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For tlre Davs of Unleavenecl Bread

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"Scven ctays slnll ye eat unleaverwJ bre.td; even the f irst clay ye shall put awray kxtven out of your /puses.-. , Exocltts',1.2: 1 5 Unleayened Bread Recipes U n leav en ed llre ad R ec ip es

Unleavened Recipes Index BREADS

WHOLE WHEAT FLATBREAD BREADS.. .PAGE 4 4 C whole wheat flour 2 egg yolks BATTER BREADS. ...PAGE 6 I l/2 t salt 2 T vegetable oil 3 T butter 718 C milk or water POPOV8RS...... pAGk-, t2 Sift flour, then add salt, cut the butter into flour mixture, like COOKIES PAGE 14 making pastry. In another bowl, beat egg yolks, adding oil slowly. Pour this mixture into flour and stir with spoon or fork until it BAR COOKIES...... PAGE 19 forms a ball of dough that comes away from the side of the bowl. Knead lightly on a floured board for about a minute to shape CAKES...... P4GE 25 dough into soft ball. Lightly flour the board again, pinch off about onc-third cupful PIE CRUSTS...... PAGE 28 of dough and with the hands pat it as thin as can easily be done, then roll it thinner with rolling pin. Keep working the dough ancl PIES...... PAGE 29 rolling it until dough is so lhin it just holds together without breaking when handled. Pl4ce rolled dough on ungreased baking OTHER ...... "..PAGE 31 sheet and mark into square$of any desired size with a knife. If it is to be used for Passgyer service, make only one cut across the CRACI(ERS PAGE 32 middle to make pieced*only small enough that they rnay be conve- niently carried. MAIN DISIIES I'AGE 36 Bake in preheated oven 390-400" for 8-12 minutes unl.il puffed, or very lightly browned. If this bread is to be used for Passover scn'ice, use water Ahbreviations used: instead of milk, and leave out the egg yolks. lncreasc watcr to onc cup, mix with oil and add to butter-fiour mixture. (This recipe is C cup or cups - Pkg(s) - package(s) sufficient for about 500 people in the Passover Service). t tea.spoon (also tsp) qt quart - - FLATBREAD T Thblespoons (also tbsp) nted mediunr - - 2 C whole wheat flour 4 T butter ounce min * milrutes V2 C yellow cornmeal 213 C waffn water ', V2 t salt I

Si[t flour, cornmeal and .salt together. Cut in butter andmix until crumhly. Stir in warm water and chill. Roll chilled dbugh into halls tlrc sizc of largc marblc.s. Roll out into papcr-thin rounds, 4" in diamcter. Brftc on an ungrcascd cookic shcct a[ 375" U nl eav en ed B read Rec ip e s IJ nleavencd Rread lleciPes

ALMOND ITREAD Cltltll and itl a tiglttly. Iur -5 nrilutes or ulttil lightly brownccl. 'storc 'fhis nlay bc wrappcd itt waxcd papcr attcl i"i,t.,t .l,,,.r,uincr. ifirugi, 4 eggs 3 C flour [o llc hakcd as ltccdcd' [.pii,, thc rcli'igcrittor I C .sugar I small bag slivered almonds 3/4 C oil or buttcr I t almond extract r-TNLEAVENED IIREAD (#l ) Mix sugar, eggs and I cup flour, add oil or butter. Add remain- J C llour 2 T oil or buttcr l/2 C watcr or nrilk ing ingrcdicnt.s. Pour into 2 bread pans, bake at 350' lor 30 min- 3 largc cggs utcs. Rcmovc lrom pans; slicc as needcd. I t .salt thcn add Contbittc lltrttr and salt. Ctlmbinc cggs and oil: bcat' ['our CHEESE BREAD cgg-niixturc t0 llour. Add nrilk, bcat hartl for 2-3 nlinutcs. 8" sr'u^rc grcascd piurs. Bakc at 450" f.r 20 minutcs' i,iti., tt.,r.. l12lb longhorn chccse 3 cggs l/2 lb jack cheese I 1/3 C milk UNLEAVENED I}READ (#2) I C flour l/2 C buttcr, melted I t salt 3/4 C scaldccl nrilk I cgg Gratc chce.sc.s, mix all in$cdicnts and pour in grcascd pan. C Flottcy 2 l/4 C 0our l/4 Bake at 350' for 45 minutes. .. l/4 C huttcr I I .s:rlt t, Ilcatcgganclfirstliruringrcdicntstogether'whilcgradually UNLEAVENED BATTER BREAD Cut itr n,f,f*e'if.,.'fi,i,,r. 11,-,",,,t inrn,iit Roll to [4" thick,.,"ss. ri;;;,i: ,ii:rijuur", pii.r. *itr, a fork. placc on baking shcet, bakc A kind o.f unleavetted bread can be made in heavy iron com- stick pons or gempan (gents are kind o.f small mtffin).The oven is at l7.5" tlcgt:ccs lor l5-20 tninutcs' set ot 425" und thc iron pans ore placetl in it to heat while the batter is being nmde. Before hatter is placed in pans, butter the I.JNLEAVENED IIREAD (#3) pans v'ith a pustry brush. Salad oil has a tendency to rnake bread ,stick, butter or shortening is preferable. 4 T sugar or honcY -5 C llour l/2 C cl'cant I C rnilk lC tril or l/4 t .salt WHOLE WHEAT or GRAHAM GEMS l/2 C buttcr and l/2 C oil 2 C wholc wheat or 2 t sugar ! Mixclryirlgrctlicrrts.Mcltbuttcrirttdblcrrclwithoil'nrilkancl graham flour legg , itlttl clry itlgrcdicnts, kncird wcll' Roll out on 3/4to I tsalt I ll2 C cold milk .r.,,nr.'.sii,iliqiiitt B^kc at ll,urctl lr.urrl. cut a,6 plicc t-rrr uttgrcascd co.kic.shcct' Mix flour, salt and sugar. Beat egg well, a

