Auxiliary Preparing For Annual Election \Mhuj/lIm Si/iat- Numerous Activihes Hie VFVV Auxiliary to Lowell 1 ost 8303 held its regular meet- i ing on Thursday. Feb. 25, with immL | numbers present and President Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 4. 1954 Number 45 L Ridgway presiding. With the Lowell Puplic Schools will take | conclusion of opening ceremonies part In the state-wide clothing one new name was submitted for Students to Report on St. Mary's Students Choose Their Sehool Kovallv hossible membership and duly collection In Michigan schools Lowell's Arrows the week of March 22. according P. T. A. Discusses Teen-Age Traffic Safety votnd on. After which two new to announcement made by Supt Floyd Shepard returned to ! nembers, Mina Tiffaney and ( W. W. Gumser today. The cloth- Future Building school the first of the week after Cop Title Share j Mildred Payne, were initiated ing will be distributed through attending the Traffic Safety Con- I with full ceremonies. Save the Children Federation In ference held in Lansing Feb. 26- The meeting resumed to re- several of the foreign countries In Local Schools 27 and has the lessons he has Making History I ports of all chairmen. The Re- {liabilitatlon chairmen reported and handicapped rural areas in learned in readiness to pass on to Lowell's Red Arrows made bas- America. The regular meeting of the Lo- other Teen-Agers who are spec- two gifts presented to families 1 well PTA for February was held ketball history last Friday night rnd report on Box Social was Pupils in Lowell schools will ializing on safety in driving on when, before a record-breaking be given circulars to take in the Lowell High School pro- the highways. given. Hospital chairman re- ' jection room. Feb. 21. at 7:30 p. ciowd of "VKl people, they out- |,« rted on Bake Sale and also on home the Friday before the At an assembly in high school | fought a scrappy Godwin team to drive starts. j m. with about 95 people present next week Floyd will report on trip to Veterans' Facility in | end President Troy, presiding. cop a share in the Grand Valley Crand Rapids. Fourteen mem- * * * this conference, Its activities and title. '1 hose attending were reminded suggestions for safe driving. Al- hers and one guest attended and Local police officers report two The cruwU icajh got its mon- .that February Is Founders' so on the program will be Jack | a good time was had by all. garages were broken into some- ey's worth for although Lowaiii month for the PTA nationally Alexander who was a represent- is the month of election time during Monday night it led all the way. there were mo- and the aims of the PTA were ative with Floyd at the county oi offlcem for tn« year was discovered Tuesday morning ments when they were hard road to again remind everyone conference. end information from . National when they were opened for the pressed ny fierce competi- that the ITA shall (It be educa- This state conference held Fri- W: Headquarters was read as to ('ay's business. At the H A H tors. Although Lowell's center tional (2i be non commercial, non- day and Saturday was the first in-nn-r nrtv-Mui* and the Chevrolet the entering and pil- Bob Grummet was in fine form sectarian. and non-partisan Michigan Teen-Age Driver Safety l.ers v. ere urc»ed TtyMtw won W fering was evident, but nothing and was hitting effectively, the not interfere in the administra- conference tn be held in Michigan whom thev won jmlnate md appeared to be missing. At .credit for the win should co to' tion of schools and (4) cooper- and was sponsored by the Slate B' elect for offi Tornga Pout lac, however. $17 tlu entire team through whose ;.lc with other organizations and Safety Commission and the Mich- < Pre- sv 'icm.|te# was taken. combined effortf the game was 1 agencies having interests in com- igan Youth Advisory Council. jt. vice president, trea.* urer, r won. If is this kind of team East of Lowell. Bowen's Sta- mon. .chaplain, conductress, guan and tion at the intersection of M21. work that has brought them. trugto(. 1 Walter W. Gumser. superin- 1 ind delegates to the and Saranac Road, was entered when thev are low and Is capa-j^.,,^ tendent of schools, was guest School Hoard ention. It was moved and a considerable amount of He of carrying th™ still farther;, am| dl,|v a,s„| speaker for the evening and 1 loot taken including canned Hires New Coacli as they go Into the tournaments. ,, „ominnt,on, spoke on "Possible Solutions for The score of the game ^ foods, gloves and cigarettes. The Board of Education has [the first meeting in March. a BuildinK Program In Lowell quarters is as follows; In the Suspicion is directed toward jT'iursday. March 11. The duties Schools." The many arguments, engaged Norman Gotschall as a | first Lowell led 23-17; Godwin some disappointed fisherman of each office were read and ex- both for and against bringing In man be r of the teaching staff of closed up the gap but the Arrows since some thirty pounds of sal- plained in hopes of making nom- outside children, transportation Lowell High school to take over still led at halftlme 38-37; Lowell mon was stolen over at Sara- inations and elections easier for costs, benefits, etc.. were explain- his new duties at the beginning jumped ahead 60-49 in the third, nac. the members. rd In detail with many facts list- of the coming school year. Mr. and quelled a last quarter bid by * * * Purchase of a new sink and ed and pointed out on the black- Gotschall foiues heie highly rcc Godwin to score a 70-67 win. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Noviskey water-heating equipment was dis- board. The need for more grade rmmended for the position and | High point inun for Lowell was who recntly purchased the new cussed but action was tabled un- rooms is deeply realized and 1 hi will teach social science class- Grummet with 27 followed by De house at 209 N. Center St., from til next meeting. where and how to build is theics. coach basketball and render Vries with 14. Whltaker with 13. P^y Cornell, are nicely settled The meeting adjourned to a de- problem. j council and guidance services. Hoag with 9. and Wood with 5. in their new home. They have licious lunch of cheese and crack- Two possible solutions were one small son. Merle, a year old 1 ers. pickles, fruit jello and coffee ' nresented as well as the possibil- Reserves Win Mr. Noviskey is with the tool served by the committee. Mem- jity of bringing in 7th and 8tli Lowell's reserves also won and die division of General bers are urged to attend the next ' grades from some of the country At the left of the picture are shown king and queen of the seventh grade: King Frank their game which was a real Motor* In Grand Rapids where regular meeting. Thursday. Mar. ! schools which are overcrowded. Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Myers of Lowell; queen Pat Kearney of Ada who makes her thriller. Leading in only one they formerly lived. 11. at 8 p. m. for nomination and I As yet no definite decision by the lome with hei uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Center; King Vincent Jeluso. quarter, the Lowell team tied it * • • election of new officers for 1954- .schoolboard has been reached son ol Mr. and Mrs. James Jeluso of Lowell, and Queen Susie Fotter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. up in the fourth quarter, and In 55. A note from the Lee Lampkins fnd taxation to pay for a long- Byron Potter. R-3. Lowell, representing the eighth grade. At the right is the sixth grade royalty. the overtime that followed rack- Monday morning advises that range building program will be a • King Jim Goldsmith, one of the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goldsmith of Ada. and Queen ed up a 54-48 win. High man was they are leaving Florida the Idf.ciding issue. Louise Noah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Noah. John Rinard with 15. followed Sup! W. Gumser first of the week for home but I A question and answer period St. Mary's school has chosen by vote of the student body their school royalty from the top by Orson Able with 8. John Ber- will visit along the way, on their i followed Mr. Gumser's talk and three grades of the school. These children are selected for their ability to get along and work gin with 7. and Bob Witaker and Signs Willi Board return trip. As we recall they .also C. H. Runclman. president with others, leadership qualities, the part they play in school activities and they must have Jim Lind with 6 each. made their trip to Miami rather |of the school board, who was also good scholastic records. .'{•Yrdr Contract hurriedly last winter, planning * 4 Scoring Statistics .present, spoke a few words on These kings and queens we"e crowned with appropriate ceremonies on St. Valentine's Day. The Red Arrows have amassed to arrive ahead of their new I the subject. giandchild who was born shortly some interesting statistics this | A financial report was given past reason. Lowell's terrific after they reached the Anderson by PTA treasurer. Mrs. J. Hill, Cyclamen Chapter O. E. S. Mrs. Emogene Sorgeont St. Mary's Students j center. Bob Grummet, has brok- home. and the need for more paid-up * • * Plans Friendship Night Former Snow Resident Organize New Club 'en all school and Grand Valley nembers cited. The meeting ad- | records. His season's total is Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newell Cyclamen Chapter. OES plans Passes, Aged 86 Years A new club was organized by jjourned to refreshments served A graduate of Fremont High j 122 points in 16 games for a 26% who have been spending the win- to hold Friendship Night next e I by the committee. The next reg- school. Central Michigan School j Funeral services were held|^ high school students of St. | average. In conference games ter a t Ghost Ranch, Tuscon. Friday, honoring Kent County of- M r s c h rch 1 ] ular PTA meeting will be held on cf Education where he partlclpat-1 Saturday afternoon at Snow \ i >" . ^ , he has scored 303 for a 25 » aver- Ariz., have gone to New York ficers. Representatives will be The following officers were ! Wednesday evening. March 31, at ed in the major sports. Gotschall | Methodist church for Mrs. Emo- age. He also eclipsed Art Spoel- City where they will attend the present from thirteen Chapters elected: President, Sandra . 8 p. m. in the Lowell High school is now attending Michigan State! gene Sarah Sargeant, 86. who stra's Grand Valley record of Toy Show. in Kent county and guests are ex- Thompson; vice-president. Ronald | projection room and Norman E. College where he will receive his passed away in Grand Rapids 271 in 11 games with 276 to thai • * * pected from Saranac, To: % Ford; secretary. Geraldine Ryd- (Borgerson will be guest speaker Master's Degree this summer.! Wednesday, at the home of her ! point In the season. Also List Another couple headed for Freeport. Clarksville and PX* er: treasurer. Colleen i on "State Aspects of Schools and He taught two years at Fair-) son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and laney. year he broke the individual scor- home from Florida sunshine is land. Any member of the East- j Building." view where he also coached and Mrs. Harold Gryscn. The Rev. Committees were appointed by ing record for one game with 40 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Purchase who ern Star from the community i Both members and non-mem- Bert Baker officiated at the ser- the president and they include en- points against Grandville. He f write they have had a most en- Ms basketball team won one , bors are urged to attend. will be welcomed. i vices. Burial was made in C s- tertainment. Sylvia Denney, Ray- scored 50 of his field goals and ioyable sojourn in the south but championship and was highly A fine program has been ar.jcade . mon DeVries. Gall McMahon. andi.)3 if his free throws. , The content of Mr. Gumser's successful the other year. He rre anxious to see the "home ranged. Bill Seme; refreshments. Lucille I of the next highest four, soph-1 folks". In their note advising talk at this meeting may be l as served in the Armed forces Lau.v Roberta Thompson. Sally j ,)mor(. George DeVries scored a change of address they kindly found on page 6 of this issue of and has traveled extensively in this country. Europe and other Jersey Ccttle Club Hoover, and Maureen Delaney; !o,isonal total of 111 In sixteen' mentioned how much they have the Ledger. business managers: Cornelius An- ames for an 8 3 16 average. In ' enjoyed the Ledger's weekly vis- i ountries. Elects New Officers Fluoridation of Water drews and An LitsolieWski; mem- fourteen g.imes senior Ray H«.ag' its. The SW District Parish meet- Has Good Background bership committee. Kenny Can-1 ;oored 101 for a 7 3 14 average. In! • * • There has been considerable ing of the Michigan Jersey Cat- 1 Gotsch II comes from a family field. Bernadette Ryder Jiml ^xteen games lunior Jim Wood The new law making parents discussion in local groups and in tle Club was held at Macklins of teachers and coaches, his fath- Seme, and Dick Huver. scored 93 points for a 5\ aver- liable for property damage j national magazines about the ad- Dining room, Monday, Feb. The first •» the week Walter er having made a career of The next meeting will be held age, and senior Granford Whita- caused by their children, which vantages of adding fluorides to Although the attendance was W. Gumser signed a three-year ! the drinking water especially for teaching and is currently princi- Sunday March 7. at St. Mary's ker scored 86 points in fifteen has recently gone into effect, is : untract with the Lowell Board i.ot as large as usual, due to school. "ames for a 5 11 '15 average. t children. This will cost about pal and coach at Baldwin High of Education to remain as super already in use in Lowell. Satur- many members making use of Geraldine Ryder Reporter ] The teams' total scoring record day afternoon two boys with j $3,500 to install and $500 a year [school. intendent of the local schools. the exceptionally fine weather, • for sixteen games is 947 a- com- slingshots loaded with ball bear- ; to operate. While this cost will i Lowell is fortunate in having a At the termination of this con- a fine meeting was held and a pared with their opponents 826. 'have to be borne by local wateriman of this caliber on the facul- LOCAL FLORIDA GUESTS tract he will have served thirty- ings broke the plate glass wind- delicious steak dinner was serv- In the twelve conference games users the protection of young |)eo- ty of the school. He will replace: SEE ARTHUR GODFREY rne years in Lowell and has a ows in the Beer Store on Main ed at noon. the Arrow's total is 705 for the pies'teeth is considered a defin- Clark Wurm who ;s leaving the Mrs. Wilbur Mick of Saranac. 1 ighly successful record in the street to the extent of $180. This The officers and directors re- 6") of their competitors. In the ite worthwhile improvement. school system at the close of the Miss Mary Alice Speerstra and s« hool activities and as a civic damage will have to De paid by elected for 1954 are: Floyd Fost- f( ur non-conference games Lo- year. Mr. Wurm coached a Mrs. Everett Carey while visit- leader. • he boys' parents. DAWN SCOTT SURPRISED er. Lowell, president; R. D. Ban- well scored 240 for the opposi- This might be one foroe that most victorious Red Arrow bas- ing at Miami Beach, Fla., had Mr. Gumser had taught in the ON HER EIGHTH BIRTHDAY croft, Alto, vice president; Frank tion's 186. ketball team this season, sharing breakfast at the Kenilworth Ho- schools of Mt. Clemens, Reed would put a stop to vandalism Langley. Wayland. secretary- The lowest and highest point Ten little schoolmates of Dawn the Grand Valley title. tel and were very pleasantly sur- City, Clare. Gladstone and Fenn- among youngsters. treasurer; Howard Sprague. totals for one game were both * • • Scott came to her home on Mon- Ionia, and Oscar Kaechle. Mid- prised to see Arthur Godfrey. ville before coming to Lowell and acainst East Rapitls^i, has taught in summer school Claude Streeter, a former resi- day and surprised her on her BIRTHS dleville,' directors. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Gay and K Sargeant low o( 39 on December U, and a^ Mlchlgan Teachert dent of Lowell and at one time eighth birthday. Her mother. George Baker's trophies which' , . ^mlng to this commun- J.en^an ^ ,h^ Mrs. Bud Scott, served delicious To S.-Sgt. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritz- Cana( a high of 86 on January 29. proprietor of the "Sugar Bowl", he won at fairs and shows in the Uy from Stirling. Ontario. in, s'Ehts of Florida for the past College for fifteen summers. 1 ema at St Mary's hospital Sun- was found dead In his Grand refreshments; and her aunt and U. S. and Canada were on a table . she bk-ame a mem-l^0 ^1' Tournament Starts Match 4 Currently, Mr. Gumser is pres- day. Feb. 28. a son. Mark Victor, (arly life Rapids apartment on Friday. He uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rog- for all to see. We congratulate f Snow Community church stra returned home with them. The team starts tournament ident of the Michigan Associa- weighing six pounds and five 0 is survived by one son. Fred of ers were also there to help make n She has had a two month's vaca- tion of School Administrators, "^ - land was active as long as her competition Thursday. March 4. it a joyous occasion. ounces. tion at Riviera Beach. Fla. embracing a total membership of Grand Rapids. Our State President, Roy Pres- health permitted. She leaves a The game will lie with Ionia, at On Sunday Dawn's grandpar- some 600 school superintendents tcn of Hastings, gave a preview host of friends in the neighbor- Ionia in their new gym. The Lowell Beer Store open every ents also surprised her by com- A Ledger want ad gets rid of of things to be worked for in the ;hood where she ministered to winner of this game will play in the state. evening. Sundays till 7:00 p. m. ing for dinner and a visit. those "don't wants". Auction Sale future as weM as a review of past Iriany anci made her community Saturday night the winner of the We are glad to have the oppor- Saturday. March 13—Beginn- yew s events. 1 better for having lived in it. She Greenville-Belding game to de- tunity to make this announce- ing at one o'clock Ed Johnson termine the district champion. ment which will be welcome news Vic Petersen, Fieldman of theLttributed her longevity to her American Jersey Cattle Club, chrlttian living. will sell at his farm 2% miles John Bergin—reporter. to all who are interested in the Municipal Utility Men Proud of Modem Line Truck southwest of Alto at 7528 Timp- gave a very interesting and in- M ~ c progress of Lowell Public Schools. spiring talk on Jersey activities. ^ i' ^ drive easily into motar, stone Mrs. Mable Gross is visiting on band In the evening. his mother and Mrs. Jennie Par- purpose of Reviewing the Regis- Mr. and Mrs. Clare Krebs and Mrs. E. Wissman and family joint chairmen of the St. Pat- Economr de«io^™ h Heaven and I*„; Frank ^vlu* tht pu.eh_ windmiii blocks, and other soft masonry her daughter. Shirley Anderson wlth turning sails of Ada Troop Gilbert Heerenga and wife of dee last Sunday. tration and registering the daughter. Misses Lydla and Mary were Sunday dinner guests of rick's Square Hop to be put on at ments ot the area,, and co^, ^ Wingeier of Lowell were Sunday without any pilot holes and Into of Ada for a few days. horn antl Ken; Dona,<, T Mlch 98. the pipe-cleaner skiers around Grand Rapids, called on Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Faunce names of such qualified electors Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Parker Cascade School No. I Saturday munity .rade areas. - - afternoon and evening visitors predrllled holes In harder mater- Little Mike Potter has been ill aei and Bob: Tommy C. Ray and the model of the Girl Scout chalet Clara Brandebury Saturday af- and family were In Grand Rapids as may properly apply therefor. and family of Grand Rapids. j evening. Mar. 13. for the benefit at Phillip Wlngelers. Mrs. Ashel ials. They drive straight to end Monday was feeling a bit Local Committees Chosen Tommy: Paul E. Roy and Paul: in Switzerland of Ada 47. and ternoon. Saturday night to attend a birth- Notice Is further hereby given Eric Strand is the proud owner < f Cascade-Martin Cub Scout Thompson and Mrs. Ira Blough stay tight even under shock better. A virus infection, ac- Members of a committee will Scoutmaster Vernon Reyfturn the tiny Danish countryside Mrs. Lula Erickson of Ionia, day party for Don Vos' father that of an attractive pencil given by .Pack 3281. The dance, given by MATTRESSES were Monday afternoon callers. or vibration. They cost less and be chosen by their own school {nd Scotty. complete with Lilliputian people called on her aunt. Mrs. Susie and George Faunce's father It be- MONDAY, MARCH 8 1954 t0 r all those who'parents to equip the dens, is for Nancy and Christy Krebs spent are said to be much simpler to KKc wen. ,o For, boards and will survery their ol Ada 49. Forbey, Mrs. Dorr and Mrs. Clara ing their 70th birthday. [bowl 200 or more. Eric bowled adults, the chairmen stress. Also Assistant Scoutmaster Bob is the last day for registration own districts, pooling their find- Brandebury last Thursday after Wednesday afternoon with use than plugs, expansion bolts, Penning, Ga. by train last Thurs- Koomen: David Baines and Mike Martin 58 Brownies had made Wm Mlshler attended the Ho- for the Special Election April 5, 212 Wednesday evening. Con- . . .. 0 . . & grandma Krebs. Mrs. Harold or other devices. day and came back Wednesday 0lrl 8c u 8eM C,,ol l ings to make an evaluation for Caswell. Arthur Homricli, Joe a map of Ireland dn each place- noon. mer Overholt sale Saturday af- sra.ulatlnns, Eric! ° " ' •• i;«4. Krebs was a supper guest. with her son and wife. Mr. and the whole area. Kent. and Benny Nelson: the last mat and pots of straw-stemmed Mrs. Flora Hooper of Caledon ternoon. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. , Girl Scout cooklg sale will start | Evelyn Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Val Johnson and No man needs both money and Mrs. Dick Place. He is on an 18- ^ ^ur( a Work will start next Wednes- la, with Mrs. E. Rogers and Mrs. Vivian Hof/man attended Aivin Wells went to the funeral |' ' ' y• Mai*. 