sources of information

For europalia.china the Dutch pointed out what sources of information they used to inform themselves about the four large exhibitions. The following figure shows the results graphically:

114 Program book europalia.brasil. europalia.brasil, 2011: most of the events in Amsterdam, but also in Utrecht, Maastricht and Leiden.

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Sources of Information for Dutch visitors of large exhibition europalia.china

43,7% 37,0% 32,2% 25,5% 16,5% 10,6% 10,0%

Top Five:

1. Articles in newspapers or magazines (43.7%) 2. Website: (37 %) 3. Friends/Family (32.2%) 4. Advertisements in newspapers or magazines (25.5%) 5. Posters (16.5%) 115

The Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 gave the following result regarding sources of information for cultural activities of the Dutch:

115 Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 by WES. 1 200 surveys were distributed among the visitors of the four large exhibitions of europalia.china.

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Sources of information for cultural events for the Dutch


65,8% 50,7% 48,0% 45,2% 38,4%

4,1% 1,4%

Top Five

1. Internet (83.6%) 2. Friends/Family/Colleagues (65.8%) 3. Folders and Program books (50.7%) 4. Journals (48%) 5. /TV (45.2%)

From the two enquiries it becomes clear that the internet is a very important source of information for the Dutch.116 Europalia International already strives for a presence on the internet. (cfr. 3.1 Leitmotifs)

The importance of journals is another obvious result. The hiring of a new employee for international press and the many actions the press department undertakes (cfr. 3.1 Leitmotifs) show that Europalia International sees this importance. For europalia.china, the targeted national Dutch journals Trouw, NRC Handelsblad, Het Parool, De Telegraaf and De Pers published articles about Europalia International.117

116 Server Europalia International. Etudes de marché. europalia.china, 2009 117 Server Europalia International. Persartikels Internationaal. europalia.china, 2009.

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This is a positive result regarding national journals in the Netherlands. Advertising in large national journals is too expensive.118

Folders and program books are another important source of information for the Dutch. Europalia International distributes folders abroad, often via OPT/TVL. (cfr.3.1 Leitmotifs) The program book of europalia.brasil will be distributed in Germany, the Netherlands and France.119

The importance of Radio and Television is striking. Television commercials have been spread abroad120, but this is often too expensive.121

Friends and Family form a source of information that is influenced by publicity through other channels. This will shortly be discussed in 4.4.

4.3.5 Knowledge of Europalia International

Do people know Europalia International?

In 2009, 71.7 % of the Belgian adults did not know Europalia International or its activities and only 16.8% have a correct image of Europalia International.122 This negative result predicts a comparable negative result for the neighboring countries. In the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 is proven that the knowledge of Europalia International in the Netherlands is rather low:

118 Meeting Buitenlandcommunicatie, Colette Delmotte & Elvira Demuynck, europalia.brasil, 2011. 119 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 120 For example for europalia.italia in the special broadcasting time for culture in the Netherlands. 121 Meeting Buitenlandcommunicatie, Colette Delmotte & Elvira Demuynck, europalia.brasil, 2011. 122 Reisomnibusenquête Najaar 2009 WES This telephone enquiry analyzed the knowledge of Europalia International in a group of 1 500 persons, representative for the adult population of Belgium.

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Knowledge of the existence of Europalia International in the Netherlands


Knowledge of the existence

No knowledge of the 96% existence

What do they people know about Europalia International?

Only 4% (6 persons) of the respondents of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 know Europalia International. These people relate Europalia International to aspects like culture, Brussels, international, festival, one country in the center, European cultural activities, music, variation…123

Most of the respondents that know Europalia International have not visited Europalia events, when they did, it were exhibitions, concerts and opera/ballet.

Four persons know that the former guest country was China and the present guest country Brazil. One person knows it is now Brazil. Another person guesses . Three persons know it is a biannual festival and two people know that the festival takes place in Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels, neighboring countries and the guest land.

Four persons know Europalia International via friends and family, one via, two via the Belgian press, one via posters in Belgium, three via internet and two via visiting Europalia events.

When past enquiries are consulted, there is seen that the results are really different (and more optimistic) when one only questions visitors of Europalia events. Among the Dutch visitors of the large exhibitions of europalia.china, 93.8 % of the visitors knew that it was a Europalia exhibition and 74.4 % knew that a Europalia festival comprises other events

123 The complete answers can be found in the appendix of this thesis.

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than exhibitions like dance, theater and music.124

What do people think of when they hear the name “Europalia”?

The respondents of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 had the possibility to fill in what the name “Europalia (International)” made them think of. 125

19% say literally that they have no idea what this name stands for. 62% think of “Europe”. 6 % of the respondents think that Europalia is active in politics, mainly the EU, 9% mention they think of an international organization, possibly exchanging cultures, 13% think of culture126 and 3 % think of a commercial organization. It becomes clear that the name does not obviously make clear that Europalia International is a cultural organization.

Generally, the respondents are nor explicitly positive nor explicitly negative about the name “Europalia”. Only three persons are explicitly negative127 and ten persons are explicitly positive128

4.4 Position/Organization of communication abroad

To give the results about the impact of the communication abroad in the Netherlands some context, here, different organizational obstructions of the communication abroad will be discussed:

Every festival, there is a new temporary employee for the communication abroad. Due to lack of experience, they base themselves on what has been accomplished already and on what has been done for former festivals and do not come up with many new initiatives.129 Besides this, the lack of experience gives the responsible person for communication abroad a slightly dependent position in the communication department: a lot of feedback is needed, mostly from Colette Delmotte130. This is normal, but it can give a lot of delay. The permanent and more experienced employees do not have a lot of time to give the feedback the temporary employees need to go on.

124 Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 by WES. 1 200 surveys were distributed among the visitors of the four large exhibitions of europalia.china. 125 The complete answers can be found in the appendix of this thesis. 126 A critical note has to be made here regarding the 13% that thinks of culture: the former questions of the enquiry were about culture what probably made a lot of people think “Europalia” also had to be about culture. Four people literally say this. 127 The name does not sound interesting, it is a weird name that does not say anything about the sector or activities where it stands for. 128 The name sounds royally, musically, artistically, cheerful and cozy, exotic… 129 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011. 130 The head of the communication department.

