Man-Made Marvels

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Man-Made Marvels Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council SPECIAL EDITION 17 MAN-MADE MARVELS The robotics, automation and AI revolution – investing in a better world The car that drives itself • Surgical robotics • Helping children with autism • Robot ethics • Drones for disaster zones CONTENTS Spirit of Leonardo 4-15: People Movers and shakers from EPSRC Chief Executive, Professor Philip the worlds of robotics, automation and 11 artificial intelligence Nelson, describes EPSRC’s role in supporting 16-23: Evolving automation Professor Philip Nelson sets out the case robotics, automation and AI research and training for further investment in robotics, automation and artificial intelligence In 1495 or and infirmed to keep active – are 24-25: Joint account Professor Sanja thereabouts, with us now, at various stages of Dogramadzi is pioneering minimally among the technological readiness. 24 invasive robotic surgery technology for many futuristic The numbers are impressive. It is complex fracture patients technologies estimated that by 2025 advanced he devised, robotic and autonomous systems 26-27: Driving ambition The Oxford Leonardo da could have a worldwide economic Robotics Institute’s revolutionary Vinci drew the impact of US$1.9 trillion to US$6.4 technology that could make any machine blueprint for a trillion annually, with an emerging 13 that moves autonomous humanoid robotic knight. Packed with market value of €15.5 billion. And springs, gears and pulleys, this metal “The potential for 28-29: Spin doctor Dr Mirko Kovac is for good reason. We already know warrior could sit up, stand, raise its developing exciting new applications for these new technologies will be arms and even walk. human benefit flying UAVs fundamental to healthcare; transport; Fast forward to the present day manufacturing; agriculture; disaster 30-31: Autonomous futures Professor and Leonardo’s robot still bears response and space exploration; but seems limitless” Sethu Vijayakumar thinks ahead comparison to the automatons being the potential for human benefit 32-33: People power The ground- designed by major international seems limitless. corporations, and, of course, to the breaking ORCHID project is reinventing For several decades, EPSRC has robots we see in science fiction movies. our relationship with computers been at the forefront of supporting One thing that Leonardo could not the UK’s research, training and 34-35: iCub and the tutor Dr Patricia have predicted is the emergence of innovation in robotics, automation and Shaw’s prize-winning portrait of a ‘autonomous’ systems and Artificial artificial intelligence systems, and humanoid robot and its toddler tutor Intelligence (AI). These exciting areas has been instrumental in fostering 36-37: I think? Professor Tony Prescott of science and engineering are interdisciplinary partnerships between academics, industry, government and on the ethics of robotics, automation and rapidly intertwining with robotics as other parties. artificial intelligence we enter a new technological era. Together with digital technologies Throughout the world, however, from 38-39: Flight of the navigator and the Internet of Things, they are the United States to South Korea, 34 3D-printed drones are a hit with the at the vanguard of a fourth industrial China to Japan, governments are Royal Navy revolution that is destined to affect investing billions of dollars into these everyone on the planet. 40-41: Blueprint for the future EPSRC new technologies. We are punching Executive Director Dr Kedar Pandya on Contrary to what we see in most above our weight against this global competition, but we cannot afford to the formation of the UK National Strategy sci-fi films, the evidence shows slow the momentum. for Robotics and Autonomous Systems we are not on the verge of robo- 28 Armageddon. Terminator-style robots This special edition of Pioneer turns 42-43: Hotter than the sun Remote are not about to take over the world; the spotlight on some of the research handling technology developed for the the “more human than human” and innovation supported by EPSRC Editor: Mark Mallett ([email protected]) EPSRC works alongside other Research Councils which nuclear industry nets £100 million for androids of Blade Runner will not be and its partners, and provides have responsibility in other research areas. Design: Angela Jones ([email protected]) UK plc replacing people of flesh and blood thought-provoking discussion on the The Research Councils work collectively on issues of Contributors: Rob Buckingham; Jo Enderby; James Franklin; and soul. But the technologies they current state of the art for artificial common concern via Research Councils UK. 44-45: Cling thing Professor Anne Professor David Lane; Dr Elaine Massung; Professor Philip