www.ijrhs.com Review article ISSN (o):2321–7251 Balanitis and Balanoposthitis - Review article S. Arunkumar 1, S. Murugan 2, B. Sowdhamani3, R. Sureshkumar 4 Department of STD, Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India.1- Professor & HOD, 2- Assistant Professor, 3&4 – Junior Residents. Submission Date: 18-11-2013, Acceptance Date: 24-11-2013, Publication Date: 31-01-2014 How to cite this article: Vancouver/ICMJE Style AS, MS, SB, SR. Balanitis and Balanoposthitis - Review article. Int J Res Health Sci [Internet]. 2014 Jan31;2(1):375-92. Available from http://www.ijrhs.com/issues.php?val=Volume2&iss=Issue1 Harvard style A,S., M ,S., S,B., S,R. Balanitis and Balanoposthitis - Review article . Int J Res Health Sci. [Online] 2(1). p. 375-92 Available from: http://www.ijrhs.com/issues.php?val=Volume2&iss=Issue1 Corresponding Author: Dr. S. Arunkumar, Professor & HOD, Department of STD, Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, India. Email:
[email protected] Abstract Balanitis is defined as inflammation of the glans penis, which often involves the prepuce (Balanoposthitis). In the present scenario, where there is a decline in the tropical Sexually Transmitted Diseases ( STD’s), balanoposthitis is the common condition in uncircumcised male patients attending the STD clinic. Candidal balanoposthitis is a known feature of diabetes mellitus especially in Indian males who are predominantly uncircumcised as the crude prevalence rate of type II diabetes mellitus in India is 9%. In our hospital, 31% of the newly diagnosed diabetic patients were presented only with balanoposthitis. The common etiology for balanoposthitis is candida albicans, but it may be due to a variety of infective and non infective causes.