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Case study TUI

The dependent position of younger, temporary employees became clear during the creation of a package deal with TUI, a tour operator in the Netherlands. For europalia.china there was a partnership with TUI, via Marleen Klein-Schiphorst. I called her and she proposed for europalia.brasil a cooperation with the magazine Elegance that focuses on an art- and culture loving public. I had to send her the practical information of the package deal and some general information on Europalia International. But this had to be analyzed by Elvira de Muynck and Colette Delmotte first. This feedback was only given three weeks later. Eventually, it was all arranged but this illustrates how long the younger inexperienced employees can have to wait before they can undertake actions.

Case study Event Folder

In a meeting concerning communication, Colette Delmotte proposed creating an event folder with an overview of the festival. The folder has been created by myself and Aurore Detournay. The complete content was discussed with the artistic departments and it was all arranged rather quickly. But the Brazilian team had to send its proposal for the lay-out of its sponsor page and because they did not do this, the printing of the event folder was executed with a delay of three to four weeks.131

This case study of the event folder illustrates that experienced team members can more easily come up with new initiatives. It also shows another organizational obstruction of the communication abroad: the Belgian team is often dependent on the team of the guest country. The majority of initiatives have to be discussed with the guest team. This often gives a lot of delay, due to difficult communication because of the distance and different working hours and cultures.


Press and its free publicity have a very important role in external communication (cfr.3.1 Leitmotifs). Therefore, the communication and press departments of Europalia International should closely cooperate. This has not always been organized that well.132 For example, Elvira de Muynck had to contact different magazines like Let’s Motive for advertisements but she had to wait for the press department to work together: the offer of the magazines only counted when there was a combination of advertising and editorial insertion. This has caused delay because it took a lot of time to get a meeting

131 Conversation Colette Delmotte, 19.08.2011. 132 Interview Elvira de Muynck, 20.07.2011 & Verslag Buitenlandcommunicatie Suzanne, europalia.brasil, 2011.

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with the press department.133 This organizational obstruction will probably already be partly solved because international press is now the full responsibility of Diane Hauwaert instead of one of the many responsibilities of Inge de Keyzer.134 135 Therefore there will be more time to sit together with Elvira de Muynck136 to get a well-organized and obvious presence in journals and magazines in combining advertisements with free publicity. This will stimulate word of mouth and in the meantime another important source of information: friends and family.

An example of the renewed cooperation is the presence of Elvira de Muynck and Diane Hauwaert at Spectaculaire, the fair in Paris in September:

“Press and communication will stand side by side.”137


There are many signs that Europalia International sees the importance of communicating abroad. What press concerns, this is proved by the fact that there is recently hired a new employee for international press. Diane Hauwaert is personally convinced of the importance of communicating abroad:

“It is the intention of Europalia International to attract an international public, so international press is very important.”138

Concerning the communication department, the employees themselves point out that it is not needed to make a priority of communicating abroad. Only 7.5 % of the total communication budget is dedicated to communicating abroad. 139 When the communication department has a meeting, communication abroad is not always discussed and when it is, it is done shortly or not with the complete communication department (only with Elvira de Muynck and Colette Delmotte).

4.5 Conclusion

133 Meeting Update Buitenlandcommunicatie, europalia.brasil 15.07.2011. 134 The head of the press department 135 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 136 The temporary employee for communication abroad. 137 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 138 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011. 139 Verslag Buitenlandcommunicatie Suzanne, europalia.brasil, 2011.

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When one compares the results regarding sources of information with the leitmotifs of Europalia’s communication abroad, one has to conclude that Europalia International undertakes a lot of the right actions. Nevertheless, the quantitative analysis has shown that the communication abroad does not have the desired impact in the Netherlands. So, there is room for improvement, especially regarding the organizational problems the ethnographic approach has revealed.

5. General Conclusion: Europalia International’s communication abroad in the future

This last chapter will combine insights regarding the most important results of this thesis to end in a general conclusion. First of all, the general research question will be answered and secondly recommendations with practical relevance for Europalia International’s communication abroad will conclude the themes of the different sub questions.140

5.1 The communication abroad in the context of Europalia International’s mission

The general research question wondered what the characteristics were of the communication abroad and whether it supported the international mission. From the analysis of this thesis, it can be concluded that Europalia International’s communication abroad undertakes many right actions to support the mission but that the impact leaves much to be desired.

This cannot entirely be explained by the actions the communication and press departments undertake. The specific offer of a cultural institution has to be taken into account. It is a particular product that cannot aim to address all people.141

“The problem is: only a small number of people is interested in culture and when they have to travel to Belgium, they become even less interested.”142

It is not easy to get people who see no need in visiting culture interested in your cultural offer.143

140 There is here chosen to surpass the limit of a section of 250 words for the recommendations. The recommendations give concluding answers on the several sub questions that support the general research question. Because this study aims to help Europalia International in its communication abroad, it is very important that all relevant recommendations are discussed. The relevant sub question are for every section of recommendations shortly mentioned after the title. 141 F. Colbert, , Le marketing des arts et de la culture. Québec, Gaëtan Morin, 1993, p. 16. 142 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Nevertheless, from the small Survey Dutch public May-August 2011 there can be concluded that about 45% of the Dutch respondents is rather active in the cultural sector144 and that only 4 % knows Europalia International. So there is still some working area for the communication abroad.

Now, there will be given some recommendations145 that could help the communication abroad to support the mission of Europalia International.

5.2 Recommendations

5.2.1 Events (leitmotifs and impact)

Europalia International could besides music, conferences and theatre also organize events for dance, film and exhibitions in the Netherlands. When there are more events in the Netherlands, distance as reason for non-participation(cfr. 4.3 Results Enquiries) would immediately be solved. At the locations of events abroad, Europalia International should communicate clearly that this is an event of europalia.brasil. Moreover, other events than the large exhibitions should be communicated abroad.146

5.2.2 Knowledge of Europalia International (leitmotifs and impact)

The awareness of Europalia International in the Netherlands should be extended.

The internet proved to be the most popular source of information for the Dutch. The presence on cultural and touristic websites should be extended, but a presence on regional websites like (in the section Uit in Zeeland – Buiten Zeeland) should also be aimed for. 10 % of the respondents suggested147 using social media, like Facebook or Hyves148. Europalia International has two Facebook pages149. For the Netherlands, it could be wise to add a Hyves page (where the Facebook pages can be promoted).