13. and continue 4 boys are new troop members, [shamrocks, while Ada tro«p 45 Clerk of Bowne Township brains—if he has money the day evening Mar. 10 at 8 o'clock daughter of Alto, called at the a Stanley Brush demonstration son Brian of Dearborn called at of Allen McLenlthan of Grand | through April 3. Profit on each James Byerly has drawn plans, had decorated both mats and c-44-43 at Ada high school when school Frank Dorr home Friday. recently at the home of Mrs. the Ira Blough. John Krebs and brains will soon look him up. Rapids. Friday. Alvln's cousin r)0X so'(' 8oes Par,'y ,0 troop for Troop 334's new trailer to (napkins with small Canadian board members of all 7 districts Mrs. Mina Wieland visited her Herbert Kunde at Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Burton of Cal-|,;easury (a sma" su,r" am' to carry ramping equipment, which flags Martin troop 59's table was Cascade Township ""Hess slster-ln-law. Mrs. Lillian Troyer John W. Eash and family of Rickert Electric e.lonia were dinner guests. equip scout camps. This year. rnd their newly-chosen commit- Roy Stirdiyant, former scout-1 gay with a mammoth Mexican To the Qualified Electors of the of Grand Rapids, from Thursday Maryland who have spent the Your General Electric Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wells n.oney will be used to develop tees are to meet with George In*aster, will photostat for use. basket of fruit. f Township of Cascade. County of an rcse * • •. " Or w> until Sunday. past 10 days with his parents Dealer were dinner guests of Mr. and a new unk at Camp Anna Behr-1 ^ ^ P- Deputy Co. Superin- Total cost of the trailer is esti- Songs and dances following Kent. Michigan, ins on Lake Michigan, for Sen- tendent of Schools, and Lloyd'mated at $150. of which $90 re- Mrs. Mina Wieland and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Eash and oth- Notice Is hereby given that I Ranges Washers Mrs. Harry Carlson, In honor of the dinner were performed with Thomas W. Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theron E. Richmond Sales, of the Area Studies .Dlv- mains to be raised. / Lillian Troyer were Sunday din er relatives and friends left Sat- will be at my home at 2510 BUILT FOR HTTFD Refrigerators Dryers Harry's birthday. lor Scouts. spirit, and roundly applauded. 417 Howard st., Lowell. Mich., was recently promoted to sergeant ision of the Michigan Dept. of i For this purpose, the troop Is ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan urday for California. Thornapple River dr., s.e., Ada, Water Heaters Mr. and Mrs. Elof Erickson of Ireland and Italy had especially while serving as plctoral desk section chief at the Army Home Town Public Instruction. Mr. Sales will' starting a drive this Monday. Kaufman of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles King A'to, were Sunday visitors of Mr. Maxine Marsman. daughter of complete costumes, and Nether- THE TICKING News Center. Kansas City, Mo. A branch of the Army's Public In- on, We Service OUR Installations! brief the committee members Mrs. Spenor Johnson of Logan, and Lloyd visited at Three Rivers and Mrs. Wm. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Marsman. Mar. 8. selling a new type of lands wore effective caps of TELLS THE TALE! formation Division, the Kansas City office Is a processing and dis- MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1954, on their duties In detail, so that s called on Mrs. Brandebury Satur- Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul Rickert Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoff and Twenty-eighth St., is ill with a longer-burning light bulbs. shelf-paper. Perhaps the most en- Spring Air'i cicIuiitc com deiign • tribution point for stories, photographs and radio Interviews about Last Day for Registration for lofl9 they may go to work at once. poinl out the Srmer mid-iMlion .. . day. Chapman and also at Wm Hock- TELEPHONE 8802 family were Sunday dinner light case of scarlet fever. Mrs. James Byerly was to give gaging performance was that U. S. soldiers all over the world. Sgt. Richmond, a 1950 graduate of April 5 Special Election, from The plan Is to have each com-1 a coffee at her home, Ada Dr., the reiilient end •etlloni ... of stettler at Mendon. 912 North Hudson, Lowell guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wiss- given by troop 45, which sang tittf Htillh Center Mettrcu. Now Lowell High School and former student at the American Academy of 8:00 o'clock a. m. to 8:00 o'clock mlttee meet every 3 or 4 weeks. | Wednesday, to raise money to ro« een »ee the eeerel of kMllhral Killer in a Tube man. Read the Ledger want ads. Alouette as a class In French, deep! Dramatic Arts In New York City, was employed by Warner Brother p. m. on said day for the purpose for a check of Its findings, so buy a troop First Aid kit. A new weed killer solution is with verve, polish, and an Im- The family was objecting to Studios In Burbank, Calif., before entering the Army in April 1952. ot reviewing the Registration that the entire study may be placed in a long plastic tube that peccable accent. their son's girl. Insisting that he The 22-year-old soldier Is scheduled to be released from active Army and registering such of the qual- — MENU — SPECIAL completed promptly. ADULT GIRL SCOUTS has a plunger on the lower end ought to be a little more particu- ified electors as shall properly PLAN MONDAY MEETING Opening Flag Ceremony attached to a metal nozzle. Thus duty In April. Southern Fried Chicken . $1.00 lar about the company he kept apply therefor. SANDWICHES Building Permits Granted ' Ada Neighborhood Assn. adult the killer can be squirted exactly Mrs. Duncan Llttlefalr had The Springdaie "I'm sorry, Dad," said the boy, Martin J. Vanderveen, Roast Pork 85c Building permits in February Girl Scout members of the Ada, $695 on the offending weed without Ranger footwe® Coffee charge of the flag ceremony that Opportunity, like lightning, us- "but that's the best girl I can Clerk of Cascade Township Roast Beef ^ 85c (Includes French Fries and lose to four. 3 of which were Cascade, and Martin school areas, spreading the solution on the is built to take a opened the program. Mrs. Noel ually strikes without warning. gel with the car we've got." Segwun Community Whites Bridge News c-44-45 dwellings and 1 commercial. with the addition of new mem- whole yard. beating! Luncheon Steak 80c Salad) K. Black was general chairman Mrs. Fred J. Boyd., Sr. Mrs. Nina VanOcker Breaded Pork Steak 80c prices are up Dwelllng permits were to Bern-lbers from Lowell, will hear a ol the affair, assisted by Mrs. The Health Center Mattress is a fine, firm Grattan Township • Quality leathers «.rd Schaaf. Irene St., Charles talk on Common Identifications! Charles Beaver, Mrs. Clarence Breaded Ranch Steak 80c Tenderloin Steak Sand. 80c mattress ... that's firmer in the CENTER where your There's lots of mud out our To the Quailifled Electors of Doublesteln, 5100 Thornapple by Miss Norma Raby, of Grand'Blower, Mrs. Wesley Houldlng, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stephens • Fine workmanship Minute Steak Sandwich 60c weight lies. No sagging back. But no nagging neck, either. way and many cars are getting the Township of Grattan. County Breaded Veal Steak 80c River Dr., and David Vander-1 Rapids Public museum, at their j Mrs. C. L. White, and Mrs. Roger and Linda visited their son Wil- • Foot protection lace-to-lace Blucher Grilled Hamburg Steak 80c but... Fried Ham Sandwich 60c Veen. Lot 11, Grachen Plat Dr.,,r.eetlpg Monday afternoon at Wykes. Or cricks in your morning legs. This mattress relaxes, liam and family of Richard Ter- stuck. of Kent, Michigan, notice Is here- ace In Grand Rapids, for dinner Mrs. Audie Joslln entertained by given that I will bo at the of • Lasting comfort Fried Ocean Perch 65c Cube Steak Sandwich 60c E. J. VanderVeen received a per- 1-30 at Cascade school No. 4. just enough, where your head and feet come to rest. Steel Shank . . . Hooks and Eye It's A Girl FREE * FREE•FREE Tuesday evening. the Whites Bridge Bunco club flee at D. & D. Bait Co., Grattan. mlt for a service station at the! Miss Raby will Illustrate her You've never known such heavenly sleeping! Builders' . D-EE Fried Oysters 90c last Thursday at her apartment all day lets . . . Rawhide Laces . . . Wide Hamburger Sandwich 50c corner of Cascade Rd. and Thorn-, talk with slides, 9s nature train- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Folkert. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martindale Jumbo Fried Shrimp 90c FOOD in Grand Rapids. Six of the MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1954 Back Stay Grilled Cheese Sandwich 55c apple River Dr. ling for the group: her goal Is Keosauqua, Iowa, are the parents Come in today ... the whole Spring Air line is new and and son of Clare, visited Sunday x l members remained for the even Half Fried Chicken $1.10 City papers made an error In to prime leaders to know the J cf a baby girl born Mar. 2. The fresh and very much worth seeing. Spring Air mattresses afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Last Day for Registration for Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Irish April 5 Special Election for the Comfort curved top to prevent Large T Bone Steak $1.25 All Pie, per cut — 15c reporting the juror from Cas-! answers when girls ask "What's new little Susan Jean weighed priccd from $00.00. Door Prizes—Coffee and Do-nuts—Souvenirs Lewis Jones of Grand River dr. Prices Are of Greenville, were also evening purpose of reviewing the regis cutting in when stooping. cade Township for the March that?" 17 lbs., 8 ozs. Mrs. Folkert Is the ,,, Sunday callers at the Frank guests. • • * term of Circuit Court. Gerrlt De-^| Members are to bring to the former Genevieve Seeley, daugh- (tmmj Kitchen home were Mr. and Mrs. tratlon and registering such of Above orders include: The sale sponsored by the Heavy "VULCORK" Flexible Sole Good Is Cascade's juror. j meeting the Heinz soup and babyjter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Dan Martindale and Douglas, of the qualified electors as shall Potatoes. Choice of Vegetable Jumbo Hamburgs 20c Smyrna Extension club and held and Leather caulk welt, for DOWN Thornapple Unit of the League food labels saved since January, Sfeley, Cascade Rd. Mrs. Seeley Clare, Mrs. Robert Schwacha, Mr. properly apply therefor. and Salad, Bread, Butter at Mel Mann's Grocery was well Moisture Resistance and sure Hot Dogs 15c of Women Voters met last Thurs-1 which will be turned In to the will leave Friday for Keosauqua. and Mrs. James Clausing. Janet Notice Is hereby further given attended Saturday. Coffee (with the works) day at the home of Mrs. C. H. jl'ent County Council. Labels will and Audrey of Grand Rapids and that I will be at my office for footed traction. Marvin VanOcker attended the Turner. Cascade Rd. Using redeemed by the Heinz comp- Coffee Benefits Library Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilbert. the same purpose every day pre Dairy Clinic hold at Ionia Fair russlon group methods, the wom- any. which will pay a penny Benefit coffee last Thursday! Mrs. Frank Kitchen celebrated ceding that date from 8:00 a. m. grounds last Friday in company en are studying state and local each, the sum raised going to morning at Cascade school No. 4 1 Roth & Sons Co her 86th birthday Monday. March to 8:00 p. m. OPEN HOUSE with the FFA boys of Boldlng. C. J. Geldersma, - PAUL'S DRIVE-IN - i-sues. Monday night the group the Michigan Mentally Retarded given by Mrs. Fred Carr and | 1st, with her immediate family, FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Fred Bowen also attended the Easf Main Street Lowell, Michiqan visited the Town Board meeting. |children's program; this is an ex- ?:rs. Walter Goebel earned $18.65 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crakes. Mr. and Clerk of Grattan Township clinic. ESKIMO CALF eriment being undertaken only for the Mothers' Club proposed j Mrs. Leo Kitchen and Frank C44-45 Phone 5391 W. Main St., Lowdi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Juhl PLANS COMPLETED PGR in this state. library for the school. Kitchen. Cake and Ice cream FRIDAY AND were Sunday visitors of their son- Vergennes Township Plain Toe. Seamless Back GEORGE-BROWN WEDDING were served. in-law and daughter Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole and To the Qualified Electors of Heavy Neo-corck Sole and Heel. Miss Beryl Brown, daughter Mrs. John Chittenden in Smyrna. ot Mr. and Mr. Roila B. Brown. SATURDAY March 5 and 6 family of Grand River dr.. return- Township of Vergennes, County Leather Laces Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Devlne Galbraith Av., and Sgt. Edwin ed home Friday after a three ot Kent. Michigan, notice is here- were Saturday evening guests of Leather Insole weeks trip through California by given that I will be at my "Permacounter L. George have completed plans Mr. and Mrs. John Mays. and Mexico. They visited Mr. for their wedding Friday eve- Little Arlene Bowen who has home on Fallasburg Park dr. all Widths: D. EE Cole's brother and family of Ven- ning. Mar. 12 at Cascade Chris- Clark Plumbing & Heating been absent from school three day tian church. Sgt. George's par- tura. Calif. MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1954 weeks because of Illness, return- ents are Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Evart Carey re- Last Day of Registration for Village Election ed to her classes Monday. 309 E. MAIN ST. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. turned home Friday, after spend- L. George. Newcastle Dr. Many from this vicinity at- Special Election April 5, for the Matron of honor Is to be Mrs. ing a three weeks' vacation in tended John Deere Day at the I urpose of reviewing the regis- Robert Werner, and bridesmaids. Florida. C arl Jonas store In Boldlng Mon- tration and registering such of To the Qualified Electors of the Village of Miss Betty George, sister of the the qualified electors as shall (Last Week's Letter) day evening. groom-to-be, and Mrs. Hazen Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Vandon- properly apply therefor. cox, Clarksville. Sgt. George has Mrs. Albert Lambries enter hout of Lansing, wore Sunday Notice Is hereby further given usked his father to be best man, tained her Campflre girls at her visitors at the Arthur Ritters- that I will be at my home for and Robert Werner will usher. home in the Connor apts., Thurs- the same purpose every day pre- dorf home. Rev. Lester C. Doerr will offici- Lowell 'day afternoon. Thedora Van Ockor and grand- ceding that date. Eskimo Calf Engineer ate, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ronnie Raymor returned homel^^ ^ Van0cker Rhea M. Rlckner, Sutton will be master and mis- from Butterworth hospital Sat jand a friend, Don Maltman, all Clerk of Vergennes Township Finest Eskimo Calf Leather tress of ceremonies. urday, where he underwent an County of Kent, State of Michigan Norge "Laundry Maids" of Greenville, were Sunday vis- c44-45 pers A number of events have been appendectomy last week. Ron- (itnt this why more peop/e want—and buy— win Museum of Modern Art itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. given honoring Miss Brown. nie Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Township Steel Reinforced Back Stay award for best practical de- Ted VanOcker. Misses Dolores Karas and Ann Harold Raymor of Segwun ave. To the Qualified Electors of the Chevroleti than any other car?) sign among all automatic Mrs. Jerry Devlne was taken Adjustment Straps Downs gave a personal shower Mrs. Dale Page received an un- Township of Lowell, County of Notice Is Hereby Given, that a Village Election will be washers and dryers. f-uddenly ill Sunday morning re- at the home of the former, with Kent, Michigan, usual Valentine In the form of quiring emergency medical at Heavy Outside Counterpocket. guests from among Miss Brown's one dollar bill, which her son Notice is hereby given that I tentlon. She Is better at this Sole Leather Counters held at the fellow telephone company em- Jim sent her. Jim said he was will be at the township office. Listed Best writing. ployees. A miscellaneous shower What you want most 411 W. Main St., Lowell, Lined Vemp for Added Comfort sitting on a park bench wonder- was given by Mrs. W. Lester MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1954 by Testing ing what to send her, when the Last Week's Letter' Full Leather Sole Johnson, Cascade Rd. Miss Joan wind blew the dollar bill past Theie is a lot of mud and a few- Last Day for Registration for CITY HALL Hedgecock was hostess with Mrs. April 5 Special Election, from Ranger type Leather Laboratories him. Jim is stationed at Ft. Sill. bad holes out Whites Bridge way in said Village on Vivian Ranvllle and Mrs. Gloria levrolet gives you first Okla. and the springlike weather has 9:00 o'clock a. m. to 5:00 o'clock With Rubber Toplift Harrison for a miscellaneous Mrs. Fred Boyd, Sr., called on p. m. on said day for the purpose moved the village of 12 fish SIZES 7 TO 12 shower at her home. Mrs. George // Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashley, Miss shanties off the pond. cf Reviewing the Registration Mrs. Morton Tomllnson and Miss Llda Porter and Mrs. Winifred Marvin VanOcker attended the f.nd registering such of the qual! $12.95 George are giving a miscellane- McCauley while in Rockford last1 Regional contest at Carson City fied electors as shall properly ap- See how Oievrolet stays ahead of other low-priced cars In all BOYS SIZES 4 TO 6 ous shower today. week. All of these people have Tuesday with the FFA Boys from ply therefor. Sgt. George, who is with the the things that mean the most to you. See how much less Oievrolet RGE Lumd/ufMaidl been 111 for some length of time. Beldlng. Saranac FFA took first Notice is hereby further given $9.95 Monday, March 8 U. S. Army In Germany, Is flying Janet Boyd was a guest of her that I will be at my office every costs you—it's the lowest-priced line of them all. Come on in place In the contest with Beldlng home on 30-day leave, arriving grandmother, Mrs. L. E. Johnson second. day proceeding that date from this week-end. and let us show you how you can have the things you want and on Sunday. Jim Johnson was Mr. and Mrs. Ted VanOcker 9:00 to 12:00 noon. home from Lansing over the had dinner Tuesday with his Esther M. Fahrni, A. D. 1954 Cascade Locals b« o good many dollars ahead with n n*w rh«yroUt. NORGE ImrlUu AltMWtk Washer f NORGE Automatic Dryer week end. mother, Mrs. Augusta VanOcker c-44-45 Clerk of Lowell Township Mrs. Benjamin Porter has re- That's promising a lot, but we welcome the chance to prove iH Congratulations to Mr. and in Greenville. At which election the following Village Officers are to be elected, viz. turned from a Florida vacation Mrs. William Stephens on the Mrs. Olive Insloy was hostess to her home on Twenty-eighth lowing the reception. The wed- birth of their son Phillip Wil- Thursday to the Extension group. Ing breakfast at the home of the St. SEE THE COMPLETE LINE OF liam Stephens. Twenty members wore present to bride's parents was served by The Ladles Christian Fellow- OUT AHEAD with that bigger, OUT AHEAD with the highest- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris receive the lesson on Swedish em- Mrs. Bessie Devlne and Mrs. Ni- Village President, Village Clerk, Village Treasurer, Three ship of Cascade Christian Re- OUT AHEAD with that smooth and lower look. Only Clitmuld und leading compression ovorhead valve und children were Sunday even- broidery. na VanOcker. formed church has fully paid solid big-car ride. Chevrolet's the only ing callers of Mr. and Mrs. Hom- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Golgor higher-priced cars have Body by Fisher Chevrolet's great engines have the Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ridgway its pledge of $546 toward the low-priced car with Unitized Knee-Action 1954 Norge Home Appliances er Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Allle and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Juhl cil- Trustees for two-year term. Assessor of Lowell spent Sunday with Mr. carpeting of the church. The with that big, smooth, low-slung look. highest compression ratio of any leading tended Farmers Club Wednesday -one reason for its finer road-smoothing, Schmidt of Ada. and Mrs. Jerry Devina. women undertook to raise this low-priced car. at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hu- road-hugging ride. ELECTRIC AND GAS RANGES — REFRIGERATORS — WASHERS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane and sum, representing the balanca bert Reeves. Electors will also vote on two Special Advisory Propositions: Bobble and Mrs. Augusta Van not paid by the church, at the OUT AHEAD with bigger brakes. ELECTRIC AND GAS WATER HEATERS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen and Ockor of Greenville and Mr. and time the new structure was dedi- OUT AHEAD with zippy, thrifty Complete Home children spent Thursday at NO. I: T ochange from Village to Home Rule Village or City. NO. 2: To in- Chevrolet brakes are largest in Ihe low- Mrs. Earl VanOcker of Coo'is cated last August. Powerglide. It's the first and most ad- UPRIGHT AND CHEST FREEZERS Franklin visiting her brother and price field for smoother, safer slopsl AHEAD with automatic power Conveniences Corners were Sunday evening stall and maintain fluoridation of the village water supply. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chadwick vanced automatic transmission In the family. jnd children have moved Into controls. Chevrolet Is the first low-priced • Cabinet Sinks Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Baker of visitors at the Ted VanOcker Cork Sole Work their newly remodeled and re- low-price field. Acceleration is instantly home. Men's Brown Work STMIOl EMIUM car to bring you all the latest automatic • Water Softeners North Ionia entertained the Bo- Shoe decorated home on Burton St., tesponsive and as smooth as silk. Op- OF y CHEVROLET /k Remember the place - Remember the time #Water Heaters wen family Sunday at a surprise Shoe Relative to the Opening and Closing of the Polls OF power features and controls as extra- purchased last fall. tional on all models at extra cost. SAVINGS EXCIlLfNa • Garbage Disposals birthday dinner for Mrs. Baker's Silicone Rubber Width: EE Cascade Christian Reformed *ost options. Now available is a silicone rub- Sizes 6-12 $4.50 Sizes: 6-12 $6.50 The Polls of said election will be open at 7:00 o'clock a. m., and will remain Friday and Saturday from 9 to 9 • Kitchen Cabinets mother, Mrs. Lucy Bowen of Lo- church will hold a congregation- well. ber which seems ideal for elect- open uniil 8:00 o'clock p. m., Eastern Standard Time. al meeting this Monday evening. FOR PROMPT INSTALLAT- Miss Morrllyn Rittersdorf and trlcal and mechanical application Mar. 8, to discuss matters per- ION — CALL 5948 Richard A. Wells were married combining Its enormous heat re- taining to the parsonage, now Saturday morning at St. Mary's sistance with Its groat electrical reaching the stage where decorat- church In Lowell and many from and mochanicui qualities. It rc c44-45 ing and equipment are to l>e con- H&H CHEVROLET LYLE COVERT tains a groat floxibllity at 120 de- LOUIS W. KINGSLEY, Village Clerk Phone 8862 here attended the wedding. The Hill's Shoe Store 508 W. Main St., Loweii sidered. Everything in Plumbing and rehearsal was hold In Lowell grees bolow zero. It Is used for for the Entire Family Clark Plumbing & Heating Heating coaling cloth, making gaakelh, Friday night, the family wore en- 218 W. Main St. Lowell, Mich. 309 E. Main St. Telephone 5534 Phone 5948 Lowell tertained at the Arthur Ritters- and the like, and it is effective dorf home Saturday evening fol- where rubber cannot be used. Annual Financial Statement of Village of Lowell, Michigan She jvboot Garden Club Opens Year's Activities Nancy Faauwc is Teen of the Week THEL0WELL lqwell.,, m«rc,h 4. 