increase to 375" and bake 15-20 minutes longer. They should be Mixfirstthrccingrcdicttls,ctlttl,andfolclinthcsti{'flybcatcnllakt: very lightly browned and then usually only on the bottom. hy-tcasp,,,,tt ()lllo grcit.sccl haki.g sltct-1. ittttl Dr,, If you do not wish to beat the dough, another method is to run "gg'*iii,"r. nrilr.tc.s. M^[cs ah.ttt l4 snrirll citkcs' i,ii-S0" 11yg11 nlrirut'30 the dough through a meat chopper or food grinder, using the and crumblcd dricd bccf givc.s varia- Thrcc rablcspo.ns "i;;;J coarse blade. Do this four or five times or until dough feels elas- tiott. tic. Knead it just until smooth before rolling out. UNLEAVENED I}ISCUITS QUICK BISCUITS sil'tcd 4 T shortcning I C llor"rr, 2 C sifted flour 1/3 C sharp cheddar l/2 C conrmcal I cgg Milk 1/3 C mayonnaise cheese (shredded) [/2 t salt 3/4 C milk 2 T (minced) sti[f togctlter, acldingc.nguqll milk to mirkc a nlccliurn Mix all Mix together flour, mayonnaise and milk until well blended. ni,rl oir abouilT+;it'itrt''iut gut' Placc on a slightly ,r,,rgr.r. prchcirtcd Add cheese and onion. Drop by tablespoon onto greased cookie p,,n. thc"topt. g;L" about 8 nrinutes in a i,oi..f Oil sheet. Bake at 350" for l0 minutes until lightly browned. ovctt o[ 425". HI-ISH PUPPIES t BISCUITS d t 6 C flour t I U2 t salt onion l/2 t salt I largc U4 C shortening Buttermilk to form dough 2 C cornmeal 4 T sugar l: flour 4 T cooking oil I C Knead dough till'well mixed. Pinch off ball and roll. Flatten in 2 eggs pan. Brush lightly with shortening or butter. Bake 400' for 15-20 oil' Drain wcll' minutes. Mix ingreclicnts ancl drop hy teaspoonful into hot I}EATEN ITISCUITS CHEESE BISCUITS 2 C sifted unbleached flour U2 lb margarine or butter flour (sittcd) 3 T buttcr 3 C I lb sharp cheese, grated I t cayenne peppgr I t sugar lToil ll2 to 7/8 cuP of nrilk or watcr I t .salt Sift dry ingredients and cut in butter. Add cheese and form into balls. Place on cookie sheet and bake salt togethcr' Cream butter' slowly adding small at 400" for l0 Si[t llour, sugar anrl golden airct *ork with hands' Add iust minutes or until brown. oil. Acltl this mixtur; i; ii-;t ,. Turn dough onlo a barcly cnough nrilk to nrnr.. ,i;;;tiiillclough' Tlrcn takc it wood- flourcd surl'ucc ancl kncad it into a sni.oth hall. and bc.r thc tlough for GERMAN PANCAKES cn r.olli,g pin .r *,;,;;;i piiirr. nrasScr ^ ro lold thc cclgcs urtdcr I ah,ut 20_25,ri,.,ur.r,'rt i1.,pl,.,g li.crlucntlv "' atttl'sttitps tln 4 eggs I T sugar " towrutl tlttr cctttct' ,,riii.'ii"tgi' Wircrr tlorrgh bli'stcr's rvitS a stnrtll hiscuit l/2 t salt 213 C sifted flour 5c-irrg pullctl. r.ll t, iD" tlrickttcss. tut placc olt a grcasctl trak- 2/3 C milk 2 T soft buttcr cutlcr, prick rho,upt',rn.""ir"ul *itt' o [or'k ancl pl^co i, ii,,,r hakc- li) rni.utcs. Tlrt-tt i,g shcr:r. ^"i5iI,,r"ii U nleavened Bread Recipes U nleav en ed B read Rec ip e s - 11 12

IJcat ovcn to 400". Butter wer two 9" cake pans. Beat egg.s POPOVERS until light ycllow. Add remaining ingredients, beat untii.srrcoth. Pour into pans and bake for 20 ririnu-te.s, then reduc. tr.r,t iu :so" and bakc l0 minutc.s. slide onto hot plates. scrvo with Icmon Tw'o se( rel,f .frtr popo"-er,t': llrehc'ctt the ba.lcing cups anrt mix .:lir.I:,p'wclc.rcrJ sugar and butter,.syi"up, jelly, honcy, ctc. iicld: ltatter in blr,ndtr. Mh only until vell oured. don't oter do. lwo 9" pancakcs. (hmi;inj ha[ the frtur to w'heot four i.r delicious, but the poplvers will not be as high. SOUR CREAM PANCAKES POPOVERS (#r) 3 eggs I C sour cream l/2 t salt 6 T matzo meal l/4 t pcpper I large egg C milk or ll2 miLUll2 water l/2 t salt C flour sifted ll2 t oil or melted butter t sugar (optional) Bea[ cg.gs, blcnd all ingrcdients, clrop by tablcspo.rr irrt. grca.sed skillct. Brown on both side.s. Start oven l0 minutes before baking; set at 450o. Butter a popover pan with 9-12 medium cups or use cups, heat 3-4 minutes in flour, .salt, sugar and resift into mixing bowl. SWEDISH PANCAKES oven. Mix Combinc milk, egg and butter, add to flour mixture, then beat thoroughly wiih io"tary bdater a minute or two. Batter shoulrt be 3 eggs ll2 t salt quickly the hot pan cups, ltalf full. I U2 C milk Oil for frying bubbly. Pour batter irrto or I C flour Place in hot oven anp bake l5 minutes, then reduce heat to 350o, and bakc l5 minutcdllonger. Mix all but oil with hand bcater untir wcil brendcd. Irrcparc POPOVERS (#2) large flrying pan by heating to mcclium hot. put about I tca.spoon of oil in a .skillet (enough to cover bottom). pour 3/4 lacllc ol-tlatter 4 eggs I t salt iljl, po., and tilt parlmmediately so it covers bortom complercly. wllen it appcars "dry on top," t[rn over. Removc ancl scrv'c rolltcl 2 C milk lToil or foldcd, sprcad with buttcr and maplc syrup; or roll with straw- 2 C flour 1/2 t vanilla bcrries and top with whippcd creant.' Heat oven to 450o, grea.se 12 deep custard cups or l6 medium ones. Beat eggs slightly, then add milk, flour and salt. Beat till smooth. Add oil and vanilla, mix. Do not overbeat. Pour into cups, and bake 25 minutes. Lower oven temperature to 350o and bake 15-20 minutes more. Remove from pan immediately, serve watrn.

DUTCH BABY POPOVERS I 6 Largc eggs 2 T butter, melted I C flour 2. T shortening l/2 t .salt I C milk Unleovened Bread Recipes U 13 14 nleaven ed Bread Recipes