Regarding international press, the right actions are undertaken but one should make the cooperation with the communication department closer in organizing regular meetings and cc-ing each other. That this will improve because of the engagement of Diane

143 G. De Brabander, A. De Smet and K. Van Winkel, op.cit. p. 33. 144 Of whom 16 % visits more than 10 cultural activities a year. 145 In combining own insights and that of the respondents of the Survey Dutch public May-August 2011. 146 For europalia.brasil, the German press is interested in dance and music for the press journeys. The press department will try to encourage local journalists to visit the events that are organized in the Netherlands to attract public of their own countries. (Interview Diane Hauwaert) These sort of initiatives are a step in the right direction. 147 The respondents could give some suggestions on how Europalia International could extend the awareness of the festival in the Netherlands. All the suggestions can be read in the appendix of this thesis. 148 The social networking site that is very popular in the Netherlands. 149 One of europalia.brasil (only 18 friends) and one of Europalia International in general (liked by 1 094 persons)

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Hauwaert is already described (cfr. 4.4 Position/Organization communication abroad).

The respondents of this thesis recommend the presence in large national journals.150 These are already targeted effectively but the press department should also make sure that enough of these journals are represented on the press journeys.

Advertising in large journals is too expensive151, but regional journals in the south of the Netherlands like the PZC or De Stem in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen or Faam in Middelburg could be addressed.152 This should also be done for Dutch Brabant and Limburg.

15 % of the respondents suggest the spreading of more television commercials, but also the presence in informative programs like De Wereld Draait Door153 or Het Uur van de Wolf154. Another interesting suggestion is the presence in the Zomercolumn of the television news of NOS.155 When television commercials (or infomercials) would be broadcasted, this should be done via for example ntr156 or via Cultura.157

Posters are normally spread in Dutch Limburg (and in the North of France.)158 this should also be done in Brabant and Zeeland at public and cultural locations.

5.2.3 Organization/position of communication abroad (organization and planning)


It is important that both the press and the communication department get convinced of the importance of communicating abroad. This should be noticeable in the position of communication abroad, by promoting specific meetings, seeing it as one of the priorities and maybe even by enlarging the budget to 10 % of the total budget for communication.


The first chapter of this thesis showed the problems of Europalia International’s

150 like NRC Handelsblad, Het Parool, Algemeen Dagblad, Telegraaf, Trouw etc. 151 Meeting Buitenlandcommunicatie, Colette Delmotte & Elvira Demuynck, europalia.brasil, 2011. 152 Suggestions of Dutch respondents. 153 An informative (discussion)program on the VARA (public broadcasting company) where different (cultural) subjects are discussed and guests are invited. 154 An informative program of the broadcasting company ntr, that makes documentaries about cultural subjects: 155 In this zomercolumn, every day there is one interesting subject discussed. These columns can concern all sorts of subjects. 156 The independent public broadcasting company that focuses on information, education and culture. 157 The digital channel of the public broadcasting company that broadcasts programs concerning art and culture ( 158 Conversation Colette Delmotte, 19.08.2011.

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communication abroad regarding strategic planning. It is most important to state clear objectives and to work out a strategy. Practical examples for this can be found in the first chapter. When Europalia International would back-up its communicative initiatives by a marketing-communication plan, it would be easier to follow up the communication abroad and to plan the activities in order to reach certain objectives. It is important to implement the last phase of the marketing-communication plan for the communication abroad: surveys like the one that has been conducted for this thesis should be repeated for all the targeted countries. An online enquiry does not cost much and Europalia International could make use of its foreign contacts to spread it. This could help the communication team to overcome the problem that they have no sufficient knowledge of the field of communication abroad.159

Not only the communication abroad, but also the international press should work with a similar strategic planning. This would make free publicity a useful component of the communication mix of Europalia international.160 When the press department would state clear objectives and a strategy, the actions would get a firm structure.


A firm structure could immediately facilitate the organizational obstruction that the communication abroad is the responsibility of an inexperienced temporary employee. This status has to remain temporary: there is only one festival every two years, so there is one year without activities to be communicated abroad and without the need for an employee.161

When this employee would have a thorough marketing-communication plan with objectives and a strategy to fall back on, it would probably get a lot easier to get a grasp of the meaning and future possibilities of the communication abroad. It would give this person a firmer starting point and a more independent position to come up with creative initiatives. The communication abroad would get a more continuous structure with which the recurring interval of one year could be more easily handled.

The organizational problems concerning the cooperation with the press department are already discussed.

159 Verslag Buitenlandcommunicatie Suzanne, europalia.brasil, 2011. 160 S. Schroevers, op.cit., p. 13. 161 Interview Diane Hauwaert, 19.08.2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

6. Afterword

The results and recommendations of this thesis aim to help Europalia International’s communication abroad to “ promote better understanding between nations and stimulate cultural exchange between peoples.”162

This thesis claims no completeness, but it hopes to be a stimulus for other researches that should be conducted concerning the communication abroad (but also the entire communication policy) of Europalia International. In these researches, there should be done more enquiries targeting the public of neighboring countries.

162 Mission, in:<>, consulted on 04.07.2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

PART II: Internship at Europalia International

Bedrijf Stagebegeleid Afdeling Taken Talen Stage- er tijdens de periode stage

Naam : Colette Pers en Vertaling Engels, 02.05.11 Europalia Delmotte Communicatie Persdossier Frans, - International Frans - Nederland 02.08.11 vzw Nederlands s

Straat : Praktische Ravensteingale organisatie rij 4 Persconferen tie Postnummer + Gemeente : Redactie 1000 Brussel Pedagogisch dossier

Updaten Telefoon : (0)2 Website 504 91 20 www.europal

Organisatie partnership TUI

Conceptualis eren en ontwerpen Event Folder

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

1. Europalia International

1.1 Company description

Since 1969, the in Brussels situated non-profit making association Europalia International has organized 22 cultural festivals. Every festival celebrates an invited country’s cultural heritage. An Europalia programme consists of events in music, fine arts, photography, cinema, theatre, dance and literature. The events take place from October till February at several locations in Brussels, other Belgian cities and neighboring countries.163