5 Showboat Garden Club will New officers of the club are: hold at 8 o'clock their first meet- president, Mrs. I. W. McFall; Lowell Happenings 3 wcr* ing of the year Monday, March vice-president, Mrs. Albert Dal- For Eleven Months Ended December 31, 1953 Agnes Perry, Phone 5170 8th. Mrs. Harold Zahm Is host- slra; secretary, Mrs. Clark Mow VDWIT The Annual Statement of the V illage of UmelK Michigan, as 8iibmitted by esr, and will give a demonstra- Fletcher: treasurer, Mrs. Francis • Approved and ordered published at the regular meeting of Village Coun- t on on ceramics, Mrs. Albert Campau. William B. Foster, son of Floyd Mrs. Trenls Devener Is visiting Foster, returned homo Saturday relatives in Fort Wayne. Ind., Dalstra, co-hostess. Members will be asked what the Clerk at the close of business December 31, 1953. morning, after serving four this week. cil held Monday, March 1, 1954 A short talk on "Starting type of programs they would years with Ihe U. S. Navy. He Mrs. Christiah Avenell and son & Seeds Indoors" will be given by like in succeeding meetings. APPROVED BY THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: says It seems good to he back Barth of Grand Rapids, were Mrs. Gould Rlvette and "What to Printed W. A. ROTH, with the home folks and friends, luncheon and evening guests, Herbert Eliinga do in Mach" by Mrs. Edward Nothing takes the starch out of rlso his Jerseys Sunday at the Charles Radford William Christiansen Village President Kiel. a man like a diet. home. Carl Munroe LOUIS W. KINGSLEY. Miss Lorna Foster spent Friday Balance Sheet, December 31,1953 end Saturday In Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Richmond Village Cleric went to Detroit Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Herrlck spend the week end with her Grosgrain Assets cf Grand Rapids were Thursday Liabilities brother and slster-In-Iaw, Mr. CURRENT: Village Statement Continued evening callers at the Collins- and Mrs. Elbert Hansen. Light Gaunt home. Billy Barber spent the wee', Light Water Water Fuel holders, producers and POWer and Sewer Mrs. R. D. Hahn and Mrs. D., end with his sister, Mrs. Ivan and Power and Sewer Village Total CURRENT: ' Village Total and accessories 406.49 Cash on hand • H. Oatley heard Mrs. Daniel Lip- Blough and family at Alto. Cotton $ 372.72 $ $ $ 372.72 Engines 4,580.51 Cash In bank: Employees' Income tax withheld « 7O3U0 ke review "The Lady of Arling- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vanden I 243.80 947.60 Generators 82.14 General accounts Employees' old age tax 184.27 ton" at the Women's Club in Hout have moved to Lansing 12.247.13 • 3.097.70 863.47 16.208.30 Michigan sales tax 95.04 279.31 Accessory electric Tax account 409.14 Grand Rapids Thursday morning. where he Is employed. A dren you'll put on 23,806.48 23.806.48 Due Light and Power ' 409.14 equipment 83.09 Road fund 5,029.25 Mrs. Charles Shaw attended with »end«r pride. 13.924.38 13.924.38 Due Village 1,778.12 6,807.37 Miscellaneous power plant John Hoekstra of Grand Rap- Motor Vehicle highway fund 1,102.02 ids was Ihe Sunday dinner guest the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Nel- Georgiana's lapetlry 8.123.13 8.123.13 1,102.02 equipment 248.16 73.517.91 Sinking fund Current maturities of long term debt 25,000.00 2,000.00 lie Schuur In Grand Rapids, Tues- 2.625.00 2,625.00 27,000.00 cf his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jessie print on cfisp, ruitling Lee fund day. 2.554.28 2,554.28 Transmission; Rathbun. groigrain—washable Debt retirement fund 1 CU^^en, L,ablU,,es Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Gardner of "ZZ 16,311.12 375.00 OTHER; - 5 26,297:21 8,131.27 $ 2,116.96 $ 36,545.44 Overhead lines ..$ 22.76 Peter O'Neil was In Oklahoma ai a sheer colton, Accounts receivable 16.686.12 Oak Park, spent the wpek end 23.667.71 5.490.72 29.158.43 Maintenance of poles, towers City on business last week. endurable ai heavy Receivable from Village Customers'water and light deposits . s 14^10 with Mrs. Lena Luz. 1.778.12 LONG TERM: ^ 664.50 $ 4.122.60 and fixtures 45.25 Miss Louise Hoffs spent t h e Receivable from Water and Sewer 1,778.12 •38.01 Phyllis Lewis and friend Ar- lilk. Very full, bouffant 5.029.25 1.102.02 week end at her homo in Lake Inventories 6,131.27 Re,SJC.^eI!!ificate8' ma,uring 125,000 In 1955; $28,000 In lene NIemI of Highland Park •klrt, decollete neckline 25.105.59 2.008.18 Distribution; Odessa and also visited a friend U. S. Government bonds — road fund 27,113.77 1956; $30,000 In 1957; $15,000 In 1958 $ 98 000 00 General hospital spent the week with contrasting trim, 23.000.00 23,000.00 Village water bonds, 1%% maturing $2,000 annually $ 98.000.00 Station labor $ 1.013.24 in Kalamazoo. U. S. Government bonds — general fund 36,000.00 end with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ornamented with rhine- 10.000.00 10.000.00 Water and Sewer debentures 36,000.00 Station sup. and exp 772.36 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robison Prepaid insurance 7,500.00 Lewis. itone duster dip. In ' 719.02 72.56 765.53 1.557.11 7,500.(X> Oper. of Overhd. lines 1.252.50 went to Findlay, Ohio, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, edon of Purple, Pink Total Long Term Debt. Removing and resetting to see her brother who is very Total current assets. $ 98,000.00 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Condon. 1 85.230.66 $ 11.044.16 $ 86.764.29 $ 43.500.00 $ 141,500.00 ill. or Uwe. Sliesi 8-10. OTHER: $ 183.039.11 RESERVES: line transformers 668,49 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johnson and Mrs. Edward Olney and chil- Taxes receivable Taxes receivable $ Services on cust. premises.. 1,633.60 son Blake were Sunday dinner $ 973.09 $ 973.09 $ 973.09 dren of Fulton spent several days $ 973.09 Removing, reset, meters 278.42 guests of the former's sister, Mrs. 83.992.31 85.256.23 85,256.23 Oper. street lighting ot last week with her parents, FICA deposit with the State 83,992.31 Oscar Douglass and family of 160.14 653.62 Uncollectible accounts. 23,806.48 23,806.48 overhead system 21.80 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bergin. Z 1,900.00 Dorr. 1,900.00 Mrs. Sue Houseman left on $10.95 Total Other Assets Maintenance? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roth, Dan $ 493.48 $ 85,125.54 FIXED: $ 85,619.02 Poles, towers, fixtures 1,446.74 Monday to spent two weeks in Wingeier, Mrs. Olive Clark. Mr. SURPLUS: $110,035.80 $ 111,935.80 Line transformers and Florida. She accompanied the Land, buildings and equipment 1 and Mrs. Hollls Brlllhart and $925,675.47 $372,090.67 $122,075.65 $1,419,841.79 Appropriated for streets devices 698.39 Rev. and Mrs. S. B. Wenger and Less allowances for depreciation 471,446.33 $ $ $ 45,047.51 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson Traffic in the hails of Lowell High School would be impossible • 125,623.74 72,162.88 669,232.95 Appropriated for debt retirement. $ 45,047.51 Services 365.03 a friend of theirs of Leslie. ... 16,311.12 were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Emll without some definite rules. So the Student Council, the governing Invested In fixed assets 2,625.00 18,936.12 Meters 6.95 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blaser ... 331,229.14 200,966.93 Roth at their home In Grand body of L. H. S.. set up these rules as to which stairs the students • $454,229.14 $246,466.93 $ 49,912.77 $ 750,608.84 Current 49,912.77 582,106.84 Installation on cust- called on Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wln- Construction In progress ... 62,833.48 4,248.39 Rapids, Saturday evening, Feb. are to pass on between classes. To see that the rules are enforced, 75.77 12,064.56 79,146.43 omer's premises 6.40 peler and her mother, Mrs. Quig- 20th and for dinner at the Penin- its members are put at stratgic points in the halls. Nancy Paauwe Total Surplus. Street lighting and ley near Alto on Sunday. Total Fixed Assets ...$410,373.74 $205,215.32 sular Club and later all enjoyed (pictured above) is one of these Student Council monitors. $246,466.93 $ 49.912.77 $ 750.684.61 $109,649.84 $ 725,238.90 signal system 429.55 8.593.47 Mrs. Louise Miller," a former the Shrine Ball at the Civic audi- Nancy is the daughter of Mary and Cornelius Paauwe of Cas- TOTALS resident of Lowell, who suffered TOTALS $540,029.05 $257,511.09 $221,802.60 torium. cade. She was born in Grand Rapids on July 28, 1937, and received $257,511.09 $221,802.60 $1,019,342.74 $1,019,342.74 Customer accounting; a stroke about two months ago Miss Carolyn Engel spent the all of her grade schooling in the Cascade school. Two years ago. Meter reading $ 1,573.72 is being cared for at the St. Jos- week end with her parents In To- as a Freshman, she came to L. H. S. and in her first year was elect- it's a blouse Billing, accounting and Ship'n Shore* eph Mercy hospital, 2200 East ledo, Ohio. ed to the Athletic Association. Since then she has been a member STATEMENT OF SURPLUS Board of Trustee fees 420.00 collecting 526.19 Grand Blvd.. Detroit 11. Major streets; Mr. and Mrs. ^ D. Wingeier, of the Girls' Club and this year, of course, was elected as Junior Eleven Monthi Ending December 31, 1953 Board of Review 15.00 $ 4,056.15 Uncollectible accounts 500.00 2.599.91 Mrs. Ray Alexender. Mrs. Myr- Mrs. Sophie Gramer and Robert Surveys $ 770.20 representative to the Student Council. tit Alexander and Mrs. Glenn Carnahan of Lowell and Joan Light Water Administration 1,137.00 Ham with mashed potatoes and brown gravy is Nancy's favorite Police: Administrative and general: Loveland of Alto attended the Wingeier of Albion, attended the „ , „ , and Power and Sewer Village Black top 579.06 dinner. The dessert she likes most is cherry pie a la mode. For a Total Police Chief $3,120.00 Salaries, gen. officers and funeral of Ray Cisler in Middle- Murphy-Bllleter wedding at Jack- Balances. February 1, 1953 S384.866.35 $108,662.59 pastime Nancy loves swimming. genuine $208,864.25 702,393.19 Marshall 2.520.25 Chloride 1,681.12 executives $ 3,961.82 ville last week Tuesday. Transfer of sewers and sewer equipment to Water and Sewer Cleaning catch basin 134.40 son last Saturday. After graduation, Nancy plans to continue on to college, prefer- utility Special police 138.00 Other gen. off. salaries 7,413.81 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Good of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Starbard and 86.725.82 (86.725.82) Grading and gravel 716.86 ably Western Michigan. She wants to become a grade school teacher. ADD: Night watchman 2.433.50 Exp. of gen. officers, Saginaw spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith birdseye pique Ice control 557.82 She has gained experience in this field by teaching Sunday School Uniforms 264.92 executives, off. emp 298.38 his mother, Mrs. Melvin Boerma called on Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. Net income of utilities 32,21934 9,826.91 Painting 5.00 in her church. Whatever Nancy chooses to do will he a success. 42,046.25 Chief's car expense 1.156.10 Office supplies, expense ... 1,004.73 fnd husband. Capital improvements by Village " John Quinn at Blodgett hospital, Good luck to you, Nancy Paauwe. 6,532.65 6,532.65 Miscellaneous 205.56 Patching 1,412.90 Telephone and telegraph ... 620.35 The friends of Mrs. Robert Ga- sleeveless! Snow removal 15.70 Sunday. —Bruce Clemenz, Reporter. Telephone 159.62 9,997.95 Professional services 400.00 boon are happy to know that Mr. and Mrs. Orion Thaler and S417.085.69 $205,215.32 $128,671.08 Supplies 8.73 DEDUCT: $750,972.09 Insurance 1,910.23 she has been released from the children attended a family din- Storm sewer repair 147.45 General fund excess disbursements Fire department: Sick leave 1,104.00 Sunshine Sanatorium. She Is ner honoring the birthday of his S 8,780.72 8,780.72 Truck operation and Street fund excess disbursements Fire Chief $ 233.75 Vacation and holiday pay. 4,618.76 with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gaboon mother, Mrs. David Thaler, Sun- 5,310.01 5,310.01 maintenance 1,007.33 Depreciation of Village capital assets Firemen 2.530.00 Pensions 673.20 for the present. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs 4.930.51 Sweeping 168.40 4,930.51 Equipment expense 85.22 FICA taxes 819.68 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boyenga. Robert Randolph in Grand Rap- 2 Contribution by Light and Power to the Village: Roadside development 215.81 For street lighting Fire truck expense 559.17 Misc. general expenses ... . 1,145.83 Charles Boyenga and Mrs. Arle 5.040.20 Record keeping 826.00 Ids. 5,040.20 Hydrant rental 2.000.00 9,383.78 Main, of structures and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowles and For Village special events and miscellaneous. 1.671.75 Leeman attended the wedding of 1.671.75 Telephone 141.05 Improvements 416.48 Mrs. Boyenga's niece, Miss Shir- Ted of Beldlng visited her moth- 5,549.19 Local streets: Total Deductions Malnt. of office furniture ley Izenbart, Friday evening at er, Mrs. Florence Whitfield, Sun- S 6.711.95 S 19.021.24 $ 25,733.19 Administration $ 487.26 82.24 City Hall: and equipment the Berean Baptist church In day. Chloride 1,947.48 Balances. December 31. 1953 Janitor SI.176.00 Freight 186.31 Grand Rapids. Richard Young Is spending a Tiffany S410.373.74 S205.215.32 $109,649.84 Cleaning catch basins. 217.90 S 725,238.90 ' F'uel 587.14 Truck exp., gas, oil, rep. ... 1,377.39 26.033.21 Mrs. D. H. Oatley entertained two weeks' vacation in Florida. Grading and gravel 1,068.94 Insurance 51.45 the Goofus club Wednesday for The Grant Balkema family of Ice control 354.28 Superior Worsteds Lights 431.93 Depreciation: their 1:30 luncheon and after- Grand Rapids spent Sunday with February 25.1951 Patching 409.02 Board of Irustees Sinking Fund Repairs and Maintenance .... 95.14 Intangible $ 1.142.47 noon with cards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young. with extra pants Snow removal 9.6O Village of Lowell. Michigan Supplies 185.55 Hydraulic gen. plant 781.17 Mrs. Kittle Charles was a Sun- Mrs. Arthur Schneider and Balance in bank, February 1. 1953 S 6.75G.32 Storm sewer repair 92.00 Telephone 83.66 Diesel generating plant 14,205.29 day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. father visited their sisters and Roche$ter Tailored We have examined the balance sheet of the Village of Lowell. RECEIPTS Truck operation and Garbage Collection 36.00 Transmission equipment .... 916.26 Fernard Spaulding in Grand daughters in Owosso and Corun- by Michigan, as of December 31. 1953 and the related statements of Interest on U. S. Government bonds 125.00 maintenance 511.82 Distribution equip 6,181.61 Miscellaneous 1.25 2,6-18.12 Rapids. na, Friday. surplus, revenues, disbursements, income and expense for the period Sweeping 14.8O General equipment 1,306.22 24,533.02 Michaels-Stem Mr. and Mrs. George Graham Robert Schneider and Roy My- This is the genuine of eleven months then ended. Our examination was made in accord- $ 6.881.32 Other; Roadside development ^ 88.00 DISBURSEMENTS: and family of N. Washington St. ers spent the week-end at the ance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly Accounting $ 350.00 Record keeping 354.00 5,555.10 Total operating expenses 146,412.80 birdseye pattern... Transferred to general fund were dinner guests of Mr. and Schneider cabin and enjoyed included such tests of the accounting records and such other pro- 4.256.32 Dump rental 150.00 woven right in to stay... cedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Mrs. Elmer Buck Saturday eve- hunting. Dump maintenance 322.80 Operating income S 35,608.40 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klooster- Balance In bank. December 31,1953 Other street expenditures: ring. at a price that's a feat even During the year the Village adopted the calendar year basis S 2.625.00 Election expense 401.28 OTHER DEDUCTIONS; man. Mrs. Bertha Schwab and Lights for boulevard $ 222.90 The Book Review Club met for SHIP'S SHORE! Supple-soft instead of a fiscal year ended on January 31. and changed its method Employees' welfare 560.00 Merchandise sales S 942.15 Mrs. Dorothy Weeks and boys Lee Fund Lights for gateway 126.16 Tuesday evening in the homo of tailoring, mite-size pointed collar... of accounting for the property tax levy by placing the 1953 collec- Football field (Recreation Cost of goods sold 1,147.46 205.31 attended the wedding reception tions in reserve for use in the succeeding year. Lights for other streets 4,813.26 Mrs. R. B. Borgerson. Mrs. D. H. Park) 443.11 Interest on revenue cert. .. 3,183.75 3,389.06 for Clifford Boerema and bride petite center panel... Hashing little Balance In bank. February 1, 1953 S 2 574 93 Rubbish removal 471.20 Oatley reviewed "Jeff" by Paul In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and statements RECEIPTS: 4 in Grandville Saturday evening. pearl buttons. Snowiest white... -H 874.05 Sidewalk rebates 81.50 Hughes. of surplus, revenues, disbursements, income and expense, together Garbage collection 841.40 Net income S 32,219.34 Mrs. Arthur Schneider and From dividends 2,479.35 Miscellaneous street work 9.60 Mrs. Peter O'Neil attended the ever lovely, ever washable. with the notes lo such statements, present fairly the financial posi- Insurance 1,005.07 Judy visited Sunday at the John Curb repairs..... 1.10 Charis Style Show on their for- Sizes 30 to 38. tion of the Village of Lowell at December 31.1953 and the operations Library 528.88 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY Williams home in Grand Rapids. (after giving effect to changes stated in the preceding paragraph) S 5,054.28 Equipment operation and tieth anniversary, Saturday at DISBURSEMENTS: Michigan Municipal League.. 120.00 Statement of Income, Eleven Months Ended December 31, 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Orley Grindle maintenance 599.44 the Pantlind hotel In Grand Rap- One of many new Ship'n Shore's now in stock! for the eleven months then ended , In accordance with accepted Office expense 263.28 spent a few days cf last week principles of governmental accounting. Transferred to general fund for 4-H Street signs 257.71 INCOME: ids. Bank charges 21.74 with friends in Kalamazoo and building pledge $ 2,000.00 Riverside Drive 9.6O Water sales to customers $16,494.45 Ryan, a former resi- EDKINS. STOLTENBERG. NELSON & KUYPER. Parnell supper 113.75 called on ber sister who is very Transferred to general fund for down pay- Street lighting maintenance 93.76 Sewer assessments 3,674.25 dent of Segwun, who is 93 years Certified Public Accountants 6,686.23 ment on land purchased at 4-H fair Printing 1,215.86 Water and sewer connection charges 1,904.00 of age, is a patient in Butter- ill in the hospital there. X marks the spot where Showboat 573.75 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Blough and NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: grounds 500.00 Total operating disbursements Hydrant rental 2,000.00 worth hospital. If any of the res- 2,500.00 Special events (Christmas, $23,953.49 j daughter of Clarksville were Sun- runs can never start... Eleven Months Ending December 31, 1953 Capital disbursements; Sales to Power and Light utility 700.00 idents remember him. a card Easter) 892.12 "day diner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Balance in bank, December 31, 1953 $ 2,554.28 Major street Improvements Miscellaneous 330.82 $25,103.52 would be appreciated. Surety Bonds 174.60 . 3,761.38 A. Change in fi«cal year. The annual accounting period for the Local street improvements Mrs. Harold Otzman who has Nick Kloosterman. Municipal garage, fuel 159.47 55.67 The nominating committee for BERKSHIRE'S Village and Its utilities was changed by the Village Council from Light and Power Debt Retirement Fund DISBURSEMENTS: been caring for her mother, Mrs. Municipal garage, lights 29.75 the Women's Club met Thursday a fiscal year ended January 31, to the calendar year basis, to Total disbursements Superintendent 1,033.62 Orlando Odell since her stroke, Balance, February 1, 1953 $ 16 994 87 Municipal garage, 27,770.54 afternoon with Mrs. Orrin Sterk- facilitate reporting to other governmental units, and to provide / Distribution supplies and expenses 128.24 returned to her home in Detroit, new nylace RECEIPTS: 0.^.0 f maintenance more time between the close of the Village year and the annual 59.70 Excess disbursements over revenues Labor 14.55 Monday. Mrs. Oscar Moore is en. Transfers from general bank account 27,500.00 Unclassified 323.20 .$ 5,310.01 election. As the result of the change, this report covers a period Electric power 2,800.00 with Mrs. Odell at present. toe-ring Old age benefit tax 267.90 HOLD AA OPEN MEETING of eleven months, in which regular monthly expenses generally Insurance 68.70 A. R. McPeak and Mrs. Pansy Old age benefit LIGHT AND POWER UTILITY AT BELDING MARCH 6TH reflect eleven-twelfths of a year while seasonal expenses may be $ 44 494 87 Maintenance: Morse of Detroit, were week end and DISBURSEMENTS: SUttment of Income, Eleven Mentha Ended December 31, 1953 equivalent to a full year's costs. Revenues realized quarterly, administration 26.80 9,718.51 Buildings and grounds 375.20 guests of her aunt, Mrs. Glenn The Greenville and Beldlng Al- OPERATING REVENUES: such as the state sales tax. Include three quarterly Installments! For light and power revenue certificates and Interest 28,183.75 Distribution mains 122.10 Sayles and family. coholics Anonymous units will Income from electric plant leased to others while such items as Intangible tax and highway funds include $ 31,969.92 ..$ 175.00 Electric pumping equipment 222.45 Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kropf and hold a combined open meeting a full year's receipts. Rents Balance in bank, December 31, 1953 $ 16,311.12 Less expense allocation to street funds. .. 