Oenoers Wil Meet Stodebakers Saturday and Factory Ali-Sta- Rs on Ounaay
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J IIVr.MNG, APHIIj 21, 19 8 ltlllAV If. THE SOUTH BEND NEWS-TIME-S Ti oenoers Wil Meet Stodebakers Saturday and Factory Ali-Sta- rs on ounaay V 4p Ap --A" Is yV y X A SV Jr RELAY TEAMS OFF TODAY G 'MID BLUE LEAGUE STANDINGS FACTORY LEÜG BOWLING SCOEES I BENDER HURL lib -- -- Notre Panic Men to Kntcr Drake The new jc --jc ;Je Jf. Jf AMKICICAN KKAlil K. ANTL.KUV la'.iOl K. Game. w I. FACTO KS SES ON ERRORS H-t- '.n ; .T.'.'t E SIGNED Ib.iland '.'7 1" r?; STUFF RED Y-r- MEN New Keller . Notre Dame's haif-mil- e and mile UL Arrow St I iiN r.Ti Wallace M K- 4c:. relay teams will leave early this fii'M''j Steed I"--'. j' TfOft 1VJ morning , COLLAR 4 Martin 171 lss .,ls for Des Moines. Ia where 'tili!fftfn 4 .r.i Handieap 2i4 2.4 they will empete in the Drake spring style, in Vir- lelilid 2 ..-- Play- games. The Drake relays a:o to the Carpenter Are ? Marshall College o! West J'Mij.hlf.hU o i Four Clubs File Lists of d. W Wl Willis and , yt. Total west what the Penn games are to the 17 two heights NATIONAL KKAOI K IMtoNGS ,r- !.-!:- . .". '.'1 - 440 Only ginia Defeats Notre I!.!! i. Ida ers Eligible For Competi- Breuer ' cast. Handed Releases AsHBY-i- W c.n i'liiMtl r Jennings lis i::7 i:r.i 42 i Hardy. Bergman. l- - D'-- 4v Tom King and . I.ot..n :i .it Harleroad U" Six Men on Roster. Dame 8 to 6. tion on Opening Date. 1 4 up half-mil- e v st ioiii 4 a ..",71 Andrew 12'j 12a John Miller will make the Lexicon-iSu- - Cl, l;:- ;i 4 .l-- -. Casm'.er 1'' L team, while MeDonough, Voel-ker- s. l.V, 4 eiUETT. PEABODYirCO. INC.MKR5 N .v York J .4 o IL.ndiai hV! I.; Hardy and Miller will make up . rttiwi.iirtr'i .i .V.7". ;.!-'- rr. tly to Notr1 of the M'5 271'. the mile quartet. Coach Roekne will Mer. Koehler reduced his hurling Errors f Brooklyn o 4 .(Kid Directors Manufacturers Totals lsr 7 - rTil.-i- AM KICK' A.N AS MM I TIOV lea sue of S'outh Bend and take his quad west at o'clock he rTrn-- j an! Marshall ,7 Baseball this staff further yesterday when St. Til ill 1 y-.w- .t Mlshavvaka have filed a list of play- sta;s morning. Vir-.r.i- won a frak Ci ii ruNij j Yena l' H' j handed out two releases. Pitchers ff Wil -- 1 ers who will he for competi- 116 M r ! 1 1 i - MilltieHpoÜH ..".on ellihle Matl.ew Kl Willis were the men front r s on "ar- 174 121 Carpenter and rtntft tlv l.le.l,, 1 Tift tion op. the opening date, Saturday, Goetz b''' l- . to get the pink Willis is an 1- K'. S - rj. Kli,vi:i- - J ..Vhi King lo.l ... slis. tl;r :!.J. May 20, showim? a collection of some 121 140 42'J- - Koeh- Wut M!lw;illkee 1 Klingel Ms BANQUETS old. experienced pitcher, but mail1 p 2-S- 2-- th sj Altho'itch vivü'.rf 1 of the fastest athletes who have Hun.li.-a- 2sJ figured Shf-hari- . K:iti:ii City spij ler and Smith that the f;tf hits off 'h trley Iri'llari.'ip'.ll l ; .:t.::t ever hattled in the organization. In- youngsters were just as good as he, T-da- f:;') '.47 H 271s as rom;.:ir'l uith 1 4 KathT'l by th dications ore that both the Ball - and that they would proe of more lo--a- I son;- of KKM I.Ts Till lOltAY UIINS t.atsnn off Maynard. Fand and Studehaker cluhs are de- Ult.ol 144 171 lso 4a.j - value to the tam. th- - errors "rn- hit.s and as National termined to the Fingers out of rmtun lv i:- - .s FAGTQRY LLIEN hat 1"'7 L52 LVi 11'. U Carpenter was the second man to rr-sw- of i'hilH.'elplila. 7; out-It- s Hollow ell a thf majority the hinle Nw ..rk. pennant thi.x year, a these bi-- i Sr. .": o the Bacerty b let go. "Buck'" was one of the :ovi nt i in th" Inii!. rittitoiririi. largf LV" 4'.'s cin Inri'itl. i; Chicago. 7. have gathered together two ioUen l'.'S 12 kading pitchers in the Southern ar off day pa.-tto- n. ! 221 224 224 Torn Sia!inif had l!noklyn, o: s assortments of jdayers which prom- Handicap j72 Michigan leag :e season nnd h-- last t'-r- d .jaldini h;u davin Amrrimn League. ise to give, them the fastest cluhs In a. o. lu-troit- . 