OWLS SHINE a LIGHT on GOVERNMENT SECRECY Whether Shining a Light on Corruption Or Pioneering Arts Scholarship, Owls Break New Ground
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FALL 2014 UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE NATIONAL WATCHDOGS OWLS SHINE A LIGHT ON GOVERNMENT SECRECY Whether shining a light on corruption or pioneering arts scholarship, Owls break new ground. In this issue, alumni expose covert activity; students partner with community groups to learn research methods; a professor delves into subcultural dance; and Temple’s LGBTQIA community evolves. TEMPLE2 What Do You Think? 3 From the President 4 Campus Voice 5 News 12 Alumni News 39 Class Notes 52 The Last Word 18 24 34 ALUMNI STUDENTS COMMUNITY THE TRUTH TELLERS COMMUNITY EXPLORERS FREE TO BE Three Owls from two separate generations Students use research training to boost Society’s views on sexuality have evolved— are agents of change in Washington, D.C. health literacy in North Philadelphia. and so have Temple’s. 28 RESEARCH LEGWORK 14 REQUIEM FOR A GIANT: Temple remembers the remarkable legacy of Trustee Lewis Katz, CST ’63. A dance scholar examines subcultural dance and its messages. ON THE COVER: Clockwise: Emeritus Professor of Religion John Raines; Bonnie Raines, EDU ’72, ’79; and Ali Watkins, SMC ’14, posed for photos by Temple Photographer Joseph V. Labolito that were meant to evoke Watergate. FALL 2014 1 LETTERS FROM THE PRESIDENT VOL. 67 NO. 3 / FALL 2014 The beginning of each academic year is OWLS ARE EVERYWHERE Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Communications an opportunity to reflect on where Temple Even 21 years after graduating from Temple Karen Clarke is as a university. We get a chance to evalu- with my MSW, I still enjoy hearing about the ate the progress we have made, and the Associate Vice President for Executive Communications Ryan S. Brandenberg WHAT DO YOU THINK? university. I’m so grateful that your magazine Ray Betzner actions we must take to further our role reaches me here in Germany. The articles as one of the nation’s preeminent urban are interesting, very well-written, and the Senior Editor Owls send their comments from across the country, around the Maria Raha public universities. design is very attractive, too. Congratulations world and over generations. In May, we graduated the largest—and on a publication worth reading! Designers among the most accomplished—classes in Trish Brown, Lynda Cloud-Weber, Robert Frawley Ingrun Masanek, SSW ’93, Norden, Germany our history. The 9,000 graduates hail from research conducted now and in the future. Correspondence 55 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, from 46 Every day, we contribute to the history of Bell Building, 3rd floor, 1101 W. Montgomery Ave., states and from 77 different countries. Greetings from Las Vegas, students and Philadelphia, PA 19122 mankind, in ways large and small. Beyond the numbers, the class was full of alumni! From Herbert Muskin, former pro- Paul Nutkowitz, CST ’62, Lawrenceville, New Jersey inspirational stories. One graduate trans- fessor of orthodontics, now professor of Email [email protected] ferred from Bucks County Community blackjack. It’s always a good day when my College and was the first in his family to The winter 2014 article “The Body’s Magic Temple magazine arrives. Website temple.edu/templemag attend college. This fall, he is set to attend Bullet” quoted Nora Jones as stating: “It was Herbert Muskin, DEN ’45, Henderson, Nevada Harvard Law School. Another graduate an ideological position, stemming from the Temple is published by Temple University of the Commonwealth System made national news when she broke the basis that life begins at conception. The of Higher Education. story that a U.S. spy agency may have been controversy was that it was equated to mur- © Copyright 2014 by Temple University monitoring the computers of Senate employ- der; you couldn’t do any research that could Temple University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all in every aspect of its operations. The university has pledged not to dis- ees. (See “The Truth Tellers,” page 18.) She destroy a human life.” That seems to be at criminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status or disability. This policy extends to credited our excellent faculty for the critical odds with her role as director of bioethics all educational, service and employment programs of the university. role they played in her success. than 60 new tenured and tenure-track pro- education. She seems to imply that because As we look forward to the new class of stu- fessors came to Temple. there is an ideology involved, a morality, dents arriving on campus, I am sure we will The incoming class reflects Temple that it is not a valid controversy. Science find many of the same inspirational stories. remaining true to its mission, while continu- proves that biological life begins at concep- Temple received applications from all 50 ing to rise in prominence. With