ACT Project Number: 271498 Project name: ELEGANCY Project full title: Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS ERA-Net ACT project Starting date: 2017-08-31 Duration: 36 months D5.2.5 Evaluation of the potential for hydrogen and CCS in the decarbonization of the Dutch steel industry Date: 2020-08-31 Organization name of lead participant for this deliverable: Utrecht University ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498, has received funding from DETEC (CH), BMWi (DE), RVO (NL), Gassnova (NO), BEIS (UK), Gassco, Equinor and Total, and is cofunded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, ACT Grant Agreement No 691712. Dissemination Level PU Public x CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) Page iii Deliverable number: D5.2.5 Deliverable title: Evaluation of the potential for hydrogen and CCS in the decarbonization of the Dutch steel industry Work package: WP5 Case Studies Lead participant: UU Authors Name Organisation E-mail Lukas Weimann* UU
[email protected] Matteo Gazzani UU
[email protected] Gert Jan Kramer UU Joep Matser UU Annika Boldrini UU *Mark lead author with asterisk Keywords Integrated steelworks, decarbonization of steel industry, process optimization, Hisarna, electric- arc furnace, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen. Abstract The iron and steel industry accounts for 5 % of worldwide CO2 emissions. With 13 MtCO2eq annually, TATA Steel, which employs the traditional blast furnace – basic oxygen furnace steel making route, is one of the largest single point emitters in the Netherlands (and EU). Given the role of steel in present and future society, decarbonizing the steel industry is of paramount importance for a CO2 net-zero society.