SPORTS: CHETOPA TEAM PREPARES FOR TRIP TO OKLAHOMA. PAGE 6 ParsonsSun TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 2011 — 50 CENTS LOCAL NEWS Wichita couple share passion for recycling

Post offi ce to WICHITA(AP)—WhenPaulMillerstartedteach- becausetherewasn’tenoughfoodtogoaround.They neededtobefixed.Hesaid,‘Don’tyoumeanrepaired?’ ingmathatThayerHighSchool,hefoundhimselfsmit- learnednottowaste. Iwasimpressedheknewthedifference.” change hours tenwiththenewEnglishteacher.Theymarriedandthis “Our parents composted, had their own gardens, TheGreatDepressionhadravagedfamilies.Working Parsonspostofficecustom- weektheywillcelebratetheir70thweddinganniver- fished,”PaulMillersaid.“Whenwestarteddoingthis intheschools,theywereamongthefewwhohadjobs. erswillexperienceachangein sary. in1988,recyclingjustseemedtobethenaturalthingto Paul’sfatherhadlefthomewhenhewas11,andheand the pick-up schedule starting PaulandMargaretMiller,bothintheir90s,havebe- dotohelptheenvironment.” hissisterstruggledtosupporttheirmother. Sept.17. comebestknownforleadingrecyclingeffortsinWich- TohearPaulMillertellit,Margaretdidn’thavemuch BytheendofthatfirstyearatThayerHighSchool, Fromthatdateforward,mail itaforthepast20-plusyears. ofachoice. the22-year-oldshadspentalltheirmoneybysendingit willbecollectedat3p.m.from Theytookitupwhentheyretiredinthe1980safter “WhatareyougoingtodoinThayer,Kansas?”he backhome. theParsonsPostOfficeinstead workingatBeechAircraft.TheProKansasMillerRe- said.“There’soldmenandoldmaids.Youhavetwo “Wefiguredweneededsummerjobstomakeit,”Paul of 5:20 p.m. Monday through cyclingCentercarriestheirnames. youngpeopleworkingattheschool.Whatelsewasshe Millersaid.“IheardtheywerehiringinWichita.” FridayandonSaturdays. Recycling,theysaidlastweek,becametheirwayof goingtodo?” Itwasduringthesecondworldwar. AchangethatwillmoveIn- trying to protect the outdoors, where they’ve camped Eventhen,MargaretMillercouldseethroughhissar- “Theyneededpeopletobuildaircraft,andBeechwas dependencemailsortingoper- andhikedovermostoftheU.S.andEurope. casm.“Icouldtellrightawayhewassmart,stillis,” hiring,”MargaretMillersaid.“SowewenttoWichita ationstoWichitaledtopush- TheybothgrewupduringtheGreatDepression, shesaid. ingupthedeadlinetoaccept when children often ate while their parents watched “Isaidsomethingabouthavingabrokenwatchthat See RECYCLING, Page 2. mailinParsons. ThePostalServicehasplans toclosemorethan60percent ofitsmailprocessingplants Festival bytheendof2012inaneffort TEEING OFF to streamline operations that haverunintheredforseveral years. looks to The planned consolidation ispartofalarger“redesign”of thepostalprocessingnetwork aimed at dealing with declin- add to ingmailvolumes,accordingto U.S.PostalServiceofficials. The planned plant closings represent a cost-cutting step tractor by the Postal Service, which expectstoloseabout$9billion See HOURS, Page 10. display

