so that he declares in verse 10 that God has failed. This year has been horrendous. It’s been lonely, it has provoked anxiety. It has left us in mourning. And in that honest confession, let Psalm 77 be a Godsend to you. It’s your permission slip to cry and mourn, and rage and groan. But let it also be your pathway out of the darkness. Asaph is very wise. Somehow from the depths of darkness he decides to look to the light. So he looks back, back before his own disasters. Back before his A New Year has come life began and he tells himself the story of how God rescued Israel from Egypt. A salvation story based on a covenant promise. God loved his people and God is still King and did everything he needed to to rescue them from darkness and bring them into peace. by Jonathan Hodgins What if, in that same service forgotten me. God has failed That’s a wonderful model to someone started crying. Almost me.” us of Christian thinking. So 2020 did its worst and we imperceptibly at first, but then How would you feel? I think I At the end of 2020, a year of begin the new year with a lot growing in volume and emotion. would feel angry. I would feel upheaval, loneliness and more trepidation than we did I suppose we would all be like that was an attack on our depression when we might feel last January. Our church embarrassed (I know I would God, whom we love. An attack like groaning, wailing and buildings which have been, to be), but knowing the folk at your on His character and His asking where is God, the best all intents and purposes, closed church somebody would come thing we can do is to go back to for nearly a year will soon be to comfort them. An arm on the first principles. opening again and it won’t be shoulder, a tissue in the hand. Jesus has come into our too long before people walk Somebody would get a glass of through the black iron gates water, another would offer a world because He loves you. He once again, past the familiar consoling word. But what if the has broken the power that sin in grave stones, up that little person kept weeping and all its forms has over you, and winding path to the foyer, giving wailing, pushing help away? He has driven away the a shove at the door, and coming I suspect we could deal with darkness by His death on the in again to spend time together the groaning. I hope we would cross. In H is resurrection He with God. be compassionate to the has shown His immense power Imagine being there. Masks in mourner. But what about this? over death and given hope fo pockets, hymn books open and Imagine that person sitting in this life and in H is ascension He ready to sing. Won’t it be your church building, first has promised that He will come wonderful? But imagine if, as service back. This is the place back again. Jonathan Hodgins the minister with head bowed of memories for you. Site of so So after the year we’ve had and eyes closed began to pray, many happy and blessed times. it’s more than acceptable to be one of the congregation gave A place where you’ve sung and commitment. A character an Asaph. Groan and weep at out a loud, long, unmistakable prayed and laughed and assassination in His own home. the end of 2020, but don’t doubt groan. mourned with people you call Yes, I think I would be angry. God. If you’re honest you’d have to your friends. That place is But those outbursts – the A new year is coming and say it would probably make you important to you. It’s a place of groaning the weeping and the God is still King! giggle. It would be so baptisms and testimonies, public rejection –have all taken unexpected; you would probably encouragements and place. Not in your church or Revd Jonathan Hodgins is laugh out of shock like the time challenges. mine, not in your lifetime or Associate Editor of ‘the my sister heard someone Now imagine that someone mine, but in Psalm 77. Asaph Treasury’. reading the Bible and leapt up in the middle of that the author gives a powerful mispronounce Judas as Nude- community and shouted out account of how deeply Photo: The Clwydian Range in us. “God has changed. God has despondent he gets, so much winter. Moderator, and Brian, the Chair of the Trustees, that they would The weeks ahead will know God’s grace and mercy as they lead. Pray for our Ministers, Elders and workers. As Paul sought the prayers of the be the hardest yet Church in Ephesus, we also pray. ‘ To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making (Boris Johnson) supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to It is yet a day of Grace proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I (Meirion Morris) may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. Eph 6:18-20 Pray also for those who administer within by Meirion Morris light for revelation to the Lord Jesus, the One who was the Connexion. It is said of Gentiles, and for glory to your foretold, the One who came, Joseph on becoming an As we give thanks to God at the people Israel. Luke 2: 30-32 . who humbled himself, the One administrator in Egypt “Can we beginning of this new year, we To think that the One who holds who died, rose and reigns. If all find a man like this, in whom is do so with a realisation that all all things in His hands, that about us is uncertain, if we are the Spirit of God?” Gen esis we have and are bear witness to holds all of creation, that holds unable to foretell what these 41:38 the God who gives all good us in His arms, is here being days, weeks and months may It is yet a day of Grace. I pray things to us. As we have held in Simeon’s arms. Consider bring, there is a certainty in this we might this time wisely, giving reflected on the events of that the wonder of this incarnation, Person. Thanks be to God for a reason to all who ask for the first Christmas, I was particularly the mercy of our God again – ‘… his inexpressible gift! 2 Cor 9: 15 hope that is within us, that hope struck by the way that Simeon he took him up in his arms... With this in mind I would ask which cannot be diminished. and Anna are included in the Luke 2:28 . Like Anna, we that you use