1,180.00 680.00 Other pumping equipment 130.86 sons Johnny and Paul visited her on March 6th In the Beldlng Commercial sales B. The 1953 tax levy. The Village held in reserve the collections .....ZZZ .. 26,884.24 Hydrants 457.04 .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dy- High school auditorium, starting Total Operating Disbursements $ 30,789.92 Industrial sales X on the 1953 tax levy for 1954 expenditures, in order to reflect Taxes Receivable December 31,1953 Z..Z.ZZ.'"Z"Z .. 15,146.63 Meters 300.95 gert in Caledonia, Sunday. at 8:00 p. m. as revenue for 1954 the funds required to meet the next year's Capital disbursements; Residential sales .ZZ. Mrs. Keith Tapley, Mrs. Rich- Speaker of the evening will bo Delinquent taxes for 1951 | .. 129,931.00 Reservoir 47.61 disbursements. This change resulted in showing no property 29.50 City Hall $ 66.76 Discounts and penalties collected ZZ." 934.22 Water Works Park 375.28 ard Beimers, Mrs. John Phelps, Emmet C. of Detroit. Anyone Delinquent taxes for 1952 49.00 Servicing customers' installations tax revenue In the report for the eleven months period, and Fire department 23.84 40.00 Connecting water meters 48.12 Mrs. F. J. Ayers, Mrs. Al Dalstra, with an alcoholic problem is wel- Delinquent taxes for 1953 Miscellaneous electric revenues N accordingly an excess of disbursements over revenues. 70.80 Recreation Park 500.00 .ZZZ"ZZ 630.11 Unclassified 136.88 Mrs. Charles Posthumus and Mrs. come to attend. A turnout of Special assessments for 1951 improvement!.!!!..!.ZZ~Z" 823.79 Sales to water and sewer utility These are definitely not suits of the two pant variety. C. Water and Sewer utility. Sanitary sewer construction and 4-H buildings 2,000.00 Z..Z.Z.Z 2,800/(0 Advertising ; 35.64 N. I. Grimwood went to the over 400 from all parts of the maintenance was transferred to the water department to form Sales to Village for street lighting Office equipment 125.00 2.715.60 ..ZZZ.....Z .. 4,800.00 Office supplies and expense 17.43 Grand Rapids Stadium Thursday rlate Is expected to be on hand. a water and sewer utility. Revenues were provided by a grad- $ 973.09 Loss on experimental water well ... 1,467.83 night to see the Hippodrome. No, these are luxuriously tailored fabrics that have uated charge added to water bills which began with the third Total revenues GENERAL FUND Total Disbursements 33,505.52 $182,021.20 Sewer repairs 1,841.17 Mr. and Mrs. John Cash of ON AND OFF THE FARM quarter of 1953 In addition, connecting charges were established New Hudson, spent the week end More than half of the world's been selected from the best offerings of the greatest Revenues and Disbursements, Eleven Months Ended Dec. 31, 1953 OPERATING EXPENSES; and water rates increased about 20%. Excess disbursements over revenues $ 8,780.72 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hydraulic generation; $ 9,623.67 labor forre, some 530 million men Now the news is REVENUES: Ralph Mullen. Their son Jeff and women, are engaged in agri- Station labor $6,896.03 Depreciation: mills in the land. They represent the subtle, casual Berkshire's Nylace FUND BALANCES AND TAXES RECEIVABLE Delinquent taxes collected j g^jg STREET FUND 2,538.84 who stayed with his grandparents culture ... In the U. S.. at least, Hydraulic labor 4.90 Water works Eleven Months Ending December 31, 1953 Sales Revenues and Disbursements, Eleven Months Ended Dec. 31, 1953 "1 2,414.10 14,576.61 while his parents were In Texas, more farm girls than boys move Toe-Ring. It stops all ^ - — Z-Z- 11,919^04 Supplies and expense 108.81 Sewers and sewer equipment styling that well dressed men search for anu the returned home with them Sun- toe runs that rob your Intangibles tax ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ: *2M.59 REVENUES: / Maintenance; to the city In the teen ages—but Road Fund Liquor tax Operating Income — $10,526.91 day. by age 20, boys leave the farm In legs of glamour .. . just 995.35 State funds for M-21 j 1,474.91 Structures and extra trousen are there for the well dressed man Fines Mr. and Mrs. John Phelps and larger numbers than girls. as the famous Nylacc Balance In bank February 1,1953 $ 13 349 39 ZZZ"".Z 1.766.40 State funds for major streets 9,523.87 Improvements 1,760.16 OTHER DEDUCTION: Licenses Interest on water works bonds 700.00 children visited Sunday after- RECEIPTS: 388.00 State funds for local streets Reservoirs, dams and Top ends all garter runs! Cash Discounts earned ZZ IZZZZZZ"! 5!752!32 noon at the Harvey Phelps home Try a Ledger want ad for best who Just happens to be hard on his clothes. Interest on U. S. Government bonds 575.00 15.97 Blacktop and sewer permits 81.00 waterways 520.79 And it all adds up to a Transfers from Lee Fund ZZZ..". in Cedar Springs. 2,500.00 Prime movers and Net Income $ 9,826.91. results. totally new kind of that City hall rents Gas tax refunds ' 184^59 Balance in bank, December 31, 1953 $ 13,924.38 25.00 Interest on U. S. Government bonds 575 00 generators 610.60 gives you longer wear, even at its Building permits ZZZZZZ""ZZ " ZZ Extra Pants — $16.50 86.00 Authorized contribution from Village utility 4,868.84 Accessory electric THE STORY OF PATSV $60 SAMB sheerest. Only in Berkshire Motor Vehicle Highway Fund Library building apartment rents .Z..Z..Z..ZZZZ 492.50 equipment 556.06 YOU BET 1 LIKE IT/TOO- THE COAL AS ^it: buvWTSYSTOKER COAL mon , this fabulous 2-way Interest on U. S. Government bonds 218.75 Total revenues Miscellaneous power plant 7th ERE9 A | BEAT NOBODY MOUSE 6TAV8 CLBAN Balance in bank, February 1, 1953 $ Authorized contribution from Village utility $ 22.460.53 LOT OF VOU TO LONGRR AND NO protection against runs! Proporlionod 7,156.09 1,635.67 DISBURSEMENTS: equipment 609.92 w,, l RECEIPTS: Rent from 4 H building. $11,067.27 bubningt/ - Other All-Worsted Suits — from $39.75 727.00 M21: WINTER IT/HONEY! •^SWITCH HE MATTER HOW COLp lengths. Newest shades. I From state for major streets Townships for fire LEFT - PHONED IT IS OUTBIDE WERE 9,523.87 protection...!.Z"!Zl.ZZ.ZZZ^"^Z" 500.00 Maintenance $ 178.60 FROM From state for local streets Miscellaneous Diesel generation: Hadn't FOR A 5,752.32 106.35 Painting 327.38 ALWAYS COMFORTABLE, Station labor :....$13.945.96 WC BETTER RE-FILL PATSY STOKER Patching 77.20 C. H. ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE SALES TAX Total Revenues Engine fuel 49,462.40 RC-ORDER THIS $ 22,432.28 .$ 24,724.80 Snow removal 104.30 COAL./rs THE THATS BECAUSE DISBURSEMENTS: DISBURSEMENTS Lubricants 2,923.16 COAL? MORNING &E9TI Storm sewer 114.60 IS OVER 97% PORE Transferred to general fund bank account for General officers: Station supplies and Supplies 70.69 COAL-ALL HEAT- str^f dlibunements 14,309.15 Assessor $ expense 606.13 Runciman 300.00 Sweeping 1,162.00 Attorney 933,35 Water ...» 700.00 HARDLV ANY ASH Truck operation and 1 Maintenance; Balance in bank, December 31, 1953 $ 8,123.13 C "* ! 2,160.00 maintenance 293.61 Treasurer 237.80 I 2,328^8 Structures and improvements ...... 479.87 Company K^oons PHONE 9201 - LOWELL. MICH. 219 W. Main St., Lowell — Phone 5577 THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICH., MARCH 4, 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloomer and Explorer Scouts Conduct VFW Auxiliary Visits VFW Auxiliary Sponson Ricky of Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Blaser of Lowell were P. T. A. Speaker Enlightens Heaters First Ald-O-Ree Mar. 15 Veterans at Facility Classes in First Aid Moseley-Murray Lake Star Corners luncheon and evening guests. At a recent meeting of the Tucscwy evening, February 23, Would you like to take a class Used Baby Carriages are Cash on Wheels When Advertised In the Want Ads Mrs. Eva Engle Mrs. Ira Blough Mr. and Mrs. Clair Kauffman On Problems Confronting SchoolsSout h Kent District Health and 1054, fourteen members and one in First Aid? Perhaps you have and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. I YOUNG JERSEY COWS for FINEST SILVERPLATE Quality THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH., MARCH 4, 192* As speaker for the P. T. A. on whereby a structure might be Safety Committee, It was decided guest of the VFW Auxiliary to already taken such a course, but sale. Due to freshen soon. C. W. that gives you more for every Frank Kauffman and family at- that Explorer Scouts will be plac- Fiat River Post 8303 of Loweii, because of the number of Inter- For Sale — General Real Estate For Sale Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pratt of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dawson, Wednesday, February 24, W. W. erected during the next few Johnson, miles East Sweet dollar. Nat lonal advertised Lowell Ledger WANT AD PAGE tended a shower in honor of Mr. visited the Veteran's Facility in vening years and changes in Mosely and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mr. and Mrs. Don Bobbins, Mr. months that could be used as ajed In charge of the South Kent Scboolhouse. Telephone Lowell brands, $1 down $1 weekly Avery CASH RATE: 20 words 50c, additional words 2c each. If not TODAY S EGG PRICES and Mrs. Edward Kauffman at Gumser enlightened the audience Giand Rapids under the leader- TRIPLEX &-ROOM OIL BURNER REAL ESTATE SERVICE—Wm. Pratt of Sparta, arc spending a fnd Mrs. David Hoffman and garage eventually, but which blstrlct First Aid-O-Ree. This methods, you would like to take 6266. p45 Jewelers, Lowell. c37tf paid on or before 10 day« after Insertion, a charge of 10c Good Things to Eat the Henry Kauffman home Sat- as to some of the problemf con- ship of Hospital chairman F. tor sale. 126 .00. Phone evenlnga A. Armstrong, 26 years experi- Nest Run At the Farm month in Florida. family enjoyed warm sugar at could bo used by the shop and intertroop first aid contest will a refresher course. If so, the for bookkeeping will be made. urday evening. between 6 and 7 o'clock, Lowell ence. Specializing in good farms fronting the Board of Education. musical departments temporarily, take place at Godwin High school Hendrlck. Four members vlslt- VFW Auxiliary of Lowell has "INSURANCE THAT PAYS" is SIMPLE AS A-B-C! No matter FREEZER OWNERS Custom Large Mrs. Emma Cummings of Sar- the Freeman Hoffman home &«oe. p40 BOX NUMBER: If box number in care of this office !• and suburban. Phone Rockford The discussion centered about the relieving the high scJiool build- on Monday evening, March 15, de thoughout the hospital leav- arranged with the Red Cross our motto. We have all kinds of what you want to sell, buy or meat service. Wholesale rates. anac, spent from Thursday until Thursday evening. trade, or maybe you have a desired, add 50c to above. 7-1203 or write Ada, R. 2. c47tf needs for providing additional ing of space which could be used 1954. ing small gifts for those who chapter of Grand Rapids to pre- insurance for your protecUon, Weaver's AfU Market. Phone 42c Dozen Sunday with her nlcce Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Heasley ISO LEGHORN HENS for i&le. house or apartment for rent. If ALL ERRORS In telephoned advertisements at sender's risk. Cowling facilities for the Increase in en- for another grade or two. Boys become Explorer Scouts were bed ridden and unable to at- sent such a course to anyone In and prompt Claim Service for Ada 3511. c23lf Brown Eggs 2 Cents Lew Chris Kropf. Mr. and Mrs. Gene end daughter were Sunday even- About 9 moi.; laying 100%. Ph. your losses. Peter Speerstra you have lost or found some- RATES are based strictly on uniform Want Adv. Style. Farm Loans rollments which are in the offing. The matter of site or sites, or automatically upon reaching the tend the evening of games or- or near Lowell who may be in- Lowell 974S.. p45 Kropf were Sunday guests at the ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Agency, 930 West Main St., Low. thing, whatever your problem OUT-OF-TOWN advertltementa must be accompanied by ro 4% Interest — Long Term. Nat'L If I don't win fame soon. It Kleinheksel Farm Service The financial status of the dis- the exact nature of the proposed age of 14. These boys will as- ganized for the enjoyment of terested. Kropf home and Mrs. Cummings Woudstra of Grand Rapids. ell Phone 9281. c48tf call Lowell 9281. A Ledger Want mlttance. Farm Loan Ass'n., 1048 Leonard will be too late. Alto Phone 2193 McCords, Mich. News trict Including facts and problems elementary building have not sume complete charge of the those confined to the hospital. GERMAN SHEPARD PUPPIES- returned to Saranac with them. Ad will do the trick. p44 — After P. M. Phone 9973. Copy for St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Miles Shaffer. relative to the costs of construct- First Ald-O-Ree, as part of the Those who could played games Classes Monday Evening A. K. C. Rtgiiierad. Sola o r 6:00 Mrs. Alice Wingeier of Hast- been determined. Electors will HARVEST YOUR OWN CROP of Ads on Thia Page Must Be In Ledger nM. 0-42.1/ Arnold Shaffer and the latter's ing a new elementary school were Explorer service program. This aslsted by the other ten and won t.-adr Call Alto tfST. C4&-48 WHY MAKE MONEY for othero ings is visiting her sisters Mrs. SPARKETTE LEAGUE be kept informed and Will be The classes will be held every results by using a Lodger Ad. Phone 9261Offic e Before Noon Wednesday. sister and husband of Davison, covered In detail. is the first time in the Grand Val- their small prizes. Save that money by using Mich- NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed bids Rob. and Mrs. Gus Wingeier. asked for their ideas. Monday evening from 7 to 9 p. HAVE W 8TUDEBAKER '41 and Get extra cash by selling those igan ArUficial Breeders Co-op Mich., enjoyed Saturday in the Tuesday, February 26 4 ley Council that Explorer Scouts Those who attended enjoyed will be accpeted for the sale of Wayne Blaser and Wilbur Pur- It was pointed out that there m. at the VFW hall for a series '42 Ford for aale. Will consider "don't wants" around atUc or NOTICE—Place subscriptions to Used Cars sugar hush with their uncle Fran- themselves very much, even proven bull service. A non-profit WINDOW SHADES and curtain the Moore Residence located at dy attended John Deere Day at Tuesday night saw first place were only eighteen less children Now available Is a new solvent have undertaken such a task. of about twelve weeks. The only aelllng parts. Call Lowell SdOO or garage. Inexpensive way to ad- organization that pays dividends. The Grand Rapids Herald, now rods. All sizes and colors, phone cis Shaffer and wife. though the few who went •ee at 702 N. Washington. c-4B vertise. Lowell phone 9261. p-45 411 E. Main st., Lowell, until 3 1952 Plymouth Club Cpe. Beldlng. Monday. Hotpoints taking 2 games and m the schools last September resisting coating for paper, leath- cost to anyone attending will be Wby pay more and get less! For or renewal, with their subscrip- Lowell 5391, Roth & Sons Co. Mar. 15. 1984. Further details VOOJO Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seese were ta p ns rom through the hospital had several Born to Mr. and Mrs, Clayton w 'i ' ' State Bank with than the year before even though er, rubber, etc. It is described as A man should never be asham- purchase of a First Aid book details and service call Clayton tion agent, Mrs. Frank Ruegseg- c-21tf may be obtained at Moore's 1951 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and uncertain moments when the ele- Plymouth! tngle a 3 pound 13 ounce daugh- Marilynne Kelley leading the 'over sixty children had left to a specially plastlclzed, roomtenv ed to own he has been in the 'about 60 cents) and a triangu- Heffron, Grattan 4397 or George er. Phone 5441. c44-48 Lunch Room, Lowell, Michigan. Mrs. Phillip Seese and Larry, \ator in which they were riding 600 BALES WHEAT STRAW for 1950 Chrysler CI. Cpe. ter. Helen Mary, at the Osteo- way for the winners with 477- enter St. Marys School. It was perature curing phenolic resin wrong, which is but saying in lar bandage which may be either Smith, Grattan 4458. " p-4B Rights reserved to reject any or Karen Thompson spent Satur- stuck between the third and sec- Speerstra's FOR THE BEST BREEDING sale. Call Lowell 9443. c48 pathic hospital in Grand Rapids. 181 followed by Vern Rogers' also pointed out that the census which yields a flexible glossy other words that he is wiser to- made or purchased. If you are all bids. c-48 1948 Chevrolet CI. Cpe. day with Susie Hoffman. ond floors. However, the ladles Service in the U. S., you had bet- h^adquarten tor value 3 Feb. 21st. Mrs. Engle returned} ''49, Clara Calller's 440, Isabel shows that for the next five years film. day than he was yesterday. Interested In this course, please 1953 Int. /4-ton Pickup Mr. and Mrs. Francis .Seese re- managed to get out of the elevat- ter use ABS. Their sires are TO SETTLE ESTATE offers tak- home Friday but the baby will Swift 's 135. Charlotte Gardner there will be an excess of sixty get In touch with Mrs. Harold ORDER YOUR TWINE Wanted en on 120 acre productive farm. celved a message from Florida, or and carried the remaining -Dependable Used Cars- proven to be in the groove. Bet- These Cars are Fully Recondit- remain at the hospital for was high for State Bank with local children In the kindergarten Kelley at Lowell, phone 5572 or Clay loam soli, good pasture. Lo- stating the death of their uncle More Milk to Consumer Aids Farmer ter Bull Service for less. The ioned and Guaranteed 436. 2nd place Runclmans lost j which has been true for the past gifts In their arms as the cart Mrs. Claude Ridgway at Lowell, 1051 Plymouth 4-Or. Sedan 1953 Dodge Club Coupe cation 3034 McCabe rd. % mlle a while. Louis Colllngs whose home was TODAY! only 100% proved sire service WALLS, WOODWORK and ceil- three points to Rlttengers and three years. Ifi other words there had to remain on the elevator. Mrs. Lea Purdy and daughter phone 5756 as soon as possible 1050 Plymouth 4 Or. Sedan with overdrive available to Michigan farmers. ings cleaned. Free estimates on south of Parnell rd. Phone in Grand Rapids where funeral thus dropped to fourth place, will continue to be a sufficient Reduces Existing Dairy Surpluses To help these confined veterans Grand Rapids 58920 or 430 E. Pat. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tlbbits services were held Saturday af- for It is hoped to begin these 1047 Plymouth 2-Dr. Sedan 1052 Dodge Club Caupe G. E. Wittenbach, Phone Lowell request. Guaranteed work. Grand Dorothy Wykoski nad 428 for number of children for years to end to give them an hour or so Top Grade 2- HO Twine Franklin st. c-44-45 McQueen Motor Co of Grand Rapids, were Sunday ternoon. Farmers facing sharp cuts in consumers," suggests Dr. Gerald classes within the next week or 1051 Chevrolet Bol-Alr 1051 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan 9462. C44-47 Rapids Phone 84709. c-43-46 Runcimans. fill two rooms for each grade. cf entertainment is one of the Lowell Phon' 5713 guests at the Wilbur Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Clare Porrltt of G. Quackenbush. 'Then, con- two and at least twenty people 432 KENT ST., VILLAGE OF Martins took four points from It was also stated that there are mllk.piices could use aid of mark- greatest alms of the VFW posts 1048 Chevrolet Aero 2-Dr. 1040 Dodge 2-Dr. LAWN MOWER GRINDING, saw home. sumers will be given an opportun- must sign up to take the course Lowell. 7 room house, can be South Bowne, spent Wednesday the Red Peppers and moved Into only thirty-five non-resident chil- eting agencies and consumers in and auxiliaries and these fifteen 1047 Chevrolet 2-Dr. 1040 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan BUILDING TO MOVE! filing, retoothing, gumming, tools Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruegseg- evening at the Nash-Miller home. ity to buy the Increased milk sup- for it to be continued. So if you S10.50 used as 2-famlly. Brick concrete 2nd place. Thelma Poole was dren in grades Kindergarten to reducing dairy surpluses, points ladies enjoyed their evening as 1047 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan sharpened, handles put in and siding, good roof, large corner per were Sunday callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Ivan K, Blough plies that are available." ere interested in taking a First 104® Chevrolet 4-Dr. Bids will be taken to sell the high for Martins with 461-176 fol- Sixth—from three closed districts, much as the patients. It is hoped per bale, cash price. chain saws sharpened. Gee's lot. $3800 on easy terms. Bar- HERE'S WHAT YOUR Albert Ruegsegger home near, d family were Sunday dinner out a Michigan State College ag- "This didn't happen In the 1952 Aid course, you are urged to con- 1050 Ford Deluxe 2-Dr. 1048 Olds "8" Club Sedan old Alto Fire Barn on Klrby an lowed by Evelyn Tucker's 434. The local community is definitely that soon again another such Payable at Time Hardware. Dennie's Mower and gain for man who can do his Saranac. ricultural economist. -53 period," explains the MSC tact one of these ladles as soon Street In Alto. To be removed Saw Service. Mile west of Low- 'and afternoon guests at the Ira Highland Hill took three points confronted with a need lor ad party may be planned. of Delivery own repair work, or to fix up Mrs. Wayne Blaser accompan- Blough home. Dairy surpluses In government farm economist. "Farm prices of as possible. Both men and wo- We have some real nice Pre-War Cars in good from the premises by May ell, Ph. 5674. c48tf ditional quarters for the children for rental. M. J. Clark Memorial ied her brother Ed. Compagner from Pete's led by Cora Storm- storage brought a decision to cut milk dropped 13 to 15 per cent men of any age are welcome and 1, 1954. This Is a cement Mrs. Alma Mlshler attended fu- Zand's 417. in the elementary grades. The Braided Latex Clothesline driving condition, as well as several good 'As Is' WANTED TO BUY—Good used Home, 1846 Sherman S. E., OLDSMOBIIi DEALERS pnd wife, to Kalamazoo Sunday neral services for Louis Colllngs support prices on April 1 from 90 from 1952 to 1953, but retail pric- urged to participate. Wittenbach Sales & Serv. block building approx. 24x16 Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Tel. existing facilities are filled to A clothesline for travelers or sewing machine. 