Lebanon: The Refugee Crisis January 3rd - 9th 2016

Please note: this is a preliminary schedule, additional activities/ adjustments may be made nearer the time.

Day 1 -

08.00 - We meet at the hotel and head to Shouf

09.30 - Welcome breakfast in Deir al-Qamar

An introduction round and short talk on Delegations for Dialogue’s mission and plan for the future.

Full Briefing on the week’s schedule and activities, discussion of our initial thoughts and expectations of .

11.00 - Meeting with representative of the progressive socialist party

Talk and discussion by representative of the PSP Lebanon, a secularist Party that has supported the Palestinian refugee population and played a major role in the Civil War.

12.00 - Beit elDin

Home to the , and capital of the Chouf District.

13.00 - Lunch

14.00 - The Cedars of

Historic Natural Reserve in Chouf, home to Jabel el Barouk mountain and birth place of Lebanon’s national hymn, Kullana lel watan

17.00 - Dinner

Local cuisine at al-mir restaurant

19.00 -

An after dinner meeting with local activists and a free evening exploring the surrounding Beirut neighbourhoods. We will be surveying the situation regarding the current Garbage Crisis pervading Lebanon, that has sparked the ‘you stink’ protest movement nationwide.

Day 2 -

09.00 - Restaurant Breakfast

10.00 - Burj albarajina Palestinian Camp

A camp located just south of Lebanon, Bourj el-Barajneh houses around 20 000 Palestinian refugees. We will be meeting student residents of the camps to discuss their situation there and their feelings toward the wider refugee/ migration crisis now also at large in Europe.

12.00 - Drive to the south of Lebanon

14.00 - Mleeta War Museum - ‘Landmark of the Resistance’

This is a 65000m open air museum run by Hezbollah to commemorate resistance during the Israeli wars; complete with a plethora of destroyed IDF weaponry and a 200metre long escape tunnel dug during by POWs during the war. Tours guides of the museum will explain, through the context of the Israeli Invasion, the Jihad ideology leading the resistance campaign. This is an important precursor to our meeting with an official Hezbollah representative on day 3.

15.00 - Meeting with UNIFIL

Before entering the camps, we will be meeting a representative of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, which monitors the ‘cessation of hostilities’ and seeks to ‘ensure humanitarian access the civilian population and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons’. They will be briefing us fully on the current refugee situation in Lebanon and the practical struggles they face dealing the worsening situation there. We will also be briefed on conduct and what to expect at the camps.

We will be meeting student residents of the camps to discuss their situation there and their feelings toward the wider refugee/ migration crisis now also at large in Europe.

18.00 - Dinner in Tyre 19.30 - Hotel

We will hold discussions on our encounters so far

DAY 3 -

08.30 - Local Breakfast

09.30 - Drive to Baalbek

12.00 - Palmera Hotel

Check-in and quick lunch near the Hotel

13.00 - Visit to the Ruins

Known as Heliopolis in Greco-Roman times, these ruins are the best preserved in Lebanon (and, following the destruction of Syria, much of the Middle East) and includes the Temple of Bacchus - the largest in the Empire.

14.30 - Meeting Hezbollah Representative

A talk and Q&A with an official of the ‘The Party of God’ - we can discuss here the influence and significance of Islamism and religious conflict as a part of the refugee crisis. Hezbollah’s movement is tied to and will be develop according to these crises.

15.30 - Drive to Zahlé

The ‘City of Wine and Poetry’, Zahle is home to a majority Catholic population. We will have the evening to explore and eat together at a riverside restaurant.

DAY 4 -

08.30 - Breakfast in Baalbek City

09.30 - Drive to Bsharry

11.00 - Gibran Museum

Gibran Khalil biographical museum, commemorating his life and works. His poetry (The Prophet remains one of the most popular books of all time) was deeply influenced both by his Christian upbringing and Islamic surroundings. 12.00 - Meeting with Party

A representative of the LFP, a political umbrella party unifying right wing christian militias; they organised and fought various factions during the , including the PLO, Syrian Army and Lebanese Army. They currently constitute the second largest Christian Political Party in Lebanese government.

13.30 - Lunch in Ehden

14.30 - Qadisha and the Qannoubine Valley

Visit to Christian Monestary; such monastic communities have existed in the valley for centuries.

18.00 - Byblos

DAY 5 -

09.30 - Old City of Byblos

12.00 - University Exchange

Q&A with students at the Lebanese American University of Byblos. We will prepare and discuss our experiences with them of the refugee crisis and the religious conflicts that continue throughout their society. This will be a good chance to discuss the European crisis in contrast. We will be sending out more detailed information on the University Exchange nearer the time.

15.00 - Dinner

Eating at Edde yard in Byblos Old City

16.30 - Back to Beirut

We head to Beirut stoping by 's telepherique of Harissa

18:00 Evening in Beirut

12:00 Midnight - B018 Nightclub

Final goodbuy in one of Beirut's known nightclub DAY 6 - meeting at 9:30 after breakfast and a feedback session, the program ends