Makc batter at lcast I hour before baking or evctt a day ahcad. COOKIES Put cggs, {lour, salt, milk and butter in blender. Covcr and blcrrd 30 scconds tt mcdium spced, until .smooth. Covcr batlcr lttd lct COCONUT COOKIES .stand up to 4 hours at room tempcrature or chill ovcrnight. I-lcat ovcn to 450'. Using I tablespoon of shortening for caclt, grcasc 5 eggs, beaten l/4 t salt two 9" nretal pie pans or ovenproof iron skillets. Placc grcascd l/2 C sugar 2 C shredded coconut, fresh I C pan.s in oven for 5 minutes to heat. matzo mcal 2 lemons, juice and gratecl rincl Pour batLcr into pans and bakc 20 nrinutes. Rcducc ovcn [cm- To perature to 350o and bake 5 to 10 minutes longer, until cdgcs arc lhc rvell-hcaterl cgg.s, gradually sift in thc sugar and beat pufl'cd and golden. Remove to warm serving plates and cut into until light. Add remaining ingredienri in tt oro*i n?rn"0. lri* well..sprinkle wedges. Makes 8 servings. Good with syrup or any kind of fruit a cookie sfieet ruir]r a little-extr^" oiop sauce. crxrkies on rhis b1,tc.aspoan. Bake in 325.' for 3A^ul.",.'iia, il;r;;;;crea.s_ Strawberry Sauce: Thaw one l0 ounce packagc o[ froz,cn ing heat to 350" ibr tori tO minutis. pror..., abour Z dozen. strawberries. Mix ll4 cup water and I ll2 teaspoon cornstarch in a l-quart saucepan. Stir in strawberries and I teaspoolt fresh grat- ALMOND MACAROON KISS COOKIES cd lcmon pcel. Stir over modcratc heat until it comcs to a [ull boil. 3 eggs U2 C powdered sugar 3 oz cream chccsc . I t almond flavoring l/2 C i CHEESE POPOVER PUFFS flour I l4 oz coconut ll4 C granulated sugar'4, Chocolate candy kisses I C flour 2 eggs Mix cream chees'6,.flour, granulated l/2 t salt I T margarine-melted 9ugar, powdered sugar, I C milk l/4 C shredded chcddar cheese almond flavoring to-gether, then add well b6aten eggs, then coco[ut. cover cookie sheets with heavy paper rsiitr as grocery Combine all ingredients except cheese. Beat at medium spced sack) cut to fit. Don't grease. Bake at 30b6 aboui 30 minftos. until smooth; stir in cheese. Heat a well-greased muffin pan in hot Rcmovc from papcr with spatula whirc warm. Top with carxly kis.s oven for 3 ntinutes. Spoon in batter, filling 213 full. Bake at 425' while wann. Makes about 3 dozen. for 15 minutes; reduce heat to 350" and bake 25 minutes until golden brown. Serve immediately. DO NOT OPEN DOOR while hlking ! WA LNUT. COCONUTIOATMEA L CHtrWS

COTTAGE CTIEESE ROLLS 2 C quick-cooking rolled oats I t vanilla I brown ,C sugar 2 eggs, slightly beaten l/2 C margarine I C cottagc c:hecsc ll2 C oil 3t4-e choppeci walnurs I C flour l/2 t salt I C flaked ioconut I hours Mix ingredients together well and refrigerate I or l ^Yi* oats, sugar and oil in large bowl; let stand in overnight. Divide dough into two balls. Roll out one at a timc as refrigerator. Add re.maining ingrddients; mix well. flrop for pic crust on a well floured surface. Cut into wedges and roll up from a spggl in small mounds onto a well-greased baking'sheet, each piece slarting with wide end. Place on cookie shcct and bakc pat o^ut_with back of spoon, maki,g 2" roir,cls. gate ai l5od 30 nrinutcs at 350". If desired, frost with powdered sugar thinned for 8- l0 minutcs. u,itlr rnilk whilc rolls are still wann. U nleavened Breacl Recipes Unleavened Bread Recipes 15

CARROT COOKIBS Mix all togcthcr. Make into l" balls and flatten out. Puton greasccl cookic shcct and cri.sscross with a fork and bakc a[ -]7-5,, nrinutes. I C huttcr', nrargarittc l/4 t nutnrcg lbr l0-12 or sltortc'nirrg t vanilla 2 C llour, sil-tcd egg, slightly beatcn RAISIN CLUSTERS (No-Bake Cookics) l/2 C sugar C Iinely gratcd carrots l/2 t .salt U2 C choppcd nut.s l/2 C margarine I t vanilla l/2 t cinnanron Powdcrcd .sugar 3/4 C sugar l/2 C chopped nut.s C chopped rai.sins 2 Il2 C puffed wheat Crcam shortcning until lluffy, si[t llour, sugar artd .sitlt and egg, bcatcn l/4 t salt spiccs togcthcr. Add to shortcning anrl nrix wcll. Add vlnilla. cgg. T milk Shredded coconut carrots antl nut.s. Furm inLo twu roll.s I" irr diantctcr. Wrap in wax papcr and chill at lcast 2 hours. Slicc l/2" thick and placc on In a saucc pan melt margarine, add sugar, raisins, cgg, niilk, ungrcascd cookic .sheet. Bake in prchcated 37-5" oven l0-12 rnin- vanillir and salt. Bring to boil. (be careful, ir burns casily) Boil 2 utcs. Roll in porvdcrcd sugar rvhilc still u'arm. minutc.s. Acld cereal and nuts. Mix wcll. Cool slightly. Drop by .spoon ()nto coconut and roll to coat. Placc on wax papcr to crlol. SI{OR'T I}READ COOKIES MOLASSES CRUNCH I l12 C buttcr I t vanilla or lcmon llitvoring 3/4 C sugar 3 I/2 C llour ll/2cscmi-swect i lf warcr I chocolatc chip.s n I l/2 C toasted readv to cat. "gg l/4 C light molasses crisp rice cereal Mix. Roll thin and cut with cookic cuttcr. Bakc l0-12 niinutcs I T buuir fr l/2 C raisini or until light brorvrt on bottont at l-50o. Sprinklc rvith .sugar or fro.st. In a mctlium .sauccpan, mix lhc chocolatc, molasscs, huttcr and water, place over low heat, stirring constantly until thc choco- I}IJTTER PECAN COOKIES late and butter mclt. Rentove from hcat, add the ccreal and rai.sins and mix well. Drop by tcaspoons onto waxed papcr. Rcfrigcratc I C huttcr or margnrinc I cgg until sct. For varicty, add choppcd nuts or mar.shmallows. 2 cups flour 213 cup-softened packcd brown sugar Pccittt Halvcs CORNFLAKE COOKIES

Ctcatn butl-cr itttd .sugat'. blcrrd in cgg. Stir togctltct lltrttr ittttl I C light corn syrup I C pcanut t,u,,.l. l/2 teaspoon salt: stir into crcantcd ntixturc. Chill I Itoul'. l;orm I C sugar 7 C corn flakcs into l" ball.s: placc 2" aparl oll utlgrcilsiccl cookic sltcct. Irlattctt itt onc directiott rvith lork tincs: top cach rvitlr a pccall hall'. Bakc at Bring syrup and sugar to a rolling boil. Blend in peanur buttcr. -375' Iirr l0 [o l2 rriinutes. Pour over corn llakcs. Drop by teaspoon onto waxed pafcr. UNLEAYENED PECAN PEANU'T I}UTTEIT COOKIES SANDIES I

