Of Manchester the Flrst Purple Candle Is Lighted Harvey Morria of Rt

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Of Manchester the Flrst Purple Candle Is Lighted Harvey Morria of Rt PAGE TWENTY-POT • /' THURSDAY, DECEMBER B. 1957 •./ ■ t ‘ ■: ■ ■-V?.. /f . ,-r ' ' ■ . -V M «. Albert'^very. 100 L^rdaU Mr. and M ra Stuart W olcott and St., chairman of the Cbrlstmaa A b o u r t o ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wolcott and assistant atewdttl: Mra. Mildred past masters, and visiting Gran­ party for children whoee niothera mmwMwisiwm m iWHiHiw children have fstumed after a visit G range ^Seats Morrison, chaplain: Jamea Baker, gers. are members of St. Margaret's Cir­ with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van A l­ treasurer: James McBrIerty, secre­ : Main Street Stores Open for Christmas Shopping Until 9 0*eloek Tonight A t the close of the meeting a I ^rbkra. j. Hewit^BS1 Chest­ cle; Daughters of IsiM lla, an­ len, Evans Mills, N Y. tary: Mrs. Celestes King, gate social followed in the banquet hail nut S tylii i servir^«ervin otywa arrange- nounces that It will be held Dec. Ijaeper; Mrs. Roberta J a m e a, BILL TUNSKY — T, IK ... ■ 14 at l l a.m, in the.K of C home. JXew Officers and fruit buns, cookies, tea and ments^^ommittse'committm for the Greek Major and Mrs; Jeremiah Sweet, ^rea: Mfa. Marjorie Morrison, NOW OFFERS YOU A TERRIFIC l < e t ^ EUl to be held on Dec. 14 Poihqna; Mrs> Marjorie Mastran- coffee were aerved. ATeraie Dkily Net h-ess Run •3 Fairfield St., former command­ /*Irs. Beatrice Uttle, wife of Paat by/rmtemity sorority orgeni- The Little - Flower of Jesus ers of the local SaivAtion Army a gelo. Flora: Mrs. Marian Beer, For the Week Ended The Weather (tbtions of the University of H «rt- Mothers Circle will meet tomor­ Corps, will conduct the prayer "Maater Wilbgr T. Uttlfe. 195 Spen- lady assistant itevvard. Holiday Special November 80, 1987 roroeeat of U. 8. Waetiwr ITnrw ford ht peth El Temple, West row nighf at « o’clock at the home meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in/lhe cer St. was installed aa master of Among the former masters of Ham ford of Mrs^ Gerald Charest. 127 Birch Citadel. / Manchester Grange, No. 81, Manchester Grange present was FOR A LIMITED TTME ONLY ON Toalght oecnMonal mla, aot ias St. (^ -hostess will be Mrs. Eleanor William E. Hill. 8j« Hartford •Rd„ 12,682 0 Patrons of Husbandry, last ev^ing eoM. Low Saturday, ao- Cpnghlin. who was master of the local Member o ( the Audit 85-4e. Tha Lucia pageant will be held I. in a ceremony performed by ier * t the Emanuel Lutheran Church Grange more than 40 yeara ago. ALUMINUM BureaO o f arenlatton \. eaalonal rain, oonMiwhat warmer, husband, Mrs. Little is the second Saturday and Sunday evenings at The Hartford Alumni Club of the He had not attended a meeting in Manchester— A City of Village Charm nigh near se. '7:30 in Luther hall. The offering University of Rhode Island will Wed<|i6g8 woman to receive this honor in the 'hiany years, but when called on. That Interpret The STORM WINDOWS and DOORS received will go for mission s(=ork. hold a Christmas dance at 8:30 p.m 72-year history of the local Grange. Extended congratulations to the This would make a wonderful Christmas g ift for the J Grange and its new master and Wishes Of The Family Refreshments will be served fol­ Dec. 14 at the Bond Hotel in Hart­ Mrs. Hasel Anderson, wife of Past home and also save Dad the work every spring and VOL. LXXVn, NO. ,S7 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) wished them all prosperity. He MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. DECEMBER «, 1957 (Olaaaltled A*vorttahig em Paga 96) lowing each performance. Every­ ford. Tickets foi- the dance may be Cooper-Oowling Master Gustave A. Anderson was fall of putting up and taking do\vn the windowi! PRICE FIVE CENTP one is invited. the first. reminisced somewhat on Grange purchased from members of the White chrysanthemums and JOHN 0. BURKE executive committee. Despite the severity of the weath-, affairs in the old days and drew candlss formed a background for milch applause. FUNESAL ROME PHONE Ml 9-9095 CSiapman Court, Order of Amar­ the marriage of Miss Polly B. er over 100 members. Grangers anth, w urm eet in the Masonic -.The Children of Mary Sodality Downing, daughter o f Mr. and from other toWns in the state and Chester H. Small, retiring mas­ T E U H I 3-6868 Temple tonuWTow at 7:45 p.m. It Is sponsoring a Catholic book fair ^ 1. Kenneth A. Downing of Co­ friends, attended the installaUOn of ter, and one of the youngest ever 87 EAST C EN TE R ST. FREE ESTIMATES ft NO OBLIGATION | 1 will be the tinnual meeting with re­ In St. James' School tonight and ventry, to John R. Cooper, son Mrs. Little and her associate offi­ to hold that positloti,, was called AMBULANCE SERVICE ports ^ election of officers. A tomorrow