INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY ISSN: 2456-6683 Volume - 2, Issue - 2, Feb – 2018 UGC Approved Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal Impact Factor: 3.449 Publication Date: 28/02/2018 The Ethnographic [Feministic-Legal] Comparative Study on Life Style of Female Prostitutes In The Historic And Contemporary India Having Reference To Their Status B.Leelesh Sundaram 2nd year B.B.A, LL.B (hons), Saveetha School of Law, Saveetha University. Email -
[email protected] Abstract: The nature has bestowed the beautiful capacity of bringing life into the world within women. Women are globally perceived as the purest form of beings in the world. India being a part of south Asian continent has given spiritual and ethnical importance to women at high extent, but this concept is hindered by the practice of prostitution. India is identified as one of the greatest centres of illegal prostitution practice in the contemporary society. The practice of prostitution in India is a part of the society from time in memorial and literature helps us understand the situation of prostitutes in Indian history. Though there has been a number of research and discussion done on prostitution in India, an ambiguity still prevail with respect to life style of female prostitutes in India by ethnographically comparing it with their lifestyle in historic owing special attention to their status. This research aims to study the extent of prostitution in India and compare the life style of prostitute in historic and contemporary India. The paper tries to analyze the status of prostitutes in historic and contemporary India and also find out the reaction towards prostitution in Contemporary and Historic India.