Janfeb Newsletter 2006

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Janfeb Newsletter 2006 Jan / Feb 2006 Vol. 7 / Issue 1 Inklings by Abby: Director’s Column Cool Chapter Book! your Branch Librari- interested in having Inkspell / Cornelia Funke: Al- ans what you’d like your baby communi- though a year has passed, not a to see in your cate with you before day goes by without Meggie think- branch: more DVDs? they can actually ing of INKHEART, the book whose Or Science Fiction? talk, (milk! cookie! characters became real. But for Or popular titles? more!) come in for It is such a pleasure this class. Just watch Dustfinger, the fire-eater brought to be in Preble And speaking of tak- our website for this into being from words, the need to County. There is so ing opportunities, if and other programs. return to the tale has become des- much community you are considering perate. When he finds a crooked spirit here! Choirs purchasing some- You will notice that storyteller with the ability to read him back, Dustfin- thing online, please the library homepage and Christmas light ger leaves behind his young apprentice Farid and displays and so much think about using the (http://www.pcdl.lib. plunges into the medieval world of goodwill that I’m not I.Give link from our oh.us) has more up even worried about library homepage. to date information. his past. Distraught, Farid goes in sliding off the road in There are many dis- Our new web com- search of Meggie, and before long, my car because peo- counts available to mittee is adding both are caught inside the book, ple stop to help right you and the compa- more color and work- too. But the story is threatening to away. (Well maybe a nies you order from ing to keep it fresh. evolve in ways neither of them will donate a per- All this while we con- little worried.) could ever have imagined. centage of their sales tinue to add the last But you want to to the library. Any of the school libraries know what the li- revenue we collect into our new Sirsi Sequel to: Inkheart brary will be doing from these donations Catalog. for you in these next will go toward pro- coming months. We gramming. This can I wish you and all will, of course, be only be good. your loved ones a Inside this issue: looking for ways to joyful holiday season serve you more I am looking forward and a very Happy quickly, with more to doing some pro- New Year and good variety and with a grams of my own traction on the road! Library Bulletin Board: Library Goings-on 2-3 smile. One way we and I hope you will are doing that is by attend. I will be ~Abby~ Recipes: The how-to of cooking 4-5 letting our Branch teaching a Baby Heritage Recipes: The heart of family Librarians respond Signs Class in the not increasingly to your too distant future. It’s a Mystery 6-7 requests. Take this This is for pre-lingual Dying to Know opportunity to tell babies. So, if you are Hearts Afire for Romance 8-9 Romance Forecast Snuggling in for Winter: Learn about wine...and cheese! 10-11 Biopics & Biographies Inspirational Fiction 12-13 Senior Spotlight Picture Books: Let’s Read Together 14-15 Chapter Book Reads Library Art: Crafty Inspiration that sparks your interest 16 Books & Films for Valentine’s Day u Library Admin. & Resource Center u 450 S. Barron St. Eaton, OH 45320 u (937) 456-4250 u www.pcdl.lib.oh.us 2 doubt looking forward to the StoryTime is a fun activity, reading and craft pro- est Manchester Li- next library-sponsored event! gram offered to children at many of our libraries. braryW celebrated Halloween by throwing a party for their Mother Goose program is geared toward young patrons. Thirty children C amden Librarian, Gloria infants and toddlers who are up to 36 attended, each one attired in a Hyatt, participated in the Liter- months in age. terrific costume. acy Fair held at Preble Shawnee Elementary. The eve- Library Assistant, Melissa ning event was a great success, McCartney, paraded the chil- with children and their parents Library Mice program offers stories dren through Kricket’s Pizza, enjoying fun activity stations and crafts for children ages 3 to 5 years. the local pizza parlor, and the that promoted literacy. Gloria customers voted on their favor- showcased the library’s easy The 2006 spring session StoryTime Program will ite costumes. The children reader series. These books are be offered in March and the fall session in Sep- were divided into two age cate- categorized by reading levels tember. Call or visit your library for more Story- gories, ages 10 and under and which makes it easier to find ages 11 and up. The winners books