May 25, 1898, for Collect- Log of the Corporation Tax
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TB"-"TB-^PTT^B HBT* * B ^d H B 'w ^3 i Be r$& WEDNESDAY ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18B2-VOL. 35. ?M1 PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, MAY 25. 1898. rayStffigm PRICE THREE CENTS™ MlgCBIA AN EOIT8. WAR Annual Soles over6.00o.0OO Boxes NEWS SUMMARY. SPANISH SPY CAUGHT. at Cardenas Reports from Madrid still Damage Sot So Great FOB BILIOUS AND NEBVOUS DISOEDEBS TWO As insist the has SUNK. Reported. government SHIPS Buch as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Giddiness, Fulness after meals. Head- news of a battle. Dlftiness. Drowsiness. Flushings ache. £4—8.30 of Heat. Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Three sail from Key West, May p. in.—An Im- Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis- transports portant arrest of a supposed Spanish 3py Frightful Dreams and all turbed Sleep. was made this evening by U. S. Marshal Nervous and Trembling Sensations. San Francisco for Manila to- Hoar. The is THE FIBST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF prisoner Romingo Sapetero IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer day. Jimenez, who was among those oaptured will acknowledge them to be on the steamer Panama and who has of the cables from since as a A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Only one been held aboard ship prisoner of war. Jiminez Is supposed to have oh* BEECHAM’S PILLS, taken as direct- has been cut and tained Santiago by XIII information concerning New fork ed. will quickly restore Females to com- harbor and oharts plete health. They promptly remove the St. Louis. Vizcaya Alphonso its detenses, with of obstructions or irregularities of the sys- the harbor, which be is attempting to gel tem and cure Sick Headache* Fora Lieut. Rowan has been rec- to the Spanish authorities. He is about Weak Stomach 10 years of age, a Spaniard and a civil Impaired Digestion ommended for promotion. engineer. Lost London Rate this afternoon Marshal Hoar with Disordered Liver The Spanish ship Alicante several deputies and U. S. Cominisslonef IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Says Report. Otto, received information from the ijorth at to be Beecham’s Pills are Martinique supposed in consequence of whioh they slipped out to a hospital ship turns out to be quietly the Panama, arrested Jim* Without a Rival enez and brought him ashore and pup And have the a collier. him through a vigorous examination, LARGEST SALE Jimenez stoutly denied the accusation of Patent Medicine In the World. any that he was a spy, but his was os OK/. oil n-.,/, Russia declares story neutrality. suoh a contradictory nature that it con* A London Viz- Armed the suspicions of the federal au# report says Report That Madrid Has Had News of thorities. A thorough search Of, tho Panama was made in the attempt do* caya and Alfonso XIII have cate the charts, but no trace of the hi could be found. The examination wlil ft REMEMBER THE NAME. been sunk. be resumed and Jimenez will be held tin* der arrest meanwhile. ft W The Panama case was before the Unity A man of a suspected being Battle ed States District Court and Again Confirmed. today Judge Rooke reserved decision. Itphas & a has ar- ft Frank P. Tibbeits Go. $ Spanish spy been been decided that such ships as are held ft to be legitimate prizes of war shall bd \/ at sent north for sale so as to better* think of rested Kev West. bring jby when you buying yj'j prices. This will probably not Re dona* done at Cardenas however, until all the cases have been ft FtRSITI Damage Anally determined. RE, S\t A new aspect was today to th^ as given ft M/ not so great reported. engagement at Cardenas, where Ensigrt ft Bagley and four of the U. S. torpedo UPHOLSTERY GOODS, W Blanco Cables Madrid boat Winslow were killed, by a statement A \ / That Five American MAY CIRCLE ISLAM. Warships been serving under Uen. Maximo Uuiusz, ft Lace Curtains, w Col. Jova has been in Cardenas since tis» engagement and be gays the mortality OB ft AND vv are in Front of the Spanish side was by no means so Harbor. great as was reported at the time in the ft Hair Mattresses. Santiago United States. According to his Infor- ^ South and North of mation which seems to be corroborated Schley Sampson the of the other Cubans Also please remember that by testimony ft Sjft taken aboard from Cardenas yes', we sell at a moderate by the ik\ very Cuba. sels t.Jy price the finest \U of thejblockading fleet, only nine per- sons were killed on the Spanish side. A shell from