
Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 60, number 3, pp. 796–813 doi:10.1093/icb/icaa084 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


It Takes Two to Tango: Including a Perspective in Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 Reproductive Biology Teri J. Orr,*,1 Mercedes Burns,† Kristen Hawkes ,‡ Kay E. Holekamp ,§ Kristin A. Hook,¶ Chloe C. Josefson,k Abigail A. Kimmitt ,# A. Kelsey Lewis,** Sara E. Lipshutz,†† Kathleen S. Lynch,‡‡ Laura K. Sirot,§§ Daniel J. Stadtmauer,¶¶ Nancy L. Staub,kk Mariana F. Wolfner## and Virginia Hayssen***

*Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA (TJO); †Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA (MB); ‡Department of Anthropology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA (KH); §Department of Integrative Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA (KEH); ¶Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA (KAH); kDepartment of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, USA (CCJ); #Department of Biology, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA (AAK); **Center for Research on Gender and Women & Department of Urology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA (AKL); ††Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA (SEL); ‡‡Biological Sciences, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549, USA (KSL); §§Department of Biology, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691, USA (LKS); ¶¶Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA (DJS); kkBiology Department, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258, USA (NLS); ##Department of and , , Ithaca, NY, USA (MFW); ***Biological Sciences, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063, USA (VH) Co-organizers are first and last author, remaining authors are alphabetical From the symposium “: the female perspective from an integrative and comparative framework” presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3–7, 2020 at Austin, Texas.

1E-mail: [email protected]

Synopsis Like many scientific disciplines, the field of reproductive biology is subject to biases in terminology and research foci. For example, are often described as coy and passive players in reproductive behaviors and are termed “promiscuous” if they engage in extra-pair copulations. Males on the other hand are viewed as actively holding territories and fighting with other males. Males are termed “multiply ” if they mate with multiple females. Similarly, textbooks often illustrate as it occurs in males but not females. This edition of Integrative and Comparative Biology (ICB) includes a series of papers that focus on reproduction from the female perspective. These papers represent a subset of the work presented in our symposium and complementary sessions on female reproductive biology. In this round table discussion, we use a question and answer format to leverage the diverse perspectives and voices involved with the symposium in an exploration of theoretical, cultural, pedagogical, and scientific issues related to the study of female biology. We hope this dialog will provide a stepping-stone toward moving reproductive science and teaching to a more inclusive and objective framework.

Introduction research questions have been investigated from a Although human pregnancy and lactation are well- female-passive, male-active framework, and often studied, within the broad research area of reproduc- studies have used male biology as the baseline tion across taxa, female biology has remained largely from which to investigate female biology. However, understudied and sometimes outright ignored. Often evolutionary pressures driven by natural and sexual

Advance Access publication July 23, 2020 ß The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email: [email protected]. Female perspective, a round table discussion 797 selection are just as capable of influencing female currently discussing it in the context of reproductive traits as they are male traits, including aspects of biology, it is important for us to understand and neurobiology, physiology, behavior, morphology, consider the female perspective within the scientific and ecology, all of which are critical for individual community as a whole. survival and reproductive success, regardless of bio- C.C.J.: To me, the female perspective encompasses logical . The preceding set of manuscripts in this the above definitions and focuses on understanding volume makes strides by synthesizing new develop- females relative to themselves, rather than under- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 ments, by refining language to remove bias, and by standing females relative to their male conspecifics. considering and using experimental designs to en- We do not need to explain our results from inves- hance our understanding of female reproductive tigations in females within the same framework as biology. males. Understanding female physiology is interest- Here we address numerous questions that came ing in itself, without necessarily having to be related up during our symposium. These are grouped by back to males as a reference point. Small semantic theme. We start with theoretical issues of perspec- difference, but the change in emphasis (in my opin- tive, then move to cultural influences on how studies ion) affords the opportunity to shift from testing have been done. We conclude by discussing peda- hypotheses largely based on males to hypotheses in- gogical issues around the female perspective and by formed by female reproductive biology. highlighting the exciting research advances that may L.K.S.: As an evolutionary and behavioral biolo- occur when the biases of traditional assumptions are gist, I think of the female perspective as considering removed. and evaluating alternative hypotheses for how female Reproductive biology, like many other scientific phenotypic traits have evolved, in the style of earlier fields, lags behind changes in our social and cultural leaders in this field including Jeanne Altmann, Kay climate. This lag is evident in conceptual paradigms, Holekamp, Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, and Barb Smuts. in pedagogy, in language, in peer review, and in re- search foci. We use an informal question–answer format to discuss these topics and to help make Why the female perspective? What are some of the researchers cognizant of potential theoretical, linguis- issues? tic, and research issues. We hope this dialogue con- Key issues arise when the female perspective is not tinues and promotes future insights into poorly taken. We explore these issues by drawing examples understood or poorly investigated aspects of female from anatomy, behavior, physiology, neurobiology, biology. and immunology. V.H.: Historically the formal study (and teaching) Theoretical: what, why, examples, of reproductive biology has been the purview of implications men. Women doubtless shared information about their bodies as well as about pregnancy and lactation, Many theoretical issues surround the study of female but this knowledge was not codified in any formal reproduction both at present and historically. First, manner. Thus, formal knowledge of reproduction we define what we mean when we refer to the female was generally presented from the male perspective. perspective. We then address the many ways taking This bias persists in current terminology, concepts, this perspective may change both how we conduct and theoretical frameworks. For instance, “In de- science as well as the conclusions we reach. We con- scribing meiosis, the process by which diploid cells clude by emphasizing that studying both is are converted into haploid cells, every introductory important. biology textbook that I have ever seen describes the process that occurs in males but omits any descrip- What is the female perspective? tion or even mention of meiosis in females” Here are four different views of the female perspective. (Gorelick 2012, 623). You can do your own test by searching Google images for “meiosis” and seeing T.J.O.: The female perspective is the stance taken by what proportion of images show polar bodies (a researchers when the female is placed as the focal characteristic of female meiosis). Try a search for and active sex for a given inquiry. “female meiosis” and you will find that a number K.A.H.: The female perspective is a means for cor- of images also include . recting an inherent bias in our literature and in our A.A.K.: Despite “calls to action,” in the last decade language as scientists that assumes females are sec- suggesting that more studies include both sexes and/ ondary and males are primary. Although we are or emphasize mechanisms of female reproduction 798 T. J. Orr et al.