THIS ISSUE Organizers of the fourth an- nualFarmHeritageCelebration atTolenCreekParkareseeking ■ Volume140 antiquetractorownersinterested ■ Issue58 indisplayingtheirmachines. ■ 10Pages The Southeast Kansas Farm ■ 1Section History Center has scheduled The Sun contains the Farm Heritage Celebration Whenyou forSept.30andOct.1. see news The Farm Heritage Celebra- happening tionwillfeaturean1890sstone or if you homestead, living history dem- haveastory onstrations,vintageagricultural idea,callthe displaysfromthe1890sthrough newsroomat the1950sandworkinghorses. 421-2000. recycled newsprint Festivalcoordinatorsalsoare looking for more antique (1938 Jamie Willey/Sun photo andolder)andclassic(1939to DEATHS 1957) tractors and other agri- Doug Huff of Parsons launches a disc while teeing off on the second hole of the Parsons Arboretum disc golf course on Monday. Huff was culturalimplementstoaddto Obituariesornoticesforthe playing with a few other people from Parsons as well as disc golfers from Independence, Mound Valley and Erie. The group of about 12 disc thetractordisplay.Anyonewith followingpeoplecanbefound golfers split into three groups to participate in an impromptu 18-hole tournament. tractors to display should call onPage2intoday’sSun: DavidRomineat778-1443. ■ShirleyWishall Another display will feature vintage farm trucks. Anyone withafarmtruckolderthan1959 isinvitedtoparticipateinthedis- FUNERALS Research focuses on battlefi eld fractures play.Therewillbenojudgingor prizes. Those interested should SHIRLEY WISHALL, 70, WICHITA (AP) — Officials with two research institutes in The medical composites research and development group was Wichitaarehopefulthatresearchonadevicethatwouldstabilize contactJeffPriceat820-3793to ofCoffeyville,MassofChris- foundedin2006byagroupofscientistsandexecutivesatWichita fracturesinthebattlefieldcouldsomedayreducethenumberofam- StateUniversityandViaChristiHealthSystem.Itsgoalistocreate getinvolved. tianburialat10a.m.Thursday putationsthatoftenfollowsuchinjuries. amedicalcompositesindustry. Asinpastyears,theeventwill atHolyNameCatholicChurch TheDepartmentofDefenserecentlyawardeda$1.4milliongrant “ThisisextremelygoodnewsforCIBORintermsofthisisthe featureworkinghorsesaswell. inCoffeyville. totheNationalInstituteforAviationResearchatWichitaStateUni- firstinvolvementinlarge-scalefederalfunding,”PaulWooley,CI- “Thisisawell-roundedevent versityandtheCenterofInnovationforBiomaterialsinOrthopae- BOR’schiefscientificofficer,saidlastweek. thatfeaturesavarietyofactivi- dicResearch,TheWichitaEaglereported. Ideally,thedevicebeingresearchedwouldbeeasytocarry,oper- tiesfromthefirsthalfofthelast LOCAL SMILES Officialsatthetwoinstitutesbelievetheworkcouldhavecom- ateinalltypesofweatherandenvironmentsandhardenimmedi- century,”cityofParsonspublic mercialpotential,perhapsasthespinoffofaKansas-basedcom- panytomanufacturethedevice. See RESEARCH, Page 10. See FESTIVAL, Page 10. Veterinarian wants pet-friendly city SEED-SPITTING CHAMPS BY JAMIE WILLEY equipment there. City-owned nowtheGreatPlainsIndustrial PARSONS SUN landonNorth10thStreetwhere ParkandKansasDepartmentof AParsonsveterinarianwants atrailerparkwasremovedmay WildlifeandParksland,could tomakethecitymorepetfriend- betheideallocation,shesaid, beusedforanewhorsetrail. lybyaddingadogparkandpet becausethereprobablyisawa- D udektoldt hecom m issioners cemeteryamongotherideas. tersupplythereanditisn’ttoo the group wants to know what Dr.EvaDudek,whohasspo- close to neighbors. She said a moneythecitywouldbewilling kentotheParsonsCityCom- dogparkwouldprovideaplace tospendtocreatethedogpark, mission several times on im- forpetownerstotaketheirdogs petcemetery,city/countyshelter provingtheenforcementofpet orotherfacilitiesthatthegroup abuse and other animal issues, andforthepetownerstomeet hasdiscussed. told the commissioners during eachother. aThursdayworksessionthata Dudekalsosaidthegroupis CommissionerKevinCruse groupofpeoplepushingfor- working to create a pet ceme- toldDudekthatthecommission tertreatmentofanimalsinthe tery,anditcontinuestopushfor wouldneedmorespecificinfor- cityisgrowing. acity/countyanimalshelter.The mationonthegroup’sgoalsand Grace Noel is a kindergartner Dudeksaidthegroupispur- groupalsoisorganizingacoun- prioritiesbeforethecommission at Neosho Heights Elementary suingtheideaofcreatingadog ty animal response team that couldconsiderfundingtheproj- School in Oswego. parkbyfencinginexistingcity- wouldsaveanimalsafteradi- ectswithcitymoney.Commis- owned land. She said several sastersuchasatornado.Dudek sionerGregYorksaidthegroup spotshavegoodpotentialforthe saidthetornadothatstruckJo- also should establish cost esti- Courtesy photo park. Someone has suggested plininMayreinforcedtheidea matesfortheprojectsandreport creatingthedogparkatMcEl- thatsuchateamisneeded. backtothecommission. Thayer Homecoming watermelon seed-spitting contest winners (from haneyPark,butDudeksaidthat Besides the dog and cat ini- Dudekagreedtoprovidethe left) Thom Watts of 96.9 KKOW, his daughter, Lilly Watts, Taylor Ea- parkmaybetooclosetohouses. tiatives, Dudek said the group commission with more infor- sum, Eli Stafford and Thornton Bogle pose with their trophies. The 50 mbps Circle Park would be perfect, wouldliketofindoutifasec- mation.Shesaidthegroupjust 100th Thayer Homecoming concluded on Sunday. Will make Dudeksaid,butthecitywould tionoflandattheformerKan- wants to make Parsons a more your smile havetoremovetheplayground sas Army Ammunition Plant, pet-friendlycommunity. even brighter We Appreciate Your Business AWARD Fast Friendly Service • Over 35 Years combined Experience WINNING Free: Estimates, Pickup & Delivery, Local Towing w/repair PAINTLESS Certified Shop 1-877-692-2253 We will work directly with your insurance DENT REPAIR! (1-877-MY CABLE) Full Service Body & Mechanic Shop company, saving you time and trouble! Lifetime Guarantee on Paint MONDAY-FRIDAY 8-12 • 1-5 Frame Repair, Auto Glass, 1875 NESS RD • PARSONS 9 YEARS AT SAME LOCATION Experienced Insurance Claims Handling 620-423-1638 SHOP • 620-820-1628 CELL We offer deductible assistance - call for details Page 2 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 ParsonsSun Record WEATHER Obama says U.S. needs to create jobs FORECAST Sunny DETROIT(AP)—President abletobuildthem. shootersinCongress.We’rego- heldsteadyat9.1percent. BarackObamasaidMonday Citingmassivefederalbudget ing to see if congressional Re- Congress returns from its High near 77 that congressional Republicans deficits, Republicans have ex- publicanswillputcountrybe- summerrecessthisweek,with Low near 50 mustputtheircountryahead pressed opposition to spending foreparty.” the faltering economy and job oftheirpartyandvotetocreate vastnewsumsonjobsprograms. Obama’sremarkscameashe marketpromisingtobeadomi- Wednesday: newjobsasheusedaboisterous ButObamasaidthatwithwide- hasbeenunderheavycriticism nantthemeofthesession.The Sunny, with a high LaborDayrallytoaimaparti- spread suffering, “the time for fromtheGOPforpresidingover economyisallbutcertainto near 76. Mostly sanbarbattheGOP. Washingtongamesisover”and apersistentlyweakeconomyand alsobethetopissueofthe2012 clear at night, with a Inapreviewofthejobsspeech lawmakers must move quickly high unemployment. Last Fri- presidentialandcongressional low around 53. he will deliver on Thursday to tocreatejobs. day’sdismaljobsreportshowed elections. Congress,Obamasaidthereare “Butwe’renotgoingwaitfor thatemployersaddednojobsin Obama also said lawmakers Thursday: numerousroadsandbridgesthat them,”hesaidatanannualevent August,thefirsttimesince1945 should extend the temporary Max McKinley drew this for the Sun’s weather Sunny, with a high needrebuildingintheU.S.,and sponsoredbytheMetropolitan thatthegovernmentreporteda reductioninthepayrolltaxthat section. If children would like to submit weather art near 79. Mostly over1millionunemployedcon- DetroitAFL-CIO.“We’regoing netjobchangeofzero.Theun- workerspay,acutthatwilloth- to the Sun, they or their parents may call Ray or Ja- clear at night, with a structionworkerswhoareavail- toseeifwe’vegotsomestraight employmentrate,meanwhile, erwiseexpireonJan.1. mie at 421-2000. low around 57. PARSONS STATISTICS MONDAY’S HIGH: 78 LOW: 55 Friday: Mostly GretchenMillerrememberedgrowingupinthe1960s,when PRECIPITATION: .00” MONTH: .00” YEAR: 25.46” sunny, with a high RECYCLING everygrocerystorechargedafewpennies’depositonglasssoda TODAY’S SUNSET: 7:44 p.m. near 79 and a low Continued from Page 1. bottles.Customersreturnedthebottlesandcollectedtheirdeposit. WEDNESDAY’S SUNRISE: 6:56 a.m. around 58. IthadbeenthatwaysincebeforeWorldWarII.Beveragecom- forthesummer. panieswouldwashandreusetheirbottles.Bytheendofthe1950s, “It’sbeenalongsummer—70years.” canshadstartedreplacingrefillablebottles. OUR PAST TheMillershavealwaysbelievedtheyowedadebttothecom- Sherememberswhendrinkmanufacturerstouted“nodeposit,no munitieswheretheylived. return”bottles. These items were taken from the Sun’seditions 20, 30 and 40 PaulMillerwassogratefulthatGreenwoodCountygavehis “Mom said, ‘This is not going to be a good thing,’” Gretchen yearsago. mother$100inwelfarechecksoneyearsohecouldfinishhigh Millersaid.“Shealwaysthoughtthegrocerystoreshouldtakeback school,hehassentthatcounty$500ayeartopaythemback. everything,evenmayonnaisejars.” Sept.6,1971 AsaBoyScoutleader,hehelpedRobertGatesbecomeanEagle Twodecadeslater,MargaretMillersawbottles,plasticandcans BobHillwentonabirdiebingeanddefeatedDickNey4&3to Scout.Yes,thatRobertGates—formersecretaryofdefense. fillingtheWichitalandfill.Sheandherhusbandjoinedahandfulof winthe1971citygolftitle.Hebirdiedfouroftheclosingsixholes PaulMillerhasworkedwithJuniorAchievementandtheUrban otherstoformSedgwickCountyCitizensforRecyclingin1989. attheKaty-Parsonscoursetoturnaone-holedeficitintoa1-uplead League. The group pushed for the city of Wichita to start a recycling after18.Hillthenblewthescheduled36-holematchopenonthe Margaret Miller has volunteered with the Sierra Club and in program.Whenthecitywouldn’tact,theMillersandtheirfriends firstfiveholesoftheafternoonroundattheParsonsCountyClub, 1990becamethefirstrecipientofwhatisnowtheBillWardAward did. hishomecourse.Hebirdiedthefirstandsecondholestogo3-upand forenvironmentalachievementbytheKansasNaturalResources TheyonceaskedresidentsoftheCollegeHillneighborhoodto stretchedhisleadto5-upwithparsonthefourthandfifthholes. Council. savenewspapers,motoroil,carbatteriesandotherreusableitems AlongwithMargaretBangs,anotherWichitaresident,Margaret fortwoweeks.Thegroupcollected5,290poundsoftrash,which Sept.6,1981 Millerprotestedthebuildingofnuclearpowerplantsandhelped theydeliveredtoaWichitarecyclingcompany. Forthefirsttime,ParsonsHighSchoolhadboyyellleaders.Brent organizetheCitizens’UtilityRatepayerBoard. Theysetupthreecollectioncenters. Walker,ScottWilliams,BradChalker,MikeStoverandScottCoe PaulMillerhelpsprovidehomehealthcareforadisabledwoman, “WewereatTowneEast,TowneWestandtheWichitaMall,” wouldhelpthe16varsitygirlcheerleadersstirupschoolspirit.A now97. Paul Miller said. “But it didn’t take long for us to become over- practical need led to the innovation. Debbi Vranekovic, physical “Whenshelostherhusband,I’dsaidI’dhelptakecareofher,”he whelmed.” educationteacherandcheerleadersponsor,saidthemainreasonfor said.“Thatwas18yearsago.” Theysoonworkedtogetrecyclingbinsinparkinglotsofvarious addingboyswasbecausethegirlslikedtodopyramids.Shesaid Margaret Miller spends two days a week volunteering at the Dillonsgrocerystoresaroundtown. whentheystartedstackingpeoplethreepeoplehigh,thegirlsstart- WichitaLibrary. Eventually,whattheMillersandtheirfriendspredictedhap- edhavingbackproblems.BecauseWalkerandsomeoftheotheryell “ButonethingI’mmostproudofisourchildren,”MargaretMill- pened:theBrookslandfillwasfull.Ithadtoclose.Thecityhadto leaderswereformerfootballplayers,hesaidtheygotalotofpositive ersaid. pay$10milliontostoppollutionfromleakingoutofit. commentsfromtheplayers. Theyraisedfourchildren: Recyclingtookonnewmeaning. Scoresofowners/pilotsofvintageairplanesplannedtowingitto TimMiller,67,isaprofessorofreligionattheUniversityofKan- By2004,anonprofitgrouphadformed,thecityhaddonateda Parsonsthefollowingweekendforthesixthannualfly-inofthePar- sas. 23,000-square-footbuildingandtheProKansasMillerRecycling sons-Tri-CityAntiqueAircraftAssociation.Someoftheoldbirds MikeMiller,63,isnewseditorforThomsonReutersbusiness Centeropenedat725E.Clark,nearPawneeandBroadway. wereoneofakind,EdwardRyburnoftheParsonsFlyingServiceat newswireinNewYork. Onlyopenthreedaysaweek,thecenterwascollecting1,200tons theairport,said.Hementioneda1939BrewsterFleetbiplane,first GretchenMiller,60,isaformerjudge,lawprofessorandattorney ofrecyclablesayearby2009—morethandoublewhatittookin broughtherebyitsownerin1977fromRhodeIsland.Theowner,a inEugene,Ore. thefirstyear. retiredairlinecaptain,flewhisgemintoTri-Citysometimeagoand JeffMiller,54,isassistantprofessorandprogramcoordinatorfor PaulandMargaretMillerstillvolunteerattherecyclingcenter leftithere.FrankDelmar,whohadmovedtoArizona,wouldreturn thehospitalitymanagementprogramatColoradoStateUniversity. everydayit’sopen. forthefly-inandtakeitbackwithhim.Someoftheotheraircraft GretchenMillersaidwhenevertheyvisithome,theyknowthey’ll Theinterestthatstartedwithsavingtheoutdoorstheylovedfrom thatwouldbecoming,Ryburnsaid,includedearlySpartans,Wacos, spendquiteabitoftimetalkingrecycling. beingburiedintrashillustratewhythey’vestayedtogether. Culvers,Curtiss-Robbins,Fairchilds,Cessnas,Stinsons,Pipersand “Iremembervisitingthemmanytimesinpastyearsandspending Theysharethesamebeliefs,thesamevalues,theysay.Havefor perhapsa,oraBellanca,aRyan,aTravelairoraKennerSpor- partofthevisitatDillonsintheparkinglot,educatingpeople,re-sort- 70years. twing. ingincorrectlysortedrecycling,andsoon,”GretchenMillersaid. “Oneofourdaughters-in-lawoncesaidit’sgoodwemarriedeach “Nowwhenwevisitwespendpartofeachvisitat‘TheCenter’... other,”PaulMillersaid,“orelsewe’dhaveruinedtwootherpeople’s Sept.6,1991 sortingrecyclingandeducatingpeople.” lives.” TheRev.RodneyHowellwasthenewpastoratCalvaryBaptist Church,14thandWashington.Howellbeganservingatthechurch onSept.1.PriortocomingtoParsons,Howellwastheassociate OLICE EAT pastorofArlingtonBaptistChurch,ElCerrito,Calif.Hereceived P B abachelor’sdegreeinpastoraltheologyfromHyles-AndersonCol- ISTRICT OURT $162. cial and Rehabilitation Services, son, 1232 Ward, for a past-due ac- legein1987.Whileattendingcollege,heassistedintheestablish- D C Eric W. Hopkins, 2206 Broadway, $176 a month from Robbie D. Dan- count. mentofaNewLifeBaptistChurchatChicagoHeights,Ill. Marriage licenses no seat belt, $10. iels in a child support case. SRS Labette Health, $2,003.88 from TheRev.JeanMarieGrabher,pastorofWesleyUnitedMethodist Brent A. Mahan, 3012 Rosewood, also granted $461.29 from Daniels. Zachary Williams and Crystal Wil- Church,wasoneof18membersoftheKansasEastConferenceof Justin R. Waun, 29, Parsons, and Kathleen M. Hammans, 26, no seat belt, $5. Stephanie Daniels granted $4,224 liams, 1819 Gabriel, for a past-due UnitedMethodistChurchwhowouldleaveforathree-weekmission Maybeth Inlow, Fredonia, speed- for past support. account. tourinSouthernAfrica.Thepurposeofthetripwastowitnessfirst- Parsons. Brandon L. Lewis, 28, Columbus, ing 75 mph in a 65, $45. Labette Health, $958.49 from handtheprogrammingandneedsoftheUnitedMethodistChurch Lisa Y. Hogan, 2119 Appleton, no Civil cases David E. Woodworth, 1420 Belmont, there. They would visit churches in locations such as Zimbabwe, and Holly A. Krueger, 32, Parsons. Joshua L. Green, 25, The Colony, seat belt, $10. Janice Shipman, Altamont, for a past-due account. SouthAfrica,ZululandandSwaziland.UponreturningfromAf- Joseph W. Clemens, 2300 23000 $1,797 from Denise Merchant, Al- Labette Health, $969.90 from rica,tripparticipantswouldspend15monthstravelingthroughout Texas, and Kayla M. Dodds, 24, The Colony, Texas. Road, no seat belt, $10. tamont, for past-due rent. Robert Swiler and Laurie Swiler, theirrespectivedistrictssharingabouttheirexperience. Robert W. Williams Sr., 83, Jessica R. Mayfield, Chetopa, Trotnic Lumber and Supply, Os- Erie, for a past-due account. Midan, and Captola F. James, 76, speeding 75 mph in a 65, $45. wego, $2,624.64 from Benjie Jarrett, Labette Health, $2,850.34 from Mound Valley. Tiana L. Cannon, Coffeyville, Columbus, for a past-due account. Alan Morris and Susan Morris, PRAYER speeding 96 mph in a 65, no driver’s Rachel Harness, Mound Valley, 1714 Kennedy, for a past-due ac- Traffic cases license, $235. $314.74 from Bert Merrick, Erie. count. Intheselastdays(God)hasspokentousbyaSon...whoisthe Samantha J. Schmid, 1221 Ward, Audra P. Nixon, 3510 Gabriel, no Dillon’s Corp., $1,002.22 from Labette Health, $2,671.07 from reflectionofGod’sgloryandtheexactimprintofGod’sverybeing. no seat belt, $10. seat belt, $5. Donna L. Lundgren, 2000 Katy Jamie Reyes, 1411 Washington, for —Hebrews1:23(NRSV) William G. Davis, Wichita, speed- Stephen K. Byfield, Topeka, Drive. a past-due account. Thoughtfortheday:Livingrightgrowsfromlivinginrelation- ing 70 mph in a 55, $75. speeding 82 mph in a 65, $87. City of Parsons, granted pos- Labette Health, $786.67 from shipwithChrist. Adam P. Parks, Wichita, speed- Jon L. Thummel, Hoxie, speed- session of a hangar at Tri-City Mark McElroy, McCune, for a past- Prayer:OGod,teachushowtoliveandhowtoreflectyourlove ing 83 mph in a 65, $93. ing 75 mph in a 65, $45. Airport from David W. and Dana due account. forallcreation.InJesus’namewepray.Amen. William Z. Theadman, Wichita, R. Cavaness, Cherryvale, for past- Labette Health, $2,083.94 from diversion for a year for speeding 81 Misdemeanor case due rent. James Pulley, 2717 Chess, for a mph in a 65, $81. Kelly E. Sourk, Cherryvale, litter- City of Parsons, doing business past-due account. Robert D. Pursley, Bartlett, diver- ing (tossing bottle at Big Hill wildlife as Parsons Housing Authority, 1900 Labette Health, $11,998.60 from sion for a year for speeding 81 mph area), $25. Belmont, granted return of 919 S. Regina Rogers, Elsmore, for a past- in a 65, $81. 26th from Jennifer Hope for violat- due account. ParsonsSun Brandon A. Boyer, Pittsburg, Divorces granted ing lease terms. Labette Health, $2,330.01 from (USPS 422-480) speeding 75 mph in a 65, $45. Christopher Jones, 3307 Briggs, Lybarger Oil, $816.30 from JRB William Stewart, 240 Stone, for a First published June 17, 1871 Joshua E. Benoit, Wichita, and Bobbie J. Jones, Oswego. Industries, 21078 U.S. 59, for a past-due account. speeding 75 mph in a 65, $45. Glenda S. Bowdre, 21033 Pratt past-due account. Labette Health Physicians Group, Levi E. Rickman, Chetopa, no Road, Michael G. Bowdre, Wichita. Labette Health, $13,952 from $807.50 from Regina Rogers, Els- Peter Cook publisher seat belt, $10. April L. Snider, United Kingdom, Nicki Shrum and Tiffany Shrum, more, for a past-due account. Ray Nolting managing editor Craig A. Beachner, 901 Leawood, Rex M. Snider, 908 24000 Road. Cherryvale, for a past-due ac- Harris Bank, $7,958.92 from Julie Jamie Willey asst. mng. editor speeding 65 mph in a 55, $45. Michael R. Olson, 2601 Clark, count. Brown, 501 S. 31st, for reposses- Anthony Cook sports editor Kyle E. Habiger, 1208 S. 29th, and Jessica Olson, 3011 Washing- Labette Health, $6,767.90 from sion charges. Shanna Guiot business manager speeding 75 mph in a 65, $45. ton. Deon Renfro, 2702 Mosher Road, Phillip Mercado, doing business James Jensen production manager Chad E. Deeds, Independence, for a past-due account. as Ernesto’s, $782.70 from Demen- Mo., speeding 81 mph in a 65, Domestic case Labette Health, $4,509.74 from trio A. Bradley, Coffeyville, for insuf- Amy Jensen circulation manager amended to defective equipment, The Kansas Department of So- Joe Nickelson and Orpha Nickel- ficient funds checks. — MISSED PAPERS — Our circulation department is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5 BITUARY p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. O on Saturday. Messages may be left on the recorder at other ville,Okla.;10grandchildren,ChristopherWagner,LoganJarman, times. Call 421-2000 or (800) 530-5723. Shirley Jean Wishall DillonJarman,JaydenWagner,ChristianJarman,JonJones,Nicho- COFFEYVILLE—ShirleyJeanWishall,70,ofCoffeyvilledied lasWagner,WilliamWishall,GavinWishallandIrieWishall;three Subscription rates - tax not included - per month. onFriday,Sept.2,2011,atSt.FrancisHospitalinTulsa. stepgrandchildren,Jaymes“Tyler”Jarman,JasonJonesJr.andJake Online $6.00 ShewasbornonJuly26,1941,atChautauquatoClarenceand Jones;astepgreat-grandson,JasonJonesIII;andthreesisters,Mar- City Carrier 9.48 Treva(Clayton)Huckstep.ShegrewupandattendedschoolinEl- cellaWoodofTulsa,CatherineSmallofIndependence,Mo.,and RTZ Mail 9.48 ginandgraduatedfromPeruHighSchoolinPeruin1961.After EleanorHuckstepofSedan. Shewasprecededindeathbyherparents;asister,WilmaWilson; Outside Mail area 10.73 graduatingfromhighschool,shemovedtoCoffeyvilleandworked atGeorge’sCafeteria,whereshemetherhusband. andabrother,ClarenceHuckstepJr. Outside Kansas 14.80 OnJune7,1969,shemarriedJamesWishallatHolyNameCatho- TheMassofChristianburialwillbeat10a.m.ThursdayatHoly Discount applicable for 3, 6 and 12-month subscriptions. licChurchinCoffeyville.Followingtheirmarriage,theymadetheir NameCatholicChurchinCoffeyvillewiththeRev.BenNguyen Published daily except Sundays, Mondays, Memorial Day, homeinCoffeyville. officiating.BurialwillfollowatAllSaintsCatholicCemeteryat July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and ShirleywasamemberofHolyNameCatholicChurch.Sheloved Liberty.Therewillbearosaryvigilserviceat7p.m.Wednesdayat New Year’s Day at 220 S. 18th St., Parsons, KS 67357. Peri- togarden,paintandread,andespeciallylovedspendingtimewith thechurch.Friendsmaycallfrom9a.m.to9p.m.todayandfrom odicals postage paid at Parsons, KS 67357. herkidsandgrandkids. 9a.m.to5p.m.WednesdayatDavidW.BarnesFuneralHomein Coffeyville. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Parsons Sun, P.O. Survivorsincludeherhusband,JamesWishall,ofthehome;three daughters,TeresaJarmanofTulsa,Elizabeth“Lisa”Wagnerandher MemorialsaresuggestedtoShrinersHospitalforChildrenand Box 836, Parsons, KS 67357. husband,Mike,ofEdanandJoyceJonesandherhusband,Jason, maybeleftatormailedtothefuneralhome,306NorthClineRoad, © Copyright 2011 ofCoffeyville;twosons,DanielWishallandhiswife,Amber,of Coffeyville,67337. Nowata,Okla.,andThomasWishallandhiswife,Misty,ofBartles- Page 3 ParsonsSun Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 Labette County horticulture CLUBS meeting to order, and the minutes of the last meeting were read. judgers compete at state Parsons Rotary A thank you letter from Dorothy Bath, treasurer of Safe Haven, was read thanking DDD for donation for the fi rst seven months of Sixteen horticulture judgers competed at the state horticul- Parsons Rotary past president James McCarty opened Thursday’s ture contest in Manhattan on Aug. 20. 2011. meeting. Prayer was led by Gary Wall, the Pledge and 4-Way Test Annette Robinson gave a brief report on the fair. DDD had 37 ex- Judgers represented the Wildcat District (Labette, Montgom- by Rob Carnahan, and the song by Hal Redford. Terri Pollmiller, ery and Crawford counties) with all 16 judgers from Labette hibits with six members displaying. Everyone participating worked Rotary 6110 district administrator and wife of Rotarian Gary Poll- hard and had fun. County. miller, was a guest. The contest consisted of plant identification, quality judging Various projects for Safe Haven and Head Start were discussed. Rotarian of the Day Sharon Stewart-Brown introduced speaker The subject of offi cers for 2012 was brought up and Donna Wil- and a knowledge test. The Wildcat District teams are coached Anne Allen, director of the Parsons Area Community Foundation. by Christina Beason and Jacob Weber. liams made a motion with Mary Jones seconding that the unit con- Allen noted that Stewart-Brown had just recently joined the foun- tinue with the same offi cers. Results: dation’s board, along with Don Alexander. Board members have a Intermediate teams: (18 teams total in this division) dual role in helping solicit funds and determining how to responsi- Wildcat team No. 1 won first place in state. Team members bly distribute them. were Emily McCoach (eighth high individual in top 10), Tegan The foundation, which was started in the mid-1990s, was estab- Disciples Women Maxson, Shyanne Jones and Allison Higgins. lished as a vehicle for people to give a part of their assets to the The Disciples Women of First Christian Church met in August Wildcat team No. 2 won seventh place in state. Team mem- community. bers were Amanda Shields (10th high individual in top 10), with 24 members present and two guests. With assets of $5 million, the foundation has put more than $1 President Wilma Brown led the group in reading the fellowship Catherine Lumley, Kaleigh Benning and Kelsey Schaplowsky. million back into the community. Allen described the tax-deduct- Wildcat team No. 3 won 14th place in state. Team members prayer and then Pastor John Bain talked with the group a few min- ible organization as “healthy in assets and having a strong board of utes about celebrating the church and members’ relationship with were Alyssa Shields, Cloey Jones, Alyssa Higgins and Taya directors.” Maxson. God. Iona Shipps presented past president Jean Daetwiler with a Just this week she submitted a grant application for $550,000 card and a gift from the group for her two-year service. Senior teams: (12 teams total in this division) from the Kansas Health Foundation, which has a mission to provide Wildcat team No. 1 won fifth place in state. Team members Joyce Tanner requested prayer for the many listed in the church long-term sustained improvements in the health of all Kansans. The bulletin and for those on the elder’s prayer list. were Jennifer Nelson (eighth high individual), Natalie Nelson, grant would benefi t all in Labette County. Terri McCoach and Ashleigh Shields. Ruby Johns stated she had taken more than 19 items to the La- bette Assistance Center and 11 backpacks and 59 other items were given to Stuff the Bus. The June project was the Kansas Christian Don’t Dodge Diffi culty Home in Newton by giving money or items bought or made for its bazaar in November. These items will be collected and taken to Don’t Dodge Diffi culty FCE unit met Aug. 16 at Belmont Towers Newton until the bazaar. The August project, Women’s Empower- with six members present. ment Fund through the Week of Compassion, will be dedicated at Not all hernias need Kylie Ludwig, Wildcat District family and consumer sciences the retreat at Camp Tawakoni in October. In September, the group agent. led the group giving a hands-on demonstration on how to will be donating items and money for hygiene kits that will be sent decorate cakes or cookies using a plastic pastry bag and different to Church World Service. Also, a money gift will be given for the tips for writing, making stars, etc. Norma Newell had baked large, Christian Women’s Fellowship’s birthday. immediate treatment plain sugar cookies to decorate and each person decorated three Groups asked to remember their shut-ins and groups with cards cookies, using different tips for writing, stars or fl oral designs of and visits, not only those we know but those we don’t yet know. their own. Betty Heady furnished ice tea to drink as the cookies Esther group had a program on each of the women the groups Dear Dr. Donohue: My doc- Yes, we do shrink. The were eaten. had chosen for their group name followed with a shorter version of tor told me I have a femoral disks between the backbones Ludwig was given two hand-tied quilts made by Donna Williams the same for worship, followed by singing “Trust and Obey” with hernia. He said not to worry, are spongy cushions that dry for Ludwig’s two small sons from the unit. Nadine Allen leading and Nancy Miller at the piano. but if I ever get severe pain, I out and thin with age. Fur- Newell gave the treasurer’s report after Ann Robinson called the must go to the emergency room thermore, osteoporosis often quickly. causes collapse of backbones. I asked, These conditions make us lose OMMUNITY ALENDAR “Why not fi x height. Another thing that C C it now?” He happens with age is a loss of said not to muscle tone, which tends to Events going on in Southeast ed until 8 a.m. the morning of line to enter is Sept. 13. Anyone worry unless make people collapse onto Kansas: SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 the event. A breakfast of biscuits wanting more information can it gets very themselves, and also leads to a The Parsons Recreation Com- and gravy will be available from call Stacy or Kelly Norris, (620) painful. Is reduction of height. TUESDAY, SEPT. 6 mission will host a Fall Back to 6:30 to 8 a.m. at the Legion post 354-6467 or (620) 354-6455. this safe? Or Exercise done well into very Girl Scouts will have a sign- School Cookout and Meet and in Erie. A freewill offering lunch good sense? advanced years can put a hold up from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Wes- Greet from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at will also be served at Stark by SATURDAY, SEPT. 17 He didn’t on the extent of these process- ley United Methodist Church. the PRC Multi Arts Academy, the Grant Community Club, and A ceremony honoring POWs give me any es. Exercise, calcium and vita- Anyone with questions can call formerly Westside Community a freewill offering dinner will be is set for 6 p.m. at the Brown- restrictions. YOUR HEALTH min D prevent osteoporosis. Becky Falke, 421-2427. Center. The event will offer a served at the Legion hall at Erie Bishop Post No. 704, Veterans of I worry. — Dr. Paul Donohue free cookout to the public and a after the cruise. All meals will be Foreign Wars, 105 Main, in Par- F.R. Dear Dr. Donohue: After THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 chance to meet PRC instructors open to the general public as well sons. The public is welcome. A hernia heart surgery, my heartbeat The Labette County Chapter as well as infl atables and the as to cruise entrants. The Parsons Take Charge is the bulging of tissues or or- acted up, and I had to be No. 2313, AARP, will meet at PRC’s Imagination Playground team will have a “Grilling off gans through a weak spot in shocked. The surgery was a 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 8, in in a Cart for children. SUNDAY, SEPT. 11 the Grid” to celebrate the end the abdominal wall, usually in graft for a blocked heart ar- the Arvon Phillips Community ERIE — The American Le- EDNA — The Rexwinkle of the Take Charge Challenge. the groin area. Three different tery. Center for a covered dish dinner. gion Post No. 102 of Erie will family reunion will be at the The event will be from 10 a.m. kinds of groin hernias exist. Why did it happen? Did it The Labette Assistance Center sponsor the inaugural BEAN- Edna Senior Center, 109 S. La- to 3 p.m. at Ace Hardware, 200 Yours, a femoral hernia, is the undo any of the benefi ts of sur- will be the program. TOWN USA Tractor Cruise. bette (one block east of the bank N. 18th. Prizes will include ap- least common kind. gery? — W.W. Harry Hynes Memorial Hos- The event will be a 45-mile corner). The covered dish dinner pliance rebates on energy-saver With groin hernias, what After heart surgery, it’s not pice, a not-for-profi t agency serv- parade of tractors and drivers will start at noon. Family and models, whole-house compact bulges through the defect is unusual for the heart to beat ing Labette County and 13 other through Southeast Kansas. Its friends are welcome. The Clif- fl orescent light kits, new LED usually the covering of the ab- out of sync. No matter how counties in Southeast Kansas, purpose is to support disabled ford Rexwinkle family be the Christmas lighting, weatheriza- dominal organs. Sometimes a gentle the surgeon is, the heart will host Companions in Grief, veterans through the Help a Hero host family. For additional infor- tion kits, LED fl ashlights and short segment of the intestine is traumatized by tugging and a monthly support group from 6 program. It will also give tractor mation, contact (620) 226-7398. much more. There will be ac- also can poke through. pulling and cutting. Some- to 7:30 p.m. at Elmhaven West, owners in the area an opportunity tivities for children, and the team The cure for hernias is sur- times it rebels by developing 1315 S. 15th. Entrance is through to exercise their equipment and MONDAY, SEPT. 12 will give the public free ham- gery. Many small, painless extra beats — atrial fi brillation the north door. The group meets to visit amongst themselves and The Parsons Housing Author- burgers and hot dogs. hernias are left alone. Femoral or atrial fl utter. monthly on the second Thursday. the public. The cruise will begin ity will meet at 5 p.m. at Belmont ST. PAUL — The St. Paul Sad- hernias, however, are a dif- A shock with electric cur- Anyone who has experienced the at 9 a.m. at the American Legion Towers. Meetings are open to the dle Club will have a showdeo at 7 ferent breed. Some surgeons rent often can stop the irregu- loss of a loved one is encouraged rodeo grounds in Erie. Tractors public. p.m. at the arena, which is a mile feel strongly that these hernias lar beats. to attend. Wayne Mason, chap- will assemble there from 3 p.m. north of the Lodge Steakhouse. ought to be repaired when they You don’t have to wor r y that lain for Harry Hynes Memorial Friday afternoon. The cruise TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 A new event this time will be a are discovered. They say this this was a sign of permanent Hospice, is the facilitator. Any- will stop at the St. Francis de Hi- There will be a co-ed softball stick horse race for youth age 2 because femoral hernias are heart damage or that it indi- one wanting more information eronymo Catholic Church park- tournament in Walnut, with all to 5. The saddle club will supply more likely to become incar- cates future trouble. It was a can call 423-3863 or (866) 584- ing lot in St. Paul, on Main Street proceeds going to Kylie Hallacy the horses. Call Don Wood, (620) cerated or strangulated. An in- brief episode that is unlikely to 5498. in Walnut, at Stark Community for her medical bills. The dead- 778-0702, with questions. carcerated hernia is one where repeat. The Labette County Chapter Center (old high school) and then the bulge cannot be pushed It didn’t undo any of your No. 2313, AARP, will meet at travel back to Erie. The entry fee back into the abdomen. surgery’s benefi ts. 12:30 p.m. in the Arvon Phillips is $35 per tractor. Pre-registra- Serving KS A strangulated hernia is Community Center for a cov- tion is preferred and can be done since 1955 one in which the part of the Dr. Donohue regrets that he ered-dish dinner. The Labette by calling Pat Smith at (620) 754- intestine bulging through the is unable to answer individual Assistance Center will be the 3958 or Jack McGowen at (620) defect has twisted. Twisting letters, but he will incorporate program. 232-0731. Entries will be accept- 3300 Main cuts off its blood supply. This them in his column whenever is an emergency that must be possible. Readers may write Parsons corrected quickly. It’s a most him or request an order form of painful situation. The patient available health newsletters at Heavenly Phone: 800-678-7815 knows something really bad is P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL happening. 32853-6475. Kneads & Threads Perhaps your hernia is so 724 Bridge St. ~ Humboldt (620) 473-2408 small that the doctor feels sur- Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. gery isn’t necessary. It must Sat. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. be small. You didn’t know you had it. If it makes you feel more comfortable, get the opinion of 10 % off Tuesdays another surgeon. In situations like this, two heads are better Monte Carlo -PG (4:15) 7:15 sewing notions, fabric & yarn than one.