this time to be ‘But I am not ashamed, for I narrative. You will remember cannot but – ‘…give thanks to praying as individuals for our know whom I have believed, and that both these aged saints were God and to speak of him to all churches, our leaders and for all I am convinced that he is able to ones who are described as who were waiting for the who seek to discern God’s will at guard until that day what has eagerly awaiting the coming of redemption of Jerusalem. this time. Specifically, pray for been entrusted to me. 2 Timothy God’s Messiah. There is a holy Luke 2: 38. God’s people, that through 1: 12. contentment in that phrase It is no small thing for us to be endurance and through the ‘…. for my eyes have seen your able to venture into this new encouragement of the Scriptures Meirion Morris is General salvation that you have prepared year with a new view of the we might have hope Romans Secretary of the Presbyterian in the presence of all peoples, a richness of the person of our 15: 4. Pray for Marcus, our Church of

Providing and Director) conducted training Langham Partnership: encouraging good seminars in Latin America. Now literature hundreds of training sessions are held each year across the Biblically Equipping the Langham Literature supplies world, with a deep emphasis on thousands of Bible-centred building up indigenous trainers. Global Church books to hundreds of Majority World colleges each year. Strengthening Get involved Many churches outside the Publisher grants also theological western world are growing enable indigenous publishers to To find out more about education rapidly in number, but there is a produce local language titles. Langham, visit uk.langham.org critical shortage of Biblical Langham’s landmark one- and sign up to receive the When John Stott was rector at eaders and resources. They volume Bible commentaries monthly Prayer Guide and All Souls Langham Place, may also be under pressure have blessed many believers news email (eNews). London, he founded the due to poverty and persecution. by bringing together Langham Trust to fund Langham Partnership was theologians who speak into scholarships for young founded by John Stott fifty their own context. The Africa evangelical leaders from the years ago. It exists to build up Bible Commentary in 2006 Majority World. the global church, equipping a sparked the publication of This is now the ‘ Langham new generation of Bible commentaries for South Asia, Scholars ’ programme. Langham teachers. Russia & Ukraine, Latin has 349 Scholars who have Langham achieves this America, Central and Eastern benefitted from Langham through its three main Europe, Central Asia and more funding in their theological programmes: Scholars , regions in the pipeline! enabling evangelical leaders to education – they’re now serving receive their doctorates; in over ninety countries around Training leaders in Preaching , supporting the world faithful preaching indigenous preaching Between July 2019 and June movements in their commitment this 2020, The Langham The Langham Preaching to Bible exposition; and Scholars programme programme began in the early Literature , partnering in the supported seventy-eight PhD 2000’s, after John Stott and creation and distribution of students from forty-four Majority Chris Wright (Langham’s resources. World countries. current International Ministries

2 the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 bigger than your God. My God is home ground of Hamilton Accies. so big… I should have put my Any idea what the name of the A Post Christmas hand up and asked, “excuse me, ground is? Douglas Park. Or it why did this God, so big, so was. The sponsors have strong and so mighty, choose to renamed it The Fountain of Youth enter our lives in a room so tiny stadium. Honestly. ( “Where are Sermon: O Little God you need to wear knee pads and you going on Saturday?” “Well, not in the Eastern Sunshine I’m off to the Fountain of Youth!”) Apartment of the Potala Place Talking themselves up a bit, don’t with the kingdoms – his you think? Presumably, VIPs are of Bethlehem kingdoms surely – laid out entertained not in the boardroom beneath him?” Shut up, boy! And but in the Room of Heavenly that’s the whole point of Bliss. Imagine if they tried that at Luke 2: 8-20 also on my bucket list, but I suspect at 13,000 feet I would Christmas. Everyone missed it Tranmere. They could rename because it was a tiny alcove in Prenton Park The Stadium of the Moreton Church was open for need oxygen and even getting to Tibet is not easy. some cave near Bethlehem and Tenth Happiness. Somehow, I “live ” worship over Christmas not a palace. don’t think it would work no and we hummed under our And then I remembered a scene that was oddly similar . Not And that is also why we have matter how much money the face coverings to recordings suffered all those headlines sponsors shower at it. Scouse of popular carols. This is the a palace but a God on a mountain top with the kingdoms about Christmas 2020 being humour would quickly put paid to text of Dr Mike Ward’s talk to cancelled. Because the kind of that. the congregation gathered on of the world below him. It was a scene from another festive TV Christmas we have grown used Hamilton Accies, playing at the Sunday 27th December. (The Fountain of Youth, lost to Celtic elders met after the service offering, the movie of the life of Jesus: The 3-0 yesterday which pleased me and, in view of the surge in because my regular Saturday’s new Covid cases nationally, King of Kings . Jesus is in the desert after bet – don’t tell Cardiff - was for took the decision to close for Celtic to win. Which even at the January). being baptised by John and, tired and skinny odds I had was a better return than Mr Hazlehurst’s sure- Sunday sermons, daily Bible hungry, sits on the highest mountain fire bet for the favourite to win notes and “The Devotional the King George at Kempton. Guide” are all available on the peak looking down at the whole world The favourite lost. Conclusion: Moreton church website The Fountain