(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D587,649 S Gudewer (45) Date of Patent: *1, Mar
USO0D587649S (12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D587,649 S Gudewer (45) Date of Patent: *1, Mar. 3, 2009 (54) NACELLE FOR A WIND TURBINE OTHER PUBLICATIONS (75) Inventor: Wilko GudeWer, Norden (DE) “S70/1500kW Perfekte Technologie fur jeden Standort.” NordeX, Feb. 2002, brochure, 6 pages. (73) Assignee: Aloys Wobben, Aurich (DE) “S70/1500kW The perfect technology for each location.” NordeX, Feb. 2002, brochure, 6 pages. (**) Term: 14 Years “N50/800kW Leading technology for ?rst-class outputs.” NordeX, Feb. 2002, brochure, 6 pages. “N80/2500kW Mit Hochstleistung in die Zukunft,” NordeX, Feb. (21) Appl.No.: 29/302,693 2002, brochure, 6 pages. “Elements Special Dewind magazine,” DeWind Magazine, Aug. (22) Filed: Jan. 22, 2008 2002, 48 pages. “Dehn schutZt Windenergieanlagen. Dehn protects Wind Turbines.” (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Dehn+Sohne, brochure, 2002, 10 pages. Jul. 23, 2007 (EM) .............................. .. 000762729 Hau, Erich, “Windkraftanlagen,” Grundlagen, Technik, EinsatZ, Wirtschaftlichkeit, 1988 and 1996, Springer-Verlag Berlin (51) LOC (9) Cl. ................................................ .. 13-01 Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 8-9, 26-28, 31, 38-39, 48-49, 51, 511-515, 579-580, 600. (52) US. Cl. ................................................... .. D13/115 “Image: Enercon E-30 Aurich Okt 2004.PNG,” retrieved Aug. 11, (58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. D13/115, 2008, http://commons.Wikimediaorg/Wiki/Image:EnerconiE D13/101, 199; D15/199; 52/40; 244/130; 30iAurichiOkti2004PNG, 3 pages. 415/45, 12, 14, 916; 416/37,38, 132 B, 416/158 (Continued) See application ?le for complete search history. Primary Examiner-Prabhakar Deshmukh (56) References Cited Assistant Examiner-Derrick Holland (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Seed IP LaW Group PLLC U.S.
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