Dear Dr. Donohue: I don’t Rise of Planet of the Apes know if you have addressed -PG-13 (4:05) 7:10 this before, but I have a ques- tion about aging. I hear that Shark Night (3D) PG-13 with aging, the spine starts (4:10) 7:05 to compress and cause us to shrink. Bone loss also occurs. I Cars 2 -G (4:00) 7:00 appy 1st want to know if there are ways to avoid this. It’s really bother- H ing me. My clock is ticking. I’m Apollo 18 -PG-13 (4:20) 7:20 *--NO PASSES 41. — D.C. All our clocks are ticking. MOVIE LINE 620-421-4240 Birthday!! Check our website for additional choices. Double the pleasure, double the fun. Specials Bundle #2 - $105 This Week’s 4 lbs. Sirloin Steak 4 lbs. Pork Chops Hayden and Daniel ger 5 lbs. Beef Roast are turning ONE! Hambur 15 lbs. Hamburger $ 89 With four bright eyes 2. /lb. Award Winning Brats * and two wide grins, it’s the 1st birthday for our Twins! Love, We Do Custom Processing We accept Vision Cards MaMaw & PaPaw Parsons • 620-421-2112 • 421-2332 O’Brien Page 4 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 ParsonsSun NATION Congress returns Tough job Smaller needle set for fl u shots amid sour mood market WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s fl u vaccine time like redness, swelling and itching. There’s little again — and some lucky shot-seekers will fi nd data on pain perception. that the needle has shrunk. But it’s only for 18- to 64-year-olds. It hasn’t grows over slow economy The fi rst fl u shot that works with a less-scary been studied in children’s more-tender skin. skin prick instead of an inch-long needle is hit- Sanofi estimates it will sell less than 1 million ting the market this fall. Sorry kids, this option doses this year while introducing the newly ap- WASHINGTON (AP) — Still Democratic-controlled Senate. so far is just for adults, and it’s so brand-new proved product to doctors, before a full market tougher bruised by the summer battle But the threat of them prompted that it will take some searching to fi nd a dose. launch next fl u season. over the debt ceiling, Congress Obama last week to scrap tough- But there are plenty of the other varieties Q: What about the original ouchless fl u vac- WASHI NGTON (AP) — The reconvenes this week for what er Environmental Protection — standard shots, a special high-dose shot for cine, the nasal-spray version? job market is even worse than the could be an equally painful Agency regulations on ozone, seniors and the needle-free squirt-in-the-nose A: MedImmune’s FluMist is for a different 9.1 percent unemployment rate confrontation over how to put a key ingredient of smog that option — to go around. At least 166 million age group, people ages 2 to 49 who are healthy, suggests. Americans back to work. causes asthma and other lung doses of fl u vaccine are expected to be pro- meaning no one with underlying health condi- America’s 14 million unem- Lawmakers returning to illnesses. duced this year. tions or who is pregnant. Unlike fl u shots that ployed aren’t competing just with Washington after a monthlong While talking jobs, lawmakers The big question is whether people will get it. are made with killed fl u virus, FluMist is made each other. They must also contend recess are in accord on at least will have one eye on the initial Usually each year’s fl u vaccine varies from the with live but weakened virus. with 8.8 million other people not one thing: Jobs policy must be at meetings of the supercommittee previous versions as different infl uenza strains Q: For older adults, does CDC recommend counted as unemployed — part- the top of the agenda. But there’s established under legislation en- emerge. This year, the vaccine’s a duplicate be- the high-dose shot? timers who want full-time work. scant hope they will put aside acted in early August to increase cause the three fl u strains that sickened people A: The immune system weakens with age so When consumer demand picks their differences long enough the federal debt ceiling. The bi- last winter still are circulating. that it doesn’t respond as well to an ordinary fl u up, companies will likely boost the to come up with legislation that partisan committee has until Scientifi c studies aren’t clear about how shot. Sanofi ’s Fluzone High-Dose is a standard hours of their part-timers before makes measurable improve- Nov. 23 to come up with at least much a person’s immunity wanes over a year, into-the-muscle shot but it contains four times they add jobs, economists say. It ments either to the unemploy- $1.2 trillion in defi cit cuts. If it although it varies by age and overall health. the usual dose, to spur more immune response means they have room to expand ment rate or Congress’ dismal fails to do so or if Congress fails But federal health offi cials and the American in people 65 and older. First sold last year, stud- without hiring. approval rate. to approve its recommendations Academy of Pediatrics weighed the evidence ies still are under way to track if that translates And the unemployed will Even the main attraction of by Christmas, automatic spend- and say don’t skip this year’s vaccination — it’s into fewer illnesses and hospitalizations. It can face another source of competi- the fi rst week back, President ing cuts covering both defense the only way to be sure your immune system cause more of the typical fl u-shot side effects. tion once the economy improves: Obama’s speech to a joint ses- and domestic programs would remains revved enough for the best protection. The CDC says it’s OK for seniors to choose ei- Roughly 2.6 million people who sion of Congress outlining his be triggered starting in 2013. “You’re not going to be able to count on that ther a high-dose shot or the regular shots from aren’t counted as unemployed jobs policy, had to be pushed More immediately, Congress vaccine protecting you throughout a second a variety of manufacturers. because they’ve stopped looking back a day, until Thursday. must stop itself from actually season,” says Dr. Lisa Grohskopf of the Centers Q: Who’s at highest risk from the fl u? for work. Once they start look- Republicans balked at letting causing unemployment. Obama, for Disease Control and Prevention. A: Young children, anyone 50 or older, any- ing again, they’ll be classifi ed as Obama pre-empt their party’s in his address, is expected to A yearly vaccination now is recommended for one with chronic medical conditions such as unemployed. And the unemploy- presidential debate on the fi rst urge lawmakers to act swiftly virtually everyone, except babies younger than asthma and certain heart or kidney problems, ment rate could rise. day the House is in session. to renew aviation and surface 6 months and people with severe allergies to the and pregnant women. A fl u vaccination dur- Intensifi ed competition for jobs When Obama does get to the transportation programs and eggs used to make it. Last year, 49 percent of chil- ing pregnancy has the added benefi t of passing means unemployment could exceed House podium, he’s likely to get avoid shutdowns that he said dren and 41 percent of adults were vaccinated. some protection to the baby. its historic norm of 5 percent to 6 a cool reception from the GOP could put 1 million jobs at risk. Say you never catch the fl u? You could be a Q: When should I get vaccinated? percent for several more years. The side of the aisle. Republicans The Federal Aviation Ad- carrier, unknowingly spreading the misery when A: Anytime, but it takes about two weeks for nonpartisan Congressional Budget may go along with tax break ministration has been operating you feel little more than a sniffl e, says Dr. William protection to kick in. Flu typically starts cir- Offi ce expects the rate to exceed 8 proposals but won’t be friendly on short-term extensions since Schaffner of Vanderbilt University, president of culating around November, and peaks around percent until 2014. The White House to ideas to extend jobless ben- 2007 because the House and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. January. Some chain pharmacies started vac- predicts it will average 9 percent efi ts or spend money on new Senate can’t agree on a com- “You should be vaccinated each and every year cinating a month ago. Next month, Hawaii be- next year, when President Barack construction projects. prehensive plan for the future. to ensure both you’re protected and you’re giving gins offering free in-school vaccinations for Obama runs for re-election. House Republicans have pre- Earlier this year, the FAA had the maximum protection to people around you,” elementary and middle school students. The jobs crisis has led Obama to pared an autumn jobs agenda that to shut down for two weeks, he says. Don’t put it off too long, says Dr. Scott Go- schedule a major speech Thursday centers on repealing what they say resulting in tens of thousands Here are some questions and answers about fl u renstein of Great Neck, N.Y., an emergency night to propose steps to stimulate are job-destroying environmental of construction worker layoffs vaccinations: physician whose own son Nate, then 4, nearly hiring. Republican presidential and labor regulations. The fi rst and $400 million in uncollected Q: How does the new skin-deep vaccine died of fl u during the 2009 pandemic. The boy candidates will likely confront the bill, slated for the week of Sept. 12, airline ticket taxes. The agency work? already had been exposed by the time vaccine issue in a debate the night before. would prevent the National Labor will shut down again on Sept. 16 A: Sanofi Pasteur’s Fluzone Intradermal fi nally was available that fall. Now, Gorenstein The back-to-back events will Relations Board from restricting unless Congress acts. uses a needle less than a tenth of an inch long says the whole family gets inoculated in early come days after the government where an employer can locate in Similarly, the law that autho- to inject vaccine just below the skin’s surface. fall — even though Nate has developed a vac- said employers added zero net the United States. It grows out of rizes federal spending for high- This layer, called the dermis, is so rich in a cine allergy and as a precaution checks into the jobs in August. The monthly jobs a complaint issued by the NLRB way and mass transit programs certain type of immune cell that the new shot hospital for his dose. report, arriving three days before that Boeing Co. was punishing expires on Sept. 30. A stalemate uses a lower dose of the same vaccine that’s in “We got lucky,” says Gorenstein, who now Labor Day, was the weakest since union workers with plans to trans- there could disrupt collection of regular fl u shots. Studies found it triggered as advises a group called Families Fighting Flu. September 2010. fer an assembly line from Wash- the 18.4-cent-a-gallon federal much protection as full-strength muscle shots “You just don’t want to be a statistic that is pre- Combined, the 14 million of- ington state to South Carolina. gas tax and have a far more dev- — although it did cause more skin reactions ventable.” fi cially unemployed; the “under- The anti-regulation bills are astating effect on construction employed” part-timers who want likely to hit a dead end in the jobs. full-time work; and “discouraged” people who have stopped looking Palin speaks in New Hampshire make up 16.2 percent of working- age Americans. MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Sarah Palin left open the possibil- The Labor Department com- ity of a presidential bid Monday afternoon, while encouraging tea piles the fi gure to assess how party activists to unite against President Obama. many people want full-time work presents And the former Alaska governor praised Republican presiden- and can’t fi nd it — a number the tial candidates for working harder to appeal to the tea party move- unemployment rate alone doesn’t ment. capture. “Now we’re seeing more and more folks realize the strength of In a healthy economy, this this grassroots movement and they’re wanting to be involved,” she broader measure of unemployment told hundreds of activists at a Tea Party Express rally in the Granite stays below 10 percent. Since the State’s largest city. Great Recession offi cially ended Palin’s New Hampshire appearance comes amid rising frustration more than two years ago, the rate — and indifference — among Granite State Republicans and tea has been 15 percent or more. party activists over her hazy intentions. The proportion of the work She has drawn headlines, dominated cable news coverage and force made up of the frustrated raised supporters’ hopes through several recent visits to early vot- part-timers has risen faster than ing states. And as she did Monday, she has consistently left open the unemployment has since the re- possibility she would seek the presidency. cession began in December 2007. $ WEWEEEEKEKLKLYLY WWIWININ 1,1,00000000 Please cut along dotted line (QWULHV :HHN DWWKHVH *DPHVRI6HSW +2:723/$< Select a winner from each of the week’s games, 0HUFKDQWV listed below. Select in descending order of your CONFIDENCE in your choices. Win points at left for each correct selection toward possible total of 136 points. 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Callyour Multimedia Sales Consultant or • Full-page ad savings apply Sept. 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 620-421-2000 • SPACE IS LIMITED (4 full-page ads per day) for more information • NO other discounts apply • LIMITED color positions • Sales prices DO NOT APPLY to previously placed JAN STRAIT orders, killed or rescheduled ads. Certain restrictions may apply. [email protected] CINDY MORRISON [email protected] Page 6 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 ParsonsSun Sports BRIEFLY CHS ready for rematch with Oklahoma school