one of the American ship§ Refr iterator fell in one of the streets of the town kill- ft ing two women and three children, while || On Board the Associated Press ft made, the Despatch three sailors and one medical officer on Boat Dandy, Montego Bay, Jam., May 24 Confirmatory Moves That Admiral Cerera Has a Spanish gunboat fell under the fire of “NEW COLUMBIA.” Strong the United States The ft Cfi —The waters south of Cuba have sudden- ships. bring from the shore was’not from a masked bat- 1 ly become the scene of great naval activi- ft S|j tery, but from the three Spanish gun- ft_ ty. Commodore Schley, who left Key boats, to attack which the Winslow was West last Thursday, with the battleships Been Bottled in Some Port. sent in. Two of them were disabled, Up out not permanently damaged, and the Massachusetts and Texas, the armored # Frank P, Ti&bstts&Co., bird ran away. According to Jova’s | cruiser Brooklyn and armed yacht information the shells from the gunboat Scorpion, is believed to be cruising off ! Wilmington did little execution because W too ft 4 AND 6 FREE ST. Cienfuegos and Santiago de Cuba. .■she lay far off shore. No fewer than three ft my24eodSt lsj \f/ When the Dandy left West last Fri- Spanish flags were Key brought down by stray shots from the i’ day morning Admiral Sampson was still Wilmington’s guns. One shell struck the _-jr-jr-jr-fJM- there. It was the opinion of naval offioors London, SVIay 24.—A despatch to the Financial News from Porte de Paix, Hayti, says: flag pole on the Casino in the heart of the crushed the roof and ex- that he would sail for Cienfuegos soon by town, through “Admiral Gervera is believed to have div'dei his fleet and it is that the XIII ploded in a shop below. The plaoe was the eastern the two fleets thus com- reported Vizcaya and Alfonso have been route, wrecked, but no one was hurt. The sec- pleting the circle of Cnba. destroyed. ond flag to come down was flying from SPRING FOOTWEAR. I The battleship Iowa followed Commo- the Spanish barracks, and the third from a building formerly used by the Ameri- dore Sohley on Friday but was overtaken Madrid, May 24, II p. m.—-The same silence in official circles as that which character- can oonsuJ, flying defiantly on the very off San Antonio on by the mysterious reigns tonight where the Stars and had Toa will want some new footwear Cape Saturday pole Stripes torpedo boat Dupont, with secret instruc- ized last night. The government discloses from the seat of war. once waved. nothing not one of these and we have just received a large lot tions. The battleship immediately in- Curiously enough, La observes : shots' had been aimed at the flags, but creased her speed to the limit and when Correspondencia Espania of the latest styles in Russet the Spaniards were so alarmed at what last seen, was guarding the entranoe to “An unexplained of is noticeable. As no bad news has been we can they considered the marvellous skill of feeling despondency received, only suggest that the American that and Black which it will pay you the passage between the Isle of Pines and gunners every Spanish this is caused fears of a flag in town was hauled down. Caba. The Dnpont rushed on toward feeling by prolongation of the war.” to examine before making your se- The presence of the Spanish squadron Cienfuegos. in south Cuban waters Is confirmed by lection. See our latest thine out Five British warships are now in the all in-coming bulletins, although no in- muoh care to be formation has been reoeived from our vicinity of Jamaica. 25.—The following de- ought exorcised to win it was again announced in the most while the value of that as t in low cat shoes in russet London, May posi- Cuba, port The that a great naval and of for the ships. feeling The Spanish 1200 ton passenger 6teamer received from Madrid them to our side. He the tive manner that the navy department placo refuge Spanish flying battle is imminent amounts to convio- spatch has been pooh-poohed is Is had no information to squadron materially diminished. It if tlon. came ashore black for Gents’ and Ladles’ wear. Purlslma Concepcion here. She is rumors warrant the report Seven hundred marines dated 1 a. m., alarming about England and safe to say that the cable tc UNLUCKY MANILA Wednesday: of remaining today and are camped near the barracks afraid to venture out. The numerous of any sort engagement in the Wind- will soon be cut like the Is revealed as to the Gibraltar. The he de- Santiago others; pending the return of their Bhips os as to of the “Nothing positive important thing, ward This did not so that if Cervera is rumors the sighting phantom Passage.