Bibliography from ADS File: Engvold.Bib June 27, 2021 1
Bibliography from ADS file: engvold.bib Engvold, O., “The IAU Role”, 2007IAUS..236..467E ADS August 16, 2021 Martin, S. F., Engvold, O., & Lin, Y., “Comparisons of the Spines of Prominences (Filaments) in Hα and He II (304Å) Images”, 2007AAS...21012006M ADS Govender, K., Cheung, S.-L., Aretxaga, I., & Engvold, O., “Synergies among Martin, S. F., Lin, Y., & Engvold, O., “A Simple Method of Resolving the IAU Offices”, 2020IAUGA..30..563G ADS the 180 Degree Ambiguity Employing the Chirality of Solar Features”, Engvold, O., “IAU’s Interaction with Young Astronomers”, 2006SPD....37.0129M ADS 2019IAUS..349...75E ADS Lin, Y., Martin, S. F., & Engvold, O., ““Coronal Cloud” Prominences And Their Engvold, O., Vial, J.-C., & Skumanich, A.: 2019, Preface, xvii Association With Coronal Mass Ejections”, 2006SPD....37.0121L ADS 2019sgsp.bookD..17E ADS Lin, Y., Martin, S. F., Engvold, O., Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M., & van Engvold, O. & Zirker, J. B.: 2019, Chapter 12.2 - High-Resolution Ground- Noort, M., “Dynamics of an active region filament, fibrils and surges in high Based Observations of the Sun, 419–441 ADS resolution”, 2006cosp...36.3193L ADS Zirker, J. B. & Engvold, O.: 2019, Chapter 1 - Discoveries and Concepts: The Engvold, O., Harvey, J., Leibacher, J., et al., “Editorial Appreciation”, Sun’s Role in Astrophysics, 1–26 ADS 2006SoPh..233....1E ADS Engvold, O., Vial, J.-C., & Skumanich, A.: 2019, The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Martin, S. F. & Engvold, O., “Evidence for the Formation of Faint, High Promi- Physics ADS nences in the Aftermath of two Faint CMEs”, 2005AAS...20720401M Engvold, O.
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