(Ball and Ketterson 2008; Caro 2012; Shansky 2019), : female jacanas face stronger compe- a sex-bias favoring males in the field persists, as tition for mating opportunities than males, a pattern demonstrated by a literature investigation across known as “sex-role reversal.” Despite its intended avian taxa. Males are often thought to be easier to meaning to point out a rare pattern (Kokko et al. study because (1) males are easier to observe or 2013), this term that is loaded for several cultural catch for sampling in the field, as they are often and biological reasons (Ah-King and Ahnesjo 2013; defending a territory and have more flashy visual Amundsen 2018). First, “sex roles” imply that there Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 or vocal signals and (2) females are less likely to is a suite of prescribed roles for females and males in breed in captivity, especially in birds (Caro 2012). each species, which often assumes that females are While there might be some different challenges asso- caring and choosy, and males are competitive. So, ciated with studying physiological mechanisms in sex-role reversed species should have competitive females and males, there are also efficient solutions females, and caring and choosy males, right? Not to these challenges, such as shifting the focus of quite. In jacanas, males conduct the majority of pa- observations to females and using hormone manip- rental care, but females and males competitively de- ulations to adjust female responsiveness in captivity fend their breeding territories, and both sexes have (Caro 2012). Therefore, a lot of this persistent bias weapons (wing-spurs). It is assumed that males are can be explained by the outdated standard estab- choosy, but in fact, we know very little about mate lished by the field and its underlying misconception choice in jacanas. Lumping together competitive that female physiology is more complicated than that behaviors, , mate choice, and so on as of males (Shansky 2019). prescribed sex roles breaks down when we consider T.J.O.: In the area of morphology, female anatomy that these behaviors are often independent of one has been much less documented than that of males. another. For example, in bony fishes, stronger sexual The best example of this is of the glans clitoris versus selection on females is found only in a few species its homolog in males the glans penis. Another exam- like pipefish, yet male-only parental care is wide- ple is that of storage in many vertebrates, for spread (Benun Sutin and Wilson 2019). A second which the female’s anatomy and functions have only problem with the term “sex-role reversal” is its cat- been dissected in a few species, and by a small num- egorization of females and males into a binary. ber of labs. In many reproductive processes, sperm Variation in competitive and parental phenotypes or other male contributions are often described as (within and among individuals and species) is con- active players while the role of the female has been tinuous, rather than dichotomous. A third issue is less studied and often under-emphasized. that the term “sex-role reversal” positions males as the A.K.L.: In addition to the glans clitoris and glans central, normative expectation, and considers females penis, another example of biased anatomical knowl- relative to the male condition: competitive females are edge is the prostate. Textbooks, diagrams, or peer- considered “male-like,” though there is nothing male reviewed publications do not ignore the male pros- aboutthem.Themorewestudyfemalesfortheirown tate. However, the female prostate, also referred to as sake, the more opportunities we have to learn why the the Skene’s gland, is sorely overlooked and lacking in textbooks, diagrams, and peer-reviewed publications. evolution of competitive traits in females makes sense, This organ is significantly understudied and is even instead of why they are paradoxical. missing from Gray’s Anatomy. A quick PubMed K.H.: Continuing my role in recalling intellectual search exemplifies this inequality: while “male history, one fundamental binary in diploids is “the prostate” has 155,871 search results, “female Fisher condition” that one female and one male prostate” has 22,559 and “Skene’s gland” has just are needed for each zygote—huge conse- 49. This bias is particularly interesting because the quences follow. Identifying “caring vs competing” Skene’s gland is responsible for ejaculation and often as expected “sex roles” goes back to Darwin considered to be a determining factor in orgasm, but (1859). He introduced his theory of sexual selection we know relatively little about it. in the Origin to explain how male “armaments and V.H.: Further evidence of the greater emphasis on ornaments” that interfere with likely survival could male anatomy is provided in the Terminologica persist—be adaptive—because they served male mat- Anatomical [terminologia-anatomica.org/en] in ing success. In part II of the Descent (Sexual which fewer terms are provided for aspects of female Selection) he said, anatomy than for males. When the two sexes differ in structure in relation S.E.L.: I work on a group of birds that are cele- to different habits of life ... they have no doubt brated as an example of the female perspective in been modified through natural selection....So Female perspective, a round table discussion 799

...the primary sexual organs, and those for nour- Montgomerie 2009). It was not until 1841 that ishing or protecting the young, come under this sperm were recognized as cells, and it would take same head: for those individuals which generated another 20 years for ova to be recognized as cells and nourished their offspring best, would leave, by Karl Gegenbaur (Birkhead and Montgomerie ceteris paribus, the greatest number to inherit 2009). This lag in our understanding of female biol- their superiority; whilst those which generated or ogy may reflect the technology available at the time nourished their offspring badly, would leave but that limited scientists to describing only what they Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 few to inherit their weaker powers (Darwin 1871, could see, and an ejaculate is necessarily easier to see 256). than an ovum. However, a lag in understanding fe- Other differences between the sexes, such as male male biology continued to persist centuries later. armaments and ornaments, cannot be explained by Darwin described sexual selection in 1871, and “ordinary” natural selection, because: nearly a century later, Geoff Parker pioneered an entirely new field of study when he wrote about the males have acquired their present structure, “” in 1970. In this seminal article, not from being better fitted to survive in the he described ways in which males compete at the struggle for existence, but from having gained an level of their to reach and fuse with ova— advantage over other males.... That these charac- analogous to the male competition envisioned by teristics are the result of sexual selection and not of ordinary selection is clear, as unarmed, unor- Darwin prior to mating. However, Darwin also envi- namented, or unattractive males would succeed sioned another mechanism that generates differential equally well in the battle for life and in leaving reproductive success among individuals—female numerous progeny, if better endowed males were choice. In a review on post-copulatory sexual not present (Darwin 1871, 258). selection, Tim BIrkhead and Tommaso Pizzari (2002, 266) write: Recent proposals that use the label “sexual selection” to refer to differences between the sexes in ...the idea that females had an active role in sex- competition over things other than conceptions ob- ual selection was historically regarded with some scure Darwin’s fundamental insights about the distinc- scepticism, as was the idea that females actively tive consequences of mating competition. Most chose their partners and solicited cop- primate females are extremely competitive over food, ulations from several males. A cultural bias there- fore discouraged an initial interest in cryptic fe- and as Sarah Hrdy (1986) has noted so eloquently, our male choice. Although first proposed in 1983 [by own primate order—full of libidinous females, actively Thornhill], the catalyst for the current interest in seeking copulations with multiple males—should have cryptic female choice was the extensive review by overthrown the textbook characterizations of females Eberhard, which explored the potential mecha- as “coy” long ago. But primate females who are ac- nisms that females could adopt to bias sperm stor- tively seeking copulations are not usually competing age and use in favour of certain males and against for conceptions but being “assiduously maternal” others. (Hrdy 1999, 87, 88). The adaptive benefit for copulat- ing with multiple males comes from spreading the Bill Eberhard’s book on “female control” was pub- possibility of paternity, which reduces the danger of lished in 1996, a quarter century after Parker’s male infanticide, thus increasing offspring welfare “sperm competition” paper. While better late than (Hrdy 1981, 1986, 1999). Just as female primates solic- never, the question remains—why so much later? It iting copulations may not be an outcome of sexual is a question that we may still ask in 2020. A quick selection in Darwin’s classic sense, “care” that appears perusal through for the search term to be parenting may be maintained by mating com- “sperm competition” yields 34,400 results, yet a petition instead. Darwin himself puzzled over search for “cryptic female choice” yields 6160 results guarding in fish. Although often labeled (Fig. 1a). One could argue that the 26-year lead of “paternal care” (mentioned by Benun Sutton and sperm competition studies is what drives these enor- Wilson 2019 cited above), that label ignores an alter- mous differences. Yet when we just look at just the native sexual selection hypothesis: defending a desir- published record for 2019, those results are 1270 and able egg laying territory from other males gets the 310, respectively (Fig. 1b). In both cases, studies defender more paternities. from the female perspective in post-copulatory sex- K.A.H.: Historically, our understanding of gametes ual selection represent <20% of our research output. began with an observation of sperm cells by Antoni It is this persistent and historical bias in the litera- van Leeuwenhoek in 1677 (Birkhead and ture that demonstrates why there is such a need for 800 T. J. Orr et al. 