FSHS handles BY ANTHONY COOK andhitplayers.Lastyearwewouldhave twinquarterbackandreceivercombo doesn’t.It’sadifferentgameinOklahoma, SPORTS EDITOR grabbedjerseysandhopedtopullthem willneedconstantattentiononceagain andtheyhavedifferentathletesandwill LCHS Friday TheGreenHornetsgotintoashootout down.” Fridayeveningafterbothweresuccessful giveusdifferentchallenges,”hesaid. withSouthwestChristianAcademya Pricesaidthatalthoughhisteam againsttheGreenHornetsaseasonago. FORTSCOTT—Labette seasonagoina42-30losstotheeventual stayedwithin12withSWC “They are a lot like us. Normanbound CountyHighSchoolfailedto Oklahomastatesemifinalists. a season ago, Chetopa was Theyreturntheirskillkids. SouthwestChristianAcademyisbased score until the clock struck Thisyear,theteamishopingitdoesn’t fightingtokeepitcloseand CHETOPA Theymostlyhavethesame outofNorman,buttheEaglesdon’thave zero Friday evening in the havetoscoreasmuchtokeepup. not to take control of the team,”saidPrice. ahomefieldandplayallhomegames Grizzlies’openeragainstFort TheHornets(1-0)willtakewhatthey game. NOTEBOOK Althoughthetripacross ontheroad.Thisyear,Community Scott.Bythattime,theTigers believeisanimproveddefenseacross Withwhathefeelsisan theborderwillbeoneof Christianwillhousethegame.Lastyear, had already put up 39 points statelinestoNorman,Okla.,onFriday improved defense, Price thetoughestontheHornets’ CommunityChristianwastheOklahoma andputthegameoutofhand. inamatchupwithSouthwestChristian saysthementalityofjust slatethisseason,Price 8-mandivisionstatechampion. Labette County was Academy(1-2). keepingupisgone. prefers the challenge. SWC will be the While in Norman, the Hornets will outrushedbyover200yardsin “Ifeelreallygoodaboutourdefense,” “Overallwearemoreathletic.Wecan onlytruespreadteamtheHornetsface haveachancetotakeaquicktripbythe theopeneragainsttheTigers saidCHScoachSeanPrice.“Lastyear matchupbetteragainstateamlikethis,” duringtheregularseason.Iftheteamis OklahomaSoonersfootballfacilities. andLabettefellto0-1. wewerereallynervous.Weweretrying headded. fortunateenoughtomaketheplayoffs,it “We’vetalkedtoMervJohnson(OU “Fort Scott dominated the toholdpeopleasgoodaswecould. To be successful, the Chargers will willhaveexperienceagainstanoffense directoroffootballoperations)andwe line of scrimmage against us “Since last November, our focus has havetoonceagainaccountforSWC thattakespracticetodefend. allnight.Theywerequickeroff beenourdefense.Fridaywecameout threats Jon and Jordan Vanover. The “We find out what works and what See HORNETS, Page 7. theballandmoreaggressive than we were,” said LCHS coachShaneHoltzman.“Iwill taketheblameforthis.We Royals fall to Indians were definitely out-coached tonight.Theywerereadyto playfootballandwewere 9-6 Sunday afternoon not.” FortScottusedbigplaysto KANSASCITY,Mo.(AP)—Royalsstarter put the ball in the end zone. JeffFranciswasn’taroundtowatchtheIndians’ Itsfirstfivestrikescamefrom ShelleyDuncanhitapairofhomersintothestiff 30,76,25,37and55yardsout, breezeatKauffmanStadium.Someearlycontrol and the Tigers went into the problemsinhispersonalhouseofhorrorsforced halfenjoyinga32-0leadand himfromthegameafterjustfiveinnings. eventuallywentintothefourth Duncanbeltedathree-runshotinthesixthand witharunningclock. addedatwo-runhomerintheeighthforacareer D a n e C u m m i n g s o f F o r t S c o t t best five RBIs, and Cleveland held on for a 9-6 scoredthreetouchdowns. victoryoverKansasCityonSunday. Labette’s score came at the “Whenyouonlygofiveinnings,youdon’tgive endofthegameonarunby the team much of a chance,” said Francis, who seniorHunterSeibert.The allowedfourrunswhilefallingto0-5inhislast Grizzlies also threatened sevenhomestarts.“Itwasdisappointing.” earlierinthequarterbutfailed JasonDonaldandJeradHeadalsohadRBIsfor toputthefinishingtoucheson theIndians(70-67),whosurpassedtheirwintotal oneoftheirbetterdrivesofthe fromalloflastseasonastheytrytokeeppacewith evening. DetroitintheALCentral. “OurquarterbackCole Theybegantheday61/2gamesbackinsecond Traxson was a bright spot place.TheTigersplayedSundaynightbeforefac- for us. He played very well ingtheIndiansinacrucialthree-gameseriesthat inhisfirststartatQB,”said startsMondayinCleveland. Holtzman. JeanmarGomez(2-2)waseffectiveagaininhis Labette managed just 113 secondstartsincegettingrecalledfromTriple- total yards against a physical A Columbus, allowing six hits and only Mike FortScottbunch,whogotawin Moustaksas’RBIgroundoutin51-3innings. backafterLabettedefeatedthe TheIndians’bullpenwasn’tnearlyaseffective. Tigersathomeinlastyear’s EricHosmerdroveinapairofrunsintheninth seasonopener. Travis Heying/Wichita Eagle/MCT inning,andJohnnyGiavotellahadoneofhistwo The Grizzlies were without RBIsintheninthasKansasCitytriedtorally. apenaltyintheseasonopener. Kansas State’s Meshak Williams wraps up Eastern Kentucky running back Jeremiah Williams during the second quarter at ChrisPerezcameinwithoneoutandarunner LCHSwillnowtakeon Bill Snyder Family Stadium in Manhattan on Saturday. onfirstandgotMoustakasandBrayanPenaon Southeast Kansas League weakpopoutsforhis32ndsave. favoriteChanuteathomeon “Hejustkeptfeedingmefastballsandgotinon Friday. methatlastoneandpoppedmeup,”Moustakas “Wehavealotweneedto said.“Webattledasateamtodayandjustcame workon.Ibelieveinourkids. Wildcats escape unexpected battle upshort.” Theywillbounceback,and MelkyCabreraalsodroveinarunforKansas we will perform much better City,butitwasn’tenoughtohelpFrancis(5-15) at home next Friday versus MANHATTAN (AP) — When theoffense. saidKlein,whowenttheentireway finallyendhishomewoes.Hehasn’twonatKauff- Chanute,”saidHoltzman. KansasState’s schedule was first Klein threw an interception and afterspendingtimeasachange-of- manStadiumsinceMay31. announced,BillSnyderwasn’texactly could have had three more errant pacequarterbacklastseason. “Itwasjustagrindforhimallday,”Royalsman- pleasedtoseethattheWildcatswould passes picked off, and that was just “It’snotobviouslywherewehoped agerNedYostsaid.“Hewasn’treallysharp.But Friday, Sept. 2 haveaweekoffafterjustonegame. whenhehadtimetothrow.Therestof wewere,butgivecredittoEastern withhiscompetitiveness,hewasabletomakea Labette Co. 0 0 0 6 — 6 Turnsoutitcouldn’thavecomeata thenighthewasrunningfordearlife Kentucky for having their game pitchandkindoflimitthedamage.” Fort Scott 14 18 7 0 — 39 bettertime. —aboutathirdofthequarterback’s plan,”Kleinsaid,“andalsohatsoffto FrancisgotintroublequicklywhenKosukeFu- The Wildcats needed an 86-yard game-high25carriescameduring ourdefenseforbeingsolidwhenwe kudomedoubledwithoneoutinthefirst.Carlos First quarter drivecappedbya33-yardtouchdown brokenplays. neededit.” SantanaandDuncanwalkedtoloadthebasesfor FS — No. 33 30-yard run (PAT passfromCollinKleintoChrisHarper TheWildcatsaveragedjustshy Yes,therewasonebrightspot Donald,whosesinglemadeit1-0. blocked), 4:19. intheclosingminutesSaturdaynight of200yardsrushingpergamelast on an otherwise bleak night for Santanawasthrownouttryingtoscoreonthe FS — 76-yard punt return (2-pt PAT just to slip by Eastern Kentucky. season,whenDanielThomascarried KansasState. good), 2:22. playbyMitchMaier,the24thtimeaRoyalsout- Therewasnothingsexyaboutthe10- theload,buttheystruggledmightily Adefensethatwasamongtheworst fielderhasthrownsomeoneoutathome. Second quarter 7 final score, which was lowlighted againstanundersizeddefensefromthe in college football against the run Onlythe1978MontrealExposhavemoreout- FS — No. 30 25-yard run (PAT byfivefumbles,sevenpenaltiesand Football Championship Subdivision. last season — allowing more than field assists at the plate (30) in a single season missed), 6:38. enoughothermistakestokeepthe JohnHubertgotthestartandranfor 230 yards per game — kept turning since 1974, when accurate records started being FS — No. 36 37-yard run (2-pt PAT KansasState coaching staff busy 91yards.AngeloPeasecarriedfive Eastern Kentucky away every time tracked. failed), 4:28. duringtheearlybye. times for just 11 yards, and highly theWildcats’offensefloundered.That Clevelandpiledoninthesecondinningwhen FS — No. 22 55-yard run (2-pt PAT TheWildcatsdon’treturnuntil toutedtransferBryceBrownranjust includedNigelMalone’sinterception JackHannahandoubled,LouMarsonsingledand failed), 2:36. Sept.17againstKentState.Thatwill threetimesfor16yards. intheendzonetofoilagoodscoring HeadhitanRBIsingle.Afteracouplequickouts, beginastretchofninegamesinnine Brown,aformertop-rankedrecruit chance by Eastern Kentucky, and includingagreatstabbyHosmeronahard-hitball Third quarter weeksthatincludesavisittoMiami whospentaseasonatTennessee,also another by Malone to seal the game SS — No. 36 19-yard reception by Fukudome, Cabrera ripped a two-run double (PAT good), 7:08. andthestartofBig12play. was responsible for a fumble that after KansasState finally pulled downtheleft-fieldline. “Wehavetwoweeksifweinvest gaveEasternKentuckytheballatthe ahead. CabrerafouledapitchoffhiskneeFridaynight, Fourth quarter ourselvestotrytocorrectour KansasState goal line in the third The Colonels managed just 10 causingacolorfulbruisethatkepthimoutofthe LCHS — Seibert, 2-yard run (No problems,” said Snyder, who got his quarter. yardsnetrushing,thelowesttotalby lineupSaturdaynight. PAT), 0:02. 150thwinastheWildcats’headcoach TheColonelspuncheditinmoments aKansasStateopponentsinceTexas Hereturnedtopushhisteam-leadingRBItotal Saturdaynight.“Ihatetohaveanopen laterandfoundthemselveswitha7-0 A&M had minus-13 in 2009. The to82,acareerbest. LCHS FS date at this point in the season, but lead. Wildcats’foursacks,includingtwoby TheRoyalsfinallyscoredinthefourthwhen First downs 7 6 maybeitwillworkonourbehalf.” “Waytoomanypenalties,t u r novers, Total yards 113 366 Itsurecouldn’thurt,especiallyfor bustedassignmentsacrosstheboard,” Rush yards 55 286 See CATS, Page 7. See ROYALS, Page 7. Passing 58 75 3.8.0 5.9.0 Fumbles lost 0 1 Penalties-yards 0 6-30 Jayhawks’ offense comes to life in opening victory over McNeese