l/2 Cl nrargzrrinc 2 cgg.s I C buttcr 2 ll4 C lfovt' "' l/2 C pcanLrt butlcr' I l/2 C l'lour' 3/4C.sugar lCgroundpccans I C bl'orl'tt sugiu' Pirrch ol' salt 1 l12 t vanilla U nleavenecl Bread Rec i1t es U Bread llecipes nleavened 17 Beat brown sugar and oil together, add remaining ingredicnts (lrcant buttcr until light and fluffy, add sugar gradtrally, crcan.l and mix well. Drop from spoon onto greased baking sheet. Bake rvcll, acld vnnilla. Slowly adcl llour, then nuts. Roll snrall balls ol' at375o for 20 to 25 minutes until well browned. clough in palms of hand. Placc on ungreased cotlkic' shcct and llzrt- tcn. "lop rvith pecan half (optiortal). Bake at 350' for l0-12 nrin- utc.s until .slightly browned. DO NOT OVERBAKE! Rcmovc MEXICAN WEDDING CAKES I'ronr cookie sltcet immcdiately and cool on wirc rack. I C buttcr 2 C flour NO-I}AKE FUDGE COOKIES l/2 C powdered .sugar l/8 t salt I t vanilla li2 C chopped pecans 2 C quick oals, uncooked 2 C sugar salt I C chocolatc chips l/4 t Cream butter, powdered sugar and vanilla. Combine flour,.salt li2 C milk I C raisins and pecans and stir into butter mixture. Shape into ll' balls. Bake t vanilla l/2 C coconut I on ungrea.sed baking sheet at 325' for 20-25 minutes until lightly l14lb buttcr or ntargarittc l/2 C r:hoppcd nuts browned. Roll warm cookies in powdered sugar. Cool on racks and roll in sugar again. Add lirst five ingredicnt.s in a largc bowl. Brilg ncxt livc tt'r it boil. Clombine together and stir until chocolatc chip.s nrclt. Clool papcr. LcL.stitntl until f il'nr. For slightly and droply spoon on wzrx wHEAT-GERrvtr & OATMEAL COOKTBS t,ai-iei'; use 3/4 cup chocolate chips and l/4 cup ()l'huttcr.scotch. Atld .scveral tablcspootls pcallut huttcr to boilctl tttixltttr.'. r\tld l/'l ' cup whcat germ to oat ntixturc. to ll2 314 C oil !; ,,oc sifted soy flour I C honey , l/2 C raisins or dates 2 T molasses BUTTER I}ALI,S 1/2 C chopped walnuts ALMOND 2 eggs I t salt 2 t vanilla 112 C whcat gcrm l/8 t alniond cxtritct I I C buttcr 2 C milk powder, sifted 2 C oatmeal 3 'I conl'cctioncrs sugar 2 C sifted flour vanilla I C choppcd alnttlnds I t Combine oil, honey, molasses. Add eggs, one at a time. Combine dry ingredients and add to liquids, mixing well. Drop by Crcam butter and sugar, add flavorings. Stir in flour ancl teaspoonful onto lightly oiled cookie sheet. Bake l0-12 minutes Form into tiny balls and placc on at almoncls ancl hlend well. 350'. ungrcascct cookic shcct. Bakc at 350' for 20 minutc.s. Roll irl cotl- hot. Makcs about 6 dozc'n cottkic's' lbc"tioncrs sugar whilc BT]TTER TREATS

APPLESAUCE COOKII1S l/2 C honey Dash salt ; l/2 C pcanut butter l/2 C nonfat dry milk l/2 C confectioners sugar I C comflakes I C browtt.sugar l/2 t.salt 1J 314 C oil I t viurilla Mix all but cornflakes, knead until smooth. Shape in l"'talls I C thick applcsaucc 4 C rollcd o:rts (lour' then roll in crushed cornflakes. l/2 C ttut.s l/2 Cl I cgg llecipes U nleavened Bread 19 Unleavened Bread Recipes

HEALTHY HONEYS SPICY NUT BARS (A no-cook trcat thc kiddic.s can ntitkc) l/2 C hutter l/4 t nuuneg (' churrky [)r:tutLlt bttttcr 3 C Wheat Cllc.r ccrc,al l/2 C shortening I egg (' ltorrcy crushcd to I l/2 C I C .sugar 2 C flour (' rtonl'itt dry rlilk 2 C Ilice Cile,r ccrcitl cru.shcd l/2 t cinnarnon l/2 t salt to 314 C I t vanilla t/3 C chopped nuts

Conrbinc pcanut buttcr, honcy, dry milk ancl Wheat Che.t Cream butter, shortening, sugar, vanilla and egg until fluffy. (i/tr.r crtrrrrh,s. Slrapc ittttt l" lltlls, (tlptitlnal) prcss aWhurt stlttitt'c Stir in .sifted dry ingredients, then nuts. Dough will be stiff. Press ccrcirl inlo cach ball. Roll in Rice Chex crumb.s. Covcr. Chill until evenly into l5"xl0" shallow pan. Bake at 350'for 25-30 minutes. Iirrl. abor.lt 2 hours. Makes about -5 dozen. Best if rcl-rigcratcd. Cut into bars.

PEANUT BUTTER QUICKIES UNLEAVENED I}ROWNIES 2 (l cn.rnclry pcanut butter 2 C sugar 2 cggs. hcatclt I t vanilla 2/3 stick butter 2 eggs 2 squares unsweetened l/2 C llour (lontbinc poanut butter and sugar until creamy. Bcat in cggs chocolate I t vanilla irrrtl vanilla. Sirapc into I " balls. Placc 2" tpart on_grcascd cookic I C .sugar ['inch .salt shcct. Irlattc-n by crisscrossing with tork. Bakc at 375' Iirr l0- l2 minutcs till browned. Makcs about 6 dozcn. Melt butter and chocohte. Cool .slightly. Sift flour sugar and .salt togcther. Add eg[s, vanilla and mix with chocolate mixture. Pour in grcased pan.,Cook at375" for 30-35 minutes.

BAR COOKIES BUTTERSCOTCH I} ROWNIES OATMEAL & APPLE.I]UTTER I}ARS l/2 C butter I t vanilla I C brown sug,rr I C flour I l/4 C llour 3i4 C margarinc--+ttt in Piccc.s 2 eggs l/4 t .salt I C packcd lrrttwtl sugar I 114 C quick-cooking oats 3/4 (l hultcr or 3/4 C applc huttcr Mix all ingrcdients togcthcr arrcl pour into grcascd"t'i" patt. Bake 30 minutes at 350". Irr a largc [orvl mix llour and Sugirr. Cut in buttcr until nri.tturc rt sc:nrblcs c-oar.sc crunrb.s. Stir in Oats ulltil wcll blclldcd. Prcss [1ll't|c ntixturc (abgut 2-li2 cup.s) {irnrly in grca.scd li'' .st;uarc ) EASY ALMOND CRUNCH I}ARS I piur to lonn conrpact laycr. Sprcad applc [ruttcr to witltin l12" ol' in g oats mixtu1g applc huttcrl.prLrss I pkg coconut-almoncl I or 2 t altnond cxtract i:rlgcs. Spri lklc rcmain _ovc.r / or .,,,:.1'r,lly bu[ (irnrly. BakJ in prchcatcd 350" uvcrt about ,40 Inirl- ' cocorlut-pccan I'rosting mix I C powdcrecl sugar !,, rutc.s trr urtfil lightly browrtccl.'Ctlttl in pall on rack. Ctrt ill l"x 4" lCflour 2or3Trnilk hurs or 2" stlttittcs. Makcs 16. l/2 C rnargarinc. ntcltcd U tlcavcned Ilreud llecipes Unleavened Bread Recipes

I tr'tix lirsr lirur ingrcclicnt.s. Sprcad irr 9"xl-3" ru n g rr.r;rscrl rl i.slr. well and acld to cgg mixture. Spread in greased l-5 l/4"x10 1l2"xl" 150'. I0- goldcrr llirkr rtt 20 ntinutc.s until llruwn . Ilt stlirll horvl. roll pan. Bakc at375' tor l8-20 minutes or until done. Cool. (lLrt .jclly utlnthilrc rcrrrairrir rg irrgrcdicnts antl clrizzlc ovc'r wiu'r.n hlrrs. Cut in bar.s. Ivltilc rvunrr.