2S4:; only ChL-aiT- '.21 Mo weight. He has plenty wa-- 1; .. Totals fs2 Enjoyable Evening Spent at lacks the .second r.au. l.ut '.c s at their history. There is little change good speed throw- ittnn. 7; F'hllndolpliln. 1. of stuff, and knows the short.l"j and his New York. 4; Wiisfiiiurtori. 12. In the Olher cluh except the IMTKIl I.KAIilK. Expense of League's pitching end of the game, but is not new ijo.sition w.ih way r'leveland- - St. iV G AT ing fr"i!i the Iids. rain. strengthening of one or two weak JLM.MIL heavy enough to work, ac- of errors American A mortal Ion Anderson K' 1'iS 221 Ml stand the off (:r. Two SialdinK"s spots the team ..- President. Mintie:ipoli - which should make 202 141 -'. cording tp - Inuisville. rain Dice ls; Koehler. .n l.ut tii three . wert- hohhh. thr Kan.-- Mty. 4; CjIuuiI-uh- a pennant contender. II Mc.rriHou p.:: 1.:; i:4 r.su This brings the hnal hurling staff were on wild lif.ivcs to first has', St. I'tuil. 1; Iri(ll;niaili. The roster of the four cluhs as A int.os 17; 1".7 R2 47s Milwaukee - Toledo, 171 200 'Jim :.su down to the following men: Walker. two of the hal tnrnin after rain. by follows:- Iluliiski . thps presented the directors Anyone present at the banquet Cros.-unan- Kill. Yaiden, Madden and hr-autif- Meverw, Kline sto.s. an! CiAMKS TOIAV. Singer B. Martin, John Kinp, M. Totals s7ö ."i 27os McCooI. Thea? six men are to rn;-il- f errors. tendered the directors of the Factory sre Uithrop the other local I lager, S. Marks, I. Nowinski. C. LAGLLS - The Call of Spring be 20 days American Itjue. Atvas 220 H; 210 .V.hJ league and newspapermen by the carried for about after lnrliall Off in 'level., nd at Sr. howls, Slahaugh, pitchers; William Kudak. II. C Morrison 1; l'at 1;.4 .V7 th.f season opens. Two are expected Marshall started the scurini; In cideaero at catcher; J. Baker, catcher; T. Fahlstroni 1S lss 17 .".':." league president, Dr. F. R. Carson, to be dropped 'hen. and while Smith suit- New York itf K- - 17' 4s.', Brings the desire for a change of apparel seo-n- Y:iliiriirton. M. Af.towski. S. Zielinski. Hager 11 Mish-awak- a, the innir.fr. With one dead. Shields. 17'a Thursday night at the Hotel and Koehler about made up Boston at I'iiiln.el,filH. Mc-Corma- 177 1'aJ hae Iarien luhlfd alorK the third Ntttionn.1 l.tngu. Connors, intield: It. White. K. could not help but be im- - their minds as to what men will able to the warm, balmy days. hase fo'il line. He took third on hrooklyii at Otto Dong, outfield; I". Totals td; 27o:j pressed wilh the optimistic feeling, stick, they ;irJ taking no chance?, , I'tiihideiplda NVw York, Ixrwy'H out, Sp;tldin to Mey-rn- ;itt VarK'. I. Hrrien. F. Miller, outfield; which preaileil around the board. and by holding on to the six. will W'e have anticipated your needs, and have sr. I..11U at I'ltrsNnrgti. UIHIIKI.L I.KAlil' K. and wornl on Hill's single. Clticlntiati at CIiIcmito. Oliver Fish. Kallies, Klntz As Dr. Carson stated, the affair have two to fall back on in case any as- Young, Hanson, va;on for your inspection a lare and beautiful Notre laine came hack with three catchers; Moore Wis 12' 11." 172 4P.7 was an informal "get acquainted" of those they select :is regulars are tüllie In it half of the same lnnintf. pitchers; nilin. third tase; Claf-fe- y, Mussey-- t't7 112 'as ::77 good time, in which things connect- injured and go bad. sortment of i 2U i: with a shortstop; Tor.hey. second base; Barrl I'. ''s a out- Mkv(is started the session Seiis 174 144 17'5 I'.H ed and not connected with the league Opfergelt, candidate for the th mi Kiel Iorsy dropi-- d Jones' fly YESTERDAY'S SCORES Weckler. first base; Blas, first base; MH1 1"'S 1 "'. 2' 7 Ö24 were discussed. Baseball was the field, has been handed his release by to nnd made second, D. Spahr. outfield; W. .Spahr, Atvas, chief topic among tho banqueters Smith and yesierday signed up with ituht "Lft" 741 2,.:i7 Suits Spaldinsr Hardman. Fulton, outfield. Totals 7s0 dis- Topcoats Meyers Köln to third. i:. Arnold. and the rdd national game was the Studehaker club in the Factory (QQ Aii:itic:.