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Fig. 1. Results from a Google Scholar search for research articles in the field of post-copulatory sexual selection. “Cryptic female choice” studies concern female traits that allow them to control sperm use, whereas “sperm competition” studies concern male traits that allow them to outcompete one another at the level of their gametes after mating. Both overall search results (a) and search results restricted to just studies from 2019 (b) reveal a significantly smaller number of “cryptic female choice” articles compared to “sperm competition” articles (from Kristin Hook). us to shift our focus to the female perspective so that evidence that female and male immune systems are we may begin to shed light on female reproductive different (Klein 2000; Ngo et al. 2014), potentially traits driven by post-copulatory sexual selection. due to differences in shared pathways and/or fitness K.S.L.: Understanding the female perspective on effects. the relationship between reproduction and reproduction also requires a comprehensive under- immune defense lacks a unified framework for standing of the neural architecture underlying the females. female “reproductive” brain. By defining the neu- M.B.: Historically, taxonomic work on ral-, molecular-, and hormonal-basis of reproduction Arthropoda has relied heavily on male reproductive in females, we may be able to understand how the morphology and behavior due to ease of access as nervous system integrates information in the female well as the assumption that female choice drives di- brain and the underlying psychology of females in versification of male reproductive traits while females reproductive contexts. Unfortunately, males fre- remain static (Ah-King et al. 2014). My work with quently serve as the model in which to understand Opiliones has challenged this assumption (Burns the molecular and neurobiological basis of reproduc- et al. 2013; Burns and Shultz 2015), and many work- tion. This is largely due to physiology, as hormonal ers have adopted technologies such as microCT fluctuations are a critical component in both appe- (Mattei et al. 2015), electron microscopy (e.g., titive and consummatory aspects of reproduction Wortham-Neal 2002; Grodowitz et al. 2019), and and these are much easier to track in males relative fluorescent microscopy (Fitzer et al. 2012) for eluci- to females. dation of internal structures in females. However, the V.H.: But don’t we have a contradiction here? If assumption of female morphological invariance hormonal fluctuations are critical, then shouldn’t seems to persist. one study females because their hormones fluctuate L.K.S.: I would urge a holistic approach to study- with predictable regularity. ing reproductive behavior from an evolutionary per- C.C.J.: Much of the discipline of ecological immu- spective. Individual organisms operate within a nology (ecoimmunology) is derived from sexual se- system of interactions with conspecifics, heterospe- lection theory (e.g., Hamilton and Zuk 1982; Folstad cifics, and their abiotic environment. Often times, and Karter 1992), and thus males have been the fo- the benefits and costs of particular behavior can be cus of investigations. Empirical results from the few understood only when considered, at the very least, studies on females are often interpreted within across an individual’s lifetime and, better yet, across the context of previous findings in males. Despite multiple generations. Any studies of the evolution of the large amount of anthropological and biomedical reproductive behavior in sexually reproducing Female perspective, a round table discussion 801 organisms that do not consider the roles of, and the female during and after sperm transfer within costs and benefits to, both sexes are going to be internally fertilizing species. Another recent study necessarily incomplete and will likely lead to errone- in the house mouse contributed to our understand- ous conclusions. ing of these active female processes as well, showing that there are wavelike muscular contractions within the female oviduct that alter the movement of sperm Are there areas where our perceptions would (Ishikawa et al. 2016). Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 change if we took the female perspective? K.S.L.: Female mate-choice is one of the most Yes. We identify four specific areas in which a change consequential decisions that a female will make in of perspective will greatly impact our conclusions: social her lifetime. A female’s decisions about whom to behavior, mate choice, postcopulatory sexual selection, mate with and whom to reject are made when she and the study of evolution with respect to cooperation experiences a unique blend of social contexts and and trade-offs. physiological conditions. To date, it has not been V.H.: Yes. Here is an example from mammalian well-appreciated how this unique blend of social social behavior. Although mother–offspring bonds and physiological conditions can provide an impor- are inherently social, and mothers spend much of tant glimpse into the neural basis of decision-making their lives with offspring and not alone, these inter- processes. Decision-making does not occur in static actions are not considered evidence of sociality for conditions. Rather, it occurs across environmental, the species. For instance, a recent Mammal-L list- social, and physiological conditions; all of which server comment on a video of brown bears stated: have the potential to influence the outcome of the “Either these bears are more social than I thought, or decision. Thus, if we accept the female perspective it is a female with three yearlings.” The implicit as- during appetitive aspects of reproduction, we would sumption was that interactions between females and be able to develop new and exciting models for yearlings do not qualify as social behavior. If female decision-making, especially as it occurs during a interactions with yearlings are excluded as evidence fluctuating physiological background. The acceptance of sociality, then what do we mean by sociality? that females are the decisive sex during sexual T.J.O.: Certainly. If females are seen as only minor encounters allows us to move into molecular, phys- contributors to complex traits like female sperm iological, and neurobiological studies with the aim of storage this means we are making assumptions that understanding the psychology of decision-making the male is responsible for driving this phenomenon that occurs during specific social and physical through the production of sperm with certain mor- conditions. phologies and an ejaculate with a certain composi- V.H.: Yes. An additional complication is that tion. However, if instead we see this as a cooperative females may solicit copulation for reasons other process we may study what both sexes contribute, than the production of offspring, especially in how females control where sperm are stored and some primate societies. A related example is the how females orchestrate their use of sperm and the femme fatale fireflies (Photuris) that solicit males in timing of that use. order to kill and eat them. KAH: Absolutely. It is often taken for granted in M.B.: Application of new technologies to visualize studies of post-copulatory sexual selection that ob- female reproductive morphology and internal physi- served biases in sperm use are driven by male sperm ology (Mancini and Pensabene 2019) could lead to competition. However, there is evidence in a weevil entirely new observations and hypothesis on the evo- that sperm precedence patterns change when muscles lutionary mechanisms for diversification in animals. within the organ are experi- For example, if females are understudied, co- mentally severed (Villavaso 1975), signifying that evolutionary arms races might not be identified females play an active role in sperm storage and (Perry et al. 2017). use. This active female role was also demonstrated L.K.S.: Yes. In the investigation of seminal fluid in fruit flies when Mollie Manier et al. (2010) molecules, the female perspective could really alter designed a clever experiment to directly observe both the phrasing that is used to talk about the pro- , storage, and use directly within the cesses involved and the conclusions that are drawn female reproductive tract. Taking the female perspec- about the fitness consequences to both sexes. For tive into account, that study changed the way we example, many researchers have considered mostly think about the interaction between females and the role of males in the evolution of these molecules the ejaculate after mating and the importance of and “manipulation” of female behavior and physiol- considering the dynamic processes occurring within ogy. Some notable exceptions who have been leaders 802 T. J. Orr et al. in considering the female role in the evolution of psychology of females in reproductive contexts. seminal fluid molecules include Mariana Wolfner Defining the psychology of females during mate (see below), Bill Eberhard, and Carlos Cordero. choice reveals that males are the ones scrambling, K.H.: Cooperation can be