P. T. A. Discusses Future Building in Local Schools Lowell's Arrows Cop

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P. T. A. Discusses Future Building in Local Schools Lowell's Arrows Cop Auxiliary Preparing For Annual Election \Mhuj/lIm Si/iat- Numerous Activihes Hie VFVV Auxiliary to Lowell 1 ost 8303 held its regular meet- i ing on Thursday. Feb. 25, with immL | numbers present and President Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 4. 1954 Number 45 L Ridgway presiding. With the Lowell Puplic Schools will take | conclusion of opening ceremonies part In the state-wide clothing one new name was submitted for Students to Report on St. Mary's Students Choose Their Sehool Kovallv hossible membership and duly collection In Michigan schools Lowell's Arrows the week of March 22. according P. T. A. Discusses Teen-Age Traffic Safety votnd on. After which two new to announcement made by Supt Floyd Shepard returned to ! nembers, Mina Tiffaney and ( W. W. Gumser today. The cloth- Future Building school the first of the week after Cop Title Share j Mildred Payne, were initiated ing will be distributed through attending the Traffic Safety Con- I with full ceremonies. Save the Children Federation In ference held in Lansing Feb. 26- The meeting resumed to re- several of the foreign countries In Local Schools 27 and has the lessons he has Making History I ports of all chairmen. The Re- {liabilitatlon chairmen reported and handicapped rural areas in learned in readiness to pass on to Lowell's Red Arrows made bas- America. The regular meeting of the Lo- other Teen-Agers who are spec- two gifts presented to families 1 well PTA for February was held ketball history last Friday night rnd report on Box Social was Pupils in Lowell schools will ializing on safety in driving on when, before a record-breaking be given circulars to take in the Lowell High School pro- the highways. given. Hospital chairman re- ' jection room. Feb. 21. at 7:30 p. ciowd of "VKl people, they out- |,« rted on Bake Sale and also on home the Friday before the At an assembly in high school | fought a scrappy Godwin team to drive starts. j m. with about 95 people present next week Floyd will report on trip to Veterans' Facility in | end President Troy, presiding. cop a share in the Grand Valley Crand Rapids. Fourteen mem- * * * this conference, Its activities and title. '1 hose attending were reminded suggestions for safe driving. Al- hers and one guest attended and Local police officers report two The cruwU icajh got its mon- .that February Is Founders' so on the program will be Jack | a good time was had by all. garages were broken into some- ey's worth for although Lowaiii month for the PTA nationally Alexander who was a represent- is the month of election time during Monday night it led all the way. there were mo- and the aims of the PTA were ative with Floyd at the county oi offlcem for tn« year was discovered Tuesday morning ments when they were hard road to again remind everyone conference. end information from . National when they were opened for the pressed ny fierce competi- that the ITA shall (It be educa- This state conference held Fri- W: Headquarters was read as to ('ay's business. At the H A H tors. Although Lowell's center tional (2i be non commercial, non- day and Saturday was the first in-nn-r nrtv-Mui* and the Chevrolet the entering and pil- Bob Grummet was in fine form sectarian. and non-partisan Michigan Teen-Age Driver Safety l.ers v. ere urc»ed TtyMtw won W fering was evident, but nothing and was hitting effectively, the not interfere in the administra- conference tn be held in Michigan whom thev won jmlnate md appeared to be missing. At .credit for the win should co to' tion of schools and (4) cooper- and was sponsored by the Slate B' elect for offi Tornga Pout lac, however. $17 tlu entire team through whose ;.lc with other organizations and Safety Commission and the Mich- < Pre- sv 'icm.|te# was taken. combined effortf the game was 1 agencies having interests in com- igan Youth Advisory Council. jt. vice president, trea.* urer, r won. If is this kind of team East of Lowell. Bowen's Sta- mon. .chaplain, conductress, guan and tion at the intersection of M21. work that has brought them. trugto(. 