for children just learning Time details. were: to read. Easy reader picture books can be found at any of Eaton Library Age 10 & under our seven library branches just Children’s Programming by browsing the shelves. They are designated with a After School Crafts (Grades 1 - 4) K ailee Fowler, who was large red sticker on the Thursdays at 4:30 dressed up as a koala bear. book’s spine. Bored after school? Visit the Eaton Library where you can express your Age 11 & up Some Easy Reader series titles include: artistic tendencies! · Viking Easy-to-Read hayna Stanley, who was · I Can Read Monday After School Movie S dressed up as a lady from the · Green Light Reader Showtime begins @ 3:00! Renaissance period. · Rookie Reader Watching a movie after school when you get home is okay, but Both girls won a $20.00 gift · Rookie Read About just imagine how much more fun certificate that was generously · All Aboard Reading it would be to watch it at the li- donated by Wal-Mart. · Dorling Kindersley Readers brary with friends! · Road to Reading The children played games and · Read with Dick and Jane the winners won small prizes. · Little Bill (Bill Cosby series) Summer Reading -- It’s just around the corner! Everyone enjoyed a tasty The theme for the 2006 Summer Reading program is: snack. Overall, everyone had a wonderful time and are no Paws, Claws, Scales and Tales! The program focus is pets -- in whatever form they might take! The summer promises to be furry one! Watch for Summer Reading announcements as sum- mer approaches! 3 With great sadness, New Donation Program the Preble County District Library must Would you like to help your library? announce the passing Buy something for yourself ! When- of Library Assistant, ever you purchase everyday items at Nancy J. Crowell, the Mall at iGive, up to 26% of every who died December purchase is donated to The Preble 16, 2005. County District Library, at no cost to you. Your free mem- bership gives you access to the over 600 brand-name mer- Nancy began work at chants like Barnes & Noble, Eddie Bauer, Lands' End and the Eaton library in PETsMART. Go online to our website at www.pcdl.lib.oh.us 1995 then quickly and click on the iGive logo to join and change online shop- moved on to the Genealogy Department where ping for good. she helped countless people research their fam- ily genealogy. Nancy was also a very creative person, display- Preble County Room ing her talents on bulletin boards and display cases set throughout the library office building. The Preble County Historical Records database continues to She also helped publish the Preble County Ge- be updated. It currently contains marriage and obituary nealogy Society’s newsletter, Preble’s Pride. She information from county records. Search through our data- and her husband, Marvin, played Mr. And Mrs. base to find ancestors with ties to Preble county. It’s avail- Claus every Christmas for library Christmas pro- able from our website: www.pcdl.lib.oh.us grams. Program Note Nancy had a quick smile, a quiet strength, and was always willing to lend a helping hand. Working with her was a pleasure. She will be Local resident, author, and historian greatly missed by everyone. of “militaria”, Chris Armold has filmed a one-hour documentary showcasing the U.S. combat helmet from 1917 to the present. Steel Pots: The history of America’s Steel combat helmets is based on the 1997 book of the same The Preble County title. “The film contains actual exam- ples of U.S. combat helmets and will District Library Board be of interest to anyone who served of Trustees welcomed in the U.S. military and wore one of the library’s new di- the nations various ballistic combat helmets.” rector, Abigail Noland, Chris will be appearing at the West Alexandria by hosting a welcom- Library on January 10th at 7pm to premiere his ing reception in No- DVD. Chris will also be appearing at the Eaton branch on January 25 at 7pm. vember. Friends, family, Board and staff mem- bers (past and present) attended the event. The DVDs will be available for purchase the evening of each program. They will also be Refreshments were served while everyone vis- available for borrowing from any of our library branches. ited and got to know one another. Owner and reporter of the Twin Valley News, Sam Shortes, Helmets off to Chris on a great achievement! was on hand to take pictures. An article and picture were included in the very next issue of New hours for Genealogy the paper! Preble County Room Beginning January 2, 2006 Everyone had a very nice time.
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