of Youth is about moretonpresbyterian.org.uk stretched out below. “All these kingdoms”, as truthful a description as one of Bruce’s racing tips. Among the few good things on a voice says, “will be Words, words, words . We television over the festive period, yours, IF…” The voice cannot resist talking ourselves I managed to catch Michael is Satan’s. Our God up. Did Satan not know you need Palin’s reflections of his journey was never going to knee pads to worship our little many years ago through the live in a palace. He God of Bethlehem, not palaces Himalayas. For him, the highlight does not belong on on the top of mountains? Did was not Everest – after all, at the the mountaintop – did Revd Dr Mike Ward is Herod not know? At Christmas, age of 60 he ‘only’ (!) reached not Jesus say that to the minister of the God talked himself down . base camp – but seeing the his closest disciples churches at Moreton, “Words, words, words – if you’re Potala Palace. Until skyscrapers on the Mount of the Clubmoor and Two Mills in love, show me!”, sung Eliza to came along, it was the tallest Transfiguration? Our that wimp Freddie in My Fair building in the world. It towers God is not an eagle soaring to, the kind of Christmas which Lady . God does not need words over the city of Lhasa, and, as above us. The manger in we are told we should have, is any more than he needs palaces Michael Palin observed, its 1,000 Bethlehem is not the Eastern bigger than God’s Christmas, or earthly kingdoms. These rooms makes Buckingham Sunshine Apartment of the much bigger. O little God of things will pass. If God loves Palace look like a bungalow. Potala Palace. It may not be on Bethlehem. Christmas should be humanity, show us. O little God There would even be enough my bucket list, but I am told that the little festival, the festival for a of Bethlehem. Let the word room to hide Prince Andrew. It after you have paid your entry family, a few shepherds, and become flesh. was built 300 years ago for the fee to the Church of the Manger some animals. Don’t forget the Tim, one of our elders, who God-king, the person embodied in Bethlehem, you need to bend animals. O little God of notices most things (though not as the incarnation of the double to enter the tiny alcove to Bethlehem. everything) spotted on the Buddhist deity: the Dalai Lama. see the spot where allegedly But still, we talk ourselves up. printed service sheet on The present Dalai Lama does Jesus was born. You do not need Still, we think we belong to a faith Christmas Day that I had not live there. He cannot. Exiled oxygen. You need knee pads. O louder than this, to a church delivered not a sermon but a few from his own country, he has only little God of Bethlehem. better than this, to a God bigger words from the minister. So, I seen photographs of his rightful We are always talking than this, someone who will end with a word count: inherited home, the palace that ourselves up. Almost shout something worth following. the Communist Party of China brainwashed at Scripture Union How about the fountain of youth? Pythagoras ’s theorem: 24 words has now turned into a museum. summer camps as a kid, I still We would build a golden palace The Lord’ s Prayer: 66 words Yet it remains a home fit for a remember a chorus – I will not to a shouty God big enough for The Ten Commandments : 179 God-king. And at the very top is embarrass myself by doing the us, we would enjoy that. And words the Eastern Sunshine Apartment actions – “ My God is so big, so there are those who wish for that. US Declaration of Independence: which was the Dalai Lama’s strong and so mighty, there’s As a theology student and sad 1,300 words bedroom. It overlooks not so nothing that he cannot do.” Well, Hearts supporter, three of us, the My average sermon: 1,600 words much a city as a kingdom, except provide a Covid vaccine Holy Trinity as our lecturers EU regulations on the sale of indeed the whole world. The view for everyone in the world by called us, would go to the most cabbages: 26,911 words is like an eagle soaring above February or zap Covid god-forsaken grounds in Christmas: 5 words – God so the earth below. This is where completely. But it was a Scotland supporting Hearts at loved the world. Gods should live. This is where playground view of God and it their away games. Including the Happy New Year. our God should live on earth. It is stuck in my mind . My God is

the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 3 merely to duty, but more importantly to his faith and In Memory of a very dear friend… values, loyalty and humility. His enduring legacy to the life I feel deeply honoured to be of our Church will be historical. invited to write in memory of a Apart from the numerous very dear friend whom I have Professor John articles recalling significant known and admired over the dates and persons in Y Goleuad past fifty years and with whose and The Treasury he edited the family ours has been closely Gwynfor Jones two final volumes on our history involved for several generations. - Y Twf a’ r Cynnydd c. 1814- I begin by expressing sincere MA, Ph. D, DLitt, FSA, FRHistS, FLSW 1914 (The History of Welsh and heartfelt sympathy with his Calvinistic Methodism, III: bereaved family, which has Academic, Elder and Past Moderator Growth and Consolidation been such a closely knit c1814-1914 ) and Yr Ugeinfed fellowship, in the loss of a of the General Assembly Ganrif c 1914-2014 (The husband, father, grandfather Twentieth Century). and brother. His death will Notwithstanding the expertise of thoughtful and wisely create an immeasurable the contributors in various fields, spoken like her brother, vacuum in their lives. Although it was his perseverance and Revd Griffith John rather reticent about personal diligence that has secured for Roberts who lived matters, he was deeply us and future generations such nearby, a significant appreciative of their exemplary professional volumes outlining influence on his support and understanding, our story. But he also produced young nephew, especially in recent