726 Lafayette where they visited their mother at Grand Rapids Saturday after- Running Fight for Top per cent down to 75 per cent of es of dairy products dropped only Cheapies. frame roof, cement floor. CH 3 1382, evenings CH 38684. capacity except for one usable use In the home weighs but an West Main St. Lowell St., Lowell. p45 Mrs. Compagner. noon and was an overnight guest It's still a running fight be- parity. Parity is a ratio based on 1 or 2 per cent. Practically all Portable Pest Killer Sealed bids must be submit- c-48tf room and if additional space is ounce and is only a few Inches in SAFETY TEST Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pratt of of Mr. and Mrs. George Vander tween the Levee-ettes, who are what farm products will buy. of the decrease in farm prices A portable fog-making unit ted to Harold Metternick, AUCTION SALES-Phone George not provided by September, 1955, An Increase In dairy products length, but it stretches up to 1953 DODGE V4-ton PICKUP VanderMeulen. Auctioneer, Dut- Grand Rapids, are staying at the Meer. On Sunday they called on top team and the Watson Pills. is ke went into increased marketing lhat atomizes standard pesticides Secretary of the Alto School \i ki u l' ly that some children will eight feet. Items to be dried DO ROOTS— your sewer? ton 5871. and set your date. He Hastings Livestock Sales Ed. Pratt home during the lat- Mrs. Mamie Stahl at Pennock being used could relieve farmers margins. Consumers received ^nd fumigants into a dense, Dlst. by March 10, 1954. The MEANS TO Y0UI ^ be attending school on h.,f day are inserted between two strands Tree roots grow faat In winter. will help you plan your sale, February 26, 1954 ter's absence. of 173, and Edna Phillips had from a serious cost-price squeeze. no benefit, and instead of the in- board reserves the right to hospital at Hastings. Also called I sessions." clinging fog that kills insect and Remember, a used car is only as good as the deal- Use Parsons Special "Sewer Root prepare and place your publicity "A plea can be made to market- creased milk supplies going to of braided rubber. A loop on refuse or reject all bids. Feeder Pigs $11.00-133.00 Mrs. Eva Kropf is spending a on Mrs. Emma Roush. high series of 440 total pins. ba terial life weighs just 30 Killer," 10 lb. can fl.96 (a can where it helps most, and help Many well-meaning citizens ing agencies—processors, whole- consumers, they went to the gov- each end permits attaching it to c43 — 45 Top Calves ..$27 00-29.25 few weeks in Grand Rapids, car- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stahl and Watson Pills had high total pounds filled and can be carried er selling it to you — our cars are always priced today may save you 178 later.) you got the best results. Van- salers,'"and retailers—to pass the door knobs or hooks. Anyone Seconds $20.00-$27.00 ing for a sick lady. Donald were Tuesday evening pins of 1839. The girls on the have frequently asked why non- ernment under the price support by a shoulder strap by one per- Sold by Watson Drugs, Lowell, derMeulen knows^ values. p45 staying in hotels or motels will right, honestly represented and each one is Common and Culls $ 7.00-$20.00 Burial services were held Fri- visitors at the Clair Kauffman Petty-Kay Shop team have real- resident high school students entire drop in farm prices on to program." . Mich. c-44-2 FOR SALE3—Corn, Oats, Hay find continuous use for it. son. Lambs $19.50-$21.40 should be welcomed and encour- /;traw, all kinds. Amos Sterzick. WATER TANKS WANTED—Any day at Alton for Mrs. Carrie home. Sunday dinner guests ly been doing well lately. backed by our reputation for 27 years of square Sneep — $ 5.00-$ 9.00 aged to enter Lowell High School. SAVE MONEY, subscribe to ANY Phone Alto 4701. c42-4B size. Call E. Caroy, Lowell Ford Allen, sister of Fred Ford. were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown Young Beef $14.00-$20.20 LOWELL JILLS It was shown that at present dealing for your guarantee of satisfaction. magazine. Several March spec- phone 5015. p45 She was a resident of Fremont, and daughter of Holland. Even- ials. Price quoted or folders Beef Cows $ 8.00-$12.80 Tuesday, Feb. 23 there are only 130 boys and girls REPLACEMENT Electric Range Mich. i ing guests were Mr. and Mrs. mailed on request by Hearst WANTED—WILL PAY CASH for Bulls $10.80-$14.60 from Open Friday and Saturday nights until 9:00 for burners for all makes. Clar'* Richard Fairchilds of Alto. Runclman Farmerettes took District No. 1 (Lowell) In Magazines' representative, Mrs. Fletcher, Phone 9390. c37tf Old China and Glass-ware, Kero- Top Hogs $28.00-$28.30 A Ledger want ad will do the Sunday afternoon visitors at all four points from Paul's Drive the upper four grades which your convenience. Frank Ruegaeger. Phone 8441. sene lamps or parts. Old Penny Ruffs $20.00-$23.30 would job. the A. E. Wingeier home were Inn and also had high, 2003. team mean that there would be c-44-48 DRAPERIES, sup covers, 600 oat- Banks, Mustache and Shaving Bears $18.20-$2t00 HERE'S scries for the night. Vera Loesch !no opportunity for a desirable terns, custom or yardage, trav- Cups, Old Dolls any shape. Will Top Calf....$29.28 Shop PUREBRED GILT SALE-C. H. had a 422 serie*- and Grace Par- program of studies for high erse rods; cornices. Phone 422 buy one piece or a house full. Shirley Rltzman, Hastings, R.2 • mn sc Runclman Implement Bldg., Lo- for appointment. American Ven- rish had a 164-421 series for hool students. Secondly, it was Call after 6:00 p. m.. Grand Rap- Top Hogs WHERE YOU • IRftKiS well, Michigan; March 10, 1984, eUan Blind Mfg., Ionia. c28tf Ids 6-3373. C45-6 Floyd Noffke, Mlddlevllle, R. 1 Runcimans. Superior Furniture pointed out that space in the high Speerstra Motor Sales 0 ITIIHIHC THOMPSON'S MEAT PROCESSING 1:30 p. m. West Michigan Swine Albert Green, Mlddlevllle R. 3 001 • (Formerly Gould's Garage) next league leader spilt 2 and 2 s^ building, in general, is not Breeders Ass'n. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING—Curtlas MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wanted CAN BUY YOUR [J CRCilll G. R. "Butch" Thompson with Christiansen Photographers satisfactory or ample for grade Candy Company Farm. Home of to care for rhildron while mother C IliCTRICAl mTIM Sanitary 930 W. Main St., Lowell Phone 9281 FOR SALE—Ten good used bath- N. Washington St., Lowell Ph. 9308 or 5722 winning total pins with 1851. purposes. In the third place, it national and international cham- works. Stay In. Call Ada 5296 JOLLY HUSTLERS 4H SAFETY-TESTED tubs, lavatories, sinks, and stools, pions. Your herd sires. For Dorthy Nash rolled a 433 for was contended that the boys and YOUR DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DEALER after six o'clock. p45 cheap. Grattan Standard Station. prompt, efficient service call A business meeting was held Superior. girls from the surrounding terri-j 1 Phone 4406. c45-47 either Clarence Pitsch, Grand WANTED—A Heavy Drop Leal at the C. C. Floyd residence on USED CARI King Milling Company got tory must have an opportunity table. Phone 5029. c48 for an Save $ $ $ Rapids GL-4-8407 or 739011, or Feb. 18. where the turkey project MEAT, cut, wrapped in locker paper, shot in the arm by taking aili education and that their Clifford Evans Lake Odessa 6033, at,endance ln was discussed and also the pan- four points from Weavers Korn I Lowell helps to Clarksville 3781. c37tf Oiler [maintain a real community. Con- with coupon cake supper at Bostwick Lake. Kribbers, Reathel Waldron had Hfto MertM tmyti Y»u nssd only A fountain-pen-like oiler is 3c per pound sidering the matter from purely] PURE GRANULATED BABY COMFY SAFE—auto seat, A demonstration in table man- al 175-440 series and Lura Strouse ens flour for all your baking... 25 lbs. available which makes it possible ners was given by Mary Alexan- ^ OLDSMOBILE DEALER a selfish point of view, it was re- maple high chair with plastic tray had a 154-401 series for Kings. J and stroller. All like new condi- for garagemen. sportsmen, me der and June Preston, also a lect- vealed that the Lowell Board ofj Bob's Cities Service of Saranac chanics, and others to have oil at A COMPLETE CUSTOM MEAT Education—a year ago—received $1.86 tion. Phone 9262 Lowell and ask ure on "Good Grooming" was took all four points from Chris- about these Items. p45, 46, 47 their fingertips, and is guaran- given by Susie Potter. Mrs. 1951 Pontioc 2 Door Hydramotic $85,810 for 314 non-resident stud- SERVICE FOR YOUR FREEZER. SATISFACTION tiansen Drugs with a 1968 team 5 teed noi to leak. It can be car- Floyd served refreshments of ice Sugar >-39c 2Slbs. ents and $106,000 for 538 resident i FOR SALE—Baby crib, Storkline, sories,_Poris Beuktma had a ried in coveralls or clipped to the cream and cake, candy and mints 1951 Dodge 4-Door GUARANTEED s, dents in din g all of the ,0 7 year size, maple in good con- 159-443 series and Frances Hart-| " — £!" t 11 - with $5.00 purchase $2.09 shirt pocket. The unbreakable and Kool ade. A number of flash cal taxes. The Lowell Schools dition $27.00. Stroller S4.60 AB er had a 146-410 series. tenlte plastic case in which the pictures were taken. 1947 Chevrolet couldn't be run without the non- Electric range 4 burner white oiler comes can be imprinted. Susie Potter. Reporter. residents unless local tax-payers •rr S35.00 Items may be seen weft of Ada. Phone Grand Rapids 1951 Olds Super SB 4-Door would raise in excess of an addi- BIG VALUE PARADE 9-6712 or 9-95131 c45 tional ten mills for operating pur- 1ie " 1949 Olds 98 with Rocket Engine, just overiiauled poses! It was also shown that the HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 2 for 49c 2 ELECTRIC CHICK BROODERS Only transfer of tuition monies from HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 6 for 69c for sale. Large size. A. G. Odell, You'll Always 1950 Dodge 1/2Ton Pickup the general fund to the building Lowell Phone 5497. p45 and site fund and for the actual , HEINZ CUCUMBER PICKLES 2 for 49c KRAFT VELVEETA HAY AND STRAW for sale. Phone 1948 Chevrolet /2-ton Pickup payment of the grade building NEW! Lowell 5742. A. C. Blaser, p45 Stay in Tune has been in excess of $100,000 YiDUR over a period of years. RICHER! SOUSED AGAIN, but If they're With Reliable Everyone of these units is a fine piece of used "Financial Conditions" Wolverine Shell Horsehlde work equipment... not a "clunker" in the lot of them. Produce Dept. Specials CHEESE CRISPER! they'll dry soft, stay soft. , . . Ujed Carj and Trucks are given a rigid ln« The electors voted a five mill Coons. FBRD ?p«tion and tune-op by expert mechanici before levy in 1951 for Building and Site Auto Service purposes, authorizing the Board PHOTOGRAPHS, Anniversaries, they con role the A-1 flicker from your Ford 2 ibs. 85c birthdays, banquets, showers or of Education lo, "purchase real 31c Our service specialists know Dealer! Cooking Onions gatherings of any type may be Wittenbach Sales & Service estate for sites and for the con- photograpbed day or night. Ph. j their autos from bumper to struction or repair of school build- West Main St., Lowell Phone 9207 DEALER 3 Cello. Bag-OHLY 15c MULLERS 5718 for an appointment with i bumper . . . know how to WIDER SELECTION! ings." A report was submitted by Bill Christiansen, Photographer, j Mr.Gumser showing the follwing CAKE SPECIAL FRESHLY BAKED c45' keep your car singing the Your Ford Dealer gets a huge variety of cars—all receipts since 1951: Grade 1 Florida Red right tune always! Make it can give STOP MOTH WORRIES by using I models and all mokes—as tiade-ins on new Fords! Taxes $31,124.73 a habit to drive in regular- Besides this wider choice you get. . . Transfer from General BERLOU five-year guaranteed I Moth Spray. Rent an electric • ONE ly, and you'll save time, Fund Tuition 30,000.00 New Potatoes 5 •35c ANGEL FOOD sprayer. Roth & Sons Co., Lowell, i trouble and money in the you/ILL Showboat 3,000.00 c46l LOWEST POSSIBLE TERMS! Sale of South Ward 800.00 Juicy, Sweet 4-H Teaches Citizenship long run. Others 943.75 HALLMARK GREETING CARDS Your Ford Dealer is in the used car business as a STOP lb. big RINGS 33c For every occasion that calls for service to new cor customers. He doesn't depend remembrance, for a friendly "Hiese $65,868.48 Florida Oranges 5 36< Reg. Price 39c — SAVE 6c on used car profits lo stay in business. That mean> There is about $6,000 still due This is what one young ^H'er I try to learn new ways of tying greeting, a word of good cheer, he can sell to you at "rock bottom" prices! from current taxes. Expenditures or an expression of sympathy. SEtm HEIM'S A Hallmark Card Is thought ful- were as follows: wrote on "What Citizenship her for grazing. This is "initiative." ness personified! Available at Purchase of four houses and - SAVE EVERY DAY - Means to Me": Giving her plenty of feed, bed- TEXACO SERVICE USED YOUR FORD DEALER'S High Quality Meat Values! CbrlhUojisen Drug Store. c45 Lots $22,136.56 OVEN-GLO "Enriched" ding, and exercise develops "in- E. Main SL, Lowell Ph. 9225 A-1 USED CARS AND TRUCKS Improvements to Home Due io the high cost of pork, we suggest you I'm learning the meaning of citi- NORGE REFRIGERATOR for Economics House 11,530.84 dustry and dependability." Caring sale. New unit just installed. Will ARE: buy Beef ... Choice, Aged Beef, Guaranteed BREAD Large 20-oz. loaf 17c zenship by adventure ... an ad- for my sisters' calves is "cooper- sell very reasonably. Phono Low- $33,667.40 Tender! venture with a Holstein calf, which ation" or "helpfulness." ell 8640. c48 This leaves an actual balance my father gave me for a 4-H proj- NAPKINS—Printed for weddings, m/ CONDmON ! of $32,231.08 in the fund with CHOICE AGED Grooming my calf regularly and anniversaries, and cocktail par- LOOK WHAT'S HERE! ect. I'm trying to do a good job and $6,000.00 more to be collected cur- C training her to pose for Show Day ties. Wide selecUon of styles and rently. There is a total indebted- of raising her, so 1 can make mon- colors. Priced from $2.00 a hun- MULLER'S new Bake 'n Serve is what my 4-H leader calls "no- dred, Also book matches printed /A/ APPEARANCE! ness of $15,500 in outstanding lb. ey without being a nuisance in my bonds on the grade building but ticing details". And finishing my with name or initials. Lowell no special levy was ever voted CliuckRoast43 & home or neighborhood. Ledger, Phone 9261, Lowell. p44tf USED calf chores in time for school is to pay for these bonds. The re- ALL CHOICE CUTS GUARANTEED watch repairing placeable value of the buildings "promptness." IN VALUE ! C I have been told how important by an expert. Jewelry repaired in excess of $600,000 and the CHOICE AGED # 4% Faulty Re to look like new. Avery Jewelers. TRUCK amount of insurance carried is it is to keep her from getting With the adventure I have car- c38tf ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE IN about $500,000—on buildings that • Ready to bake, in re-tuable tin loose on the neighbors' fields or ing for my calf, "citizenship" originally cost the taxpayer a net MODERNIZE YOUR ELECTRIC • Not frozen: keep* 2 week* in refrigerator the public road. My parents call range with an ultra high speed # 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door Heefiine amount of less than $190,000, not doesn't look like such a forbidding DEALER S REPUTATION! rocket unit. Call Clark Fletcher, • • including interest. Steaks - O # • Juicy fruit fiUingt... rich, flaky cruet that "civic responsibility." word after all! We Salute 4-H buying Phone 9390. Lowell. c37tf # 1947 Plymouth 4-Door Your Ford Dealer is a reputable business man, hert "Building Plans" to stay. He wants your trust because he wants yow CARTER'S DOG FOOD, 28 lb. bag To build for the future it will # 1950 Chevrolet 4-Door with Powerglide for o service customer—and someday he hopei ttt FRESH FISH For Lent $2.18 at Weaver's Ada Market 4-H Club members know the pride of be necessary to erect a structure c23tf •ell you o brand-new carl Short Ribs of Beef 15n, /Wvarttages of some fifteen rooms. This will FRESH CLEANED SMELT... PERCH... During 4-H Club Week, Mar. 6-14, We're Hap- # 1950 Dodge 4-Deor ownership . . . which in turn develops a TRUSSES—Trained fitter, surgical be the minimum to take cure of NORTHERN PIKE... WHITE RSH ... OYSTERS. growing sense of adult responsibility. To L _ y the local children. This pre-sup- Midi, grade 1 appliances, etc. Kosa Rexall # 1950 Chevrolet 2-Door with Powerglide py to Extend Hearty Congratulations to Our Drugs, Saranac, Mich. c39tf poses that the rural districts im- Ring Bologna 29i a youth organization of such outstanding #1951 Chevrolet Dlx. 2-Dr. Sedan mediately adjacent to Lowell will #1953 Ford V8 Custom 2-Dr. Sedan. FRESH LEAN MAKE SANITARY YOUR RSH HEADQUARTERS Local 4-H Club Members and Their Leaders. SAVE $ $ $ $ worth, our sincere compliments—during with Fordomatic send their seventh and eighth #1950 Chevrolet Dlx. 4-Dr. Sedan, graders to the local school. If a CHAIN SAWS 1953 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 4.DOOR 4-H Club Week, Mar. 6-14, and through- certain policy is put Into effect, it 3 lbs. SI .05 391 #1952 Ford V8 Custom 2-Dr. Sedan with Powerglide Ground Beef out the year. is likely that the existing grade Ocean Perch Fillets 1% TITAN Beautiful two-tone green finish. A one owner #1952 Ford V8 Custom 2-Dr. Sedan. building would be used for a Jun- LOMBARD car driven only 4,267 miles with overdrive ior High school leaving the high #1952 Plymouth Dlx. 2-Dr. Sedan school building exclusively for Powerful — Lightweight #1951 Ford V8 Custom 2-Dr. Sedan. Friend of 4-H high school purposes only. Rugged — Reliable 0 1953 Chevrolet 1-ton Pickup with spare FRIEND OF 4-H #1941 Plymouth Dlx. 2-Dr. Sedan The Board of Education has with overdrive One-man saws 3, 5.5, 7 hp., all tire, deluxe cab. heater and defroster, been petitioned to accept some lightweights. Available in vari- #1950 Ford V8 Custom 4-Dr. Sedan seventh and eighth graders for and low mileage. ous lengths. September, 1954. Many similar SANITARY 24-lb. LOMBARD WITH 20 IN. # 1946 Olds "76" 4-Door Sedan $225.00 # requests have been turned down In the past and unless something BAR — $235.00 TRADES - CASH - TERMS is done to accommodate these Easy Terms — Call for Demon- Bergy Bros. C. H. Runciman Company stration children, it appears that there will he an amalgamation of dis- C. H. Runclman Co. Motor Sales dricts in areas near Lowell which MARKET Phone Lowell 9201 Phone Freeport 2421 Clarksviilo 3631 Milton Wilcox, Jr. H&H Chevrolet Elevator would mean a loss to Lowell in Phone 5997 205 E. Main. Lowel 508 W. Main Phone 8862 Phone 2321 or 2331—Alto, Michigan Corner Main and Hudson, Lowell Pl-one 9280 high school students. Lowell Phone 5830 or 5850 Plans are being considered c39tf signal controlled traffic and the ment Roll In the Village on Mar. It was moved by Trustee Chris- Michigan State College THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH., MARCH 4, 1954 only thing a traffic light would 8th and 9th, 1954. tiansen. seconded by Trustee Oat- do Is speed up traffic and create It was moved by Trustee El- ley that the clerk be authorized Observes 99th Birthday Lowell Council Proceedings a greater hazard. zlnga, seconded by Trustee Mun- to transfer $14,383.75 from the Planning for Centennial BEEF CLUB MEETS The President called on Attor- roe that Bills In the following debt retirement fund to the Light THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH., MARCH 4, 1954 ^oventh Grade Michigan State College has en- Snow Community N. McCords-East Cascade The East Kent Beef Club met A regular meeting of the Com- General Fund: ney Shivel who presented the amounts be paid: & Power hank account for the Lowell Christian Reformed The seventh grade students tered Its 99th year of service with Mrs. S. P. Reynolds Mrs. Effie Cox last Thursday evening, Feb. 18, at mon Council of the Village of Kloosterman Trailer Camp following resolution: purpose of paying the principal Noon and family. have organized a club called plans shaping up for Its Centen- Ada Community News the home of our treasurer, Gary Lowell was held In the Council Jan. 1954 $ 7.50 General: and Interest on the Light & Pow- S. Keene-N. Boston Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shores "Junior American Citizens." BE IT RESOLVED that the lal Observance In 1955. Snow W. S. C. S. will serve sup- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wilson and Anderson on Five mile rd. Rooms of the City Hall, Monday Sales Tax Distribution, Quar- Payroll 125 to 2-8-54 $ 507.50 er revenue bonds. Mary Potter spent Friday evening with Frank MRS. TOM MORRIS—PHONE ADA 4S31 For our first meeting we had a following advisory questions or MSC's official birthday Is Feb. Gospel Service S7 per at their hall on Thursday son opent Sunday afternoon with All members have obtained evening. February 15, 1954. ter ending 12-31-53 3.987.62 Bixby Office Supply Co... 2.75 Thompson. program on Feb. 22, In honor of proposals he submitted to the Roll Call: Munroe yes; Fonger 12, which also is the birthday of evening Mar. 11 beginning at their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Law- their various animals. Among The meeting was called to or- Gas Tax Refund 24.08 Ron's Shell Service 46.60 yes; Rutherford yes; Oatley yes; Located at the Lowell City Hall Little Ruth Ann and also Phyl- ADA TOWNSHIP OFFICERS Mrs. Ollie Rltter of Lowell is George Washington. the various breeds are Angus, voters of the Village of Lowell Abraham Lincoln. It was on Feb. Bunco Club will be held March six o'clock. rence Brldgam In Lowell. der by the Village President, W. Howard Rittenger, Traffic Roth & Sons Co 19.50 Christiansen yes; Elzlnga yes; lis and Molly Blough have mumps ATTEND STATE MEETING spending a few days with her We had a play aooui ihe begin- Shorthorn and Hereford. Feed at the March Election to be held 12. 