The very first festival in 1969 put Italy as guest country in the center and was a large success: it welcomed 183 834 visitors. After this first success, 21 festivals followed, hosting European countries. Europalia International quickly adopted a more global approach and hosted countries like (1993) and Russia (2005). This global story was interrupted by the festival europalia.europe (2007) for the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, but with europalia.china (2009) and the upcoming festival europalia.brasil, the global approach is picked up again.164

1.1.1 Structure

The team of Europalia International consists of permanent and temporary employees. The permanent team comprises more or less 15 persons which is extended with 10 temporary employees (with contracts from 6 to 12 months) for the occasion of the immediate preparation of a festival. In the year that there is no festival, only the permanent team is active.165

Europalia International comprises officially three different departments: arts, communication and finances.166 While being part of the team for three months, I discovered that the employees are actually divided over more than those three departments: there is a section for press, for communication, for music/dance/literature/cinema, for finances/human resources and for expositions.

The communication department consists of four persons: Aurore Detournay is the permanent employee for online communication and new media, Colette Delmotte is the permanent head of the communication department, Marie Klimis is the temporary

163 Mission, in:, consulted on 04.07.2011. 164 History, in:, consulted on 30.06.2011. 165 Conversation with Inge de Keyser, 28.06.2011 & Be a part of the team!, in:, consulted on 28.06.2011. 166 How Europalia works, in, consulted on 28.06.2011.

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employee for club.brasil167 and communication to young people and Elvira de Muynck is the temporary employee for communication to young people and the communication abroad. In the press department, Inge de Keyzer is the head responsible for press and she is assisted by the temporary employee Séverine Buyse for the Walloon press. Since 08.08.2011 there is a new employee for the international press: Diane van Hauwaert.

The Belgian team is during (the preparation of) every festival assisted by a team in the guest country.168 There is a lot of contact between the different teams in the form of several journeys in both directions, of e-mailing, skyping etc.169 This aspect makes Europalia International a unique organization because of the always changing working conditions and colleagues of different cultures for every festival. In order to bring a festival to a successful end, the Europalia team has to be very flexible. The experienced members of the permanent team provide often that vast structure and guidelines that are necessary to keep everything going.170

The experience of Europalia International has helped the organization to ensure reliable partnerships with Belgian and European cultural institutions. Hundreds of partners in Brussels, Belgium and abroad like the BOZAR in Brussels or the Tropentheater in Amsterdam put their facilities at Europalia’s disposal to host festival events.171

1.2 Corporate identity & Mission

Europalia International sees itself as the organizer of major international festivals that can contribute to cultural understanding thanks to several values they strive for. These values are: providing a multidisciplinary and complete program, making every festival a cultural explosion with a lasting international impact, engaging in exchange-focused partnerships, showing essential and never seen works and encouraging cultural exchange and collaboration. Together, these values help the Europalia International festivals in fulfilling the following mission:

“The festival offers guest countries a unique opportunity to present their cultural heritage and contemporary arts in an optimal format. In this way, Europalia hopes to promote better understanding between nations and stimulate cultural exchange between peoples.

167 For europalia.china (2009-2010), there was a Theehuis, since then Europalia Brasil uses the Dynastiegebouw on the Kunstberg in Brussels as central communication point for its festivals. For europalia.brasil this will be the club.brasil. The Dynastiegebouw will be decorated in Brazilian style and in the building itself visitors will be able to find necessary information (folders, locations of events…) about the festival. Moreover, they can drink a Brazilian cocktail and enjoy Brazilian performances. 168 How Europalia works, in, consulted on 28.06.2011. 169 Server Europalia International. Samenvatting Pers. Europalia.china, 2009. 170 Ethnographic observation 171 How Europalia works, in, consulted on 28.06.2011.

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Europalia contributes to the cultural dimension of European construction by promoting Europe’s diverse cultures and encouraging their dialogue with the world’s great cultures.”172

As became clear, the company has already hosted numerous European and more distant countries in order to achieve this mission. Every festival has provided different and new insights in the culture of these countries.173

2. Internship at Europalia International

2.1 My instruction

My internship at Europalia International took place from 2 May till 2 August 2011. During those three months I worked for the press department as well as for the communication department. I started my internship on the press department and it became clear that I had to assist in the preparation of the then upcoming press conference (21.06.2011). Still, my role stayed rather undefined. That is why I asked for extra tasks and responsibilities. I eventually ended up working more and more for the communication department.

2.2 Tasks and Results

2.2.1 Press

Press Conference

Every year that precedes the opening of a festival, three large press conferences are organized for the Belgian press. An important delegation of the guest country assists the Europalia team in presenting the different aspects of the festival’s program. During my internship, the second press conference took place on 21.06.2011 in the Egmontpaleis in Brussels.

Press File

It was my first primary task to translate the entire press file that presented the program of europalia.brasil from French to Dutch. While doing this, I could get to know the program. This task was very useful for getting familiar with europalia.brasil, but it was also a difficult task. The French language of the file was often very artistic and hard to

172 Mission, in:, consulted on 04.07.2011. 173 Mission, in:, consulted on 04.07.2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

translate, especially because it were my first two weeks. Eventually, a lot of my translation has been used for the definite version of the Dutch press file.

There was decided to include visuals for all the artists that were mentioned in the press file. It became my responsibility to find visuals for the corresponding artists in the Europalia database or on the internet.174

I also got several secondary tasks like updating the file of press contacts and organizing practical aspects of the press conference.

Simultaneous translators

An example of the secondary tasks I had to fulfill is the contacting of simultaneous translators. Because of the international character of Europalia festivals, the press conference invites people from different backgrounds. That is why simultaneous translators are needed. It was my responsibility to find simultaneous translators for Portuguese-Dutch and Dutch-English. I have searched on the internet and in the database of Europalia International, made numerous phone calls and found the right people.