LAWRENCE (AP) — This greatly improved speed, and a 2010season,attemptedonly10 “I thought our offense, Stroudflippedashortpassto Walnut tourney time,fanswerelaughingwith coupleoffreshmenprovedhim passes,butcompletedsevenfor overall,didareallygood ChamplainBabin,whogottwo A co-ed softball tourney theKansasJayhawksandnotat right.Shepherd,a170-pound 146yards.Ononepass,hetook job,”saidStroud.“Wemoved excellent blocks while going willbeheldonSept.16and17 them. widereceiver,had107yardson aimatKalePick.ButShepherd, theballupanddownthefield intotheendzone.Babinhadfive inWalnut. Everybody had a chuckle justthreecatchesinhiscollege whoappearedtoberunning like we wanted to tonight. catchesfor108yards. when overeager freshman debut,includingtouchdownsof the same route, couldn’t stop First half, we didn’t finish McNeese State’s Dodge, on Proceeds from the event JaCorey Shepherd reached 56and48yards. himselffromleapingupand thedrivesoffweneededto. fourthand14,foundawide- willgotoKylieHallacytogo upandstoleapassawayfrom Another freshman, Tony haulingitin. Secondhalf,Ithoughtwedid openWesBriscoefora32- towardmedicalbills. his own teammate. Then they Pierson,went47yardsonhis “Ijustseentheballintheair,” amuchbetterjoboffinishing yardscoringpassinthethird Formoreinformation,contact cheeredwhenheflashedmuch- firstcarrytosetupatouchdown Shepherdsaidwithasheepish somedrives.” quarter. Stacy or Kelly Norris at (620) neededandimprovedspeedand and13yardsintotheendzone grin.“Myinstinctistogogetit. After getting stopped cold T henbackca met heJayhawk s, 354-6487or(620)354-6455. scurrieddownthefieldona56- thesecondtimehetouchedthe Ididn’tknowifhewasbehind on their first possession, the with Sims getting a short The deadline to enter into yardtouchdownplayenrouteto ball.Hehad73yardsonfive meandIdidn’tcatchit,itwould Jayhawkswent84yardsineight touchdownrunfora35-16lead a 42-24 victory over McNeese carries. beincomplete.SoIjustwentup playsontheirsecond,withWebb earlyinthefourth. thetournamentisSept.13. State. “It was good to see some of there and grabbed the ball. He hittingDaymondPattersonona StroudconnectedwithBabin It was in sharp contrast to our young guys make plays kindoftoldme,‘Oh,man,you 25-yard scoring pass following ona60-yardpassplay,then This day in sports lastyear,whenTurnerGill offensively and defensively,” stolemyball.’” Sims’ 30-yard scamper up the gotintotheendzonetwoplays launchedhisfirstseasonashead saidGill.“Itwasgoodtosee Pickstillcontributedtothe middle. later. Sportsbirthdays—Kevin coachwithadismal6-3lossto thatnotonlywithouryoung play,throwingakeyblock. The Jayhawks took a 21-3 He hit Damion Dixon for Willis(NBAcenter). NorthDakotaStatethatledtoa guys,butalsoourveterans.” “IthoughtIhadtheballthe leadintohalftimefollowing a two-point conversion that Thisdayinsportshistory miserable3-9campaign. Kansasalsogotatouchdown whole time until he caught it,” Sims’1-yardtouchdownrun madethescore35-24with8:32 — USA beats Australia 5-0 “Wewentanddidexactly run from James Sims, who hesaid. andPierson’s13-yardcarryout to go before Webb hooked up in37thDavisCup,1948;New what we wanted to do,” said totaled104yardson19carries. CodyStroudwas22for27 ofawildcatformation. withShepherdonanotherlong YorkMetsbatterTommyAgee sophomore quarterback Jordan “We hit the explosive plays for210yardsandatouchdown Simshad104ofKansas’301 scoringpass. hitsforcycle,1970;CalRipken Webb, who threw for three when we needed to,” said fortheCowboys.Healternated yardsrushing. “I am really proud of our Jr.breaksLouGehrig’srecord touchdownsandranforafourth. Webb. with Riley Dodge, who was 9 TheCowboysscoredontheir kids, and I thought we played by playing in 2,131st straight “Itgaveusalotofconfidence.” Webb, who started seven for14for107yardsandanother first possession of the second extremelyhard,”saidMcNeese game,1995. Gillhasbeenpromising games in an injury-marred score. half,rolling76yardsin12plays. StateheadcoachMattViator. Page 7 ParsonsSun Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011