important, sometimes in an evolutionary sense, to evolve traits that will interests overlap but they rarely overlap perfectly. match the female’s aesthetic sense or her taste for One benefit of an evolutionary perspective is recog- the beautiful (Rosenthal 2017; Ryan 2018). nizing that conflicts of fitness interest are every- Through studies of the female mind regarding Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 where, including between mothers and offspring, mate choice, we are now poised to redefine the and including sexual conflicts between females and female’s role in sexual encounters. Females are not males. Different fitness-related tradeoffs for each passive during reproductive encounters; rather they player contribute to the complexity of social life. often seek sexual encounters. Thus, females should be considered proceptive actors in all sexual encoun- ters rather than being receptive to male stimuli. Has all reproductive biology ignored the female V.H.: In addition, studies that use mitochondrial perspective? DNA as an evidentiary tool are focused only on ma- No. Here we identify several fields of study where the ternal inheritance. More obviously, studies of ovula- female perspective has been the focus of research: life tion, gestation, and lactation clearly focus on female history theory, mate choice, mitochondrial DNA, ani- reproduction. mal production science, and primate social structure. A.A.K.: Studies on mechanisms of reproduction in T.J.O.: Certainly not. In fact, early works in the poultry and animal science, large animal veterinary area of life history theory largely ignored males. This medicine, and similar fields have focused on a female is for a variety of reasons such as that female con- perspective. Many studies in this field are investigat- tributions to parental care are easier to observe, that ing how to increase the productivity of food resour- maternity in many taxa is easily assigned, and that in ces, which is largely driven by females, whether that some cases a focus on one sex simplified mathemat- is reproductive performance (e.g., offspring for meat ical models. industry) or production of byproducts (e.g., milk K.A.H.: Eberhard’s book on “female control” of and ). sperm use did just the opposite by focusing on po- L.K.S.: Certainly not. In the field of reproductive tential mechanisms of cryptic female choice and pro- behavior, female primatologists in the 1960s and viding an extensive review of empirical evidence 1970s, for example, were instrumental in revising across taxa. Subsequent to its publication, there and filling in our understanding of primate social have been a trail of studies attempting to elucidate systems, including the reproductive decision making this phenomenon, including a clever experiment in of females. mice by Renee Firman and Leigh Simmons in 2013 that showed the capacity of the female gamete to strategically adjust its ability for conception when females choose to mate with multiple males. Should we stop studying males? K.S.L.: One aspect of reproduction in which No. We must continue to study both females and females have received the bulk of attention is in un- males. Below we provide 8 reasons why we need to derstanding both the ultimate and proximate mech- study both sexes equally even if up until now females anisms of mate choice or mate preference; appetitive have been understudied. components of reproduction. It has become abun- K.A.H.: No. We are merely saying that female re- dantly clear that in most systems, female mate choice productive traits are just as important to study as drives the evolution of male courtship and mating male reproductive traits are. They often co-evolve, strategies, indicating that females are in the driver’s and we understand very little as scientists by focus- seat during reproduction. And yet, historically the ing on only one side of the coin when the odds view that females (1) limit male reproductive oppor- depend on both sides. tunities, (2) pace male mating behavior, and (3) are T.J.O.: Of course not. In no way are we suggesting exceptionally selective about whom to mate with that we cease studying males, nor that we only study during reproduction has been met with some trepi- female reproductive biology. Readers are discouraged dation (see remarks about Darwin above). from making this jump in logic as such a proposi- In the last few decades, emphasis on perceptual tion is missing the point of our premise in this ar- and cognitive biases of females has slowly progressed ticle. In fact, many of us (this piece and edition) are us toward an acceptance and understanding of the interested in how traits evolve for reproductive Female perspective, a round table discussion 803 success and this necessitates the inclusion of all play- one sex, I think an emphasis should be placed on ers; mother, offspring, father, and non-kin. females because we are lagging behind on research We also must avoid the argument that because focused on female mechanisms. Also, female repro- some researchers focus on the female perspective ductive timing and output arguably have stronger they all do (and thus there is no problem). Indeed, evolutionary consequences on both females and the ideas we outline here have not been entirely ig- males, as they determine the timing of breeding nored by all scientists (e.g., see our discussion of life- and the number of offspring produced (Williams Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 history evolution) but writ-large are issues resulting 2012). from a bias toward males are pervasive in the field. S.E.L.: Studying the reproductive biology of both female and male animals can reveal the many diverse Cultural influences and consequences ways in which nature builds phenotypes. Sometimes Here we dive into aspects of our culture that impede the sexes converge to express similar behavioral phe- using the female perspective in research. The issues notypes, like aggression, but have divergent underly- include: time lags, traditional cultural expectations, ing physiological mechanisms that produce those economic and social disparities, popular versus sci- phenotypes, for instance, different levels of testoster- entific language, and the process of peer review. one in circulation. K.H.: .... and “all players” can include more than “mother, offspring, and father,” not only because Why do changes in science and associated competition for paternities can shape phenotypes. terminology not keep step with cultural changes? There is also sibling rivalry, and, in our lineage, While the study of how culture impacts science is a grandmothers. More generally, depending on the field onto itself, here we provide our views of some taxon, inclusive fitness effects likely contribute to reasons behind the slow embrace of the female perspec- reproductive phenotypes. tive in both basic and applied research. K.E.H.: Killer whales (Orcinus) and elephants K.A.H.: Just because we recognize a problem does (Elephas, Loxodonta) are other long-lived taxa for not mean we can solve it immediately. Women are which grandmothering may apply . still paid less than men. Women are more likely to K.S.L.: No one is suggesting that we stop studying leave academia, and they represent a smaller propor- males. As Lehrman (1961) suggested decades ago, the tion of tenured professors than men. These kinds of interactions between females and males are just as inequalities seep down into other aspects of science, necessary during the appetitive components of re- including what research gets done, is perceived as production as they are during the consummatory interesting, or gets funded. I believe we must simul- aspects of reproduction. Thus, it is nearly impossible taneously address these issues regarding diversity, eq- to interpret the behavior and physiology of females uity, and inclusion if we want to advance the during reproduction if we do not consider the male scientific enterprise. contribution. However, we acknowledge that our un- T.J.O.: The standing views held by the scientific derstanding of nearly all aspects of reproduction are community change slowly. By the time this article is lagging in females when we compare it to what we published, 100 years will have passed since women in know about males. This symposium and the corre- the USA were granted the right to vote (legislation sponding papers are a call to address this issue. 1919, first voting in August 1920). During those A.K.L.: Of course not. No one is suggesting that 100 years, the political and social influence of women we stop studying males. What we are advocating for in commerce, public service, and entertainment has is to invest in studying females. With regards to em- significantly increased. Until recently, most doctors, bryonic development, we know relatively little about scientists, professors, and researchers have been men, the development of the vagina, clitoris, and Skene’s and most cell, animal, and human study-subjects gland compared to what we know about penis and have been also male (https://theswaddle.com/re- prostate development. search-sexism-has-always-colored-health-care-to-the- A.A.K.: In the field of physiological mechanisms of point-of-keeping-women-unhealthy/) even in studies reproduction, it is important to understand sex dif- about female biology. An extreme example, as men- ferences in the mechanisms of reproductive timing tioned by Maya Dusenbery in “Doing Harm,” is a and function in order to determine the evolutionary pilot study, supported by the National Institute of consequences. You cannot understand sex differences Health(NIH), that explored the effect of obesity on if you are only studying one sex. But in cases in breast and uterine cancer, but did not enroll a single which researchers are limited, and can only study woman (Dusenbery 2018). 804 T. J. Orr et al.