times, which insightful volumes on the history particularly enabled him to continue his of the East Glamorgan Welsh through his love of academic and church interests Presbytery, Her y Ffydd, Ddoe people. Despite under increasingly difficult Heddiw ac Yfory (The Challenge his devotion to circumstances. Special of the Faith, Yesterday, Today Classic FM, it reference needs to be made to and Tomorrow (2006) and with would be difficult his wife, Enid, for the unflagging others Cofio yw Gobeithio 1884- to argue he support she gave him and the 1984 (To Remember is to Hope , inherited his firm ‘rock’ she has been to her 1884-1984 (1984) the parents’ musical family at all times. Our thoughts centennial volume on Crwys prowess; however, and prayers are with them as Church and its sequel Yng Gwynfor possessed we join them in thanking God for Ngolau Ffydd 1984-2009 a richness of his servant. (2009 , In the Light of Faith). personality and My contact with ‘Dr. Gwynfor’ Since 2005 he had edited the interests emanating from came initially through his wider Journal of the Historical Society his background and family for his parents, sister, of the Presbyterian Church of upbringing combining the cousins and aunts and uncles Wales . A quick perusal through sharpness, vitality, were active members of my the contents of the Journal over historical interest and congregation at Talybont, among the first licensed to the fifteen year period indicates capacity for hard work of his Conwy. His father, Meredith administer the sacraments in the breadth of Dr. Gwynfor’s father and the placid, unruffled, Jones, a builder and undertaker, the Glamorgan-London understanding of our tradition as humble, wise and people was an elder, the church Presbytery. The churches of Nonconformist and the efforts orientation of his mother. secretary, precentor and his South East Wales have lost a he made to ensure appropriate Faith and Church commitment mother, (known as Anti Magi, friend, highly esteemed for his commemoration of historical were motivating forces in the Plas Arfon by locals) the message and warmth of events and influential family. In 1975 at a young age, organist, who gave piano personality. It may not be true to personalities. Conversations at and like his father, sister and lessons and who taught many say he enjoyed committee that point would run, “ We ’re maternal grandfather, he was generations of young children in meetings, but attend he did commemorating such and such ordained an elder of the the Sunday School. The home usually making brief, incisive this year and so and so has Presbyterian Church of Wales, environment introduced and pertinent comments, always promised me an article for the serving initially the congregation Gwynfor to the rudiments of enjoying the fellowship. As a Journal. It will be of good at Pembroke Terrace and faith/chapel and consequence of his deep quality, you see. He/she knows following its closure later that community/cultural life in a devotion to the Church he was the field well and is a good year, the combined semi-rural Welsh setting in the elected Moderator of old East author. People need to know congregation at Crwys church, Vale of Conwy and set the focus Glamorgan Welsh Presbytery about these things in our Cardiff for a period of forty-five of his life’s work as a Welsh and latterly the Association in history.” Three words concisely years. He fulfilled to the brim the historian and as a committed the South and the General summarise his approach to his expectations of his calling: as a Christian and churchman. Assembly. There is no doubt task and probably to history Sunday School teacher, editor Familial traits were easily that the bestowing of these generally – knowledge based of the monthly journal Y discernible in Dr Gwynfor. honours was deeply pleasing to rigorous examination of Gadwyn for forty years, a Meredith Jones was highly him as manifested by his huge available resources, convincing regular visitor of members intelligent, sharp-witted, deeply effort, at times under adverse and effective communication entrusted to his care with his interested in local history and a circumstances, to attend all the and informing and inspiring pastoral warmth endearing him popular lecturer with local committees involved and education. to all age groups, a regular societies, a talented musician, culminating in his historically As an academic he was attender at mid-week meetings composer, choirmaster and challenging address ‘from the educated at the local Primary and faithful in all church Cymanfa conductor. Always on Chair’ at the Cardiff Assembly in School, Llanrwst Grammar committees. From his student the go and full of life. Mrs Jones 2017. His Moderatorial Year School and the Cardiff and days he was a powerful lay was of a quiet, gentle and warm perhaps above all else Bangor constituent Colleges of preacher and more recently was disposition, contemplative, illustrated his devotion not continued on next page

4 the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 reflectively helps us to see the – for all have sinned and come Establishing a Pattern of wonder of God’s promises and short of the glory of God , and prophecies and the fulfilment of the wages of sin is death but the Bible Reading in 2021 many of them in connection with gift of God is eternal life through the birth, life, ministry, death, Jesus Christ our Lord. It’s such resurrection, ascension and a relief and blessing to know by Revd David Griffiths future return of Jesus the God accepts us, and our Saviour. Reading the Bible eternity is to be with Him in It’s good to have a system for helps us see the wonder of heaven. It’s not that we deserve things we do regularly, and this God’s purposes and plans for any of God’s blessings, but it’s includes reading the Bible every us and the amazing grace He encouraging and re-assuring to day, whether morning, evening has shown towards us in know God gives us eternal life, or both. When I became a effecting our Salvation from sin and no-one and nothing can Christian in March 