2.2.2 Communication

Young People

Pedagogical file (teacher’s pack)

Elvira de Muynck and Marie Klimis are responsible for the communication of the Europalia festival to young people. One of the major aspects of their task was the pedagogical file, a file that has to give necessary background information about Brazil and its culture. According to the program book of europalia.brasil this file can be used to prepare school visits, primary and secondary teachers. Elvira de Muynck had already written a general part about Brazil and its people and it became a primary task of mine to write the second part about the Brazilian culture, namely visual arts, music, dance, theatre, cinema and literature. I could use the internal library for the needed information and together with Natalia Gaya, my Brazilian colleague, I discovered Itaú Cultural, an important Brazilian online encyclopaedia. I made a first draft and sat together with the people of music, dance, theatre, cinema, literature and with Elvira de Muynck and Marie Klimis to discuss the ideal format. Together we decided to insert the

174 The complete press file can be found in the appendix of this thesis.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

program of europalia.brasil in the description of the Brazilian culture and it was my idea to include frames with an image and text of one artist that was characteristic for the discussed musical style, artistic period, dance style or theatre period. In that way there were a lot of references to the program of europalia.brasil. I finished a second draft and handed it in for Colette Delmotte and Elvira to give some feedback. The feedback came too late for me to be able to complete the file.175

International communication

For my thesis research, I frequently attended meetings where initiatives for international communication were discussed. That is how I got two projects for the international communication.


During a meeting, Colette Delmotte remembers a partnership of last year with TUI176 in the Netherlands. I had to call Marleen Klein-Schiphorst to discuss possible new special offers for europalia.brasil. She proposed several of TUI’s partners like CZ, Ebecco, Libelle Magazine and newspapers. Marleen and I agreed on trying to find an audience that probably will be a target group for Europalia International. She proposed cooperation with the magazine Elegance that focuses on an art- and culture loving public. I had to send her the practical information of the package deal and some general information on Europalia International. But this had to be analyzed by Elvira de Muynck and Colette Delmotte first. After three weeks, when there was more time, there was decided to contact Thon Hotels.177 Thon Hotels would contact Tui and create the special offer themselves in cooperation with Tui.

Event Folder

During an attended meeting of the communication department, Colette Delmotte came up with the idea to create an event folder that would give an impression of the scope of the festival. It was the intention to have six cases per discipline with a photo and text. Nobody knew an immediate solution to give a good impression of the entire europalia.brasil program in such a small folder. Colette Delmotte decided to give me the responsibility to come up with a good template. I made an example and sat together with the department for music, dance, theater, literature and cinema to select four names of artists per sub discipline. But they found it better to mention only one artist per sub discipline with name, dates and locations. I sat together with Aurore Detournay, the responsible person for the graphic design of the folder. Here, it became clear that the

175 The pedagogical file (my contribution) can be found in the appendix of this thesis. 176 A tour operator in The Netherlands. 177 The vast partner of Europalia International for the creation of package deals.

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proposition of one artist per case was not consistent with the proposition for the expositions and that it was no good solution. After a second meeting with the department for music, dance, theater, literature and cinema, my first proposition to select four names per sub discipline without dates or locations was chosen. I found this a little bit disappointing because they had overruled this immediately the first time I proposed it. Aurore Detournay made the design in InDesign178 and the week after it had to be printed. This was partly my responsibility because Aurore Detournay had two weeks off. The printing had to be postponed because the Brazilian team did not give its fiat for the sponsor page. 179

Online communication

Updating of the website

My largest and longest task lay in the field of the online communication of Europalia International, more specifically in the updating of the website ( The complete program of europalia.brasil had to be put on line, every artist and/or event gets its own general text and practical information (dates, locations …) in English, French and Dutch together with some images. When the partners sent in technical fiches with the needed information, I could put them online using a special encodage program. Aurore Detournay has also learned me to edit the images in Photoshop to give them the appropriate format for the website. After a while, I knew the encodage program the best to replace Aurore Detournay when she took two weeks off. She gave me then the task to complete the website as much as possible and to check it with all the responsible departments. After these two weeks the website was almost complete.180

2.3 Personal and professional view on my internship

Thanks to the shared position in the press and communication department, I have learned in practice how both of these departments work in the cultural sector. Nevertheless, in the beginning, this was confusing for me to get an idea of what my general role was. I never got a clear briefing of what this would be and that is why my first weeks were a little bit hard. Soon, I decided to ask myself what I could do and to attend as many meetings as possible to hear what was going on and where I could take some work on. This, together with daily observation and participation, has learned me a lot about the cultural field and how a cultural institution like Europalia International communicates.

178 A program for graphical design. 179 A page of the event folder is added to this thesis in print and is not on the cd-rom with the appendix. 180 Documents concerning the updating of the website can be found in the appendix of this thesis.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

The team of Europalia International consists of very nice and warm people, this was the ideal environment for me to explore and extend my capacities.

I was very pleased to get the responsibility of some large projects, especially the updating of the website, the designing of the event folder and the writing of the pedagogical file. This has given me the opportunity to really work something out in depth and to insert my own ideas. It gave me the challenge I needed to use my capacities. The smaller tasks and the attending of meetings have given the needed variation and insights in how a large cultural institution like Europalia International works.

I have got the chance to learn a lot of new things like working in Photoshop and in InDesign and updating a website. Personally, I have learned to be more assertive and to show clearly what I am capable of. The team of Europalia International has always rewarded that assertive attitude by giving me more challenging work and learning me new things. I also had to talk a lot of French because the majority of employees is French-speaking. In the beginning this was hard but it has improved my French a lot and I even got the chance to do some small telephonic tasks in French.

This internship has proven the practical relevance of the MTB program. The preceding year with all the projects and theoretical background has enabled me to fulfill all of my tasks and to give usable insights. During my internship, I have seen that MTB has prepared me sufficiently for a career in communication. When you dare to be assertive and to take own initiatives, an internship in Europalia International is ideal for an MTB student to practice his or her acquired skills. I am grateful to have had this opportunity because MTB and Europalia International have helped me in ending up in the communication of the cultural sector.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)



ATKINSON (P.) and HAMMERSLEY (M.). Ethnography: principles in practice. New York, Routledge, 275p.

BLACKALL (S.) and MEEK (J.). (ed.). Marketing the arts. Paris, ICOM, 1992, 253 p. LOMMAERT (J.). Ethnographic fieldwork: A beginner’s guide. Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2010, 92 p.

COLBERT (F.). Le marketing des arts et de la culture. Québec, Gaëtan Morin, 1993, 308p.