By the 1980s, women scientists organized and ad- tells the herstory of the clitoris, by Lori Malepart- vocated for Congress to include women in clinical Traversy: https://vimeo.com/222111805. It is short, trials. Their efforts resulted in a 1985 report on amusing, and addresses a lot of misconceptions in women’s health and, after another 8 years, in 1993, clever ways. the NIH and the US Food and Drug Administration K.H.: Thank you Sara! What a treat! required that women be included in clinical trials (NIH Guide 1994). However, not until 2016 (NIH Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 Guide Notice 2015) did NIH mandate that female animals must be included in pre-clinical trials, for ex- Can the peer-review process help? ample, laboratory rodent studies (Miller et al. 2017). Peer review has many benefits and is becoming ever Although some major government funding insti- more refined such as including double-blind manu- tutions have recognized that female biology is rele- script assignments. However, peer-review remains an vant to both females and males, most current imperfect system for major social changes in the scientific research still operates within the norms of sciences. past centuries, in which male biology is the template V.H.: Unfortunately, the peer-review process also and female biology is the exception. While medical slows progress, because scientific “peers” are not al- science is making slow advances, comparative phys- ways cultural “peers.” Although “peers” may be in iology, for the most part, often still assumes that the same scientific discipline as the research being understanding male biology is sufficient. reviewed, such peers are often from higher academic K.H.: Such a vexing question, especially these days. ranks and may have inherited cultural biases. In ad- Shouldnotourreadyaccesstoinformationgetusall dition, the choice of reviewers is often part of a so- on the same page? Scientists have trouble keeping up cial networking process. Peer review by older and in their own specialties, and more and more special- more traditional-value holding colleagues may dis- ization builds new silos. We cannot use language, but courage changes both to language and to well- jargon makes communication harder. We want to use regarded theories and methodologies. Younger col- words that wider audiences will understand, yet mean- leagues, who are still working toward tenure or other ings can and do shift and diverge. Time taken to trace advancement, may be reluctant to use gender- and explain ideas and lines of evidence, not only neutral, but less familiar, terms such as “gamete involves choices about “which history” to trace, that fusion” instead of “fertilization” for fear their manu- time trades off against whatever is the story at hand. scripts or grant proposals may be rejected. Thus, L.K.S.: I think it can actually go both ways. changes in language, methodology, and conceptual Sometimes, science advances faster than cultural, paradigms are impeded when the evaluation process ethical, and moral considerations can keep pace. In for grants and manuscripts is biased against chang- contrast, science and science education can lag in ing “normal” practice or assumptions. keeping up with cultural challenges to orthodoxy. A.A.K.: We hope by drawing more attention to For example, broadly-speaking, the scientific study this problem in the literature, we will inspire more and teaching of reproductive biology has not of our peers to use and encourage use of gender- reflected the current state of cultural considerations neutral terms as well as to consider the female per- of gender fluidity. Why are we slow to change? I spective when reviewing manuscripts and grant think that it takes a new generation of scientists to proposals. become the leaders and teachers in the field and to K.A.H.: Unfortunately, cultural biases are tena- spread the new cultural considerations into our cious and ubiquitous, so peer-review will only field—so that these considerations are the expecta- work so long as everybody is on board and willing tions and not the exceptions. to adapt to the changing norms. V.H.: We have known that the concept of a L.K.S: In addition to what the others have said, I “sperm race” was debunked >70 years ago, why has think that journals could establish best practices and not that myth disappeared? principles for peer review that reviewers are asked to S.E.L.: I think this has a lot to do with popular agree to. These principles and practices could include depictions of science in the media. When videos, applying standards for evidence equally across fe- cartoons, and memes are funny AND informed by male- and male-mediated processes. For example, I science, their educational reach is powerful. The had the unfortunate experience of having a reviewer more we as biologists can pair with science commu- require that I remove my claim that data supported nicators, the more effective our translation of re- the hypothesis of “cryptic female choice” when my search will be. One of my favorite SciComm videos evidence was much stronger than much of the Female perspective, a round table discussion 805 evidence presented in papers that claim to have dem- Considering haplodiploid systems (as in onstrated “sperm competition.” Hymenoptera), it might indeed be accurate to call A.A.K.: I recently received a review on a paper males the “default sex,” as they develop from haploid criticizing the fact that I measured testosterone (T) ova in a process called arrhenotoky (Goudie and in females. When I briefly defended that T played an Oldroyd 2018). In systems with temperature- important role in females and that it entered circu- dependent sex determination, different temperature lation, the reviewer responded very positively. regimes can produce different resultant sex ratios, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 even within a single population (Refsnider and Pedagogy and the female perspective Janzen 2016). A.A.K.: While estradiol (i.e., E2) is often consid- With ever improving standards for teaching we are ered the primary “female hormone,” testosterone is often asked to incorporate our research with our the precursor to E2. Vertebrate ovaries also secrete teaching. Here we discuss how our understanding testosterone into the circulation (Staub and DeBeer of the female perspective informs our teaching. 1997; Ketterson et al. 2005; Goymann and Wingfield Readers may note that this section yielded among 2014; George and Rosvall 2018). the most diverse responses in this entire manuscript. N.L.S.: Yes, there are a lot of examples of andro- gens playing a normal role in female development How do these factors impact teaching? Ex: often I get (see Staub and DeBeer 1997 for a review) and of asked if the female is the “default” sex, since males estrogens playing a normal role in male develop- will develop in response to testosterone in humans. I ment. Students are fascinated to learn about specific hate this terminology, but do not have a good answer. examples that expose these misconceptions about This question from the audience generated a diverse set “female” and “male” hormones. For example, estra- of answers. diol is critical in spermatogenesis. Examining the V.H.: I agree this is a problem. For example, role of the traditional “sex” hormones in both sexes Wikipedia’s description XY sex-determination said holds a lot of promise. “‘Female’ is the default sex” [https://en.wikipedia. L.K.S.: I think that the sections on evolution of org/wiki/XY_sex-determination_system, accessed 15 reproductive biology and behavior in many intro- March 2020]. ductory textbooks should be revised to be more S.E.L.: In mammalian sex determination, there is sex-neutral and gender-inclusive. Project no “default state”—testes and ovaries develop from a Biodiversify (projectbiodiversify.org) has an excellent bipotential gonad—this is an active, gene-directed workshop and teaching materials on this topic. process (Gilbert 2000). V.H.: The introduction to this symposium volume M.F.W.: I think that some of the reason that includes a table of gender-neutral terms and sugges- females were considered the “default” came from tions for less biased figures and phrasing (Orr and experiments like Alfred Jost’s in the 1950–1960s, in Hayssen 2020). which removal of gonads from rabbit fetuses before sex differentiation led to female development of the fetuses (reviewed in Jost 1970). But (in addition to How does the female perspective influence your lacking gonads and thus hormones of their own) teaching? those fetuses developed within a female rabbit, sub- The variety of ways we have incorporated the female jected to her female hormonal milieu, which affected perspective is highlighted here. They focus on challeng- their own sex development. ing our students to think carefully and critically about S.E.L.: There is also a misconception that testos- biases in the field and to make this awareness part of terone is a “male hormone.” Females also have func- the classroom culture. Two comments at the end dis- tional levels of testosterone, though often (but not cuss some specifics with respect to timing and content. always) at lower levels in circulation than in males. V.H.: I teach first year students at a women’s col- M.B.: Just wanted to throw in here that, just as sex lege. At the beginning of the semester, they all be- determination follows both genetic and environmen- lieve that sperm race to the site of conception and tal pathways as is ably explained above, variation that a menstrual cycle is 28 days. These misconcep- abounds even within these categories. In ZZ/ZW tions may have profound consequences on their un- systems, the W-chromosome (present in females), derstanding not only of basic reproductive biology, does not have a locus of female determination, but but also of their own reproductive biology. The instead dosage of genes like DMRT1 has been sug- female-passive, male-active myth is part of the cul- gested as the major switch for sex (Ezaz et al. 2006). tural ethos and permeates biological education. 806 T. J. Orr et al.