1956, I used and death. take it from us. Scripture Union notes to help The Bible isn’t a dull, dry book me understand what I was to read, but when anyone starts Read the Bible, Read the Bible, reading in the Bible. In time I to read it, it’s good to have I must learn to read the Bible graduated from Daily Bread to guidance and help. For For it is a mighty sword in the Daily Notes , and eventually to instance, I wouldn’t recommend battle of the Lord, Study Notes ; I kept many of the anyone to start reading at the I must learn to read the Bible. small booklets, because I found when I get to the end of book of Leviticus or Ezekiel, or The above words are a them useful as mini-Bible Revelation I start again at Romans. I would suggest children’s chorus from many commentaries. When I was Matthew’s Gospel. In the starting at Mark’s Gospel which years ago. If you’d like help to learning to take services and morning I read through the gives a good account of the life read the Bible one suggestion then speak in churches I often Psalms and follow that with of Jesus, or start reading the would be to obtain a copy of found good sermon headings in reading a small part of another book of Psalms in the Old Scripture Union’s Daily Bread . the Bible notes. For some book in the Old Testament; at Testament. For anyone dipping Over the next three months the years I haven’t used Bible present I am nearly up to Isaiah into the Bible for the first time I daily passages will include notes, although many Christians 50. When I reach the end of would recommend using Bible comments on the readings from use them all their lives, and Malachi I’ll start again at the Notes. Matthew, Exodus, Romans and there’s nothing wrong with that. beginning of Genesis. This is Why should we read the Bible John. Published each quarter in Now I follow my own system of my system of reading the Bible. regularly? We should do so approximately 112 pages, an reading the Bible morning and I’m not saying others should because it is a book about God. annual postal subscription evening. Some years ago I follow it, but it’s of great benefit It is brought into being by God funded by direct debit costs £16 asked my brother if he used to have a Bible reading system. and is given to us by God for or £19 by other means. Phone Bible reading notes, and he told It means we read through the our spiritual education and 01908 856 000 to order. me when he started reading a Bible, even the hard bits! It spiritual growth. It’s good to new book in the Bible he bought means we get a better know what we believe, what the Jesus said, ‘... the a small Bible commentary on understanding of the Bible’s Christian faith is, what God Scriptures … these are they that book and used it in his daily message; it makes clear the link wants us to be like in our daily which testify of Me’ (John 5: 39 ) Bible reading. between the two parts of the life, and to be assured of our My personal system of Bible; it teaches us what God is future. We know we aren’t David G Griffiths lives in reading the Bible is to read like and shows the greatness better than others, but we know Penclawdd and is the part time through a short part of the New and fullness of His love for us. we need God’s mercy in dealing minister of Ebenezer, Old Walls, Testament every evening, and Reading the Bible carefully and with our personal problem of sin Gower. continued from page 4 English volumes include Wales the Royal Historical Society and depth of scholarship. It was the University of Wales. He and the Tudor State (1989; Fellow of the Learned Society of very fitting that he was invited to gained a first-class honours Class, Community and Culture Wales. At the time of his deliver two of the lectures at the degree in Welsh and Welsh in Tudor Wales (1989); ‘ John passing he was working on his Llanrwst National History at Cardiff and an MA as Wynn: The History of the Gwydir volume on The Elizabethan 2019: one on the Wynn Family a research degree based on a Family and Memoirs’ (1990); Bishops and was preparing The of Gwydir and the other on study of ‘The Caernarvonshire Concepts of Order and Gentility Journal of the Historical Society William Morgan and his Bible. In Justices of the Peace and their in Wales 1540-1640 (1992); of the Presbyterian Church of 2008 he was accepted into the duties in the Seventeenth Early Modern Wales 1525-1640 Wales 2020 for the press – an of the Bards. Century’ at Bangor. Following (1994); The Wynn Family of indication of his continuing However, it is as a friend I his appointment as lecturer in Gwydir: origins, growth and passion for Welsh History as an shall remember him with joy and Welsh History at Cardiff in 1964 development c1490-1674. Early Modern and Church gratitude, for his warmth, he completed his doctorol thesis (1995); Law, Order and historian. As a lecturer he encouragement, humour – he on ‘The Wynn Family and Government in Caernarfonshre inspired thousands- students at could laugh uncontrollably – Estate of Gwydir: their origins 1558-1640 (1996); Thomas University, members of local self-effacement and humility. He and growth and development up Mathews’ Welsh Record in Historical Societies throughout was a close and trusted friend: to 1674’. He climbed the Paris: A study of Welsh Wales, extra mural classes and our journeys together, shared academic ladder as Senior Medieval Records edited by attendees at the National thoughts and reminiscences, Lecturer, Reader and ultimately Dylan Rees and J. Gwynfor Eisteddfod. concerns and excitements and Professor. His contribution to Jones (2010). He was further His lectures were carefully time spent in ‘putting the world the study of Welsh History, honoured by the University crafted with details of his topic to rights’ (rhoi’r byd yn ei le) particularly to his chosen field of when he received the degree of couched within the broader have been thoroughly enriching. study – Early Modern Wales – is D.Litt in recognition of the historical perspective thus Nos da fy hen gyfaill nes y tyr y phenomenal and comprises volume and quality of his emphasising its significance and wawr eto arnom (Good night my extensive publications, books writings. He also held a number simultaneously allowing the dear friend till the break of the and articles to learned journals, of fellowships – Fellow of the listener a glimpse of the new dawn). both in Welsh and English. His Society of Antiquaries, Fellow of richness of his thought and Dafydd Andrew Jones