night from 3 to 9 o'clock of Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Cooper cers held in Orange Hall. The new on for remarks, also several other eocialfiour will follow in the ban­ and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. of Columbia. master attired in a blue gown and themMmwiMje/itmMjmmmwitvmneMiteimmmmMmmmmmfumtJg quet ball, and refreshments will be The ceremony took place Nov. the other women officers in floor tert'ed by men of the court. Books for sll ages and other Christmas gifts will be on sale. 27 at the Downing home with the length evening gowns gave the af. L , Rev. James R. MacArthur, pastor fair a festve appearance. Loyal Circle of King s Daugh­ Edward A. Mathleson, aon of of the First Congregational Church Mrs. Daisy Canade plav^ the ters will hdld a potiuck and Christ- piano during the entire sfPrice U. S. Satellite Rocket Explodes Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mathleson. 50 of Coventry, performing the serv­ maa gift exchange Monday night Tanner St.. Is enrolled as a sopho­ ice In the presence of the im­ and accompanied the giies* soloist' At 6:30 in th® Robbini room of more St Marietta College, Mariet­ mediate family. Mrs. Elizabeth Lambert, who sang Center Congregational Church. ta. Ohio. A graduate of Suflleld Presented in marriage b.v her mree selections, "G ive Us This The hostesses will be Mrs. Mar- Academy, he Is majoring In busi­ father, the bride wore a suit of D ay," "W c 'Hiank Thee. Lord," and Do Something gsret Kottke and Mrs. Ruth Mul- ness. winter white wool with a corsage Now the Day is Over." Mrs. Appeals Unit Asks dooa. Marjorie Morrison, chaplain, led lii of white baby chr.vsanthemums. prayer. , The Manchester Garden Club will Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Me-. And Then YeU hold tti Christmas party Dec. 9, at Shea of Hartford, brother-in-law Welcomes Assembly | ^ p.m. in Center Church House and sister of the bride, were the Past Master Little, who also Teamster^ Ouster Waco. Tex;, Dec. « (jpi Rep. Personal Notices wUh exhange of dollar garden type couple's attendants. served four years as Master of W. R, Poage (D-Tex) pro­ gifts, and a surprise feature. Mem­ TTie matron of honor, wore a East Central Pomona Grange posed yesterda" that "we keep opened the service with a speech bers will also bring articiea for brown wool suit with a corsage of our mouths shut until we do pstlenta at Norwich Hospital. Mrs. bronte and yellow pompoms. of welcome, and a brief history of Atlantic Citv. N. J., Dec. 6 ’f'Waahlngton. Teamater* adminiatra- ' Card of Thanim, the founding of the Grange organ­ (/P)— The AFL-CIO COnven- “ ''* prealdent. waa given the something" In launching a Dismal FailureI Roland Midford and her committee A fter a dinner for the bridal space satellite. will serve refreshments. The sec­ P57ty at the Red Ember Restau­ ization, which formerly admitted lion trt.y ,.p,ll,d lh. ! k> expreu our sincere oidy farmers, but now is open to all "Then let the people look up thanks to pia- niMy friends and the ond workshop in preparation for rant in Bolton, the couple left for into the sky and see for them­ Cape Canaveral, Fla„ Dec. 6 (4»)— America’s first satellite Street for their many the sale at Center Churth, Dec. 13, who apply for meir)j>ership. H< de- leamatern Union on COrrup- man MrClellan (D-Aral of the acu of kindness In our recent loss. a trip to New York City. tion charges. Senate RackFla Committee, aaying selves." he said ir. a luncheon launching vehicle exploded in its stand today. The Pentagon will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m Mrs. -Cooper Is a graduate of ivered charges to ail the officers including his wife. Mrs. Hazel An­ -------- McClellan would wind up tearing club talk. Criticizing advance- said in Washington another test probably could not bis held Alher?^Harrison and family at the home of Mrs. Robert Hyde Windham High School, Williman- N .1 D ec 6 “ rganlzed labor "aaunder. bloody disclosures shout the delayed for about .30 days. Smith, 131 Hartford Rd. tic, and Dean Junior College, derson presented Mrs. Little for in­ Atlantic Citv. duction in office. Mrs. Anderson Is HALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPT. launching. Poage asserted:' In Memorlam Franklin. Mass., and is a student There were no casualties. Gibbons Assembly, Catholic La­ the present Iectup*r. "Dur own advertising has at the University of Connecticut. L/Ommltt^e A> tion, Mohn imid. “ But on the other A spokesman at Vanguard headquarters gave these details njen»ry.of pur dear broth­ dies of Columbus, at their meeting Miss Edith Williams aucceeds rejected today I hurt us more than Russia's e r William Freeburti, who passed awav graduated from final appeal of the T e a m s te r.il band, neither ia there much hope j launching of both s utniks.
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