T.J.O.: Aside from general frustrations with text- determination is that it was motivated by pursuit books that neglect females or, when including them, of a simple master switch model of developmental write them as passive players, I am usually excited to genetics with single points of control (Fausto- find that students are happy to embrace change and Sterling 1989). When a candidate was found in the ask questions that are not bound by historical con- testis-determining factor SRY, the perceived elegance ventions. As a result my teaching links to my re- of the model and its fit with background cultural search nicely and allows me to help ensure that assumptions of males as dominant made it alluring Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 future biologists are willing to challenge the status and it caught on. Reality, of course, turns out to be quo. more complex, and even if a protein promotes testis A.A.K.: Addressing student misconceptions is one development and inhibits ovarian pathways, that of the pillars of pedagogical research on student- does not mean that ovarian identity lacks its own centered learning (Sewell 2002). Since students enter active developmental process (Eicher and the classroom with prior knowledge and beliefs, Washburn 1986; Edson et al. 2009); in fact, mutual instructors should address misconceptions head-on antagonism of alternative identities, from cell types to avoid students choosing to reject new information to organs, is an ubiquitous aspect of development, (Sewell 2002). As an example, my colleague set up a and gonads are no exception. This position is echoed lesson on mating systems by identifying misconcep- in a recent developmental biology textbook (Gilbert tions (e.g., females are passive while males are terri- and Barresi 2016, 187; see also Hayssen and Orr torial and aggressive) and then using data that 2017, 31) which presents a more symmetrical alter- debunked the misconception (e.g., female tree swal- native to the male-dominant model. In this case lows are territorial over nesting sites). teaching the more holistic model helps avoid perpet- In addition, instructors should keep up with the uating stereotypes students may come in with, some- literature. This symposium shows that many scien- thing certainly important enough to be “worth” the tists are thinking AND publishing on these ideas. It added complexity. is important to use examples from the “female Comparative biology is a powerful way for stu- perspective,” so that students do not see females as dents to challenge preconceptions by identifying the passive sex. counterexamples and caveats. For instance, the vast It is also important that instructors are conscious diversity of vertebrate sex systems, such as tempera- about word choice and examples used in the class- ture- and behavior-dependent sex determination, room to avoid the male bias. Even as a feminist who and the chromosomal system in birds where females studies female reproduction, I have been caught us- are the , make the female as default ing gendered “relatable” examples when talking paradigm untenable in greater context (Crews 1993), about parental care. I did not even notice that I and show that the apparent dominant effect of SRY had until I had an observer in the classroom give is but one lineage’s mechanism (Graves and Shetty me feedback! 2001). Scientific debates between female and male K.H.: Young females seem an especially important perspectives on sex determination show how back- audience for reproductive biology because concerns ground assumptions shape the interpretation of sci- about youthful appearance and physical fitness in entific findings (the all-important step between popular culture converge on obscuring human life “results” and “discussion”). Perhaps examples like history. First year students, likely not yet 20, will this can be used in teaching to help students move remain healthy and productive long past the end from acceptance of textbook knowledge as estab- of their fertility, which ends in women about the lished fact to critical reading of the literature. same age it ends in female great apes. But, as Jane K.S.L.: Teaching sexual selection via mate choice Goodall said for chimpanzees at Gombe, they be- can be tricky at the undergraduate level. Even when come “aged” by 33, and usually die while they are the example used in class is clearly a nonprimate still cycling. Humans age much more slowly than system, students often want to apply the behavior chimpanzees . Even though average age at first birth to their own behavior. Typically, a discussion ensues keeps increasing in the USA—for good economic about male mate choice and its importance in hu- reasons—that does not delay menopause. man behavior, which often clouds the concept I am D.J.S.: A recurrent question in teaching as well as attempting to discuss with my students when teach- in research is when to reduce and when to embrace ing mate choice in , fish, birds, or any other complexity. Continuing with our earlier example, nonhuman system. one interpretation of the modern history of the fe- K.A.H.: I think it is very important to bring up male as default paradigm for gonadal sex and discuss these issues at the very beginning of the Female perspective, a round table discussion 807 semester to provide a historical overview, highlight animals. Those 722 posters include 86 posters for the bias in the field, and humanize the scientists which sex was not applicable (e.g., modeling, peda- whose work they will be reading about. Then gogy, and botanical topics). If the “not-applicable” throughout the semester, you can point out these group is excluded, then 77% of the posters did not biases when you come across them. A really good report subject sex. Why? If sex is important at the recent example that illustrates historical bias in the cellular level, then one would think it could be more field of animal behavior and sheds light on the con- important at higher organizational levels. As men- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 tributions of underrepresented minority pioneers tioned above, NIH now requires research they fund and diversity activists is by Danielle Lee (2020). to include female subjects or explicitly state why Over time with repeated examples, like these, per- such is not germane to the research. Perhaps the haps students will begin to see these examples them- Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology selves when reading scientific literature, will think could suggest that presenters always indicate the critically about assumptions that are made, and sex of their study subjects in all abstracts, posters, will begin to question the perspective from which and talks as well as how sex was identified. scientific questions are even asked in the first place. A.A.K.: To follow up on Virginia’s comment—af- L.K.S.: In most of my classes, I have sessions in ter identifying the sex of the subjects, it is so impor- which we consider common misconceptions about tant to include sex in the statistical model as a fixed behavior, evolution, and sex. These sessions often effect when the study includes both sexes. We look at include considerations of how society influences sci- females and males separately but determining sex ence and vice versa, and how our scientific under- differences can be better supported by a more vig- standing of reproductive behavior has changed as a orous statistical method. result of changes in society and the identities of the N.L.S.: And not only report on the sexes exam- scientists. I also try to include an assortment of ined, but include females in the study even if the female-active and male-active examples. traits are supposedly sexually dimorphic and not present in females. Traits that are defined as sexually Research and next steps dimorphic (in this case, in males only) in one species are assumed at times to be sexually dimorphic in We highlight important steps researchers can take to other species, and then females are not included in improve the overall quality of our science. These the study, or the sample size is very low. There is a include identifying the sex of subjects in our studies lot of natural variation out there in sexually dimor- and challenging ourselves to question the how and phic traits; we are biasing results if we do not study why of our theoretical frameworks and methodology. females as well. The degree of dimorphism itself is an interesting metric that varies. What major steps should researchers be taking? T.J.O.: It is important not to rely on argumentum Here we suggest a few ways that researchers may help ad antiquitatem (appeal to common practice) in improve the quality of science and reporting thereof. other words: “because we have always done x, y, z.” V.H.: One thing researchers can do is to identify A.A.K.: Yes! I feel this really strongly in the argu- the sex of their subjects. Subject sex is routinely ig- ment of “it’s easier to study males” in birds. nored and when included often the effect of sex is The argument is that males are easier to catch, not assessed (Beery and Zucker 2011; Woitowich et sample, and observe. But really, it is not very costly al. 2020). to switch the focus to females. There are set “ways Even at the cellular level sex matters (Pollitzer we do things” to catch and study males because there 2013). For instance, skeletal-muscle cells from female is a historical bias of studying males in the literature. mice regenerate faster than male cells (Deasy et al. That does not mean it will always be hard to study 2007). How many researchers know or report the sex females if we put the effort into modifying our of the cells they use? Researchers using cells derived methods. Personally, I have actually been the most from the tumors of the African-American woman, frustrated with data collection when studying females Henrietta Lacks know the initial sex of HeLa cells. in the context that is the “preferred way” to study But the extensive aneuploidy in this line may make them—mate choice. its current genetic sex uncertain (Adey et al. 2013). C.C.J.: In my first research experience, I was told At higher levels of biological organization, sex also that our work focused on males because “females matters and is not routinely reported. For instance, introduced too many confounding variables.” In 68% (489) of the 722 posters presented