the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 5 access to the church sanctuary. clothing, bric-a-brac and food We realised that there was a and sent in monetary donations Developments considerable amount of stuff, to support their work. SHARE not to say junk that had accrued have a charity shop so over the years in the Lower Hall. everything that is given to them at City Road SHARE volunteers were is either used for their clients or undaunted with the task to help sold in their charity shop in us, sort out and carry, many town. (In fact, I am slightly Church times, all the stuff we were concerned that there are throwing out, up to the probably no donations now pavement, where their very being made to other charities in Chester large charity van took it all to the Chester! and the surrounding tip. area where our members and The hall (The Share HUB) friends live.) At the end of September 2020, homeless people, using our now looked considerably better. we received an email from a outside porches and areas of It was then, that SHARE charity called SHARE, our church to sleep and live in. It volunteers rolled up their (supporting the homeless and was therefore with some sleeves to clean and reorganise assisting the refugee) asking if trepidation that we viewed this the hall, put a seal the wooden there was any prospect of them request to work from our floor and, wow, clean the using our lower hall as a base building. The church met and windows inside and out! What a for their work. They explained were broadly in agreement for difference. They did all this in that SHARE, is a charity based this project to go ahead in our just two weeks to open on 2 on Northgate Street Chester, building. Mrs Debra Webb, the November. Our English classes, that supports those who are chairperson of the charity came homeless and also asylum to a church service, and spoke seekers and refugees both movingly, and inspiringly about locally and abroad. the work of the charity and They said, “Our project works reassured us of the level of within the city, we have an supervision that the project and This photograph shows the experienced Outreach Team, the organisation provided. In room prepared, on Christmas who for the past 4 1/2 years has conclusion, at the Church Day, to welcome their clients for been providing support to those meeting there their Christmas dinner. On who find themselves homeless. was a unanimous agreement to Christmas Day, the charity’s This support comes in many let SHARE use the lower hall on volunteers provided two sittings, different forms, including food, an exclusive basis from 1 one at 12 and the other 1pm to practical items such as clothing, November 2020 until 1 April cater for all their clients. hygiene products, toiletries and 2021, in the first instance, and We had our Carol Service at outdoor equipment. We also then to review their future use. 11am and, as we were leaving, provide advice, signposting and The lower hall, (in the (which ran throughout the it was clear that a lot of people advocacy for individuals to help basement of the church), weeks before they had to close were beginning to gather to them navigate this part of their due to Covid-19 restrictions) have their Christmas Day dinner lives and move forward. gave the project their tables. in the lower hall. All the food Unfortunately, due to the New chairs were donated from a was prepared and provided by a pandemic, the building our restaurant across the road. restaurant almost directly Outreach Team They have transformed the opposite the church, which is “Injustice had previously lower hall making it cosy, light owned by restauranteur who anywhere is operated from and welcoming. was homeless when he was a a threat to had to close SHARE opens every week young man. He is now a great justice and is not able day morning and supplies hot supporter of the SHARE project everywhere. to re-open. food, drinks, packed lunches and the work it does here in fortunately has two completely ” Martin and clothing to folk who visit. Chester. I have to say the food Therefore, our separate external entrances via Luther King The volunteers are on hand to smelt delicious and we were Outreach stone stairs either side of the Jr. provide compassionate support slightly tempted to go Service has building running up to the at this drop-in – to read and fill downstairs and join in. become ‘homeless’ too! We are pavement at street level at the in forms and refer people to As part of our Service on actively looking for a new space front of the building. SHARE emergency accommodation and Christmas Day, we included, in to operate our Service from” have been able to use the hall other support services across our prayers, the work of SHARE The chairperson continued to completely independently of the Chester such as mental health, and their friends. They say explain, “We are currently church above, not needing and advocacy. This project is a that there has been a noticeable making packed lunches from the crisis intervention service that increase in the number of young top floor of our charity shop and aims to both prevent and people who have become delivering outreach directly on alleviate rough sleeping. The homeless in and around the street. As you can imagine SHARE volunteers provide help Chester. In our time when this comes with its challenges, with basic housing and welfare praying for others we recalled especially as we move towards enquiries and provide support the people who come to SHARE the winter season and we are with phone calls and access to for a variety of reasons, find eager to find a new home to be computers so that people can themselves homeless and able to offer a safe, inclusive set up claims for Universal without a friend to help them. space to welcome and for our Credit or search for jobs. Those who find themselves client to access much needed All the members of our displaced in an alien world. We support.” congregation have been give thanks that these As a church we have had extremely supportive. Over the volunteers willingly give of their some unhappy experiences of weeks they have collected continued on next page

