Society Undertaking Poor Peoples’ Onus for RighTs (SUPPORT – Foundation) “Supporting equal rights & freedom of all people” ___________________________________________________________________ Head Office: House # 74, Street – 02, Sachal Colony, Larkana Sindh Region Office: Malano Street, Muhallah Khanchandabad, Station Road, Shikarpur Sindh Contact: 0331-3045011 Email:
[email protected] Part 1: Introduction Society Undertaking Poor Peoples’ Onus for Rights – SUPPORT Foundation is not for profit, non- political, non-religious and women lead organization working in Sindh province of Pakistan since 2010. The organization is registered under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with registration number: 0513 at Shikarpur district of Sindh in the year 2010. The purpose of the organization is to extend support to people who are deprived of their basic rights and struggle for the rights. The organization is being act as defender of rights of citizens focusing women. Vision To see an affluent, peaceful and developed society that taking their rights Mission “To support and aware the communities for getting their rights & development focusing women and marginalized and neglected population” Objectives The fundamental premise of SUPPORT Foundation is that women and men who are conventionally termed as poor have the economic and human capacity as well as the moral right to actively participate in the development process that affects them and to identify their own development priorities. Aims and goal of SF are; Promote respect and adherence