I SAUCEPAN I}ROWNIES CREAM CHEESE ALMOND SQUARES rlz b.rtcr or r.argarinc 3/4 C lkrur f c l/2 C soft buttcr T lemon rind rl o/. unsrvcr,:tcrrcd clrocol alc I t vanilla 2 T sugar C choppcd alnronds. loastcd .sugar I C' l/2 C choppctl pccarrs 2 T milk C sitted powdcrcd .\ugar P .'ggr. slightly bcatcrrr l/2 t gratcd lemon rind lT water I l6 oz soft crc.lm cheesc I t l)rcltcitl ovcn to 3-50". Mclt buttcl' lrcavy ilr .saucclllrn ',l,itlr I C sugar 'lilastcd .sl icccl al nrorrdl; pltrrcolatc. ovr-l' lorv hcat. Rcnrt)vc l)-()ll lrc-irt ancl cool .sliglrtly. I cgg, lightly bcatcn fltltl sugar', tlrcn nrix in cggs. Stir in llour, vanilla arrcl pcciln.s. ( -lillrcatlSprcad irrto wcll grca.scd[rca.scd ll"xtl"x2" nan.pan. Bakc 30-3-5 ntinutcs. Clxrl Mix butter, sugar. nrilk and l/2 tea.spoon lenron rind, add flour pan lrrrtl cut. irr and mix. Press into 9" pan and sct asidc. Mix chcese, .sllgar, cgg , ancl I teaspoon lcmun rind, add choppcd almonds and pour intu ,rLD *'RLD RAS.TIERR' rlA*s pan. Bakc I hour and lOtninutc.s al. 3(X)". Mix .sugar, rvatcr and iinnamon. Sprea

'1 Ilcrrl t'ggs rvitlr watcr lill liraluy. Slowly ltld .sugar untl itlrc:rtirrg rrrrtil light lrntl llLr['l'y. IVlix cirrrrly. cocor)Ltt. ntrts irntl Uuleatened Ilread Recipes '24 Unleavened Bread Recipes

O'/IIENRI'IiARS Ilr horvl. cut butter in chunks. Add flour, sugar and orange peel and bcat on low speed. scraping sides of bowJ often till u'ell /2 C' sol't huttcr or margarinc I t vanilla rriir.ul Rcler+c l/2 cup crurnh mir,ture and $,t Lside. Pre.ss thc /2 Cl browlr .sugar, l/4 t salt rc.st into ungreased 8" square baking di.sh. Bake near center of - lil'rnlv nackcd C com llakcs 350" ovcn {or 12 to l7 minutcs. [n the same bowl, mix thc rcst o[ I C .riti.,l ti,,u. C .shrcddcd coconul ingrcdicnt.s except pineapplc. Bcat on mcdium .speed till iight and I (: hr,,*,, .sugilr, lirrnly packcd C walnuls fluff'y. Add pincapple. Spread over baked cru.st (hot). Sprinkle witl 2 r":gg.s ,l rcnraining crumb mixturc. Retum to ovcn. Bake l5-20 minutcs. Cool conrpletely. Cut. Covcr. Storc in rcfrigerate. il ttt,* ouuncal, .sugars, shortoning, hut-r.cr, salI antl vanilla. pr.c.ss into a.l0"x.l-5" pan. Bakc at 32-5" t6r 20 nrinutcs, lj.or;r ri,itlr chip.s. RAISIN SQUARES prcltctl u,itlr pcirrrut huttcr. t I C rai.sins or tlates 112 C brown sugar CRISPY DATE ITARS 2 T lcmon juicc 3 T honey or molasses Grated rind of I lemon 1 113 C oatmeal fl t'tt,,,,r 2 C crispy ricc ccrcirl I C water I ll4 C wheat flour \1.?\'hrrrw.n sr.rgar I C choirpctl rrur.s 6 T butter 1/2 t salt li2 (' sol'r burrcr I t vanilli Itoil (l c'hoppcd datcs 2 C powclcrccl .sugar 4 pl[ (' I /2 sugar l/2 i vanilla Cook raisins, lemon juiqe and rind and water until raisins are l/2 C buttcr 3 oz .so[t crcam chc:csc tender. Thicken with cornstarch if necessary. Set aside. Cream but- rl cgg hcatcrr ter and add oil, blend lh srgar, blend in horiey. Add all remaining li ingredients and press half of mixture in 9" pan. Spread on the '' C].rnrhinc fir.st 3 ingrcdients, pre.s.s into ll,,x7" or 9" squilrc raisin mixture. Sprinkle reserve crumb mixture on top, smooth and gan. Bakc at 375" to to l2 minute.s till goldcn hr.rvn. In mcdiunr press down. Bake 25 minutes aL 375". fauccparr. cornhincr datc,.sugar and buttcr. Cook ovcr lorv hcat till lhrxturc conrL-.s to a boil. stirring constantry. simnic-r 3 minutc.s. Blcrrd abrut l14 cup hot nrixturi into I hciten cgg. Rcr.urn to QUICK OATMEAL BARS llaucc parr. C)ook until mixture buhblc.s. Rcmovc-lionr hcat. Stir ilr [f cups cr.ispy ricc ccreal, lcup of choppcd nut.s and I tc-a.spoon ol' l12 C margarine-melted vitttilla. .Sprcrrd ovcr hakcd cru.st arrrl criol. Conrhinc powtlcrcd I ll2 C quick rollcd oats n tlugar..r'arrilla and c'ream chccsc, hcat on low spccrl dntil .snrooth. 3/4 C chopped nuts prcrrd ovcr coolcd (illing Cut into bars. [f l/2 C sugar

Mix wcll all ingredients (mixturc will look dry). Press int.o 9" PINEAPPLE CIIEESECAKE IIARS square baking pan. Bake in preheated 375' oven for 15 mirlutes. Cool 2 minutes, then cut into bars. Remove to rack to cool. l/2 C. su'cct ('rcam huttcr I/4 C .sugar ,l t l/-l (' llour I cgg I /.1 1; t,,r,,, 'l'gr:rtt:tl I T lcnton juicr. 1 orlngc ;lccl l/2 Cl canclic:cl pirrclpplc- -tliccd I oz cl't:uln clrcc.sc. sol't U nleavened Bread Rec ipes Unleavened Bread Recipes ,, _


li2 C buttcr or margarine 2 C flour UNLEAVENED CHOCOLATE CA KT' 6 eggs I pkg chocolate buttcr-frosting , I ll2 C.sugar 2 C walnuts 'l l/2 C tlour ' T C.trn .\\.ntf 2 (l .suuar 4 cgg.s Cream butter well, add eggs one at a time, beating well after ll t-' uclcrablc .rhortcning 2T vanilla each one. Gradually add sugar. By hand, stir in flour, frosting mix lll 'f cocoa and walnuts. Bake in greased and floured bundt pan for 350" for 60-65 minutes. Cool2 hours. i Clrcaln shortening. sugar and cgg.s. Combinc all othcr ingrccli- tnts. Ucar until fiuff,i andtigt t. Priu-r into 2 grcascd E" pan-r Il;ikt: 3-50'' Iirr about. 30 minutes. Cool and Frc.st. GOLDEN WESTERNER CAKE