at the 2020 the years since, I have come to realize that the false SICB meeting did not report the sex of their study assumption that data on females is harder to collect 808 T. J. Orr et al. and interpret is a direct result of biased research. about the degree of variation in a given trait (see Because of this historical bias toward males, even above). For many physiological parameters, espe- the methods we use may be skewed toward male cially in nonmodel species, we do not have enough physiology. As such, methods should be critically data to really get a sense of what a “normal” range of reassessed to ensure that they are most appropriate values is. This limits our ability to generalize our for the hypotheses we are testing. results and becomes problematic when trying to un- As a physiologist, I have noticed that the dynamic derstand how your data stack up against data from Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 nature of female reproduction is commonly over- other populations. Negative results can also contrib- looked when designing experiments. For example, ute to a larger framework. For example, although the many studies focus on comparing reproductive and hypothesis that the large demands of reproduction nonreproductive females. While informative, this necessarily incur costs to an individual’s survival assumes female physiology during reproduction and/or future fecundity has predominated, support- remains static throughout the course of the entire ing empirical evidence is scarce. In this example, bout; “reproductive” is not a monolithic state. negative results can inform us about the ubiquity Accordingly, studies using reproductive females of and the factors contributing to the costs of should include this temporal information when pos- reproduction. sible and experimental manipulations should aim to L.K.S.: Perhaps what I tell all of my students “be compare females who are at similar reproductive observant and open-minded to what you see.” I stages. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on think that we miss so much of what is going on in understanding how physiology fluctuates over the biology when we come in with a hypothesis before course of a reproductive bout. observing a system. Dynamic changes also come in to play when inter- T.J.O.: Change may be difficult, but the payoffs preting results within the context of trade-offs. For include the advent of new sub disciplines, questions, example, recent interest has been placed on the role and exciting conclusions. Cases such as symposia like of oxidative damage in mediating costs of reproduc- this one, supported at SICB 2020, allow researchers tion in females. In experiments comparing nonrep- to come together and discuss new ways forward and roductive and reproductive individuals, samples are it is clearly evident that societies such as SICB are often taken while the individuals are still in a repro- receptive to change. ductive state, which is inherently inflammatory (Clancy 2013) and has been associated with in- creased oxidative damage (Yang et al. 2013). So what should we be doing? However, differences in oxidative damage measures We can improve the quality of work that is being done may occur as a result of physiological changes nec- such as by taking time to be meticulous in our lan- essary to support offspring production rather than as guage choice and being open to constructive discussion a cost of reproduction. Instead, Zhang and Hood with other scientists. (2016) suggest collecting tissues when females are V.H.: Minimally, the language we use needs to be no longer reproductive in order to parse out persis- carefully evaluated (examples in the introduction to tent costs of reproduction from transient changes. this collection of papers). K.A.H.: Start asking the hard questions, and find M.F.W.: Preparing my talk for this symposium ways to work around the difficult-to-navigate female sensitized me to how terminology can include gen- reproductive tract. Dig into researching technologies dered terms that may inadvertently influence how in other fields that might be useful for uncovering one interprets results. For example, a male’s seminal “cryptic” female processes so that we can get a better proteins have been said to improve a male’s repro- grasp on female biology. It is simply not enough to ductive success by “manipulating” the mated give up because it is hard to do. And when you are a female’s physiology (or, for a less-loaded term, reviewer, either for funding grants or publishingre- “influencing” or “regulating” it). If, instead, we search articles, consider the concepts presented look at the interaction from the female’s perspective, within this article and seek ways to support studies perhaps she is using receipt of these proteins as a that account for the female perspective. Ask whether chemical signal that she has mated (and thus re- the female perspective was considered and what is ceived sperm). This signal can then trigger her phys- missed if it wasn’t. iology to switch to favor progeny production. This C.C.J.: Tacking on to the point above: negative new physiological state is energetically demanding, results are still results and should be reported. which would be disadvantageous until the female Negative results may provide valuable information had received sperm needed for the gamete fusion Female perspective, a round table discussion 809 to generate zygotes. Thus, rather than being manip- bring to the table. For a field such as reproductive ulated by the male’s seminal proteins, she is using biology to which our concepts of sex and gender are them to actively control her own physiology. Reality so intimately linked, achieving a completely objec- is, in fact, a combination of both perspectives and, tive, gender-neutral scientific approach would be dif- consistent with Teri’s and Kristen’s comments earlier ficult. Rather, we can recognize and embrace the in this article, also includes cooperation at the mo- partiality of different perspectives as ways to interact lecular level. In another example, the phenomenon with the natural world (Haraway 1988). Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 known as “sperm competition” involves differential Incorporating reflexivity into our education would siring of progeny by the multiple mates of a single undoubtedly help build a socially responsible next female. Although females play an active role in bias- generation of biologists, and a future where female ing which male’s sperm are used (“cryptic female and male scientists alike can continue to make in- choice”)—for example, sperm competition is not sightful and meaningful contributions to reproduc- an all-male process despite its name—much of the tive biology. A distinction has been proposed literature is focused on those competing sperm, and between the detrimental partiality that is bias (which how they can “win”: more, faster, better sperm, and we can try to mitigate, e.g., by being mindful of so on. Overall it is useful to pay attention to unin- language) and a productive form of partiality termed tended implications of the terminology used in re- valence that comes from self-reflective exploration of productive biology (see Table, Orr and Hayssen 2020 alternative perspectives (Richardson 2013). Critical introduction, this volume). It can shape thinking discourse between scientists taking diverse perspec- without one being aware of this. When thinking tives (Longino 1996) will help us collectively reach a about reproductive phenomena, it is useful to stop greater understanding of reproductive biology. To and consider them from the “perspective” of each those skeptical of the female perspective we present sex. here as merely reversing the direction of bias or T.J.O.: Key is to not throw the baby out with the replacing an androcentric worldview with a gynocen- bathwater; but to be sure we know that the bathwa- tric one, I believe this distinction is particularly ter is indeed bathwater and not something we mis- relevant. took for bathwater. In other words, by being reflective of our research programs as well as of the terminology and assumptions we are using/mak- What progress is being made? ing we can be more secure that what we have long- Here we remark on positives changes in the sciences taken for fact is indeed true. In many cases, by around the study of females. leveraging these moments of pause, all researchers V.H.: NIH now requires that sex be addressed in are challenging themselves to check for etymological, clinical and preclinical research project. Editorial referential, or historical fallacies; to be certain that practices could follow suit. Although reviewers and the use of a word as originally intended has not editors may informally request that authors report taken on a different meaning in today’s society; sex in manuscripts this could be a formal require- and to realize that words in of themselves are not ment in their methods. Doing so will also make the truth-bearing but aim to represent things; thus, the data more useful for future comprehensive meta- meaning of words stems in our use of them. analysis. In the author/presenter instructions, SICB Another way to consider the female perspective is could request inclusion of sex of subjects in through the psychologist’s fallacy (assuming one’s abstracts, posters, or oral presentations. own objectivity). Anthropologists are trained to For this issue, we created a “style sheet” for question their own objectivity in research. Perhaps authors and copy-editors to use when writing or trainees in Organismal Biology would benefit for be- reviewing their text (appended to the introduction ing challenged to do the same as they learn to con- to these papers, Orr and Hayssen 2020). Similar duct research. devices could be more widely used to remind us of D.J.S.: That is an excellent suggestion. When dis- hidden assumptions or biases in our writing and cussing this topic with other male colleagues I have publishing. been asked whether the “female perspective” on re- Spread the word; spur thinking. As an example, production refers to the gender of the scientist or to V.H. sent the Nature commentary “Cell Sex Matters” the sex of the organism being studied. The latter to colleagues who teach cell biology. The younger interpretation is less disruptive to the status quo colleague said he would incorporate the