wasawarethatlifeintheBig12figures ROYALS CATS tobemuchmoredifficultthanplaying Continued from Page 6. Continued from Page 6. againstsmallerschoolsfromtheOhio ValleyConference. Hosmerlinedadoubleintothe Buthealsopointedoutthattheweek wind, which was whipping up seniordefensiveendJordanVoelker, offshouldallowtheWildcatstosort to27mph.Hecamehomewhen weretheirmostsincethesamegame outanykinks. Moustakas hit a grounder to againsttheAggiestwoyearsago. Theirreturnbeginsastretchofnine thirdbase. “Wewantedthegametocomedown gamesinnineweeksthatincludesatrip TheIndiansgotsomebreathing tobeonourshoulders,”saidVoelker, toMiamionSept.24andthestartof roominthesixthwhenEzequiel who came into the night with eight leagueplayagainstBayloronOct.1. Carrera and Santana reached tackles and no sacks in his entire “We’renotwherewethoughtwe baseandDuncanpoundeda1-0 collegecareer.“Theoffensecarriedus wouldbecomingoutofthefirstgame,” pitchfromJesseChavezintothe lastyearandwejustwantedtobethere widereceiverBrodrickSmithsaid,“so Royals’ bullpen for a 7-1 lead. forthemthisyear.” we’llgoouttherenextweekandjust Thetwo-outhomertoleftfield Voelker acknowledged that the prepare like, you know, we’ve got to wasDuncan’sfifthoftheseason gamedidn’tplayoutthewayanybody gooutthereandgetbetter.Nextweek andfirstsinceAug.5. inpurplehadplanned,andhesaidthat we’llusethatbyeweekasa‘getbetter’ HosmerandGiavotelladrove everyoneinthelockerroomafterward week.” inrunsintheseventhforKansas City,andMoustakasnearlytied the game with a bases-loaded drive that just skirted the foul HORNETS pole. Continued from Page 6. He eventually flied out to right,andDuncan’ssecond homerofthegameintheeighth willgoonashorttour.WearegoingtoseethelockersandtheBarrySwitzer restored Cleveland’s six-run Center,”saidPrice,whoaddedthatthetourwillbeshortbutwillprovideabitof cushion. stretchingbeforethegameafteranearlyfour-hourbustrip. “Attheend,weneededevery bitofoffense,”Clevelandman- Healthupdate agerMannyActasaid.“Today Pricereporteda100percenthealthysquadMondaymorningfollowinga64-6 ShelleyDuncansteppedup,and victoryoverAltoona-MidwayFridayevening.Pricesaideverymemberofthe weneedjustabouteveryguyto John Sleezer/Kansas City Star/MCT rosterwasabletoseethefieldintheopeningvictory. stepupwiththerosterwehave rightnow.Weneedheroesevery Cleveland Indians shortstop Asdrubal Cabrera jumps over Kansas City Royals’ Mitch Maier day.” after completing a double play on Chris Getz at first to end the second inning during Sun- day’s baseball game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. NOTES — Santana turned his right ankle on second base leftthegameinthethirdwithacalfinjury. Cityheadsoutonaseven-gametripstart- after his double in the fourth. He’llbeexaminedMonday....Cleveland ing Monday at Oakland. Felipe Paulino Hehoppedaroundandspiked stole two bases, one after Francis caught (2-6)getstheballintheseriesopener.... is printed on recycled newsprint. hishelmetinfrustration,butre- Donaldbetweenfirstandsecondbasebut UbaldoJimenez(2-1)startsforCleveland mainedinthegame....Hannahan Giavotellawhiffedonthetag....Kansas againstDetroitonMonday. $5 Rummage SaLe Special