6 the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 Another book New Poster Resources written by one of EDITORIAL for the New Year our readers during NEXT lockdown ISSUE A Wayside Pulpit As we have For those who appreciate used to be a reverted to poetry, Martin Holland’s 52 page feature of many producing volume Muddy Messiah & other churches an eight poems will prove a rewarding outreach page issue read. Thirty-one poems ministry in the this month, introduced by thirty-three past. Many still our next passages of Scripture cover a utilise a section issue of the Treasury will be variety of of their Notice published in the week subjects Board for the beginning 7th February. from purpose, and we Prayer to were cheered to The pass Ewloe NOT QUITE A PHOTO Death of Green’s COMPETITION Death. notice £50 or more until For those who failed to Carmel board 17th January. Just unmask Father Christmas in and The with the use discount code the Not Quite A Photo Clock same JANUARY21 at Competition last month, the Ticks large the check out. To answer is Revd Brian resonate poster explore the range Reardon who spent a day in with facing two of products Builth Wells just before Welsh chapel life. Nathan directions available see Christmas cheering people Holland has provided the outside their cpo.org.uk from his sleigh. illustrations for his father’s work. church. Two posters, As the author explains, ‘These In times in a variety of A COMPETITION poems are an attempt to past Scripture sizes, that are For readers who are Creative express the inexpressible, to Gift Mission especially Writers, and any others with define the undefinable, to produced a relevant to imagination who are looking describe the indescribable.’ variety of eye the times, for a new year project, the Martin Holland is an elder at catching when Treasury is running a Trinity, Cheriton. At £6 per copy posters. These churches competition to find the best (with 50% of the cost donated to days Christian are story of up to 1,000 words on the charity Challenge Ministries Publicity operating an Easter theme. Swaziland UK ) this slim volume Organisation are at on-line and Submissions (ideally by is one that will easily slip into a the forefront in when key personnel are email) to the Editor by 17th Bible alongside a copy of Daily designing continuing to serve their March 2021 (St Patrick’s Bread to augment a devotional contemporary style posters for communities, are those that Day). A £50 prize will be time. church noticeboards. Happily draw attention to On Line awarded for the best entry to Copies can be purchased for customers and others who Services and a newly created be published in the Treasury from Martin Holland, 1 Overway, subscribe to their email one for 2021 that assures key that meets the standards of Llanmadoc SA3 1DH announcements, CPO are workers of the prayer support of an independent judge. [email protected] offering 10% off orders worth the church. continued from page 6 that makes us really think, not tune writers.) an outsider and this invitation time and energy to help these only about our own The hymn talks about foxes for him to come, because there displaced people to have a circumstances, but about, and birds finding their rest, but was room in my heart for him. Christmas dinner and also food, others, the vulnerable people, the Son of God was in the Ronald Reagan said: “We and warm clothing and continue whose circumstances and lives deserts of Galilee. It also talks can’t help everyone, but to help every single weekday. are even more affected than about Jesus coming with the everyone can help someone.” I often think that Christmas is ours. This is why we need to rally a time to refocus our belief and In our carol service, we ourselves, leaders, friends, faith, to think again about the thought about the words of the “We have a legal and moral families, and everyone to miracle of Christ’s birth. What Victorian hymn, obligation to protect people remove discriminating barriers, Jesus Christ coming into the fleeing bombs, bullets and help and provide for the world as a baby, the light of the ‘Thou didst leave Thy throne tyrants, and throughout homeless, the refugee, migrant world, the light that has not and Thy kingly crown, history those people have and asylum seeker. The good been extinguished - what that when Thou camest to earth for enriched our society.” you do today will have a positive really means for us. When times me. Juliet Stevenson ripple effect on the lives of are hard and difficult, perhaps but in Bethlehem's home others, both alive and to come. was there found no room Above all, at this time, with all for Thy holy nativity. living word and yet ‘with that is happening in our country “We are a continent of O come to my heart, Lord mocking scorn and with crown and world, Jesus Christ would refugees, and if you say we Jesus, of thorn they bore Him to have wanted us to stand can’t integrate refugees, there is room in my heart for Calvary.’ I remember finding this alongside all those people who (homeless) that’s not Thee. particular hymn very moving are, for whatever reason, consistent with our values, (Words Emily Elizabeth Steele even as a young child. It is one vulnerable or marginalised or even if borders cannot be Elliott and music Timothy of my favourites and I can't quite rejected by society. Just as he wide open.” Richard Matthews, both clergy put my finger on why, but I think was, by those in authority, in his Emmanuel Macron children and hymn and hymn it was that sense of Jesus being short earthly life.