1 I APPLESAUCE LOAF CAKE 3 sticks butter margarine 1 ) or t vanilla I carton *powdered sugar I t lemon juice ,,114 C honcy I t cinnamon 6 eggs ll o. purc ntaple syrup l/2 t grouncl clovc.s Fill emptied sugar carton with ul/3 C conr oil C rai.sin.s flour-sifted threc time$ I 3/4 C rvhole whcat flour C thick applcsaucc iU2 t.salt C nuts (optional) Have eggs and butter at room temperature. Cream butter, add tt.gg powdered sugar and [Oat until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beat- ing well after each. Sift flour 3 times, fill empty sugar carton with p Bcal honcy, oil and egg togethcr. Sift dry ingrcdicnts togcthcr flour, and add gradually to batter. Add flavorings and mix well. I and add .spiccs. Lightly stir in raisitt.s, nuts and applc-.saucc. Spot'rtt Bake in a greased and lloured bundt pan at 325' for I l/2 hours. If battcr into oiled 9"X5" loaf pan. Bakc 40 rninutcs at 350". desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar or serve with ice cream and fruit. I I SURPRISE CUP CAKES COCONUT CAKE . ,l.squtrcs.semi-sweetchocolate 4 eggs 2 .stick.s nrargarine C flour lCoil 2 C flour l/2 t burnt sugar flavoring 314 C.\ugar 2 C sugar I t salt . (ontional) t.sp vanilla I t coconut flavoring I can (3 ll2 oz) coconut r. I t,t c'pccans, c'hoppcd 6 whole eggs I

. Mclt chocolate and margarinc and flavoring. Add pcc:atts: sct Cream oil and sugar, add coconut flavoring and beat. Add lasitlc. Mix, but rlo not beat 6ggs. ArJd IIour nn.i sr"tgat.'Fold inLo eggs. Sift flour and salt togcther and fold in coconut. Bake"ln ]clrucolatc mixturc. Spoon into nruffin tins Iined with cup lincrs. *fil-greasecl tube pan at 315" for I hour 10 minures. IcinglMix I I;ill ahout 213 full. Bake 325'for 35 minutcs. Makcs ahout I l/2 112 cup powdered sugar, 314 cup of boiling water, and 3 scant tea- 6ftrzcn. I;ro.sting is optional. .spoon coconut flavoring in a saucepan. Bring to boil; boil I

I minute. Pour mixture over cakc and rctum to ovcn lbr 3 minutcs. I l nleat'cn cd llrcrd llecipes Unleovened llretd llecipes


! C .sugar 5 cgg.s I C rnargarine or butter I l12t vanilla 3 C flour l/2 C shortcning 4 eggs l/4 t salt -l C ntilk I C buttcr I C sugar l/4 t ground nutnrcg I t coconut extract 2 C flour l'lJJt1i,, 2 t rum extracl Crcam buttcr, gradually adding sLrgar until light and flufly. I Crr'um llutlcr. .shortcning ancl sugar wcll. Add cggs ollc at a Add vanilla, adcl cggs onc at a timc. .Sil't togcther IIour, .salt and hcat in Jinrc, adtl nrilk and cxtracts. Sift flour and salt togcthcr_artd . Gradually add dry ingrcdicnts to egg mixturc ancl bcal. i snrall portion at a tinte. Bakc in tube pan for I hour l5 ntirtutc.s. until thoroughly blcndccl. Turn buttcr inl,o greased 9"x5"x3" loal ft 3(X)". G/a.;r:.. Mclt 2 tcaspgott [uttcr, acld 3 oullcc.s pl' ll'pzctl pan. Bakc in a 325o oven for 60-6-5 minutcs. Cool cakc in pan. $ro,rg. iuicc conccntrate and I cup con(cctioncr.s .stlgar. Mix wcll Makcs I loaf. lnrl sprcad ottto coolcd cakc.

CHEESE POUND CAKE CREAM PIF CRUST ) ll2 C huttcr I l12 t vanilla t p oz. crcam chccse I t salt FLAKY PIEpRUST (Z-9" ) 3 C sugar 3 C flour 3i4 C !, l/2 tsp salt 6 cggs shortening I 2 C siftcd flour l14 to ll2 cup ice watcr I Clrr',,,rn buttcr, cltcc.sc, sugar, salt ancl vanilla until flufl'y, add gflg.s olc ilt il tinlc, bcating wcll afltcr cach. Gcntly ftlld in flour. Combinc flour, salt, and shortcning. Mix with pa.stry cutter until flour and .shortening arc crumhly (about thc .snrall b;*c i,r lirrgc grcasctl lntl lkrur"crl hutttlt 1latt, lirr I l/2 htttrrs at sizc of Itxt". peas). Pour enough ice-wal.er into {lour mixture to makc a .stiff dough. Divide in half and tum each portion onto a wcll flourccl board. Sprinkle dough liberally with flour and nrake int"o a ball*- I POUND CAKE (l) .surfacc of dough should not be sticky. Using rolling pin, roll out I into desircd.shapc. Usc for a hcarty chickcn or hccf pot-pic, or an J lh butt:r 6 cggs total-acld 2 cggs with all purposc baking shcll I'or any o{'your favoritc pics, ctc. D C ,ugu, (prcfcrablc citclt cuP o[ llour I ra* sugitr) I t vanilla GRANOLA CRUMB CRUST (8" or pie) 7 l12 C llour--wholc whcat l/3 C swcct crcant 9" tt I Prt'l'crahlc 2 C Granola I l/4 cup melted butter (lrcant huttcr, gradually add sugar, bcat wcll. Add cggs-(two ! l[11s lirr t-.aclt cupirf l1suri, altcrnali1g with llour. Mix wcll. Add Crush ccrcal. Combinc wiLh antl prcss pic plirr. antl vitnilla. Ilakc at 2-50" until goldcn brown, using hundt huttcr into Ii.'u,.,, Bake 5 minutes at 350". Cool belirrc (illing. pan. l/ nleayened Bread llecipes IJnleavened Bread llccipes

CHEESECAKE CRUST Mclt buttcr, add to bcatcn c)ggs and .sugar, Stir in rcm:rining ingrcdients. Pour into 9" unbakcd pic shell. Bake at450'lirr l0 I C'llour' l/2 C huttcr cul. in minute.s. Rcduce l:eat to 32-5" and bakc until done, nearly one l/4 C .sugar I .slightly bcatcn yolk hour. I t lcttton 1rc:cl l/4 t vanilla IMI'OSSII'I.E PIE I tttcntl tlry irrgrcdicnts thoroughly. Crc'am buttcr, lcnron pccl, cgg, and vanilla. Mix dry and crcanrcd nrix into dough. Pat dtiugh 4 eggs 1l2t


il12 C. hutlcr' I/2 t vanilla cgg* li2 C sugar F "l' '2 llour t lcnron cxtract 2/3 C buttcrrnilk U nlcatcned Breod Recipes lJ nlcatcncd llrcad l(s.|tr.t