1855, that Michigan Governor Classes for Children, Young People and 11 with Mrs. Celia Boss on ac- A home talent program under Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox and son A. Roth, at 8:10 p. m. Flnes-Nov. & Dec. 1953 260.00 Donald Conrad 416.63 Yeas 6; Nays 0. Carried. now. Neal VandePeerle, Township daughter Mrs. Robert Taylor. ning of the flag, a poem recited and weight records are being March 6, 1954: Klngsley Bingham signed the count of llness of Louise Barkely. the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Fred called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trustees Present: Munroe: Eon- C. H. Runclman Co., Adults. Mr. Harry Boersma, Supt. Mr. and Mrs. James Baird treasurer and Mrs. Blance Love- Wayne Ward and Clyde Fair- by Barbara Dllly, and a piano so- kept by each member. Twenty hill creating Michigan State Col- Please bring tables etc. Raymond Hesche will he given at Baker Friday evening and found ger; Elzlnga; Rutherford; Chris- Total $4,279.20 PROPOSAL NO. I: Motor Sales 8.13 It was moved by Trustee Chris- spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. less. Township clerk, attended childs left Sunday night for lo by Bonnie Howard. animals are being fitted for eith- lege. Miss Marilyn Rickert spent Fri- Snow P. T. A. Friday evening. Bert feeling a little better. tiansen. Motor Vehicle Highway Fund: Shall the Village of Lowell C. H. Runciman Co 34.02 tiansen seconded by Trustee Fon- Sunday, 10:00 O'Clock. Everybody Welcome day and Saturday in E. Lansing a n d Mrs. Homer Thornton In the Michigan Township Officers Mackinaw where they hope to Kart?n LaDue, Reporter er 4-H Fair or later Fat Stock Fairchild s Gas & OU Co. 23.24 ger that the meeting be ad- The college officially opened C5 if It is hoped all parents and other Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox and Trustees absent: Oatley. State Highway Dept. 1st change Its present form of gov- with college friends. Saranac. Association's first State Conven- get employment on the new Interested residents of the district shows. ernment to that of a Home Rule journed. Yeas 6; Nays 0. Carried. Its doors In the fall of 1857 with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Hen- family of Grand Rapids spent NO PIE IN 8KVI Village Attorney, R. M. Shivel, 1954 Payment $3,039.99 81 students and a faculty of five. first agricultural college In the MSC's Centennial year In 1955 Mrs. Celia Boss and son spent tion. held on Thursday. February bridge to be built across the will be present. Dainty refrcshmnets were serv- Village or City with a new chart- Total $1,058.40 Sunday afternoon with their par- We Americans—a lucky lot of also present Road Fund: W. A. ROTH, United States led the way for the will begin with Founder's Day on Friday evening with Mrs. Cloyd dricks and family spent Sunday 25th, at Lansing. In the Olds Ho- Straits. ed. er—and shall proceedings be be- Operating under the presidency The funeral of Mrs. Imogene ents. citizens in more ways than one- The minutes of the last regular Interest on U. S. Bonds $ 62.50 President passage of Ihe Morrill Act seven Feb. 12, 1955, and will continue afternoon at Smyrna with Mr. tel. There were 600 members In Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DeVlne of The next meeting will be at the gun to bring about such change? Street: of Joseph R. Williams, the college and Mrs. Donald Wltman and Whites Bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Sargent widow of Dexter Sargent Mrs. Joe Geelhoed of Lowell are the pie eatlng-est people on meeting of February 1, 1954 were had only one building Old Col- years later. This act created the with programs of international attendance, from as far north as home of Carolyn Meyers, on Lee Fund: Payroll 1-25 to 2-8 495.40 LOUIS W. KINGSLEY, Lloyd Ridgway of Lowell, were and a former resident of this and Mrs. Bertie Hessellnk of earth. Recent survey showed read and approved. PROPOSAL NO. II: lege Hall. national system of land grant col- significance though the rest of family. Iron Mountain. Principal speak- Nash Ave., on Thursday evening, The Tonopah Mining Co.$ 6.55 C. H. Runciman Co 352.00 Clerk Jenett McPherson spent Frld- ers for the day were Governor recent callers at the Tom Morris community was held at Snow Grand Rapids called at the home that more than $100,000,000 worth March. 4th. Committees appoint- Trustee Oatley now present. Shall the Village of Lowell In- The founding of MSC as the leges. the year. Bovee Bottle Gas church Saturday afternoon. of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Qulggle and The clerk read a card of thanks The President called on Mr. Alexander's Standard day-night with Nancy Smith. G. Mennen Williams, and Auditor home. of pies are baked and eaten in ed for that meeting are; Program stall and maintain florldatlon In Service 74.67 Approved Mar. 1. 1954. Mr. and Mrs. John Blandlng Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox. Sunday aft- from Vada McMahon and family. Ralph Shoemaker. District Traf- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barkley General John B. Martin. Mrs. Harvey Christen of Tru- our land every year. Patty Rittenger and Mary Watts: Its drinking water supply at an Speerstra Motor Sales 1.90 and children attended a family ernoon. The report of the Police De- fic Engineer, of the State High- I of Grand Rapids and Mr. and A banquet was served at 6:30 fant. spent last Tuesday with her entertainment, Robert Corrlgan Installation cost of approximately C. H. Runciman Mtr. Magnetic Door Latch Service Mrs. James Balrd spent Satur- sister Mrs. Cliff Courtrlght. get-together honoring his brother Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Qulggle A Ledger want ad will do the partment activities for the period way Department: who explained $3,500.00 and an operation and In the Olds ballroom, with all the and Terry Estes. Sales 3.00 A newly introduced magnelit- day afternoon with Louise and Mrs. Mable Gross of Lowell, Tommy Blandlng, o n furlough and Mrs. Henry Brown visited job. Matv Watts, reporter. of February 1, to 14, 1951; as to the Council some of the ad- maintenance cost of approxi- State Officers In attendance and West Side Garage 2.50 door latch lasts Indefinitely be- Geneva Barkley. spent the week end with her from his naval duties, at the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. submitted by Police Chief Frank vangtages and disadvantages of mately $500.00 a year? who expressed their approval of Falrchild Bros 428.50 cause it has no working parts to COMPLETE LINE OF Mr. and Mrs. Sussell and baby daughter Mrs. Kenneth Ander- home of their grandparents, Mr. Mike Qulggle Wednesday In Ada. L. Stephens, was read and order- having a traffic signal light In the tremendous Interest shown by Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Carl Wl- It was moved by Trustee Ruth- The Ferris Co 37.84 wear out or get out of order. The We Are Taking of Jackson spent the week end and Mrs. John Wltkop of Green- ed placed on file. Lowell. Mr. Shoemaker stated GAS APPLIANCES the townships on their fight to son. L. & P. Petty Cash 2.66 holding power is provided by a with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Tom Morris spent Friday ville. son's mother. Is feeling better at The clerk reported receiving that M-21 through Lowell was erford. seconded by Trustee Eon- preserve local government. permanent magnet that keeps ASK US ABOUT OUR Arthur Shores. Saturday evening night and Saturday with her Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds this writing. monies In the following amounts: not wide enough to take care of ger that the resolution be adopt- There are 83 counties In Mich- Total $1,398.47 even sagging or wari>ed doors guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- daughter Mrs. Glenn Chaffee of and Miss Onalee Shepard of Mrs. Earl Bentley and family ed and the clerk be Instructed INSTALLATION AND GAS igan and over 500 townships have firmly closed. ward Thompson and Sunday Grand Rapids. spent Sunday In Jackson visit- to have the same published In Light A Power: Orders Now!! joined this association, which Gaines called on Mr. and Mrs. CHARGES! guests were Helen Michaud and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoving of Sherman Reynolds recently. ing Mrs. Ann Boardman and fam- the Lowell Ledger and prepare represents 82 of the counties In ily. the ballot for the coming March Payroll 1-25 to 2 8-54, $ 2.588.59 Carol Gage. Cascade, were Sunday afternoon Alden Cole of East Lansing Revenue Bonds & Int 14.383.75 Aathorized Dealer for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shores Michigan. Master Phillip Wilson is sick 8th election. Yeas 6; Nays 0. Car- PUBLIC NOTICES guests of her sister Mrs. Peter spent Tuesday night with his par- Debt Retirement Fund 2.500.00 \ State Rep. Rollo G. Conlln gave with a cold. ried. OIDEI APPOINTING TIME FO* HEARING Michigan Bottled Gas spent Saturday afternoon with Brulnekool and family. ents Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole. GIANT AUCTION Peter Speerstra Agency .. 70.21 CLAIMS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shores and an Interesting and Informative Mrs. Grace Whaley will attend Other callers during the week at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman A discussion was held on Sen- U. s. NO. 1 BLUE TAG CERTIFIED Socony-Vacuum Oil Co 219.19 Stale ol Michigan. Ihe Probal. Couri lo' talk on the Sales Tax Amend- of Grand Rapids visited at the ate Bill No. 1102 and the follow- Phone 9348 Jackie in South Lowell. the Kent County Library Staff the Cole home were Mrs. Glen Marvel Refining Co 2.519.68 Ihe Counly ol KeM. Mr. and Mrs. Phlorus Hale and ment. meeting at Wyoming next Mon- Rykert and Shirley Seeley o f J. Cox home Saturd&y night. FARM MACHINERY ing resolution was presented: Ai a leuion ol laid court, held ai ihe 919 E. Main St. Lowell Gr. Rapids Paper Co 119.25 probate office, in Ihe cily of Grand Rapidi family were Sunday dinner The word "Progress" was the day. Lowell and Mrs. G. C. Richards. m taid county on the ISIh day of February BE IT RESOLVED that the Bixby Office Supply Co. 6.00 c33lf guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer keynote of this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spring and Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Schneider A. D. 1954. Village of Lowell Is In favor of Hayden Supply Co 194.95 Present HON. WALLACE WAALKES, JR., Hale and family. Mr. and Mrs. Orison Weaver at- and Earl Apsey were supper Tuesday, March 9tli; 10:30 a.m. Judge of Probate. Teachers' Club Entertained Senate Bill No. 1102, which Is an Certified Meter Co 199.75 Marie Wheaton and girl friend tended the Hockey game at the guests Saturday night at the Cole In the Matter of the Estate of The Teachers' Club of Lowell " amendment to the Bond Revenue Fairchild s Gas & Oil Co. 45.39 JANE BOSS, Deceased. spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Grand Rapids Stadium Thursday home. Good Used Tractors With Starters, lights power lifts It appearing to the court ihef Ihe lime fc Seed Potatoes Act of 1933. and emphatically Speerstra Motor Sales 24.51 • look for This Sign of | Paul Potter and family. High school were entertained by night. Thomas Blandlng of U. S. Navy prtsenlalion of deimt against said estate John Deere A's & B's International M's & C's urges that the same be enacted C. H. Runclman Co. should be limited, end thai a time and place Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Michaud Mrs. Edwin Wedemlerer, of Ada, Mrs. Dorothy Weaver and Mrs. and wife were dinner guests Mon- 1 Into law. Motor Sales 44.37 ba eppoinled lo receive, eiamine and adjust | Quality and Service and family were Sunday dinner on Monday evening. February Barbara Coger attended a ban- day evening of Mr. and Jlrs. John John Deere, Moline, A-C, International, Case COM- all claims and demands against said de- ALL VARIETIES - ATTRACTIVE PRICES 22nd, In the town hall. A bount- Mich. Bell Telephone Co. 4.90 ceased by and before said court; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gage quet given by -Signet chapter Blandlng. BINES It was moved by Trustee Oat- It is Ordered. Thai all creditors of said iful potluck supper was served. Mich. Municipal Utilities and family. OES at the Masonic temple last Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Reyn- YOU CAN MAKE HEAVIER BALES— 2 & 3 Bottom Plows Corn Planters ley, seconded by Trustee Munroe deceased are required to present their claims The tables were lovely, decora- Ass'n 13.75 la said court at said Probata Office on or INQUIRE AT YOUR NEAREST A&P FOOD STORE Minnie Plnkney and Eula Friday night, after which the olds received word Tuesday eve- Spring tooth Harrows Corn Binders that the foregoing resolution be before the nth day of April A. 0. lfS4. tions were large bouquets of red, UP TO 10 TONS AN HOUR Petty Cash 85.74 Moore were Sunday afternoon Grand officers of Michigan put ning that their daughter, Mrs. Grain Drills Beet Harvesters adopted and copies of same be at ten o'clock in the forenoon, said time and white and blue carnations. Rittenger Insur. Agency.. 24.70 place being hereby appointed for Ihe aaam- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward on the initiatory work. Merle Aldrlch of Evart under- sent to the proper persons In malion and adjustment of all claims and de- Tractor Cultivators Hay Loaders ^""CA'S POtlMQtT POOO MTAlUt . . . ISHCI IMf Thompson. Square dancing was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. George Morris of went an appendectomy at Mercy Lansing. Yeas 6; Nays 0. Carried. mands against said deceased. with the Disc Harrows Gehl Forage Harvester Total $23,044.73 If is Further Ordered, Thai public notice Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shores and Grand Rapids were Sunday after- hospital that day. Field Cultivators Used Appliances thereof be given by publicetion of a copy of Ada Locals Attorney Shivel read the con- Water & Sewer Jackie and Mr. and Mrs. Donald noon guests of his brother Mr. Members of Snow M. Y. F. with Manure Spreaders Auto-matic Washers this order for three successive weeks previous Shores and baby were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Nell Blakeslee of and Mrs. Robert Morris. tract which had been drawn up Telford Equipment Co $ 31.19 to said day of hearing, in the Lowell Ledger, ,£p Food 5 tores the pastor, Rev. Sid Baarda and Corn Pickers Conventional Washers a newspaper printed and circulated in said Grand Rapids, spent Thursday New McCormick No. 55 Baler for Donald Conrad and as there fc-V guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Webb Ward, Don- his wife, attended and assisted Rosenthal Combine Electric Ranges Lowell Street Dept / 19.20 county. with Arthur Loveless. WALLACE WAALKES. JR.. 7H« CMAT ATIAMTIC « PACIFIC TfA CO» When you buy from ui yo* Shores. ald Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Albert In church services at Clarksville Greater capacity to handle heaviest yields. New, were a few changes that needed W. S. Darley & Co 7.62 Mr. and Mrs. John Russell of Forage Harvesters Oil Burners A true copy: Judge of Probata. bay with confidence from M Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoover and Hartwell and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Sunday evening. heavier 15 x 19-inch bale stacks and hauls better. to be made there was no action Lyle Covert 6.41 DAISY C. COGSHALL, Grand Rapids, were Sunday cal- Register of Probate. C43-45 sons spent Sunday with Mr. and ert Ward attended the boxing Gentle-acting, low-level pickup ... Larger, roomier taken on this. L. & Power Petty Cash ... 3.19 I Mmtborized Hotpoint Dealer. lers at the Loveless home, and MOWERS & RAKES Oar franchise to tell you Hot- Mrs. Leo Blocher and sons. matches at the Ionia Reforma- QI'S LOAD LIGHTENED feed opening into bale chamber ... Simplified, fast- The President appointed John Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunneback Total. point Quality Appliances b Friday evening guests at the tory last Thursday night put on Another example of Industry's acting tying mechanism... Slotted plunger head for New Dunham and Roderick Lean Disc Harrows Arehart and John Freeman as $ 67.61 and children were Sunday dinner members to serve on the Board COME SEE THE MANY MARVELOUS MONEY SAVERS IN... backed by the entire Hotpoint Ed Potter Sr. home were Mr. and for the benefit of the Ionia hos- constant research and develop- Famous uninterrupted plunger action... Durable, extra rug- New Idea Spreaders and Rakes Grand Total .. $25,569.21 Mrs. Eddie Potter and three girls. guests. of Review and Instructed the ftctory service organization— pital. ment leading to more and ged construction . . . More powerful International Sunday afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Orvie Kellogg, Robert Taylor left early Sun- better products Is found in the clerk to publish a notice that the Roll Call: Munroe yes; Fonger your assurance of dependabil- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, and Mr. and Mrs. James McCormlck day morning for Bradenton, Fla., equipment of our soldiers—the LAMA/00 engine. Board would meet In the Council yes; Elzlnga yes; Rutherford yes; ity and satisfaction. and son Bob attended funeral HUGGETT HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT Sunday evening guests were Mr. having received a message say- best prepared fighting men In Rooms of the City Hall for the Oatley yes; Christiansen yes; services for Mrs. McCormlck's TWO MODELS FOWLER. MICHIGAN purpose of reviewing the Assess- LOOK TO I and Mrs. Gerrlt Delterman. ing his brother Louis was serious- the world. By using lighter but Gat and OH hirnacas iYeas 6; Nays 0. Carried. ' • 'P Loulso Barkley Is on the sick uncle Claud Streeter, who passed ly ill. stronger metals, the load each Wire-tying .. . Bales weigh up to 125 Lbs. away unexpectedly at home in with super economy Itotpdnt"" I list. Jim Hill and family of Grand man carries for combat may be Twine-tying . . . Bales weigh up to 80 Lbs. Grand Rapids, Friday, Feb. 26. : FO* THE FINEST... FIRSTl I River dr., were Saturday even reduced 65 per cent In relation to OCTAGON Radiators! On Guard Mr. Streeter was a former resi- ing callers and Mrs. Wayne Ward helmets, mess kits, bazookas, en- dent of Lowell and at one time Ask Us About The McCormick No. 55 Engraved high on the state and son Lee were Sunday guests trenching tools. Nydam & Masher Hurry! LEWIS ELECTRIC capltol building in Lincoln. Neb., was employed by the Standard of Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Ward. Oil Co. and was manager of the ADA, MICHIGAN "Buy Where Service and Quality are these words which all of us Mrs. Griffen of Detroit is vis 'Pears to me there are three should remember: "The Safety Sugar Bowl Ice Cream parlor in Phone evenings only Are An Established Fact" iting her son and daughter-in-law kinds of people: The few who Hurry! of the Government Depends on Lowell. Funeral services were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Griffen. Gr. Rapids 99 5241—Ada 72048 Wittenbach Sales & Service 612 E. Main, Lowell Phone 5746 make things happen; the many the Watchfulness of Its Citizens." held at Metcalf's funeral home Mrs. Robert Ward of McCabe who watch things happen, and General Sheet Metal Work Saturday afternoon. Burial In rd., was a Sunday guest of Mrs. then the big majority who have Eaves Troughs—Roofs 710 W. Main, Lowell Ph. 9207 Whltneyvllle cemetery. Robert Taylor. no Idea what has happened. C44-47 Hurry! Don't forget World Day of Blue Bell Mr. and Mrs. B. Schroder from Prayer Friday March 5th. All Lansing and Arlie Ease from A Grand Prize A Day Is Being Given Away! women are to meet at the Ada Grosse Isle, spent the week end Casey Jones Congregational church from all with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Head For Your Dodge Dealer Right Now I the other churches in Ada. Des- Henry Ease Sr., and Miss Wini- sert lunch at 1 o'clock. fred Ease of Grand Rapids. Mr. WIN/ SUPER RIGHT l-LB. Mrs. Orville Summers, presi- and Mrs. Ed. Kulper were Sun- SKINLESS dent of Mary Martha group of day evening callers at the Ease ECONWIV FRAt ^FURTERS PKG. 39c Matched Womens Fellowship attended TRUCKS FOR 54 home. board meeting of the Womens Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ortowski Fellowship of Grand Rapids Asso- and children of Sargeant rd., GOLDEN RIPE FRUIT Work Pants ciation of Congregational church- were Sunday callers at the Webb es In Grand Rapids at the YWCA 2 Weeks Away and Donald Ward home. and Shirts building Tuesday Feb. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes i,s Twenty-two members of the entertained the immediate fam- Pilgrim Fellowship of Congrega- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mc- Fast Color Army Twill tional church attended the social Donald with a dinner Friday night Low Friction, High Compression gathering at Wallin church Sun- Banana 2 - 29c Choice of Sleeve Lengths Feb. 26 in honor of their daugh- day night. Sized Short, Stout, Tall ter. Mrs. James (Patty) McCaul's Mrs. Max Souser who under- Grapefruit FLORIDA SEEDLESS. SIZE M 4 FOR 29c rascal Celery FLORIDA, JUMBO SIZE 24 STALK 19c [birthday annlversarv. with Double Play! FLORIDA GOLD. FRESH 6-OZ Reinforced Foot Deep Pockets ! went surgery at Blodgett hospital NA. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Afton Sr. TENDER FINGER SIZE jFeb. 17, returned to her home Carrots CELLO BAG 10c Orange Juice FROZEN, CONCENTRATED TIN 10c Two Tunnel Belt Loops I; 'tended the wedding and re- last Saturday much improved. a L! FRESH FROZEN, • 8-02. Grey, Green, Airforce Blue, Tan Oranees NEW CROP, VALENCIAS 0 BAG 49c CHICKEN, BEEF. TURKEY • PKGS. 89c 1 Born lo Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ' .:eption of their cousin, Ralph Swanson's Pies I arson and Miss Marjory Deyc Overhead Valve, Gas-Saving and the use of an Elegant New '54 Dodge! i Stanard at Blodgett hospital. Matched Set Mar. 1st, a baby daughter, weight (at the Methodist church in Spar- ta Saturday evening. SHARP, BENCH CURED JANE PARKER, ORANGE 8 pounds. Miss Ethel Kamp underwent Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snell $6.59 and Charles P. Afton ol Grand surgery at Butterworth hospital Cheddar Cheese Ckiffon Cake Feb. 24. She Is getting along i Rapids were Friday night din- Pants $3.95 Shirts $2.79 nicely and will soon be coming ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walt 40 Grand Prizes • or Afton Sr. power now in every model ! LB. BA. home. TO CELEBRATE 40 OREAT YEARS OF Attention Egypt Grange mem- Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nelllst and 59c 49c bers. The voting on Blue Cross ! Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. Phll- NOWIDttp-Bbdi DODGE DEPENDABILITY! n SCOUE lip Kropf attended the hockey Sassyfield Buttar SWECT CREAMERY LUTTEL u 75c Apricot Pie JANE PARKER, LARGE M I. will be Friday evening. Mar. 12, ; ONLY FORD gives you so much in (A GRAND PRIZE A DAY FOR 40 DAYS) Wepman's at the regular meeting. It Is game at the Grand Rapids Stad- design for smooth poworl AMERICA* CHEESE POOO 2 S& 79e ium Thursday night. £l! 3 eisentials of lower-cost trucking! 2 weeks'vacallea for tore anywlMve to CMhhBH Daslsli Risg JANE PAUKE*. RUED u 33a Lowell, Mich. very important so all members Flvo engines, V-8 and Six! U.S.A.I please be there. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nelllst and granddaughter Kathy were • All expenses paid— SPECIAL 10c DEAL AAP. FANCY GRADE ,,AH luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Shlmmel in Lowell Saturday • New *54 Dedge al year dhpeeal Mm 46-OZ. 46-OZ. ; night. whole time! V-8 Cocktail Juice CAN 23c Grapefruit Juice CAN Mrs. Elliott Brulnekool was DMIoa i/niAla. **- - • i 19e 14-OL honor guest at a family birth (At least $90000) 44-OZ. Main b*arinfls Cream Style Cora IONA CAN lie day dinner at the home ol her Tomato Jsiee l0m CAN 19o Franchise Available get 240° support .* Aa eidMlsBd $500 "hm i OUR OWN. HACK PKG. parents, Mr. and Mrs. James IS-OZ. for longer life! Tea Bags' LESS THAN LE PER CUF OF 41 39c UNSWEETEMD. SUCIO DeVormer, last Sunday. Plsaappla ooirs, CAN ISo PURE VEGETABLE LB. Pl-OZ. PUIS... dexa Shorteniag ALL PURPOSE 3 CAN 75e Grabappla Jolly ^ ^ ^115-h.p. Cost GL. 19c CHaoar Six. 1000 cath pHim~25 m cfayl IT-OZ. w-oz. "Sail" Deiargest SAVE UP TO Ac A PKG PKG Ford Tractor— A billion miles of 23c Ssltasa Apricots WHOii UNPMD CAN 19o trucking proved SULTANA. 30-07. I7.0Z. NEW LOW PRICE CANS 4fc ma these engines! l, Prase Plums 2 Libby's Peas CAN 19s Fri., Sat., March 5, 6 It's Fun! it's Easy to Entor! Take your Vocation Proviow Drivo" IT-OZ. ^-OZ. Plsk Salmos COLDSTREAM CAN 45c Drees Daass LOW MOWS NMCH CAN "0 CORCEY 19s m 130-h.p. Pewetw in the greatest Dodge car in 40 great Dodge years I^OZ. Dearborn Implements Kins V-O. Ford Daily Dog Food NEW LOW PRICE SCANS 25c Catsup Ann Page 2 for 37c WW! WISH No time to waste! Yesterday's contest is AAA PROVED ENDURANCE WINNER-Dodge Truck engines CHOCOLATE COVERED I4J. ItOZ. This Mists WARWICK CO-FEATURE cut friction over, today's is going on, tomorrow's set more marks for endurance and stam- DODGE V4 •OX 39c POflVS THANK WM CAN 19s up to 33%. 7i is coming soon. Win a grand prize vaca- ina than any American car in history. *cz OFFICIAL PACE Oil SsssyfiaM Oats ^ o, 95 RAG An opportunity to obtain the retail dealer franchise in this area for one of the tion for two by discovering the won- 39c Chocolate Syrap CAN 19s NOWI Mlohtleit ^ NIW Driver/zed 4 NIW Foctory-Sulh Ut-h.p. Powtr Look ot these "Vacation Features** w/j-oz. *OZ. derful things about the new '64 Dodge: New konors come to Dodfe Prepared Spaghetti ANN PAGE 2 countries' top tractor and implement lines. Our line include gasoline and diesel • concentration of Cabs, new Power "O-Wheei" Tandem- Ktn* V-S. CANS 29c Hamburg Dill Sliaos tVMlY IDT. 19s Overhead rotating for Hs record-breoUng per- power per cubic Inch Steering, new Power Axle 110 JOBS Increase NEW! Dodge PowerfWe fufly-aotomitic tnnsmfcrion Brakes, Fordomatic Drivel gross weight capacity up 4 valves, for longer AAA PROVED ECONOMY WINNER —Dodge NEW! Steppsd-up ISO h.p. Red Ram V4 Ei*m formance In ofRdol AAA tractors, full line of farm implements and many industrial tools. ever In any truck engine valve life. Sun., Mon., March 7, 8 llnel Save S