the new tion. Some ideologies wish to argue that bio- states, and more than 27,000 students in academic year beginning, I am confident I have been receiving Temple for many logical is not good enough; that we need to total applied for 4,300 slots. The incoming that we are making substantial progress years, and it just keeps getting better. argue the soul and the thoughts. PALS FOR LIFE class will set Temple records for both aca- toward realizing Temple’s immense poten- The winter issue is truly outstanding. I hope Ms. Jones, in her very important I recently completed a three-week journey demic quality and diversity. tial to benefit our students, our city, our Bill Mooney, FOX ’57, Winnetka, Illinois position for the life of the university and the to South Korea and Taiwan, where I visited KEY TO SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CODES The new class also will benefit from an commonwealth and, indeed, our world. public in general, sticks with real science my “children” (TemPALS). This program has Boyer College of Music and Dance BYR exceptional group of new faculty members. and ethics. As the rest of the article proves, created friendships for life, not just for me CHPSW College of Health Professions and Social Work Temple is recruiting outstanding instructors SUPPORTING RESEARCH because of the restrictions, the real science but also among the program’s participants. CLA College of Liberal Arts in science and engineering, medicine, arts It is my belief that every person’s life, includ- of stem-cell research has found many of the In this photo, my wife and I are posing in CST College of Science and Technology DEN Kornberg School of Dentistry and humanities, social sciences, business, ing their birth and their death, should serve right answers, the right way. Good for front of a LOVE statue in Taipei, Taiwan, with EDU College of Education and education. Those hires continue the uni- Neil D. Theobald a useful purpose. For the last five years, Temple, good for mankind. former TemPAL Mandy Yu, her friend Lily ENG College of Engineering versity’s momentum from 2013, when more President, Temple University whenever I find out that a relative, friend or Dennis Wichterman Sr., FOX ’81, Naples, Florida Chou, and TemPAL Allen Huang, whom I FOX Fox School of Business neighbor has been diagnosed with cancer “adopted” from another alumnus. I thought HON Honorary Degree or that they have died, I sit down and write that you would like to know how important LAW Beasley School of Law a letter to an organization like the Temple LITTLEST OWLS the TemPALS program has been in my life. MED School of Medicine Follow Temple! University School of Medicine. I donate $50, Phil Sheau, CLA ’80, Philadelphia PHR School of Pharmacy School of Podiatric Medicine $75 or $100 to the Fels Institute for Cancer POD Editor’s note: The TemPALS program pairs SED School of Environmental Design facebook.com/TempleU twitter.com/TempleUniv Research & Molecular Biology in honor or alumni ages 50 and older with incoming inter- SMC School of Media and Communication memory of that person. As adults, we have Zamani Feelings national students to assist the students in SSW School of Social Work power, and we can use that power to sup- Division of Theater, Film and Media Arts becoming acclimated to life at Temple and in TFM port research that decades or centuries from THM School of Tourism and Hospitality Management the U.S. To learn more about TemPALS, visit instagram.com/TempleUniv Temple University Alumni Group now will lead to safe and effective treat- TYL Tyler School of Art alumni.temple.edu/tempals. ments for diseases. We are the beneficiaries of research that was done in the past, and To share your opinions with the Temple staff, future generations will benefit from Lisa Campbell, CLA ’05, sent in this photo of her twin email [email protected] or send a letter youtube.com/TempleUniversity plus.google.com/+templeuniversity daughters, Lizzie (left) and Lanie, on one of Temple’s to Temple Magazine, Bell Building, 3rd floor, 1101 “big chairs,” located near the Bell Tower. W. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19122. 2 TEMPLE FALL 2014 3 CAMPUS VOICE STRONG Joseph Labolito V. STEM The U.S. ranks 25th in mathematics skills and 17th in science skills among industrialized nations. To improve those rankings, the Obama administration has challenged colleges and universities to gradu- ate 1 million students in science, technology, engi- neering and math (STEM) over the next 10 years. Leaders like Jamie Bracey, students—pairing them with experts not only to learn about EDU ’07, ’11, director of JAMIE BRACEY what they produce, but also STEM education, outreach how they think. That kind of and research in the College OCCUPATION: Director of STEM education, outreach and research immersion, learning the culture of how to be in that field, is LOCATION: College of Engineering of Engineering, are working important for any institution to bring more diversity to involved in STEM education.