the TREASURY – JANUARY 2021 7 communities to help lift them However, early in December we from poverty and helping met, socially distanced, to bring FROM disabled people improve their what had been knitted during lives as well as helping invalids the past nine months. What a access health care. response we had! The three “Reverend One member came with her THE CHURCHES gardeners ” (Revd Penny Burkill, shopping trolley full of gloves Revd Jenny Garrard and Revd and hats for adults, children and Monica O’Dea) had worked babies. Others had knitted their magic again on the garden lovely blankets, hats and at the front of Trinity and cardigans for premature babies transformed it into a Christmas and jumpers and more hats, delight - an opportunity to gloves and scarfs for adults and journey to Bethlehem with all children. the characters from the Nativity You might wonder what we story. In the picture, they are did with the knitted items. One seen holding the three kings large carrier bag of hats and ready to be put in place. The gloves was delivered to the kings are on their way to the Food Bank in Prestatyn; stable (which was made by another two big bags of items Jeremy Owen) where Mary and for premature babies was taken Joseph are seen waiting for the to Glan Clwyd Hospital. arrival of their baby. The church ‘Twiddle muffs’ were taken to is thankful to Barry Jones for the local Special Education supplying the logs marking each School; “fish ‘n’ chip” jumpers point of the journey. Festive were sent via Prestatyn Inner bunting, made by Diane Wheel to clothe babies in Africa Savage, declared the joyful since babies from poor families message anticipating the good are often sent home from news that “Christ is born”. hospital wrapped in newspaper Whilst we may not be able to and these garments are a open our doors at the moment, replacement, hence the name. the garden remained during the A parcel of adult jumpers, Christmas season and anyone gloves, hats and blankets and was welcome to come and see spare knitting needles was it for themselves and posted to the charity Knit for contemplate the eternal story of Peace , who send to various God’s love for us all. (See the charities both in this country Llandinam Area Pastorate and overseas. Finally there is a Facebook page where you can parcel of hats and gloves find a virtual tour). waiting to be sent to the manage actual congregational Seafarers Mission in January LLANDINAM AREA carol singing, with guitar when hopefully they will be able PASTORATE accompaniment, at Trinity NANT HALL , to receive parcels again. Now locked down again, Like everyone else, we found United Church in Llanidloes PRESTATYN that Christmas turned out to be outside in the garden on Christine Rendall expects those very different this year. Having December 18th. It was a joy to Having started the new Knitting needles will continue to click, restarted church services in the be part of this occasion and the Group early in the year, we only click, click, and more wonderful majority of the Pastorate, we singing could be heard around managed two meetings before items will be produced for those were looking forward to at least the town and blessed many we were all locked down. in need. one service in each of the eight hearts. Several people stopped churches and chapels for to listen from the street and join Christmas, using a local barn in in. Fortunately, the rain held off the case of Aberbechan as the during the carol singing itself, chapel is too small for the despite coming down heavily for congregation to social distance. most of the rest of that day. In Alas, this was not to be, but we addition, a collection taken continue to hope and pray and raised £62.85 for Health Help are buoyed by the regular International , a Newport based podcasts recorded by our charity with which Trinity has Minister, Revd Monica O ’Dea links. It operates in Monze, and her colleagues which can Southern Province of Zambia be found through our Pastorate supplying health related items Facebook page. for local clinics and hospitals, However, last month we did setting up self-help projects for

Vol. XLVII No. 1 THE TREASURY incorporating Glad Tidings • English publication of the Presbyterian Church of Wales. Published monthly – Price 50p. JANUARY 2021 Editor: Revd IAIN B HODGINS, 1a CHESTNUT GROVE, HAWARDEN CH5 3HD I S S N 1 4 7 6 - 4 6 9 5 e-mail: [email protected] 01 Unless otherwise stated the views expressed are those of the individual contributor and are not necessarily the view of the General Assembly or the Editor. Enquiries about orders and subscriptions should be addressed to GWASG Y BWTHYN (PANTYCELYN), Tº CADNANT, ZONE 2, LÔN HEN FELIN, CIBYN, CAERNARFON LL55 2BD Tel: 01286 672018 • [email protected] 9 771476 469011