embody – the intelligent systems intelligence, autonomy and robotics. Neville’s frog-inspired medical robot Nelson; Dr Kedar Pandya; Professor Tony Prescott; Colin To provide feedback on this magazine, and to subscribe to that will safely guide our cars and It also sets out the case for further Smith; Richard Tibenham; Chris Warrick print and/or electronic versions of Pioneer, please e-mail 46: In profile Dr Patricia Shaw on [email protected] aircraft and tractors, the autonomous government investment in these [email protected] working with the iCub robot machines capable of working in terrain crucial enabling technologies while Pictures courtesy of unless otherwise Contact: 01793 444305 inhospitable to humans, and the smart opening up a window to the future for stated. 47: About EPSRC Who we are, what we devices that will enable the elderly these innovations, and for mankind. do, and the latest facts and figures PIONEER 17 Winter 2016 2 PIONEER 17 Winter 2016 3 PEOPLE functional prototypes. Robotical Robots that can think and act without has already generated over human intervention are moving from £60,000 in crowd-sourced fiction to reality. The nuclear, aerospace, funding and has started to manufacturing and agricultural take orders. industries are starting to develop Customisable with 3D-printed autonomous systems that can carry out parts, Marty is designed to make tasks that are either too difficult or too learning about programming, dangerous for humans, while driverless electronics, and mechanical cars are already with us. engineering a fun and engaging Researchers from the universities of process. He is also completely Sheffield, Liverpool and the West of upgradeable, and compatible England, Bristol are collaborating on with single board computers like a project to ensure that autonomous the Raspberry Pi. robots of the future will be safer. Out-of-the-box Marty can be controlled The new research should mean robots remotely over WiFi, but he can also be Mini marvel make decisions that are ethical and programmed in a variety of programming follow legislation on robotics. Introducing Marty, a programmable, low- languages, from basic versions such as cost walking robot for children, robot Scratch for children and beginners to The EPSRC-funded project addresses ‘developers’, and educators. those such as Python for experienced concerns that might arise around these Marty was developed by Dr Sandy Enoch programmers. new technologies and is linking new as a side project during his doctorate Marty has drawn rave reviews since launch. developments to existing industrial at the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral The Scotsman enthused that Marty “could standards and responsible innovation Training in Computational Nanoscience radically alter how children learn about frameworks. at the University of Edinburgh under the mechanics and computer programming”. Arria NLG, a company that is supervision of Professor Sethu Vijayakumar Sandy says: “Trying to get a company off the and Michael Herrmann. commercialising artificial intelligence ground is probably the most time-consuming technology developed with EPSRC Sandy’s work with Marty spawned a spin- thing I’ve done so far, but it’s also been the funding at the University of Aberdeen, out company, Robotical, and a range of In the zone most rewarding for me.” has been valued at over £130 million. Research leader, Professor Ehud Reiter, says: “The goal is to build ‘articulate An EPSRC-supported research team at for deployment following an incident The AARM team have also provided Kaspar cares machines’ which communicate with the University of Bristol have developed and are effectively disposable if they Sellafield’s first ever drone survey people in the same way that other an unmanned aerial drone in response become contaminated.” of any type, demonstrating the University of Hertfordshire researchers Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn, worked people do.” to the challenge met by helicopter team’s radiation mapping technology The drone uses laser distancing to have developed Kaspar, a minimally hard to give Kaspar a human-like but very The company’s technology is a form pilots who risked radiation exposure as combined with aerial photography. enable safe flight in narrow spaces. expressive child-sized humanoid robot, simplified and child-friendly appearance. of artificial intelligence developed to they mapped the disaster area in the It can map the 3D environment with James Moore, who leads on UAV as a therapeutic toy to help teachers and Kaspar’s face is capable of showing a range communicate in natural language wake of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear millimetre precision and also capture parents support children with autism. technologies at Sellafield, says:
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