The Grand Challenges of Science Robotics Exclusive Licensee Guang-Zhong Yang,1* Jim Bellingham,2 Pierre E
SCIENCE ROBOTICS | PERSPECTIVE ROBOTICS Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; The grand challenges of Science Robotics exclusive licensee Guang-Zhong Yang,1* Jim Bellingham,2 Pierre E. Dupont,3 Peer Fischer,4,5 Luciano Floridi,6,7,8,9,10 American Association 11 12,13 14 15 1 for the Advancement Robert Full, Neil Jacobstein, Vijay Kumar, Marcia McNutt, Robert Merrifield, of Science. No claim 16 17,18 7,8,9 19 Bradley J. Nelson, Brian Scassellati, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Russell Taylor, to original U.S. 20 21 22,23 Manuela Veloso, Zhong Lin Wang, Robert Wood Government Works One of the ambitions of Science Robotics is to deeply root robotics research in science while developing novel robotic platforms that will enable new scientific discoveries. Of our 10 grand challenges, the first 7 represent underpin- ning technologies that have a wider impact on all application areas of robotics. For the next two challenges, we have included social robotics and medical robotics as application-specific areas of development to highlight the substantial societal and health impacts that they will bring. Finally, the last challenge is related to responsible in- novation and how ethics and security should be carefully considered as we develop the technology further. Downloaded from INTRODUCTION great strides in realizing its mission of power- ing components into synthetic structures to Just over a year ago, we published the first issue ing the world’s robots, from space robot chal- create robots that perform like natural systems. of Science Robotics. Even within this relatively lenges to autonomous driving, industrial (iii) New power sources, battery technol- short period of time, remarkable progress has assembly, and surgery.
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