DE BRABANDER (G.), DE SMET (A.) and VAN WINKEL (K.). De Muzen nodigen uit!? Marketing in de Cultuursector. Brussel, Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 1999, 253 p.

FLOOR (J.M.G) and VAN RAAIJ (W.F.). Marketing-Communicatie Strategie. Houten, Educatieve Partners Nederland BV, 1998, 558p.

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O’REILLY (D.) and KERRIGAN (F.). (ed.). Marketing the arts. A fresh approach. New York, Routledge, 2010, 305 p.

PORREZ (I.). De externe communicatiestrategie van het Kunstencentrum Vooruit als produktiehuis. Gent (onuitgegeven licentiaatsverhandeling Universiteit Gent), 1992, 109p.

SCHROEVERS (S.). Free publicity: het genereren van redactionele aandacht. Alphen aan den Rijn, Kluwer, 2005, 75 p.

’T LAM (P). Werkboek communicatieplanning: het communicatieplan: stappen, kernvragen en elementen. Bussum, Uitgeverij Coutinho, 2000, 88p.

TEUCHIES (L.). Internationale Cultuurcommunicatie in Vlaanderen. CultuurNet Vlaanderen - Rapport, 2003, 64p.

WAARDENBURG (M). Het communicatieplan: opzet en uitvoering in 8 stappen. Kluwer, 1999, 84 p.

WEYNS (R.). Communiceren met pers en media. CultuurNet Vlaanderen, 2003, 80p.

WEYTS (K.). Communicatieplanning van theorie naar praktijk. CultuurNet Vlaanderen, 2003, 72p.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)


COTTLE (S.). “Ethnography and News Production: New(s) Developments in the Field”, in: Sociology Compass, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, ,1 (1), pp. 1–16 .

PATTERSON (C.). AND ZOELLNER (A.). “The efficacy of professional experience in the ethnographic investigation of production,” in: Journal of Media Practice, 2010, 11(2), pp. 97-109.


Interviews/Conversations ; Meetings

Elvira de Muynck (Responsible for communication abroad Europalia International) 20.07.2011.

Colette Delmotte (Head of communication department Europalia International) 19.08.2011.

Diane Hauwaert (Responsible for international press Europalia International) 19.08.2011.

Meeting Airport , europalia.brasil, 19.05.2011.

Meeting Buitenlandcommunicatie, Colette Delmotte & Elvira Demuynck, europalia.brasil, 2011.

Meeting Update Buitenlandcommunicatie, europalia.brasil 15.07.2011.

Published sources

Europalia International Infobrochure. europalia.china, 2009.

Program book europalia.brasil. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Unpublished sources


Server Europalia International. Advertentielijst definitief. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Server Europalia International. Advertentielijst. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Archive Europalia International. Bozar expo enquête europalia.europa 05.11.2007 – 03.02.2008.

Archive Europalia International. Comparison of three surveys for the festivals europalia.japan (1989), europalia.portugal (1991) and europalia.italy (2004)

Server Europalia International. Compte-rendu Projekt 2508-déc08. europalia.china, 2009

Server Europalia International. Compte-rendu workshop TVL-OPT, europalia.china, 2009

Server Europalia International. Etudes de marché. europalia.china, 2009

Archive Europalia International. OPT/TVL, all promotional actions of OPT/TVL, in : étranger (Dossier with all different advertisements, internet sites etc.) europalia.china, 2009.

Server Europalia International. Packages. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Server Europalia International. Plan com étranger - actions et budget – final. europalia.china, 2009.

Server Europalia International. Pub étranger. europalia.china, 2009.

Archive Europalia International. Reisomnibusenquête Najaar 2009 WES.

Archive Europalia International. Résultats comparatifs des enquêtes « individuels » BOZAR europalia.italia 2003 et europalia.russia 2005.

Server Europalia International. Résumé actions OPT/TVL. europalia.china, 2009.

Archive Europalia International. Survey audience europalia.china November 2009 WES.

Survey Dutch public May-August 2011.

Server Europalia International. Vraag Buitenlandkantoren. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Server Europalia International. Update Buitenlandcommunicatie. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Verslag Buitenlandcommunicatie Suzanne, europalia.brasil, 2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)


Server Europalia International. Jaarverslag 2009-2010 Pers. europalia.china, 2009.

Server Europalia International. Persartikels Internationaal. europalia.china, 2009.

Server Europalia International. Pers in Cijfers. europalia.china, 2009.

Server Europalia International. Persplan 2011. europalia.brasil, 2011.

Server Europalia International. Samenvatting Pers. Europalia.china, 2009.

Internet Sources

Be a part of the team! In: , consulted on 28.06.2011.

Communicatieplan als basis voor effectieve communicatie. In: <>, consulted on 20.06.2011.

Communicatiestrategie : het communicatiekruispunt. In : , consulted on 30.07.2011.

HEMMINGA (M.). Communicatieplan a.h.v. Marketingpla. In: , consulted on 30.07.2011.

History. In: , consulted on 30.06.2011.

How Europalia works. In: , consulted on 28.06.2011.

Kwantitatief onderzoek. In: , consulted on 27.07.2011.

Mission. In: , consulted on 04.07.2011.

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)


For the digital version, there is chosen to insert only those documents that are relevant for the first part of this thesis and that are compatible in a pdf format. The documents that illustrate my tasks during my internship are too long to insert here. For the printed version, these are put on a cd-rom.

Interview Diane Hauwaert

Interview Diane Hauwaert 19.08.2011, since 08.08.2011 responsible for international press. The spoken language during the interview was Dutch. That is why the transcription is also in Dutch. The other interviews, like that with Elvira de Muynck (communication abroad) are not transcribed here because these were largely private.

Ik zorg voor de perscontacten met het buitenland. Inkomende persreizen waarbij de buitenlandse journalisten naar hier komen ofwel in groep per land of individueel, een roadshow waarbij we journalisten in het buitenland gaan ontmoeten en ook een persvergadering in Parijs waarbij de Braziliaanse pers ook aanwezig zal zijn.

De inkomende persreizen zijn vooral naar de tentoonstellingen, maar nu hebben ze vanuit Duitsland ook wel interesse voor concerten en dans. Omdat er ook concerten plaatsvinden in Nederland en Frankrijk zullen we proberen om de journalisten daar naartoe te trekken zodat ze volk trekken in eigen land.