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This 620-717-4331. 2 East 7th Street, ment plan matching dollar Superior Home Time Seniors. position requires a Bache- Openings Chanute, Ks 66720 to dollar up to 3%. Health, Annual Safety & Service 620-423-8151. lors degree in a Human in Independence MO Neosho County dental, and life insurance Bonus 1% of Linehaul. Part-time Team Member II (evening grill), 2:00 Resident $637.00 available. Send Resume to Services related field. A1 ROOFING & remodel- p.m.-8:30 p.m. Transflo Express Scanning Part-time R.N., ICU, night shift (7p-7a), 12 Kansas Resident Box 740B Competitive salary and •Engineers, Designers ing. Free estimates. Fuel Surcharge hours/week $658.00 C/O Parsons Sun benefits include BCBS and Technicians: Insured. All work guar- Part-time R.N., Float Pool, night shift (7p-7a), Company Driver Out of State PO Box 836 health insurance and Mechanical, Electrical, anteed. 421-4213. 24 hours/week Resident $739.00 Parsons, KS 67357 Positions Full-time R.N., Medical/Surgical, night shift KPER’s retirement. Prior Controls, Manufacturing, G & R Pumping. Pump For info. call Jan at Also Available. (7p-7a), 36 hours/week experience in a CMHC Industrial, Quality, septic tanks & rent porta PRN Registered Nurse, Home Health/Hospice, 620-431-2820 ext. 541 CDL-A, 1-Yr. Exp. Req. will work as needed, experience with Home preferred but not required. Chemical pots, install septic tanks & Accepting Applications Resumes will be accepted 888.446.2912 lagoons. 620-423-5955, Health nursing preferred DIRECTOR OF •Managers and Project PRN DME Driver, deliver home care products PT CNA Day Shift until the position is filled. 620-423-5365. to patient’s homes, customer service skills re- NURSING 6am-2pm Managers Send cover letter and re- quired, will work as needed Looking for Part-time Excellent Benefit Real Estate Auction: sume to LCMHS, Inc. Full-time Paramedic (MICT), 24-hour shifts, DON, 20 hours per week Package: 80 Acre Tract in Wilson CO. NW of Moorehead KS. some call Attn: Natasha Purcell, Hu- Background in munitions, and to rotate call. Please – Mostly Tillable, will be offered at Public Auction Part-time Physician Assistant, Emergency Room, Insurance, 401k military or government 12-hours shifts, varying shifts between 7a-7p apply man Resource Coordina- on Sept. 22, @ 10:00 a.m. at the farm on Yale Road, 2 tor, PO Box 258, Parsons, desired. Short to long term and 7p-7a, could be some weekends at Oswego Home Place. Skilled Nursing and miles West of 169 Hwy on 6600 Road (CO. Line) PRN Physician Assistant, Emergency Room, No Phone Calls Please. Rehab Center KS 67357-0258 or you contract positions avail- then 1 ? mile North on Yale Road. – Call for Details – will work as needed can email your resume to able, some with potential Larry Marshall Auction & Realty 620-378-4356 – Part-time Registration Clerk, approx. 20 hours/ Equal Opportunity Employer week, may be either evening shift (3p-11p) or JOB SEEKERS55 Plus! [email protected]. In- to convert to direct hire. Fredonia, KS. Apply in person at night shift (11p-7a), computer experience pre- The older KS. Employ- formation about Labette 1315 S. 15th • Parsons ferred, detail-oriented ment Program (OKEP) Full-time Clinic Coder, must have CPC registra- No Phone Calls. Center for Mental Health Email WORD resume to: will be taking applications Services, Inc. can be ob- The Chanute tion, 40 hours/week, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at 1:00pm on Wednesday, [email protected] Full-time Valet Attendant/Care Car Driver, tained at Tribune September 7th at the Par- reference 7 or call day shift (8 – 4:30), must possess excellent cus- EOE. is seeking a tomer service skills, valid driver’s license sons Recreation Center, 800-209-0325. full-time reporter Full-time OR/Materials Management Clerk, 200 S. Heacock, Parsons knowledge of OR and supplies used, 40 hours/ KS. Regional Hazmat Drivers Needed to cover a week variety of stories. Part-time Housekeeper I-Clinic, 11:45 a.m. Schiber Truck Co. has openings for regional hazmat drivers out of – 2:00 p.m., 12 hours/week Fredonia, KS. Drivers are typically home 1-2 nights/week and on Part-time Housekeeper III-Clinic, 5:00 p.m. weekends. Applicant must have a safe and clean driving record Applicants should possess a strong – 9:00 p.m., 20 hours/week The Chanute Tribune is seeking a along with a stable work history, and 2+ years of class A CDL experi- grasp of the English language, Apply online at or Sports Editor to cover school-related ence. A class A CDL with tanker/hazmat endorsements is required. including spelling and grammar, teams and community sports activity. and have excellent writing skills. in person at front desk. EOE A great opportunity to lead We offer competitive compensation and benefits. Experience in InDesign or other our Sports Department. Our drivers’ avg. over .50/mile. paginating software is a plus. Send resume to [email protected] - Must be organized, personable and Stu Butcher, editor. responsible. Please send resume to [email protected] or mail to P.O. Apply online at or call Rob (618) 254-2514 x.230 Box 559, Chanute, KS 66720. 629 S. Plummer, Chanute, KS 66720 Page 8 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011

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Trisha for appointment, 602 Trucks lots. Tyro Caney Schools. mates. (620) 431-8198. 620-226-3327 or 1-800-809-2790; pickup, delivery, nail Unwanted or Broken Gold $ 400+D eposit. $18,000. 620-870-8215, 620-820-3406. or Silver Jewelry, Coins, 620-421-9525. HAMILTON LAWN 423-2086, 620-236-7348; trim $6, 421-6778. 1968 FORD,4WD,3/4 620-870-8216. FREE ADORABLE Kit- Almost Anything. CARE THE MOVERS Col. , ton flatbed. $600. Rentals for sale!! tens. Litter box train, peo- BRIDGEWAY PROPER- Reasonable Prices 620-795-2298. 620-328-3286. 620-421-3444 or Same Day Service ple and kid friendly!! 406 Livestock TIES. Available Now!1 620-423-5094 Available BRs, Studios, Very Effi- 620-778-5995. 302 Wanted to Buy 620-605-9536. ‘99 CHEVROLET LS HANDYMAN. NO jobs * Free Estimates cient! Will not last long! Free to good home, yellow ORGANIC GRAIN fed 2500 P/U. New mud ter- too small!! Free Estimates. * Residential & Across From Sirloin 804 Mbl. Homes LOOKING FOR 2BR or lab/Brittany male, 6 beef, averaging 350# per rain tires. Custom subs & 620-778-4860. Commercial Stockade. 1630 Corning. 3BR house for sale by months old, good puppy half. Will deliver to kill amps. Great truck! Local. 14x80 Trailer for sale! * Full Service 620-820-9506. HARDING'S PAINTING owner. Please call for info. that does great w/ children plant. Lewis Ag. 316-633-2312 after 4pm. $7,000. 620-226-3343. Service. Interior & exte- We’re on the MOVE 620-421-2614. 620-778-8036. 620-839-5279. EXCELLENT 2 bed- rior painting. Power wash- for You! KATHY’S GROOM and room, 1.5 bath, CH/A. 808 Land/Acreage ing, window & gutter 620-421-6142 NON-WORKING Win- 704 Houses for Rent BOARD. Sunday and 502 Business Prop. 3005 Appleton. Not Pets. cleaning. 421-6951. 620-423-2969 Cell dow Airconditioners. Easy Secluded 3 acres building Evening pickups available 219 N. 14th St. 2BR, 620-820-9506. Two High School Boys Clean. 620-423-2640. site. North of St. Paul. ENGLAND’S PAINTING. 620-784-5807. BUSINESS BUILDING $450. Range, Refrigerator. 620-778-0702. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR- wanting lawns to mow. 305 Misc. for Sale Downtown Parsons for TWO AND Three bed- painting, power washing References. lease. 620-423-2208. 1510 Partridge, 2BR, room apartment homes. decks and fences, and 620-423-2628, 2001 TANDEM Trailer $450. Range, Refrigerator. NO SUMMER COOLING clean gutters. BILLS!! Short wait list 620-778-3461. 16’ $700. Generator 6000 601 Automobiles 620-784-5723. watts. 2006 Yamaha ATV. No Pets. 620-820-1639. open now. Price based WE BUILD all fences, upon income. Utilities 10 Words LAWN MOWING, Any $2,600. (Trailer available 1196 HONDA Accord. also roofing, carpentry, vi- 3BR- C/H, window air, paid. Apply at Mendota 2 days.....$8.80 size. Call Kaleb Stice. $250). 620-778-5988. $3,300. nyl siding, concrete. kitchen appliances, lawn Creek Apartments, 1500 5 days...$12.80 620-423-2514. 1991 Chevy Caprice 10 days.....$22.20 421-0893. 4- SALE 9 ft. Disc. Change your TRASH into care provided. No Pets. S. 25th, or call 15 days.....$33.30 RANDY BROWN Heat & TREASURE! Find the right $1,200. 620-423-5940. Mower Bushog. $1,250. $425mo + Deposit. Refer- 620-421-5330. E.O.H. 20 days.....$42.00 buyers in the.. After 5pm. Air. Service on all makes 106 Day Care 620-328-3286. ences. 620-421-8386. extra for additional words of Air Conditioners, sells, WEEKLY OR Monthly insulation, sheet metal Shelley’s Tender Loving Used Furniture, Used Ap- BUY HERE, Pay Here. NICE 2 Bedroom, at- Rates, Furnished/Unfur- work and ductwork re- Care, has 2 openings for pliances & Misc. Red 220 S. 18th No Credit Check tached garage, CH/A. To- nished, Kitchenettes, 220 S. 18th placement, or repair. Call all ages. Contact Shelley Barn Sales. 405 N. 10th. Parsons, KS Harper’s Auto. tally remodeled inside. Chanute Parsons, KS 620-421-2000 620-421-2000 620-423-2461. Pearce @ 620-421-0323. 620-421-9311. 3124 Main, 620-421-4440. 620-820-9506. (620) 891-0168 BUSINESS && SERVICE SERVICE APPLIANCE/HEAT/AIR APPLIANCE/HEAT/AIR APPLIANCE JAYHAWK Rely On DtDirectory MM ii kk ee CC oo ll ee ss JA JOHN QUIRIN APPLIANCE & AIR Located at Red Barn. APPLIANCE REPAIR For Professional • Reasonable Appliance • Reasonable Heat & Air and Heat & Air RepairsInstallations 405 N. 10th St. Appliance Service Now offering 25+ Yrs. Experience •FFully Licensed & • Hot Water Tank Service In-Home Service Insured & Repairs Insured - Certified Appliance Repair, 421-6999 • Fully Stocked Service Truck • Over 20 yrs. in business Heat & Air repair, New Business Card Deal! Residential &Commercial. Call Jayhawk Today! 2x2 plus 10 word line ad $100 620-421-2882 Certified & Insured AUTO RECYCLING 620-423-4577 Call Audrey for other rates 2530 Main St., Parsons Parsons Sun 620-421-2000 DEBRIS/WASTE DISPOSAL CONSTRUCTION Roy’s Auto Service, LLC CEMENT HEAT/AIR ROLL-OFF CONTAINERS SSpriggsp r iig g s AABLEBLE Heat Heat Auto Care Center 3 year 100,000 mile warranty Equipment Fork Lift Rental Rental 1221 Main • Parsons CementC e m e n t & AAirir 620-421- YYourour HHeatingeating aandnd CCoolingooling SpecialistsSpecialists 421-5120 JohnJohn SSpriggspriggs Excavators Cranes ServicingServicing AllAll MakesMakes andand MModels.odels. Graders Dozers Ask About Our Window Tinting 2000 IInsurednsured fforor yyourour pprotectionrotection Loaders Rollers 24 hour towing - 423-1078 6620-421-054320-421-0543 Competitive Rates 6620-717-115520-717-1155 Prompt Courteous Service 620-421-3280 CARPORTS! RECYCLING TREE SERVICE OIL ENGINE REPAIR HEAT/AIR PROFESSIONAL McGuire Small Engine Troy Brown Heating & Cooling TREE SERVICE Spring is the best time In Business Since 1983 Sm. Prepared Iron of year for clean-up. Repair & Service $200 + ton • Trimming • Topping NATE Certified Tech • Pruning • Removal Mower maintenance for a perfect lawn. !!CARPORTS!! Commercial & Residential Call on all other pricing. • Stump Removal Free Pick-Up & Delivery within city limits. Order by phone Aluminum Cans 60¢ lb. Licensed, Bonded and Insured. NOW sharpening chainsaw East Main Yard Drainage 620-42 1-5205 & chains! 620-421-0296 Jay McMillan Look for the Cement Drive Terry Call: Lamb, 423-4645 3922 Main • Parsons Owner or 421- 620-763-2483 5305 Main, Parsons 0067 620-421-8865 Dump Truck ELECTRICAL LAWN CARE MOVERS MOWER SALES & SERVICE Dump Truck For Hire Interstate Electrical Day Same Construction, Inc. ce Rock, Lime, Dirt, Etc. Servi “When Quality Counts” ilable Ava * Commercial * Residential * Free Estimates * Industrial * Residential 25 Years Experience & Commercial Dave Heitman Licensed, Bonded & Insured 620•421•6142 * Full Service * Insured, 620-778-1743 1715 S. 59 Hwy. Cell 620•423•2969 Licensed 421-2000 Parsons, Kansas 67357 Steve Adkins : Owner & Bonded 14300 Hwy 47 • Erie • Fax: 620-244-3637 620-421-5510 READY MIX ROOFING SALVAGE USED CARS

