Danlced Management of Maliau Basin Conservation Area Sabah, Malaysia Maliau Basin Conservation Project Zoological Survey November 200 Author: Dr. Carl Traeholt NEPCon, Odensegade 4 B, Postbox 5102, DK 8100 Aarhus C, Denmark Phone: + 45 86180866 Fax: + 45 86181012 E-mail:
[email protected] submitted by Carl Traeholt NEPCon Aarhus Denmark phone: 019-3521399 (mobile) email:
[email protected] Duration: June -September 29th, 2000 March -June 30th, 2001 Table of contents List of a bb revia finns ~...~~ ~.. 4 1. Background :~ 5 2. Activities and results...~~...~..~.~.~..&A~ ~~ 6 2.1 Small mammals trapping : 6 2.2 Amphibian collection 9 2.3 Recording wildl~fe by camera trapping 10 2.4 Other mammal~pecies and monitoring routes 11 2.5 Birdob,~ervation /2 2.2.6 7 Otherslraining , 13 2.7.1 Species identification training 13 2.7.2 Data analysis workshop 15 2.7.3 Other training activities , , 15 3. Data analysis and interpretation 17 3.1 Big mammals ~ 17 3.1.1 Banteng, Bo~'.iavanicus 18 3.1.2 Elephants, Elephas maximus 19 3.1.3 Sambardeer, Cervus' unicolour 20 3.1.4 Bearded pig, ..f)'USscrofa 20 3.1.5 Barking deer,Mun~iiacu~' mun~iak andM atherodes " 21 3.1.6 Sun bear,Helarctos malayanus , 21 3.1.7 Clouded leopard, Nel?felis'nebulosa 22 3.2 Smail.mammaL~ ~ 22 3.2.1 Mustelids, civets, cats, otters and mongooses 23 3.2.2 Rats, squirrels and shrews , , , , ,., ,..23 3.2.2 Other captured species 25 4. 3.3Constraints Primates ...~.~.~~ ~ ~ ~...~ 28 4.1 General. con,~traint,~ , 28 4.24.3 CMTTOurism and development, 28 4.3.1 Priorities of transportation 29 4.3..2Facilities 29 Labour Transfer and replacement of staff 30 4.4.2 Staff and salary 30 ,.