Hoe maakt Europalia gebruik van de mogelijkheid tot gratis publiciteit, om redactionele berichten te plaatsen en zo gratis publiciteit te creëren? Is dit wel helemaal gratis?

Hoe gebeurt het plaatsen van berichten in bijvoorbeeld de grote kranten in Nederland?

Dat werkt op twee manieren: we hebben contacten met WBI (Wallonie Bruxelles Internationales)en TVL. Dat is hetzelfde: Franstalig en Nederlandstalig en in het buitenland werken ze meestal samen en voor Brussel ook. Zij contacteren de grootste kranten, zij kennen ook de journalisten en nemen ook de journalisten mee op persreis. Maar wij sturen ook persberichten en een korte persmap naar onze volledige perslijst en dat zijn dan alle journalisten van overal. Maar voor de voornaamste pers gebeurt het rechtstreeks en ook wel via WBI en TVL.

Is dat gratis publiciteit?

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Pers is op zich altijd gratis, bijvoorbeeld in vergelijking met communicatie. Betalende communicatie is Elvira.

Werkt pers nauw samen met communicatie in deze buitenlandcommunicatie?

Ik denk het wel, ik werk hier nog maar net en Elvira is er nu niet… maar we gaan bijvoorbeeld eind september in Parijs op de beurs Spectaculaire staan en dan gaan pers en communicatie naast elkaar: dus Elvira en ik.

Als er bijvoorbeeld een advertentie geplaatst wordt, plaats je er dan ook een redactioneel stuk bij?

Dat hebben we met een paar kranten, vooral in Noord-Frankrijk, gedaan. Voor de rest weten we dat nog niet want ik moet nog gaan samenzitten met Elvira.

Hoe gaat dit aandeel van Europalia in de internationale pers nu veranderen? Heeft OPT/TVL nog een aandeel of neemt Europalia alles op zichzelf?

Eigenlijk verandert er niks, voordat ik eraan begon deed Inge De Keyzer de internationale pers en het contact met TVL etc.. Maar het blijft hetzelfde werk. Die bureaus in het buitenland hebben natuurlijk heel veel organisaties die vragen om een persreis of zo. Je hebt wel iemand nodig in Europalia die voor dat contact zorgt. Het is niet zo dat we ze plots niet meer nodig hebben, ze doen wel zeker niet het werk alleen en dat is maar normaal ook.

Voor hen is het ook gemakkelijker om veel contacten te hebben.

Je moet ook iemand hebben die zorgt dat Europalia in hun persreizen geraakt. Zij helpen bij het organiseren van persreizen: je kan dat aanvragen dat je graag een persreis wil organiseren en zij zorgen dan voor de organisatie. Het is dus op aanvraag van een organisatie. En afhankelijk van de aantrekkelijkheid ervan gaan ze meer of minder journalisten meenemen of meer of minder doen. En ze helpen ook met het verspreiden van persberichten. Wij sturen automatisch naar onze contacten, maar wij sturen ook naar hen door en zij sturen dan verder naar hun contacten die wij niet zouden hebben of om extra nadruk te leggen.

In Nederland richten we ons op:

Trouw, NRC Handelsblad, Museumtijdschrift, Het Parool, Telegraaf, Vrij Nederland, Archeologiemagazine, De Pers, Tableau Fine Arts…

Dit zijn dan de hoofdcontacten, we sturen onze berichten natuurlijk naar veel meer contacten dan dat.

Er zijn nogal wat grote kranten bij, het is toch vreemd dat zoveel mensen nog steeds Europalia niet kennen?

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Het probleem is: cultuur interesseert maar een beperkt aantal mensen en als het dan vanuit Nederland naar België moet, dan interesseert het nog minder mensen. Nu is het wel iets met Brazilië in Amsterdam: het jaar van Brazilië in Nederland en omgekeerd. Dus als we nu de juiste contacten aanspreken dan zullen we wel meer interesse vanuit Nederland krijgen. Het is niet moeilijk om te verplaatsen van Nederland naar België maar ja het zit altijd in de centen he.

Is er de ambitie om zelfstandig te werken van OPT/TVL?

Ik zou niet weten waarom:

Financieel is het al voordeliger om samen te werken met hen: ze hebben een netwerk, ze doen dat voor het land dus het is eigenlijk gratis. Niet helemaal maar een deel.

Ten tweede: we gaan wel journalisten ontmoeten, maar als wij zo een relatie moeten onderhouden met al die contacten in het buitenland is dat wel heel intensief op en af en ons festival is maar een keer in de twee jaar dus dat is een jaar zonder communicatie dus dat is heel moeilijk

Er is echt geen voordeel van niet samenwerken. Wat er wel al is gebeurd in het verleden is dat een persagentschap zorgde voor de internationale pers maar toen werkten we voor inkomende persreizen ook met TVL/OPT. Dus er is geen voordeel.

TVL/OPT betaalt dan ook de persreizen?

Die hebben tickets, ik weet ook niet precies hoe dat werkt. Maar voor hen is het ook makkelijker: ze zitten in het land ze bellen iemand en kennen die mensen. Dat is lokale communicatie. Voor die organisatie is dat duizend keer gemakkelijker, dan als ik moet zorgen dat de mensen vanuit Parijs op tijd ergens zijn en dat ik ze naar hier moet brengen en terug. Anders zouden we iemand moeten sturen naar daar om dat te doen.

Schrijven jullie je persberichten zelf?

Ja dat wel, ik heb nu net mijn eerste klaar en nu zal dat om de tien dagen, twee weken zijn. Nu net voor het festival… we hadden moeten vroeger beginnen maar we zijn wat later omdat ik nog ergens anders bezig was en ook door vertraging met Brazilië: als we niet weten wat er moet gecommuniceerd moet worden kun je niet communiceren.

De persberichten sturen we ook tijdens het festival, dat blijft komen. We sturen ze naar OPT/TVL, maar ook naar onze eigen contactlijst, we doen ook ons eigen ding want dat is niet moeilijk: dat is doodgemakkelijk: gewoon een mailing sturen. We zorgen altijd dat ze het nieuwste bericht hebben en dan kunnen ze dat nog altijd communiceren. En via Auxipress volgen we wat ze publiceren. We hebben altijd een abonnement op Auxipress

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

en nu nemen we voor het buitenland een abonnement: net voor en tijdens en net na het festival.