1 Walter W. Gumser. superin- 1 ind delegates to the and Saranac Road, was entered when thev are low and Is capa-j^.,,^ tendent of schools, was guest School Hoard ention. It was moved and a considerable amount of He of carrying th™ still farther;, am| dl,|v a,s„| speaker for the evening and 1 loot taken including canned Hires New Coacli as they go Into the tournaments. ,, „ominnt,on, spoke on "Possible Solutions for The score of the game bvm.by ^ foods, gloves and cigarettes. The Board of Education has [the first meeting in March. a BuildinK Program In Lowell quarters is as follows; In the Suspicion is directed toward jT'iursday. March 11. The duties Schools." The many arguments, engaged Norman Gotschall as a | first Lowell led 23-17; Godwin some disappointed fisherman of each office were read and ex- both for and against bringing In man be r of the teaching staff of closed up the gap but the Arrows since some thirty pounds of sal- plained in hopes of making nom- outside children, transportation Lowell High school to take over still led at halftlme 38-37; Lowell mon was stolen over at Sara- inations and elections easier for costs, benefits, etc.. were explain- his new duties at the beginning jumped ahead 60-49 in the third, nac. the members. rd In detail with many facts list- of the coming school year. Mr. and quelled a last quarter bid by * * * Purchase of a new sink and ed and pointed out on the black- Gotschall foiues heie highly rcc Godwin to score a 70-67 win. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Noviskey water-heating equipment was dis- board. The need for more grade rmmended for the position and | High point inun for Lowell was who recntly purchased the new cussed but action was tabled un- rooms is deeply realized and 1 hi will teach social science class- Grummet with 27 followed by De house at 209 N. Center St., from til next meeting. where and how to build is theics. coach basketball and render Vries with 14. Whltaker with 13. P^y Cornell, are nicely settled The meeting adjourned to a de- problem. j council and guidance services. Hoag with 9. and Wood with 5. in their new home. They have licious lunch of cheese and crack- Two possible solutions were one small son. Merle, a year old 1 ers. pickles, fruit jello and coffee ' nresented as well as the possibil- Reserves Win Mr. Noviskey is with the tool served by the committee. Mem- jity of bringing in 7th and 8tli Lowell's reserves also won and die division of General bers are urged to attend the next ' grades from some of the country At the left of the picture are shown king and queen of the seventh grade: King Frank their game which was a real Motor* In Grand Rapids where regular meeting. Thursday. Mar. ! schools which are overcrowded. Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers of Lowell; queen Pat Kearney of Ada who makes her thriller. Leading in only one they formerly lived. 11. at 8 p. m. for nomination and I As yet no definite decision by the lome with hei uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Center; King Vincent Jeluso. quarter, the Lowell team tied it * • • election of new officers for 1954- .schoolboard has been reached son ol Mr. and Mrs. James Jeluso of Lowell, and Queen Susie Fotter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. up in the fourth quarter, and In 55. A note from the Lee Lampkins fnd taxation to pay for a long- Byron Potter. R-3. Lowell, representing the eighth grade. At the right is the sixth grade royalty. the overtime that followed rack- Monday morning advises that range building program will be a • King Jim Goldsmith, one of the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goldsmith of Ada. and Queen ed up a 54-48 win. High man was they are leaving Florida the Idf.ciding issue. Louise Noah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Noah. John Rinard with 15. followed Sup! W. Gumser first of the week for home but I A question and answer period St. Mary's school has chosen by vote of the student body their school royalty from the top by Orson Able with 8. John Ber- will visit along the way, on their i followed Mr. Gumser's talk and three grades of the school. These children are selected for their ability to get along and work gin with 7. and Bob Witaker and Signs Willi Board return trip. As we recall they .also C. H. Runclman. president with others, leadership qualities, the part they play in school activities and they must have Jim Lind with 6 each. made their trip to Miami rather |of the school board, who was also good scholastic records. .'{•Yrdr Contract hurriedly last winter, planning * 4 Scoring Statistics .present, spoke a few words on These kings and queens we"e crowned with appropriate ceremonies on St. Valentine's Day. The Red Arrows have amassed to arrive ahead of their new I the subject. giandchild who was born shortly some interesting statistics this | A financial report was given past reason. Lowell's terrific after they reached the Anderson by PTA treasurer. Mrs.
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