Chapter 12 Deep Learning

12.1 Introduction

In his famous book, "The nature of Statistical Learning Theory:" [37], Vladimir Vapnik stated (in 1995) the four historical periods in the area of learning theory as: 1. Constructing first learning machine 2. Constructing fundamentals of the theory 3. Constructing the neural network 4. Constructing alternatives to the neural network The very existence of the fourth period was a failure of neural networks. Vapnik and others came up with various alternatives to neural network that were far more technologically feasible and efficient in solving the problems at hand at the time and neural networks slowly became history. However, with the modern technological advances, neural networks are back and we are in the fifth historical period: “Re- birth of neural network.” With re-birth, the neural networks are also renamed into deep neural networks or simply deep networks. The learning process is called as deep learning. However, deep learning is probably one of the most widely used and misused term. Since inception, there were no sufficient success stories to back up the over-hyped concept of neural networks. As a result they got pushed back in preference to more targeted ML technologies that showed instant success, e.g., evolutionary algorithms, dynamic programming, support vector machines, etc. The concept of neural networks or artificial neural networks (ANNs) was simple: to replicate the processing methodology of human brain which is composed of connected network of neurons. ANN was proposed as a generic solution to any type of learning problem, just like human brain is capable of learning to solve any problem. The only blocker was that at the time, the processor architecture and manufacturing processes were not sufficiently mature to tackle the gargantuan processing required

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 117 A. V. Joshi, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, 118 12 Deep Learning to realistically simulate human brain. Average human brain has roughly 100 billion neurons and over 1000 trillion synaptic connections [1]!! This would compare to a processor with trillion calculations/second processing power backed by over 1000 terabytes of hard drive. Even in 2018 AD, this configuration for a single computer is far-fetched.1 The generic learning of ANNs can only converge to sufficient accuracy if it is trained with sufficient data followed by corresponding level of computation. It was just beyond the scope of technology in 1990s, and as a result they were not able to realize the full potential of the technology. With the advent of graphics processor based computation (called as general purpose graphics processing unit or GPGPU) made popular by NVIDIA in the form of CUDA library, the technology started coming close to realizing the potential of ANNs. However, due to the stigma associated with original ANN, the newly introduced neural networks were called as deep neural networks (DNN) and the ML process was called deep learning. In essence there is no fundamental difference between an ANN of the 1990s and deep networks of the twenty-first century. However, there are some more differences that are typically assumed when one talks about deep networks. The original ANNs were primarily used for solving problems with a very small amount of data and very narrow scope of application and consisted of handful of nodes and 1–3 layers of neurons at best. Based on the hardware limitations, this was all that could have been achieved. The deep networks typically consist of hundreds to thousands of nodes per layer and number of layers can easily exceed 10. With this added complexity of order of magnitude, the optimization algorithms have also drastically changed. One of the fundamental changes in the optimization algorithms is heavier use of parallel computation. As the GPGPUs present many hundreds or even thousands of cores that can be used in parallel, the only way to improve the computation performance is to parallelize the training optimization of the deep networks [2]. The deep learning framework is not limited to supervised learning, but some of the unsupervised problems can also be tackled with this technique.

12.2 Origin of Modern Deep Learning

Although the current state of deep learning is made possible by the advances in computation hardware, a lot of efforts have been spent on the optimization algorithms that are needed to successfully use these resources and converge to the optimal solution. It is hard to name one person who invented deep learning, but there are few names that are certainly at the top of list. Seminal paper by

1The fastest supercomputer in the world is rated at 200 petaflops, or 200,000 trillion calcula- tions/second. It is backed by storage of 250 petabytes or 250,000 terabytes. So it does significantly better than a single human brain, but at the cost of consuming 13 MW of power and occupying entire floor of a huge office building [18]. 12.3 Convolutional Neural Networks () 119

Geoffrey Hinton titled A fast learning algorithm for deep belief networks [54] truly ushered the era of deep learning. Some of the early applications of deep learning were in the field of acoustic and speech modeling and image recognition. Reference [53] summarizes the steps in the evolution of deep learning as we see today concisely. Typically when one refers to deep learning or deep networks they either belong to convolutional networks or recurrent networks or their variations. Surprisingly enough, both of these concepts were invented before the deep earning. Fukushima introduced convolutional networks back in 1980 [55], while Michael Jordan introduced recurrent neural networks in 1986 [56]. In the following sections we will discuss architectures of convolutional and recurrent deep neural networks.

12.3 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Convolutional neural networks or CNNs are based on the convolution operation. This operation has its roots in signal processing and before going into details of CNN, let us look at the convolution process itself.