study in and therefore an easier sell, but there is a loss if his teaching. The older colleague knew of the work we willfully ignore the perspectives we as researchers and proudly noted that the muscle cells he worked 810 T. J. Orr et al. with were from female mice. V.H. asked if he As biologists, we use terms in our research and reported the sex of his cells in his methods sections. teaching that have complicated and varied defini- He said, no, but that he would from then on. Also, tions. These terms are also used outside of our ac- in meeting with seminar speakers and job applicants ademic disciplines, complicating their uses, as and chatting with the presenters of posters, V.H. science communication and translation for those now initiates a conversion by asking about the sex outside academic science are prioritized. Queer the- of the person’s research subjects; a much easier con- orist Judith Butler (2005,21)remindsusthatlan- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 versation to have one-on-one, than by asking the guage constantly evolves and no term exists in a same question at the end of a colloquium! vacuum: K.H.: May I underscore the fundamental problem The very terms by which we give an account, by Teri notes, that words can take “on a different mean- ... which we make ourselves intelligible to ourselves ing in today’s society; and that words in of them- and to others, are not of our making. They are selves are not truth-bearing but aim to represent social in character, and they establish social things; thus, the meaning of words stems in our norms, a domain of unfreedom and substitutabil- use of them.” Negotiation about meaning goes on ity within which our “singular” stories are told. all the time, from all directions. It seems science would be impossible if we did not all use the same Biologists frequently use the terms “feminine” and words in the same way. But we are multiple, with “masculine,” as well as their derivatives “feminize,” different experiences ourselves; and we are not the “feminized,” “,” “masculinize,” and so only ones using words. Policing the language seems on. in order to describe sex characteristics. cost paid for limited if any benefit. That view gives “Feminine,” “masculine,” and their derivatives are away my affiliation in anthropology where we con- associated with gender in everyday language, render- tinue to disagree about interpretations of the same ing the usage of these gendered terms in sex biology observations. I certainly applaud raising questions problematic. Academic science does not exist in a about meanings and useful simplifications more vacuum, and constant cross-talk between academic often. science and society can inadvertently superimpose gender onto sex. While it is generally understood that gender is not binary but is rather a spectrum, What terminology is biased or otherwise antiquated and so on, and that sex characteristics are not binary and promotes misguided conclusions? Alternatives either, the terms “masculinize” and “feminize” do and issues? EX: I often see scientists note “gender” not accurately represent the spectral nature of sex instead of sex, perhaps something we can address? characteristics. Biological characteristics and their We explore several terms that have been problematic various states can and should be described without historically. employing this gendered language. A.K.L.: The literature contains numerous examples V.H.: According to NIH “Sex is a biological in which the terms “sex” and “gender” are conflated, variable defined by characteristics encoded in treated as synonymous, and/or used inappropriately. DNA, such as reproductive organs and other Individual sex characteristics such as genital sex, go- physiological and functional characteristics. nadal sex, karyotypic sex, and so on, should be re- Gender refers to social, cultural, and psychological ferred to as such. Sex cannot be assumed to be traits linked to human males and females through constant throughout a body or consistent with either social context. In most cases, the term ‘sex’ should karyotypic sex or with sex assigned based on genital be used when referring to animals” (NIH Guide sex. It is critical that biologists keep in mind that sex Notice 2015). is not binary and that karyotypic sex need not align L.K.S.: In the field of evolution of behavior, some with other sex characteristics. The term “sex” refers terms that concern me are the use of “strategic” for to a category an individual is assigned at birth based changes in sperm allocation and “differential” for on expected binary sex characteristics (typically changes in egg allocation. Another one that I find based on external genitalia and/or karyotypic sex). problematic is “convenience polyandry” which is the Human sex is socially, societally, and culturally con- idea that females mate with multiple males in order structed based on assumptions of biology. “Gender” to avoid the costs of male harassment. There are is socially, societally, and culturally constructed and problems with this term both scientifically in how is a performance of masculinity and femininity. to test the hypothesis (Boulton et al. 2018) and cul- Nonhuman animals, plants, and fungus do not turally in the implication that mating to avoid ha- have gender. rassment is in any way “convenient.” Female perspective, a round table discussion 811

What are some issues with terminology? give you a real-life example. I run a long-term study We comment on the following remark by a symposium of spotted hyenas in Kenya. Each year I send several attendee: I think a lot about when to use the words undergraduate students to spend a year abroad, “egg,” “ovum,” “,” and other related terms, working as Research Assistants on my project. A since “egg” is used in so many ways. I agree that couple years ago, when pronoun identification be- came more prevalent, observation sessions started

some consider the term “fertilization” is problematic, Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/60/3/796/5875606 by Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington user on 01 August 2021 but I think it is harder to substitute “conception” when showing up in our field notes that referred to a sin- gamete fusion is external. gle hyena as “they.” Not only does this fail to en- V.H.: I agree but with time perhaps the wording hance clarity, but I also spent many extra hours would not feel so odd. In some cases, syngamy or searching for the other hyenas in field notes wher- gamete fusion may also be alternatives to ever a single hyena was referred to as “they.” In “fertilization.” A textual example: When gamete fu- science it seems to me that we do not want to sac- sion is external, environmental factors have a large rifice precision in our language for the sake of po- influence on the process, the dynamics, and the litical correctness. eventual success of the fusion. No gamete “choice” occurs, and random mixing of maternal and paternal genomes may be predominant (although that is an Conclusion untested assumption on my part). With external Within this article, we have asked questions about gamete fusion neither sex is “active” or “in control.” reproductive biology through a female lens that we When gamete fusion is internal, usually within a hope the reader will consider for themselves in any female’s body, then the female has great control and all of their professional roles as researchers, over when this fusion occurs, where it occurs, and mentors, teachers, editors, and reviewers. We also with which paternal genome is used. hope that the contributed manuscripts within this A.A.K.: I would like to note that switching away edition of ICB will serve as a paradigm shift for ad- from egg makes sense in the mammal context, and vancing our understanding of female reproduction. when discussing the ovum when it is still internal; We hope for a change similar to the paradigm shift but the word “egg” has another context for egg- in evolutionary biology precipitated by Gould and laying species (birds and reptiles) in which it Lewontin (1979) when they questioned the assump- describes an ovum that has been shelled and serves tion of adaptation by natural selection as the sole as a place for the embryo to grow outside of the explanatory framework for evolution. We believe body. our understanding of reproductive biology is simi- V.H.: You make a good point that also applies to larly limited when a male-centric framework is the mammals since monotremes also lay “eggs” that is first, and sometimes only, approach to research. By shelled . The hard shell is a vertebrate considering the female perspective, we can shed light “invention” leading to the cleidoic “egg.” on the diversity, mechanisms, dynamics, and conse- Ova and developing embryos are distinctly differ- quences of the substantive investment females make ent in an evolutionary and reproductive context, but in reproduction. We believe this additional perspec- the word “egg” is sometimes used for both. For in- tive provides an exciting future research direction stance reproduction in viviparous lamniform sharks within the field as it has in other scientific fields includes both oophagy and siblicide, but the paternal (Criado-Perez 2019). genome could be involved in the latter (siblicide) but not the former (oophagy). We need terminology that distinguishes between ova and the various products of ova development Acknowledgments with or without conception. The presence of exten- We wish to thank SICB, Susan Williams, Suzanne sive yolk, the presence of syngamy (i.e., the combi- Miller, the American Microscopical Society, and the nation of the two parental genomes), the presence of Company of Biologists for supporting our sympo- a hard shell are all distinct traits that are subsumed sium. We value the input of anonymous reviewers indiscriminately by the word “egg.” I just do not and Dr. Richards-Zawacki and wish to thank them know what terms to substitute. for their comments on our manuscript. VH: Three K.E.H.: I believe we need to include some caveats undergraduate students, Madeline Jelken, Habso about choice of language here so that the changes we Omane, and Brittany Torres shared the work of are suggesting are taken seriously by readers. Let me assessing the 722 posters for sex of subject animals. 812 T. J. Orr et al.

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