mrr i i T Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manoklan THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL, MICH., MARCH 4. 1954 11 Foreman Road of Muskegon spent the week end Mrs. Edna Taylor with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ryder Those who failed to sec the pic- end Rowland. Alto Community News ture at the Alto Baptist church Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rader of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Munson MRS. CLAUD 8ILCOX—PHONE ALTO 4531 Saturday evening really missed ELMDALE ROY 8MUT2 HERD MAKES of Grand Rapids called on the out on an Interesting and instruc- 10 THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICH., MARCH 4, 1954 BROWN SWISS BREEDER Portland were Monday dinner Mrs. Ira Sargeant Milk in Lieu of Coffee 529 POUNDS BUTTER FAT SELLS REGISTERED BULL me guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sanj Ryd- Adelbert Odell family Saturday. Driver Injured Saturday White Circle to Meet tive meeting. The picture show- Is Seen as Money-Saver Day of Prayer Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Taylor ed the work being carried on at ^ What's New ijjL A Brown Swiss breeder. Rose, The seven-cow herd of register- er and spent the afternoon with Dale Johnson, 22 of Alto Route Mrs. Bernard Scheldt will be Mrs. Spenor Johnson spent Fri- Form Red Cross Classes To Train Nurses Aides called on Mr. and Mrs. Freeman General Health Help Helen and Nanna Fuss. Lowell, ed Holstelns owned by Roy T. SOZe them. 2. suffered face cuts and bruises hostess for the March meeting of Rest Haven Home in (.rand Rap-jfjay with her friend Mrs. Richard Special to the Lowell Ledger Klnsey near Sidney Saturday ids. The heavy snow and slip-'HH Registrations for a new class to aide chairman. With coffee up 300 percent In For Whole World Michigan, recently sold the bull, Smutz. Lowell, recently complet- Dr. Howard Amml Smith will early Saturday when his car went the White Circle which will be Jerrels of Gand Rapids. MEASURING evening. pery roads did their part to limit train Red Cross nurses aides for the past 8 years, housewives can Berna s Nick 117618 to Earl Whlt- ed a year of test under the herd bring the message at Vergennes out of control on Eighty Fourth hold at the church on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kauff- The class will begin at 7 p. m. Today is the day for unveiling cause the bill as it stands loaves Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ryder called the size of the crowd attending volunteer service In Grand Rap- save money and at the same time lock, St. Johns. Mich., according Improvement registry program of church next Sunday. SE near M50 and struck a tree. evening March 10. Mrs. Gordon man (newly wod^i were honored Thursday at the Red Cross head- the first Republican tax bill since the cash budget almost exactly Friday, March 5 GLASS on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holly of the picture. ids hospitals may be made by help to alleviate the problem of to a report from Fred S. Idtse, the Holiteln-Friesian Association Mrs. Harold Ozman returned He was treated at Blodgett Sterzick will assist her moth- with a relatives shower, numoer- quarters. with Mrs. Ray Conlon ihe Eightieth Congress. The in balance. Any decrease of WHILE THEY LAST ! Caledonia Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sage have telephoning headquarters of the farm surpluses by substituting Secretary of the Brown Swiss of America. to her home In Detroit Monday Memorial hospital and released. fr with t h e refreshments. ing about forty, at the home of as instructor. The class will Ways and Means committee will more than a few million dollars This community will join In moved to Lowell and Mr. and Kent Chapter. American Rod report to the House a so-called in the Administration's schedule milk for coffee at one or perhaps prayer for world peace on Fri- Cattle Breeders' Association, Be- Each cow averaged 13,776 j-fter caring for her mother the Mrs. Claud Silcox is program the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. meet each Monday and Thursday WITH EACH To Install Windows Mrs. Jake Geldersma. Jr.. and Cross, this week, announces Mrs . . . ,» „ ^ two of their family meals. It was day, March 5. with Christians In loit, Wisconsin. pounds of milk and 529 pounds of past week. West Lowell chalrman.Mrs. Lawrence Richard- Henry Kauffman. Saturday even- from 7 ,0 10 ni technical revision measure, aim- of taxes It wants must be offset family have moved Into the Sage Raymond Shlnn. chapter nurses ' 20,000 other U. S. communities butterfat In the test, supervised Mrs. Fred Roth is on the sick Mrs. Melvin Court The church window committee son will give the devotlonals and ing. The happy couple received ed primarily at closing loopholes by levying new taves. Else the dtclared this month by Senator MASTER PURCHASE OF house on filth st. J. Allen Frear, Jr., of Delaware. and In more than a hundred coun- If you are too busy to pray you by Michigan State College. list. Hope she Is betted soon. of Alto Methodist church announ- Mrs. Wm. Reynhout will review a fine collection or useful and through which taxpayers havi? achievement of a balanced budg- The Business Men's Association are too busy. Mrs. M. S. Heerlng and Mrs. ces that the contract has been the second chapter In the Study pretty gifts. The hostess serv- csca|)ed previous measures. et, an Eisenhower pledge, will "Unquestionably, at today's tries around the world. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schmidt met for a supper meeting in the NEW MASTER MIX Mell Heerlng of Grand Rapids, signed for stained-glass windows Book "Heritage and Destiny". ed refreshments of ice cream and fail. prices, milk Is cheaper than cof- Dr. Fletcher Galloway of Grand have sold the Onan farm to church Wednesday evening. At McDIARMID'S IRON & METAL Before the bill finally passes, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bak- to be Installed by Easter. Mem- (ake. punch and coffee. It is hard to levy new taxes in fee," he told the Senate. "In ad- Rapids will be the speaker In people gather for prayer In Thomas Smith of Byron Center. the business session Morse Dom- many changes are likely. Re- er Sunday and found Mr. Baker bers of the committee are accept- ALTO METHODIST CHURCH The Misses Joan and lia Kauff- Phone 5025 5334 Segwun Ave.. SE. Lowell an election year. Whether the dition, It is certainly far more Lowell Church of the Nazarene Czechoslavakla and East Ger- ing was chosen to attend Boys' publicans have retreated in part DOii BURGER getting along very nicely. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Sable ing contributions for the project. The MYF of Alto and Bowne roan entertained with a bridal national budget can be balanced nourishing, rich, and satisfying. Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, many. State this year sponsored by the from the step they took to end Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haybarker Faker were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Center Churches met Sunday shower, honoring Miss Vera rerts largely on whether Eisen- American milk producers have and everyone is Invited to attend Service Available to All ENJOY CRADLE SHOWER Business Men and the Alto Amer- double taxation of dividends. Bhd daughters of Grand Rapids. Caker and children of Ionia, Mr. evening with Lois Potter. Rudy Kauffman, which was given Fri- Buyers of All Kinds of iron hower can protect the present brought their product to the this service. ican Legion. Merle Rosenberg Democrats demand a $100 in- The service, written each year sncnt the week end with Mr. and'end,Mrs. Vern Baker of Keene Mrs. Art Erickson of Lake Wittenbach has agreed to act as day evening at the home of the tax bill from new reductions. highest peak of perfection At the Bowne Center Methodist cos r"* showed pictures of Larry's crease In personal exemptions. In a different country. Is adopted Mrs. Arvil Hellman. and Seymour Dawson of Lowell. Odessa, entertained with a Crad- counselor for the group for the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ond Metal The individual taxpayer's budget through constant Improvements church at the same hour on that trip to the Rose Bowl game and Some Republicans feel that is a and translated for use In each! Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dancer of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wheaton le Shower for the pleasure of her rest of the year. Gienn Kauffman. About twenty- of course, would benefit from In their methods of handling and day Dr. Edith Dorrell of Grand also views of local people in pict- USED FARM EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS. JUNK good issue, too good to leave to area. For the blind, the service Grand Rapids were Sunday din- of Grand Rapids and Mr. and sister-in-law Mrs. Richard Mc- eight ladies were in attendance the reduction—and the individu- distribution. I may add that our Rapids will speak to those attend- A series of Sunday night Len- uresque settings which were CARS, FURNACES. BATTERIES, ETC. the opposite party. is available In Braille from the ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mrs. Melvin Court were Monday Caul (Helen Erickson I at the t( enjoy the various contests af- al taxpayer is also a voter. excellent standards of milk pro- ing the prayer service In that John Milton Society. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elof Erickson home last Thurs- ten Bihle Study meetings will be much enjoyed. The Reynhout- The coming struggle over tax- FwrVrles. ter which the bride-to-be. opened Pick Up Service Eori J. McDiarmid duction have been very expens- community. Fred McDonald. day evening. Thirty-three friends held at Bowne Center beginning Watts Division of the White Cir- es takes on added Importance be- Sulphur and Orphans This year, church women In Mrs. Moore of Lowell is caring her packages containing very ive for the American farmer." On the World Day of Pray BERGY BROS Mrs. Mabel Mead and sister and relatives were present and next Sunday. March 7. at 8 cle served a roast |)ork and dress America hope offerings will be for Mrs. Bertha Odell who is get- pretty and useful gifts. Refresh- When a new sulphur mine Senator Frear, a member of er, March 5th, prayers will rise enjoyed an evening of lively clock. Ing supper. big enough so they can extend ting along very good. She is Mrs. Scheafer of White Cloud, iiients of ice cream, cake, nuts was placed in production recent- the subcommittee appointed to In hundreds of the world's games after which the guest of Alto Grange members who are their support to new projects, In able to sit up a little now. visited relatives and friends in The World Day of Prayer serv- candy and coffee and orangeade ly in Texas it provided an addi- Investigate the coffee situation, languages and dialects, ask and Chicago last | honor opened her beautiful and Interested in Blue Cross insur this country. Alaska. Europe, and Kenneth Izenbart of Grand Mllford, 111 ice is Friday afternoon al 2 at were then served. The bride- tional source of income for a said he thought the Nation might Ing that the "churches" ELEVATOR ! 1 useful gifts. The hostess served lance should surely be present at Africa. Rapids who is home on furlough, week. to-be and fiance Lee Steiner will school for orphan girls. successfully take steps to lessen speak the word of healing to this was a dinner 1 refreshments of ice cream and _ „ . « . o i__ i ^ho meeting in the hall oti Fri- The church women would like Phone 2321 or 233 I — Alto, Michigan failed on Mrs. Florence Bailey i Melvin Ellis Dorrell of Grand Rapids, will be I d cven|nJ of |h|5 ^ when speak their marriage vows on The mine. Nash Dome near the Impact of high coffee prices. troubled world"; that the United Mrs. cake to complete a happy occas- to give support to an Interde- When you need money to pay Thursday afternoon. He left Ipuest Monday of Mr. and guest speaker. All ladies In the , „ , . Houston. Is operated by Freeport The results, he said, would be Nations may "be given the grace |the R( forenmml vole wm b ak Sunday at 2 p. m. at the E. Bowne nominational ministry to new de- Sunday evening for Africa. 'Melvin Court. ion. community arc cordially invited.:,.., n...i....u r i Sulphur Company. The land un- beneficial to the general health, to work together"; that the "lead- bills or taxes, finance property en. Potluck supper as usual fol- Mrnnonite church. The happy fense communities and to streng- Several churches in the commun- der which the sulphur is found should ease the burden of the ers of the nations of the world" lowing the business session and couple will return to Eureka. 111., then Isolated rural churches In Improvements, home applianc- ity are co-operating in this serv- may be given wisdom to work program. uhere both are employed. is held in trust for the Kentucky family budget, and help to allev- the Rocky Mountain states; to for peace. ice. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sage moved Female Orphan School of Mid- iate the dairy surplus. provide a religious program for es or an automobile, see ut! The February meeting of the jand Gail called Saturday evening to Lowell Saturday, and Mr. and way. Ky., which benefits from Fint Friday In Lent patients In the Government Ind- The Weight of royalties on the mined sulphur. Insect-Killing Paint We'll arrange a low-cost loan Alto WSCS was held in the on Mr. and Mrs. Duane Krauss Mrs. Jake Geldersma and family The World Day of Prayer, held ian Hospital In Anchorage, Alas- OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ^NTIL 9 P. M. and family. Sunday dinner l"! South Bowne. will soon occupy Nash Dome Is one of four sul- A paint which comes in var- on the first Friday In Lent each ka. to meet your requirements, church Friday afternoon. Mrs. guests at the Edward Johnson j'be house on Ihe Harold Yoder phur projects Freeport has un- ious colors can be sprayed, year, Is an observance that dates They hope to add their support E. L. Timpson had charge of de- home were Mrs. Johnson's sister i vacated by the Sages. dertaken In a $25,000,000 expan- brushed, or rolled on the walls of back to 1887, when a Presbyter- to a program of relief and train- with repayments in easy votions. Mrs. V. L. Watts and sion program In the last several Mrs. Wm. Reynhout showed pic- Miss Pauline Johnson and friend' The March meeting of the Public Opinion is houses, hotels, and other bulld- ian woman in Boston called for ing for German Protestant wom- monthly installments. Come in. Troqer tures of the Yuma Methodist Mis- Carl Golic of Grand Rapids. West Campbell club will be years. It Is the third placed In ings to kill flies, ants, bedbugs, a nationwide day of prayer for en; to help develop a woman's Vernor Lynn of Cascade was a with Mrs. Leo Kyser on Wednes- operation since November, 1952. spiders, moths, roaches, water home missions. department In Cameroun Christ- sion. Reports were read from dinner guest Sunday of Mrs. P. day the tenth. The other projects are In Louisi- hugs, and other Insects unfortu- Today the World Day of Pray- ian College, In French West Afri- the secretaries of Student Work. F. Kline. Mrs. Lynn accompan- Sir. and Mrs. Carl Roth enjoy- ana. nate enough to walk on It. It er Is observed by people of al- ca; to aid a woman's training pro- Missionary Education. Children's Against the Excise Tax Work and Supply work. Light ied Grand Rapids friends on a od warm sugar and taffy. Fri- contains 2.5 percent DDT and Is most every Christian church a- gram In the Belgian Congo; to Lowell Loan Co. Things to Come Florida vacation trip last week day evening at the home of Mr. round the globe. It Is sponsored support the American McAll As- Marguerite Rlngle, Mgr. refreshments were served by the harmful to red-blooded animals. and plans to be home the latter if nd Mrs. Bert Jackson. This summer's silage can be Its killing power will last for In this Country by the United sociation program for nurse- PHONE 9907 Clark Circle. put up more appetlzlngly with a part of this week. The ladies of Hope Brethren many years. Church Women, a general depart evangelists In France; and to aid 115 W. Main Lowell Ground Beef Alto Locals Mrs. E. L. Timpson was enter- church have been invited to at- on Telephone Service r.ew chemical additive. Cows ment of the national Council of In developing Christian home and Miss Sally Stewart of MSC tained for dinner Sunday at thejtend the World Day of Flayer prefer It four to one, says Its Ledger want ads get results. the Churches of Christ In the family life around the world. Beef Liver lb. spent the week end at the George home of her son John and family, services at the Bowne Center maker... A new cleaner for U . S. A., and by state and local Howard home at Bowne Center. near Lowell. • Methodist church on Friday af- painted walls, woodwork, linol- councils of Church women and KROCER Their son Tom of Kalamazoo Col- ternoon, March 5th. eum. Venetian blinds and tiles harvest of beef from last splng's special prayer groups across the Fresh Pan Ready Smelt lege was also home for the week Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John This high percentage of objection to tele- can be diluted so that a table- big calf crop. country. FOR "Which Federal excisc tax do you per- end and Miss Joan Finkbeiner Harris Creek of Phoenix. Ariz., have re- spoonful cleans 200 square feet As for pork. It Is costly In pro- Services In this country are Mrs. Basil R. Vreeland sonally object to most?" phone excise taxes is understandable. FRESH was a Sunday dinner guest. celved word from, them stating of surface... A Boston inventor portion to Its historical price lev- held In churches, schools, hosplt Each month they add 15% to your tele- jthat they have sold their motel sayes he has perfected a tanning el, but this spring's crop promi- als, and other Institutions; In MORE NET DOLLARS Boneless Veal Rolls Mrs. Harrison Hughson of That question was asked recently in a Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brower apartments and upon doctor's phone bill for local service, and 25% to machine that makes leather In ses to be a large one. The big fields where migratory farm Grand Rapids sent her aunt, Mrs. public poll conducted by Opinion Re- LEAN cf Grand Rapids, spent Sunday advice, Mrs. Long is to take a your bill for long distance calls costing hours. Traditional methods take commercial pig area, of course, workers are going out to pick the Consign Your Livestock Linnie Kline, a card from Florida search Corporation. They wanted to e\ening with Mr. and Mrs, Joe complete rest. They plan on 25 cents or more. For excise tax pur- weeks or even months... Emer- has still to count its pigs, but at crops; In trailer camps spread where she is vacationing with her Sliced Bacon F'ynn. coming to Michigan for the sum- learn how people personally felt about gency fire extinguishers using a around new defense Installations. TO THE son Billy Abbott and wife. poses. it's as though your telephone were today's prices farmers there can Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Anderson er months. Federal excise tajies. These were their squeezable plastic bag are said The day Itself Is marked In many Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fleet of m a luxury, like jewelry or furs. be relied upon to save every pig Mended the funeral of the lat- Mr. and Mrs Ray Stahl. Mr. findings: iHh hM.lSE TAX THAT IN- to be as good and much cheaper they can. Before Labor Day the places by proclamations from Freeland. visited Tuesday and ter s aunt in Grand Rapids. Mon- md Mrs. Orrie Stahl. Mr. and than the older kind which de- mayors and governors, by the Wednesday with Mrs. Fleet's CURRED THE MOST RESENTMENT We recognize the Government's need for price of pork should begin to feel Lake Odessa Livestock Auction day of last week. iAirs. Floyd Stahl. Mr. and Mrs. pend on a pump.. .Llauld de; ringing of church bells and the w daughter. Mrs. James Green and AND IRRITATION WAS THE TAX adequate income and for balancing the the pressure of these added pigs. Mrs. Mary Vreeland spent the Gordon Stahl and Joe Stahl. Jr., tcrgents are addlae foam-produ- closing of business establish- family. ON TELEPHONE SERVICE. budget. But if Congress is to consider If beef and poultry stay about "UGAR COOKIES week end with Mr. and Mrs. | were among those who attended cing Ingredients. Doesn't get where they are now, and pork ments, and sometimes by public EVERY THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Val Watts attend- any excise lax reductions, we believe the DeElN AN DMont e ed the meeting of Sweet school Anson Schiefla a week ago. Ithe funeral services of their Of the people interviewed. 