12.3.1 1D Convolution

Mathematically, convolution defines a process by which one real valued function operates on another real valued function to produce new real valued function. Let one real valued continuous function be f(t) and other be g(t), where t denotes continuous time. Let the convolution of the two be denoted as s(t). Convolution operation is typically denoted as ∗.

 ∞ f(t)∗ g(t) = (f ∗ g)(t) = f(τ)g(t − τ)dτ (12.1) −∞

Also, convolution is a commutative operation meaning, (f ∗ g) is same as (g ∗ f),

 ∞ (f ∗ g)(t) = (g ∗ f )(t) = g(τ)f (t − τ)dτ (12.2) −∞

The same equations can also be written for discrete processes, that we typically deal with in machine learning applications. The discrete counterparts of the two equations can be written as f(k) and g(k), where k denoted a discrete instance of time. ∞ f(k)∗ g(k) = (f ∗ g)(k) = f(δ)g(k− δ) (12.3) δ=−∞ 120 12 Deep Learning and ∞ (f ∗ g)(k) = (g ∗ f )(k) = g(δ)f(k − δ) (12.4) δ=−∞

These definitions are very similar to the definition of correlation between two functions. However, the key difference here is the sign of δ in case of discrete convolution and τ in case of continuous convolution is opposite between f and g. If the sign is flipped, the same equations would represent correlation operation. The sign reversal makes one function reversed in time before being multiplied (point-wise) with the other function. This time reversal has far reaching impact and the result of convolution is completely different than the result of correlation. The convolution has also very interesting properties from the perspective of Fourier transform [8] in frequency domain and they are heavily used in signal processing applications.

12.3.2 2D Convolution

Above equations represent 1D convolution. This is typically used in speech applications, where the signal is 1D. Concept of convolution can also be applied in 2-dimensions as well, which makes it suitable for applications on images. In order to define 2D convolution, let us consider two images A and B. The 2D convolution can now be defined as,   (A ∗ B)(i, j) = A(m, n)B(i − m, j − n) (12.5) m n

Typically the second image B is a small 2D kernel compared to first image A. The convolution operation transforms the original image into another one to enhance the image in some desired way.

12.3.3 Architecture of CNN

Figure 12.1 shows the architecture of CNN. The building block of CNN is composed of three units: 1. Convolution layer 2. Rectified linear unit, also called as ReLU 3. Pooling layer 12.3 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 121

Fig. 12.1 Architecture of convolutional neural network. The building block of the network contains the convolution, ReLU followed by pooling layer. A CNN can have multiple such layers in series. Then there is a fully connected layer that generates the output Convolution Layer

The convolution layer consists of a series of 2D kernels. Each of these kernels is applied to original figure using 2D convolution defined in Eq. 12.5. This generates a 3D output. Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)

Rectified linear unit of ReLU, as the name suggests, rectifies the output of convolutional layer to convert all the negative values to 0. The function is defined as,

f(x)= max(0,x) (12.6) 122 12 Deep Learning

Fig. 12.2 Plot of the rectified linear unit (ReLU)

The ReLU function is shown in Fig. 12.2. This layer also introduces nonlinearity into the network, which is otherwise linear. This layer does not change the dimensionality of the data. Sigmoid or tanh functions were used earlier to model the nonlinearity in a more continuous way, but it was observed that use of simpler ReLU function is just as good and it also improves the computation speed of the model and also fixes the vanishing gradient problem [57]. Pooling

Pooling layer performs down-sampling by replacing larger sized blocks with single value. Most commonly used pooling method is called Max Pooling. In this method simply the maximum value of the block is used to replace the entire block. This layer reduces the dimensionality of the data flowing through the network drastically while still maintaining the important information captured as a result of convolution operations. This layer also reduces overfitting. These three layers together form the basic building block of a CNN. Multiple such blocks can be employed in single CNN. Fully Connected Layer

The previously described layers essentially target certain spatial parts of the input and transform them using the convolutional kernels. The fully connected layers bring this information together in traditional MLP manner to generate the desired output. It typically uses softmax activation function as additional step to normalize the output. Let the input to the softmax be a vector y of dimensions n. Softmax 12.4 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) 123 function is defined as,

eyj σ(y) =  (12.7) j n yj i=1 e

Softmax function normalizes the output so that it sums to 1.