En verandert er iets nu jij komt voor internationale pers? Komt er meer belang voor internationale pers?

Dat is altijd heel belangrijk geweest, wat er wel vervelend is is dat we nu te laat zijn. Maar het is zo dat het val belang is: het is de bedoeling van Europalia om een Europees publiek aan te trekken dus het is heel belangrijk.

Bij communicatie komt het misschien doordat het een tijdelijke werkkracht is die verantwoordelijk is voor buitenlandcommunicatie?

Ik denk dat dat meer te maken heeft met het feit dat het een tweejaarlijks festival is: en dat er dus gedurende één jaar hier gewerkt wordt maar dat er niet kan worden gecommuniceerd is omdat er niets is om gecommuniceerd te worden. Dus die tijdelijke werkkracht: het zou echt geen zin hebben om met internationale communicatie bezig te zijn gedurende het jaar zonder festival, Elvira kwam hier in maart dus dat is de perfecte timing om eraan te beginnen. Het was nu zo dat het niet ging… Maar het is niet zo dat er niks is gebeurd: Inge heeft persberichten verstuurd er zijn contacten met OPT en TVL dus het was op gang maar nu ben ik er echt aan begonnen.

Survey Dutch public May-August 2011

Imago onderzoek Europalia International

Hieronder vindt u een korte enquête die pijlt naar de kennis over en het imago van Europalia International in Nederland. Dit onderzoek zal onderdeel uitmaken van mijn thesis omtrent externe communicatie van Europalia International. Wanneer u Europalia International niet kent wil ik u vragen deze enquête toch in te vullen omdat dit en uw demografische gegevens ook nuttige resultaten zijn. De enige criteria zijn dat u ouder bent dan 18 en Nederlands bent.

1. Bent u actief in de culturele sector? * Nee Nauwelijks, ik bezoek maximaal 5 culturele activiteiten (tentoonstellingen, concerten...) per jaar Matig, ik bezoek tussen de 5 en 10 culturele activiteiten (tentoonstellingen, concerten...) per jaar Ja, ik bezoek meer dan 10 culturele activiteiten (tentoonstellingen, concerten...) per jaar Ja, ik werk in de culturele sector

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

2. Welke culturele activiteiten bezoekt u als u actief bent in de culturele sector? (tentoonstellingen, theater, concerten, film, ballet...) *

3. Wat verwacht u van culturele activiteiten? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk) Amusement en Ontspanning Culturele kennis opdoen Tijd doorbrengen met familie en/of vrienden Anders

4. Hoeveel geld besteedt u maandelijks aan culturele activiteiten? *

Minder dan 10 euro Tussen de 10 en 20 euro Tussen de 20 en 50 euro Tussen de 50 en 100 euro Meer dan 100 euro

5. Via welke kanalen informeert u zich over culturele activiteiten? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Geschreven folders en programmaboekjes Kranten Radio/Televisie Internet Affiches Via vrienden/familie/collega's... Ik informeer me niet over culturele activiteiten andere

6. Welke zaken weerhouden u ervan om deel te nemen aan culturele activiteiten? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Prijs Geen interesse Geen culturele kennis Gebrek aan praktische informatie Af te leggen afstand Andere

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

7. Kent u Europalia International? *

Ja: ga door naar vraag 8 Nee: ga door naar vraag 14

8. Wat komt er bij u op als u denkt aan Europalia International?

9. Waarvan kent u Europalia International? (meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Via vrienden, familie… Via de website van Europalia Via de pers in België Via de pers in Nederland Via (kunst)magazines in België Via (kunst)magazines in Nederland Via affichage in België Via affichage in Nederland Via beurzen in België Via beurzen in Nederland Via radio/tv in België Via radio/tv in Nederland Via internet Via andere reclameacties (postkaarten...) in België Via andere reclameacties (postkaarten...) in Nederland Via folders/programmaboekjes Via bezoeken aan evenementen van Europalia Anders

10. Weet u wat het vorige en huidige gastland was/is van Europalia International?

11. Weet u hoe vaak het festival van Europalia zich afspeelt? Specificeer.

12. Weet u waar de activiteiten van Europalia zich afspelen? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

In Vlaanderen In Wallonië In Brussel In aan België grenzende landen In Europa In het gastland

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Geen idee

13. Heeft u al deelgenomen aan activiteiten van Europalia International? Zo ja, welke? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Nee Tentoonstelling Concert Opera en Ballet Theater Conferentie Literatuur Film Shows zoals circus Andere

14. Wat roept de naam "Europalia" bij u op?

15. Welke activiteiten van Europalia zouden u kunnen interesseren in de toekomst? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Tentoonstellingen Concerten Opera en Ballet Theater Conferenties Literatuur Film Shows: circus... Andere

16. Heeft u suggesties die Europalia zouden kunnen helpen om de bekendheid van het festival te vergroten in Nederland?

17. Wat is uw leeftijd? *

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-ouder

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

18. Wat is uw geslacht ? *

Man Vrouw

19. Waar woont u? *

Zeeland Utrecht Flevoland Brabant Limburg Overijssel Drenthe Groningen Friesland Noord-Holland Zuid-Holland Gelderland

20. Welk is het hoogste diploma dat u heeft behaald? (Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk)

Geen Basisonderwijs Secundair onderwijs Bachelor Hogeschool Academische Bachelor Master Master na master en/of hoger Andere

21. Wat is uw gezinssamenstelling ? Alleenstaand, zonder kinderen Alleenstaand, met kinderen Relatie, zonder kinderen Relatie, jongste kind < 6 jaar Relatie, jongste kind 6-12 jaar Relatie, jongste kind 13-17 jaar Relatie, jongste kind > = 18 jaar Relatie, zelfstandig wonende kinderen Andere

Communication Abroad Europalia International Suzanne Lambert (00601304)

Hartelijk dank voor uw deelname aan deze enquête. U heeft mij geholpen mijn thesis tot een goed einde te brengen.

Vriendelijke Groeten

Suzanne Lambert