Your Hometown NORTH END, LLC 620-421-1277 • 620-717-5494 Roofers! Used Cars, Salvage 417-529-9767 Roll Off Containers & A Gravel Hauling Available. FREE Estimates Parsons-based Ready Mix Concrete Insurance Claims Welcome Business Buying Scrap Metal. Call For Current Prices! 421-5127 ACI and State Certified Hail & Wind Damage Parsons, Kansas • 620-421-6464 Page 9 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011

Crisis throws wife a curveball UESDAY S OROSCOPE DearAmy:MyhusbandandIhave becomesocommonthatpeopledon’t T ’ H been together for 30 years. Several seemtorealizehowtraumaticitcan monthsagoheturned60,whichwas be.Butit’sawful.Itisuniquelyaw- ARIES (March 21-April membertoflex,reframeand verytraumaticforhim. ful,asyoupointout. 19):★★★★ Youcouldbe seethesituationinadifferent Today,afteranargumenthestarted Recoveryhappensinfitsandstarts, stressedoutandnotrealizeit. light. withmethenightbefore,hecalledme andittakestime. Stopandtakealookatwhat LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. fromworktosay Your husband sounds depressed, you need in order to relax. 22):★★★★ Youarelearn- hewouldbeleav- andifheis,heshouldgethelp.He Ifyoucanletgooftension, ingthatyouareyourownbest ing me. He said willnotsupplyyouwithanswersun- youwilltransformyourreac- friend. Don’t underestimate thathecan’tstand tilheisready,andhemightnotbe thatfact.Sometimesyoudon’t tions. SSaturday’sansweraturday’sanswer to be around our readyforalongtime. TAURUS (April 20-May supportyourself. two grown sons Surroundyourselfwithpeople 20):★★★★ Youareopen- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. or me and that whowillemotionallysupportyou. inguptodifferentprocedures 21):★★★★★ Youcouldbe he’sfeltthisway Seekthecounselofpeoplewhohave and ideas. Your ability to intouchwithyourfriendsand for“awhile.” survivedthebreakupofamarriage.It understanddependsonyour mightwanttoseeasituation He refused to willhelpforyoutorealizethatmuch detachmentskills,especially inamuchdifferentlight.Oth- tell me why this of what you’re thinking and feeling withpersonaltriggers. ers react in an unanticipated ishappeningand is normal. In this way, you are not GEMINI (May 21-June manner. insisted that I unique. SK MY 20):★★★★★ Relateona SAGITTARIUS(Nov.22- stop asking him. A A Abookyoumightfindhelpfulis ★★★★ Amy Dickinson one-on-onelevel,makingfor Dec.21): Youareall Ipointedoutthat “Rebuilding:WhenYourRelation- greater clarity. Unexpected aboutmoney—makingit,in- this sounds like shipEnds,3rdEdition”byBruce vestingitandspendingit—at developments come forward a midlife crisis, Fisher(2005,ImpactPublishers). least for now. Your percep- thatallowgreatergive-and- buthesaidflatlythathedidn’tcare. tions are changing, but you Idon’tbelieveanotherwomanisin- DEARAMY:“LonelyinVirgin- take. willbeabletoadapttoeach CANCER(June21-July volved. ia”wondershowtoreachoutsocially ★★★★★ bendintheroad. Myheartisbreaking.Ibelieved afterhiswife’sdeath. 22): Investigate CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- wewouldbetogether“tilldeathdo Ibecamephysicallyillwhenmy newpossibilitieswithanopen Jan.19):★★★★★ Count uspart.” spouse died and rejected invitations eye.Bewillingtotossaway onyourenergyandabilityto Iknowthisisn’tauniqueproblem, tooofteninthefirstyear.Bythetime what no longer works. Insu- handleachange.Atransfor- butit’suniquetome.Besidescon- Ifeltuptosocializing,myoldfriends lateyourselffromaproblem mation in your perspective tactingalawyertoprotectmyselffi- weregone. person,andyouwillbemuch keepsyouinvigorated. nancially,whatcanIdotocopewith Ifinallymetpeoplethroughmeet- happier. AQUARIUS(Jan.20-Feb. thisdevastation? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): 18): ★★★ Standbackand Iaminmyearly50sbutfeelas people with similar interests con- ★★★★ Youmightnotlike allowotherstoruntheshow. ifmyfuturehassimplydisappeared nect.Ihavemadeveryclosefriends takingtheplungeinorderto Onsomelevel,theyneedthe withhisannouncement.—AtaLoss throughmeetupgroups.—Survivor move forward. Unexpected experience in order to work DearLoss:Yourfuturehasn’tdis- Dear Survivor: I like your asser- newscouldforcearevamping throughtheirjudgments. appeared;youjustcan’tseeitright tiveness—andyoursuggestion. of your thinking, if not your PISCES(Feb.19-March now because it has abruptly turned plans. 20):★★★★★ Howyousay thecorner. AmyDickinson’smemoir,“The VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. whatyouthinkandhowyou Allofyourassumptionsaboutwhat MightyQueensofFreeville:AMoth- 22): ★★★★ Tapintoyour shareyourideasseemtoopen yourlifewouldbelikehaveshifted, er,aDaughterandtheTownthat creativitywhensomeoneyou upameeting.Othersseeyou andnowyoumustshifttoo. RaisedThem”(Hyperion),isavail- countedonletsyoudown.Re- asasure-betwinner. Thedissolutionofamarriagehas ableinbookstores.









RESIDENTIAL DOYLE Window Repair & Replacement Screen Repair GLASS CO. LLC Storm Windows & Doors AUTO Mirrors “Give us your next break!” Windshield Repair & Shower Enclosures Replacement COMMERCIAL 620-421-4780 • 3410 Grand Ave. Custom-cut Glass for Storefront Repair & old vehicles & heavy machinery Replacement Parsons, KS 67357 Commercial Doors & Windows Page 10 Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 ParsonsSun

HOUSE DEMOLITION Course prepares media students to deal with trauma LAWRENCE(AP)—JournalismstudentsattheUniversityof Kansashaveanewcourseavailabletohelpthempreparefortrauma theymightwitnessonthejob. Thecoursewillfocusonhowreportersareaffectedbycovering traumaticevents,fromcombatoverseastoadomesticterroristat- tack. TeresaTrumblyLamsam,aveteranjournalistandvisitingprofes- sorfromtheUniversityofNebraska-Omaha,isteachingthecourse withguestlecturerswhowillsharetheirexperiencesinthefield. Studentsalsowillbegivenselectedreadingsonthetopicandwrit- tenassignments. TrumblyLamsamsaidjournalistsoftenareill-preparedtoreport ontraumaticeventsorcopewithhowthatcoverageaffectstheir ownlives. “Isenseanexcitementintheclassthatiscontagious,”shesaid. “Theyaren’ttryingtomakelightofthetopic,theyarejustinter- ested.Someofthestudentshavebeentouchedbysometraumatic eventintheirlife. “Reportingwithcompassionisabigpartoftraumajournalism.” Meg Spratt, director of the West Coast branch of Columbia University’sDartCenter,saidfewjournalismschoolshavetaught traumajournalismasastand-alonecourse.Mostwillspendafew daysdiscussingthetopicandhowitdiffersfromothertypesofre- porting. “Someofthesethingsyouaregoingtopickuponthejob,”Spratt saidfromherofficeinSeattle.“Butthethingsthateducatorsare doingaregivingyoungjournalistsaheadstartsoit’snotacomplete surprise.” TrumblyLamsamsaidKansasdecidedtoexposenewjournalism studentstothecoursetoseehowitisreceivedbystudentsandfac- ulty.Eighty-fivestudentsmeetTuesdaysandThursdays,withmore Jamie Willey/Sun photo studentsaskingtoenroll. “Iamoverwhelmed.Idon’tthinkwewerepreparedforthestu- C.J. Wass, owner of Wass Trucking, uses a trackhoe on Monday to move debris from a house he demolished at South 13th and Morton. The dentinterest,”shesaid.“They’refascinatedwiththetopicingeneral house was one of several abandoned homes that the city of Parsons placed on its condemnation list. Wass won the bid to demolish the becauseit’sthetypeofcareertheyareinterestedin.Theyarepro- houses. jectingthemselvesfurtherdownintheircareers.” Thecoursewillteachstudentshowtobeethicalandcompassion- ateandhowoneeventcanhavelastingeffectsonlivesandcom- munities. Parsons Postmaster Mike SprattsaidtheDartCenterhasconductedtrainingandresearch HOURS Robertssaidthetimechangein RESEARCH intotheeffectsoftraumaonreportersandnewsrooms. Continued from Page 1. Parsonsisforallmaildrops. Continued from Page 1. Thismeanscustomersneedto thisfiscalyear. getmailorpackagestothepost atelytoeliminatemovementofthefracturedlimb. BUSINESS ThechangeinIndependenceis office before 3 p.m. weekdays “Wearebasicallygoingtoinventanexternalfixationdevicethat expectedtosaveabout$115,000a andSaturdaystoensuretimely willdoallthesethings,”saidJohnTomblin,NIARexecutivedirec- year,postaladministratorssaid. delivery. tor. Librarians attend workshop Researchersalsohopetodiscoverawayforthedevicetodeliver WillieMarkhamandCarolBooneoftheParsonsPublicLibrary anantibacterialagentthatwillminimizeoreliminateinfectionsof attendedaSoutheastKansasLibrarySystemworkshop,Handling theinjuries. School-agersandActivitiesforTweens. FESTIVAL Thatwouldbeanimportantdevelopment,WooleyandTomblin KimFletcher,youthservicescoordinatorforLawrencePublic Continued from Page 1. said,becausemanybattlefieldwoundsresultinamputationsafter Library,presentedaprogramfocusedonhowlibrariescanprovide unintendedmovementofthefracturedbones.Thesharpbonestear educationalandentertainingprogramsforchildrenthatkeepthem informationofficerKariWestsaidinastatement.“Ittrulyisastep bloodvessels,nervesandtissuewhentheyaremoved. busybutnottoooutofcontrolforthelibraryenvironment. backintotimeandisextremelyeducationalwhileprovidingaforum Thegrantrequirestheresearcherstodevelopandcreateasuc- Intheafternoon,JanetReynoldsofLinnCountyLibraryNo.2, forreminiscing.” cessfulprototypefortheArmyintwoyears.Ifresearchersare LaCygne,presentedactivitiesthathavebeensuccessfulinhercom- Anyonewantingtoparticipateinthedisplaysortogetmoreinfor- successful,thedevicealsocouldbeusedforcivilians,perhaps munitytoentertainandeducatechildrenfromthirdgradethrough mationcanalsocall778-1551or423-1410.Moredetailscanbefound onambulancesorbyhikersandclimbers,WooleyandTomblin middleschool.Somegamesplayedbythetweensinthelibrarywere said. demonstratedbytheworkshopparticipants.

shockingly T low prices Sunday,These May values 1st available to Saturday, thru Sept. 12,May 2011 14th ! Fresh Red, White or Ocean Spray MaltoMeal Cereal Split Chicken Breasts Black Grapes Cranberry Juice Cocktail Cocoa Dyno-Bites or Assorted Flavors Frosted Flakes ¢ ¢ 99 lb. lb. $ 88 $ 88 99 64 oz. bottle1. 21 to 21.5 1.oz. bag

Sugardale Peaches, Plums or 24-pack Folger’s Coffee Super Dogs Nectarines Pepsi Products

$ 99 ¢ $ 99 4. lb. $ 99 5 lb. pkg. 99 5. Each 34.5 oz. container 7. Sugardale Ginger Gold or Frito Lay Totino’s Pizza Rolls Bone-In Shank Paula Red Apples Lays Chips 40 ct. Combo or Pepperoni Portion Ham 10.5 oz. $ 29 $ 49 2/$ 2/$ lb. 3 lb. bag 2. 1. 5 19.8 oz. 5 1406 W. Main, Chanute 324 E. Main, Parsons 620-431-4663 620-423-3044 Open 8am-8pm Mon-Sat; 9am-6pm Sun Open 8am-8pm Mon-Sat; 10am-6pm Sun Visit us at We gladly accept Cash, Personal Checks, Credit Cards, Debit Cards September® 2008 Moran Foods, Inc. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Ad valid only at stores listed above. Not responsible for typographical errors. Vision / EBT Cards & WIC