Put apple.s in 9" pittt, sprinkle with salt and cinnitnlon. Pour in OTHtrR DESSERTS water. Dritz,lc with lemon,juicc. ln.scparatc bowl, ntix llour, sugar ancl oatmcal. Cut in butter until pea-.sized. Spread ovcr applc.s and CHOCOLATE DELIGIIT pat firn:ly. Bakc at 350" lirr I hour. I strck rrr;rrgirrirrc I C Cool Whilt f (' lh,rrr 2 small pkg.s irr.stant WHOLE.WI.I EAT RNOVERS I CJ chopJrcrl pccuns chocolatc puclding I'l l{rrz pkg crtarn clrcc.sc 3 C milk l/4 t salt l/2 C coconut (.' not','tlt:lt'tl suulrt' I ll2C whole-wheat flour l/2 raisins I T brown .sugar l/4 C choppcd pccans I Mix lirst tl,,,,.: i,,gr",licnts togcthcr ancl pat into a 9"x13" pan l/2 C buttcr, softened l/2 C powcle-rcd sugitr for cnrst. Ilakc 20- liminutc.s atJ-50". Cool conrplctcly. 112 C apncot preserves l/2 f vanilla I lr'lix ncxt thrr:c ingrcdicnts ancl pour ovcr crust. Mix puclding l/2 C sour cream Milk ]rtl nrilk :urt[ llour ovcr crcam chccsc laycr. Rcmaining Cotil Wltip g:ut hc sprc'ad ovcr crtl.irc nrixturc and rcl'rigcratc. Thi.s carr also hc Stir togcthcr flour, brown .sugar and salt. Cut in buttcr to !ozt'tt rrrrtl tlrctt allowcd to thaw a slrurt whilc llclbrc' scrving. coarsc crumbs. Add .sour crcam, mixing till hall lirrnts. Drvidc: irtto 10 portions. On lightly flourcd surfacc, roll cach porLion in to a 4 I 1/2" circle. Combine prgservc.s, coconut, rai.sing and nuts. Placc 2 CI{ERRY CIIEESE CAKE tablc.spoon liling on cach circle. Fold onc sidc of douglr ovcr lil- ing, scal edges 5y pressiig with tincs of fork. Bakc ori ungrcasctl lro,, ,,u,,.,. l/3 C raw sugar baking shect at 375si for 2-5 minutcs. Cool slightly on rack. Il' U3 Cl rvholc rvhcat llour cgg dcsi rei, drizz,le witii powdcrccl .su gar, van i I I a-ancL nr i lk. I arrd Millcr'.s brart t lcmon cxtract | 'l- nnv sug:rr ('l sour crcanl l/4 I cirurirnrrlrr 3 T raw .sugar CRACKERS I oz pkg crc:rnl chccsc (soft) l/2 t vanilla or almond cxtract SNACKIN' CRACKERS I l;or crust, mc-l[ [ruttcr in 8" haking dish. Stir in lkrur-bran mix- 2 C whcat flour l14 C oil [rt', .sugar and cinnamon. Prcss cvcnly ovcr bottoln and up .sidc.s I t sllt l12 C. coltl walcr l[ rlislr. Mix rrcxl 4 ingrcdicnt.s antl pour ovcr cru.st. Btkc uncov- l/2 C se.samc sccds Watcr ' :rctl,5 ntilrtrlcs tt 350". Cornbinc sorrr crcilnl, sugar and cxtrirct 114 raw wheat germ lntl sprc:rtl ovL-r crL'am chccsc mixlurc. Bakc unr:ovcrcd 2 minutcs. Dool slightly, .sll(x)n ott pic filling. CIrill .scvcral hours. Blcnd llour, salt, sceds and whcat gcrm. Add oil artd ntix witlr fork. Add cold water and mix well. Continue adding adcJitional APPLE CRISP water a little at a time until dough is soft and workablc.'Kncad -5- l0 minutes. Take a golf-ball-sizcd lump. roll it as thin as possiblc. , parctl .sliccd applcs I ll2 t lcmon .juicc Cut rvith a cookie or biscuit cuttcr. Place on ungrcase-d qprrkic /2 t cirrrranron l/2 C llour' shcct at 400'. turning to lightly hrolvrr hoth .siclc.s. For d?l;li:rcrrt l/4 t salt l/2 C rollcd oat.s ta.stc, rcplace the cup of flour with cornmcal, ryc or oat llout'. ,/4 (' ivirtcr' 3/4 C- browll .sugar Sccds can bc rcplaced by .sr.rnflowcr or poppy .scctl.s. or lry cocottttt /J (' buttcr nr ,-l.rtnnn.l rrrrlc A t.., l.^.lt .".r. 1.,. '.,1,1,.,1 Ilnltavenad llread llecipes ,O Unleavened Bread Recipes

.SA\'oRY G RANOI,A C'RACKERS ie sheet and bake at 400" for 5 to 8 minutes. They should be slightly puffed and faintly brown. Makes about 2 d

I RT'TIIIE'S C-RACKERS I 2(' ,"''lto[' u'ltCat []tlur l/2 Cl oil PAR.MESAN ROUNDS (' wiltcr t t2 rvlritt'llour I l12C wrrnlt a Fr sul]lu 314 C grated parmesan t 2 T cold water l/2 C flour t, 2 T finc chopped nut.s r i\ttr uttrl tltkc a piccc its I'rrr llic dgugh attd roll trttl tltitt its l)os- l/8 t cayennc pepper" I T flakes [ihlc. kccl,ing hoarrl rvcll-llourctl. Placc ott bakirtg.shcct atttl cut ill l/4 C soft butter lSirc.',1u,,t:cs tlcsit'ctl. Prick rvith l'ork to itvoid buhblc.s. IJakc alroul lJ rninutcs;rt J75". Ilcl'orc haking,.sprinklc rvitlr salt. girrlic salt. Mix grated cheese, flour and peppcr. Cut in butter, sprinkle on bltron sirlt, cclt:t'y sltll, tlr.scitsottctl .sitlt. watcr I tahlc.spoon at a tinrc, .stirring al'tcr cach with a fork till all