12.3.4 Training CNN

CNNs are typically trained using stochastic gradient descent algorithm. Here are the main steps. 1. Gather the sufficient labelled training data. 2. Initialize the convolution filter coefficients weights. 3. Select a single random sample or a mini-batch of samples and pass it through the network and generate the output (class label in case of classification or real value in case of regression). 4. Compare the network output with the expected output and then use the error along with backpropagation to update filter coefficients and weights at each layer. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 till algorithm converges to desired error levels. 6. In order to tune hyperparameters (which can be, “size of convolution kernels”, “number of convolution blocks”, etc.) repeat the entire training process multiple times for different set of hyperparameters and finally choosing the ones that perform best.

12.4 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

All the traditional neural networks as well as CNNs are static models as defined in Chap. 2. They work with data that is already gathered and that does not change with time. Recurrent neural networks or RNNs propose a framework for dealing with dynamic or sequential data that changes with time. RNNs exhibit a concept of state that is a function of time. Classical RNNs, sometimes called as fully recurrent networks have architecture very similar to MLP, but with addition of a feedback of current state as shown in Fig. 12.3. Thus output of the RNN can be given as,

yt = fy(V · Ht ) (12.8)

The state of RNN is updated at every time instance using input and previous state as,

Ht = fH (U · Xt + W · Ht−1) (12.9) 124 12 Deep Learning

Fig. 12.3 Architecture of classic or fully recurrent RNN. The time unfolded schematic shows how the state of RNN is updated based on sequential inputs

The training of the RNN would be carried out using backpropagation in similar fashion using a labelled input sequence for which the output sequence is known.

12.4.1 Limitation of RNN

RNNs were successful in modeling time series data that was not possible to model using traditional neural networks that dealt with static data. However, when the sequence of data to be analyzed was long with varying trends and seasonalities, the RNNs were not able to adapt to these conditions due to problems of exploding and vanishing gradients and/or oscillating weights, etc. [58]. The learning algorithms appeared to reach a limit after certain number of samples were consumed and any updates after that point were minuscule and not really changing the behavior of the network. In some cases, due to high volatility of the changes in training samples, the weights of the network kept on oscillating and would not converge.

12.4.2 Long Short-Term Memory RNN

Hochreiter and Schmidhuber proposed an improvement to the standard RNN architecture in the form of long short-term memory RNN or LSTM-RNN.This architecture improved the RNNs to overcome most of their limitations are discussed in previous section. The fundamental change brought by this architecture was the use of forget gate. The LSTM-RNN had all the advantages of RNN and much reduced limitations. As a result most of modern RNN applications are based 12.4 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) 125

Fig. 12.4 Architecture of LSTM-RNN. σ1 denotes the forget gate, σ2 denotes the input gate, and σ3 denotes the output gate on LSTM architecture. Figure 12.4 shows the components of LSTM-RNN. The architecture is quite complex with multiple gated operations. In order to understand the full operation, let us dive deeper into the signal flow. St denotes the state of the LSTM at time t. yt denotes the output of the LSTM at time t. Xt denotes the input vector at time t. σ1, σ2, and σ3 denotes the forget gate, input gate and, output gate, respectively. Let us look at the operations at each gate. Forget Gate

At forget gate the input is combined with the previous output to generate a fraction between 0 and 1, that determines how much of the previous state need to be preserved (or in other words, how much of the state should be forgotten). This output is then multiplied with the previous state. Input Gate

Input gate operates on the same signals as the forget gate, but here the objective is to decide which new information is going to enter the state of LSTM. The output of the input gate (again a fraction between 0 and 1) is multiplied with the output of tanh block that produces the new values that must be added to previous state. This gated vector is then added to previous state to generate current state. 126 12 Deep Learning Output Gate

At output gate the input and previous state are gated as before to generate another scaling fraction that is combined with the output of tanh block that brings the current state. This output is then given out. The output and state are fed back into the LSTM block as shown.

12.4.3 Advantages of LSTM

The specific gated architecture of LSTM is designed to improve all the following shortcomings of the classical RNN: 1. Avoid the exploding and vanishing gradients, specifically with the use of forget gate at the beginning. 2. Long term memories can be preserved along with learning new trends in the data. This is achieved through combination of gating and maintaining state as separate signal. 3. A priori information on states is not required and the model is capable of learning from default values. 4. Unlike other deep learning architectures there are not many hyperparameters needed to be tuned for model optimization.

12.4.4 Current State of LSTM-RNN

LSTM is one of the important areas in cutting edge of machine learning and many new variants of the model are proposed including bi-directional LSTM, continuous time LSTM, hierarchical LSTM, etc.

12.5 Conclusion

We studied deep learning techniques in this chapter. The theory builds on the basis of classical perceptron or single layer neural network and adds more complexity to solve different types of problems given sufficient training data. We studied two specific applications in the form of convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.