59% ob- get things cleaner, but house- comes down, the nation's meat prayers In streets and squares. OATMEAL excise taxes on telephone service should Community Club and showed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vreeland u„cie Lewis Collins at the Met- wives associate soap bubbles hill—per average pound—must Deep in Meaning Operated By COOKItS jected most to this tax. It was more ob- CHEFS Ron's South Sea Island pictures. si'ent Sunday evening with Mr. faif funeral home of Grand Rap- be among the first to get attention. with cleanliness. po lower. MOLASSES jectionable than the Federal excise taxes The Day of Prayer takes on Friday evening. rnd Mrs. Geo. Korhom of Grand ids. Saturday. deep meaning; In the city of Hir- The Wolverine Stockyards Co. and Allen Behler on gasoline, automobiles, tires, railroad All tha savings from a reduction or re- More Meat Coming Bits O' Business LEMON SPECIALS Mrs. Glen Loveland accompan- Rapids. j Eugene Krauss received word oshima, where hundreds of high Mrs. Ellen McDonald has been c,f the sudden death of his father tickets, cigarettes, movie tickets, and peal of these taxes would go to telephone With the first baby pigs and Texas allowable production of ied Mrs. Ray Alexander and Mrs. school girls pray that no one For TRUCKING to Lake Odessa, Cal under the doctor's care for a few j.^n Krauss at Detroit. Saturday calves beginning to appear in ell was raised, but the Texas MA COOKIES SPICE Myrtle Alexander of Lowell to many other things users—no/ to the telephone company. would suffer again as their city the Southeastern and Southern Railroad Commission warned Mlddlevllle Tuesday to attend the days. morning. The remains have had suffered; In orphanages and JACK NELSON — Phone Lowel 5495 livestock areas, this looks like a that gasoline stocks were getting funeral of a cousin. Ray Cisler. Mrs. Bernard Flynn accom- i,t^n brought to the Beattie fun- shelters In Korea, where the GEORGE FRANCISCO — Phone Lowel 5818 panied her daughter and family i home at Clarksville. where good year for meat eaters. too high ... Pacific Coast lum- Kroger Old Fashioned Sunday dinner guests of Mr. (ra prayer Is for peace and a rebuilt ,K Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy services will be held Tuesday af- Feeding of cattle In Corn Belt ber prices have edged up a dol- and Mrs. Merle Rosenberg were country: in a leper village In the For Lake Odessa Market Report, tune in to WION home last Monday to Mishawaka frnoon "jtli burial on the faml- feedlots Is under the year-ago lar - or two a thousand ... The Mr. and Mrs. LloycMIoughton of Michigan Bell Telephone Company Belgian Congo, where a crippled • nd sj)ent until Thursday. She \y i„t in the Mennonite cemetery. level, but most of us eat little government's wholesale price In- Ionia, 1430 on your dial, every Fri. at 12:50 p. m. Cookies Ionia and.Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest hand turns the pages of the serv- r( turned to the home of Mr. and His wife Basha passed away clev- ot that grade of meat. A more dex stood still In the week of Rosenberg. ice, even behind the Iron Curtain, Peaches Recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edward Gibler of Grand fn years ago. Important figure is the year-to- February 10-16... Interest on RESH AND DELICIOUS Rapids who brougKt her home ' year rise in total numbers of cat- crop support loans to farmers Emerson Stauffer were Mr. and each HALVES OR that evening. Town of Vernal. I'tah. gives tle. and the promise of a good was cut from 4 per cent to 3% JELLY ROLLS Mrs. Wm. Porrltt and son Carrol. Carrol was one of six in a class Mr. and Mrs. Jake Geldersma. tourists liivnses to "hunt, pursue, TASTES BETTER, TOASTS BETTER SLICES of 65 who passed his. examina- Jr.. •.nd f imily moved from the shoot and kill" a seasonal total of 200-Mor£eponw Performance KROGFP BREAD 7 loaf 17^ tions for training as an Air Force Ernest Barns farm to a place eight dinosaurs of four varieties, aoc/pr/c&f far be&~'t The Look ot Tomorrow Cadet. He left last Saturday for near Clarksville last week end. So far, nobody's bagged his limit is in every '54 BUICK Today Lackland, Texas. Air Force Base No. 2Vz can to commence his training. With complololy now "yeors-oway" styling Joe and Kathleen Scott, child- -keynolcd by the drcam-cor design of fh» ren of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Scott, ponoromic swecp-back windshield A WHALE DEL MONTE DEL MONTE returned to school Monday after ( being out about two weeks with OL A mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Orley Burns re- Sweet Peas Fruit Cocktail turned last week Irom their Ari- zona and Texas trip. Mr. and

•' j Mrs. Feuerstein will come home as soon as Elsie is able. The r reuersteins have asked jasf ••oil f» 2^37^ 2^49^ to hold up mail for a few days as they will have a different ad- HOMEguard m smE dress soon. Corn««" 2 Z 35^ Apricots«'*"^'43^ Mrs. Anna Falrchild visited her lllutfralod It (he rokith GIANT sister Mrs. Ola Condon and the Buick ClHtUir Riviera "hardtop" modi/. C. O. Condon family at Mosley from Wednesday until Friday. -M Flat VALUE! COm WNOLE KERNEL 2 ^37^ Pears MRTLETT 303 un 291 Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bergy of Paint Grand Rapids called at the Alvln Bergy home Thursday. KROGEK ELBO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattlson Come drivo the CE1WURY Tomatoes ^ T 23^ Boysenberries Z 39< had dinner Sunday with Mr. and 100% Oil Base | Mrs. Ira Dean In Grand Flaplds. DEL MONTI Mr. and Mrs. Ray Linton and bigjafest horsepower bargain of 1QS4-! Macaroni Joan were Sunday dinner guests AMERICA'S FAVORITE of Mr. and Mrs. Don Dutcher and Mo,No,er family of Caledonia. The Lin- 14-oz. tons failed on Russell Miller of #W« KRAFT DINNERS 2 > 27/ Caledonia Monday. HE invitation you see headlined Look at styling, new-day features, in atiy other standard-production PACKER'S LABEL btls. The Clark Circle will be enter- here calls for action — and visibility, interior modernity, ride American automobile, bar none. tained on Tuesday of this week T RED SALMON Tall No. 1 can 89/ CATSUP 2*33' at the Ray Coats home. Mrs. An- comparison. comfort, handling ease-we believe And it is horsepower that gives you drew Zoet is co-hostess. ("tsm. you will find nothing on the automo- brilliant performance, greater Those who woric with 4-H boys and girls look CHEESE SPREAD Miss Renee Falrchild of Lowell For you have to see and drive the was a Sunday evening lunch tive horizon to equal the CENTURY economy, new safety—for here you 2 ib io.i 75/ guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. 20()-horsepower CENTURY-and to America's future with confidence. For they WINSPRED GALLON $4.69 on all counts. get the highest power-to-weight Watson and Merle. check its local delivered price - to i • ratio in all Buick history. know that here are more than two million FLORIDA VALENCIA U.S. No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Slater know how it puts other automobiles But what will prove to be the most and family left Saturday morn- e Just at Washable as Enamel doz Why not come in and see the whole young people who daily lives uphold the high- 211 IRE 2 ing for a vacation in Florida. e Flows on Easily, Smoothly in this Buick's dollar class on the eye-opening news of all is the power ORANGES 59/ Leo Bryant Is carrying the mall IDAHO e Will Dry in Just One Hour spot. buy you make in this spectacular story come alive when you take the est ideals of character and good citixenship. MICHIGAN U. S. No on Route I during Han-ey's ab- Buick. wheel of a Buick CENTURY? sence. 7 randy-mix colon with for- e Many Colors to Choose From Look for yourseH —and you'll see During 4-H Club Week, March 6-14. we con- YELLOW 25 lb. mesh 49/ RUSSET Several of our local fisherman muloi for mixing ovory ONIONS •had* ImaginabU. Colon what we mean. When you compare-when you We know of no better way to prove are coming home with large Goes on easily, quickly with brush CAUFORNIA - LARGE 11 SIZE - SNOBALL catches of suckers and redhorse for any room and color to you that this gorgeous, glamor- gratulate al 4-H Club members for their ad- Potatoes tehomo. Rich ahwloil or roller. Needs no primer over check the facts - you find that you from Thornapple river these • Mt. Version 6r««n most surfaces. One coat will are buying more horsepower per ous sweep of automobile is the herence to the principles that have made our u.d 29/ days. CAULIFLOWER • Pecan Brown cover. Gives a soft, beautiful dollar in a CENTURY than you get power buy of the year — by far. finish that's glareless and velvet- country strong. lb. • Empire Yellow • Egyptian Green flat. Dirt, grease, finger marks MICHIGAN WHITES • Nile BUte won't penetrate its hard surface. Wash the Paint with soap and Now you can buf fhi fomtd Buicic EifoU meslt. • Victorian Gray Wagon at new lew prim—tor (his all-new, L| UG water. Its 100% oil base retains COLB • White all-steel beauty it now available in Buick'i 11 15". KCK 50 ACENCY the wonderful, full-bodied color! lowest-priced SHCIAI Series, and in (he ttnsalionally powered ClNTUtr Series. BUICK VfOGl6.1 bag I the beautiful buy STATE SAVINGS BANK *iw*n OIMO •un »T CZOMM** 9 Lowell, Michigan 33/ 831 Eori V. Colby — Alto MIITON BFR1E STARS FOR BUICK-S.t iht Bulck-Berle Sho« Tuesday Evenlngi Office: 3231 Clarksville Al. Hermans 220 W. Main — Phone 5113 •WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Member of the Federal Reserve Banking System and Charles I. Colby AUTHORIZED DEALER the Federal Depositors' Insurance Corporation Office: 2421 Res.: 3151 H&H CHEVROLET "A FRIENDLY BANK IN A FRIENDLY TOWN" EOS W. Main St., Lowell phone 8862 r f

MARTHA GROUP REVIEWS CARD OF THANKJ5 12 THE LOWELL LEDGER. LOWELL. MICH., MARCH 4. 1954 " THE PROPHET JEREMIAH" We extend our heartfelt thanks The Martha group of the Meth- to thoughtful neighbors, relatives odist church met Monday even- and friends, for their many kind- ing at the home of Mrs. Orrin nesses at the time of the passing SterKen with Mrs. Rozella Yelter of our mother and gfjindmother, asfro hostess. Mrs. Arie Leeman Mrs. Emogene Sargeant, and for 4H ClUBMtMBER program chairman, presented the beautiful floral tributes. Es- Mrs. George Boyenga, Spiritual I)ecially do we wish to thank the Life secretary of the WSCS, who Rev. Bert Baker for his comfort- reviewed the book 'The Prophet ing message, the pianist, and to Jeremiah." the pall bearers for their service. SPECIAL Friday and UVES HERE Roll call for the meeting pro- Children and Grandchildren Saturday duced twenty-four bars of soap c-45 to be sent through the Woman's CINERARIA PLANTS Society channels to Korea, and IN MEMORIAM patterns were given out for mak- In memory of my dear hus- $1.49 ing children's aprons from dis- band Fred, who passed away a carded shirts, or from new ma- year ago, March 8, 1953. KIEL S terial. These will be collected at God knows how much we miss the next meeting and sent to him. FLOWER ft GIFT SHOP Korea also. Members who were Never shall his memory fade. 517 E. Main Ph. 5150 absent may obtain their patterns Loving thoughts shall ever wan- We Deliver from the president. Mrs. Orion der i Thaler. To the spot where he is laid. Mrs. Fred Slamma and niece CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Bertha p-45 I wish to thank the neighbors, I wish to thank the Swiss Lad- friends and relatives, also the les Aid. all my friends, neigh- CARD OF THANKS WSCS of the Methodist church bors and relatives for the cards, for all of the cards, plants and Wherever you see a 4-H Gate Sign denoting the 1 wish to express my sincere letters, flowers and candy sent thanks to those who sent cards flowers, those that visited me at me during my stay at the hospi- the hospital and others that call- home of a 4-H Club Member, there you will find and flowers to me while I was in tal and at home since my fall. the hospital, and since returning ed me while at the hospital and since my return home. It was so a conscientious citizen—one who has dedicated Mrs. Rudolph Wittenbach, Sr. home._ p-45 c-45 Mrs. Clayton Engle i thoughtful of everyone. Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to Club, Com- p45 • Mrs. Ware Story If we could purchase mental munity, and Country. During 4-H Club Week, erasers, we wouldn't need Psy- I chiatrists. March 6-14, we salute these boys and girls, men The way it sounds, a lot of peo- RAVENNA ple with bad coughs don't go to and women, who are working together for the the doctor- -they go to the thea- LIVESTOCK SALES betterment of America. ter. Prices for Mar. I 1016 Head of Livestock, 68 Cases Poultry, 61 Cons. Hay and Straw Veal up to $29.50 cwt. Beef Steers and Heifers up to $24.30 cwt. FRIEND OF 4-H Beef Cows up to $13.80 cwt. Bulls up to $15.90 cwt. Feed Cattle from $10.00 to $18.50 cwt. Hogs .up to $27.00 cwt. Sows __1 up to $24.50 cwt. Grummet Sets Record, Leads Arrows Feeder Pigs from $14.50 to $33.50 each TGnqIMhq Compamj To First Grand Valley ChampkMiship Horses from $32.00 to $80.00 each . SALE STARTS AT 5:00 P. M. Robert Grummet sets the Grand Valley Conference scoring rec- ** Lowell. Michigan ' U The sale has the largest number of buyers paying the ord at 303 and leads the Red Arrows to their first basketball cham- highest market prices for your livestock. PEACE IN THE FAM;LY? ****** *** *** **4 pionship in history. In the game Friday night with Godwin. Grummet CARD OF THANKS Valuable Free Gift given away at 9:00 o'clock every A manufacturer is turning out Current News Items scored 27 points. 11 baskets and five of nine field goals. In the first Monday night Must be present to win. I wish to express my gratitude eleven games of the season Bob had ^76 points which topped any a new television receiver that About Our Servicemen You are always welcome to attend the sales every Mon- to all who have helped since my shows two TV programs on one previous season's high of 274 established by Godwin's giant Art day even though you do not have anything to sell. accident, and for all the cards Spoelstra In the 1949-50 campaign. In the overall season Grummet screen, while permitting two aud- Mrs. Eunice Courier of Alto We operate the Ravenna Livestock Sale on Monday, the and gifts I have received. scored 422 points in 16 contests for an average of 26.4. an enviable iences to view their choices si- has received a new address for Eig Rapids Sale on Wednesday and the Fremont Stock Sale p45 Vernon Strouse record. multaneously. her son in Iceland, as follows: on Friday. For prompt and courteous trucking service—call E. Cook, The Red Arrow basketball William C. Courier AL Parson phone 72042 Ada. Bonded for your protection. 107, c-o Fleet Postoffice, New quintet has been successfully York. N. Y. COMING EVENTS coached this year by Clark Wurm RAVENNA LIVESTOCK SALES (fren'fresh IDEA who seemea to have most of the Art Steward RAVENNA, MICHIGAN J. Paul Herman PAST NOBLE GRAND CLUB „ answers when coaching his play- trrry trick kt hrrn • 17 ('Otll Auctioneer Manager HOLDS FEBRUARY MEETING The Liia group of the Congre- ers on fjne points 0f the game • Slcmlfii ilttl ICit fakery to ft. •/ gational Womens Fellowship I, nd has ^ abIe to bring oUt a • Siomltit -tipomien February Past Noble Grand brcicUi will meet in the pari^foouse on; jrjt of nx,rdination and good Club meeting was held Monday • Ihcck-rtilitmg Tnursday afternoon. Wlr.' throughout the at 100F hall with Mrs. Sarah • Sutfp imnd hond two o clock. . ; ,oason. Bmn, • 9uil-pte«( We Solicit Your Chrouch and Mrs. M. R. Wood, rtfir pmtt. If lk» hostesses. Mrs. L. A. Weaver, The Lowell Woman's Club will j The varsity team includes EASY TEfWS ">« KCtck il 10 Business president, conducted the meeting. meet on March 10 in the Clubj George I> ries. Bruce Clemen/. Icoutine business was followed room. A program o n "Good! Bob Grummet. Doug Hartley, Ray b> distribution of 1954 year Grooming" will be presented by1 Hoag. Les Kirby. Floyd Shepard. $1 Down —$1 Weekly Give Us A Trial looks. Mrs. Whltaker, assisted by Mrs. Granford Whltaker, and Jim Shoemaker. Wood who have played well to- The hostesses provided games gether and have brought home HOT CROSS BUNS It's a good idea to talk to us of euchre with appropriate The Crites evangelistic parly to Loweii a share in the Grand about your insurance. We'll show awards to "winners. Dainty re- AVERY will appear for services at the Valley Title for 1953-54. DURING LENT you how little it costs to have the freshments were served • from long tables decorated in ihe pa- Lowell Church of the Nazarene The Herald's Choice JEWELERS best protection, tailored to your 7:45 each evening, March 9 Wedding and Birthday Cakes triotic theme. As is its custom each year the Lowell, Mich. own needs. Remember, we stand thiough 21. a Specialty between you and loss! See us March meeting will be held Grand Rapids Herald has present- ed its 1953-54 choice of Confer- soon, won't you? March 22. at the home of Mrs. VFW Auxiliary meeting. ence basketball honor squads. • MARCH 15: Anna Yardley with Mrs. Olive Thursday, March, 11, 1954, at 8 p. These teams are selected by the Rilter. co-hostess. m., VFW hall. Important meet- 0^- Lowell Bakery Herald in cooperation with the The ROLLINS ing. Nomination and election of Phone your orders — 5917 league coaches. The players are 1S When television shows a pack- officers for 1954-55. Members chosen without regard to position. Phone 5917 220 E. Main Agency ed house for a spoils event. I pre urged to attend. 45-46 LAST TIMES TONIGHT: "SAiRE JET" in 9olor 635 W. Main Phone 9325 feel good to be al home, looking All-Grand Valley Conference at the game in comfort. Alton Ladies Aid will meet members are Bob Grummet. hursday afternoon. March 11, Lowell; John Jones. East Grand Friday and Saturday March 5 and 6 Rapkis; Marve Winegar. Rock- at the home of Mrs. Elmer Wit- uouDtA• • L%leM rearurCn ••ftiam'-ne - rnxprom- m m tenbach. Secret Pals will be re- ford; Dale Houston, Godwin; John vealed, and those wishing to be Jeltes, Lee and Bill Keizer, Lee. & Secret Pal for the coming year, Repeat Performers PAfiAN PlfiMB CAST Til Sftli! HEY — Boys and Girls! plcacc be present or send in your Three Giand Valley performers name. are named to The Herald's All ACCOUNTING and Clark-Ellis Post will meet Mon- Conference team for the second year. They are East Grand Rap- TAX SERVICE day night. March 8th. at 8:00 Ids' Jones, Lowell's Grummet and jr rf See the new Hobby Supplies p. m. Reliable, confidential, Rockford's Winegar. complete income tax SUMATRA Lowell Lodge No. 90. AF&M, service by university Via JEFF CHANDLER './ill meet Tuesday March 9th, at graduate. echnicolo^ at Lowell Lumber Co. Store 7-30 p. m. Enter Apprentice de- Lowell News { Save time and money by gree. having it done right. Mrs. Nick Kloosterman. Mrs. Reasonable rates. And Once Only at 8:45 Lowell Church of the Nazarene Rethel Waldron and Mrs. Ethel For Appointment, Call ?nd Bowne Center Methodist Yelter spent last Thursday even churches will hold services for ing with the Ivan Blough family JAKE CALUER Planes That Fly the World Day of Prayer on FTi- li at Clarksville. Ph. 57M. or 1703 day. March 5. at 2:00 o'clock. Rickie. son of Mr. and Mrs. Yukon VmgmmI RUBBER POWERED AND GAS MODELS 515 N. HUDSON The speaker In the Lowell Richard Peckham, underwent church will be Dr. Fletcher Gal- 4 KIRBY GRANT JMSr tonsilectomy at Butterworth hos- loway of Grand Rapids. .049 Cub — $4.95 GAS ENGINES — $3.95 pital Monday and returned home j ^CHINOOK The Evening Club will meet on Tuesday. Fox 35 —$14.95 Tuesday, March 9. at eight o'clock Mrs. Marian Reynolds entered at the home of Mrs. Robert D. St. Mary's hospital Monday as a Sunday and Monday March 7 and 8 Hahn. with Mrs. Carl Freyer- lmedical patient. muth and Mrs. Ed. Bennett co- Miss Lettie Kenyon entered Sunday Shows Continuous from 3:00 p. m. hostesses. The program will cen- Blodgett hospital Tuesday for ter around Community Needs. treatment. SAIL BOATS Real Outboard Motors jWe are reminded to remember Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rogers 'the Irish Stew dinner sponsored had as overnight guests last in Gloss Bottles $2.95 by the Pilgrim Fellowship of the week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. STRANGER IN PARADISE Congregational church. March Ward Rogers of Traverse City. Four Aces 15. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Rosewame Balsa Wood in Sheets SECRET LOVE Imp Electric Motors were breakfast guests of their Doris Day The Dorcas group will meet at son James and family on Sunday, the home of Donna Hahn Wed- Plastic Models $1.50 February 21. and together they THAT'S AMORE nesday. March 10. at 8:00 p. m. drove to Ludington with a pi* Dean Martin pared birthday dinner to sur Regular meeting of the Blue MAKE LOVE TO ME Star Mothers will be held Wed- prise their daughter and sister Millicent. Mr, and Mrs. Vassar Jo Stafford nesday, March 10, at eight o'clock Tues., Wed., Thurs. March 9. 10. II Painting Sets Flying Saucers — 79c at the City Hall. Special enter- Rosewame joined them there, HEART OF MY HEART tainment will follow the meeting. where they enjoyed the delicious Four Aces 1-tube Radio —$5.95 Helicopters — $1.00 dinner and family get-together. The Deborah group of the Con- Word has been received In Lo- TILL WE TWO ARE ONE Xacto Carving Sets Atomic Submarine 69c gregational church is sponsoring well of the death on February Georgie Shaw a bake ^Ue Saturday, March 6. ?l«t of Mrs. Jessie Oliver Burns, RAGS TO RICHES starting at 10:00 a. m. at Story ijfc, Glow Plug Fuel Hot Rod Cars —$1.00 oi Detroit. Mrs. Burns was Tony Bennett & HaVin'i store. formerly a resident of Lowell and taught in the public schools WHY The Dorcas group of the Con- Make a Saturday Date...Let Jon and Gene show you for many years. Nat "King" Cole gregation Women's Fellowship Mrs. Jack Tornga suffered will meet on Wednesday evening, fractured right wrist Tuesday March 10. in the home of Mrs. evening when she slipped on the Radio Service Lowell Lumber & Coal Company Gumey Hahn at 305 High st steps at her home as she return- ed from bowling. Dr. Orval Me Company The 3-M's of the Methodist ami church will meet Thursday even- Kay attended her and set the n. a CHROUCH NEXT WEEK: Uxlt M Dni Aran la -STORE- broken bone. 102 W. Main 8t. ing. March 11th. at eight Vdodc 20$ E. Main St Phone t275 "THE LONG. LONG TKAILEK" in the church lounge. Try a Ledger want ad