I is moist. Furm into I l12" roll. Clonibinc nut and parsley and coat the roll. 1 (lllEIiSE CItAClKItlrS Cut into l/4" slices. Place on ungreased pan, bakc l2 minutes I at 315' . Cool. The.se freczc wcll. I '214 (' cltctltlitrcltcc.sc 3 l- rnilk 'l' Erirtc(l ,2 btritcr 213 C wltolt-' rvltcitt llrtur I DOUI}LE CTIEESE TWISTS I (irirtl cltccsc irlttl tttca.sut'c. Cltcc.sc Ihat Itas tlt'ictl .soltlcr'r'ltltt is lor grutirrg. Sil't llour and tttcasurc rctltrircd :llll()tlllt. 2/3 C llour 2/-l C shrcddcd cheddatr bCttcr (l 'f ! | ('rc,,nihuttci'itt it ntcdiunt-.siz.c ttri.ritlg how'l atltlittg tlrc clrccsc l/4 corrrnrcul 2 .shortcning hrrrl hlcrrtlllg unril wcll ntixcd. Acltl milk. bcatirlg it rrl;r tithlt:- t/2 t salt 3ll2-4[coldwater spoorrltrl ;rr i tirtrc. I)our in llour uttd wot'k tltc tttixturc rvitlt sllootl I ,oi' lrlrr,ls trrrtil it [irt'ttts it l'irirly snrootlr llall. otrt tlrc tltrLrgh on iightly llourcd surl'acc. thctt l'oll r'r,itll Mix flour, cornnrcal and salt. Cut in chccldar and shoflening. Ir.'llirrpi I,,,...s t prrr slrglrtlv tlrinncr tlrlrri liri llic crttst. C'ttt ittto.stttltll Add water. Shape dough into a ball. Placc betwccn 2 shccts of rourr(i\,,r rticis. ['r'ick r.vilh lirl'k. Pl:rcc llict;t:s ()ll tlllSlcil.\ctl cook- / lr"lr"""rrri Or. U nleav en ed B read Rec ip e s f SS I lvax paper. Roll into a l2"xl0" rcctanglc. Cut into 3"xl/2" strip.s. MAIN DISHES fwist caclr 2 or 3 timcs. Placc on ungrcased pan, pressiltg dttwtt fn cnd.s to prcvcnt curling. Bake 5-7 ntinutes al 425". ILc-nrovc lnd rtrll in l)arrrtr:.san chcc.sc. Cool. RICE DRESSING SUPREME I I ll2 clcar chicken stock I 12 t pepper I GRAHAM CRACKERS 2 C long grain ricc t accent *r 3/4 C dicccl onion C mushroom pieces and juice I C fluur (rvlrolc whcat) l/2 C molasse.s I C diccd cclcry t thyme I T arrtrrvrorrt l/4 C water l/2 .stick margarine I/2Coil ltvanilla I t sagc ;l ll2C. unhlc'acltcd llour l/4 C honcy l/2 t salt I-lcat broth to boiling point. Scason with l tea.spoon of salt if t nol alrcady seasoned. Add rice and stir till it boils up once. Lower ,1 Mix lir.st 5 ingrcclicnts togcthcr until crumbly likc pic dough. hcat, cover. and steam 15 minutes. Saute onion and in mar- }lix litluid.s arrd pour into llour mixturc, mix Lhoroughly, kncad. garinc until clcar. Add rcmaining ingredients and combine the two Joll out orr llourctl lloard. Cut into squilrc.s, prick with lork. U.sc mixturcs. Turn into a casserole to be served hot. This can be [ancakc tunrcr to lil't onto grcascd pan. Bakc 275-3(X)" Iirr 3(] chillcd or frozen, and heated when needed. gtinutc.s untiI .slightly browtt. i IqNG RANCH CHICKEN I WIIOLESOME OATMEAL CRACKERS i I 4 lb chicken, cooked, I C quick-cookirrg rollccl oats l/2 t salt, scasoned salt, cclcry deboned and diced ?3 (l llour or .salt l2 corn tortillas f/3 C toastcd whcat gcrm l/3 C watcr 4 t chicken stock 'l'hrowrr sugar l/4 C oil can crcam of mushroom soup | can cream of ,_ In lnixing howl, .stir togcthcr oats, (lour, whcat gcrnt, hrowtt C chopped green pepper hgur antl ttt'iirctl salt. Mafe a wcll in thc ccntcr an-rJ add the C choppcd onion ]atcrand oil all at orrcc. Stir ju.st untildry ingrcdicnts itrc moist- l6 oz can whole tomatoes cned. Forrn tkrugh inlo a bitll tncl dividr: irr half. Ott grt-asctl llak- 314lb grated cheese lrg.shcct nrll hal{'thc dough to a 12"x8" rcctanglc. (lut irrto 2 " lquarc.s. Bakc at -J-50" for 20-22 mittutc.s or until crisp. Ilcntovc [o Line bottom and sides of greased 3 quart casserolc pan with ivirc rack to cool. Storc in tightly covercd containcr. Makcs 4fl layer of tortilla.s. Sprinkle 2 teaspoon of chicken stock ovgr tor- prackcrs. tillas. Make a layer rvith cream or mushroom soup, half tHe chick- cn, onions and peppers. Cover with another layer of tortillas, .sprinklc rcmaining stock on top, and make a layer of creanr of chicken .soup, tlre re.st o[ the chickcn, onion.s and peppersiTop with tonrat()e.s, cover with gratcrl chcesc. Bake 350' for 4-5 rnin- utcs. I Unleavened Bread Recip es IJnleavened Ilread Recipes 38 I rrzz* wrrH YoRKSHTRE cRusr Pliicc cup rricat the a I minutcs. ubout l/4 mixture in bottom of 9"x l3' b;rking tlish. lacc 2 tortilla sidc by side on the meat mix- I C butter 'lop rl C milk trrrc t'lclr tollilllr witlr.\orrc mcAt mixture and grated cheese. Iir'pcrrt rrrrtil t:aclr stack contains 6 turtillas, layered with meat and !z.gg.t 'l C flour clrccst'. Illkc at 3-50" lirr'25 minutcs until cheese is bubbly. Cut cach stack into tluirrtcr,s with a sharp knil'e before serving. .l/2 t salt

13 T *h.ut g.nn 12 T oil PTZZA TURNOVERS I small onion garlic, crushed ll I lb ground beef l8 oz can Lomato sauce 1i3 C green pepper, chopped l/2 t oregano 1/3 C mushrooms, chopped rll4 t salt 1/4 C onion, chopped t prpp", '8It/8 2 T butter ot. mozzarella, sliced 6 oz tomato paste 1/4 C water ' B.ut milk and eggs until blended. Melt butter in 9"x13" I t oregano pan, preheating Removc and tilt pan leaves . while oven to 400'. l/2 t r to coat bottom. salt l/4 t garlic powrJer '. Combine milk-egg mixture with flour, salt and wheat gcrm. I 1 C .shrcdded cheddar Four into melted butter-pan to create crust. Bake l5 minutcs. Pastry for 2 double:irust pies Rcduce heat to 350' and bake 10 minutes. Heat oil in small skillct pnd saute onion and garlic, add sauce, oregano, salt and pcpper Brown *.ur, und drain well. Saute pepper, mushrooms and heat. Spread on baked crust and top with cheese, Return to [nd onion in butter. Combine meat and vegetal Add tomato paste, bven and bake 5 minutes to melt cheese. Mushroonts, pcppers, meat, water and seasonings; simmer 15 minutes. Add cheese. Roll or other toppings can be added with tomato sauce. rmcat dough to l/8" thickness and cut in3l12" circles. Spoon small I prcss i amount of mixturc in centcr, Iirld and edgcs. Bake at 450" TUUANA TORTE for about l0- 12.minutes.

I ll Ib ground beef I mcdium onion, chopped 1l lb can stewed tomatoes tomato 'lll 8oz can sauce pkg taco seasoning mix ) t 4 oz can chile salsa ll2 corn tortillas ll lb cheddar cheese, grated I

I Brown ground beef and onion in .skil]et. Acltl .stcwcd tonratoes. l:hili salsa and taco seasoning mix. Combine and simmcr l0-15